#### :warning: The configuration syntax has changed in version `0.3.x`. If you are migrating from `0.2.x`, then please use the above mentioned JSONPath guide for correct configuration syntax.
Then head over to http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=1h&g0.expr=example_value_active&g0.tab=1 or http://localhost:9090/targets to check the scraped metrics or the targets.
This exporter allows you to use a field of the metric as the (unix/epoch) timestamp for the data as an int64. However, this may lead to unexpected behaviour, as the prometheus implements a [Staleness](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/#staleness) mechanism. Including timestamps in metrics disabled this staleness handling and can make data visible for longer than expected.
TLS configuration supported by this exporter can be found at [exporter-toolkit/web](https://github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/blob/v0.5.1/docs/web-configuration.md)
If `body` paramater is set in config, it will be sent by the exporter as the body content in the scrape request. The HTTP method will also be set as 'POST' in this case.
content: |
My static information: {"time_diff": "1m25s", "anotherVar": "some value"}
The body content can also be a [Go Template](https://golang.org/pkg/text/template). All the functions from the [Sprig library](https://masterminds.github.io/sprig/) can be used in the template.
All the query parameters sent by prometheus in the scrape query to the exporter, are available as values while rendering the template.
Example using template functions with values from the query parameters:
content: |
{"time_diff": "{{ duration `95` }}","anotherVar": "{{ .myVal | first }}"}
templatize: true
Then `curl "http://exporter:7979/probe?target=http://scrape_target:8080/test/data.json&myVal=something"`, would result in sending the following body as the HTTP POST payload to `http://scrape_target:8080/test/data.json`: