
4134 lines
140 KiB

import collections
import itertools
import os
import threading
import typing
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core import HydrusTags
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientLocation
from hydrus.client import ClientSearch
from hydrus.client import ClientSerialisable
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIAsync
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUICore as CGC
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMenus
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIShortcuts
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITagSorting
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
from hydrus.client.gui.lists import ClientGUIListBoxesData
from hydrus.client.gui.search import ClientGUISearch
from hydrus.client.gui.widgets import ClientGUICommon
from hydrus.client.gui.widgets import ClientGUIMenuButton
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMedia
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTagSorting
class BetterQListWidget( QW.QListWidget ):
def _DeleteIndices( self, indices: typing.Iterable[ int ] ):
indices = sorted( indices, reverse = True )
for index in indices:
item = self.takeItem( index )
del item
def _GetDataIndices( self, datas: typing.Collection[ object ] ) -> typing.List[ int ]:
indices = []
for index in range( self.count() ):
list_widget_item = self.item( index )
data = self._GetRowData( list_widget_item )
if data in datas:
indices.append( index )
return indices
def _GetListWidgetItems( self, only_selected = False ):
# not sure if selectedItems is always sorted, so just do it manually
list_widget_items = []
for index in range( self.count() ):
list_widget_item = self.item( index )
if only_selected and not list_widget_item.isSelected():
list_widget_items.append( list_widget_item )
return list_widget_items
def _GetRowData( self, list_widget_item: QW.QListWidgetItem ):
return list_widget_item.data( QC.Qt.UserRole )
def _GetSelectedIndices( self ):
return [ model_index.row() for model_index in self.selectedIndexes() ]
def _MoveRow( self, index: int, distance: int ):
new_index = index + distance
new_index = max( 0, new_index )
new_index = min( new_index, self.count() - 1 )
if index == new_index:
was_selected = self.item( index ).isSelected()
list_widget_item = self.takeItem( index )
self.insertItem( new_index, list_widget_item )
list_widget_item.setSelected( was_selected )
def Append( self, text: str, data: object, select = False ):
item = QW.QListWidgetItem()
item.setText( text )
item.setData( QC.Qt.UserRole, data )
self.addItem( item )
if select:
item.setSelected( True )
def DeleteData( self, datas: typing.Collection[ object ] ):
indices = self._GetDataIndices( datas )
self._DeleteIndices( indices )
def DeleteSelected( self ):
indices = self._GetSelectedIndices()
self._DeleteIndices( indices )
def GetData( self, only_selected: bool = False ) -> typing.List[ object ]:
datas = []
list_widget_items = self._GetListWidgetItems( only_selected = only_selected )
for list_widget_item in list_widget_items:
data = self._GetRowData( list_widget_item )
datas.append( data )
return datas
def GetNumSelected( self ) -> int:
indices = self._GetSelectedIndices()
return len( indices )
def MoveSelected( self, distance: int ):
if distance == 0:
# if going up, -1, then do them in ascending order
# if going down, +1, then do them in descending order
indices = sorted( self._GetSelectedIndices(), reverse = distance > 0 )
for index in indices:
self._MoveRow( index, distance )
def PopData( self, index: int ):
if index < 0 or index > self.count() - 1:
return None
list_widget_item = self.item( index )
data = self._GetRowData( list_widget_item )
self._DeleteIndices( [ index ] )
return data
def SelectData( self, datas: typing.Collection[ object ] ):
list_widget_items = self._GetListWidgetItems()
for list_widget_item in list_widget_items:
data = self._GetRowData( list_widget_item )
list_widget_item.setSelected( data in datas )
class AddEditDeleteListBox( QW.QWidget ):
listBoxChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent, height_num_chars, data_to_pretty_callable, add_callable, edit_callable ):
self._data_to_pretty_callable = data_to_pretty_callable
self._add_callable = add_callable
self._edit_callable = edit_callable
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self._listbox = BetterQListWidget( self )
self._listbox.setSelectionMode( QW.QListWidget.ExtendedSelection )
self._add_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'add', self._Add )
self._edit_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'edit', self._Edit )
self._delete_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'delete', self._Delete )
self._enabled_only_on_selection_buttons = []
self._permitted_object_types = []
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
self._buttons_hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, self._add_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, self._edit_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, self._delete_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._listbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._buttons_hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.setLayout( vbox )
( width, height ) = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixels( self._listbox, ( 20, height_num_chars ) )
self._listbox.setMinimumWidth( width )
self._listbox.setMinimumHeight( height )
self._listbox.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self._ShowHideButtons )
if self._edit_callable is not None:
self._listbox.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self._Edit )
self._listbox.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self._Delete )
def _Add( self ):
data = self._add_callable()
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException:
self._AddData( data )
def _AddAllDefaults( self, defaults_callable ):
defaults = defaults_callable()
for default in defaults:
self._AddData( default )
def _AddData( self, data, select = False ):
self._SetNonDupeName( data )
pretty_data = self._data_to_pretty_callable( data )
self._listbox.Append( pretty_data, data, select = select )
def _AddSomeDefaults( self, defaults_callable ):
defaults = defaults_callable()
selected = False
choice_tuples = [ ( self._data_to_pretty_callable( default ), default, selected ) for default in defaults ]
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
defaults_to_add = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.SelectMultipleFromList( self, 'select the defaults to add', choice_tuples )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
for default in defaults_to_add:
self._AddData( default )
def _Delete( self ):
num_selected = self._listbox.GetNumSelected()
if num_selected == 0:
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, 'Remove {} selected?'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_selected ) ) )
if result != QW.QDialog.Accepted:
def _Edit( self ):
for list_widget_item in self._listbox.selectedItems():
data = list_widget_item.data( QC.Qt.UserRole )
new_data = self._edit_callable( data )
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException:
self._SetNonDupeName( new_data )
pretty_new_data = self._data_to_pretty_callable( new_data )
list_widget_item.setText( pretty_new_data )
list_widget_item.setData( QC.Qt.UserRole, new_data )
def _Duplicate( self ):
dupe_data = self._GetExportObject()
if dupe_data is not None:
dupe_data = dupe_data.Duplicate()
self._ImportObject( dupe_data )
def _ExportToClipboard( self ):
export_object = self._GetExportObject()
if export_object is not None:
json = export_object.DumpToString()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', json )
def _ExportToPNG( self ):
export_object = self._GetExportObject()
if export_object is not None:
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISerialisable
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( self, 'export to png' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUISerialisable.PNGExportPanel( dlg, export_object )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ExportToPNGs( self ):
export_object = self._GetExportObject()
if export_object is None:
if not isinstance( export_object, HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList ):
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISerialisable
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( self, 'export to pngs' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUISerialisable.PNGsExportPanel( dlg, export_object )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _GetExportObject( self ):
to_export = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
for obj in self.GetData( only_selected = True ):
to_export.append( obj )
if len( to_export ) == 0:
return None
elif len( to_export ) == 1:
return to_export[0]
return to_export
def _ImportFromClipboard( self ):
raw_text = HG.client_controller.GetClipboardText()
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', str(e) )
obj = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromString( raw_text )
self._ImportObject( obj )
except Exception as e:
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'I could not understand what was in the clipboard' )
def _ImportFromPNG( self ):
with QP.FileDialog( self, 'select the png or pngs with the encoded data', acceptMode = QW.QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, fileMode = QW.QFileDialog.ExistingFiles, wildcard = 'PNG (*.png)|*.png' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
for path in dlg.GetPaths():
payload = ClientSerialisable.LoadFromPNG( path )
except Exception as e:
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', str(e) )
obj = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromNetworkBytes( payload )
self._ImportObject( obj )
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'I could not understand what was encoded in the png!' )
def _ImportObject( self, obj, can_present_messages = True ):
num_added = 0
bad_object_type_names = set()
if isinstance( obj, HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList ):
for sub_obj in obj:
( sub_num_added, sub_bad_object_type_names ) = self._ImportObject( sub_obj, can_present_messages = False )
num_added += sub_num_added
bad_object_type_names.update( sub_bad_object_type_names )
if isinstance( obj, self._permitted_object_types ):
self._AddData( obj, select = True )
num_added += 1
bad_object_type_names.add( HydrusData.GetTypeName( type( obj ) ) )
if can_present_messages and len( bad_object_type_names ) > 0:
message = 'The imported objects included these types:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += os.linesep.join( bad_object_type_names )
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Whereas this control only allows:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += os.linesep.join( ( HydrusData.GetTypeName( o ) for o in self._permitted_object_types ) )
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', message )
if can_present_messages and num_added > 0:
message = '{} objects added!'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_added ) )
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Success', message )
return ( num_added, bad_object_type_names )
def _SetNonDupeName( self, obj ):
def _ShowHideButtons( self ):
if self._listbox.GetNumSelected() == 0:
self._edit_button.setEnabled( False )
self._delete_button.setEnabled( False )
for button in self._enabled_only_on_selection_buttons:
button.setEnabled( False )
self._edit_button.setEnabled( True )
self._delete_button.setEnabled( True )
for button in self._enabled_only_on_selection_buttons:
button.setEnabled( True )
def AddDatas( self, datas ):
for data in datas:
self._AddData( data )
def AddDefaultsButton( self, defaults_callable ):
import_menu_items = []
all_call = HydrusData.Call( self._AddAllDefaults, defaults_callable )
some_call = HydrusData.Call( self._AddSomeDefaults, defaults_callable )
import_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'add them all', 'Load all the defaults.', all_call ) )
import_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'select from a list', 'Load some of the defaults.', some_call ) )
button = ClientGUIMenuButton.MenuButton( self, 'add defaults', import_menu_items )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
def AddImportExportButtons( self, permitted_object_types ):
self._permitted_object_types = permitted_object_types
export_menu_items = []
export_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'to clipboard', 'Serialise the selected data and put it on your clipboard.', self._ExportToClipboard ) )
export_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'to png', 'Serialise the selected data and encode it to an image file you can easily share with other hydrus users.', self._ExportToPNG ) )
all_objs_are_named = False not in ( issubclass( o, HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ) for o in self._permitted_object_types )
if all_objs_are_named:
export_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'to pngs', 'Serialise the selected data and encode it to multiple image files you can easily share with other hydrus users.', self._ExportToPNGs ) )
import_menu_items = []
import_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'from clipboard', 'Load a data from text in your clipboard.', self._ImportFromClipboard ) )
import_menu_items.append( ( 'normal', 'from pngs', 'Load a data from an encoded png.', self._ImportFromPNG ) )
button = ClientGUIMenuButton.MenuButton( self, 'export', export_menu_items )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
self._enabled_only_on_selection_buttons.append( button )
button = ClientGUIMenuButton.MenuButton( self, 'import', import_menu_items )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'duplicate', self._Duplicate )
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
self._enabled_only_on_selection_buttons.append( button )
def AddSeparator( self ):
QP.AddToLayout( self._buttons_hbox, (20,20), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
def Clear( self ):
def GetCount( self ):
return self._listbox.count()
def GetData( self, only_selected = False ):
return self._listbox.GetData( only_selected = only_selected )
def GetValue( self ):
return self.GetData()
class AddEditDeleteListBoxUniqueNamedObjects( AddEditDeleteListBox ):
def _SetNonDupeName( self, obj ):
disallowed_names = { o.GetName() for o in self.GetData() }
HydrusSerialisable.SetNonDupeName( obj, disallowed_names )
class QueueListBox( QW.QWidget ):
listBoxChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent, height_num_chars, data_to_pretty_callable, add_callable = None, edit_callable = None ):
self._data_to_pretty_callable = data_to_pretty_callable
self._add_callable = add_callable
self._edit_callable = edit_callable
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self._listbox = BetterQListWidget( self )
self._listbox.setSelectionMode( QW.QListWidget.ExtendedSelection )
self._up_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, '\u2191', self._Up )
self._delete_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'X', self._Delete )
self._down_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, '\u2193', self._Down )
self._add_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'add', self._Add )
self._edit_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'edit', self._Edit )
if self._add_callable is None:
if self._edit_callable is None:
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
buttons_vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( buttons_vbox, self._up_button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( buttons_vbox, self._delete_button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( buttons_vbox, self._down_button, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._listbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, buttons_vbox, CC.FLAGS_CENTER_PERPENDICULAR )
buttons_hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( buttons_hbox, self._add_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( buttons_hbox, self._edit_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, buttons_hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.setLayout( vbox )
( width, height ) = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixels( self._listbox, ( 20, height_num_chars ) )
self._listbox.setMinimumWidth( width )
self._listbox.setMinimumHeight( height )
self._listbox.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self._UpdateButtons )
if self._edit_callable is not None:
self._listbox.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self._Edit )
self._listbox.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self._Delete )
def _Add( self ):
data = self._add_callable()
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException:
self._AddData( data )
def _AddData( self, data ):
pretty_data = self._data_to_pretty_callable( data )
self._listbox.Append( pretty_data, data )
def _Delete( self ):
num_selected = self._listbox.GetNumSelected()
if num_selected == 0:
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, 'Remove {} selected?'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_selected ) ) )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
def _Down( self ):
self._listbox.MoveSelected( 1 )
def _Edit( self ):
for list_widget_item in self._listbox.selectedItems():
data = list_widget_item.data( QC.Qt.UserRole )
new_data = self._edit_callable( data )
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException:
pretty_new_data = self._data_to_pretty_callable( new_data )
list_widget_item.setText( pretty_new_data )
list_widget_item.setData( QC.Qt.UserRole, new_data )
def _Up( self ):
self._listbox.MoveSelected( -1 )
def _UpdateButtons( self ):
if self._listbox.GetNumSelected() == 0:
self._up_button.setEnabled( False )
self._delete_button.setEnabled( False )
self._down_button.setEnabled( False )
self._edit_button.setEnabled( False )
self._up_button.setEnabled( True )
self._delete_button.setEnabled( True )
self._down_button.setEnabled( True )
self._edit_button.setEnabled( True )
def AddDatas( self, datas ):
for data in datas:
self._AddData( data )
def Clear( self ):
def GetCount( self ):
return self._listbox.count()
def GetData( self, only_selected = False ):
return self._listbox.GetData( only_selected = only_selected )
def Pop( self ):
if self._listbox.count() == 0:
return None
return self._listbox.PopData( 0 )
class ListBox( QW.QScrollArea ):
listBoxChanged = QC.Signal()
mouseActivationOccurred = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent: QW.QWidget, terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info: bool, height_num_chars = 10, has_async_text_info = False ):
QW.QScrollArea.__init__( self, parent )
self.setFrameStyle( QW.QFrame.Panel | QW.QFrame.Sunken )
self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( QC.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff )
self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( QC.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded )
self.setWidget( ListBox._InnerWidget( self ) )
self.setWidgetResizable( True )
self._background_colour = QG.QColor( 255, 255, 255 )
self._ordered_terms = []
self._terms_to_logical_indices = {}
self._terms_to_positional_indices = {}
self._positional_indices_to_terms = {}
self._selected_terms = set()
self._total_positional_rows = 0
self._last_hit_logical_index = None
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = None
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click = set()
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click = set()
self._in_drag = False
self._this_drag_is_a_deselection = False
self._last_view_start = None
self._height_num_chars = height_num_chars
self._minimum_height_num_chars = 8
self._num_rows_per_page = 0
self._show_sibling_decorators = True
self._show_parent_decorators = True
self._extra_parent_rows_allowed = True
self._terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info = terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info
self._has_async_text_info = has_async_text_info
self._terms_to_async_text_info = {}
self._pending_async_text_info_terms = set()
self._currently_fetching_async_text_info_terms = set()
self._async_text_info_lock = threading.Lock()
self._async_text_info_shared_data = dict()
self._async_text_info_updater = self._InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdater()
def __len__( self ):
return len( self._ordered_terms )
def __bool__( self ):
return QP.isValid( self )
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ) -> bool:
return False
def _ActivateFromKeyboard( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ):
selected_indices = []
for term in self._selected_terms:
logical_index = self._GetLogicalIndexFromTerm( term )
selected_indices.append( logical_index )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
action_occurred = self._Activate( ctrl_down, shift_down )
if action_occurred and len( self._selected_terms ) == 0 and len( selected_indices ) > 0:
ideal_index = min( selected_indices )
ideal_indices = [ ideal_index, ideal_index - 1, 0 ]
for ideal_index in ideal_indices:
if ideal_index <= len( self._ordered_terms ) - 1:
self._Hit( False, False, ideal_index )
return action_occurred
def _AddEditMenu( self, menu: QW.QMenu ):
def _ApplyAsyncInfoToTerm( self, term, info ) -> typing.Tuple[ bool, bool ]:
# this guy comes with the lock
return ( False, False )
def _DeleteActivate( self ):
def _AppendTerms( self, terms ):
previously_selected_terms = { term for term in terms if term in self._selected_terms }
clear_terms = [ term for term in terms if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices ]
if len( clear_terms ) > 0:
self._RemoveTerms( clear_terms )
for term in terms:
self._ordered_terms.append( term )
self._terms_to_logical_indices[ term ] = len( self._ordered_terms ) - 1
self._terms_to_positional_indices[ term ] = self._total_positional_rows
self._positional_indices_to_terms[ self._total_positional_rows ] = term
if self._has_async_text_info:
# goes before getrowcount so we can populate if needed
self._StartAsyncTextInfoLookup( term )
show_parent_rows = self._show_parent_decorators and self._extra_parent_rows_allowed
self._total_positional_rows += term.GetRowCount( show_parent_rows )
if len( previously_selected_terms ) > 0:
self._selected_terms.update( previously_selected_terms )
def _Clear( self ):
self._ordered_terms = []
self._selected_terms = set()
self._terms_to_logical_indices = {}
self._terms_to_positional_indices = {}
self._positional_indices_to_terms = {}
self._total_positional_rows = 0
self._last_hit_logical_index = None
self._last_view_start = None
def _DataHasChanged( self ):
def _Deselect( self, index ):
term = self._GetTermFromLogicalIndex( index )
self._selected_terms.discard( term )
def _DeselectAll( self ):
self._selected_terms = set()
def _GetLogicalIndexFromTerm( self, term ):
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
return self._terms_to_logical_indices[ term ]
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing()
def _GetLogicalIndexUnderMouse( self, mouse_event ):
positional_index = self._GetPositionalIndexUnderMouse( mouse_event )
if positional_index < 0 or positional_index >= self._total_positional_rows:
return None
( logical_index, positional_index ) = self._GetLogicalIndicesFromPositionalIndex( positional_index )
return logical_index
def _GetLogicalIndicesFromPositionalIndex( self, positional_index: int ):
if positional_index < 0 or positional_index >= self._total_positional_rows:
return ( None, positional_index )
while positional_index not in self._positional_indices_to_terms and positional_index >= 0:
positional_index -= 1
if positional_index < 0:
return ( None, 0 )
return ( self._terms_to_logical_indices[ self._positional_indices_to_terms[ positional_index ] ], positional_index )
def _GetPositionalIndexFromLogicalIndex( self, logical_index: int ):
term = self._GetTermFromLogicalIndex( logical_index )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
return 0
return self._terms_to_positional_indices[ term ]
def _GetPositionalIndexUnderMouse( self, mouse_event ):
y = mouse_event.position().toPoint().y()
if mouse_event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseMove:
visible_rect = QP.ScrollAreaVisibleRect( self )
visible_rect_y = visible_rect.y()
y += visible_rect_y
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
positional_index = y // text_height
return positional_index
def _GetPredicatesFromTerms( self, terms: typing.Collection[ ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItem ] ):
return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( term.GetSearchPredicates() for term in terms ) ) )
def _GetRowsOfTextsAndColours( self, term: ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItem ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _GetSelectedPredicatesAndInverseCopies( self ):
predicates = self._GetPredicatesFromTerms( self._selected_terms )
inverse_predicates = [ predicate.GetInverseCopy() for predicate in predicates if predicate.IsInvertible() ]
if len( predicates ) > 1 and ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER not in ( p.GetType() for p in predicates ):
or_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER, value = list( predicates ) )
or_predicate = None
namespace_predicate = None
inverse_namespace_predicate = None
if False not in [ predicate.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG for predicate in predicates ]:
namespaces = { HydrusTags.SplitTag( predicate.GetValue() )[0] for predicate in predicates }
if len( namespaces ) == 1:
( namespace, ) = namespaces
namespace_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, value = namespace )
inverse_namespace_predicate = namespace_predicate.GetInverseCopy()
return ( predicates, or_predicate, inverse_predicates, namespace_predicate, inverse_namespace_predicate )
def _GetSafeHitIndex( self, logical_index, direction = None ):
if direction is None:
if logical_index == 0:
direction = 1
direction = -1
num_terms = len( self._ordered_terms )
if num_terms == 0:
return None
original_logical_index = logical_index
if logical_index is not None:
# if click/selection is out of bounds, fix it
if logical_index == -1 or logical_index > num_terms:
logical_index = num_terms - 1
elif logical_index == num_terms or logical_index < -1:
logical_index = 0
return logical_index
def _GetTagsFromTerms( self, terms: typing.Collection[ ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItem ] ):
return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( term.GetTags() for term in terms ) ) )
def _GetTermFromLogicalIndex( self, logical_index ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItem:
if logical_index < 0 or logical_index > len( self._ordered_terms ) - 1:
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'No term for index ' + str( logical_index ) )
return self._ordered_terms[ logical_index ]
def _HandleClick( self, event ):
logical_index = self._GetLogicalIndexUnderMouse( event )
shift = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
ctrl = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ControlModifier
self._Hit( shift, ctrl, logical_index )
def _Hit( self, shift, ctrl, hit_logical_index ):
if hit_logical_index is not None and ( hit_logical_index < 0 or hit_logical_index >= len( self._ordered_terms ) ):
hit_logical_index = None
to_select = set()
to_deselect = set()
deselect_all = False
if not shift:
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = hit_logical_index # this can be None
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click = set()
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click = set()
if shift:
# if we started a shift click already, then assume the end of the list
# this lets us shift-click in whitespace and select to the end
# however don't initialise a shift-click this way
if hit_logical_index is None and self._shift_click_start_logical_index is not None:
hit_logical_index = len( self ) - 1
if hit_logical_index is not None:
if self._shift_click_start_logical_index is None or self._last_hit_logical_index is None:
if self._last_hit_logical_index is None:
# no obvious start point to initialise from (blind shift-click out of nowhere), so let's start right here with this click
self._last_hit_logical_index = hit_logical_index
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = self._last_hit_logical_index
if ctrl:
if len( self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click ) > 0:
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = self._last_hit_logical_index
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click = set()
if len( self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click ) > 0:
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = self._last_hit_logical_index
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click = set()
min_index = min( self._shift_click_start_logical_index, hit_logical_index )
max_index = max( self._shift_click_start_logical_index, hit_logical_index )
logical_indices_between_start_and_hit = list( range( min_index, max_index + 1 ) )
if ctrl:
# deselect mode, either drag or shift-click
to_deselect = [ logical_index for logical_index in logical_indices_between_start_and_hit if self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( logical_index ) ]
# any that were previously deselected but no longer in our shift range should be re-selected
to_select = [ logical_index for logical_index in self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click if logical_index not in logical_indices_between_start_and_hit ]
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click.update( to_deselect )
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click.difference_update( to_select )
to_select = [ logical_index for logical_index in logical_indices_between_start_and_hit if not self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( logical_index ) ]
# any that were previously selected but no longer in our shift range should be deselected
to_deselect = [ logical_index for logical_index in self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click if logical_index not in logical_indices_between_start_and_hit ]
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click.update( to_select )
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click.difference_update( to_deselect )
elif ctrl:
if hit_logical_index is not None:
if self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( hit_logical_index ):
to_deselect.add( hit_logical_index )
to_select.add( hit_logical_index )
if hit_logical_index is None:
deselect_all = True
if not self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( hit_logical_index ):
deselect_all = True
to_select.add( hit_logical_index )
if deselect_all:
for index in to_select:
self._Select( index )
for index in to_deselect:
self._Deselect( index )
self._last_hit_logical_index = hit_logical_index
if self._last_hit_logical_index is not None:
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
last_hit_positional_index = self._GetPositionalIndexFromLogicalIndex( self._last_hit_logical_index )
y = text_height * last_hit_positional_index
visible_rect = QP.ScrollAreaVisibleRect( self )
visible_rect_y = visible_rect.y()
visible_rect_height = visible_rect.height()
if y < visible_rect_y:
self.ensureVisible( 0, y, 0, 0 )
elif y > visible_rect_y + visible_rect_height - text_height:
self.ensureVisible( 0, y + text_height , 0, 0 )
def _HitFirstSelectedItem( self ):
selected_indices = []
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0:
for term in self._selected_terms:
logical_index = self._GetLogicalIndexFromTerm( term )
selected_indices.append( logical_index )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
if len( selected_indices ) > 0:
first_logical_index = min( selected_indices )
self._Hit( False, False, first_logical_index )
def _InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdater( self ):
def loading_callable():
work_callable = self._InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdaterWorkCallable()
def publish_callable( terms_to_info ):
any_sort_info_changed = False
any_num_rows_changed = False
with self._async_text_info_lock:
self._currently_fetching_async_text_info_terms.difference_update( terms_to_info.keys() )
self._terms_to_async_text_info.update( terms_to_info )
for ( term, info ) in terms_to_info.items():
# ok in the time since this happened, we may have actually changed the term object, so let's cycle to the actual object in use atm!
if term in self._terms_to_positional_indices:
term = self._positional_indices_to_terms[ self._terms_to_positional_indices[ term ] ]
( sort_info_changed, num_rows_changed ) = self._ApplyAsyncInfoToTerm( term, info )
if sort_info_changed:
any_sort_info_changed = True
if num_rows_changed:
any_num_rows_changed = True
if any_sort_info_changed:
# this does regentermstoindices
elif any_num_rows_changed:
return ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtUpdater( self, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable )
def _InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdaterWorkCallable( self ):
async_lock = self._async_text_info_lock
currently_fetching = self._currently_fetching_async_text_info_terms
pending = self._pending_async_text_info_terms
def work_callable():
with async_lock:
to_lookup = set( pending )
currently_fetching.update( to_lookup )
terms_to_info = { term : None for term in to_lookup }
return terms_to_info
return work_callable
def _LogicalIndexIsSelected( self, logical_index ):
term = self._GetTermFromLogicalIndex( logical_index )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
return False
return term in self._selected_terms
def _Redraw( self, painter ):
painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( self._background_colour ) )
painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() )
if len( self._ordered_terms ) == 0:
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
visible_rect = QP.ScrollAreaVisibleRect( self )
visible_rect_y = visible_rect.y()
visible_rect_width = visible_rect.width()
visible_rect_height = visible_rect.height()
first_visible_positional_index = max( 0, visible_rect_y // text_height )
last_visible_positional_index = ( visible_rect_y + visible_rect_height ) // text_height
if ( visible_rect_y + visible_rect_height ) % text_height != 0:
last_visible_positional_index += 1
last_visible_positional_index = max( 0, min( last_visible_positional_index, self._total_positional_rows - 1 ) )
( first_visible_logical_index, first_visible_positional_index ) = self._GetLogicalIndicesFromPositionalIndex( first_visible_positional_index )
( last_visible_logical_index, last_visible_positional_index ) = self._GetLogicalIndicesFromPositionalIndex( last_visible_positional_index )
# some crazy situation with ultra laggy sessions where we are rendering a zero or negative size list or something
if first_visible_logical_index is None or last_visible_logical_index is None:
current_visible_index = first_visible_positional_index
for logical_index in range( first_visible_logical_index, last_visible_logical_index + 1 ):
term = self._GetTermFromLogicalIndex( logical_index )
rows_of_texts_and_colours = self._GetRowsOfTextsAndColours( term )
for texts_and_colours in rows_of_texts_and_colours:
x_start = self.TEXT_X_PADDING
y_top = current_visible_index * text_height
for ( text, ( r, g, b ) ) in texts_and_colours:
text_colour = QG.QColor( r, g, b )
if term in self._selected_terms:
if x_start == self.TEXT_X_PADDING:
background_colour_x = 0
background_colour_x = x_start
painter.fillRect( background_colour_x, y_top, visible_rect_width, text_height, text_colour )
text_colour = self._background_colour
painter.setPen( QG.QPen( text_colour ) )
( this_text_size, text ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, text )
this_text_width = this_text_size.width()
this_text_height = this_text_size.height()
painter.drawText( QC.QRectF( x_start, y_top, this_text_width, this_text_height ), text )
x_start += this_text_width
current_visible_index += 1
def _RegenTermsToIndices( self ):
self._terms_to_logical_indices = {}
self._terms_to_positional_indices = {}
self._positional_indices_to_terms = {}
self._total_positional_rows = 0
for ( logical_index, term ) in enumerate( self._ordered_terms ):
self._terms_to_logical_indices[ term ] = logical_index
self._terms_to_positional_indices[ term ] = self._total_positional_rows
self._positional_indices_to_terms[ self._total_positional_rows ] = term
show_parent_rows = self._show_parent_decorators and self._extra_parent_rows_allowed
self._total_positional_rows += term.GetRowCount( show_parent_rows )
def _RemoveSelectedTerms( self ):
self._RemoveTerms( list( self._selected_terms ) )
def _RemoveTerms( self, terms ):
removable_terms = { term for term in terms if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices }
if len( removable_terms ) == 0:
for term in removable_terms:
self._ordered_terms.remove( term )
self._selected_terms.difference_update( removable_terms )
self._last_hit_logical_index = None
self._shift_click_start_logical_index = None
self._logical_indices_selected_this_shift_click = set()
self._logical_indices_deselected_this_shift_click = set()
self._in_drag = False
self._this_drag_is_a_deselection = False
def _Select( self, index ):
term = self._GetTermFromLogicalIndex( index )
self._selected_terms.add( term )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
def _SelectAll( self ):
self._selected_terms = set( self._terms_to_logical_indices.keys() )
def _SelectionChanged( self ):
def _SetVirtualSize( self ):
self.setWidgetResizable( True )
my_size = self.widget().size()
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
ideal_virtual_size = QC.QSize( my_size.width(), text_height * self._total_positional_rows )
if ideal_virtual_size != my_size:
self.widget().setMinimumSize( ideal_virtual_size )
def _Sort( self ):
def _StartAsyncTextInfoLookup( self, term ):
with self._async_text_info_lock:
if term in self._terms_to_async_text_info:
info = self._terms_to_async_text_info[ term ]
self._ApplyAsyncInfoToTerm( term, info )
elif term not in self._currently_fetching_async_text_info_terms:
self._pending_async_text_info_terms.add( term )
def _GetAsyncTextInfoLookupCallable( self ):
return lambda terms: {}
def keyPressEvent( self, event ):
shift = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
ctrl = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ControlModifier
key_code = event.key()
if self.hasFocus() and key_code in ClientGUIShortcuts.DELETE_KEYS_QT:
elif key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_Enter, QC.Qt.Key_Return ):
self._ActivateFromKeyboard( ctrl, shift )
if ctrl and key_code in ( ord( 'A' ), ord( 'a' ) ):
hit_logical_index = None
if len( self._ordered_terms ) > 1:
roll_up = False
roll_down = False
if key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_Home, ):
hit_logical_index = 0
elif key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_End, ):
hit_logical_index = len( self._ordered_terms ) - 1
roll_up = True
elif self._last_hit_logical_index is not None:
if key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_Up, ):
hit_logical_index = ( self._last_hit_logical_index - 1 ) % len( self._ordered_terms )
elif key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_Down, ):
hit_logical_index = ( self._last_hit_logical_index + 1 ) % len( self._ordered_terms )
elif key_code in ( QC.Qt.Key_PageUp, QC.Qt.Key_PageDown ):
last_hit_positional_index = self._GetPositionalIndexFromLogicalIndex( self._last_hit_logical_index )
if key_code == QC.Qt.Key_PageUp:
hit_positional_index = max( 0, last_hit_positional_index - self._num_rows_per_page )
hit_positional_index = min( self._total_positional_rows - 1, last_hit_positional_index + self._num_rows_per_page )
( hit_logical_index, hit_positional_index ) = self._GetLogicalIndicesFromPositionalIndex( hit_positional_index )
if hit_logical_index is None:
# don't send to parent, which will do silly scroll window business with arrow key presses
self._Hit( shift, ctrl, hit_logical_index )
def eventFilter( self, watched, event ):
# we do the event filter since we need to 'scroll' the click, so we capture the event on the widget, not ourselves
if watched == self.widget():
if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
self._HandleClick( event )
return True
elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
self._in_drag = False
elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
if event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton:
ctrl_down = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ControlModifier
shift_down = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
action_occurred = self._Activate( ctrl_down, shift_down )
if action_occurred:
QW.QScrollArea.mouseDoubleClickEvent( self, event )
return True
return False
def mouseMoveEvent( self, event ):
is_dragging = event.buttons() & QC.Qt.LeftButton
if is_dragging:
positional_index = self._GetPositionalIndexUnderMouse( event )
# this causes lelmode as we cycle a 'None' hit position to the end of the list on a drag up
# therefore, just clip to 0
if positional_index < 0:
logical_index = 0
logical_index = self._GetLogicalIndexUnderMouse( event )
if not self._in_drag:
self._in_drag = True
if self._last_hit_logical_index is None:
self._this_drag_is_a_deselection = False
self._this_drag_is_a_deselection = not self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( self._last_hit_logical_index )
ctrl = self._this_drag_is_a_deselection
self._Hit( True, ctrl, logical_index )
class _InnerWidget( QW.QWidget ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self._parent = parent
def paintEvent( self, event ):
painter = QG.QPainter( self )
self._parent._Redraw( painter )
def resizeEvent( self, event ):
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
visible_rect = QP.ScrollAreaVisibleRect( self )
self.verticalScrollBar().setSingleStep( text_height )
visible_rect_height = visible_rect.height()
self._num_rows_per_page = visible_rect_height // text_height
def GetIdealHeight( self ):
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
return text_height * self._total_positional_rows + 20
def HasValues( self ):
return len( self._ordered_terms ) > 0
def minimumSizeHint( self ):
size_hint = QW.QScrollArea.minimumSizeHint( self )
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
minimum_height = self._minimum_height_num_chars * text_height + ( self.frameWidth() * 2 )
size_hint.setHeight( minimum_height )
return size_hint
def MoveSelectionDown( self ):
if len( self._ordered_terms ) > 1 and self._last_hit_logical_index is not None:
logical_index = ( self._last_hit_logical_index + 1 ) % len( self._ordered_terms )
self._Hit( False, False, logical_index )
def MoveSelectionUp( self ):
if len( self._ordered_terms ) > 1 and self._last_hit_logical_index is not None:
logical_index = ( self._last_hit_logical_index - 1 ) % len( self._ordered_terms )
self._Hit( False, False, logical_index )
def SelectTopItem( self ):
if len( self._ordered_terms ) > 0:
if len( self._selected_terms ) == 1 and self._LogicalIndexIsSelected( 0 ):
self._Hit( False, False, 0 )
def SetExtraParentRowsAllowed( self, value: bool ):
if self._terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info and self._extra_parent_rows_allowed != value:
self._extra_parent_rows_allowed = value
def SetMinimumHeightNumChars( self, minimum_height_num_chars ):
self._minimum_height_num_chars = minimum_height_num_chars
def SetParentDecoratorsAllowed( self, value: bool ):
if self._terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info and self._show_parent_decorators != value:
self._show_parent_decorators = value
# i.e. if we just hid/showed parent sub-rows
if self._extra_parent_rows_allowed:
def SetSiblingDecoratorsAllowed( self, value: bool ):
if self._terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info and self._show_sibling_decorators != value:
self._show_sibling_decorators = value
def sizeHint( self ):
size_hint = QW.QScrollArea.sizeHint( self )
text_height = self.fontMetrics().height()
ideal_height = self._height_num_chars * text_height + ( self.frameWidth() * 2 )
size_hint.setHeight( ideal_height )
return size_hint
class ListBoxTags( ListBox ):
tagsSelected = QC.Signal( set )
can_spawn_new_windows = True
def __init__( self, parent, *args, tag_display_type: int = ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE, **kwargs ):
self._tag_display_type = tag_display_type
terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info = self._tag_display_type == ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE
ListBox.__init__( self, parent, terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info, *args, **kwargs )
if terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info:
self._show_parent_decorators = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'show_parent_decorators_on_storage_taglists' )
self._show_sibling_decorators = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'show_sibling_decorators_on_storage_taglists' )
self._extra_parent_rows_allowed = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'expand_parents_on_storage_taglists' )
self._render_for_user = not self._tag_display_type == ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE
self._page_key = None # placeholder. if a subclass sets this, it changes menu behaviour to allow 'select this tag' menu pubsubs
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ForceTagRecalc', 'refresh_all_tag_presentation_gui' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, '_UpdateBackgroundColour', 'notify_new_colourset' )
def _GetCopyableTagStrings( self, command ):
if only_selected:
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 1:
# keep order
terms = [ term for term in self._ordered_terms if term in self._selected_terms ]
# nice and fast
terms = self._selected_terms
terms = self._ordered_terms
copyable_tag_strings = [ term.GetCopyableText( with_counts = with_counts ) for term in terms ]
if only_subtags:
copyable_tag_strings = [ HydrusTags.SplitTag( tag_string )[1] for tag_string in copyable_tag_strings ]
if not with_counts:
copyable_tag_strings = HydrusData.DedupeList( copyable_tag_strings )
return copyable_tag_strings
def _GetCurrentLocationContext( self ):
return ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY )
def _GetCurrentPagePredicates( self ) -> typing.Set[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
return set()
def _GetNamespaceColours( self ):
return HC.options[ 'namespace_colours' ]
def _CanProvideCurrentPagePredicates( self ):
return False
def _GetRowsOfTextsAndColours( self, term: ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItem ):
namespace_colours = self._GetNamespaceColours()
show_parent_rows = self._show_parent_decorators and self._extra_parent_rows_allowed
rows_of_texts_and_namespaces = term.GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self._render_for_user, self._show_sibling_decorators, self._show_parent_decorators, show_parent_rows )
rows_of_texts_and_colours = []
for texts_and_namespaces in rows_of_texts_and_namespaces:
texts_and_colours = []
for ( text, namespace ) in texts_and_namespaces:
if namespace in namespace_colours:
rgb = namespace_colours[ namespace ]
rgb = namespace_colours[ None ]
texts_and_colours.append( ( text, rgb ) )
rows_of_texts_and_colours.append( texts_and_colours )
return rows_of_texts_and_colours
def _HasCounts( self ):
return False
def _NewSearchPages( self, pages_of_predicates ):
activate_window = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'activate_window_on_tag_search_page_activation' )
for predicates in pages_of_predicates:
predicates = ClientGUISearch.FleshOutPredicates( self, predicates )
if len( predicates ) == 0:
s = sorted( ( predicate.ToString() for predicate in predicates ) )
page_name = ', '.join( s )
location_context = self._GetCurrentLocationContext()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_query', location_context, initial_predicates = predicates, page_name = page_name, activate_window = activate_window )
activate_window = False
def _ProcessMenuCopyEvent( self, command ):
texts = self._GetCopyableTagStrings( command )
if len( texts ) > 0:
text = os.linesep.join( texts )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', text )
def _ProcessMenuPredicateEvent( self, command ):
def _ProcessMenuTagEvent( self, command ):
tags = self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms )
tags = [ tag for tag in tags if tag is not None ]
if command in ( 'hide', 'hide_namespace' ):
if len( tags ) == 1:
( tag, ) = tags
if command == 'hide':
message = 'Hide "{}" from here?'.format( tag )
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result != QW.QDialog.Accepted:
HG.client_controller.tag_display_manager.HideTag( self._tag_display_type, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, tag )
elif command == 'hide_namespace':
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( tag )
if namespace == '':
insert = 'unnamespaced'
insert = '"{}"'.format( namespace )
message = 'Hide {} tags from here?'.format( insert )
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result != QW.QDialog.Accepted:
if namespace != '':
namespace += ':'
HG.client_controller.tag_display_manager.HideTag( self._tag_display_type, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, namespace )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'notify_new_tag_display_rules' )
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITags
if command == 'parent':
title = 'manage tag parents'
elif command == 'sibling':
title = 'manage tag siblings'
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
if command == 'parent':
panel = ClientGUITags.ManageTagParents( dlg, tags )
elif command == 'sibling':
panel = ClientGUITags.ManageTagSiblings( dlg, tags )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _SelectFilesWithTags( self, select_type ):
def _SelectionChanged( self ):
tags = set( self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms ) )
self.tagsSelected.emit( tags )
def _UpdateBackgroundColour( self ):
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
self._background_colour = new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_TAGS_BOX )
def AddAdditionalMenuItems( self, menu: QW.QMenu ):
def contextMenuEvent( self, event ):
if event.reason() == QG.QContextMenuEvent.Keyboard:
def eventFilter( self, watched, event ):
# we do the event filter since we need to 'scroll' the click, so we capture the event on the widget, not ourselves
if watched == self.widget():
if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
if event.button() == QC.Qt.MiddleButton:
self._HandleClick( event )
if self.can_spawn_new_windows:
(predicates, or_predicate, inverse_predicates, namespace_predicate, inverse_namespace_predicate) = self._GetSelectedPredicatesAndInverseCopies()
if len( predicates ) > 0:
shift_down = event.modifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
if shift_down and or_predicate is not None:
predicates = (or_predicate,)
self._NewSearchPages( [ predicates ] )
return True
elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
if event.button() == QC.Qt.RightButton:
return True
return ListBox.eventFilter( self, watched, event )
def ShowMenu( self ):
if len( self._ordered_terms ) == 0:
sub_selection_string = None
selected_actual_tags = self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms )
menu = QW.QMenu()
if self._terms_may_have_sibling_or_parent_info:
if self._show_parent_decorators:
if self._extra_parent_rows_allowed:
if len( self._ordered_terms ) != self._total_positional_rows:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'collapse parent rows', 'Show/hide parents.', self.SetExtraParentRowsAllowed, not self._extra_parent_rows_allowed )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'expand parent rows', 'Show/hide parents.', self.SetExtraParentRowsAllowed, not self._extra_parent_rows_allowed )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'hide parent decorators', 'Show/hide parent info.', self.SetParentDecoratorsAllowed, not self._show_parent_decorators )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'show parent decorators', 'Show/hide parent info.', self.SetParentDecoratorsAllowed, not self._show_parent_decorators )
if self._show_sibling_decorators:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'hide sibling decorators', 'Show/hide sibling info.', self.SetSiblingDecoratorsAllowed, not self._show_sibling_decorators )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'show sibling decorators', 'Show/hide sibling info.', self.SetSiblingDecoratorsAllowed, not self._show_sibling_decorators )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
copy_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
selected_copyable_tag_strings = self._GetCopyableTagStrings( COPY_SELECTED_TAGS )
selected_copyable_subtag_strings = self._GetCopyableTagStrings( COPY_SELECTED_SUBTAGS )
if len( selected_copyable_tag_strings ) == 1:
( selection_string, ) = selected_copyable_tag_strings
selection_string = '{} selected'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( selected_copyable_tag_strings ) ) )
if len( selected_copyable_tag_strings ) > 0:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, selection_string, 'Copy the selected tags to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_SELECTED_TAGS )
if len( selected_copyable_subtag_strings ) == 1:
# this does a quick test for 'are we selecting a namespaced tags' that also allows for having both 'samus aran' and 'character:samus aran'
if set( selected_copyable_subtag_strings ) != set( selected_copyable_tag_strings ):
( sub_selection_string, ) = selected_copyable_subtag_strings
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, sub_selection_string, 'Copy the selected subtag to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_SELECTED_SUBTAGS )
sub_selection_string = '{} selected subtags'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( selected_copyable_subtag_strings ) ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, sub_selection_string, 'Copy the selected subtags to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_SELECTED_SUBTAGS )
if self._HasCounts():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( copy_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, '{} with counts'.format( selection_string ), 'Copy the selected tags, with their counts, to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_SELECTED_TAGS_WITH_COUNTS )
if sub_selection_string is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, '{} with counts'.format( sub_selection_string ), 'Copy the selected subtags, with their counts, to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_SELECTED_SUBTAGS_WITH_COUNTS )
copy_all_is_appropriate = len( self._ordered_terms ) > len( self._selected_terms )
if copy_all_is_appropriate:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( copy_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'all tags', 'Copy all the tags in this list to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_ALL_TAGS )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'all subtags', 'Copy all the subtags in this list to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_ALL_SUBTAGS )
if self._HasCounts():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'all tags with counts', 'Copy all the tags in this list, with their counts, to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_ALL_TAGS_WITH_COUNTS )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'all subtags with counts', 'Copy all the subtags in this list, with their counts, to your clipboard.', self._ProcessMenuCopyEvent, COPY_ALL_SUBTAGS_WITH_COUNTS )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, copy_menu, 'copy' )
can_launch_sibling_and_parent_dialogs = len( selected_actual_tags ) > 0 and self.can_spawn_new_windows
can_show_siblings_and_parents = len( selected_actual_tags ) == 1
if can_show_siblings_and_parents or can_launch_sibling_and_parent_dialogs:
siblings_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
parents_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, siblings_menu, 'siblings' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, parents_menu, 'parents' )
if can_launch_sibling_and_parent_dialogs:
if len( selected_actual_tags ) == 1:
( tag, ) = selected_actual_tags
text = tag
text = 'selection'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( siblings_menu, 'add siblings to ' + text, 'Add a sibling to this tag.', self._ProcessMenuTagEvent, 'sibling' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( parents_menu, 'add parents to ' + text, 'Add a parent to this tag.', self._ProcessMenuTagEvent, 'parent' )
if can_show_siblings_and_parents:
( selected_tag, ) = selected_actual_tags
def sp_work_callable():
selected_tag_to_service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents = HG.client_controller.Read( 'tag_siblings_and_parents_lookup', ( selected_tag, ) )
service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents = selected_tag_to_service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents[ selected_tag ]
return service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents
def sp_publish_callable( service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents ):
service_keys_in_order = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES )
all_siblings = set()
siblings_to_service_keys = collections.defaultdict( set )
parents_to_service_keys = collections.defaultdict( set )
children_to_service_keys = collections.defaultdict( set )
ideals_to_service_keys = collections.defaultdict( set )
for ( service_key, ( sibling_chain_members, ideal_tag, descendants, ancestors ) ) in service_keys_to_siblings_and_parents.items():
all_siblings.update( sibling_chain_members )
for sibling in sibling_chain_members:
if sibling == ideal_tag:
ideals_to_service_keys[ ideal_tag ].add( service_key )
if sibling == selected_tag: # don't care about the selected tag unless it is ideal
siblings_to_service_keys[ sibling ].add( service_key )
for ancestor in ancestors:
parents_to_service_keys[ ancestor ].add( service_key )
for descendant in descendants:
children_to_service_keys[ descendant ].add( service_key )
all_siblings.discard( selected_tag )
num_siblings = len( all_siblings )
num_parents = len( parents_to_service_keys )
num_children = len( children_to_service_keys )
service_keys_to_service_names = { service_key : HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName( service_key ) for service_key in service_keys_in_order }
ALL_SERVICES_LABEL = 'all services'
def convert_service_keys_to_name_string( s_ks ):
if len( s_ks ) == len( service_keys_in_order ):
return ', '.join( ( service_keys_to_service_names[ service_key ] for service_key in service_keys_in_order if service_key in s_ks ) )
def group_and_sort_siblings_to_service_keys( t_to_s_ks ):
# convert "tag -> everywhere I am" to "sorted groups of locations -> what we have in common, also sorted"
service_key_groups_to_tags = collections.defaultdict( list )
for ( t, s_ks ) in t_to_s_ks.items():
service_key_groups_to_tags[ tuple( s_ks ) ].append( t )
tag_sort = ClientTagSorting.TagSort.STATICGetTextASCDefault()
for t_list in service_key_groups_to_tags.values():
ClientTagSorting.SortTags( tag_sort, t_list )
service_key_groups = sorted( service_key_groups_to_tags.keys(), key = lambda s_k_g: ( -len( s_k_g ), convert_service_keys_to_name_string( s_k_g ) ) )
service_key_group_names_and_tags = [ ( convert_service_keys_to_name_string( s_k_g ), service_key_groups_to_tags[ s_k_g ] ) for s_k_g in service_key_groups ]
return service_key_group_names_and_tags
def group_and_sort_parents_to_service_keys( p_to_s_ks, c_to_s_ks ):
# convert two lots of "tag -> everywhere I am" to "sorted groups of locations -> what we have in common, also sorted"
service_key_groups_to_tags = collections.defaultdict( lambda: ( [], [] ) )
for ( p, s_ks ) in p_to_s_ks.items():
service_key_groups_to_tags[ tuple( s_ks ) ][0].append( p )
for ( c, s_ks ) in c_to_s_ks.items():
service_key_groups_to_tags[ tuple( s_ks ) ][1].append( c )
tag_sort = ClientTagSorting.TagSort.STATICGetTextASCDefault()
for ( t_list_1, t_list_2 ) in service_key_groups_to_tags.values():
ClientTagSorting.SortTags( tag_sort, t_list_1 )
ClientTagSorting.SortTags( tag_sort, t_list_2 )
service_key_groups = sorted( service_key_groups_to_tags.keys(), key = lambda s_k_g: ( -len( s_k_g ), convert_service_keys_to_name_string( s_k_g ) ) )
service_key_group_names_and_tags = [ ( convert_service_keys_to_name_string( s_k_g ), service_key_groups_to_tags[ s_k_g ] ) for s_k_g in service_key_groups ]
return service_key_group_names_and_tags
if num_siblings == 0:
siblings_menu.setTitle( 'no siblings' )
siblings_menu.setTitle( '{} siblings'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_siblings ) ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( siblings_menu )
ideals = sorted( ideals_to_service_keys.keys(), key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable )
for ideal in ideals:
if ideal == selected_tag:
ideal_label = 'ideal is "{}" on: {}'.format( ideal, convert_service_keys_to_name_string( ideals_to_service_keys[ ideal ] ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( siblings_menu, ideal_label, ideal_label, HG.client_controller.pub, 'clipboard', 'text', ideal )
for ( s_k_name, tags ) in group_and_sort_siblings_to_service_keys( siblings_to_service_keys ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( siblings_menu )
if s_k_name != ALL_SERVICES_LABEL:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( siblings_menu, '--{}--'.format( s_k_name ) )
for tag in tags:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( siblings_menu, tag )
if num_parents + num_children == 0:
parents_menu.setTitle( 'no parents' )
parents_menu.setTitle( '{} parents, {} children'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_parents ), HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_children ) ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( parents_menu )
for ( s_k_name, ( parents, children ) ) in group_and_sort_parents_to_service_keys( parents_to_service_keys, children_to_service_keys ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( parents_menu )
if s_k_name != ALL_SERVICES_LABEL:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( parents_menu, '--{}--'.format( s_k_name ) )
for parent in parents:
parent_label = 'parent: {}'.format( parent )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( parents_menu, parent_label, parent_label, HG.client_controller.pub, 'clipboard', 'text', parent )
for child in children:
child_label = 'child: {}'.format( child )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( parents_menu, child_label, child_label, HG.client_controller.pub, 'clipboard', 'text', child )
async_job = ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtJob( menu, sp_work_callable, sp_publish_callable )
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
( predicates, or_predicate, inverse_predicates, namespace_predicate, inverse_namespace_predicate ) = self._GetSelectedPredicatesAndInverseCopies()
if len( predicates ) > 0:
if self.can_spawn_new_windows or self._CanProvideCurrentPagePredicates():
search_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, search_menu, 'search' )
if self.can_spawn_new_windows:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'open a new search page for ' + selection_string, 'Open a new search page starting with the selected predicates.', self._NewSearchPages, [ predicates ] )
if or_predicate is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'open a new OR search page for ' + selection_string, 'Open a new search page starting with the selected merged as an OR search predicate.', self._NewSearchPages, [ ( or_predicate, ) ] )
if len( predicates ) > 1:
for_each_predicates = [ ( predicate, ) for predicate in predicates ]
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'open new search pages for each in selection', 'Open one new search page for each selected predicate.', self._NewSearchPages, for_each_predicates )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( search_menu )
self._AddEditMenu( search_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( search_menu )
if self._CanProvideCurrentPagePredicates():
current_predicates = self._GetCurrentPagePredicates()
predicates = set( predicates )
inverse_predicates = set( inverse_predicates )
if len( predicates ) == 1:
( p, ) = predicates
predicates_selection_string = p.ToString( with_count = False )
predicates_selection_string = 'selected'
some_selected_not_in_current = len( predicates.intersection( current_predicates ) ) < len( predicates )
if some_selected_not_in_current:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'add {} to current search'.format( predicates_selection_string ), 'Add the selected predicates to the current search.', self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'add_predicates' )
if or_predicate is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'add an OR of {} to current search'.format( predicates_selection_string ), 'Add the selected predicates as an OR predicate to the current search.', self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'add_or_predicate' )
some_selected_in_current = HydrusData.SetsIntersect( predicates, current_predicates )
if some_selected_in_current:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'remove {} from current search'.format( predicates_selection_string ), 'Remove the selected predicates from the current search.', self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'remove_predicates' )
we_can_flip_some_of_selection = len( inverse_predicates ) > 0
if we_can_flip_some_of_selection:
inclusives = { p.IsInclusive() for p in inverse_predicates }
inverse_all_exclusive = True not in inclusives
inverse_all_inclusive = False not in inclusives
if inverse_all_exclusive:
text = 'exclude {} from the current search'.format( predicates_selection_string )
desc = 'Disallow the selected predicates for the current search.'
elif inverse_all_inclusive and len( inverse_predicates ) == 1:
( p, ) = inverse_predicates
inverse_selection_string = p.ToString( with_count = False )
text = 'require {} for the current search'.format( inverse_selection_string )
desc = 'Stop disallowing the selected predicates from the current search.'
text = 'invert selection for the current search'
desc = 'Flip the inclusive/exclusive nature of the selected predicates from the current search.'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, text, desc, self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'add_inverse_predicates' )
if namespace_predicate is not None and namespace_predicate not in current_predicates:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'add {} to current search'.format( namespace_predicate.ToString( with_count = False ) ), 'Add the namespace predicate to the current search.', self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'add_namespace_predicate' )
if inverse_namespace_predicate is not None and inverse_namespace_predicate not in current_predicates:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'exclude {} from the current search'.format( namespace_predicate.ToString( with_count = False ) ), 'Disallow the namespace predicate from the current search.', self._ProcessMenuPredicateEvent, 'add_inverse_namespace_predicate' )
if len( selected_actual_tags ) > 0 and self._page_key is not None:
select_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu = HydrusTags.SortNumericTags( selected_actual_tags )
tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string = ', '.join( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu )
while len( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string ) > 64:
if len( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu ) == 1:
tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string = '(many/long tags)'
tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu.pop( -1 )
tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string = ', '.join( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu + [ '\u2026' ] )
if len( selected_actual_tags ) == 1:
label = 'files with "{}"'.format( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string )
label = 'files with all of "{}"'.format( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( select_menu, label, 'Select the files with these tags.', self._SelectFilesWithTags, 'AND' )
if len( selected_actual_tags ) > 1:
label = 'files with any of "{}"'.format( tags_sorted_to_show_on_menu_string )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( select_menu, label, 'Select the files with any of these tags.', self._SelectFilesWithTags, 'OR' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, select_menu, 'select' )
if len( selected_actual_tags ) == 1:
( selected_tag, ) = selected_actual_tags
if self._tag_display_type in ( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SELECTION_LIST ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( selected_tag )
hide_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( hide_menu, '"{}" tags from here'.format( ClientTags.RenderNamespaceForUser( namespace ) ), 'Hide this namespace from view in future.', self._ProcessMenuTagEvent, 'hide_namespace' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( hide_menu, '"{}" from here'.format( selected_tag ), 'Hide this tag from view in future.', self._ProcessMenuTagEvent, 'hide' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, hide_menu, 'hide' )
def set_favourite_tags( tag ):
favourite_tags = list( HG.client_controller.new_options.GetStringList( 'favourite_tags' ) )
if selected_tag in favourite_tags:
favourite_tags.remove( tag )
favourite_tags.append( tag )
HG.client_controller.new_options.SetStringList( 'favourite_tags', favourite_tags )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'notify_new_favourite_tags' )
favourite_tags = list( HG.client_controller.new_options.GetStringList( 'favourite_tags' ) )
if selected_tag in favourite_tags:
label = 'remove "{}" from favourites'.format( selected_tag )
description = 'Remove this tag from your favourites'
label = 'add "{}" to favourites'.format( selected_tag )
description = 'Add this tag from your favourites'
favourites_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( favourites_menu, label, description, set_favourite_tags, selected_tag )
m = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, favourites_menu, 'favourites' )
self.AddAdditionalMenuItems( menu )
CGC.core().PopupMenu( self, menu )
def ForceTagRecalc( self ):
class ListBoxTagsPredicates( ListBoxTags ):
def __init__( self, *args, tag_display_type = ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL, **kwargs ):
ListBoxTags.__init__( self, *args, tag_display_type = tag_display_type, **kwargs )
def _GenerateTermFromPredicate( self, predicate: ClientSearch.Predicate ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemPredicate:
return ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemPredicate( predicate )
def _GetMutuallyExclusivePredicates( self, predicate ):
all_predicates = self._GetPredicatesFromTerms( self._ordered_terms )
m_e_predicates = { existing_predicate for existing_predicate in all_predicates if existing_predicate.IsMutuallyExclusive( predicate ) }
return m_e_predicates
def _HasCounts( self ):
return True
def GetPredicates( self ) -> typing.Set[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
return set( self._GetPredicatesFromTerms( self._ordered_terms ) )
def SetPredicates( self, predicates ):
selected_terms = set( self._selected_terms )
terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromPredicate( predicate ) for predicate in predicates ]
self._AppendTerms( terms )
for term in selected_terms:
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
self._selected_terms.add( term )
class ListBoxTagsColourOptions( ListBoxTags ):
PROTECTED_TERMS = ( None, '' )
can_spawn_new_windows = False
def __init__( self, parent, initial_namespace_colours ):
ListBoxTags.__init__( self, parent )
terms = []
for ( namespace, colour ) in initial_namespace_colours.items():
colour = tuple( colour ) # tuple to convert from list, for oooold users who have list colours
term = self._GenerateTermFromNamespaceAndColour( namespace, colour )
terms.append( term )
self._AppendTerms( terms )
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ):
deletable_terms = [ term for term in self._selected_terms if term.GetNamespace() not in self.PROTECTED_TERMS ]
if len( deletable_terms ) > 0:
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, 'Delete all selected colours?' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._RemoveTerms( deletable_terms )
return True
return False
def _DeleteActivate( self ):
ctrl_down = False
shift_down = False
self._Activate( ctrl_down, shift_down )
def _GenerateTermFromNamespaceAndColour( self, namespace, colour ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemNamespaceColour:
return ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemNamespaceColour( namespace, colour )
def _GetNamespaceColours( self ):
return dict( ( term.GetNamespaceAndColour() for term in self._ordered_terms ) )
def DeleteSelected( self ):
def GetNamespaceColours( self ):
return self._GetNamespaceColours()
def GetSelectedNamespaceColours( self ):
namespace_colours = dict( ( term.GetNamespaceAndColour() for term in self._selected_terms ) )
return namespace_colours
def SetNamespaceColour( self, namespace, colour: QG.QColor ):
colour_tuple = ( colour.red(), colour.green(), colour.blue() )
for term in self._ordered_terms:
if term.GetNamespace() == namespace:
self._RemoveTerms( ( term, ) )
term = self._GenerateTermFromNamespaceAndColour( namespace, colour_tuple )
self._AppendTerms( ( term, ) )
class ListBoxTagsFilter( ListBoxTags ):
tagsRemoved = QC.Signal( list )
def __init__( self, parent, read_only = False ):
ListBoxTags.__init__( self, parent )
self._read_only = read_only
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ) -> bool:
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0 and not self._read_only:
tag_slices = [ term.GetTagSlice() for term in self._selected_terms ]
self.tagsRemoved.emit( tag_slices )
return True
return False
def _GenerateTermFromTagSlice( self, tag_slice ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTagSlice:
return ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTagSlice( tag_slice )
def AddTagSlices( self, tag_slices ):
terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTagSlice( tag_slice ) for tag_slice in tag_slices ]
self._AppendTerms( terms )
def EnterTagSlices( self, tag_slices ):
for tag_slice in tag_slices:
term = self._GenerateTermFromTagSlice( tag_slice )
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
self._RemoveTerms( ( term, ) )
self._AppendTerms( ( term, ) )
def GetSelectedTagSlices( self ):
return [ term.GetTagSlice() for term in self._selected_terms ]
def GetTagSlices( self ):
return [ term.GetTagSlice() for term in self._ordered_terms ]
def RemoveTagSlices( self, tag_slices ):
removee_terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTagSlice( tag_slice ) for tag_slice in tag_slices ]
self._RemoveTerms( removee_terms )
def SetTagSlices( self, tag_slices ):
self.AddTagSlices( tag_slices )
class ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable( ListBoxTags ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_key = None, tag_display_type = ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL, **kwargs ):
if service_key is None:
self._service_key = service_key
has_async_text_info = tag_display_type == ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE
ListBoxTags.__init__( self, parent, has_async_text_info = has_async_text_info, tag_display_type = tag_display_type, **kwargs )
def _ApplyAsyncInfoToTerm( self, term, info ) -> typing.Tuple[ bool, bool ]:
# this guy comes with the lock
if info is None:
return ( False, False )
sort_info_changed = False
num_rows_changed = False
( ideal, parents ) = info
if ideal is not None and ideal != term.GetTag():
term.SetIdealTag( ideal )
sort_info_changed = True
if parents is not None:
term.SetParents( parents )
num_rows_changed = True
return ( sort_info_changed, num_rows_changed )
def _InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdaterWorkCallable( self ):
if not self._has_async_text_info:
return ListBoxTags._InitialiseAsyncTextInfoUpdaterWorkCallable( self )
self._async_text_info_shared_data[ 'service_key' ] = self._service_key
async_text_info_shared_data = self._async_text_info_shared_data
async_lock = self._async_text_info_lock
currently_fetching = self._currently_fetching_async_text_info_terms
pending = self._pending_async_text_info_terms
def work_callable():
with async_lock:
to_lookup = list( pending )
currently_fetching.update( to_lookup )
service_key = async_text_info_shared_data[ 'service_key' ]
terms_to_info = { term : None for term in to_lookup }
for batch_to_lookup in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( to_lookup, 500 ):
tags_to_terms = { term.GetTag() : term for term in batch_to_lookup }
tags_to_lookup = set( tags_to_terms.keys() )
db_tags_to_ideals_and_parents = HG.client_controller.Read( 'tag_display_decorators', service_key, tags_to_lookup )
terms_to_info.update( { tags_to_terms[ tag ] : info for ( tag, info ) in db_tags_to_ideals_and_parents.items() } )
return terms_to_info
return work_callable
def _SelectFilesWithTags( self, and_or_or ):
if self._page_key is not None:
selected_actual_tags = self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'select_files_with_tags', self._page_key, self._service_key, and_or_or, set( selected_actual_tags ) )
def GetSelectedTags( self ):
return set( self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms ) )
def SetTagServiceKey( self, service_key ):
self._service_key = service_key
with self._async_text_info_lock:
self._async_text_info_shared_data[ 'service_key' ] = self._service_key
self._terms_to_async_text_info = {}
class ListBoxTagsStrings( ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_key = None, sort_tags = True, **kwargs ):
self._sort_tags = sort_tags
ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable.__init__( self, parent, service_key = service_key, **kwargs )
def _GenerateTermFromTag( self, tag: str ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTextTag:
return ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTextTag( tag )
def GetTags( self ):
return set( self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._ordered_terms ) )
def SetTags( self, tags ):
previously_selected_terms = set( self._selected_terms )
terms_to_add = [ self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag ) for tag in tags ]
self._AppendTerms( terms_to_add )
for term in previously_selected_terms:
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
self._selected_terms.add( term )
if self._sort_tags:
class ListBoxTagsStringsAddRemove( ListBoxTagsStrings ):
tagsAdded = QC.Signal()
tagsRemoved = QC.Signal()
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ) -> bool:
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0:
tags = self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms )
return True
return False
def _RemoveTags( self, tags ):
terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag ) for tag in tags ]
self._RemoveTerms( terms )
def AddTags( self, tags ):
terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag ) for tag in tags ]
self._AppendTerms( terms )
if self._sort_tags:
def Clear( self ):
# doesn't do a removed tags call, this is a different lad
def EnterTags( self, tags ):
tags_removed = False
tags_added = False
for tag in tags:
term = self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag )
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
self._RemoveTerms( ( term, ) )
tags_removed = True
self._AppendTerms( ( term, ) )
tags_added = True
if self._sort_tags:
if tags_added:
if tags_removed:
def keyPressEvent( self, event ):
( modifier, key ) = ClientGUIShortcuts.ConvertKeyEventToSimpleTuple( event )
if key in ClientGUIShortcuts.DELETE_KEYS_QT:
ctrl_down = modifier == ClientGUIShortcuts.SHORTCUT_MODIFIER_CTRL
shift_down = modifier == ClientGUIShortcuts.SHORTCUT_MODIFIER_SHIFT
action_occurred = self._Activate( ctrl_down, shift_down )
ListBoxTagsStrings.keyPressEvent( self, event )
def RemoveTags( self, tags ):
self._RemoveTags( tags )
class ListBoxTagsMedia( ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable ):
def __init__( self, parent, tag_display_type, service_key = None, include_counts = True ):
if service_key is None:
ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable.__init__( self, parent, service_key = service_key, tag_display_type = tag_display_type, height_num_chars = 24 )
self._tag_sort = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetDefaultTagSort()
self._last_media_results = set()
self._include_counts = include_counts
self._current_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
self._deleted_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
self._pending_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
self._petitioned_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
self._show_current = True
self._show_deleted = False
self._show_pending = True
self._show_petitioned = True
def _GenerateTermFromTag( self, tag: str ) -> ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTextTag:
current_count = self._current_tags_to_count[ tag ] if self._show_current and tag in self._current_tags_to_count else 0
deleted_count = self._deleted_tags_to_count[ tag ] if self._show_deleted and tag in self._deleted_tags_to_count else 0
pending_count = self._pending_tags_to_count[ tag ] if self._show_pending and tag in self._pending_tags_to_count else 0
petitioned_count = self._petitioned_tags_to_count[ tag ] if self._show_petitioned and tag in self._petitioned_tags_to_count else 0
return ClientGUIListBoxesData.ListBoxItemTextTagWithCounts(
def _HasCounts( self ):
return self._include_counts
def _UpdateTerms( self, limit_to_these_tags = None ):
previous_selected_terms = set( self._selected_terms )
if limit_to_these_tags is None:
nonzero_tags = set()
if self._show_current: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._current_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 ) )
if self._show_deleted: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._deleted_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 ) )
if self._show_pending: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._pending_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 ) )
if self._show_petitioned: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._petitioned_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 ) )
if not isinstance( limit_to_these_tags, set ):
limit_to_these_tags = set( limit_to_these_tags )
clear_terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag ) for tag in limit_to_these_tags ]
self._RemoveTerms( clear_terms )
nonzero_tags = set()
if self._show_current: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._current_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 and tag in limit_to_these_tags ) )
if self._show_deleted: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._deleted_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 and tag in limit_to_these_tags ) )
if self._show_pending: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._pending_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 and tag in limit_to_these_tags ) )
if self._show_petitioned: nonzero_tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, count ) in self._petitioned_tags_to_count.items() if count > 0 and tag in limit_to_these_tags ) )
nonzero_terms = [ self._GenerateTermFromTag( tag ) for tag in nonzero_tags ]
self._AppendTerms( nonzero_terms )
for term in previous_selected_terms:
if term in self._terms_to_logical_indices:
self._selected_terms.add( term )
def _Sort( self ):
# I do this weird terms to count instead of tags to count because of tag vs ideal tag gubbins later on in sort
terms_to_count = collections.Counter()
jobs = [
( self._show_current, self._current_tags_to_count ),
( self._show_deleted, self._deleted_tags_to_count ),
( self._show_pending, self._pending_tags_to_count ),
( self._show_petitioned, self._petitioned_tags_to_count )
counts_to_include = [ c for ( show, c ) in jobs if show ]
for term in self._ordered_terms:
tag = term.GetTag()
count = sum( ( c[ tag ] for c in counts_to_include if tag in c ) )
terms_to_count[ term ] = count
item_to_tag_key_wrapper = lambda term: term.GetTag()
item_to_sibling_key_wrapper = item_to_tag_key_wrapper
if self._show_sibling_decorators:
item_to_sibling_key_wrapper = lambda term: term.GetBestTag()
ClientTagSorting.SortTags( self._tag_sort, self._ordered_terms, tag_items_to_count = terms_to_count, item_to_tag_key_wrapper = item_to_tag_key_wrapper, item_to_sibling_key_wrapper = item_to_sibling_key_wrapper )
def AddAdditionalMenuItems( self, menu: QW.QMenu ):
ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable.AddAdditionalMenuItems( self, menu )
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ):
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
for tag_display_type in ( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SELECTION_LIST, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ):
if tag_display_type == self._tag_display_type:
checked = True
callable = lambda: 1
checked = False
callable = HydrusData.Call( self.SetTagDisplayType, tag_display_type )
label = 'switch to "{}" tag display'.format( ClientTags.tag_display_str_lookup[ tag_display_type ] )
description = 'Switch which tags this list shows, this may not work!'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, label, description, checked, callable )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'experimental' )
def IncrementTagsByMedia( self, media ):
flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( media )
media_results = [ m.GetMediaResult() for m in flat_media ]
self.IncrementTagsByMediaResults( media_results )
def IncrementTagsByMediaResults( self, media_results ):
if not isinstance( media_results, set ):
media_results = set( media_results )
media_results = media_results.difference( self._last_media_results )
( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientMedia.GetMediaResultsTagCount( media_results, self._service_key, self._tag_display_type )
tags_changed = set()
if self._show_current: tags_changed.update( current_tags_to_count.keys() )
if self._show_deleted: tags_changed.update( deleted_tags_to_count.keys() )
if self._show_pending: tags_changed.update( pending_tags_to_count.keys() )
if self._show_petitioned: tags_changed.update( petitioned_tags_to_count.keys() )
self._current_tags_to_count.update( current_tags_to_count )
self._deleted_tags_to_count.update( deleted_tags_to_count )
self._pending_tags_to_count.update( pending_tags_to_count )
self._petitioned_tags_to_count.update( petitioned_tags_to_count )
if len( tags_changed ) > 0:
self._UpdateTerms( tags_changed )
self._last_media_results.update( media_results )
def SetTagsByMedia( self, media ):
flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( media )
media_results = [ m.GetMediaResult() for m in flat_media ]
self.SetTagsByMediaResults( media_results )
def SetTagsByMediaResults( self, media_results ):
if not isinstance( media_results, set ):
media_results = set( media_results )
( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientMedia.GetMediaResultsTagCount( media_results, self._service_key, self._tag_display_type )
self._current_tags_to_count = current_tags_to_count
self._deleted_tags_to_count = deleted_tags_to_count
self._pending_tags_to_count = pending_tags_to_count
self._petitioned_tags_to_count = petitioned_tags_to_count
self._last_media_results = media_results
def SetTagsByMediaFromMediaPanel( self, media, tags_changed ):
flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( media )
media_results = [ m.GetMediaResult() for m in flat_media ]
self.SetTagsByMediaResultsFromMediaPanel( media_results, tags_changed )
def SetTagsByMediaResultsFromMediaPanel( self, media_results, tags_changed ):
if not isinstance( media_results, set ):
media_results = set( media_results )
# this uses the last-set media and count cache to generate new numbers and is faster than re-counting from scratch when the tags have not changed
selection_shrank_a_lot = len( media_results ) < len( self._last_media_results ) // 10 # if we are dropping to a much smaller selection (e.g. 5000 -> 1), we should just recalculate from scratch
if tags_changed or selection_shrank_a_lot:
self.SetTagsByMediaResults( media_results )
removees = self._last_media_results.difference( media_results )
if len( removees ) == 0:
self.IncrementTagsByMediaResults( media_results )
adds = media_results.difference( self._last_media_results )
( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientMedia.GetMediaResultsTagCount( removees, self._service_key, self._tag_display_type )
self._current_tags_to_count.subtract( current_tags_to_count )
self._deleted_tags_to_count.subtract( deleted_tags_to_count )
self._pending_tags_to_count.subtract( pending_tags_to_count )
self._petitioned_tags_to_count.subtract( petitioned_tags_to_count )
( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientMedia.GetMediaResultsTagCount( adds, self._service_key, self._tag_display_type )
self._current_tags_to_count.update( current_tags_to_count )
self._deleted_tags_to_count.update( deleted_tags_to_count )
self._pending_tags_to_count.update( pending_tags_to_count )
self._petitioned_tags_to_count.update( petitioned_tags_to_count )
for counter in ( self._current_tags_to_count, self._deleted_tags_to_count, self._pending_tags_to_count, self._petitioned_tags_to_count ):
tags = list( counter.keys() )
for tag in tags:
if counter[ tag ] == 0:
del counter[ tag ]
self._last_media_results = media_results
def SetTagDisplayType( self, tag_display_type: int ):
self._tag_display_type = tag_display_type
def SetTagServiceKey( self, service_key ):
ListBoxTagsDisplayCapable.SetTagServiceKey( self, service_key )
self.SetTagsByMediaResults( self._last_media_results )
def SetSort( self, tag_sort: ClientTagSorting.TagSort ):
self._tag_sort = tag_sort
def SetShow( self, show_type, value ):
if show_type == 'current': self._show_current = value
elif show_type == 'deleted': self._show_deleted = value
elif show_type == 'pending': self._show_pending = value
elif show_type == 'petitioned': self._show_petitioned = value
def ForceTagRecalc( self ):
self.SetTagsByMediaResults( self._last_media_results )
class StaticBoxSorterForListBoxTags( ClientGUICommon.StaticBox ):
def __init__( self, parent, title, show_siblings_sort = False ):
ClientGUICommon.StaticBox.__init__( self, parent, title )
self._original_title = title
self._tags_box = None
# make this its own panel
self._tag_sort = ClientGUITagSorting.TagSortControl( self, HG.client_controller.new_options.GetDefaultTagSort(), show_siblings = show_siblings_sort )
self._tag_sort.valueChanged.connect( self.EventSort )
self.Add( self._tag_sort, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
def SetTagServiceKey( self, service_key ):
if self._tags_box is None:
self._tags_box.SetTagServiceKey( service_key )
title = self._original_title
if service_key != CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY:
title = '{} for {}'.format( title, HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName( service_key ) )
self.SetTitle( title )
def EventSort( self ):
if self._tags_box is None:
sort = self._tag_sort.GetValue()
self._tags_box.SetSort( sort )
def SetTagsBox( self, tags_box: ListBoxTagsMedia ):
self._tags_box = tags_box
self.Add( self._tags_box, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
def SetTagsByMedia( self, media ):
if self._tags_box is None:
self._tags_box.SetTagsByMedia( media )
class ListBoxTagsMediaHoverFrame( ListBoxTagsMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, canvas_key ):
ListBoxTagsMedia.__init__( self, parent, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA, include_counts = False )
self._canvas_key = canvas_key
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ) -> bool:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'canvas_manage_tags', self._canvas_key )
return True
class ListBoxTagsMediaTagsDialog( ListBoxTagsMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, enter_func, delete_func ):
ListBoxTagsMedia.__init__( self, parent, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE, include_counts = True )
self._enter_func = enter_func
self._delete_func = delete_func
def _Activate( self, ctrl_down, shift_down ) -> bool:
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0:
tags = set( self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms ) )
self._enter_func( tags )
return True
return False
def _DeleteActivate( self ):
if len( self._selected_terms ) > 0:
tags = set( self._GetTagsFromTerms( self._selected_terms ) )
self._delete_func( tags )