
202 lines
7.7 KiB

import sqlite3
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBModule
class ClientDBFilesViewingStats( ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule ):
def __init__(
cursor: sqlite3.Cursor
ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule.__init__( self, 'client files viewing stats', cursor )
def _GetInitialIndexGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
index_generation_dict = {}
index_generation_dict[ 'main.file_viewing_stats' ] = [
( [ 'last_viewed_timestamp' ], False, 400 ),
( [ 'views' ], False, 400 ),
( [ 'viewtime' ], False, 400 )
return index_generation_dict
def _GetInitialTableGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
return {
'main.file_viewing_stats' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( hash_id INTEGER, canvas_type INTEGER, last_viewed_timestamp INTEGER, views INTEGER, viewtime INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( hash_id, canvas_type ) );', 400 )
def AddViews( self, hash_id, canvas_type, view_timestamp, views_delta, viewtime_delta ):
self._Execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_viewing_stats ( hash_id, canvas_type, last_viewed_timestamp, views, viewtime ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( hash_id, canvas_type, 0, 0, 0 ) )
self._Execute( 'UPDATE file_viewing_stats SET last_viewed_timestamp = ?, views = views + ?, viewtime = viewtime + ? WHERE hash_id = ? AND canvas_type = ?;', ( view_timestamp, views_delta, viewtime_delta, hash_id, canvas_type ) )
def ClearAllStats( self ):
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM file_viewing_stats;' )
def ClearViews( self, hash_ids ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM file_viewing_stats WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( ( hash_id, ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
def CullFileViewingStatistics( self ):
media_min = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'file_viewing_statistics_media_min_time' )
media_max = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'file_viewing_statistics_media_max_time' )
preview_min = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'file_viewing_statistics_preview_min_time' )
preview_max = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'file_viewing_statistics_preview_max_time' )
if media_min is not None and media_max is not None and media_min > media_max:
raise Exception( 'Media min was greater than media max! Abandoning cull now!' )
if preview_min is not None and preview_max is not None and preview_min > preview_max:
raise Exception( 'Preview min was greater than preview max! Abandoning cull now!' )
if media_min is not None:
self._Execute( 'UPDATE file_viewing_stats SET views = CAST( viewtime / ? AS INTEGER ) WHERE views * ? > viewtime AND canvas_type = ?;', ( media_min, media_min, CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER ) )
if media_max is not None:
self._Execute( 'UPDATE file_viewing_stats SET viewtime = views * ? WHERE viewtime > views * ? AND canvas_type = ?;', ( media_max, media_max, CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER ) )
if preview_min is not None:
self._Execute( 'UPDATE file_viewing_stats SET views = CAST( viewtime / ? AS INTEGER ) WHERE views * ? > viewtime AND canvas_type = ?;', ( preview_min, preview_min, CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW ) )
if preview_max is not None:
self._Execute( 'UPDATE file_viewing_stats SET viewtime = views * ? WHERE viewtime > views * ? AND canvas_type = ?;', ( preview_max, preview_max, CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW ) )
def GetHashIdsFromFileViewingStatistics( self, view_type, viewing_locations, operator, viewing_value ) -> typing.Set[ int ]:
# only works for positive values like '> 5'. won't work for '= 0' or '< 1' since those are absent from the table
include_media = 'media' in viewing_locations
include_preview = 'preview' in viewing_locations
canvas_type_predicate = '1=1'
group_by_phrase = ''
having_phrase = ''
if view_type == 'views':
content_phrase = 'views'
elif view_type == 'viewtime':
content_phrase = 'viewtime'
return set()
if include_media and include_preview:
group_by_phrase = ' GROUP BY hash_id'
if view_type == 'views':
content_phrase = 'SUM( views )'
elif view_type == 'viewtime':
content_phrase = 'SUM( viewtime )'
elif include_media:
canvas_type_predicate = 'canvas_type = {}'.format( CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER )
elif include_preview:
canvas_type_predicate = 'canvas_type = {}'.format( CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW )
return set()
lower_bound = int( 0.8 * viewing_value )
upper_bound = int( 1.2 * viewing_value )
test_phrase = '{} BETWEEN {} AND {}'.format( content_phrase, str( lower_bound ), str( upper_bound ) )
test_phrase = '{} {} {}'.format( content_phrase, operator, str( viewing_value ) )
if include_media and include_preview:
select_statement = 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_viewing_stats {} HAVING {};'.format( group_by_phrase, test_phrase )
select_statement = 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_viewing_stats WHERE {} AND {}{};'.format( test_phrase, canvas_type_predicate, group_by_phrase )
hash_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( select_statement ) )
return hash_ids
def GetHashIdsFromLastViewed( self, min_last_viewed_timestamp = None, max_last_viewed_timestamp = None ) -> typing.Set[ int ]:
last_viewed_timestamp_predicates = []
if min_last_viewed_timestamp is not None: last_viewed_timestamp_predicates.append( 'last_viewed_timestamp >= ' + str( min_last_viewed_timestamp ) )
if max_last_viewed_timestamp is not None: last_viewed_timestamp_predicates.append( 'last_viewed_timestamp <= ' + str( max_last_viewed_timestamp ) )
if len( last_viewed_timestamp_predicates ) == 0:
return set()
pred_string = ' AND '.join( last_viewed_timestamp_predicates )
last_viewed_timestamp_hash_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_viewing_stats WHERE canvas_type = ? AND {};'.format( pred_string ), ( CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER, ) ) )
return last_viewed_timestamp_hash_ids
def GetTablesAndColumnsThatUseDefinitions( self, content_type: int ) -> typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ]:
tables_and_columns = []
if content_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_HASH:
tables_and_columns.append( ( 'file_viewing_stats', 'hash_id' ) )
return tables_and_columns