
331 lines
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import io
import typing
import struct
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core.images import HydrusImageHandling
from hydrus.core.images import HydrusImageOpening
def GetAnimationProperties( path, mime ):
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( path )
( width, height ) = pil_image.size
width = max( width, 1 )
height = max( height, 1 )
( duration, num_frames ) = GetAPNGDurationAndNumFrames( path )
( durations, times_to_play ) = GetFrameDurationsPILAnimation( path )
duration = sum( durations )
num_frames = len( durations )
return ( ( width, height ), duration, num_frames )
def GetAPNGChunks( file_header_bytes: bytes ) ->list:
# https://wiki.mozilla.org/APNG_Specification
# a chunk is:
# 4 bytes of data size, unsigned int
# 4 bytes of chunk name
# n bytes of data
# 4 bytes of CRC
# ok this method went super slow when given a 200MB giga png
# it turns out list slicing on a very large bytes object is extremely slow
# so we'll move to a file-like BytesIO and just read the stream like a file
# note lol that if you debug this you'll still get the mega slowdown as your IDE copies the giganto bytes around over and over for variable inspection
chunks = []
buffer = io.BytesIO( file_header_bytes )
# lop off 8 bytes of 'this is a PNG' at the top
buffer.read( 8 )
while True:
chunk_num_bytes = buffer.read( 4 )
chunk_name = buffer.read( 4 )
if len( chunk_num_bytes ) < 4 or len( chunk_name ) < 4:
( num_data_bytes, ) = struct.unpack( '>I', chunk_num_bytes )
chunk_data = buffer.read( num_data_bytes )
if len( chunk_data ) < num_data_bytes:
buffer.read( 4 )
chunks.append( ( chunk_name, chunk_data ) )
# old solution
remaining_chunk_bytes = file_header_bytes[8:]
while len( remaining_chunk_bytes ) > 12:
( num_data_bytes, ) = struct.unpack( '>I', remaining_chunk_bytes[ : 4 ] )
chunk_name = remaining_chunk_bytes[ 4 : 8 ]
chunk_data = remaining_chunk_bytes[ 8 : 8 + num_data_bytes ]
chunks.append( ( chunk_name, chunk_data ) )
remaining_chunk_bytes = remaining_chunk_bytes[ 8 + num_data_bytes + 4 : ]
return chunks
def GetAPNGACTLChunkData( file_header_bytes: bytes ) -> typing.Optional[ bytes ]:
# the acTL chunk can be in different places, but it has to be near the top
# although it is almost always in fixed position (I think byte 29), we have seen both pHYs and sRGB chunks appear before it
# so to be proper we need to parse chunks and find the right one
apng_actl_chunk_header = b'acTL'
chunks = GetAPNGChunks( file_header_bytes )
chunks = dict( chunks )
if apng_actl_chunk_header in chunks:
return chunks[ apng_actl_chunk_header ]
return None
def GetAPNGDuration( apng_bytes: bytes ) -> float:
frame_control_chunk_name = b'fcTL'
chunks = GetAPNGChunks( apng_bytes )
total_duration = 0
for ( chunk_name, chunk_data ) in chunks:
if chunk_name == frame_control_chunk_name and len( chunk_data ) >= 24:
( delay_numerator, ) = struct.unpack( '>H', chunk_data[20:22] )
( delay_denominator, ) = struct.unpack( '>H', chunk_data[22:24] )
if delay_denominator == 0:
duration = max( delay_numerator / delay_denominator, MIN_FRAME_TIME )
total_duration += duration
return total_duration
def GetAPNGNumFrames( apng_actl_bytes: bytes ) -> int:
( num_frames, ) = struct.unpack( '>I', apng_actl_bytes[ : 4 ] )
return num_frames
def GetAPNGDurationAndNumFrames( path ):
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
file_header_bytes = f.read( 256 )
apng_actl_bytes = GetAPNGACTLChunkData( file_header_bytes )
if apng_actl_bytes is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.DamagedOrUnusualFileException( 'This APNG had an unusual file header!' )
num_frames = GetAPNGNumFrames( apng_actl_bytes )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
file_bytes = f.read()
duration = GetAPNGDuration( file_bytes )
duration_in_ms_float = duration * 1000
duration_in_ms = int( duration * 1000 )
if duration_in_ms == 0 and duration_in_ms_float > 0:
duration_in_ms = 1
return ( duration_in_ms, num_frames )
def GetFrameDurationsPILAnimation( path ):
pil_image = HydrusImageOpening.RawOpenPILImage( path )
times_to_play = GetTimesToPlayPILAnimationFromPIL( pil_image )
frame_durations = []
i = 0
while True:
pil_image.seek( i )
if 'duration' not in pil_image.info:
duration = 83 # (83ms -- 1000 / 12) Set a 12 fps default when duration is missing or too funky to extract. most stuff looks ok at this.
duration = pil_image.info[ 'duration' ]
# In the gif frame header, 10 is stored as 1ms. This 1 is commonly as utterly wrong as 0.
if duration in ( 0, 10 ):
duration = 83
frame_durations.append( duration )
i += 1
return ( frame_durations, times_to_play )
def GetTimesToPlayAPNG( path: str ) -> int:
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
file_header_bytes = f.read( 256 )
apng_actl_bytes = GetAPNGACTLChunkData( file_header_bytes )
if apng_actl_bytes is None:
return 0
( num_plays, ) = struct.unpack( '>I', apng_actl_bytes[ 4 : 8 ] )
return num_plays
def GetTimesToPlayPILAnimation( path ) -> int:
pil_image = HydrusImageOpening.RawOpenPILImage( path )
except HydrusExceptions.UnsupportedFileException:
return 1
return GetTimesToPlayPILAnimationFromPIL( pil_image )
def GetTimesToPlayPILAnimationFromPIL( pil_image: PILImage.Image ) -> int:
if 'loop' in pil_image.info:
times_to_play = pil_image.info[ 'loop' ]
times_to_play = 1
return times_to_play
def PILAnimationHasDuration( path ):
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( path, dequantize = False )
pil_image.seek( 1 )
pil_image.seek( 0 )
return True
return False
def IsPNGAnimated( file_header_bytes ):
apng_actl_bytes = GetAPNGACTLChunkData( file_header_bytes )
if apng_actl_bytes is not None:
# this is an animated png
# acTL chunk in an animated png is 4 bytes of num frames, then 4 bytes of num times to loop
# https://wiki.mozilla.org/APNG_Specification#.60acTL.60:_The_Animation_Control_Chunk
num_frames = GetAPNGNumFrames( apng_actl_bytes )
if num_frames > 1:
return True
return False