
165 lines
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import zipfile
from hydrus.core import HydrusArchiveHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusTemp
from hydrus.core.images import HydrusImageHandling
def ExtractFrame( path_to_zip, frame_index, extract_path ):
# this is too ugly to use for an animation thing, but it'll work for fetching a thumb fine
with zipfile.ZipFile( path_to_zip ) as zip_handle:
all_file_paths = [ zip_info.filename for zip_info in zip_handle.infolist() if not zip_info.is_dir() ]
if len( all_file_paths ) == 0:
raise HydrusExceptions.DamagedOrUnusualFileException( 'This Ugoira seems to be empty! It has probably been corrupted!' )
frame_index = min( frame_index, len( all_file_paths ) - 1 )
frame_path = all_file_paths[ frame_index ]
with zip_handle.open( frame_path ) as reader:
with open( extract_path, 'wb' ) as writer:
writer.write( reader.read() )
def GetUgoiraProperties( path_to_zip ):
( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath()
HydrusArchiveHandling.ExtractCoverPage( path_to_zip, temp_path )
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( temp_path, dequantize = False )
( width, height ) = pil_image.size
( width, height ) = ( 100, 100 )
with zipfile.ZipFile( path_to_zip ) as zip_handle:
num_frames = len( zip_handle.infolist() )
num_frames = None
HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath( os_file_handle, temp_path )
return ( ( width, height ), num_frames )
def ZipLooksLikeUgoira( path_to_zip ):
# what does an Ugoira look like? it has a standard, but this is not always followed, so be somewhat forgiving
# it is a list of images named in the format 000123.jpg. this is very typically 6-figure, starting at 000000, but it may be shorter and start at 0001
# no directories
# we can forgive a .json or .js file, nothing else
our_image_ext = None
with zipfile.ZipFile( path_to_zip ) as zip_handle:
zip_infos = zip_handle.infolist()
if True in ( zip_info.is_dir() for zip_info in zip_infos ):
return False
image_number_strings = []
filenames = [ zip_info.filename for zip_info in zip_infos ]
for filename in filenames:
if '.' not in filename:
return False
number = '.'.join( filename.split( '.' )[:-1] )
ext = '.' + filename.split( '.' )[-1]
if ext in ( '.js', '.json' ):
if ext not in HC.IMAGE_FILE_EXTS:
return False
if our_image_ext is None:
our_image_ext = ext
if ext != our_image_ext:
return False
image_number_strings.append( number )
if len( image_number_strings ) == 0:
return False
current_image_number = int( image_number_strings[0] )
return False
number_of_digits = len( image_number_strings[0] )
for image_number_string in image_number_strings:
string_we_expect = str( current_image_number ).zfill( number_of_digits )
if image_number_string != string_we_expect:
return False
current_image_number += 1
return True