# Industrial Society and Its Future >The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster >for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy >of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have >destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected >human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological >suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have >inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued >development of technology will worsen the situation. It will >certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict >greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater >social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to >increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries Industrial Society and Its Future is a essay written by Theodore Kaczynski. It explains why technology is bad. Basically. I agree in a few points only. But it's a worth reading if you're bored.