
1050 lines
28 KiB

import collections
import functools
import os
import typing
import psutil
import re
import send2trash
import shlex
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import threading
import traceback
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths = collections.defaultdict( lambda: os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ) )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_PDF ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'pdf.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_EPUB ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'epub.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_DJVU ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'djvu.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_PSD ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'psd.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_CLIP ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'clip.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_SAI2 ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'sai.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_KRITA ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'krita.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.APPLICATION_PROCREATE ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'procreate.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ HC.IMAGE_SVG ] = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'svg.png' )
for mime in HC.AUDIO:
path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'audio.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ mime ] = os.path.join( path )
for mime in HC.VIDEO:
path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'video.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ mime ] = os.path.join( path )
for mime in HC.ARCHIVES:
path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'zip.png' )
mimes_to_default_thumbnail_paths[ mime ] = os.path.join( path )
def AppendPathUntilNoConflicts( path ):
( path_absent_ext, ext ) = os.path.splitext( path )
good_path_absent_ext = path_absent_ext
i = 0
while os.path.exists( good_path_absent_ext + ext ):
good_path_absent_ext = path_absent_ext + '_' + str( i )
i += 1
return good_path_absent_ext + ext
def ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( abs_path, base_dir_override = None ):
if base_dir_override is None:
base_dir = HG.controller.GetDBDir()
base_dir = base_dir_override
portable_path = os.path.relpath( abs_path, base_dir )
if portable_path.startswith( '..' ):
portable_path = abs_path
portable_path = abs_path
portable_path = portable_path.replace( '\\', '/' ) # store seps as /, to maintain multiplatform uniformity
return portable_path
def ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( portable_path, base_dir_override = None ):
portable_path = os.path.normpath( portable_path ) # collapses .. stuff and converts / to \\ for windows only
if os.path.isabs( portable_path ):
abs_path = portable_path
if base_dir_override is None:
base_dir = HG.controller.GetDBDir()
base_dir = base_dir_override
abs_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( base_dir, portable_path ) )
if not HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and not os.path.exists( abs_path ):
abs_path = abs_path.replace( '\\', '/' )
return abs_path
def CopyAndMergeTree( source, dest ):
pauser = HydrusThreading.BigJobPauser()
MakeSureDirectoryExists( dest )
num_errors = 0
for ( root, dirnames, filenames ) in os.walk( source ):
dest_root = root.replace( source, dest )
for dirname in dirnames:
source_path = os.path.join( root, dirname )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, dirname )
MakeSureDirectoryExists( dest_path )
shutil.copystat( source_path, dest_path )
for filename in filenames:
if num_errors > 5:
raise Exception( 'Too many errors, directory copy abandoned.' )
source_path = os.path.join( root, filename )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, filename )
ok = MirrorFile( source_path, dest_path )
if not ok:
num_errors += 1
def CopyFileLikeToFileLike( f_source, f_dest ):
for block in ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( f_source ): f_dest.write( block )
def DeletePath( path ) -> bool:
if HG.file_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Deleting {}'.format( path ) )
HydrusData.ShowText( ''.join( traceback.format_stack() ) )
if os.path.lexists( path ):
TryToMakeFileWriteable( path )
if os.path.isdir( path ):
shutil.rmtree( path )
os.remove( path )
except Exception as e:
if 'Error 32' in str( e ):
# file in use by another process
HydrusData.DebugPrint( 'Trying to delete ' + path + ' failed because it was in use by another process.' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Trying to delete ' + path + ' caused the following error:' )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
return False
return True
def DirectoryIsWriteable( path ):
while not os.path.exists( path ):
path = os.path.dirname( path )
return False
if not os.access( path, os.W_OK | os.X_OK ):
return False
# we'll actually do a file, since Program Files passes the above test lmaoooo
# also, using tempfile.TemporaryFile actually loops on PermissionError from Windows lmaaaooooo, thinking this is an already existing file
# so, just do it manually!
test_path = os.path.join( path, 'hydrus_permission_test' )
with open( test_path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( b'If this file still exists, this directory can be written to but not deleted from.' )
os.unlink( test_path )
return False
return True
def FileisWriteable( path: str ):
return os.access( path, os.W_OK )
def FilterFreePaths( paths ):
free_paths = []
for path in paths:
if PathIsFree( path ):
free_paths.append( path )
return free_paths
def GetDefaultLaunchPath():
return 'windows is called directly'
return 'open "%path%"'
return 'xdg-open "%path%"'
return 'open "%path%"'
@functools.lru_cache( maxsize = 128 )
def GetPartitionInfo( path ) -> typing.Optional[ typing.NamedTuple ]:
path = path.lower()
for scan_network in ( False, True ):
partition_infos = psutil.disk_partitions( all = scan_network )
def sort_descending_mountpoint( partition_info ): # i.e. put '/home' before '/'
return - len( partition_info.mountpoint )
partition_infos.sort( key = sort_descending_mountpoint )
for partition_info in partition_infos:
if path.startswith( partition_info.mountpoint.lower() ):
return partition_info
except UnicodeDecodeError: # wew lad psutil on some russian lad's fun filesystem
return None
return None
def GetDevice( path ) -> typing.Optional[ str ]:
partition_info = GetPartitionInfo( path )
if partition_info is None:
return None
return partition_info.device
def GetFileSystemType( path: str ) -> typing.Optional[ str ]:
partition_info = GetPartitionInfo( path )
if partition_info is None:
return None
return partition_info.fstype
def GetFreeSpace( path ):
disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage( path )
return disk_usage.free
def GetTotalSpace( path ):
disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage( path )
return disk_usage.total
def LaunchDirectory( path ):
def do_it():
os.startfile( path )
cmd = [ 'open', path ]
cmd = [ 'xdg-open', path ]
cmd = [ 'open', path ]
# setsid call un-childs this new process
sbp_kwargs = HydrusData.GetSubprocessKWArgs()
preexec_fn = getattr( os, 'setsid', None )
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, preexec_fn = preexec_fn, **sbp_kwargs )
HydrusThreading.SubprocessCommunicate( process )
thread = threading.Thread( target = do_it )
thread.daemon = True
def LaunchFile( path, launch_path = None ):
def do_it( launch_path ):
if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and launch_path is None:
os.startfile( path )
if launch_path is None:
launch_path = GetDefaultLaunchPath()
complete_launch_path = launch_path.replace( '%path%', path )
hide_terminal = False
cmd = complete_launch_path
preexec_fn = None
cmd = shlex.split( complete_launch_path )
preexec_fn = getattr( os, 'setsid', None )
if HG.subprocess_report_mode:
message = 'Attempting to launch ' + path + ' using command ' + repr( cmd ) + '.'
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
sbp_kwargs = HydrusData.GetSubprocessKWArgs( hide_terminal = hide_terminal, text = True )
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, preexec_fn = preexec_fn, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, **sbp_kwargs )
( stdout, stderr ) = HydrusThreading.SubprocessCommunicate( process )
if HG.subprocess_report_mode:
if stdout is None and stderr is None:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'No stdout or stderr came back.' )
if stdout is not None:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'stdout: ' + repr( stdout ) )
if stderr is not None:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'stderr: ' + repr( stderr ) )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not launch a file! Command used was:' + os.linesep + str( cmd ) )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
thread = threading.Thread( target = do_it, args = ( launch_path, ) )
thread.daemon = True
def MakeSureDirectoryExists( path ):
it_exists_already = os.path.exists( path )
if it_exists_already:
if os.path.isdir( path ):
raise Exception( 'Sorry, the desired directory "{}" already exists as a normal file!'.format( path ) )
os.makedirs( path, exist_ok = True )
def FileModifiedTimeIsOk( mtime: int ):
# this is 1980-01-01 UTC, before which Windows can have trouble copying lmaoooooo
# This is the 'DOS' epoch
if mtime < 315532800:
return False
# Epoch obviously
if mtime < 0:
return False
return True
def safe_copy2( source, dest ):
mtime = os.path.getmtime( source )
if FileModifiedTimeIsOk( mtime ):
# this overwrites on conflict without hassle
shutil.copy2( source, dest )
shutil.copy( source, dest )
def MergeFile( source, dest ):
# this can merge a file, but if it is given a dir it will just straight up overwrite not merge
if os.path.exists( source ) and os.path.exists( dest ) and os.path.samefile( source, dest ):
raise Exception( f'Woah, "{source}" and "{dest}" are the same file!' )
if not os.path.isdir( source ):
if PathsHaveSameSizeAndDate( source, dest ):
DeletePath( source )
return True
# this overwrites on conflict without hassle
shutil.move( source, dest, copy_function = safe_copy2 )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Trying to move ' + source + ' to ' + dest + ' caused the following problem:' )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
return False
return True
def MergeTree( source, dest, text_update_hook = None ):
if os.path.exists( source ) and os.path.exists( dest ) and os.path.samefile( source, dest ):
raise Exception( f'Woah, "{source}" and "{dest}" are the same directory!' )
pauser = HydrusThreading.BigJobPauser()
if not os.path.exists( dest ):
shutil.move( source, dest, copy_function = safe_copy2 )
except OSError:
# if there were read only files in source and this was partition to partition, the copy2 goes ok but the subsequent source unlink fails
# so, if it seems this has happened, let's just try a walking mergetree, which should be able to deal with these readonlies on a file-by-file basis
if os.path.exists( dest ):
MergeTree( source, dest, text_update_hook = text_update_hook )
# I had a thing here that tried to optimise if dest existed but was empty, but it wasn't neat
num_errors = 0
for ( root, dirnames, filenames ) in os.walk( source ):
if text_update_hook is not None:
text_update_hook( 'Copying ' + root + '.' )
dest_root = root.replace( source, dest )
for dirname in dirnames:
source_path = os.path.join( root, dirname )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, dirname )
MakeSureDirectoryExists( dest_path )
shutil.copystat( source_path, dest_path )
for filename in filenames:
if num_errors > 5:
raise Exception( 'Too many errors, directory move abandoned.' )
source_path = os.path.join( root, filename )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, filename )
ok = MergeFile( source_path, dest_path )
if not ok:
num_errors += 1
if num_errors == 0:
DeletePath( source )
def MirrorFile( source, dest ):
if os.path.exists( source ) and os.path.exists( dest ) and os.path.samefile( source, dest ):
return True
if not PathsHaveSameSizeAndDate( source, dest ):
TryToMakeFileWriteable( dest )
safe_copy2( source, dest )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Trying to copy ' + source + ' to ' + dest + ' caused the following problem:' )
from hydrus.core import HydrusTemp
if isinstance( e, OSError ) and 'Errno 28' in str( e ) and dest.startswith( HydrusTemp.GetCurrentTempDir() ):
message = 'It looks like I failed to copy a file into your temporary folder because I ran out of disk space!'
message += '\n' * 2
message += 'This folder is on your system drive, so either free up space on that or use the "--temp_dir" launch command to tell hydrus to use a different location for the temporary folder. (Check the advanced help for more info!)'
message += '\n' * 2
message += 'If your system drive appears to have space but your temp folder still maxed out, then there are probably special rules about how big a file we are allowed to put in there. Use --temp_dir.'
message += ' You are also on Linux, where these temp dir rules are not uncommon!'
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
return False
return True
def MirrorTree( source, dest, text_update_hook = None, is_cancelled_hook = None ):
if os.path.exists( source ) and os.path.exists( dest ) and os.path.samefile( source, dest ):
pauser = HydrusThreading.BigJobPauser()
MakeSureDirectoryExists( dest )
num_errors = 0
for ( root, dirnames, filenames ) in os.walk( source ):
if is_cancelled_hook is not None and is_cancelled_hook():
if text_update_hook is not None:
text_update_hook( 'Copying ' + root + '.' )
dest_root = root.replace( source, dest )
surplus_dest_paths = { os.path.join( dest_root, dest_filename ) for dest_filename in os.listdir( dest_root ) }
for dirname in dirnames:
source_path = os.path.join( root, dirname )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, dirname )
surplus_dest_paths.discard( dest_path )
MakeSureDirectoryExists( dest_path )
shutil.copystat( source_path, dest_path )
for filename in filenames:
if num_errors > 5:
raise Exception( 'Too many errors, directory copy abandoned.' )
source_path = os.path.join( root, filename )
dest_path = os.path.join( dest_root, filename )
surplus_dest_paths.discard( dest_path )
ok = MirrorFile( source_path, dest_path )
if not ok:
num_errors += 1
for dest_path in surplus_dest_paths:
DeletePath( dest_path )
def OpenFileLocation( path ):
def do_it():
cmd = [ 'explorer', '/select,', path ]
cmd = [ 'open', '-R', path ]
raise NotImplementedError( 'Linux cannot open file locations!' )
raise NotImplementedError( 'Haiku cannot open file locations!' )
sbp_kwargs = HydrusData.GetSubprocessKWArgs( hide_terminal = False )
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, **sbp_kwargs )
HydrusThreading.SubprocessCommunicate( process )
thread = threading.Thread( target = do_it )
thread.daemon = True
def PathsHaveSameSizeAndDate( path1, path2 ):
if os.path.exists( path1 ) and os.path.exists( path2 ):
same_size = os.path.getsize( path1 ) == os.path.getsize( path2 )
same_modified_time = int( os.path.getmtime( path1 ) ) == int( os.path.getmtime( path2 ) )
if same_size and same_modified_time:
return True
return False
def PathIsFree( path ):
stat_result = os.stat( path )
current_bits = stat_result.st_mode
if not current_bits & stat.S_IWRITE:
# read-only file, cannot do the rename check
return True
os.rename( path, path ) # rename a path to itself
return True
except OSError as e: # 'already in use by another process' or an odd filename too long error
HydrusData.Print( 'Already in use/inaccessible: ' + path )
return False
def ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( f ):
next_block = f.read( HC.READ_BLOCK_SIZE )
while len( next_block ) > 0:
yield next_block
next_block = f.read( HC.READ_BLOCK_SIZE )
def RecyclePath( path ):
if HG.file_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Recycling {}'.format( path ) )
HydrusData.ShowText( ''.join( traceback.format_stack() ) )
if os.path.lexists( path ):
TryToMakeFileWriteable( path )
send2trash.send2trash( path )
HydrusData.Print( 'Trying to recycle ' + path + ' created this error:' )
HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() )
HydrusData.Print( 'It has been fully deleted instead.' )
DeletePath( path )
def SanitizeFilename( filename, force_ntfs = False ) -> str:
if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS or force_ntfs:
# \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |
bad_characters = r'[\\/:*?"<>|]'
bad_characters = '/'
return re.sub( bad_characters, '_', filename )
def SanitizePathForExport( directory_path, directories_and_filename ):
# this does not figure out the situation where the suffix directories cross a mount point to a new file system, but at that point it is user's job to fix
components = directories_and_filename.split( os.path.sep )
filename = components[-1]
suffix_directories = components[:-1]
fst = GetFileSystemType( directory_path )
if fst is None:
force_ntfs = False
force_ntfs = fst.lower() in ( 'ntfs', 'exfat' )
suffix_directories = [ SanitizeFilename( suffix_directory, force_ntfs = force_ntfs ) for suffix_directory in suffix_directories ]
filename = SanitizeFilename( filename, force_ntfs = force_ntfs )
sanitized_components = suffix_directories
sanitized_components.append( filename )
return os.path.join( *sanitized_components )
def TryToGiveFileNicePermissionBits( path ):
if not os.path.exists( path ):
stat_result = os.stat( path )
current_bits = stat_result.st_mode
# this is actually the same value as S_IWUSR, but let's not try to second guess ourselves
desired_bits = stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE
# typically guarantee 644 for regular files m8, but now we also take umask into account
umask = os.umask( 0o022 )
os.umask( umask )
umask = 0o022
desired_bits = ( stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH ) & ~umask
if not ( desired_bits & current_bits ) == desired_bits:
os.chmod( path, current_bits | desired_bits )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.Print( 'Wanted to add read and write permission to "{}", but had an error: {}'.format( path, str( e ) ) )
def TryToMakeFileWriteable( path ):
if not os.path.exists( path ):
if FileisWriteable( path ):
stat_result = os.stat( path )
current_bits = stat_result.st_mode
# this is actually the same value as S_IWUSR, but let's not try to second guess ourselves
desired_bits = stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE
# this only does what we want if we own the file, but only owners can non-sudo change permission anyway
desired_bits = stat.S_IWUSR
if not ( desired_bits & current_bits ) == desired_bits:
os.chmod( path, current_bits | desired_bits )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.Print( 'Wanted to add user write permission to "{}", but had an error: {}'.format( path, str( e ) ) )