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# How to setup an Eepsite in most linux distros
An eepsite is a website in I2P, there are 2 main I2P clients (Java I2P
and i2pd). So i'll cover both programs here
# nginx configuration
Implying you use nginx, you should use a configuration like this:
server {
root /home/eepsite/www_data;
# any of your custom configuration goes here
Now, explaining the not-so-normal things on the configuration:
* We listen to because we want only that computer to access
that server (if it was just `listen 8080;` it will bind the port to
every available IP address. Allowing external access and we don't
want that.)
* We listen to port 8080 so we can have less errors later. The i2p
client will pick the port 8080 in and then use it as port
80 in the I2P address. As there's only one HTTP server in
port 8080. You don't have to do any of these weird `server_name`
hacks. So you should bind to another port each eepiste you want.
# i2pd configuration
1. Create the ~/.i2pd/tunnels.conf file
2. put these contents
type = http
host =
port = 8080
keys = website.dat
enableuniquelocal = false
## Explanation
* `type = http` so it forwards the given port to 80 automatically
* `host =` the host to make the request (can be anything)
* `port = 8080` where it will get the port (change this for further eepsites)
* `keys = website.dat` the file which will hold the eepiste private
* `enaleuniquelocal = false` gives the IP address to each
visitor. (by default i2pd will give addresses like
Now start i2pd, you can get the b32 address of the site you just
created with this command:
`printf "%s.b32.i2p\n" $(head -c 391 website.dat|sha256sum|xxd -r -p | base32 |sed s/=//g | tr A-Z a-z)`
(Or you can go to
That's it!
# Java I2P
Java I2P is better in my opinion because it is faster and it's easier
to create an eepiste then. By default Java ships with Jetty (A simple
HTTP server that does it job very well). So you can just drop the
files you want to serve in ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot and they'll be
served once you start the first thing in
<> (the one that points to, which is the jetty instance)
Jetty does it work pretty well, but you can obviously use nginx (or
any other HTTP server, obviously). To do this just scroll to the
bottom in <> and create an HTTP
hidden service.
Enter whatever you want in the name. And in the description. You can
set a website hostname if you want (foobar.i2p) and edit the private
key file if you want.
Just enter whatever you need in the target section:
![The target section mentioned above](/i2p.png)
Then click save. click start and it should give you the b32
address. And if you gave it a host. a addresshelper.
That's it!