
505 lines
16 KiB

import collections
import json
import os
import traceback
import typing
import urllib
import cbor2
import base64
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusFileHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusImageHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNetwork
INT_PARAMS = { 'expires', 'num', 'since', 'content_type', 'action', 'status' }
BYTE_PARAMS = { 'access_key', 'account_type_key', 'subject_account_key', 'registration_key', 'hash', 'subject_hash', 'update_hash' }
STRING_PARAMS = { 'subject_tag', 'reason', 'message' }
JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS = { 'registration_keys' }
HASH_BYTE_PARAMS = { 'hash', 'subject_hash', 'update_hash' }
def DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( args ):
if not isinstance( args, HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
args = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary( args )
for param_name in BYTE_PARAMS:
if param_name in args:
args[ param_name ] = args[ param_name ].hex()
for param_name in JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS:
if param_name in args:
args[ param_name ] = [ item.hex() for item in args[ param_name ] ]
if 'account_types' in args:
args[ 'account_types' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( args[ 'account_types' ] )
if 'account' in args:
args[ 'account' ] = HydrusNetwork.Account.GenerateSerialisableTupleFromAccount( args[ 'account' ] )
if 'accounts' in args:
args[ 'accounts' ] = list( map( HydrusNetwork.Account.GenerateSerialisableTupleFromAccount, args[ 'accounts' ] ) )
if 'service_keys_to_access_keys' in args:
args[ 'service_keys_to_access_keys' ] = [ ( service_key.hex(), access_key.hex() ) for ( service_key, access_key ) in list( args[ 'service_keys_to_access_keys' ].items() ) ]
if 'services' in args:
args[ 'services' ] = [ service.ToSerialisableTuple() for service in args[ 'services' ] ]
network_bytes = args.DumpToNetworkBytes()
return network_bytes
def DumpToGETQuery( args ):
args = dict( args )
if 'subject_identifier' in args:
subject_identifier = args[ 'subject_identifier' ]
del args[ 'subject_identifier' ]
if subject_identifier.HasAccountKey():
account_key = subject_identifier.GetAccountKey()
args[ 'subject_account_key' ] = account_key
elif subject_identifier.HasContent():
content = subject_identifier.GetContent()
content_type = content.GetContentType()
content_data = content.GetContentData()
if content_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES:
hash = content_data[0]
args[ 'subject_hash' ] = hash
elif content_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING:
( tag, hash ) = content_data
args[ 'subject_hash' ] = hash
args[ 'subject_tag' ] = tag
for name in INT_PARAMS:
if name in args:
args[ name ] = str( args[ name ] )
for name in BYTE_PARAMS:
if name in args:
args[ name ] = args[ name ].hex()
for name in STRING_PARAMS:
if name in args:
args[ name ] = urllib.parse.quote( args[ name ] )
query = '&'.join( [ key + '=' + value for ( key, value ) in args.items() ] )
return query
def ParseFileArguments( path, decompression_bombs_ok = False ):
HydrusImageHandling.ConvertToPNGIfBMP( path )
hash = HydrusFileHandling.GetHashFromPath( path )
mime = HydrusFileHandling.GetMime( path )
if mime in HC.DECOMPRESSION_BOMB_IMAGES and not decompression_bombs_ok:
if HydrusImageHandling.IsDecompressionBomb( path ):
raise HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException( 'File seemed to be a Decompression Bomb, which you cannot upload!' )
( size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, has_audio, num_words ) = HydrusFileHandling.GetFileInfo( path, mime = mime )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'File ' + hash.hex() + ' could not parse: ' + str( e ) )
args = ParsedRequestArguments()
args[ 'path' ] = path
args[ 'hash' ] = hash
args[ 'size' ] = size
args[ 'mime' ] = mime
if width is not None: args[ 'width' ] = width
if height is not None: args[ 'height' ] = height
if duration is not None: args[ 'duration' ] = duration
if num_frames is not None: args[ 'num_frames' ] = num_frames
args[ 'has_audio' ] = has_audio
if num_words is not None: args[ 'num_words' ] = num_words
( clip_rect, target_resolution ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolutionAndClipRegion( ( width, height ), bounding_dimensions, HydrusImageHandling.THUMBNAIL_SCALE_DOWN_ONLY, 100 )
thumbnail_bytes = HydrusFileHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytes( path, target_resolution, mime, duration, num_frames, clip_rect = clip_rect )
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Could not generate thumbnail from that file:' + os.linesep + tb )
args[ 'thumbnail' ] = thumbnail_bytes
return args
def ParseHydrusNetworkGETArgs( requests_args ):
if 'subject_hash' in args: # or parent/sib stuff in args
hash = args[ 'subject_hash' ]
if 'subject_tag' in args:
tag = args[ 'subject_tag' ]
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING, ( tag, hash ) )
content = HydrusNetwork.Content( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, [ hash ] )
# TODO: add siblings and parents here
args[ 'subject_identifier' ] = HydrusNetwork.AccountIdentifier( content = content )
return args
def ParseNetworkBytesToParsedHydrusArgs( network_bytes ):
if len( network_bytes ) == 0:
return HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary()
args = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromNetworkBytes( network_bytes )
if not isinstance( args, dict ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The given parameter did not seem to be a JSON Object!' )
args = ParsedRequestArguments( args )
for param_name in BYTE_PARAMS:
if param_name in args:
value = args[ param_name ]
if param_name in HASH_BYTE_PARAMS and ':' in value:
value = value.split( ':', 1 )[1]
args[ param_name ] = bytes.fromhex( value )
for param_name in JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS:
if param_name in args:
args[ param_name ] = [ bytes.fromhex( encoded_item ) for encoded_item in args[ param_name ] ]
# account_types should be a serialisable list, so it just works
if 'account' in args:
args[ 'account' ] = HydrusNetwork.Account.GenerateAccountFromSerialisableTuple( args[ 'account' ] )
if 'accounts' in args:
account_tuples = args[ 'accounts' ]
args[ 'accounts' ] = [ HydrusNetwork.Account.GenerateAccountFromSerialisableTuple( account_tuple ) for account_tuple in account_tuples ]
if 'service_keys_to_access_keys' in args:
args[ 'service_keys_to_access_keys' ] = { bytes.fromhex( encoded_service_key ) : bytes.fromhex( encoded_access_key ) for ( encoded_service_key, encoded_access_key ) in args[ 'service_keys_to_access_keys' ] }
if 'services' in args:
service_tuples = args[ 'services' ]
args[ 'services' ] = [ HydrusNetwork.GenerateServiceFromSerialisableTuple( service_tuple ) for service_tuple in service_tuples ]
return args
def ParseTwistedRequestGETArgs( requests_args: dict, int_params, byte_params, string_params, json_params, json_byte_list_params ):
args = ParsedRequestArguments()
cbor_requested = b'cbor' in requests_args
if cbor_requested and not CBOR_AVAILABLE:
raise HydrusExceptions.NotAcceptable( 'Sorry, this service does not support CBOR!' )
for ( name_bytes, values_bytes ) in requests_args.items():
name = str( name_bytes, 'utf-8' )
except UnicodeDecodeError:
value_bytes = values_bytes[0]
value = str( value_bytes, 'utf-8' )
except UnicodeDecodeError:
if name in int_params:
args[ name ] = int( value )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'' + name + '\' as an integer, but it failed.' ) from e
elif name in byte_params:
if name in HASH_BYTE_PARAMS and ':' in value:
value = value.split( ':', 1 )[1]
args[ name ] = bytes.fromhex( value )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'' + name + '\' as a hex string, but it failed.' ) from e
elif name in string_params:
args[ name ] = urllib.parse.unquote( value )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'' + name + '\' as a percent-encdode string, but it failed.' ) from e
elif name in json_params:
if cbor_requested:
args[ name ] = cbor2.loads( base64.urlsafe_b64decode( value ) )
args[ name ] = json.loads( urllib.parse.unquote( value ) )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'' + name + '\' as a json-encoded string, but it failed.' ) from e
elif name in json_byte_list_params:
if cbor_requested:
list_of_hex_strings = cbor2.loads( base64.urlsafe_b64decode( value ) )
list_of_hex_strings = json.loads( urllib.parse.unquote( value ) )
args[ name ] = [ bytes.fromhex( hex_string ) for hex_string in list_of_hex_strings ]
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'' + name + '\' as a json-encoded hex strings, but it failed.' ) from e
return args
variable_type_to_text_lookup = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'unknown!' )
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ int ] = 'integer'
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ str ] = 'string'
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ bytes ] = 'hex-encoded bytestring'
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ bool ] = 'boolean'
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ list ] = 'list'
variable_type_to_text_lookup[ dict ] = 'object/dict'
def GetValueFromDict( dictionary: dict, key, expected_type, expected_list_type = None, expected_dict_types = None, default_value = None, none_on_missing = False ):
# not None because in JSON sometimes people put 'null' to mean 'did not enter this optional parameter'
if key in dictionary and dictionary[ key ] is not None:
value = dictionary[ key ]
TestVariableType( key, value, expected_type, expected_list_type = expected_list_type, expected_dict_types = expected_dict_types )
return value
if default_value is None and not none_on_missing:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The required parameter "{}" was missing!'.format( key ) )
return default_value
def TestVariableType( name: str, value: typing.Any, expected_type: type, expected_list_type = None, expected_dict_types = None, allowed_values = None ):
if not isinstance( value, expected_type ):
type_error_text = variable_type_to_text_lookup[ expected_type ]
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The parameter "{}", with value "{}", was not the expected type: {}!'.format( name, value, type_error_text ) )
if allowed_values is not None and value not in allowed_values:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The parameter "{}", with value "{}", was not in the allowed values: {}!'.format( name, value, allowed_values ) )
if expected_type is list and expected_list_type is not None:
for item in value:
if not isinstance( item, expected_list_type ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The list parameter "{}" held an item, "{}" that was {} and not the expected type: {}!'.format( name, item, type( item ), variable_type_to_text_lookup[ expected_list_type ] ) )
if expected_type is dict and expected_dict_types is not None:
( expected_key_type, expected_value_type ) = expected_dict_types
for ( dict_key, dict_value ) in value.items():
if not isinstance( dict_key, expected_key_type ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The Object parameter "{}" held a key, "{}" that was {} and not the expected type: {}!'.format( name, dict_key, type( dict_key ), variable_type_to_text_lookup[ expected_key_type ] ) )
if not isinstance( dict_value, expected_value_type ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The Object parameter "{}" held a value, "{}" that was {} and not the expected type: {}!'.format( name, dict_value, type( dict_value ), variable_type_to_text_lookup[ expected_value_type ] ) )
class ParsedRequestArguments( dict ):
def __missing__( self, key ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'It looks like the parameter "{}" was missing!'.format( key ) )
def GetValue( self, key, expected_type, expected_list_type = None, expected_dict_types = None, default_value = None, none_on_missing = False ):
return GetValueFromDict( self, key, expected_type, expected_list_type = expected_list_type, expected_dict_types = expected_dict_types, default_value = default_value, none_on_missing = none_on_missing )