
628 lines
16 KiB

import os
import queue
import threading
import time
import traceback
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
class JobKey( object ):
def __init__( self, pausable = False, cancellable = False, maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_FORCED, only_start_if_unbusy = False, stop_time = None, cancel_on_shutdown = True ):
self._key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._creation_time = HydrusData.GetNowFloat()
self._pausable = pausable
self._cancellable = cancellable
self._maintenance_mode = maintenance_mode
self._only_start_if_unbusy = only_start_if_unbusy
self._stop_time = stop_time
self._cancel_on_shutdown = cancel_on_shutdown
self._start_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._deleted = threading.Event()
self._deletion_time = None
self._begun = threading.Event()
self._done = threading.Event()
self._cancelled = threading.Event()
self._paused = threading.Event()
self._ui_update_pause_period = 0.1
self._next_ui_update_pause = HydrusData.GetNowFloat() + self._ui_update_pause_period
self._yield_pause_period = 10
self._next_yield_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._yield_pause_period
self._bigger_pause_period = 100
self._next_bigger_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._bigger_pause_period
self._longer_pause_period = 1000
self._next_longer_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._longer_pause_period
self._exception = None
self._urls = []
self._variable_lock = threading.Lock()
self._variables = dict()
def __eq__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, JobKey ):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
return NotImplemented
def __hash__( self ):
return self._key.__hash__()
def _CheckCancelTests( self ):
if not self._cancelled.is_set():
should_cancel = False
if self._cancel_on_shutdown and HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown():
should_cancel = True
if HG.client_controller.ShouldStopThisWork( self._maintenance_mode, self._stop_time ):
should_cancel = True
if should_cancel:
if not self._deleted.is_set():
if self._deletion_time is not None:
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._deletion_time ):
def AddURL( self, url ):
with self._variable_lock:
self._urls.append( url )
def Begin( self ): self._begun.set()
def CanBegin( self ):
if self.IsCancelled():
return False
if self._only_start_if_unbusy and HG.client_controller.SystemBusy():
return False
return True
def Cancel( self, seconds = None ):
if seconds is None:
HG.client_controller.CallLater( seconds, self.Cancel )
def Delete( self, seconds = None ):
if seconds is None:
self._deletion_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._deletion_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + seconds
def DeleteVariable( self, name ):
with self._variable_lock:
if name in self._variables: del self._variables[ name ]
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassedFloat( self._next_ui_update_pause ):
time.sleep( 0.00001 )
self._next_ui_update_pause = HydrusData.GetNowFloat() + self._ui_update_pause_period
def Finish( self, seconds = None ):
if seconds is None:
HG.client_controller.CallLater( seconds, self.Finish )
def GetCreationTime( self ):
return self._creation_time
def GetErrorException( self ) -> Exception:
if self._exception is None:
raise Exception( 'No exception to return!' )
return self._exception
def GetIfHasVariable( self, name ):
with self._variable_lock:
if name in self._variables:
return self._variables[ name ]
return None
def GetKey( self ):
return self._key
def GetURLs( self ):
with self._variable_lock:
return list( self._urls )
def HadError( self ):
return self._exception is not None
def HasVariable( self, name ):
with self._variable_lock: return name in self._variables
def IsBegun( self ):
return self._begun.is_set()
def IsCancellable( self ):
return self._cancellable and not self.IsDone()
def IsCancelled( self ):
return self._cancelled.is_set()
def IsDeleted( self ):
return self._deleted.is_set()
def IsDone( self ):
return self._done.is_set()
def IsPausable( self ):
return self._pausable and not self.IsDone()
def IsPaused( self ):
return self._paused.is_set() and not self.IsDone()
def IsWorking( self ):
return self.IsBegun() and not self.IsDone()
def PausePlay( self ):
if self._paused.is_set(): self._paused.clear()
else: self._paused.set()
def SetCancellable( self, value ): self._cancellable = value
def SetErrorException( self, e: Exception ):
self._exception = e
def SetPausable( self, value ): self._pausable = value
def SetVariable( self, name, value ):
with self._variable_lock: self._variables[ name ] = value
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_ui_update_pause ):
time.sleep( 0.00001 )
self._next_ui_update_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._ui_update_pause_period
def TimeRunning( self ):
return HydrusData.GetNow() - self._start_time
def ToString( self ):
stuff_to_print = []
with self._variable_lock:
if 'popup_title' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_title' ] )
if 'popup_text_1' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_text_1' ] )
if 'popup_text_2' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_text_2' ] )
if 'popup_traceback' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_traceback' ] )
stuff_to_print = [ str( s ) for s in stuff_to_print ]
return os.linesep.join( stuff_to_print )
return repr( stuff_to_print )
def WaitIfNeeded( self ):
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_yield_pause ):
time.sleep( 0.1 )
self._next_yield_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._yield_pause_period
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_bigger_pause ):
time.sleep( 1 )
self._next_bigger_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._bigger_pause_period
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._longer_pause_period ):
time.sleep( 10 )
self._next_longer_pause = HydrusData.GetNow() + self._longer_pause_period
i_paused = False
should_quit = False
while self.IsPaused():
i_paused = True
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if self.IsDone():
if self.IsCancelled():
should_quit = True
return ( i_paused, should_quit )
class FileRWLock( object ):
class RLock( object ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
self.parent = parent
def __enter__( self ):
while not HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown():
with self.parent.lock:
# if there are no writers, we can start reading
if self.parent.num_waiting_writers == 0:
self.parent.num_readers += 1
# otherwise wait a bit
self.parent.read_available_event.wait( 1 )
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
with self.parent.lock:
self.parent.num_readers -= 1
do_notify = self.parent.num_readers == 0
if do_notify:
class WLock( object ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
self.parent = parent
def __enter__( self ):
# let all the readers know that we are bumping up to the front of the queue
with self.parent.lock:
self.parent.num_waiting_writers += 1
while not HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown():
with self.parent.lock:
# if nothing reading or writing atm, sieze the opportunity
if self.parent.num_readers == 0 and not self.parent.there_is_an_active_writer:
self.parent.there_is_an_active_writer = True
# otherwise wait a bit
self.parent.write_available_event.wait( 1 )
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
with self.parent.lock:
self.parent.there_is_an_active_writer = False
self.parent.num_waiting_writers -= 1
do_read_notify = self.parent.num_waiting_writers == 0 # reading is now available
do_write_notify = self.parent.num_waiting_writers > 0 # another writer is waiting
if do_read_notify:
if do_write_notify:
def __init__( self ):
self.read = self.RLock( self )
self.write = self.WLock( self )
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.read_available_event = threading.Event()
self.write_available_event = threading.Event()
self.num_readers = 0
self.num_waiting_writers = 0
self.there_is_an_active_writer = False
class QtAwareJob( HydrusThreading.SingleJob ):
def __init__( self, controller, scheduler, window, initial_delay, work_callable ):
HydrusThreading.SingleJob.__init__( self, controller, scheduler, initial_delay, work_callable )
self._window = window
def _BootWorker( self ):
def qt_code():
if self._window is None or not QP.isValid( self._window ):
QP.CallAfter( qt_code )
def _MyWindowDead( self ):
return self._window is None or not QP.isValid( self._window )
def IsCancelled( self ):
my_window_dead = self._MyWindowDead()
if my_window_dead:
return HydrusThreading.SingleJob.IsCancelled( self )
def IsDead( self ):
return self._MyWindowDead()
class QtAwareRepeatingJob( HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob ):
def __init__( self, controller, scheduler, window, initial_delay, period, work_callable ):
HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob.__init__( self, controller, scheduler, initial_delay, period, work_callable )
self._window = window
def _QTWork( self ):
if self._window is None or not QP.isValid( self._window ):
self._window = None
def _BootWorker( self ):
QP.CallAfter( self._QTWork )
def _MyWindowDead( self ):
return self._window is None or not QP.isValid( self._window )
def IsCancelled( self ):
my_window_dead = self._MyWindowDead()
if my_window_dead:
return HydrusThreading.SingleJob.IsCancelled( self )
def IsDead( self ):
return self._MyWindowDead()