
926 lines
33 KiB

import hashlib
import http.client
import os
import random
import ssl
import time
import unittest
from twisted.internet import reactor
import twisted.internet.ssl
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusEncryption
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths
from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNetwork
from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNetworking
from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusServerRequest
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientServices
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaManagers
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaResult
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientLocalServer
from hydrus.server import ServerFiles
from hydrus.server.networking import ServerServer
from hydrus.test import TestController
with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ), 'rb' ) as f_g:
EXAMPLE_FILE = f_g.read()
with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus_small.png' ), 'rb' ) as f_g:
class TestServer( unittest.TestCase ):
def setUpClass( cls ):
cls._access_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
cls._serverside_file_service = HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'file repo', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1 )
cls._serverside_tag_service = HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, 'tag repo', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT )
cls._serverside_admin_service = HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.SERVER_ADMIN, 'server admin', HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT )
cls._clientside_file_service = ClientServices.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'file repo' )
cls._clientside_tag_service = ClientServices.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, 'tag repo' )
cls._clientside_admin_service = ClientServices.GenerateService( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), HC.SERVER_ADMIN, 'server admin' )
cls._clientside_file_service.SetCredentials( HydrusNetwork.Credentials( '', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1, cls._access_key ) )
cls._clientside_tag_service.SetCredentials( HydrusNetwork.Credentials( '', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT, cls._access_key ) )
cls._clientside_admin_service.SetCredentials( HydrusNetwork.Credentials( '', HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT, cls._access_key ) )
cls._local_booru = ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_BOORU, 'local booru' )
services_manager = HG.test_controller.services_manager
services_manager._keys_to_services[ cls._clientside_file_service.GetServiceKey() ] = cls._clientside_file_service
services_manager._keys_to_services[ cls._clientside_tag_service.GetServiceKey() ] = cls._clientside_tag_service
services_manager._keys_to_services[ cls._clientside_admin_service.GetServiceKey() ] = cls._clientside_admin_service
account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
account_type = HydrusNetwork.AccountType.GenerateAdminAccountType( HC.SERVER_ADMIN )
created = HydrusData.GetNow() - 100000
expires = None
cls._account = HydrusNetwork.Account( account_key, account_type, created, expires )
cls._service_keys_to_empty_account_types = {}
cls._service_keys_to_empty_accounts = {}
cls._file_hash = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
def TWISTEDSetup():
cls._ssl_cert_path = os.path.join( TestController.DB_DIR, 'server.crt' )
cls._ssl_key_path = os.path.join( TestController.DB_DIR, 'server.key' )
# if db test ran, this is still hanging around and read-only, so don't bother to fail overwriting
if not os.path.exists( cls._ssl_cert_path ):
HydrusEncryption.GenerateOpenSSLCertAndKeyFile( cls._ssl_cert_path, cls._ssl_key_path )
context_factory = twisted.internet.ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory( cls._ssl_key_path, cls._ssl_cert_path )
reactor.listenSSL( HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT, ServerServer.HydrusServiceAdmin( cls._serverside_admin_service ), context_factory )
reactor.listenSSL( HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1, ServerServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryFile( cls._serverside_file_service ), context_factory )
reactor.listenSSL( HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT, ServerServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryTag( cls._serverside_tag_service ), context_factory )
reactor.listenTCP( 45866, ClientLocalServer.HydrusServiceBooru( cls._local_booru, allow_non_local_connections = False ) )
reactor.callFromThread( TWISTEDSetup )
time.sleep( 3 )
def tearDownClass( cls ):
for path in ( cls._ssl_cert_path, cls._ssl_key_path ):
HydrusPaths.MakeFileWriteable( path )
os.unlink( path )
def _test_basics( self, host, port, https = True ):
if https:
context = ssl.SSLContext( ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 )
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection( host, port, timeout = 10, context = context )
connection = http.client.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 )
connection.request( 'GET', '/' )
response = connection.getresponse()
data = response.read()
self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 )
connection.request( 'GET', '/favicon.ico' )
response = connection.getresponse()
data = response.read()
with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.ico' ), 'rb' ) as f:
favicon = f.read()
self.assertEqual( data, favicon )
def _test_file_repo( self, service ):
# file
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedFilePath( self._file_hash )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( os.path.dirname( path ) )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( EXAMPLE_FILE )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'file', { 'hash' : self._file_hash } )
self.assertEqual( response, EXAMPLE_FILE )
try: os.remove( path )
except: pass
path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
file_bytes = f.read()
HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'file' )
service.Request( HC.POST, 'file', { 'file' : file_bytes } )
written = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'file' )
[ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written
( written_service_key, written_account, written_file_dict ) = args
hash = b'\xadm5\x99\xa6\xc4\x89\xa5u\xeb\x19\xc0&\xfa\xce\x97\xa9\xcdey\xe7G(\xb0\xce\x94\xa6\x01\xd22\xf3\xc3'
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'hash' ], hash )
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'ip' ], '' )
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'height' ], 200 )
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'width' ], 200 )
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'mime' ], 2 )
self.assertEqual( written_file_dict[ 'size' ], 5270 )
# ip
( ip, timestamp ) = ( '', HydrusData.GetNow() - 100000 )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'ip', ( ip, timestamp ) )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'ip', { 'hash' : self._file_hash } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'ip' ], ip )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'timestamp' ], timestamp )
# account from hash
subject_content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, content_data = hash )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = subject_content )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account', self._account )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'other_account', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
# thumbnail
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedThumbnailPath( self._file_hash )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( os.path.dirname( path ) )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'thumbnail', { 'hash' : self._file_hash } )
self.assertEqual( response, EXAMPLE_THUMBNAIL )
try: os.remove( path )
except: pass
def _test_local_booru( self, host, port ):
connection = http.client.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 )
with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'local_booru_style.css' ), 'rb' ) as f:
css = f.read()
connection.request( 'GET', '/style.css' )
response = connection.getresponse()
data = response.read()
self.assertEqual( data, css )
share_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
hashes = [ HydrusData.GenerateKey() for i in range( 5 ) ]
client_files_default = os.path.join( TestController.DB_DIR, 'client_files' )
hash_encoded = hashes[0].hex()
prefix = hash_encoded[:2]
file_path = os.path.join( client_files_default, 'f' + prefix, hash_encoded + '.jpg' )
thumbnail_path = os.path.join( client_files_default, 't' + prefix, hash_encoded + '.thumbnail' )
with open( file_path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( EXAMPLE_FILE )
with open( thumbnail_path, 'wb' ) as f:
local_booru_manager = HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager
self._test_local_booru_requests( connection, share_key, hashes[0], 404 )
info = {}
info[ 'name' ] = 'name'
info[ 'text' ] = 'text'
info[ 'timeout' ] = 0
info[ 'hashes' ] = hashes
file_info_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileInfoManager( 1, hashes[0], 500, HC.IMAGE_JPEG, 640, 480 )
notes_manager = ClientMediaManagers.NotesManager( {} )
file_viewing_stats_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager.STATICGenerateEmptyManager()
media_results = [ ClientMediaResult.MediaResult( file_info_manager, ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager( {}, {} ), ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager( set(), set(), set(), set() ), ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager( {} ), notes_manager, file_viewing_stats_manager ) for hash in hashes ]
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'local_booru_share_keys', [ share_key ] )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'local_booru_share', info )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results', media_results )
self._test_local_booru_requests( connection, share_key, hashes[0], 404 )
info[ 'timeout' ] = None
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'local_booru_share', info )
self._test_local_booru_requests( connection, share_key, hashes[0], 200 )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'local_booru_share_keys', [] )
self._test_local_booru_requests( connection, share_key, hashes[0], 404 )
def _test_local_booru_requests( self, connection, share_key, hash, expected_result ):
requests = []
requests.append( '/gallery?share_key=' + share_key.hex() )
requests.append( '/page?share_key=' + share_key.hex() + '&hash=' + hash.hex() )
requests.append( '/file?share_key=' + share_key.hex() + '&hash=' + hash.hex() )
requests.append( '/thumbnail?share_key=' + share_key.hex() + '&hash=' + hash.hex() )
for request in requests:
connection.request( 'GET', request )
response = connection.getresponse()
data = response.read()
self.assertEqual( response.status, expected_result )
def _test_repo( self, service ):
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
# num_petitions
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'num_petitions', num_petitions )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'num_petitions' )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'num_petitions' ], num_petitions )
# petition
petitioner_account = HydrusNetwork.Account.GenerateUnknownAccount()
reason = 'it sucks'
contents = [ HydrusNetwork.Content( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, [ HydrusData.GenerateKey() for i in range( 10 ) ] ) ]
petition = HydrusNetwork.Petition( action, petitioner_account, reason, contents )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'petition', petition )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'petition', { 'content_type' : HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, 'status' : HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'petition' ].GetSerialisableTuple(), petition.GetSerialisableTuple() )
# definitions
definitions_update = HydrusNetwork.DefinitionsUpdate()
for i in range( 100, 200 ):
definitions_update.AddRow( ( HC.DEFINITIONS_TYPE_TAGS, i, 'series:test ' + str( i ) ) )
definitions_update.AddRow( ( HC.DEFINITIONS_TYPE_HASHES, i + 500, HydrusData.GenerateKey() ) )
definitions_update_network_bytes = definitions_update.DumpToNetworkBytes()
definitions_update_hash = hashlib.sha256( definitions_update_network_bytes ).digest()
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedFilePath( definitions_update_hash )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( path )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( definitions_update_network_bytes )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'update', { 'update_hash' : definitions_update_hash } )
try: os.remove( path )
except: pass
self.assertEqual( response, definitions_update_network_bytes )
# content
rows = [ ( random.randint( 100, 1000 ), [ random.randint( 100, 1000 ) for i in range( 50 ) ] ) for j in range( 20 ) ]
content_update = HydrusNetwork.ContentUpdate()
for row in rows:
content_update_network_bytes = content_update.DumpToNetworkBytes()
content_update_hash = hashlib.sha256( content_update_network_bytes ).digest()
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedFilePath( content_update_hash )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( content_update_network_bytes )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'update', { 'update_hash' : content_update_hash } )
try: os.remove( path )
except: pass
self.assertEqual( response, content_update_network_bytes )
# metadata
metadata = HydrusNetwork.Metadata()
metadata.AppendUpdate( [ definitions_update_hash, content_update_hash ], HydrusData.GetNow() - 101000, HydrusData.GetNow() - 1000, HydrusData.GetNow() + 100000 )
service._metadata = metadata
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'metadata_slice', { 'since' : 0 } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'metadata_slice' ].GetSerialisableTuple(), metadata.GetSerialisableTuple() )
# post content
raise NotImplementedError()
update = HydrusData.ClientToServerContentUpdatePackage( {}, hash_ids_to_hashes )
HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'update' )
service.Request( HC.POST, 'content_update_package', { 'update' : update } )
written = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'update' )
[ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written
( written_service_key, written_account, written_update ) = args
self.assertEqual( update.GetHashes(), written_update.GetHashes() )
def _test_restricted( self, service ):
# access_key
registration_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'access_key', self._access_key )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'access_key', { 'registration_key' : registration_key } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'access_key' ], self._access_key )
# set up session
last_error = 0
account = self._account
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'service', service )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account_key_from_access_key', HydrusData.GenerateKey() )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account', self._account )
# account
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account' )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
# account from access key
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account', self._account )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( account_key = self._account.GetAccountKey() )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'other_account', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
# account from file
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account_from_content', self._account )
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, content_data = ( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), ) )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = content )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'other_account', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
# account from mapping
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account_from_content', self._account )
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING, content_data = ( 'hello', HydrusData.GenerateKey() ) )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = content )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'other_account', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
# account_info
account_info = { 'message' : 'hello' }
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account_info', account_info )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey() )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_info' ], account_info )
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, content_data = ( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), ) )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = content )
with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException ):
# can only do it with an account key
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING, content_data = ( 'hello', HydrusData.GenerateKey() ) )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = content )
with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException ):
# can only do it with an account key
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
# account_types
account_types = [ HydrusNetwork.AccountType.GenerateAdminAccountType( service.GetServiceType() ) ]
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account_types', account_types )
HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'account_types' )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_types' )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'account_types' ][0].GetAccountTypeKey(), account_types[0].GetAccountTypeKey() )
empty_account_type = HydrusNetwork.AccountType.GenerateNewAccountType( 'empty account', {}, HydrusNetworking.BandwidthRules() )
account_types.append( empty_account_type )
service.Request( HC.POST, 'account_types', { 'account_types' : account_types, 'deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys' : {} } )
written = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'account_types' )
[ ( args, kwargs ) ] = written
( written_service_key, written_account, written_account_types, written_deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys ) = args
self.assertEqual( { wat.GetAccountTypeKey() for wat in written_account_types }, { at.GetAccountTypeKey() for at in account_types } )
self.assertEqual( written_deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys, {} )
# registration_keys
registration_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'registration_keys', [ registration_key ] )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'registration_keys', { 'num' : 1, 'account_type_key' : os.urandom( 32 ), 'expires' : HydrusData.GetNow() + 1200 } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'registration_keys' ], [ registration_key ] )
def _test_server_admin( self, service ):
# init
access_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'access_key', access_key )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'access_key', { 'registration_key' : b'init' } )
self.assertEqual( response[ 'access_key' ], access_key )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
self.assertEqual( response, b'0' )
response = service.Request( HC.POST, 'lock_on' )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
self.assertEqual( response, b'1' )
response = service.Request( HC.POST, 'lock_off' )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
self.assertEqual( response, b'0' )
response = service.Request( HC.POST, 'backup' )
response = service.Request( HC.POST, 'vacuum' )
# add some new services info
def _test_tag_repo( self, service ):
# account from tag
test_tag = 'character:samus aran'
test_hash = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
subject_content = HydrusNetwork.Content( content_type = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING, content_data = ( test_tag, test_hash ) )
subject_account_identifier = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = subject_content )
HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'account', self._account )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'other_account', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_account_identifier } )
self.assertEqual( repr( response[ 'account' ] ), repr( self._account ) )
def test_repository_file( self ):
host = ''
self._test_basics( host, port )
self._test_restricted( self._clientside_file_service )
# broke since service rewrite
#self._test_repo( self._clientside_file_service )
#self._test_file_repo( self._clientside_file_service )
def test_repository_tag( self ):
host = ''
self._test_basics( host, port )
self._test_restricted( self._clientside_tag_service )
# broke since service rewrite
#self._test_repo( self._clientside_tag_service )
#self._test_tag_repo( self._clientside_tag_service )
def test_server_admin( self ):
host = ''
self._test_basics( host, port )
self._test_restricted( self._clientside_admin_service )
self._test_server_admin( self._clientside_admin_service )
def test_local_booru( self ):
host = ''
port = 45866
self._test_basics( host, port, https = False )
self._test_local_booru( host, port )
class TestAMP( unittest.TestCase ):
def setUpClass( cls ):
cls._alice = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
cls._bob = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
cls._server_port = HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 10
cls._service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
def TWISTEDSetup():
cls._factory = HydrusServer.MessagingServiceFactory( cls._service_key )
reactor.listenTCP( cls._server_port, cls._factory )
reactor.callFromThread( TWISTEDSetup )
time.sleep( 1 )
def _get_deferred_result( self, deferred ):
def err( failure ):
failure.trap( Exception )
return failure.type( failure.value )
deferred.addErrback( err )
before = time.time()
while not deferred.called:
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if time.time() - before > 10: raise Exception( 'Trying to get deferred timed out!' )
result = deferred.result
if issubclass( type( result ), Exception ): raise result
return result
def _get_client_protocol( self ):
point = TCP4ClientEndpoint( reactor, '', self._server_port )
deferred = connectProtocol( point, HydrusServerAMP.MessagingClientProtocol() )
protocol = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
return protocol
def _make_persistent_connection( self, protocol, access_key, name ):
identifier = hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest()
HC.app.SetRead( 'im_identifier', identifier )
account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
account_type = HC.AccountType( 'account', permissions, ( None, None ) )
created = HC.GetNow() - 100000
expires = None
used_bytes = 0
used_requests = 0
account = HC.Account( account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests )
HC.app.SetRead( 'account_key_from_access_key', HydrusData.GenerateKey() )
HC.app.SetRead( 'account', account )
deferred = protocol.callRemote( HydrusServerAMP.IMSessionKey, access_key = access_key, name = name )
result = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
session_key = result[ 'session_key' ]
deferred = protocol.callRemote( HydrusServerAMP.IMLoginPersistent, network_version = HC.NETWORK_VERSION, session_key = session_key )
result = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
self.assertEqual( result, {} )
def _make_temporary_connection( self, protocol, identifier, name ):
deferred = protocol.callRemote( HydrusServerAMP.IMLoginTemporary, network_version = HC.NETWORK_VERSION, identifier = identifier, name = name )
result = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
self.assertEqual( result, {} )
def test_connections( self ):
persistent_protocol = self._get_client_protocol()
persistent_access_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
persistent_identifier = hashlib.sha256( persistent_access_key ).digest()
persistent_name = 'persistent'
self._make_persistent_connection( persistent_protocol, persistent_access_key, persistent_name )
self.assertIn( persistent_identifier, self._factory._persistent_connections )
self.assertIn( persistent_name, self._factory._persistent_connections[ persistent_identifier ] )
temp_protocol_1 = self._get_client_protocol()
temp_protocol_2 = self._get_client_protocol()
temp_name_1 = 'temp_1'
temp_identifier = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
temp_name_2 = 'temp_2'
self._make_temporary_connection( temp_protocol_1, temp_identifier, temp_name_1 )
self._make_temporary_connection( temp_protocol_2, temp_identifier, temp_name_2 )
self.assertIn( temp_identifier, self._factory._temporary_connections )
self.assertIn( temp_name_1, self._factory._temporary_connections[ temp_identifier ] )
self.assertIn( temp_name_2, self._factory._temporary_connections[ temp_identifier ] )
def test_status( self ):
# some of this is UDP, so get that working!
# add two bobs
# ask for status of the bobs
# test that we get both, online
# now disconnect a bob
# ask for bob status
# test that we only have one bob
# now disconnect other bob
# repeat for nothing
def test_message( self ):
persistent_protocol = self._get_client_protocol()
persistent_access_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
persistent_identifier = hashlib.sha256( persistent_access_key ).digest()
persistent_name = 'persistent'
self._make_persistent_connection( persistent_protocol, persistent_access_key, persistent_name )
temp_protocol = self._get_client_protocol()
temp_identifier = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
temp_name = 'temp'
self._make_temporary_connection( temp_protocol, temp_identifier, temp_name )
message = 'hello temp'
deferred = persistent_protocol.callRemote( HydrusServerAMP.IMMessageServer, identifier_to = temp_identifier, name_to = temp_name, message = message )
result = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
self.assertEqual( result, {} )
result = HC.pubsub.GetPubSubs( 'im_message_received' )
[ ( args, kwargs ) ] = result
self.assertEqual( args, ( persistent_identifier, persistent_name, temp_identifier, temp_name, message ) )
message = 'hello persistent'
deferred = temp_protocol.callRemote( HydrusServerAMP.IMMessageServer, identifier_to = persistent_identifier, name_to = persistent_name, message = message )
result = self._get_deferred_result( deferred )
self.assertEqual( result, {} )
result = HC.pubsub.GetPubSubs( 'im_message_received' )
[ ( args, kwargs ) ] = result
self.assertEqual( args, ( temp_identifier, temp_name, persistent_identifier, persistent_name, message ) )