
509 lines
15 KiB

import collections
import psutil
import sqlite3
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusTemp
def CheckHasSpaceForDBTransaction( db_dir, num_bytes ):
if HG.no_db_temp_files:
space_needed = int( num_bytes * 1.1 )
approx_available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available * 4 / 5
if approx_available_memory < num_bytes:
raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( space_needed ) + ' available memory, since you are running in no_db_temp_files mode, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( approx_available_memory ) + '.' )
db_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace( db_dir )
if db_disk_free_space < space_needed:
raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( space_needed ) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( db_disk_free_space ) + '.' )
temp_dir = HydrusTemp.GetCurrentTempDir()
temp_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace( temp_dir )
temp_and_db_on_same_device = HydrusPaths.GetDevice( temp_dir ) == HydrusPaths.GetDevice( db_dir )
if temp_and_db_on_same_device:
space_needed = int( num_bytes * 2.2 )
if temp_disk_free_space < space_needed:
raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( space_needed ) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, which I think also holds your temporary path, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( temp_disk_free_space ) + '.' )
space_needed = int( num_bytes * 1.1 )
if temp_disk_free_space < space_needed:
raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( space_needed ) + ' on your temporary path\'s disk partition, which I think is ' + temp_dir + ', but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( temp_disk_free_space ) + '.' )
db_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace( db_dir )
if db_disk_free_space < space_needed:
raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( space_needed ) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( db_disk_free_space ) + '.' )
class TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache( object ):
my_instance = None
def __init__( self ):
TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache.my_instance = self
self._column_names_to_table_names = collections.defaultdict( collections.deque )
self._column_names_counter = collections.Counter()
def instance() -> 'TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache':
if TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache.my_instance is None:
raise Exception( 'TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache is not yet initialised!' )
return TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache.my_instance
def Clear( self ):
self._column_names_to_table_names = collections.defaultdict( collections.deque )
self._column_names_counter = collections.Counter()
def GetName( self, column_name ):
table_names = self._column_names_to_table_names[ column_name ]
initialised = True
if len( table_names ) == 0:
initialised = False
i = self._column_names_counter[ column_name ]
table_name = 'mem.temp_int_{}_{}'.format( column_name, i )
table_names.append( table_name )
self._column_names_counter[ column_name ] += 1
table_name = table_names.pop()
return ( initialised, table_name )
def ReleaseName( self, column_name, table_name ):
self._column_names_to_table_names[ column_name ].append( table_name )
class TemporaryIntegerTable( object ):
def __init__( self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, integer_iterable, column_name ):
if not isinstance( integer_iterable, set ):
integer_iterable = set( integer_iterable )
self._cursor = cursor
self._integer_iterable = integer_iterable
self._column_name = column_name
( self._initialised, self._table_name ) = TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache.instance().GetName( self._column_name )
def __enter__( self ):
if not self._initialised:
self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( {} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );'.format( self._table_name, self._column_name ) )
self._cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO {} ( {} ) VALUES ( ? );'.format( self._table_name, self._column_name ), ( ( i, ) for i in self._integer_iterable ) )
return self._table_name
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
self._cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM {};'.format( self._table_name ) )
TemporaryIntegerTableNameCache.instance().ReleaseName( self._column_name, self._table_name )
return False
class DBBase( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._c = None
def _CloseCursor( self ):
if self._c is not None:
del self._c
self._c = None
def _CreateIndex( self, table_name, columns, unique = False ):
if unique:
create_phrase = 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS'
index_name = self._GenerateIndexName( table_name, columns )
if '.' in table_name:
table_name_simple = table_name.split( '.' )[1]
table_name_simple = table_name
statement = '{} {} ON {} ({});'.format( create_phrase, index_name, table_name_simple, ', '.join( columns ) )
self._Execute( statement )
def _Execute( self, query, *args ) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
if HG.query_planner_mode and query not in HG.queries_planned:
plan_lines = self._c.execute( 'EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN {}'.format( query ), *args ).fetchall()
HG.query_planner_query_count += 1
HG.controller.PrintQueryPlan( query, plan_lines )
return self._c.execute( query, *args )
def _ExecuteMany( self, query, args_iterator ):
if HG.query_planner_mode and query not in HG.queries_planned:
args_iterator = list( args_iterator )
if len( args_iterator ) > 0:
plan_lines = self._c.execute( 'EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN {}'.format( query ), args_iterator[0] ).fetchall()
HG.query_planner_query_count += 1
HG.controller.PrintQueryPlan( query, plan_lines )
self._c.executemany( query, args_iterator )
def _GenerateIndexName( self, table_name, columns ):
return '{}_{}_index'.format( table_name, '_'.join( columns ) )
def _GetAttachedDatabaseNames( self, include_temp = False ):
if include_temp:
f = lambda schema_name, path: True
f = lambda schema_name, path: schema_name != 'temp' and path != ''
names = [ schema_name for ( number, schema_name, path ) in self._Execute( 'PRAGMA database_list;' ) if f( schema_name, path ) ]
return names
def _GetLastRowId( self ) -> int:
return self._c.lastrowid
def _GetRowCount( self ):
row_count = self._c.rowcount
if row_count == -1:
return 0
return row_count
def _IndexExists( self, table_name, columns ):
index_name = self._GenerateIndexName( table_name, columns )
return self._TableOrIndexExists( index_name, 'index' )
def _MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( self, integer_iterable, column_name ):
return TemporaryIntegerTable( self._c, integer_iterable, column_name )
def _SetCursor( self, c: sqlite3.Cursor ):
self._c = c
def _STI( self, iterable_cursor ):
# strip singleton tuples to an iterator
return ( item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor )
def _STL( self, iterable_cursor ):
# strip singleton tuples to a list
return [ item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor ]
def _STS( self, iterable_cursor ):
# strip singleton tuples to a set
return { item for ( item, ) in iterable_cursor }
def _TableExists( self, table_name ):
return self._TableOrIndexExists( table_name, 'table' )
def _TableOrIndexExists( self, name, item_type ):
if '.' in name:
( schema, name ) = name.split( '.', 1 )
search_schemas = [ schema ]
search_schemas = self._GetAttachedDatabaseNames()
for schema in search_schemas:
result = self._Execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM {}.sqlite_master WHERE name = ? AND type = ?;'.format( schema ), ( name, item_type ) ).fetchone()
if result is not None:
return True
return False
class DBCursorTransactionWrapper( DBBase ):
def __init__( self, c: sqlite3.Cursor, transaction_commit_period: int ):
DBBase.__init__( self )
self._SetCursor( c )
self._transaction_commit_period = transaction_commit_period
self._transaction_start_time = 0
self._in_transaction = False
self._transaction_contains_writes = False
self._last_mem_refresh_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._last_wal_checkpoint_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._pubsubs = []
def BeginImmediate( self ):
if not self._in_transaction:
self._Execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE;' )
self._Execute( 'SAVEPOINT hydrus_savepoint;' )
self._transaction_start_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._in_transaction = True
self._transaction_contains_writes = False
def CleanPubSubs( self ):
self._pubsubs = []
def Commit( self ):
if self._in_transaction:
self._Execute( 'COMMIT;' )
self._in_transaction = False
self._transaction_contains_writes = False
if HG.db_journal_mode == 'WAL' and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._last_wal_checkpoint_time + 1800 ):
self._Execute( 'PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(PASSIVE);' )
self._last_wal_checkpoint_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._last_mem_refresh_time + 600 ):
self._Execute( 'DETACH mem;' )
self._Execute( 'ATTACH ":memory:" AS mem;' )
self._last_mem_refresh_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
HydrusData.Print( 'Received a call to commit, but was not in a transaction!' )
def CommitAndBegin( self ):
if self._in_transaction:
def DoPubSubs( self ):
for ( topic, args, kwargs ) in self._pubsubs:
HG.controller.pub( topic, *args, **kwargs )
def InTransaction( self ):
return self._in_transaction
def NotifyWriteOccuring( self ):
self._transaction_contains_writes = True
def pub_after_job( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ):
if len( args ) == 0 and len( kwargs ) == 0:
if ( topic, args, kwargs ) in self._pubsubs:
self._pubsubs.append( ( topic, args, kwargs ) )
def Rollback( self ):
if self._in_transaction:
self._Execute( 'ROLLBACK TO hydrus_savepoint;' )
# any temp int tables created in this lad will be rolled back, so 'initialised' can't be trusted. just reset, no big deal
# still in transaction
# transaction may no longer contain writes, but it isn't important to figure out that it doesn't
HydrusData.Print( 'Received a call to rollback, but was not in a transaction!' )
def Save( self ):
if self._in_transaction:
self._Execute( 'RELEASE hydrus_savepoint;' )
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
HydrusData.Print( 'Tried to release a database savepoint, but failed!' )
self._Execute( 'SAVEPOINT hydrus_savepoint;' )
HydrusData.Print( 'Received a call to save, but was not in a transaction!' )
def TimeToCommit( self ):
return self._in_transaction and self._transaction_contains_writes and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._transaction_start_time + self._transaction_commit_period )