
149 lines
4.9 KiB

from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtCharts as QCh
class BarChartBandwidthHistory( QCh.QtCharts.QChartView ):
def __init__( self, parent, monthly_usage ):
QCh.QtCharts.QChartView.__init__( self, parent )
divisor = 1.0
unit = 'B'
highest_usage = max( ( m[1] for m in monthly_usage ) )
lines = [ ( 1073741824.0, 'GB' ), ( 1048576.0, 'MB' ), ( 1024.0, 'KB' ) ]
for ( line_divisor, line_unit ) in lines:
if highest_usage > line_divisor:
divisor = line_divisor
unit = line_unit
monthly_usage = [ ( month_str, month_value / divisor ) for ( month_str, month_value ) in monthly_usage ]
( month_strs, month_values ) = zip( *monthly_usage )
bar_set = QCh.QtCharts.QBarSet( 'Bandwidth' )
x_category_axis = QCh.QtCharts.QBarCategoryAxis()
bar_set.append( month_values )
x_category_axis.append( month_strs )
x_category_axis.setLabelsAngle( 90 )
y_value_axis = QCh.QtCharts.QValueAxis()
y_value_axis.setRange( 0.0, ( highest_usage * 1.2 ) / line_divisor )
y_value_axis.setLabelFormat( '%i{}'.format( unit ) )
bar_series = QCh.QtCharts.QBarSeries()
bar_series.append( bar_set )
chart = QCh.QtCharts.QChart()
chart.addSeries( bar_series )
chart.addAxis( x_category_axis, QC.Qt.AlignBottom )
chart.addAxis( y_value_axis, QC.Qt.AlignLeft )
chart.legend().setVisible( False )
bar_series.attachAxis( x_category_axis )
bar_series.attachAxis( y_value_axis )
self.setChart( chart )
class FileHistory( QCh.QtCharts.QChartView ):
def __init__( self, parent, file_history: dict ):
QCh.QtCharts.QChartView.__init__( self, parent )
# this lad takes ms timestamp, not s, so * 1000
# note you have to give this floats for the ms or it throws a type problem of big number to C long
current_files_series = QCh.QtCharts.QLineSeries()
current_files_series.setName( 'files in storage' )
for ( timestamp, num_files ) in file_history[ 'current' ]:
current_files_series.append( timestamp * 1000.0, num_files )
deleted_files_series = QCh.QtCharts.QLineSeries()
deleted_files_series.setName( 'deleted' )
for ( timestamp, num_files ) in file_history[ 'deleted' ]:
deleted_files_series.append( timestamp * 1000.0, num_files )
inbox_files_series = QCh.QtCharts.QLineSeries()
inbox_files_series.setName( 'inbox' )
for ( timestamp, num_files ) in file_history[ 'inbox' ]:
inbox_files_series.append( timestamp * 1000.0, num_files )
# takes ms since epoch
x_datetime_axis = QCh.QtCharts.QDateTimeAxis()
x_datetime_axis.setTickCount( 25 )
x_datetime_axis.setLabelsAngle( 90 )
x_datetime_axis.setFormat( 'yyyy-MM-dd' )
y_value_axis = QCh.QtCharts.QValueAxis()
y_value_axis.setLabelFormat( '%i' )
chart = QCh.QtCharts.QChart()
chart.addSeries( current_files_series )
chart.addSeries( inbox_files_series )
chart.addSeries( deleted_files_series )
chart.addAxis( x_datetime_axis, QC.Qt.AlignBottom )
chart.addAxis( y_value_axis, QC.Qt.AlignLeft )
current_files_series.attachAxis( x_datetime_axis )
current_files_series.attachAxis( y_value_axis )
deleted_files_series.attachAxis( x_datetime_axis )
deleted_files_series.attachAxis( y_value_axis )
inbox_files_series.attachAxis( x_datetime_axis )
inbox_files_series.attachAxis( y_value_axis )
y_value_axis.setMin( 0 )
self.setChart( chart )