switch to hub's autotrap

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Bella 2020-01-15 10:37:49 -05:00
parent bf4cd8d725
commit 1883bb1b62
1 changed files with 343 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.modules.bewwawho.combat;
import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.ChatFormatting;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.command.Command;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.Module;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.ModuleManager;
@ -8,232 +9,427 @@ import me.zeroeightsix.kami.setting.Settings;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.BlockInteractionHelper;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.EntityUtil;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.Friends;
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.Wrapper;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockAir;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockObsidian;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.network.Packet;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketEntityAction;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketPlayerDigging;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraft.world.GameType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* @author Elementars
@Module.Info(name = "AutoTrap", category = Module.Category.COMBAT, description = "Traps players near you with obby")
public class AutoTrap extends Module {
private final Vec3d[] offsetsDefault;
private Setting<Double> range;
private Setting<Integer> blockPerTick;
private Setting<Boolean> rotate;
private Setting<Boolean> announceUsage;
private EntityPlayer closestTarget;
private String lastTickTargetName;
private int playerHotbarSlot;
private int lastHotbarSlot;
private boolean isSneaking;
private int offsetStep;
private boolean firstRun;
import static me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.BlockInteractionHelper.canBeClicked;
import static me.zeroeightsix.kami.util.zeroeightysix.BlockInteractionHelper.faceVectorPacketInstant;
* @author hub
* @since 2019-8-6
@Module.Info(name = "AutoTrap", category = Module.Category.COMBAT)
public class AutoTrap extends Module {
private Setting<Double> range = register(Settings.doubleBuilder("Range").withMinimum(3.5).withValue(5.5).withMaximum(10.0).build());
private Setting<Integer> blocksPerTick = register(Settings.integerBuilder("BlocksPerTick").withMinimum(1).withValue(2).withMaximum(23).build());
private Setting<Integer> tickDelay = register(Settings.integerBuilder("TickDelay").withMinimum(0).withValue(2).withMaximum(10).build());
private Setting<Cage> cage = register(Settings.e("Cage", Cage.TRAP));
private Setting<Boolean> rotate = register(Settings.b("Rotate", false));
private Setting<Boolean> noGlitchBlocks = register(Settings.b("NoGlitchBlocks", true));
private Setting<Boolean> activeInFreecam = register(Settings.b("Active In Freecam", true));
private Setting<Boolean> infoMessage = register(Settings.b("Debug", false));
private EntityPlayer closestTarget;
private String lastTargetName;
private int playerHotbarSlot = -1;
private int lastHotbarSlot = -1;
private boolean isSneaking = false;
private int delayStep = 0;
private int offsetStep = 0;
private boolean firstRun;
private boolean missingObiDisable = false;
private static EnumFacing getPlaceableSide(BlockPos pos) {
for (EnumFacing side : EnumFacing.values()) {
BlockPos neighbour = pos.offset(side);
if (!mc.world.getBlockState(neighbour).getBlock().canCollideCheck(mc.world.getBlockState(neighbour), false)) {
IBlockState blockState = mc.world.getBlockState(neighbour);
if (!blockState.getMaterial().isReplaceable()) {
return side;
return null;
public AutoTrap() {
this.offsetsDefault = new Vec3d[]{new Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), new Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), new Vec3d(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, -1.0), new Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), new Vec3d(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 2.0, -1.0), new Vec3d(1.0, 2.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 2.0, 1.0), new Vec3d(-1.0, 2.0, 0.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 3.0, -1.0), new Vec3d(0.0, 3.0, 0.0)};
this.range = this.register(Settings.d("Range", 5.5));
this.blockPerTick = this.register(Settings.i("Blocks per Tick", 4));
this.rotate = this.register(Settings.b("Rotate", true));
this.announceUsage = this.register(Settings.b("Announce Usage", true));
this.playerHotbarSlot = -1;
this.lastHotbarSlot = -1;
this.isSneaking = false;
this.offsetStep = 0;
protected void onEnable() {
if (AutoTrap.mc.player == null) {
if (mc.player == null) {
this.firstRun = true;
this.playerHotbarSlot = Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem;
this.lastHotbarSlot = -1;
firstRun = true;
// save initial player hand
playerHotbarSlot = mc.player.inventory.currentItem;
lastHotbarSlot = -1;
protected void onDisable() {
if (AutoTrap.mc.player == null) {
if (mc.player == null) {
if (this.lastHotbarSlot != this.playerHotbarSlot && this.playerHotbarSlot != -1) {
Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem = this.playerHotbarSlot;
if (lastHotbarSlot != playerHotbarSlot && playerHotbarSlot != -1) {
mc.player.inventory.currentItem = playerHotbarSlot;
if (this.isSneaking) {
AutoTrap.mc.player.connection.sendPacket((Packet) new CPacketEntityAction((Entity) AutoTrap.mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING));
this.isSneaking = false;
this.playerHotbarSlot = -1;
this.lastHotbarSlot = -1;
if (this.announceUsage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] Disabled!");
if (isSneaking) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketEntityAction(mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING));
isSneaking = false;
playerHotbarSlot = -1;
lastHotbarSlot = -1;
missingObiDisable = false;
public void onUpdate() {
if (AutoTrap.mc.player == null || ModuleManager.isModuleEnabled("Freecam")) {
if (mc.player == null) {
if (this.closestTarget == null) {
if (this.firstRun) {
this.firstRun = false;
if (this.announceUsage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] Enabled, waiting for target.");
if (!activeInFreecam.getValue() && ModuleManager.isModuleEnabled("Freecam")) {
if (firstRun) {
if (findObiInHotbar() == -1) {
if (infoMessage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] " + ChatFormatting.RED + "Disabled" + ChatFormatting.RESET + ", Obsidian missing!");
} else {
if (delayStep < tickDelay.getValue()) {
} else {
delayStep = 0;
if (closestTarget == null) {
if (this.firstRun) {
this.firstRun = false;
this.lastTickTargetName = this.closestTarget.getName();
if (this.announceUsage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] Enabled, target: " + this.lastTickTargetName);
} else if (!this.lastTickTargetName.equals(this.closestTarget.getName())) {
this.lastTickTargetName = this.closestTarget.getName();
this.offsetStep = 0;
if (this.announceUsage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] New target: " + this.lastTickTargetName);
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
lastTargetName = closestTarget.getName();
} else if (!lastTargetName.equals(closestTarget.getName())) {
offsetStep = 0;
lastTargetName = closestTarget.getName();
final List<Vec3d> placeTargets = new ArrayList<Vec3d>();
Collections.addAll(placeTargets, this.offsetsDefault);
List<Vec3d> placeTargets = new ArrayList<>();
if (cage.getValue().equals(Cage.TRAP)) {
Collections.addAll(placeTargets, Offsets.TRAP);
if (cage.getValue().equals(Cage.CRYSTALEXA)) {
Collections.addAll(placeTargets, Offsets.CRYSTALEXA);
if (cage.getValue().equals(Cage.CRYSTALFULL)) {
Collections.addAll(placeTargets, Offsets.CRYSTALFULL);
int blocksPlaced = 0;
while (blocksPlaced < this.blockPerTick.getValue()) {
if (this.offsetStep >= placeTargets.size()) {
this.offsetStep = 0;
while (blocksPlaced < blocksPerTick.getValue()) {
if (offsetStep >= placeTargets.size()) {
offsetStep = 0;
final BlockPos offsetPos = new BlockPos((Vec3d) placeTargets.get(this.offsetStep));
final BlockPos targetPos = new BlockPos(this.closestTarget.getPositionVector()).down().add(offsetPos.x, offsetPos.y, offsetPos.z);
boolean shouldTryToPlace = true;
if (!Wrapper.getWorld().getBlockState(targetPos).getMaterial().isReplaceable()) {
shouldTryToPlace = false;
BlockPos offsetPos = new BlockPos(placeTargets.get(offsetStep));
BlockPos targetPos = new BlockPos(closestTarget.getPositionVector()).down().add(offsetPos.x, offsetPos.y, offsetPos.z);
if (placeBlockInRange(targetPos, range.getValue())) {
for (final Entity entity : AutoTrap.mc.world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity((Entity) null, new AxisAlignedBB(targetPos))) {
if (!(entity instanceof EntityItem) && !(entity instanceof EntityXPOrb)) {
shouldTryToPlace = false;
if (shouldTryToPlace && this.placeBlock(targetPos)) {
if (blocksPlaced > 0) {
if (this.lastHotbarSlot != this.playerHotbarSlot && this.playerHotbarSlot != -1) {
Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem = this.playerHotbarSlot;
this.lastHotbarSlot = this.playerHotbarSlot;
if (lastHotbarSlot != playerHotbarSlot && playerHotbarSlot != -1) {
mc.player.inventory.currentItem = playerHotbarSlot;
lastHotbarSlot = playerHotbarSlot;
if (this.isSneaking) {
AutoTrap.mc.player.connection.sendPacket((Packet) new CPacketEntityAction((Entity) AutoTrap.mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING));
this.isSneaking = false;
if (isSneaking) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketEntityAction(mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING));
isSneaking = false;
if (missingObiDisable) {
missingObiDisable = false;
if (infoMessage.getValue()) {
Command.sendChatMessage("[AutoTrap] " + ChatFormatting.RED + "Disabled" + ChatFormatting.RESET + ", Obsidian missing!");
private boolean placeBlock(final BlockPos pos) {
if (!AutoTrap.mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getMaterial().isReplaceable()) {
private boolean placeBlockInRange(BlockPos pos, double range) {
// check if block is already placed
Block block = mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock();
if (!(block instanceof BlockAir) && !(block instanceof BlockLiquid)) {
return false;
if (!BlockInteractionHelper.checkForNeighbours(pos)) {
return false;
final Vec3d eyesPos = new Vec3d(Wrapper.getPlayer().posX, Wrapper.getPlayer().posY + Wrapper.getPlayer().getEyeHeight(), Wrapper.getPlayer().posZ);
for (final EnumFacing side : EnumFacing.values()) {
final BlockPos neighbor = pos.offset(side);
final EnumFacing side2 = side.getOpposite();
if (AutoTrap.mc.world.getBlockState(neighbor).getBlock().canCollideCheck(AutoTrap.mc.world.getBlockState(neighbor), false)) {
final Vec3d hitVec = new Vec3d((Vec3i) neighbor).add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5).add(new Vec3d(side2.getDirectionVec()).scale(0.5));
if (eyesPos.distanceTo(hitVec) <= this.range.getValue()) {
final int obiSlot = this.findObiInHotbar();
if (obiSlot == -1) {
return false;
if (this.lastHotbarSlot != obiSlot) {
Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem = obiSlot;
this.lastHotbarSlot = obiSlot;
final Block neighborPos = AutoTrap.mc.world.getBlockState(neighbor).getBlock();
if (BlockInteractionHelper.blackList.contains(neighborPos) || BlockInteractionHelper.shulkerList.contains(neighborPos)) {
AutoTrap.mc.player.connection.sendPacket((Packet) new CPacketEntityAction((Entity) AutoTrap.mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SNEAKING));
this.isSneaking = true;
if (this.rotate.getValue()) {
AutoTrap.mc.playerController.processRightClickBlock(AutoTrap.mc.player, AutoTrap.mc.world, neighbor, side2, hitVec, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND);
return true;
// check if entity blocks placing
for (Entity entity : mc.world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(null, new AxisAlignedBB(pos))) {
if (!(entity instanceof EntityItem) && !(entity instanceof EntityXPOrb)) {
return false;
return false;
EnumFacing side = getPlaceableSide(pos);
// check if we have a block adjacent to blockpos to click at
if (side == null) {
return false;
BlockPos neighbour = pos.offset(side);
EnumFacing opposite = side.getOpposite();
// check if neighbor can be right clicked
if (!canBeClicked(neighbour)) {
return false;
Vec3d hitVec = new Vec3d(neighbour).add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5).add(new Vec3d(opposite.getDirectionVec()).scale(0.5));
Block neighbourBlock = mc.world.getBlockState(neighbour).getBlock();
if (mc.player.getPositionVector().distanceTo(hitVec) > range) {
return false;
int obiSlot = findObiInHotbar();
if (obiSlot == -1) {
missingObiDisable = true;
return false;
if (lastHotbarSlot != obiSlot) {
mc.player.inventory.currentItem = obiSlot;
lastHotbarSlot = obiSlot;
if (!isSneaking && BlockInteractionHelper.blackList.contains(neighbourBlock) || BlockInteractionHelper.shulkerList.contains(neighbourBlock)) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketEntityAction(mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SNEAKING));
isSneaking = true;
if (rotate.getValue()) {
mc.playerController.processRightClickBlock(mc.player, mc.world, neighbour, opposite, hitVec, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND);
mc.rightClickDelayTimer = 4;
if (noGlitchBlocks.getValue() && !mc.playerController.getCurrentGameType().equals(GameType.CREATIVE)) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayerDigging(CPacketPlayerDigging.Action.START_DESTROY_BLOCK, neighbour, opposite));
return true;
private int findObiInHotbar() {
// search blocks in hotbar
int slot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
final ItemStack stack = Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.getStackInSlot(i);
if (stack != ItemStack.EMPTY && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock) {
final Block block = ((ItemBlock) stack.getItem()).getBlock();
if (block instanceof BlockObsidian) {
slot = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// filter out non-block items
ItemStack stack = mc.player.inventory.getStackInSlot(i);
if (stack == ItemStack.EMPTY || !(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)) {
Block block = ((ItemBlock) stack.getItem()).getBlock();
if (block instanceof BlockObsidian) {
slot = i;
return slot;
private void findClosestTarget() {
final List<EntityPlayer> playerList = (List<EntityPlayer>) Wrapper.getWorld().playerEntities;
this.closestTarget = null;
for (final EntityPlayer target : playerList) {
if (target == AutoTrap.mc.player) {
List<EntityPlayer> playerList = mc.world.playerEntities;
closestTarget = null;
for (EntityPlayer target : playerList) {
if (target == mc.player) {
if (mc.player.getDistance(target) > range.getValue() + 3) {
if (!EntityUtil.isLiving(target)) {
if ((target).getHealth() <= 0) {
if (Friends.isFriend(target.getName())) {
if (!EntityUtil.isLiving((Entity) target)) {
if (closestTarget == null) {
closestTarget = target;
if (target.getHealth() <= 0.0f) {
if (this.closestTarget == null) {
this.closestTarget = target;
} else {
if (Wrapper.getPlayer().getDistance((Entity) target) >= Wrapper.getPlayer().getDistance((Entity) this.closestTarget)) {
this.closestTarget = target;
if (mc.player.getDistance(target) < mc.player.getDistance(closestTarget)) {
closestTarget = target;
public String getHudInfo() {
if (closestTarget != null) {
return closestTarget.getName().toUpperCase();
return "NO TARGET";
private enum Cage {
private static class Offsets {
private static final Vec3d[] TRAP = {
new Vec3d(0, 0, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 0, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 0, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 0, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 1, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 1, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 1, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 1, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 3, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 3, 0)
private static final Vec3d[] CRYSTALEXA = {
new Vec3d(0, 0, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 1, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(0, 3, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 3, 0)
private static final Vec3d[] CRYSTALFULL = {
new Vec3d(0, 0, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 0, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 0, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 0, 0),
new Vec3d(-1, 0, 1),
new Vec3d(1, 0, -1),
new Vec3d(-1, 0, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 0, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 1, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 1, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 1, 1),
new Vec3d(1, 1, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(0, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, 0),
new Vec3d(-1, 2, 1),
new Vec3d(1, 2, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 3, -1),
new Vec3d(0, 3, 0)