# kill-9.xyz This is a website made by qorg11. This is a "blog" about anything. It runs [werc](http://werc.cat-v.org) as its "cms" The theme is Yotsuba B Anything that I've written in this website is under CC BY SA license. Images might or might not be under that license. Any article in this website is WIP. And they will always be WIP. ## Contributing to this website Go to the [GitLab repository](https://gitlab.com/qorg11/kill9), fork it, change whatever, make a pull request, ill merge, and your change will appear here. Onion
(defconstant NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE 10)
(defvar *key*)
(defvar *i* 0)

(defun rewrite (n) n) ;; idk what's this
(defun memory (n) n)  ;; so it don't do anything

(princ "Beginning System Reset.....")
(princ "ALL RESET? y/n")
(setq *key* (read))

(if (string-equal *key* "y")

    (loop while (<= *i* NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE)
         (rewrite (memory *i*))
         (defparameter *i* (+ *i* 1))))

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