
3753 lines
135 KiB

import ClientCaches
import ClientConstants as CC
import ClientData
import ClientDefaults
import ClientDownloading
import ClientImporting
import ClientGUICommon
import ClientGUIControls
import ClientGUIDialogs
import ClientGUIImport
import ClientGUIListBoxes
import ClientGUIListCtrl
import ClientGUIMenus
import ClientGUIParsing
import ClientGUIScrolledPanels
import ClientGUISeedCache
import ClientGUITime
import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
import ClientNetworking
import ClientNetworkingDomain
import ClientParsing
import ClientTags
import collections
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusData
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusGlobals as HG
import HydrusNetwork
import HydrusSerialisable
import HydrusText
import os
import wx
class EditAccountTypePanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_type, account_type ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
( self._account_type_key, title, permissions, bandwidth_rules ) = account_type.ToTuple()
self._title = wx.TextCtrl( self )
permission_choices = self._GeneratePermissionChoices( service_type )
self._permission_controls = []
self._permissions_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'permissions' )
gridbox_rows = []
for ( content_type, action_rows ) in permission_choices:
choice_control = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._permissions_panel )
for ( label, action ) in action_rows:
choice_control.Append( label, ( content_type, action ) )
if content_type in permissions:
selection_row = ( content_type, permissions[ content_type ] )
selection_row = ( content_type, None )
choice_control.SelectClientData( selection_row )
choice_control.SelectClientData( ( content_type, None ) )
self._permission_controls.append( choice_control )
gridbox_label = HC.content_type_string_lookup[ content_type ]
gridbox_rows.append( ( gridbox_label, choice_control ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._permissions_panel, gridbox_rows )
self._bandwidth_rules_control = ClientGUIControls.BandwidthRulesCtrl( self, bandwidth_rules )
self._title.SetValue( title )
t_hbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._title, self, 'title: ' )
self._permissions_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._permissions_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._bandwidth_rules_control, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _GeneratePermissionChoices( self, service_type ):
possible_permissions = HydrusNetwork.GetPossiblePermissions( service_type )
permission_choices = []
for ( content_type, possible_actions ) in possible_permissions:
choices = []
for action in possible_actions:
choices.append( ( HC.permission_pair_string_lookup[ ( content_type, action ) ], action ) )
permission_choices.append( ( content_type, choices ) )
return permission_choices
def GetValue( self ):
title = self._title.GetValue()
permissions = {}
for permission_control in self._permission_controls:
( content_type, action ) = permission_control.GetChoice()
if action is not None:
permissions[ content_type ] = action
bandwidth_rules = self._bandwidth_rules_control.GetValue()
return HydrusNetwork.AccountType.GenerateAccountTypeFromParameters( self._account_type_key, title, permissions, bandwidth_rules )
class EditBandwidthRulesPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, bandwidth_rules ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._bandwidth_rules_ctrl = ClientGUIControls.BandwidthRulesCtrl( self, bandwidth_rules )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._bandwidth_rules_ctrl, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
return self._bandwidth_rules_ctrl.GetValue()
class EditChooseMultiple( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, choice_tuples ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._checkboxes = wx.CheckListBox( self )
self._checkboxes.SetMinSize( ( 320, 420 ) )
for ( i, ( label, data, selected ) ) in enumerate( choice_tuples ):
self._checkboxes.Append( label, data )
if selected:
self._checkboxes.Check( i )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._checkboxes, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
datas = []
for index in self._checkboxes.GetChecked():
datas.append( self._checkboxes.GetClientData( index ) )
return datas
class EditDomainManagerInfoPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, url_matches, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._notebook = wx.Notebook( self )
self._url_matches_panel = EditURLMatchesPanel( self._notebook, url_matches )
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts_panel = EditNetworkContextCustomHeadersPanel( self._notebook, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
self._notebook.AddPage( self._url_matches_panel, 'url classes', select = True )
self._notebook.AddPage( self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts_panel, 'custom headers', select = False )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._notebook, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
url_matches = self._url_matches_panel.GetValue()
network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts_panel.GetValue()
return ( url_matches, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
class EditDuplicateActionOptionsPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, duplicate_action, duplicate_action_options ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._duplicate_action = duplicate_action
tag_services_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'tag services' )
self._tag_service_actions = ClientGUIListCtrl.SaneListCtrl( tag_services_panel, 120, [ ( 'service name', 120 ), ( 'action', 240 ), ( 'tags merged', -1 ) ], delete_key_callback = self._DeleteTag, activation_callback = self._EditTag )
self._tag_service_actions.SetMinSize( ( 560, 120 ) )
add_tag_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( tag_services_panel, 'add', self._AddTag )
edit_tag_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( tag_services_panel, 'edit', self._EditTag )
delete_tag_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( tag_services_panel, 'delete', self._DeleteTag )
rating_services_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'rating services' )
self._rating_service_actions = ClientGUIListCtrl.SaneListCtrl( rating_services_panel, 120, [ ( 'service name', -1 ), ( 'action', 240 ) ], delete_key_callback = self._DeleteRating, activation_callback = self._EditRating )
self._rating_service_actions.SetMinSize( ( 380, 120 ) )
add_rating_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( rating_services_panel, 'add', self._AddRating )
edit_rating_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( rating_services_panel, 'edit', self._EditRating )
delete_rating_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( rating_services_panel, 'delete', self._DeleteRating )
self._delete_second_file = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'delete worse file' )
self._sync_archive = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'if one file is archived, archive the other as well' )
self._delete_both_files = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'delete both files' )
( tag_service_options, rating_service_options, delete_second_file, sync_archive, delete_both_files ) = duplicate_action_options.ToTuple()
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
for ( service_key, action, tag_censor ) in tag_service_options:
if services_manager.ServiceExists( service_key ):
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action, tag_censor )
display_tuple = self._GetTagDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._tag_service_actions.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
for ( service_key, action ) in rating_service_options:
if services_manager.ServiceExists( service_key ):
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action )
display_tuple = self._GetRatingDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._rating_service_actions.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
self._delete_second_file.SetValue( delete_second_file )
self._sync_archive.SetValue( sync_archive )
self._delete_both_files.SetValue( delete_both_files )
if self._duplicate_action == HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER:
edit_rating_button.Hide() # because there is only one valid action in this case, and no tag censor to edit
button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
button_hbox.Add( add_tag_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( edit_tag_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( delete_tag_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
tag_services_panel.Add( self._tag_service_actions, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
tag_services_panel.Add( button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
button_hbox.Add( add_rating_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( edit_rating_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( delete_rating_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
rating_services_panel.Add( self._rating_service_actions, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
rating_services_panel.Add( button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( tag_services_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( rating_services_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( self._delete_second_file, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
vbox.Add( self._sync_archive, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
vbox.Add( self._delete_both_files, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _AddRating( self ):
existing_service_keys = set()
for ( service_key, action ) in self._rating_service_actions.GetClientData():
existing_service_keys.add( service_key )
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
choice_tuples = []
for service in services_manager.GetServices( [ HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ] ):
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
if service_key not in existing_service_keys:
name = service.GetName()
choice_tuples.append( ( name, service_key ) )
if len( choice_tuples ) == 0:
wx.MessageBox( 'You have no more tag or rating services to add! Try editing the existing ones instead!' )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select service', choice_tuples ) as dlg_1:
if dlg_1.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
service_key = dlg_1.GetChoice()
if self._duplicate_action == HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER:
service = services_manager.GetService( service_key )
if service.GetServiceType() == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
choice_tuples = [ ( HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ], action ) for action in possible_actions ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select action', choice_tuples ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
action = dlg_2.GetChoice()
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action )
display_tuple = self._GetRatingDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._rating_service_actions.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _AddTag( self ):
existing_service_keys = set()
for ( service_key, action, tag_censor ) in self._tag_service_actions.GetClientData():
existing_service_keys.add( service_key )
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
choice_tuples = []
for service in services_manager.GetServices( [ HC.LOCAL_TAG, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY ] ):
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
if service_key not in existing_service_keys:
name = service.GetName()
choice_tuples.append( ( name, service_key ) )
if len( choice_tuples ) == 0:
wx.MessageBox( 'You have no more tag or rating services to add! Try editing the existing ones instead!' )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select service', choice_tuples ) as dlg_1:
if dlg_1.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
service_key = dlg_1.GetChoice()
if self._duplicate_action == HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER:
service = services_manager.GetService( service_key )
if service.GetServiceType() == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
choice_tuples = [ ( HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ], action ) for action in possible_actions ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select action', choice_tuples ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
action = dlg_2.GetChoice()
tag_censor = ClientData.TagCensor()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit which tags will be merged' ) as dlg_3:
panel = EditTagCensorPanel( dlg_3, tag_censor )
dlg_3.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg_3.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
tag_censor = panel.GetValue()
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action, tag_censor )
display_tuple = self._GetTagDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._tag_service_actions.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _DeleteRating( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _DeleteTag( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _EditRating( self ):
all_selected = self._rating_service_actions.GetAllSelected()
for index in all_selected:
( service_key, action ) = self._rating_service_actions.GetClientData( index )
if self._duplicate_action == HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER:
choice_tuples = [ ( HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ], action ) for action in possible_actions ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select action', choice_tuples ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
action = dlg_2.GetChoice()
else: # This shouldn't get fired because the edit button is hidden, but w/e
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action )
display_tuple = self._GetRatingDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._rating_service_actions.UpdateRow( index, display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _EditTag( self ):
all_selected = self._tag_service_actions.GetAllSelected()
for index in all_selected:
( service_key, action, tag_censor ) = self._tag_service_actions.GetClientData( index )
if self._duplicate_action == HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER:
choice_tuples = [ ( HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ], action ) for action in possible_actions ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select action', choice_tuples ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
action = dlg_2.GetChoice()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit which tags will be merged' ) as dlg_3:
panel = EditTagCensorPanel( dlg_3, tag_censor )
dlg_3.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg_3.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
tag_censor = panel.GetValue()
sort_tuple = ( service_key, action, tag_censor )
display_tuple = self._GetTagDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._tag_service_actions.UpdateRow( index, display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _GetRatingDisplayTuple( self, sort_tuple ):
( service_key, action ) = sort_tuple
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
service = services_manager.GetService( service_key )
name = service.GetName()
pretty_action = HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ]
return ( name, pretty_action )
def _GetTagDisplayTuple( self, sort_tuple ):
( service_key, action, tag_censor ) = sort_tuple
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
service = services_manager.GetService( service_key )
name = service.GetName()
pretty_action = HC.content_merge_string_lookup[ action ]
pretty_tag_censor = tag_censor.ToPermittedString()
return ( name, pretty_action, pretty_tag_censor )
def GetValue( self ):
tag_service_actions = self._tag_service_actions.GetClientData()
rating_service_actions = self._rating_service_actions.GetClientData()
delete_second_file = self._delete_second_file.GetValue()
sync_archive = self._sync_archive.GetValue()
delete_both_files = self._delete_both_files.GetValue()
duplicate_action_options = ClientData.DuplicateActionOptions( tag_service_actions, rating_service_actions, delete_second_file, sync_archive, delete_both_files )
return duplicate_action_options
class EditFileImportOptions( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, file_import_options ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._auto_archive = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'archive all imports' )
self._auto_archive.SetToolTip( 'If this is set, all successful imports will be automatically archived rather than sent to the inbox.' )
self._exclude_deleted = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'exclude previously deleted files' )
self._exclude_deleted.SetToolTip( 'If this is set and an incoming file has already been seen and deleted before by this client, the import will be abandoned. This is useful to make sure you do not keep importing and deleting the same bad files over and over. Files currently in the trash count as deleted.' )
self._present_new_files = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'present new files' )
self._present_already_in_inbox_files = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'present \'already in db\' files in inbox' )
self._present_archived_files = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'present \'already in db\' files in archive' )
self._min_size = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, 'size', unit = 'KB', multiplier = 1024 )
self._min_size.SetValue( 5120 )
self._min_resolution = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, 'resolution', num_dimensions = 2 )
self._min_resolution.SetValue( ( 50, 50 ) )
( automatic_archive, exclude_deleted, present_new_files, present_already_in_inbox_files, present_archived_files, min_size, min_resolution ) = file_import_options.ToTuple()
self._auto_archive.SetValue( automatic_archive )
self._exclude_deleted.SetValue( exclude_deleted )
self._present_new_files.SetValue( present_new_files )
self._present_already_in_inbox_files.SetValue( present_already_in_inbox_files )
self._present_archived_files.SetValue( present_archived_files )
self._min_size.SetValue( min_size )
self._min_resolution.SetValue( min_resolution )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._auto_archive, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._exclude_deleted, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
presentation_message = 'For regular import pages, \'presentation\' means if the imported file\'s thumbnail will be added. For quieter queues like subscriptions, it determines if the file will be in any popup message button.'
presentation_message += os.linesep * 2
presentation_message += 'If you have a very large (10k+ files) file import page, consider hiding some or all of its thumbs to reduce ui lag and increase import speed.'
presentation_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, presentation_message )
presentation_st.Wrap( 440 )
vbox.Add( presentation_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._present_new_files, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._present_already_in_inbox_files, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._present_archived_files, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'minimum:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._min_size, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._min_resolution, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
automatic_archive = self._auto_archive.GetValue()
exclude_deleted = self._exclude_deleted.GetValue()
present_new_files = self._present_new_files.GetValue()
present_already_in_inbox_files = self._present_already_in_inbox_files.GetValue()
present_archived_files = self._present_archived_files.GetValue()
min_size = self._min_size.GetValue()
min_resolution = self._min_resolution.GetValue()
return ClientImporting.FileImportOptions( automatic_archive = automatic_archive, exclude_deleted = exclude_deleted, present_new_files = present_new_files, present_already_in_inbox_files = present_already_in_inbox_files, present_archived_files = present_archived_files, min_size = min_size, min_resolution = min_resolution )
class EditFrameLocationPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, info ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._original_info = info
self._remember_size = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'remember size' )
self._remember_position = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'remember position' )
self._last_size = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, 'last size', none_phrase = 'none set', min = 100, max = 1000000, unit = None, num_dimensions = 2 )
self._last_position = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, 'last position', none_phrase = 'none set', min = -1000000, max = 1000000, unit = None, num_dimensions = 2 )
self._default_gravity_x = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._default_gravity_x.Append( 'by default, expand to width of parent', 1 )
self._default_gravity_x.Append( 'by default, expand width as much as needed', -1 )
self._default_gravity_y = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._default_gravity_y.Append( 'by default, expand to height of parent', 1 )
self._default_gravity_y.Append( 'by default, expand height as much as needed', -1 )
self._default_position = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._default_position.Append( 'by default, position off the top-left corner of parent', 'topleft' )
self._default_position.Append( 'by default, position centered on the parent', 'center' )
self._maximised = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'start maximised' )
self._fullscreen = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'start fullscreen' )
( name, remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ) = self._original_info
self._remember_size.SetValue( remember_size )
self._remember_position.SetValue( remember_position )
self._last_size.SetValue( last_size )
self._last_position.SetValue( last_position )
( x, y ) = default_gravity
self._default_gravity_x.SelectClientData( x )
self._default_gravity_y.SelectClientData( y )
self._default_position.SelectClientData( default_position )
self._maximised.SetValue( maximised )
self._fullscreen.SetValue( fullscreen )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
text = 'Setting frame location info for ' + name + '.'
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, text ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._remember_size, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._remember_position, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._last_size, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._last_position, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._default_gravity_x, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._default_gravity_y, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._default_position, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._maximised, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._fullscreen, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
( name, remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ) = self._original_info
remember_size = self._remember_size.GetValue()
remember_position = self._remember_position.GetValue()
last_size = self._last_size.GetValue()
last_position = self._last_position.GetValue()
x = self._default_gravity_x.GetChoice()
y = self._default_gravity_y.GetChoice()
default_gravity = [ x, y ]
default_position = self._default_position.GetChoice()
maximised = self._maximised.GetValue()
fullscreen = self._fullscreen.GetValue()
return ( name, remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen )
class EditMediaViewOptionsPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, info ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._original_info = info
( self._mime, media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) ) = self._original_info
possible_actions = CC.media_viewer_capabilities[ self._mime ]
self._media_show_action = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._preview_show_action = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
for action in possible_actions:
self._media_show_action.Append( CC.media_viewer_action_string_lookup[ action ], action )
self._preview_show_action.Append( CC.media_viewer_action_string_lookup[ action ], action )
self._media_show_action.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventActionChange )
self._preview_show_action.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventActionChange )
self._media_scale_up = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._media_scale_down = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._preview_scale_up = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._preview_scale_down = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
text = CC.media_viewer_scale_string_lookup[ scale_action ]
self._media_scale_up.Append( text, scale_action )
self._preview_scale_up.Append( text, scale_action )
if scale_action != CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100:
self._media_scale_down.Append( text, scale_action )
self._preview_scale_down.Append( text, scale_action )
self._exact_zooms_only = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'only permit half and double zooms' )
self._exact_zooms_only.SetToolTip( 'This limits zooms to 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 400%, and so on. It makes for fast resize and is useful for files that often have flat colours and hard edges, which often scale badly otherwise. The \'canvas fit\' zoom will still be inserted.' )
self._scale_up_quality = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._scale_up_quality.Append( CC.zoom_string_lookup[ zoom ], zoom )
self._scale_down_quality = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._scale_down_quality.Append( CC.zoom_string_lookup[ zoom ], zoom )
self._media_show_action.SelectClientData( media_show_action )
self._preview_show_action.SelectClientData( preview_show_action )
self._media_scale_up.SelectClientData( media_scale_up )
self._media_scale_down.SelectClientData( media_scale_down )
self._preview_scale_up.SelectClientData( preview_scale_up )
self._preview_scale_down.SelectClientData( preview_scale_down )
self._exact_zooms_only.SetValue( exact_zooms_only )
self._scale_up_quality.SelectClientData( scale_up_quality )
self._scale_down_quality.SelectClientData( scale_down_quality )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
text = 'Setting media view options for ' + HC.mime_string_lookup[ self._mime ] + '.'
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, text ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._media_show_action, self, 'media viewer show action:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._preview_show_action, self, 'preview show action:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
if possible_actions == CC.no_support:
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'if the media is smaller than the media viewer canvas: ', self._media_scale_up ) )
rows.append( ( 'if the media is larger than the media viewer canvas: ', self._media_scale_down ) )
rows.append( ( 'if the media is smaller than the preview canvas: ', self._preview_scale_up) )
rows.append( ( 'if the media is larger than the preview canvas: ', self._preview_scale_down ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
vbox.Add( self._exact_zooms_only, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'Nearest neighbour is fast and ugly, 8x8 lanczos and area resampling are slower but beautiful.' ), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._scale_up_quality, self, '>100% (interpolation) quality:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._scale_down_quality, self, '<100% (decimation) quality:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
if self._mime == HC.APPLICATION_FLASH:
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def EventActionChange( self, event ):
if self._media_show_action.GetChoice() in CC.no_support and self._preview_show_action.GetChoice() in CC.no_support:
if self._mime == HC.APPLICATION_FLASH:
def GetValue( self ):
media_show_action = self._media_show_action.GetChoice()
preview_show_action = self._preview_show_action.GetChoice()
media_scale_up = self._media_scale_up.GetChoice()
media_scale_down = self._media_scale_down.GetChoice()
preview_scale_up = self._preview_scale_up.GetChoice()
preview_scale_down = self._preview_scale_down.GetChoice()
exact_zooms_only = self._exact_zooms_only.GetValue()
scale_up_quality = self._scale_up_quality.GetChoice()
scale_down_quality = self._scale_down_quality.GetChoice()
return ( self._mime, media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) )
class EditNetworkContextPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, network_context ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._context_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._context_type.Append( CC.network_context_type_string_lookup[ ct ], ct )
self._context_type_info = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
self._context_data_text = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._context_data_services = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
for service in HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.REPOSITORIES ):
self._context_data_services.Append( service.GetName(), service.GetServiceKey() )
self._context_data_downloaders = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._context_data_downloaders.Append( 'downloaders are not ready yet!', '' )
self._context_data_subscriptions = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._context_data_none = wx.CheckBox( self, label = 'No specific data--acts as default.' )
names = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION )
for name in names:
self._context_data_subscriptions.Append( name, name )
self._context_type.SelectClientData( network_context.context_type )
context_type = network_context.context_type
if network_context.context_data is None:
self._context_data_none.SetValue( True )
if context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
self._context_data_text.SetValue( network_context.context_data )
elif context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
self._context_data_services.SelectClientData( network_context.context_data )
#self._context_data_downloaders.SelectClientData( network_context.context_data )
self._context_data_subscriptions.SelectClientData( network_context.context_data )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._context_type, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_type_info, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_data_text, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_data_services, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_data_downloaders, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_data_subscriptions, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._context_data_none, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
self._context_type.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventContextTypeChanged )
def _Update( self ):
self._context_type_info.SetLabelText( CC.network_context_type_description_lookup[ self._context_type.GetChoice() ] )
context_type = self._context_type.GetChoice()
self._context_data_none.SetValue( True )
self._context_data_none.SetValue( False )
if context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
elif context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
def EventContextTypeChanged( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
context_type = self._context_type.GetChoice()
if self._context_data_none.GetValue() == True:
context_data = None
if context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN:
context_data = self._context_data_text.GetValue()
elif context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS:
context_data = self._context_data_services.GetChoice()
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Downloaders do not work yet!' )
#context_data = self._context_data_downloaders.GetChoice()
context_data = self._context_data_subscriptions.GetChoice()
return ClientNetworking.NetworkContext( context_type, context_data )
class EditNetworkContextCustomHeadersPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._list_ctrl_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self )
self._list_ctrl = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( self._list_ctrl_panel, 'network_contexts_custom_headers', 15, 40, [ ( 'context', 24 ), ( 'header', 30 ), ( 'approved?', 12 ), ( 'reason', -1 ) ], self._ConvertDataToListCtrlTuples, delete_key_callback = self._Delete, activation_callback = self._Edit )
self._list_ctrl_panel.SetListCtrl( self._list_ctrl )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'add', self._Add )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._Edit, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'delete', self._Delete, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._list_ctrl.Sort( 0 )
for ( network_context, custom_header_dict ) in network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts.items():
for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in custom_header_dict.items():
data = ( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( data, ) )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._list_ctrl_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _Add( self ):
network_context = ClientNetworking.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, 'hostname.com' )
key = 'Authorization'
value = 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='
approved = ClientNetworkingDomain.VALID_APPROVED
reason = 'EXAMPLE REASON: HTTP header login--needed for access.'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit header' ) as dlg:
panel = self._EditPanel( dlg, network_context, key, value, approved, reason )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
( network_context, key, value, approved, reason ) = panel.GetValue()
data = ( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( data, ) )
def _ConvertDataToListCtrlTuples( self, data ):
( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason ) = data
pretty_network_context = network_context.ToUnicode()
pretty_key_value = key + ': ' + value
pretty_approved = ClientNetworkingDomain.valid_str_lookup[ approved ]
pretty_reason = reason
display_tuple = ( pretty_network_context, pretty_key_value, pretty_approved, pretty_reason )
sort_tuple = ( pretty_network_context, ( key, value ), pretty_approved, reason )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _Delete( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _Edit( self ):
for data in self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True ):
( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason ) = data
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit header' ) as dlg:
panel = self._EditPanel( dlg, network_context, key, value, approved, reason )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
self._list_ctrl.DeleteDatas( ( data, ) )
( network_context, key, value, approved, reason ) = panel.GetValue()
new_data = ( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( new_data, ) )
def GetValue( self ):
network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = collections.defaultdict( dict )
for ( network_context, ( key, value ), approved, reason ) in self._list_ctrl.GetData():
network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ][ key ] = ( value, approved, reason )
return network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts
class _EditPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, network_context, key, value, approved, reason ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._network_context = ClientGUICommon.NetworkContextButton( self, network_context )
self._key = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._value = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._approved = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
for a in ( ClientNetworkingDomain.VALID_APPROVED, ClientNetworkingDomain.VALID_DENIED, ClientNetworkingDomain.VALID_UNKNOWN ):
self._approved.Append( ClientNetworkingDomain.valid_str_lookup[ a ], a )
self._reason = wx.TextCtrl( self )
width = ClientData.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self._reason, 60 )
self._reason.SetMinSize( ( width, -1 ) )
self._key.SetValue( key )
self._value.SetValue( value )
self._approved.SelectClientData( approved )
self._reason.SetValue( reason )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._network_context, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._value, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._approved, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._reason, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
network_context = self._network_context.GetValue()
key = self._key.GetValue()
value = self._value.GetValue()
approved = self._approved.GetChoice()
reason = self._reason.GetValue()
return ( network_context, key, value, approved, reason )
class EditNoneableIntegerPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, value, message = '', none_phrase = 'no limit', min = 0, max = 1000000, unit = None, multiplier = 1, num_dimensions = 1 ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._value = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, message = message, none_phrase = none_phrase, min = min, max = max, unit = unit, multiplier = multiplier, num_dimensions = num_dimensions )
self._value.SetValue( value )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._value, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
return self._value.GetValue()
class EditRegexFavourites( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, regex_favourites ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._regexes = ClientGUIListCtrl.SaneListCtrl( self, 200, [ ( 'regex phrase', 120 ), ( 'description', -1 ) ], delete_key_callback = self.Delete, activation_callback = self.Edit )
self._add_button = wx.Button( self, label = 'add' )
self._add_button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventAdd )
self._edit_button = wx.Button( self, label = 'edit' )
self._edit_button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventEdit )
self._delete_button = wx.Button( self, label = 'delete' )
self._delete_button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventDelete )
for ( regex_phrase, description ) in regex_favourites:
self._regexes.Append( ( regex_phrase, description ), ( regex_phrase, description ) )
regex_buttons = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
regex_buttons.Add( self._add_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
regex_buttons.Add( self._edit_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
regex_buttons.Add( self._delete_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._regexes, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( regex_buttons, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def Delete( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def Edit( self ):
indices = self._regexes.GetAllSelected()
for index in indices:
( regex_phrase, description ) = self._regexes.GetClientData( index )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Update regex.', default = regex_phrase ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
regex_phrase = dlg.GetValue()
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Update description.', default = description ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
description = dlg_2.GetValue()
self._regexes.UpdateRow( index, ( regex_phrase, description ), ( regex_phrase, description ) )
def EventAdd( self, event ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter regex.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
regex_phrase = dlg.GetValue()
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter description.' ) as dlg_2:
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
description = dlg_2.GetValue()
self._regexes.Append( ( regex_phrase, description ), ( regex_phrase, description ) )
def EventDelete( self, event ):
def EventEdit( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
return self._regexes.GetClientData()
class EditServersideService( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, serverside_service ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
duplicate_serverside_service = serverside_service.Duplicate()
( self._service_key, self._service_type, name, port, self._dictionary ) = duplicate_serverside_service.ToTuple()
self._service_panel = self._ServicePanel( self, name, port, self._dictionary )
self._panels = []
if self._service_type in HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES:
self._panels.append( self._ServiceRestrictedPanel( self, self._dictionary ) )
if self._service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
self._panels.append( self._ServiceFileRepositoryPanel( self, self._dictionary ) )
if self._service_type == HC.SERVER_ADMIN:
self._panels.append( self._ServiceServerAdminPanel( self, self._dictionary ) )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._service_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
for panel in self._panels:
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
( name, port, dictionary_part ) = self._service_panel.GetValue()
dictionary = self._dictionary.Duplicate()
dictionary.update( dictionary_part )
for panel in self._panels:
dictionary_part = panel.GetValue()
dictionary.update( dictionary_part )
return HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( self._service_key, self._service_type, name, port, dictionary )
class _ServicePanel( ClientGUICommon.StaticBox ):
def __init__( self, parent, name, port, dictionary ):
ClientGUICommon.StaticBox.__init__( self, parent, 'basic information' )
self._name = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._port = wx.SpinCtrl( self, min = 1, max = 65535 )
self._upnp_port = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, 'external upnp port', none_phrase = 'do not forward port', min = 1, max = 65535 )
self._bandwidth_tracker_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
self._name.SetValue( name )
self._port.SetValue( port )
upnp_port = dictionary[ 'upnp_port' ]
self._upnp_port.SetValue( upnp_port )
bandwidth_tracker = dictionary[ 'bandwidth_tracker' ]
bandwidth_text = bandwidth_tracker.GetCurrentMonthSummary()
self._bandwidth_tracker_st.SetLabelText( bandwidth_text )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'name: ', self._name ) )
rows.append( ( 'port: ', self._port ) )
rows.append( ( 'upnp port: ', self._upnp_port ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
self.Add( self._bandwidth_tracker_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
def GetValue( self ):
dictionary_part = {}
name = self._name.GetValue()
port = self._port.GetValue()
upnp_port = self._upnp_port.GetValue()
dictionary_part[ 'upnp_port' ] = upnp_port
return ( name, port, dictionary_part )
class _ServiceRestrictedPanel( wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent, dictionary ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent )
bandwidth_rules = dictionary[ 'bandwidth_rules' ]
self._bandwidth_rules = ClientGUIControls.BandwidthRulesCtrl( self, bandwidth_rules )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._bandwidth_rules, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def GetValue( self ):
dictionary_part = {}
dictionary_part[ 'bandwidth_rules' ] = self._bandwidth_rules.GetValue()
return dictionary_part
class _ServiceFileRepositoryPanel( ClientGUICommon.StaticBox ):
def __init__( self, parent, dictionary ):
ClientGUICommon.StaticBox.__init__( self, parent, 'file repository' )
self._log_uploader_ips = wx.CheckBox( self )
self._max_storage = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, unit = 'MB', multiplier = 1024 * 1024 )
log_uploader_ips = dictionary[ 'log_uploader_ips' ]
max_storage = dictionary[ 'max_storage' ]
self._log_uploader_ips.SetValue( log_uploader_ips )
self._max_storage.SetValue( max_storage )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'log file uploader IP addresses?: ', self._log_uploader_ips ) )
rows.append( ( 'max file storage: ', self._max_storage ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
def GetValue( self ):
dictionary_part = {}
log_uploader_ips = self._log_uploader_ips.GetValue()
max_storage = self._max_storage.GetValue()
dictionary_part[ 'log_uploader_ips' ] = log_uploader_ips
dictionary_part[ 'max_storage' ] = max_storage
return dictionary_part
class _ServiceServerAdminPanel( ClientGUICommon.StaticBox ):
def __init__( self, parent, dictionary ):
ClientGUICommon.StaticBox.__init__( self, parent, 'server-wide bandwidth' )
self._bandwidth_tracker_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
bandwidth_rules = dictionary[ 'server_bandwidth_rules' ]
self._bandwidth_rules = ClientGUIControls.BandwidthRulesCtrl( self, bandwidth_rules )
bandwidth_tracker = dictionary[ 'server_bandwidth_tracker' ]
bandwidth_text = bandwidth_tracker.GetCurrentMonthSummary()
self._bandwidth_tracker_st.SetLabelText( bandwidth_text )
self.Add( self._bandwidth_tracker_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.Add( self._bandwidth_rules, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
def GetValue( self ):
dictionary_part = {}
bandwidth_rules = self._bandwidth_rules.GetValue()
dictionary_part[ 'server_bandwidth_rules' ] = bandwidth_rules
return dictionary_part
class EditSubscriptionPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, subscription ):
subscription = subscription.Duplicate()
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._original_subscription = subscription
self._name = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._delay_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
self._query_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'site and queries' )
self._site_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._query_panel )
site_types = []
site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU )
site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_DEVIANT_ART )
site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_NEWGROUNDS )
site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV_ARTIST_ID )
#site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV_TAG )
site_types.append( HC.SITE_TYPE_TUMBLR )
for site_type in site_types:
self._site_type.Append( HC.site_type_string_lookup[ site_type ], site_type )
self._site_type.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventSiteChanged )
queries_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self._query_panel )
self._queries = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( queries_panel, 'subscription_queries', 20, 20, [ ( 'query', 20 ), ( 'paused', 8 ), ( 'status', 8 ), ( 'last new file time', 20 ), ( 'last check time', 20 ), ( 'next check time', 20 ), ( 'file velocity', 20 ), ( 'urls', 14 ), ( 'file summary', -1 ) ], self._ConvertQueryToListCtrlTuples, delete_key_callback = self._DeleteQuery, activation_callback = self._EditQuery )
queries_panel.SetListCtrl( self._queries )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'add', self._AddQuery )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'paste queries', self._PasteQueries )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._EditQuery, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'delete', self._DeleteQuery, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'pause/play', self._PausePlay, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'retry failed', self._RetryFailed, enabled_check_func = self._ListCtrlCanRetryFailed )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'check now', self._CheckNow, enabled_check_func = self._ListCtrlCanCheckNow )
queries_panel.AddButton( 'reset cache', self._ResetCache, enabled_check_func = self._ListCtrlCanResetCache )
self._booru_selector = wx.ListBox( self._query_panel )
self._booru_selector.Bind( wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.EventBooruSelected )
self._checker_options_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self._query_panel, 'edit check timings', self._EditCheckerOptions )
self._options_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'options' )
menu_items = []
invert_call = self._InvertGetTagsIfURLKnownAndFileRedundant
value_call = self._GetTagsIfURLKnownAndFileRedundant
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerCalls( invert_call, value_call )
menu_items.append( ( 'check', 'get tags even if url is known and file is already in db (this downloader)', 'If this is selected, the client will fetch the tags from a file\'s page even if it has the file and already previously downloaded it from that location.', check_manager ) )
menu_items.append( ( 'separator', 0, 0, 0 ) )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant' )
menu_items.append( ( 'check', 'get tags even if url is known and file is already in db (default)', 'Set the default for this value.', check_manager ) )
cog_button = ClientGUICommon.MenuBitmapButton( self._options_panel, CC.GlobalBMPs.cog, menu_items )
self._initial_file_limit = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self._options_panel, '', none_phrase = 'get everything', min = 1, max = 1000000 )
self._initial_file_limit.SetToolTip( 'If set, the first sync will add no more than this many files. Otherwise, it will get everything the gallery has.' )
self._periodic_file_limit = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self._options_panel, '', none_phrase = 'get everything', min = 1, max = 1000000 )
self._periodic_file_limit.SetToolTip( 'If set, normal syncs will add no more than this many files. Otherwise, they will get everything up until they find a file they have seen before.' )
self._control_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'control' )
self._paused = wx.CheckBox( self._control_panel )
( name, gallery_identifier, gallery_stream_identifiers, queries, self._checker_options, self._get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, file_import_options, tag_import_options, self._no_work_until, self._no_work_until_reason ) = subscription.ToTuple()
self._file_import_options = ClientGUIImport.FileImportOptionsButton( self, file_import_options )
( namespaces, search_value ) = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultNamespacesAndSearchValue( gallery_identifier )
self._tag_import_options = ClientGUIImport.TagImportOptionsButton( self, namespaces, tag_import_options )
self._name.SetValue( name )
site_type = gallery_identifier.GetSiteType()
self._site_type.SelectClientData( site_type )
if site_type == HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU:
booru_name = gallery_identifier.GetAdditionalInfo()
index = self._booru_selector.FindString( booru_name )
if index != wx.NOT_FOUND:
self._booru_selector.Select( index )
# set gallery_stream_identifiers selection here--some kind of list of checkboxes or whatever
self._queries.AddDatas( queries )
self._initial_file_limit.SetValue( initial_file_limit )
self._periodic_file_limit.SetValue( periodic_file_limit )
self._paused.SetValue( paused )
self._query_panel.Add( self._site_type, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._query_panel.Add( self._booru_selector, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._query_panel.Add( queries_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self._query_panel.Add( self._checker_options_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'on first check, get at most this many files: ', self._initial_file_limit ) )
rows.append( ( 'on normal checks, get at most this many newer files: ', self._periodic_file_limit ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._options_panel, rows )
self._options_panel.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self._options_panel, 'If you are new to subscriptions, do not set these too high! In general, subscriptions that are larger than a couple of thousand files are a headache if they go wrong!' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._options_panel.Add( cog_button, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
self._options_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'currently paused: ', self._paused ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._control_panel, rows )
self._control_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.WrapInText( self._name, self, 'name: ' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._delay_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._query_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( self._control_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._options_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._file_import_options, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._tag_import_options, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _AddQuery( self ):
gallery_identifier = self._GetGalleryIdentifier()
( namespaces, search_value ) = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultNamespacesAndSearchValue( gallery_identifier )
query = ClientImporting.SubscriptionQuery( search_value )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit subscription query' ) as dlg:
panel = EditSubscriptionQueryPanel( dlg, query )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
query = panel.GetValue()
query_text = query.GetQueryText()
if query_text in self._GetCurrentQueryTexts():
wx.MessageBox( 'You already have a query for "' + query_text + '"! This duplicate entry you just created will not be added.' )
self._queries.AddDatas( ( query, ) )
def _CheckNow( self ):
selected_queries = self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True )
for query in selected_queries:
self._queries.UpdateDatas( selected_queries )
self._no_work_until = 0
def _ConfigureTagImportOptions( self ):
gallery_identifier = self._GetGalleryIdentifier()
( namespaces, search_value ) = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultNamespacesAndSearchValue( gallery_identifier )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
tag_import_options = new_options.GetDefaultTagImportOptions( gallery_identifier )
if gallery_identifier == self._original_subscription.GetGalleryIdentifier():
tag_import_options = self._original_subscription.GetTagImportOptions()
self._tag_import_options.SetNamespaces( namespaces )
self._tag_import_options.SetValue( tag_import_options )
def _ConvertQueryToListCtrlTuples( self, query ):
( query_text, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, paused, status, seed_cache ) = query.ToTuple()
pretty_query_text = query_text
if paused:
pretty_paused = 'yes'
pretty_paused = ''
if status == ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_OK:
pretty_status = 'ok'
pretty_status = 'dead'
last_new_file_time = seed_cache.GetLatestAddedTime()
pretty_last_new_file_time = HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo( last_new_file_time )
if last_check_time == 0:
pretty_last_check_time = 'initial check has not yet occured'
pretty_last_check_time = HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettySync( last_check_time )
pretty_next_check_time = query.GetNextCheckStatusString()
file_velocity = self._checker_options.GetRawCurrentVelocity( query.GetSeedCache(), last_check_time )
pretty_file_velocity = self._checker_options.GetPrettyCurrentVelocity( query.GetSeedCache(), last_check_time, no_prefix = True )
( file_status, ( num_done, num_total ) ) = seed_cache.GetStatus()
if num_total > 0:
sort_float = float( num_done ) / num_total
sort_float = 0.0
file_value_range = ( sort_float, num_total, num_done )
if num_done == num_total:
pretty_file_value_range = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_total )
pretty_file_value_range = HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( num_done, num_total )
pretty_file_status = file_status
display_tuple = ( pretty_query_text, pretty_paused, pretty_status, pretty_last_new_file_time, pretty_last_check_time, pretty_next_check_time, pretty_file_velocity, pretty_file_value_range, pretty_file_status )
sort_tuple = ( query_text, paused, status, last_new_file_time, last_check_time, next_check_time, file_velocity, file_value_range, file_status )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _DeleteQuery( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Are you sure you want to delete all selected queries?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _EditCheckerOptions( self ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self._checker_options_button, 'edit check timings' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUITime.EditCheckerOptions( dlg, self._checker_options )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
self._checker_options = panel.GetValue()
for query in self._queries.GetData():
query.UpdateNextCheckTime( self._checker_options )
def _EditQuery( self ):
selected_queries = self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True )
for old_query in selected_queries:
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit subscription query' ) as dlg:
panel = EditSubscriptionQueryPanel( dlg, old_query )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
edited_query = panel.GetValue()
edited_query_text = edited_query.GetQueryText()
if edited_query_text != old_query.GetQueryText() and edited_query_text in self._GetCurrentQueryTexts():
wx.MessageBox( 'You already have a query for "' + edited_query_text + '"! The edit you just made will not be saved.' )
self._queries.DeleteDatas( ( old_query, ) )
self._queries.AddDatas( ( edited_query, ) )
def _GetCurrentQueryTexts( self ):
query_strings = set()
for query in self._queries.GetData():
query_strings.add( query.GetQueryText() )
return query_strings
def _GetGalleryIdentifier( self ):
site_type = self._site_type.GetChoice()
if site_type == HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU:
booru_name = self._booru_selector.GetStringSelection()
gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( site_type, additional_info = booru_name )
gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( site_type )
return gallery_identifier
def _GetTagsIfURLKnownAndFileRedundant( self ):
return self._get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant
def _InvertGetTagsIfURLKnownAndFileRedundant( self ):
self._get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant = not self._get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant
def _ListCtrlCanCheckNow( self ):
for query in self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True ):
if query.CanCheckNow():
return True
return False
def _ListCtrlCanResetCache( self ):
for query in self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True ):
if not query.IsInitialSync():
return True
return False
def _ListCtrlCanRetryFailed( self ):
for query in self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True ):
if query.CanRetryFailed():
return True
return False
def _PasteQueries( self ):
message = 'This will add new queries by pulling them from your clipboard. It assumes they are currently in your clipboard and newline separated. Is that ok?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
text = HG.client_controller.GetClipboardText()
query_texts = HydrusText.DeserialiseNewlinedTexts( text )
current_query_texts = self._GetCurrentQueryTexts()
already_existing_query_texts = list( current_query_texts.intersection( query_texts ) )
new_query_texts = list( set( query_texts ).difference( current_query_texts ) )
if len( already_existing_query_texts ) > 0:
message = 'The queries:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += os.linesep.join( already_existing_query_texts )
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Were already in the subscription. They will not be added.'
if len( new_query_texts ) > 0:
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'The queries:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += os.linesep.join( new_query_texts )
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Were new and will be added.'
wx.MessageBox( message )
queries = [ ClientImporting.SubscriptionQuery( query_text ) for query_text in new_query_texts ]
self._queries.AddDatas( queries )
wx.MessageBox( 'I could not understand what was in the clipboard' )
def _PausePlay( self ):
selected_queries = self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True )
for query in selected_queries:
self._queries.UpdateDatas( selected_queries )
def _PresentForSiteType( self ):
site_type = self._site_type.GetChoice()
if site_type == HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU:
if self._booru_selector.GetCount() == 0:
boorus = HG.client_controller.Read( 'remote_boorus' )
for ( name, booru ) in boorus.items(): self._booru_selector.Append( name, booru )
self._booru_selector.Select( 0 )
wx.CallAfter( self._ConfigureTagImportOptions )
ClientGUITopLevelWindows.PostSizeChangedEvent( self )
def _ResetCache( self ):
message = '''Resetting these queries will delete all their cached urls, meaning when the subscription next runs, they will have to download all those links over again. This may be expensive in time and data. Only do this if you know what it means. Do you want to do it?'''
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
selected_queries = self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True )
for query in selected_queries:
self._queries.UpdateDatas( selected_queries )
def _RetryFailed( self ):
selected_queries = self._queries.GetData( only_selected = True )
for query in selected_queries:
self._queries.UpdateDatas( selected_queries )
self._no_work_until = 0
def _UpdateDelayText( self ):
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._no_work_until ):
status = 'no recent errors'
status = 'delaying ' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyPending( self._no_work_until, prefix = 'for' ) + ' because: ' + self._no_work_until_reason
self._delay_st.SetLabelText( status )
def EventBooruSelected( self, event ):
def EventSiteChanged( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
name = self._name.GetValue()
subscription = ClientImporting.Subscription( name )
gallery_identifier = self._GetGalleryIdentifier()
# in future, this can be harvested from some checkboxes or whatever for stream selection
gallery_stream_identifiers = ClientDownloading.GetGalleryStreamIdentifiers( gallery_identifier )
queries = self._queries.GetData()
initial_file_limit = self._initial_file_limit.GetValue()
periodic_file_limit = self._periodic_file_limit.GetValue()
paused = self._paused.GetValue()
file_import_options = self._file_import_options.GetValue()
tag_import_options = self._tag_import_options.GetValue()
subscription.SetTuple( gallery_identifier, gallery_stream_identifiers, queries, self._checker_options, self._get_tags_if_url_known_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, file_import_options, tag_import_options, self._no_work_until )
return subscription
class EditSubscriptionQueryPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, query ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._original_query = query
self._status_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
st_width = ClientData.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self._status_st, 50 )
self._status_st.SetMinSize( ( st_width, -1 ) )
self._query_text = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._check_now = wx.CheckBox( self )
self._paused = wx.CheckBox( self )
self._seed_cache_panel = ClientGUISeedCache.SeedCacheStatusControl( self, HG.client_controller )
( query_text, check_now, self._last_check_time, self._next_check_time, paused, self._status, seed_cache ) = self._original_query.ToTuple()
self._query_text.SetValue( query_text )
self._check_now.SetValue( check_now )
self._paused.SetValue( paused )
self._seed_cache = seed_cache.Duplicate()
self._seed_cache_panel.SetSeedCache( self._seed_cache )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'query text: ', self._query_text ) )
rows.append( ( 'check now: ', self._check_now ) )
rows.append( ( 'paused: ', self._paused ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._status_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._seed_cache_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.EventUpdate )
def _GetValue( self ):
query = self._original_query.Duplicate()
query.SetQueryAndSeedCache( self._query_text.GetValue(), self._seed_cache )
query.SetPaused( self._paused.GetValue() )
query.SetCheckNow( self._check_now.GetValue() )
return query
def _UpdateStatus( self ):
query = self._GetValue()
self._status_st.SetLabelText( 'next check: ' + query.GetNextCheckStatusString() )
def EventUpdate( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
query = self._GetValue()
return query
class EditTagCensorPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, tag_censor ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
help_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterBitmapButton( self, CC.GlobalBMPs.help, self._ShowHelp )
blacklist_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'exclude these' )
self._blacklist = ClientGUIListBoxes.ListBoxTagsCensorship( blacklist_panel )
self._blacklist_input = wx.TextCtrl( blacklist_panel, style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
self._blacklist_input.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventKeyDownBlacklist )
add_blacklist_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( blacklist_panel, 'add', self._AddBlacklist )
delete_blacklist_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( blacklist_panel, 'delete', self._DeleteBlacklist )
blacklist_everything_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( blacklist_panel, 'block everything', self._BlacklistEverything )
whitelist_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'except for these' )
self._whitelist = ClientGUIListBoxes.ListBoxTagsCensorship( whitelist_panel )
self._whitelist_input = wx.TextCtrl( whitelist_panel, style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
self._whitelist_input.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventKeyDownWhitelist )
add_whitelist_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( whitelist_panel, 'add', self._AddWhitelist )
delete_whitelist_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( whitelist_panel, 'delete', self._DeleteWhitelist )
self._status_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'current: ' )
blacklist_tag_slices = [ tag_slice for ( tag_slice, rule ) in tag_censor.GetTagSlicesToRules().items() if rule == CC.CENSOR_BLACKLIST ]
whitelist_tag_slices = [ tag_slice for ( tag_slice, rule ) in tag_censor.GetTagSlicesToRules().items() if rule == CC.CENSOR_WHITELIST ]
self._blacklist.AddTags( blacklist_tag_slices )
self._whitelist.AddTags( whitelist_tag_slices )
button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
button_hbox.Add( self._blacklist_input, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
button_hbox.Add( add_blacklist_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( delete_blacklist_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( blacklist_everything_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
blacklist_panel.Add( self._blacklist, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
blacklist_panel.Add( button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
button_hbox.Add( self._whitelist_input, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
button_hbox.Add( add_whitelist_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.Add( delete_whitelist_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
whitelist_panel.Add( self._whitelist, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
whitelist_panel.Add( button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
help_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'help for this panel -->' )
st.SetForegroundColour( wx.Colour( 0, 0, 255 ) )
help_hbox.Add( st, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
help_hbox.Add( help_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
hbox.Add( blacklist_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
hbox.Add( whitelist_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( help_hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
vbox.Add( self._status_st, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
self.Bind( ClientGUIListBoxes.EVT_LIST_BOX, self.EventListBoxChanged )
def _AddBlacklist( self ):
tag_slice = self._blacklist_input.GetValue()
self._blacklist.EnterTags( ( tag_slice, ) )
self._whitelist.RemoveTags( ( tag_slice, ) )
self._blacklist_input.SetValue( '' )
def _AddWhitelist( self ):
tag_slice = self._whitelist_input.GetValue()
self._whitelist.EnterTags( ( tag_slice, ) )
self._blacklist.RemoveTags( ( tag_slice, ) )
self._whitelist_input.SetValue( '' )
def _BlacklistEverything( self ):
tag_slices = self._blacklist.GetClientData()
self._blacklist.RemoveTags( tag_slices )
self._blacklist.AddTags( ( '', ':' ) )
def _DeleteBlacklist( self ):
selected_tag_slices = self._blacklist.GetSelectedTags()
if len( selected_tag_slices ) > 0:
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
self._blacklist.RemoveTags( selected_tag_slices )
def _DeleteWhitelist( self ):
selected_tag_slices = self._whitelist.GetSelectedTags()
if len( selected_tag_slices ) > 0:
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
self._whitelist.RemoveTags( selected_tag_slices )
def _ShowHelp( self ):
help = 'Here you can set rules to filter tags. By default, all tags will be allowed.'
help += os.linesep * 2
help += 'Add tags or classes of tag to the left to exclude them. Here are the formats accepted:'
help += os.linesep * 2
help += '"tag" or "namespace:tag" - just a single tag'
help += os.linesep
help += '"namespace:" - all instances of that namespace'
help += os.linesep
help += '":" - all namespaced tags'
help += os.linesep
help += '"" (i.e. an empty string) - all unnamespaced tags'
help += os.linesep * 2
help += 'If you want to ban all of a class of tag except for some specific cases, add those specifics on the right to create exceptions for them.'
help += os.linesep * 2
help += 'If you want to make this work like a whitelist, hit \'block everything\' (to block everything on the left) and then add what you do want on the right.'
wx.MessageBox( help )
def _UpdateStatus( self ):
tag_censor = self.GetValue()
pretty_tag_censor = tag_censor.ToPermittedString()
self._status_st.SetLabelText( 'current: ' + pretty_tag_censor )
def EventListBoxChanged( self, event ):
def EventKeyDownBlacklist( self, event ):
( modifier, key ) = ClientData.ConvertKeyEventToSimpleTuple( event )
if key in ( wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER ):
def EventKeyDownWhitelist( self, event ):
( modifier, key ) = ClientData.ConvertKeyEventToSimpleTuple( event )
if key in ( wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER ):
def GetValue( self ):
tag_censor = ClientData.TagCensor()
for tag_slice in self._blacklist.GetClientData():
tag_censor.SetRule( tag_slice, CC.CENSOR_BLACKLIST )
for tag_slice in self._whitelist.GetClientData():
tag_censor.SetRule( tag_slice, CC.CENSOR_WHITELIST )
return tag_censor
class EditTagImportOptions( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, namespaces, tag_import_options ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info = {}
self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info = {}
self._button_ids_to_service_keys = {}
help_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterBitmapButton( self, CC.GlobalBMPs.help, self._ShowHelp )
help_button.SetToolTip( 'Show help regarding these tag options.' )
self._services_vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
self._SetNamespaces( namespaces )
self._SetOptions( tag_import_options )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( help_button, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
vbox.Add( self._services_vbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _SetNamespaces( self, namespaces ):
self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info = {}
self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info = {}
self._button_ids_to_service_keys = {}
self._services_vbox.Clear( True )
services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.TAG_SERVICES, randomised = False )
button_id = 1
if len( services ) > 0:
outer_gridbox = wx.FlexGridSizer( 2 )
outer_gridbox.AddGrowableCol( 1, 1 )
for service in services:
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info[ service_key ] = []
outer_gridbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, service.GetName() ), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
for namespace in namespaces:
label = ClientTags.RenderNamespaceForUser( namespace )
namespace_checkbox = wx.CheckBox( self, label = label )
self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info[ service_key ].append( ( namespace, namespace_checkbox ) )
vbox.Add( namespace_checkbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
explicit_tags = set()
button_label = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( explicit_tags ) ) + ' explicit tags'
explicit_button = wx.Button( self, label = button_label, id = button_id )
explicit_button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.EventExplicitTags )
self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info[ service_key ] = ( explicit_tags, explicit_button )
self._button_ids_to_service_keys[ button_id ] = service_key
button_id += 1
vbox.Add( explicit_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
outer_gridbox.Add( vbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
self._services_vbox.Add( outer_gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
def _SetOptions( self, tag_import_options ):
service_keys_to_namespaces = tag_import_options.GetServiceKeysToNamespaces()
for ( service_key, checkbox_info ) in self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info.items():
if service_key in service_keys_to_namespaces:
namespaces_to_set = service_keys_to_namespaces[ service_key ]
namespaces_to_set = set()
for ( namespace, checkbox ) in checkbox_info:
if namespace in namespaces_to_set:
checkbox.SetValue( True )
checkbox.SetValue( False )
service_keys_to_explicit_tags = tag_import_options.GetServiceKeysToExplicitTags()
new_service_keys_to_explicit_button_info = {}
for ( service_key, button_info ) in self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info.items():
if service_key in service_keys_to_explicit_tags:
explicit_tags = service_keys_to_explicit_tags[ service_key ]
explicit_tags = set()
( old_explicit_tags, explicit_button ) = button_info
button_label = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( explicit_tags ) ) + ' explicit tags'
explicit_button.SetLabelText( button_label )
new_service_keys_to_explicit_button_info[ service_key ] = ( explicit_tags, explicit_button )
self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info = new_service_keys_to_explicit_button_info
def _ShowHelp( self ):
message = 'Here you can select which kinds of tags you would like applied to the files that are imported.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If this import context can parse tags (such as a gallery downloader, which may provide \'creator\' or \'series\' tags, amongst others), then the namespaces it provides will be listed here with checkboxes--simply check which ones you are interested in for the tag services you want them to be applied to and it will all occur as the importer processes its files.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'You can also set some fixed \'explicit\' tags to be applied to all successful files. For instance, you might want to add something like \'read later\' or \'from my unsorted folder\' or \'pixiv subscription\'.'
wx.MessageBox( message )
def EventChecked( self, event ):
wx.PostEvent( self, wx.CommandEvent( commandEventType = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'tag_import_options_changed' ) ) )
def EventExplicitTags( self, event ):
button_id = event.GetId()
service_key = self._button_ids_to_service_keys[ button_id ]
( explicit_tags, explicit_button ) = self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info[ service_key ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogInputTags( self, service_key, explicit_tags ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
explicit_tags = dlg.GetTags()
button_label = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( explicit_tags ) ) + ' explicit tags'
explicit_button.SetLabelText( button_label )
self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info[ service_key ] = ( explicit_tags, explicit_button )
def GetValue( self ):
service_keys_to_namespaces = {}
for ( service_key, checkbox_info ) in self._service_keys_to_checkbox_info.items():
namespaces = [ namespace for ( namespace, checkbox ) in checkbox_info if checkbox.GetValue() == True ]
service_keys_to_namespaces[ service_key ] = namespaces
service_keys_to_explicit_tags = { service_key : explicit_tags for ( service_key, ( explicit_tags, explicit_button ) ) in self._service_keys_to_explicit_button_info.items() }
tag_import_options = ClientImporting.TagImportOptions( service_keys_to_namespaces = service_keys_to_namespaces, service_keys_to_explicit_tags = service_keys_to_explicit_tags )
return tag_import_options
class EditURLMatchPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, url_match ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._original_url_match = url_match
self._name = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._url_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._url_type.Append( HC.url_type_string_lookup[ url_type ], url_type )
self._preferred_scheme = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._preferred_scheme.Append( 'http', 'http' )
self._preferred_scheme.Append( 'https', 'https' )
self._netloc = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._keep_subdomains= wx.CheckBox( self )
self._allow_subdomains = wx.CheckBox( self )
path_components_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'path components' )
self._path_components = ClientGUIListBoxes.QueueListBox( path_components_panel, self._ConvertPathComponentToString, self._AddPathComponent, self._EditPathComponent )
parameters_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'parameters' )
parameters_listctrl_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( parameters_panel )
self._parameters = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( parameters_listctrl_panel, 'url_match_path_components', 5, 45, [ ( 'key', 14 ), ( 'value', -1 ) ], self._ConvertParameterToListCtrlTuples, delete_key_callback = self._DeleteParameters, activation_callback = self._EditParameters )
parameters_listctrl_panel.SetListCtrl( self._parameters )
parameters_listctrl_panel.AddButton( 'add', self._AddParameters )
parameters_listctrl_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._EditParameters, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
parameters_listctrl_panel.AddButton( 'delete', self._DeleteParameters, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._example_url = wx.TextCtrl( self )
self._example_url_matches = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
self._normalised_url = wx.TextCtrl( self, style = wx.TE_READONLY )
( url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, allow_subdomains, keep_subdomains, path_components, parameters, api_lookup_converter, example_url ) = url_match.ToTuple()
self._api_lookup_converter = ClientGUIParsing.StringConverterButton( self, api_lookup_converter )
self._api_url = wx.TextCtrl( self, style = wx.TE_READONLY )
name = url_match.GetName()
self._name.SetValue( name )
self._url_type.SelectClientData( url_type )
self._preferred_scheme.SelectClientData( preferred_scheme )
self._netloc.SetValue( netloc )
self._allow_subdomains.SetValue( allow_subdomains )
self._keep_subdomains.SetValue( keep_subdomains )
self._path_components.AddDatas( path_components )
self._parameters.AddDatas( parameters.items() )
self._example_url.SetValue( example_url )
example_url_width = ClientData.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self._example_url, 75 )
self._example_url.SetMinSize( ( example_url_width, -1 ) )
path_components_panel.Add( self._path_components, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
parameters_panel.Add( parameters_listctrl_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'name: ', self._name ) )
rows.append( ( 'url type: ', self._url_type ) )
rows.append( ( 'preferred scheme: ', self._preferred_scheme ) )
rows.append( ( 'network location: ', self._netloc ) )
rows.append( ( 'allow subdomains?: ', self._allow_subdomains ) )
rows.append( ( 'keep subdomains?: ', self._keep_subdomains ) )
gridbox_1 = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'example url: ', self._example_url ) )
rows.append( ( 'normalised url: ', self._normalised_url ) )
rows.append( ( 'optional api url converter: ', self._api_lookup_converter ) )
rows.append( ( 'api url: ', self._api_url ) )
gridbox_2 = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( path_components_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( parameters_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( self._example_url_matches, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
self._preferred_scheme.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventUpdate )
self._netloc.Bind( wx.EVT_TEXT, self.EventUpdate )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.EventUpdate )
self._example_url.Bind( wx.EVT_TEXT, self.EventUpdate )
self.Bind( ClientGUIListBoxes.EVT_LIST_BOX, self.EventUpdate )
self._url_type.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventUpdate )
self._api_lookup_converter.Bind( ClientGUIParsing.EVT_STRING_CONVERTER, self.EventUpdate )
def _AddParameters( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'edit the key', default = 'key', allow_blank = False ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
key = dlg.GetValue()
existing_keys = self._GetExistingKeys()
if key in existing_keys:
wx.MessageBox( 'That key already exists!' )
import ClientGUIParsing
string_match = ClientParsing.StringMatch()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit value' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIParsing.EditStringMatchPanel( dlg, string_match )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
string_match = panel.GetValue()
data = ( key, string_match )
self._parameters.AddDatas( ( data, ) )
def _AddPathComponent( self ):
string_match = ClientParsing.StringMatch()
return self._EditPathComponent( string_match )
def _ConvertParameterToListCtrlTuples( self, data ):
( key, string_match ) = data
pretty_key = key
pretty_string_match = string_match.ToUnicode()
sort_key = pretty_key
sort_string_match = pretty_string_match
display_tuple = ( pretty_key, pretty_string_match )
sort_tuple = ( sort_key, sort_string_match )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _ConvertPathComponentToString( self, path_component ):
return path_component.ToUnicode()
def _DeleteParameters( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _EditParameters( self ):
selected_params = self._parameters.GetData( only_selected = True )
for parameter in selected_params:
( original_key, original_string_match ) = parameter
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'edit the key', default = original_key, allow_blank = False ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
key = dlg.GetValue()
if key != original_key:
existing_keys = self._GetExistingKeys()
if key in existing_keys:
wx.MessageBox( 'That key already exists!' )
import ClientGUIParsing
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit value' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIParsing.EditStringMatchPanel( dlg, original_string_match )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
string_match = panel.GetValue()
self._parameters.DeleteDatas( ( parameter, ) )
new_parameter = ( key, string_match )
self._parameters.AddDatas( ( new_parameter, ) )
def _EditPathComponent( self, string_match ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit path component' ) as dlg:
import ClientGUIParsing
panel = ClientGUIParsing.EditStringMatchPanel( dlg, string_match )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
new_string_match = panel.GetValue()
return ( True, new_string_match )
return ( False, None )
def _GetExistingKeys( self ):
params = self._parameters.GetData()
keys = { key for ( key, string_match ) in params }
return keys
def _GetValue( self ):
url_match_key = self._original_url_match.GetMatchKey()
name = self._name.GetValue()
url_type = self._url_type.GetChoice()
preferred_scheme = self._preferred_scheme.GetChoice()
netloc = self._netloc.GetValue()
allow_subdomains = self._allow_subdomains.GetValue()
keep_subdomains = self._keep_subdomains.GetValue()
path_components = self._path_components.GetData()
parameters = dict( self._parameters.GetData() )
api_lookup_converter = self._api_lookup_converter.GetValue()
example_url = self._example_url.GetValue()
url_match = ClientNetworkingDomain.URLMatch( name, url_match_key = url_match_key, url_type = url_type, preferred_scheme = preferred_scheme, netloc = netloc, allow_subdomains = allow_subdomains, keep_subdomains = keep_subdomains, path_components = path_components, parameters = parameters, api_lookup_converter = api_lookup_converter, example_url = example_url )
return url_match
def _UpdateControls( self ):
url_match = self._GetValue()
url_type = url_match.GetURLType()
typically_saved_to_db = url_type in ( HC.URL_TYPE_FILE, HC.URL_TYPE_POST )
if typically_saved_to_db:
if self._allow_subdomains.GetValue():
self._keep_subdomains.SetValue( False )
example_url = self._example_url.GetValue()
self._api_lookup_converter.SetExampleString( example_url )
url_match.Test( example_url )
self._example_url_matches.SetLabelText( 'Example matches ok!' )
self._example_url_matches.SetForegroundColour( ( 0, 128, 0 ) )
normalised = url_match.Normalise( example_url )
self._normalised_url.SetValue( normalised )
api_lookup_url = url_match.GetAPIURL( normalised )
if api_lookup_url == normalised:
api_lookup_url = 'none set'
self._api_url.SetValue( api_lookup_url )
except HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException as e:
reason = unicode( e )
self._api_url.SetValue( 'Could not convert - ' + reason )
except HydrusExceptions.URLMatchException as e:
reason = unicode( e )
self._example_url_matches.SetLabelText( 'Example does not match - ' + reason )
self._example_url_matches.SetForegroundColour( ( 128, 0, 0 ) )
self._normalised_url.SetValue( '' )
self._api_url.SetValue( '' )
def EventUpdate( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
url_match = self._GetValue()
url_match.Test( self._example_url.GetValue() )
except HydrusExceptions.URLMatchException:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Please enter an example url that matches the given rules!' )
return url_match
class EditURLMatchesPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, url_matches ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._list_ctrl_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self )
self._list_ctrl = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( self._list_ctrl_panel, 'url_matches', 15, 40, [ ( 'name', 36 ), ( 'type', 20 ), ( 'example url', -1 ) ], self._ConvertDataToListCtrlTuples, delete_key_callback = self._Delete, activation_callback = self._Edit )
self._list_ctrl_panel.SetListCtrl( self._list_ctrl )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'add', self._Add )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._Edit, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'delete', self._Delete, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddImportExportButtons( ClientNetworkingDomain.URLMatch, self._AddURLMatch )
self._list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'add the defaults', self._AddDefaults )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( url_matches )
self._list_ctrl.Sort( 0 )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._list_ctrl_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _Add( self ):
url_match = ClientNetworkingDomain.URLMatch( 'new url class' )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit url class' ) as dlg:
panel = EditURLMatchPanel( dlg, url_match )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
url_match = panel.GetValue()
self._AddURLMatch( url_match )
def _AddDefaults( self ):
for url_match in ClientDefaults.GetDefaultURLMatches():
self._AddURLMatch( url_match )
def _AddURLMatch( self, url_match ):
ClientGUIListCtrl.SetNonDupeName( url_match, self._GetExistingNames() )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( url_match, ) )
def _ConvertDataToListCtrlTuples( self, url_match ):
name = url_match.GetName()
url_type = url_match.GetURLType()
example_url = url_match.GetExampleURL()
pretty_name = name
pretty_url_type = HC.url_type_string_lookup[ url_type ]
pretty_example_url = example_url
display_tuple = ( pretty_name, pretty_url_type, pretty_example_url )
sort_tuple = ( name, url_type, example_url )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _Delete( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def _Edit( self ):
for url_match in self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit url class' ) as dlg:
panel = EditURLMatchPanel( dlg, url_match )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
self._list_ctrl.DeleteDatas( ( url_match, ) )
url_match = panel.GetValue()
ClientGUIListCtrl.SetNonDupeName( url_match, self._GetExistingNames() )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( url_match, ) )
def _GetExistingNames( self ):
url_matches = self._list_ctrl.GetData()
names = { url_match.GetName() for url_match in url_matches }
return names
def GetValue( self ):
url_matches = self._list_ctrl.GetData()
return url_matches
class EditURLMatchLinksPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, network_engine, url_matches, url_match_keys_to_display, url_match_keys_to_parser_keys ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._url_matches = url_matches
self._url_match_keys_to_url_matches = { url_match.GetMatchKey() : url_match for url_match in self._url_matches }
self._network_engine = network_engine
self._display_list_ctrl_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self )
self._display_list_ctrl = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( self._display_list_ctrl_panel, 'url_match_keys_to_display', 15, 36, [ ( 'url class', -1 ), ( 'display on media viewer?', 36 ) ], self._ConvertDisplayDataToListCtrlTuples, activation_callback = self._EditDisplay )
self._display_list_ctrl_panel.SetListCtrl( self._display_list_ctrl )
self._display_list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._EditDisplay, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
self._parser_list_ctrl_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self )
self._parser_list_ctrl = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( self._parser_list_ctrl_panel, 'url_match_keys_to_parser_keys', 15, 36, [ ( 'url class', -1 ), ( 'url type', 20 ), ( 'page parser', 36 ) ], self._ConvertParserDataToListCtrlTuples, activation_callback = self._EditParser )
self._parser_list_ctrl_panel.SetListCtrl( self._parser_list_ctrl )
self._parser_list_ctrl_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._EditParser, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
listctrl_data = []
for url_match in url_matches:
if not url_match.IsPostURL():
url_match_key = url_match.GetMatchKey()
display = url_match_key in url_match_keys_to_display
listctrl_data.append( ( url_match_key, display ) )
self._display_list_ctrl.AddDatas( listctrl_data )
self._display_list_ctrl.Sort( 0 )
listctrl_data = []
for url_match in url_matches:
if not url_match.IsParsable():
url_match_key = url_match.GetMatchKey()
if url_match_key in url_match_keys_to_parser_keys:
parser_key = url_match_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_match_key ]
parser_key = None
listctrl_data.append( ( url_match_key, parser_key ) )
self._parser_list_ctrl.AddDatas( listctrl_data )
self._parser_list_ctrl.Sort( 1 )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._display_list_ctrl_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'a listctrl here to show current api links as understood by the domain manager' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox.Add( self._parser_list_ctrl_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def _ConvertDisplayDataToListCtrlTuples( self, data ):
( url_match_key, display ) = data
url_match_name = self._url_match_keys_to_url_matches[ url_match_key ].GetName()
pretty_name = url_match_name
if display:
pretty_display = 'yes'
pretty_display = 'no'
display_tuple = ( pretty_name, pretty_display )
sort_tuple = ( url_match_name, display )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _ConvertParserDataToListCtrlTuples( self, data ):
( url_match_key, parser_key ) = data
url_match = url_match_name = self._url_match_keys_to_url_matches[ url_match_key ]
url_match_name = url_match.GetName()
url_type = url_match.GetURLType()
pretty_name = url_match_name
pretty_url_type = HC.url_type_string_lookup[ url_type ]
if parser_key is None:
pretty_parser_key = ''
pretty_parser_key = 'fetch this from network engine like with the url matches'
display_tuple = ( pretty_name, pretty_url_type, pretty_parser_key )
sort_tuple = ( url_match_name, url_type, pretty_parser_key )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _EditDisplay( self ):
for data in self._display_list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True ):
( url_match_key, display ) = data
url_match_name = self._url_match_keys_to_url_matches[ url_match_key ].GetName()
message = 'Show ' + url_match_name + ' in the media viewer?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message, title = 'Show in the media viewer?' ) as dlg:
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if result in ( wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_NO ):
display = result == wx.ID_YES
self._display_list_ctrl.DeleteDatas( ( data, ) )
new_data = ( url_match_key, display )
self._display_list_ctrl.AddDatas( ( new_data, ) )
def _EditParser( self ):
for data in self._parser_list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True ):
( url_match_key, page_script_key ) = data
# present the user with a dialog to choose page script key, or none
wx.MessageBox( 'This does not work yet!' )
def GetValue( self ):
url_match_keys_to_display = { url_match_key for ( url_match_key, display ) in self._display_list_ctrl.GetData() if display }
url_match_keys_to_parser_keys = { url_match_key : parser_key for ( url_match_key, parser_key ) in self._parser_list_ctrl.GetData() if parser_key is not None }
return ( url_match_keys_to_display, url_match_keys_to_parser_keys )