
1791 lines
66 KiB

import itertools
import os
import re
import threading
import time
import urllib.parse
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientParsing
from hydrus.client import ClientStrings
from hydrus.client import ClientThreading
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingFunctions
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingJobs
validity_str_lookup = {}
validity_str_lookup[ VALIDITY_VALID ] = 'valid'
validity_str_lookup[ VALIDITY_UNTESTED ] = 'untested'
validity_str_lookup[ VALIDITY_INVALID ] = 'invalid'
login_access_type_str_lookup = {}
login_access_type_str_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_EVERYTHING ] = 'Everything'
login_access_type_str_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_NSFW ] = 'NSFW'
login_access_type_str_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_SPECIAL ] = 'Special'
login_access_type_str_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_USER_PREFS_ONLY ] = 'User prefs'
login_access_type_default_description_lookup = {}
login_access_type_default_description_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_EVERYTHING ] = 'Login required to access any content.'
login_access_type_default_description_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_NSFW ] = 'Login required to access NSFW content.'
login_access_type_default_description_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_SPECIAL ] = 'Login required to access special content.'
login_access_type_default_description_lookup[ LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_USER_PREFS_ONLY ] = 'Login only required to access user preferences.'
PIXIV_NETWORK_CONTEXT = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, 'pixiv.net' )
HENTAI_FOUNDRY_NETWORK_CONTEXT = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, 'hentai-foundry.com' )
class NetworkLoginManager( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
def __init__( self ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self.engine = None
self._dirty = False
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._login_scripts = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._domains_to_login_info = {}
self._login_script_keys_to_login_scripts = {}
self._login_script_names_to_login_scripts = {}
self._hydrus_login_script = LoginScriptHydrus()
self._error_names = set()
def _GetBestLoginScript( self, login_domain ):
self._login_scripts.sort( key = lambda ls: len( ls.GetCredentialDefinitions() ) )
for login_script in self._login_scripts:
if login_domain in login_script.GetExampleDomains():
return login_script
return None
def _GetLoginDomainStatus( self, network_context ):
login_domain = None
login_expected = False
login_possible = True
login_error_text = ''
domain = network_context.context_data
potential_login_domains = ClientNetworkingFunctions.ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( domain, discard_www = False )
for potential_login_domain in potential_login_domains:
if potential_login_domain in self._domains_to_login_info:
login_domain = potential_login_domain
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
if active or login_access_type == LOGIN_ACCESS_TYPE_EVERYTHING:
login_expected = True
if not active:
login_possible = False
login_error_text = 'Not active - ' + login_access_text
elif validity == VALIDITY_INVALID:
login_possible = False
login_error_text = validity_error_text
elif not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( no_work_until ):
login_possible = False
login_error_text = no_work_until_reason
return ( login_domain, login_expected, login_possible, login_error_text )
def _GetLoginScriptAndCredentials( self, login_domain ):
if login_domain in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
( login_script_key, login_script_name ) = login_script_key_and_name
if login_script_key in self._login_script_keys_to_login_scripts:
login_script = self._login_script_keys_to_login_scripts[ login_script_key ]
elif login_script_name in self._login_script_names_to_login_scripts:
login_script = self._login_script_names_to_login_scripts[ login_script_name ]
login_script_key_and_name = login_script.GetLoginScriptKeyAndName()
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
validity_error_text = 'Could not find the login script for "' + login_domain + '"!'
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( validity_error_text )
login_script.CheckCanLogin( credentials )
except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException as e:
validity_error_text = str( e )
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
if validity == VALIDITY_UNTESTED and validity_error_text != '':
# cleaning up the 'restart dialog to test validity in cases where it is valid
validity_error_text = ''
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
return ( login_script, credentials )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Could not find any login entry for "' + login_domain + '"!' )
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_login_scripts = self._login_scripts.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_domains_to_login_info = {}
for ( login_domain, ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) ) in list(self._domains_to_login_info.items()):
( login_script_key, login_script_name ) = login_script_key_and_name
serialisable_login_script_key_and_name = ( login_script_key.hex(), login_script_name )
serialisable_domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( serialisable_login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
return ( serialisable_login_scripts, serialisable_domains_to_login_info )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_login_scripts, serialisable_domains_to_login_info ) = serialisable_info
self._login_scripts = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_login_scripts )
self._domains_to_login_info = {}
for ( login_domain, ( serialisable_login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) ) in list(serialisable_domains_to_login_info.items()):
( serialisable_login_script_key, login_script_name ) = serialisable_login_script_key_and_name
login_script_key_and_name = ( bytes.fromhex( serialisable_login_script_key ), login_script_name )
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def _RecalcCache( self ):
self._login_script_keys_to_login_scripts = { login_script.GetLoginScriptKey() : login_script for login_script in self._login_scripts }
self._login_script_names_to_login_scripts = { login_script.GetName() : login_script for login_script in self._login_scripts }
def _RevalidateCache( self ):
for login_domain in list(self._domains_to_login_info.keys()):
self._GetLoginScriptAndCredentials( login_domain )
except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException:
def _SetDirty( self ):
self._dirty = True
def AlreadyHaveExactlyThisLoginScript( self, new_login_script ):
with self._lock:
# absent irrelevant variables, do we have the exact same object already in?
login_script_key_and_name = new_login_script.GetLoginScriptKeyAndName()
dupe_login_scripts = [ login_script.Duplicate() for login_script in self._login_scripts ]
for dupe_login_script in dupe_login_scripts:
dupe_login_script.SetLoginScriptKeyAndName( login_script_key_and_name )
if dupe_login_script.DumpToString() == new_login_script.DumpToString():
return True
return False
def AutoAddLoginScripts( self, login_scripts ):
with self._lock:
next_login_scripts = list( self._login_scripts )
for login_script in login_scripts:
next_login_scripts.extend( login_scripts )
self.SetLoginScripts( next_login_scripts )
def CheckCanLogin( self, network_context ):
with self._lock:
if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
( login_domain, login_expected, login_possible, login_error_text ) = self._GetLoginDomainStatus( network_context )
if login_domain is None or not login_expected:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The domain ' + login_domain + ' has no active login script--has it just been turned off?' )
elif not login_possible:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The domain ' + login_domain + ' cannot log in: ' + login_error_text )
elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
service_key = network_context.context_data
services_manager = self.engine.controller.services_manager
if not services_manager.ServiceExists( service_key ):
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Service does not exist!' )
service = services_manager.GetService( service_key )
service.CheckFunctional( including_bandwidth = False, including_account = False )
except Exception as e:
message = 'Service has had a recent error or is otherwise not functional! You might like to try refreshing its account in \'review services\'. Specific error was: {}'.format( e )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( message )
def DelayLoginScript( self, login_domain, login_script_key, reason ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain not in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
if login_script_key != login_script_key_and_name[0]:
no_work_until = HydrusData.GetNow() + 3600 * 4
no_work_until_reason = reason
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def DeleteLoginDomain( self, login_domain ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain in self._domains_to_login_info:
del self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
def DeleteLoginScripts( self, login_script_names ):
with self._lock:
login_scripts = [ login_script for login_script in self._login_scripts if login_script.GetName() not in login_script_names ]
self.SetLoginScripts( login_scripts )
def DomainHasALoginScript( self, login_domain ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
( login_script_key, login_script_name ) = login_script_key_and_name
if login_script_key in self._login_script_keys_to_login_scripts or login_script_name in self._login_script_names_to_login_scripts:
return True
return False
def GenerateLoginProcess( self, network_context ):
with self._lock:
if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
( login_domain, login_expected, login_possible, login_error_text ) = self._GetLoginDomainStatus( network_context )
if login_domain is None or not login_expected:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The domain ' + login_domain + ' has no active login script--has it just been turned off?' )
elif not login_possible:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The domain ' + login_domain + ' cannot log in: ' + login_error_text )
login_network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( context_type = CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, context_data = login_domain )
( login_script, credentials ) = self._GetLoginScriptAndCredentials( login_domain )
login_process = LoginProcessDomain( self.engine, login_network_context, login_script, credentials )
return login_process
elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
login_process = LoginProcessHydrus( self.engine, network_context, self._hydrus_login_script )
return login_process
def GenerateLoginProcessForDomain( self, login_domain ):
network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext.STATICGenerateForDomain( login_domain )
return self.GenerateLoginProcess( network_context )
def GetDomainsToLoginInfo( self ):
with self._lock:
return dict( self._domains_to_login_info )
def GetLoginScripts( self ):
with self._lock:
return list( self._login_scripts )
def Initialise( self ):
def InvalidateLoginScript( self, login_domain, login_script_key, reason ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain not in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
if login_script_key != login_script_key_and_name[0]:
validity_error_text = reason
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'The login for "' + login_domain + '" failed! It will not be reattempted until the problem is fixed. The failure reason was:' + os.linesep * 2 + validity_error_text )
def IsDirty( self ):
with self._lock:
return self._dirty
def NeedsLogin( self, network_context ):
with self._lock:
if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
( login_domain, login_expected, login_possible, login_error_text ) = self._GetLoginDomainStatus( network_context )
if login_domain is None or not login_expected:
return False # no login required, no problem
( login_script, credentials ) = self._GetLoginScriptAndCredentials( login_domain )
except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException:
# couldn't find the script or something. assume we need a login to move errors forward to checkcanlogin trigger phase
return True
login_network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( context_type = CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, context_data = login_domain )
return not login_script.IsLoggedIn( self.engine, login_network_context )
elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
return not self._hydrus_login_script.IsLoggedIn( self.engine, network_context )
def OverwriteDefaultLoginScripts( self, login_script_names ):
with self._lock:
from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults
default_login_scripts = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultLoginScripts()
for login_script in default_login_scripts:
existing_login_scripts = list( self._login_scripts )
new_login_scripts = [ login_script for login_script in existing_login_scripts if login_script.GetName() not in login_script_names ]
new_login_scripts.extend( [ login_script for login_script in default_login_scripts if login_script.GetName() in login_script_names ] )
self.SetLoginScripts( new_login_scripts )
def SetClean( self ):
with self._lock:
self._dirty = False
def SetCredentialsAndActivate( self, login_domain, new_credentials ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain not in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
credentials = new_credentials
active = True
validity_error_text = ''
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def SetDomainsToLoginInfo( self, domains_to_login_info ):
with self._lock:
self._domains_to_login_info = dict( domains_to_login_info )
def SetLoginScripts( self, login_scripts ):
with self._lock:
self._login_scripts = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( login_scripts )
# start with simple stuff first
self._login_scripts.sort( key = lambda ls: len( ls.GetCredentialDefinitions() ) )
for login_script in self._login_scripts:
login_script_key_and_name = login_script.GetLoginScriptKeyAndName()
example_domains_info = login_script.GetExampleDomainsInfo()
for ( login_domain, login_access_type, login_access_text ) in example_domains_info:
if '.' in login_domain:
# looks good, so let's see if we can update/add some info
if login_domain in self._domains_to_login_info:
( old_login_script_key_and_name, credentials, old_login_access_type, old_login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
if old_login_script_key_and_name[1] == login_script_key_and_name[1]:
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
credentials = {}
# if there is nothing to enter, turn it on by default, like HF click-through
active = len( login_script.GetCredentialDefinitions() ) == 0
validity_error_text = ''
no_work_until = 0
no_work_until_reason = ''
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def ValidateLoginScript( self, login_domain, login_script_key ):
with self._lock:
if login_domain not in self._domains_to_login_info:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
if login_script_key != login_script_key_and_name[0]:
validity_error_text = ''
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def TryToLinkMissingLoginScripts( self, login_domains ):
with self._lock:
for login_domain in login_domains:
( existing_login_script, existing_credentials ) = self._GetLoginScriptAndCredentials( login_domain )
continue # already seems to have a good login script, so nothing to fix
except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException:
( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ]
login_script = self._GetBestLoginScript( login_domain )
if login_script is None:
validity_error_text = ''
login_script_key_and_name = login_script.GetLoginScriptKeyAndName()
self._domains_to_login_info[ login_domain ] = ( login_script_key_and_name, credentials, login_access_type, login_access_text, active, validity, validity_error_text, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
def LoginTumblrGDPR( self ):
# t-thanks, EU
# this is cribbed from poking around here https://github.com/johanneszab/TumblThree/commit/3563d6cebf1a467151d6b8d6eee9806ddd6e6364
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJob( 'GET', 'https://www.tumblr.com/' )
network_job.SetForLogin( True )
self.engine.AddJob( network_job )
html = network_job.GetContentText()
formula = ClientParsing.ParseFormulaHTML( tag_rules = [ ClientParsing.ParseRuleHTML( rule_type = ClientParsing.HTML_RULE_TYPE_DESCENDING, tag_name = 'meta', tag_attributes = { 'id' : 'tumblr_form_key' } ) ], content_to_fetch = ClientParsing.HTML_CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE, attribute_to_fetch = "content" )
results = formula.Parse( {}, html )
if len( results ) != 1:
raise HydrusExceptions.ParseException( 'Could not figure out the tumblr form key for the GDPR click-through.' )
tumblr_form_key = results[0]
body = '{\"eu_resident\":true,\"gdpr_is_acceptable_age\":true,\"gdpr_consent_core\":true,\"gdpr_consent_first_party_ads\":true,\"gdpr_consent_third_party_ads\":true,\"gdpr_consent_search_history\":true,\"redirect_to\":\"\"}'
referral_url = 'https://www.tumblr.com/privacy/consent?redirect='
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJob( 'POST', 'https://www.tumblr.com/svc/privacy/consent', body = body, referral_url = referral_url )
network_job.SetForLogin( True )
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01')
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' )
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' )
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'X-tumblr-form-key', tumblr_form_key )
self.engine.AddJob( network_job )
# test cookies here or something
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Looks like tumblr GDPR click-through worked! You should be good for a year, at which point we should have an automatic solution for this!' )
credential_type_str_lookup = {}
credential_type_str_lookup[ CREDENTIAL_TYPE_TEXT ] = 'normal'
credential_type_str_lookup[ CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PASS ] = 'hidden (password)'
class LoginCredentialDefinition( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Login Credential Definition'
def __init__( self, name = 'username', credential_type = CREDENTIAL_TYPE_TEXT, string_match = None ):
if string_match is None:
string_match = ClientStrings.StringMatch()
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._credential_type = credential_type
self._string_match = string_match
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_string_match = self._string_match.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( self._credential_type, serialisable_string_match )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self._credential_type, serialisable_string_match ) = serialisable_info
self._string_match = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_string_match )
def GetStringMatch( self ):
return self._string_match
def GetType( self ):
return self._credential_type
def SetStringMatch( self, string_match ):
self._string_match = string_match
def SetType( self, credential_type ):
self._credential_type = credential_type
def ShouldHide( self ):
return self._credential_type == CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PASS
def Test( self, text ):
if self._string_match is not None:
self._string_match.Test( text )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Could not validate "' + self._name + '" credential: ' + str( e ) )
class LoginProcess( object ):
def __init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script ):
self.engine = engine
self.network_context = network_context
self.login_script = login_script
self._done = False
def _Start( self ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def IsDone( self ):
return self._done
def Start( self ):
self._done = True
class LoginProcessDomain( LoginProcess ):
def __init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script, credentials ):
LoginProcess.__init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script )
self.credentials = credentials
def _Start( self ):
login_domain = self.network_context.context_data
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( cancellable = True )
job_key.SetStatusTitle( 'Logging in ' + login_domain )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
HydrusData.Print( 'Starting login for ' + login_domain )
result = self.login_script.Start( self.engine, self.network_context, self.credentials, job_key = job_key )
HydrusData.Print( 'Finished login for ' + self.network_context.context_data + '. Result was: ' + result )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', result )
job_key.Delete( 4 )
class LoginProcessHydrus( LoginProcess ):
def _Start( self ):
self.login_script.Start( self.engine, self.network_context )
class LoginScriptHydrus( object ):
def _IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context ):
session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context )
cookies = session.cookies
return 'session_key' in cookies
def IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context ):
return self._IsLoggedIn( engine, network_context )
def Start( self, engine, network_context ):
service_key = network_context.context_data
service = engine.controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
base_url = service.GetBaseURL()
url = base_url + 'session_key'
access_key = service.GetCredentials().GetAccessKey()
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJobHydrus( service_key, 'GET', url )
network_job.SetForLogin( True )
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'Hydrus-Key', access_key.hex() )
engine.AddJob( network_job )
if self._IsLoggedIn( engine, network_context ):
HydrusData.Print( 'Successfully logged into ' + service.GetName() + '.' )
elif service.IsFunctional():
( is_ok, status_string ) = service.GetStatusInfo()
service.DelayFutureRequests( 'Could not log in for unknown reason. Current service status: {}'.format( status_string ) )
except Exception as e:
e_string = str( e )
service.DelayFutureRequests( e_string )
class LoginScriptDomain( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Login Script - Domain'
def __init__( self, name = 'login script', login_script_key = None, required_cookies_info = None, credential_definitions = None, login_steps = None, example_domains_info = None ):
if required_cookies_info is None:
required_cookies_info = {}
required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary( required_cookies_info )
if credential_definitions is None:
credential_definitions = []
credential_definitions = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( credential_definitions )
if login_steps is None:
login_steps = []
login_steps = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( login_steps )
if example_domains_info is None:
example_domains_info = []
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._login_script_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._required_cookies_info = required_cookies_info # string match : string match
self._credential_definitions = credential_definitions
self._login_steps = login_steps
self._example_domains_info = example_domains_info # domain | login_access_type | login_access_text
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_login_script_key = self._login_script_key.hex()
serialisable_required_cookies = self._required_cookies_info.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_credential_definitions = self._credential_definitions.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_login_steps = self._login_steps.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( serialisable_login_script_key, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_credential_definitions, serialisable_login_steps, self._example_domains_info )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_login_script_key, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_credential_definitions, serialisable_login_steps, self._example_domains_info ) = serialisable_info
self._login_script_key = bytes.fromhex( serialisable_login_script_key )
self._required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_required_cookies )
self._credential_definitions = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_credential_definitions )
self._login_steps = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_login_steps )
# convert lists to tups for listctrl data hashing
self._example_domains_info = [ tuple( l ) for l in self._example_domains_info ]
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( serialisable_login_script_key, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_credential_definitions, serialisable_login_steps, example_domains_info ) = old_serialisable_info
old_required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_required_cookies )
new_required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary()
for ( name, value_string_match ) in list(old_required_cookies_info.items()):
key_string_match = ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = name, example_string = name )
new_required_cookies_info[ key_string_match ] = value_string_match
serialisable_required_cookies = new_required_cookies_info.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_login_script_key, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_credential_definitions, serialisable_login_steps, example_domains_info )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
def _IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context, validation_check = False ):
session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context )
cookies = session.cookies
search_domain = network_context.context_data
for ( cookie_name_string_match, value_string_match ) in list(self._required_cookies_info.items()):
cookie = ClientNetworkingFunctions.GetCookie( cookies, search_domain, cookie_name_string_match )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
if validation_check:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Missing cookie "' + cookie_name_string_match.ToString() + '"!' )
return False
cookie_text = cookie.value
value_string_match.Test( cookie_text )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
if validation_check:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Cookie "' + cookie_name_string_match.ToString() + '" failed: ' + str( e ) + '!' )
return False
return True
def CheckCanLogin( self, given_credentials ):
given_cred_names = set( given_credentials.keys() )
required_cred_names = { name for name in itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( step.GetRequiredCredentials() for step in self._login_steps ) ) }
missing_givens = required_cred_names.difference( given_cred_names )
if len( missing_givens ) > 0:
missing_givens = sorted( missing_givens )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Missing required credentials: ' + ', '.join( missing_givens ) )
cred_names_to_definitions = { credential_definition.GetName() : credential_definition for credential_definition in self._credential_definitions }
for ( pretty_name, text ) in given_credentials.items():
if pretty_name not in cred_names_to_definitions:
credential_definition = cred_names_to_definitions[ pretty_name ]
credential_definition.Test( text )
def CheckIsValid( self ):
defined_cred_names = { credential_definition.GetName() for credential_definition in self._credential_definitions }
required_cred_names = { name for name in itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( step.GetRequiredCredentials() for step in self._login_steps ) ) }
missing_definitions = required_cred_names.difference( defined_cred_names )
if len( missing_definitions ) > 0:
missing_definitions = sorted( missing_definitions )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Missing required credential definitions: ' + ', '.join( missing_definitions ) )
temp_vars = set()
for login_step in self._login_steps:
( required_vars, set_vars ) = login_step.GetRequiredAndSetTempVariables()
missing_vars = required_vars.difference( temp_vars )
if len( missing_vars ) > 0:
missing_vars = sorted( missing_vars )
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Missing temp variables for login step "' + login_step.GetName() + '": ' + ', '.join( missing_vars ) )
temp_vars.update( set_vars )
def GetCredentialDefinitions( self ):
return self._credential_definitions
def GetExampleDomains( self ):
return [ domain for ( domain, login_access_type, login_access_text ) in self._example_domains_info ]
def GetExampleDomainsInfo( self ):
return self._example_domains_info
def GetExampleDomainInfo( self, given_domain ):
for ( domain, login_access_type, login_access_text ) in self._example_domains_info:
if domain == given_domain:
return ( login_access_type, login_access_text )
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Could not find that domain!' )
def GetRequiredCookiesInfo( self ):
return self._required_cookies_info
def GetLoginExpiry( self, engine, network_context ):
session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context )
cookies = session.cookies
search_domain = network_context.context_data
session_cookies = False
expiry_timestamps = []
for cookie_name_string_match in list(self._required_cookies_info.keys()):
cookie = ClientNetworkingFunctions.GetCookie( cookies, search_domain, cookie_name_string_match )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
return None
expiry = cookie.expires
if expiry is None:
session_cookies = True
expiry_timestamps.append( expiry )
if session_cookies or len( expiry_timestamps ) == 0:
return None
return min( expiry_timestamps )
def GetLoginScriptKey( self ):
return self._login_script_key
def GetLoginScriptKeyAndName( self ):
return ( self._login_script_key, self._name )
def GetLoginSteps( self ):
return self._login_steps
def GetRequiredCredentials( self ):
required_creds = []
for login_step in self._login_steps:
required_creds.extend( login_step.GetRequiredCredentials() ) # name with an order
return required_creds
def GetSafeSummary( self ):
return 'Login Script "' + self._name + '" - ' + ', '.join( self.GetExampleDomains() )
def IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context ):
return self._IsLoggedIn( engine, network_context )
def RegenerateLoginScriptKey( self ):
self._login_script_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
def SetLoginScriptKey( self, login_script_key ):
self._login_script_key = login_script_key
def SetLoginScriptKeyAndName( self, login_script_key_and_name ):
( login_script_key, name ) = login_script_key_and_name
self._login_script_key = login_script_key
self._name = name
def Start( self, engine, network_context, given_credentials, network_job_presentation_context_factory = None, test_result_callable = None, job_key = None ):
# don't mess with the domain--assume that we are given precisely the right domain
login_domain = network_context.context_data
temp_variables = {}
last_url_used = None
for login_step in self._login_steps:
if job_key is not None:
if job_key.IsCancelled():
message = 'User cancelled the login process.'
engine.login_manager.DelayLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key, message )
return message
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', login_step.GetName() )
last_url_used = login_step.Start( engine, login_domain, given_credentials, temp_variables, referral_url = last_url_used, network_job_presentation_context_factory = network_job_presentation_context_factory, test_result_callable = test_result_callable )
except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException as e:
if test_result_callable is not None:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
message = str( e )
engine.login_manager.InvalidateLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key, message )
return 'Verification error: ' + message
except HydrusExceptions.NetworkException as e:
if test_result_callable is not None:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
message = str( e )
engine.login_manager.DelayLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key, message )
return 'Network error: ' + message
except Exception as e:
if test_result_callable is not None:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
message = str( e )
engine.login_manager.InvalidateLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key, message )
return 'Unusual error: ' + message
time.sleep( 2 )
self._IsLoggedIn( engine, network_context, validation_check = True )
except Exception as e:
if test_result_callable is not None:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
message = str( e )
engine.login_manager.InvalidateLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key, message )
return 'Final cookie check failed: ' + message
engine.login_manager.ValidateLoginScript( login_domain, self._login_script_key )
return 'Login OK!'
class LoginStep( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
def __init__( self, name = 'hit home page to establish session', scheme = 'https', method = 'GET', subdomain = None, path = '/' ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._scheme = scheme
self._method = method
self._subdomain = subdomain
self._path = path
self._required_credentials = {} # pretty_name : arg name
self._static_args = {} # arg name : string
self._temp_args = {} # temp arg name : arg name
self._required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() # string match : string match
self._content_parsers = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
def _CleanseSubdomainAndPath( self ):
if self._subdomain is not None:
self._subdomain = re.sub( '[^a-z\\.]+', '', self._subdomain )
if not self._path.startswith( '/' ):
self._path = '/' + self._path
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_required_cookies = self._required_cookies_info.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_content_parsers = self._content_parsers.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( self._scheme, self._method, self._subdomain, self._path, self._required_credentials, self._static_args, self._temp_args, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_content_parsers )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self._scheme, self._method, self._subdomain, self._path, self._required_credentials, self._static_args, self._temp_args, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_content_parsers ) = serialisable_info
self._required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_required_cookies )
self._content_parsers = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_content_parsers )
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( scheme, method, subdomain, path, required_credentials, static_args, temp_args, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_content_parsers ) = old_serialisable_info
old_required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_required_cookies )
new_required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary()
for ( name, value_string_match ) in list(old_required_cookies_info.items()):
key_string_match = ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = name, example_string = name )
new_required_cookies_info[ key_string_match ] = value_string_match
serialisable_required_cookies = new_required_cookies_info.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( scheme, method, subdomain, path, required_credentials, static_args, temp_args, serialisable_required_cookies, serialisable_content_parsers )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
def GetRequiredCredentials( self ):
return [ pretty_name for ( pretty_name, arg_name ) in list(self._required_credentials.items()) ]
def GetRequiredAndSetTempVariables( self ):
required_temp_variables = set( self._temp_args.keys() )
set_temp_variables = { additional_info for [ ( name, content_type, additional_info ) ] in [ content_parser.GetParsableContent() for content_parser in self._content_parsers ] }
return ( required_temp_variables, set_temp_variables )
def SetComplicatedVariables( self, required_credentials, static_args, temp_args, required_cookies_info, content_parsers ):
self._required_credentials = required_credentials
self._static_args = static_args
self._temp_args = temp_args
self._required_cookies_info = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary( required_cookies_info )
self._content_parsers = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( content_parsers )
def Start( self, engine, domain, given_credentials, temp_variables, referral_url = None, network_job_presentation_context_factory = None, test_result_callable = None ):
def session_to_cookie_strings( sess ):
cookie_strings = set()
for cookie in sess.cookies:
s = cookie.name + ': ' + cookie.value + ' | ' + cookie.domain + ' | '
expiry = cookie.expires
if expiry is None:
expiry = -1
pretty_expiry = 'session'
pretty_expiry = HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( expiry )
s += pretty_expiry
cookie_strings.add( s )
return cookie_strings
url = 'Did not make a url.'
test_result_body = None
downloaded_text = 'Did not download data.'
new_temp_variables = {}
original_cookie_strings = session_to_cookie_strings( engine.session_manager.GetSessionForDomain( domain ) )
test_script_result = 'Did not start.'
domain_to_hit = domain
if self._subdomain is not None:
if domain.startswith( 'www.' ):
domain = domain[4:]
domain_to_hit = self._subdomain + '.' + domain
query_dict = {}
query_dict.update( self._static_args )
for ( pretty_name, arg_name ) in list(self._required_credentials.items()):
query_dict[ arg_name ] = given_credentials[ pretty_name ]
for ( temp_name, arg_name ) in list(self._temp_args.items()):
if temp_name not in temp_variables:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The temporary variable \'' + temp_name + '\' was not found!' )
query_dict[ arg_name ] = temp_variables[ temp_name ]
scheme = self._scheme
netloc = domain_to_hit
path = self._path
params = ''
fragment = ''
single_value_parameters = []
if self._method == 'GET':
query = ClientNetworkingFunctions.ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters )
body = None
test_result_body = ''
elif self._method == 'POST':
query = ''
body = query_dict
test_result_body = ClientNetworkingFunctions.ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters )
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment )
url = r.geturl()
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJob( self._method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url )
if self._method == 'POST' and referral_url is not None:
p = ClientNetworkingFunctions.ParseURL( url )
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( p.scheme, p.netloc, '', '', '', '' )
origin = r.geturl() # https://accounts.pixiv.net
network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'origin', origin ) # GET/POST forms are supposed to have this for CSRF. we'll try it just with POST for now
network_job.SetForLogin( True )
engine.AddJob( network_job )
if network_job_presentation_context_factory is not None:
with network_job_presentation_context_factory( network_job ) as njpc:
session = network_job.GetSession()
cookies = session.cookies
for ( cookie_name_string_match, string_match ) in list(self._required_cookies_info.items()):
cookie = ClientNetworkingFunctions.GetCookie( cookies, domain, cookie_name_string_match )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Missing cookie "' + cookie_name_string_match.ToString() + '" on step "' + self._name + '"!' )
cookie_text = cookie.value
string_match.Test( cookie_text )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Cookie "' + cookie_name_string_match.ToString() + '" failed on step "' + self._name + '": ' + str( e ) + '!' )
downloaded_text = network_job.GetContentText()
parsing_context = {}
parsing_context[ 'url' ] = url
for content_parser in self._content_parsers:
parse_results = content_parser.Parse( parsing_context, downloaded_text )
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( str( e ) )
result = ClientParsing.GetVariableFromParseResults( parse_results )
if result is not None:
( temp_name, value ) = result
new_temp_variables[ temp_name ] = value
temp_variables.update( new_temp_variables )
test_script_result = 'OK!'
return url
except Exception as e:
test_script_result = str( e )
if test_result_callable is not None:
current_cookie_strings = session_to_cookie_strings( engine.session_manager.GetSessionForDomain( domain ) )
new_cookie_strings = tuple( current_cookie_strings.difference( original_cookie_strings ) )
new_temp_strings = tuple( ( key + ': ' + value for ( key, value ) in list(new_temp_variables.items()) ) )
test_result = ( self._name, url, test_result_body, downloaded_text, new_temp_strings, new_cookie_strings, test_script_result )
test_result_callable( test_result )
def ToTuple( self ):
return ( self._scheme, self._method, self._subdomain, self._path, self._required_credentials, self._static_args, self._temp_args, self._required_cookies_info, self._content_parsers )