
115 lines
3.1 KiB

from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusExceptions
from . import HydrusVideoHandling
import os
import re
import subprocess
import threading
import time
import traceback
def ParseFFMPEGAudio( lines ):
# the ^\sStream is to exclude the 'title' line, when it exists, includes the string 'Audio: ', ha ha
lines_audio = [ l for l in lines if re.search( r'^\s*Stream', l ) is not None and 'Audio: ' in l ]
audio_found = lines_audio != []
audio_format = None
if audio_found:
line = lines_audio[0]
match = re.search(" [0-9]* Hz", line)
audio_fps = int(line[match.start()+1:match.end()])
audio_fps = 'unknown'
match = re.search( r'(?<=Audio\:\s).+?(?=,)', line )
audio_format = match.group()
audio_format = 'unknown'
return ( audio_found, audio_format )
def VideoHasAudio( path ):
info_lines = HydrusVideoHandling.GetFFMPEGInfoLines( path )
( audio_found, audio_format ) = ParseFFMPEGAudio( info_lines )
if not audio_found:
return False
# just because video metadata has an audio stream doesn't mean it has audio. some vids have silent audio streams lmao
# so, let's read it as PCM and see if there is any noise
# this obviously only works for single audio stream vids, we'll adapt this if someone discovers a multi-stream mkv with a silent channel that doesn't work here
cmd = [ HydrusVideoHandling.FFMPEG_PATH ]
# this is perhaps not sensible for eventual playback and I should rather go for wav file-like and feed into python 'wave' in order to maintain stereo/mono and so on and have easy chunk-reading
cmd.extend( [ '-i', path,
'-loglevel', 'quiet',
'-f', 's16le',
'-' ] )
sbp_kwargs = HydrusData.GetSubprocessKWArgs()
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, bufsize = 65536, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, **sbp_kwargs )
except FileNotFoundError as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Cannot render audio--FFMPEG not found!' )
# silent PCM data is just 00 bytes
# every now and then, you'll get a couple ffs for some reason, but this is not legit audio data
chunk_of_pcm_data = process.stdout.read( 65536 )
while len( chunk_of_pcm_data ) > 0:
# iterating over bytes gives you ints, recall
if True in ( b != 0 and b != 255 for b in chunk_of_pcm_data ):
return True
chunk_of_pcm_data = process.stdout.read( 65536 )
return False