
2846 lines
88 KiB

import collections
import random
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core import HydrusTime
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientLocation
from hydrus.client import ClientTime
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaManagers
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaResult
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags
from hydrus.client.search import ClientSearch
def FilterServiceKeysToContentUpdates( full_service_keys_to_content_updates, hashes ):
filtered_service_keys_to_content_updates = {}
if not isinstance( hashes, set ):
hashes = set( hashes )
for ( service_key, full_content_updates ) in full_service_keys_to_content_updates.items():
filtered_content_updates = [ content_update for content_update in full_content_updates if not hashes.isdisjoint( content_update.GetHashes() ) ]
if len( filtered_content_updates ) > 0:
filtered_service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ] = filtered_content_updates
return filtered_service_keys_to_content_updates
def FlattenMedia( media_list ) -> typing.List[ "MediaSingleton" ]:
flat_media = []
for media in media_list:
if media.IsCollection():
flat_media.extend( media.GetFlatMedia() )
flat_media.append( media )
return flat_media
def GetMediasTags( pool, tag_service_key, tag_display_type, content_statuses ):
tags_managers = []
for media in pool:
if media.IsCollection():
tags_managers.extend( media.GetSingletonsTagsManagers() )
tags_managers.append( media.GetTagsManager() )
tags = set()
for tags_manager in tags_managers:
statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetStatusesToTags( tag_service_key, tag_display_type )
for content_status in content_statuses:
tags.update( statuses_to_tags[ content_status ] )
return tags
def GetMediaResultsTagCount( media_results, tag_service_key, tag_display_type ):
tags_managers = [ media_result.GetTagsManager() for media_result in media_results ]
return GetTagsManagersTagCount( tags_managers, tag_service_key, tag_display_type )
def GetMediasTagCount( pool, tag_service_key, tag_display_type ):
tags_managers = []
for media in pool:
if media.IsCollection():
tags_managers.extend( media.GetSingletonsTagsManagers() )
tags_managers.append( media.GetTagsManager() )
return GetTagsManagersTagCount( tags_managers, tag_service_key, tag_display_type )
def GetTagsManagersTagCount( tags_managers, tag_service_key, tag_display_type ):
current_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
deleted_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
pending_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
petitioned_tags_to_count = collections.Counter()
for tags_manager in tags_managers:
statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetStatusesToTags( tag_service_key, tag_display_type )
current_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT ] )
deleted_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_DELETED ] )
pending_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ] )
petitioned_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ] )
return ( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count )
class Media( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._id = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._id_hash = self._id.__hash__()
def __eq__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, Media ):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
return NotImplemented
def __hash__( self ):
return self._id_hash
def __ne__( self, other ):
return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__()
def GetDisplayMedia( self ) -> 'Media':
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetDurationMS( self ) -> typing.Optional[ int ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetFileViewingStatsManager( self ) -> ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetHash( self ) -> bytes:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetHashes( self, is_in_file_service_key = None, discriminant = None, is_not_in_file_service_key = None, ordered = False ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetLocationsManager( self ) -> ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetMime( self ) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetNumFiles( self ) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetNumFrames( self ) -> typing.Optional[ int ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetNumInbox( self ) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetNumWords( self ) -> typing.Optional[ int ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetPrettyInfoLines( self, only_interesting_lines = False ) -> typing.List[ str ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetRatingsManager( self ) -> ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetResolution( self ) -> typing.Tuple[ int, int ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetSize( self ) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetTagsManager( self ) -> ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasAnyOfTheseHashes( self, hashes ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasArchive( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasAudio( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasDeleteLocked( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasDuration( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasStaticImages( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasInbox( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasNotes( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def IsCollection( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def IsImage( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def IsSizeDefinite( self ) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpdateFileInfo( self, hashes_to_media_results ):
raise NotImplementedError()
class MediaCollect( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
def __init__( self, namespaces = None, rating_service_keys = None, collect_unmatched = None, tag_context = None ):
if namespaces is None:
namespaces = []
if rating_service_keys is None:
rating_service_keys = []
if collect_unmatched is None:
collect_unmatched = True
if tag_context is None:
tag_context = ClientSearch.TagContext( service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY )
self.namespaces = namespaces
self.rating_service_keys = rating_service_keys
self.collect_unmatched = collect_unmatched
self.tag_context = tag_context
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_rating_service_keys = [ key.hex() for key in self.rating_service_keys ]
serialisable_tag_context = self.tag_context.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( self.namespaces, serialisable_rating_service_keys, self.collect_unmatched, serialisable_tag_context )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self.namespaces, serialisable_rating_service_keys, self.collect_unmatched, serialisable_tag_context ) = serialisable_info
self.rating_service_keys = [ bytes.fromhex( serialisable_key ) for serialisable_key in serialisable_rating_service_keys ]
self.tag_context = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_context )
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( namespaces, serialisable_rating_service_keys, collect_unmatched ) = old_serialisable_info
tag_context = ClientSearch.TagContext( service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY )
serialisable_tag_context = tag_context.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( namespaces, serialisable_rating_service_keys, collect_unmatched, serialisable_tag_context )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
def DoesACollect( self ):
return len( self.namespaces ) > 0 or len( self.rating_service_keys ) > 0
def ToString( self ):
s_list = list( self.namespaces )
s_list.extend( [ HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName( service_key ) for service_key in self.rating_service_keys if HG.client_controller.services_manager.ServiceExists( service_key ) ] )
if len( s_list ) == 0:
return 'no collections'
return ', '.join( s_list )
class MediaList( object ):
def __init__( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ):
hashes_seen = set()
media_results_dedupe = []
for media_result in media_results:
hash = media_result.GetHash()
if hash in hashes_seen:
media_results_dedupe.append( media_result )
hashes_seen.add( hash )
media_results = media_results_dedupe
self._location_context = location_context
self._hashes = set()
self._hashes_ordered = []
self._hashes_to_singleton_media = {}
self._hashes_to_collected_media = {}
self._media_sort = MediaSort( ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILESIZE ), CC.SORT_ASC )
self._media_collect = MediaCollect()
self._sorted_media = SortedList( [ self._GenerateMediaSingleton( media_result ) for media_result in media_results ] )
self._selected_media = set()
self._singleton_media = set( self._sorted_media )
self._collected_media = set()
def __len__( self ):
return len( self._singleton_media ) + sum( map( len, self._collected_media ) )
def _CalculateCollectionKeysToMedias( self, media_collect: MediaCollect, medias ):
keys_to_medias = collections.defaultdict( list )
namespaces_to_collect_by = list( media_collect.namespaces )
ratings_to_collect_by = list( media_collect.rating_service_keys )
tag_context = media_collect.tag_context
for media in medias:
if len( namespaces_to_collect_by ) > 0:
namespace_key = media.GetTagsManager().GetNamespaceSlice( tag_context.service_key, namespaces_to_collect_by, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_ACTUAL )
namespace_key = frozenset()
if len( ratings_to_collect_by ) > 0:
rating_key = media.GetRatingsManager().GetStarRatingSlice( ratings_to_collect_by )
rating_key = frozenset()
keys_to_medias[ ( namespace_key, rating_key ) ].append( media )
return keys_to_medias
def _GenerateMediaCollection( self, media_results ):
return MediaCollection( self._location_context, media_results )
def _GenerateMediaSingleton( self, media_result ):
return MediaSingleton( media_result )
def _GetFirst( self ):
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
return self._sorted_media[ 0 ]
return None
def _GetLast( self ):
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
return self._sorted_media[ -1 ]
return None
def _GetMedia( self, hashes, discriminator = None ):
if hashes.isdisjoint( self._hashes ):
return []
medias = []
if discriminator is None or discriminator == 'singletons':
medias.extend( ( self._hashes_to_singleton_media[ hash ] for hash in hashes if hash in self._hashes_to_singleton_media ) )
if discriminator is None or discriminator == 'collections':
medias.extend( { self._hashes_to_collected_media[ hash ] for hash in hashes if hash in self._hashes_to_collected_media } )
return medias
def _GetNext( self, media ):
if media is None:
return None
next_index = self._sorted_media.index( media ) + 1
if next_index == len( self._sorted_media ):
return self._GetFirst()
return self._sorted_media[ next_index ]
def _GetPrevious( self, media ):
if media is None: return None
previous_index = self._sorted_media.index( media ) - 1
if previous_index == -1:
return self._GetLast()
return self._sorted_media[ previous_index ]
def _HasHashes( self, hashes ):
for hash in hashes:
if hash in self._hashes:
return True
return False
def _RecalcAfterContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ):
def _RecalcAfterMediaRemove( self ):
def _RecalcHashes( self ):
self._hashes = set()
self._hashes_ordered = []
self._hashes_to_singleton_media = {}
self._hashes_to_collected_media = {}
for m in self._sorted_media:
if isinstance( m, MediaCollection ):
hashes = m.GetHashes( ordered = True )
self._hashes.update( hashes )
self._hashes_ordered.extend( hashes )
for hash in hashes:
self._hashes_to_collected_media[ hash ] = m
hash = m.GetHash()
self._hashes.add( hash )
self._hashes_ordered.append( hash )
self._hashes_to_singleton_media[ hash ] = m
def _RemoveMediaByHashes( self, hashes ):
if not isinstance( hashes, set ):
hashes = set( hashes )
affected_singleton_media = self._GetMedia( hashes, discriminator = 'singletons' )
for media in self._collected_media:
media._RemoveMediaByHashes( hashes )
affected_collected_media = [ media for media in self._collected_media if media.HasNoMedia() ]
self._RemoveMediaDirectly( affected_singleton_media, affected_collected_media )
def _RemoveMediaDirectly( self, singleton_media, collected_media ):
if not isinstance( singleton_media, set ):
singleton_media = set( singleton_media )
if not isinstance( collected_media, set ):
collected_media = set( collected_media )
self._singleton_media.difference_update( singleton_media )
self._collected_media.difference_update( collected_media )
self._selected_media.difference_update( singleton_media )
self._selected_media.difference_update( collected_media )
self._sorted_media.remove_items( singleton_media.union( collected_media ) )
def AddMedia( self, new_media ):
new_media = FlattenMedia( new_media )
addable_media = []
for media in new_media:
hash = media.GetHash()
if hash in self._hashes:
addable_media.append( media )
self._hashes.add( hash )
self._hashes_ordered.append( hash )
self._hashes_to_singleton_media[ hash ] = media
self._singleton_media.update( addable_media )
self._sorted_media.append_items( addable_media )
return new_media
def Clear( self ):
self._singleton_media = set()
self._collected_media = set()
self._selected_media = set()
self._sorted_media = SortedList()
def Collect( self, media_collect = None ):
if media_collect is None:
media_collect = self._media_collect
self._media_collect = media_collect
flat_media = list( self._singleton_media )
for media in self._collected_media:
flat_media.extend( [ self._GenerateMediaSingleton( media_result ) for media_result in media.GenerateMediaResults() ] )
if self._media_collect.DoesACollect():
keys_to_medias = self._CalculateCollectionKeysToMedias( media_collect, flat_media )
# add an option here I think, to media_collect to say if collections with one item should be singletons or not
self._singleton_media = set()#{ medias[0] for ( key, medias ) in keys_to_medias.items() if len( medias ) == 1 }
if not self._media_collect.collect_unmatched:
unmatched_key = ( frozenset(), frozenset() )
if unmatched_key in keys_to_medias:
unmatched_medias = keys_to_medias[ unmatched_key ]
self._singleton_media.update( unmatched_medias )
del keys_to_medias[ unmatched_key ]
self._collected_media = { self._GenerateMediaCollection( [ media.GetMediaResult() for media in medias ] ) for ( key, medias ) in keys_to_medias.items() }# if len( medias ) > 1 }
self._singleton_media = set( flat_media )
self._collected_media = set()
self._sorted_media = SortedList( list( self._singleton_media ) + list( self._collected_media ) )
def DeletePending( self, service_key ):
for media in self._collected_media:
media.DeletePending( service_key )
def GenerateMediaResults( self, is_in_file_service_key = None, discriminant = None, selected_media = None, unrated = None, for_media_viewer = False ):
media_results = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
if is_in_file_service_key is not None:
locations_manager = media.GetLocationsManager()
if is_in_file_service_key not in locations_manager.GetCurrent():
if selected_media is not None and media not in selected_media:
if media.IsCollection():
# don't include selected_media here as it is not valid at the deeper collection level
media_results.extend( media.GenerateMediaResults( is_in_file_service_key = is_in_file_service_key, discriminant = discriminant, unrated = unrated, for_media_viewer = True ) )
if discriminant is not None:
locations_manager = media.GetLocationsManager()
if discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_INBOX:
p = media.HasInbox()
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_ARCHIVE:
p = not media.HasInbox()
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL:
p = locations_manager.IsLocal()
p = locations_manager.IsLocal() and not locations_manager.IsTrashed()
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_NOT_LOCAL:
p = not locations_manager.IsLocal()
p = locations_manager.IsDownloading()
if not p:
if unrated is not None:
ratings_manager = media.GetRatingsManager()
if ratings_manager.GetRating( unrated ) is not None:
if for_media_viewer:
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
( media_show_action, media_start_paused, media_start_with_embed ) = new_options.GetMediaShowAction( media.GetMime() )
media_results.append( media.GetMediaResult() )
return media_results
def GetAPIInfoDict( self, simple ):
d = {}
d[ 'num_files' ] = self.GetNumFiles()
flat_media = self.GetFlatMedia()
d[ 'hash_ids' ] = [ m.GetMediaResult().GetHashId() for m in flat_media ]
if not simple:
hashes = self.GetHashes( ordered = True )
d[ 'hashes' ] = [ hash.hex() for hash in hashes ]
return d
def GetFirst( self ):
return self._GetFirst()
def GetFlatMedia( self ):
flat_media = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
if media.IsCollection():
flat_media.extend( media.GetFlatMedia() )
flat_media.append( media )
return flat_media
def GetHashes( self, is_in_file_service_key = None, discriminant = None, is_not_in_file_service_key = None, ordered = False ):
if is_in_file_service_key is None and discriminant is None and is_not_in_file_service_key is None:
if ordered:
return self._hashes_ordered
return self._hashes
if ordered:
result = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
result.extend( media.GetHashes( is_in_file_service_key, discriminant, is_not_in_file_service_key, ordered ) )
result = set()
for media in self._sorted_media:
result.update( media.GetHashes( is_in_file_service_key, discriminant, is_not_in_file_service_key, ordered ) )
return result
def GetLast( self ):
return self._GetLast()
def GetMediaIndex( self, media ):
return self._sorted_media.index( media )
def GetNext( self, media ):
return self._GetNext( media )
def GetNumArchive( self ):
num_archive = sum( ( 1 for m in self._singleton_media if not m.HasInbox() ) ) + sum( ( m.GetNumArchive() for m in self._collected_media ) )
return num_archive
def GetNumFiles( self ):
return len( self._hashes )
def GetNumInbox( self ):
num_inbox = sum( ( 1 for m in self._singleton_media if m.HasInbox() ) ) + sum( ( m.GetNumInbox() for m in self._collected_media ) )
return num_inbox
def GetPrevious( self, media ):
return self._GetPrevious( media )
def GetSelectedMedia( self ):
return self._selected_media
def GetSortedMedia( self ):
return self._sorted_media
def HasAnyOfTheseHashes( self, hashes: set ):
return not hashes.isdisjoint( self._hashes )
def HasMedia( self, media ):
if media is None:
return False
if media in self._singleton_media:
return True
elif media in self._collected_media:
return True
for media_collection in self._collected_media:
if media_collection.HasMedia( media ):
return True
return False
def HasNoMedia( self ):
return len( self._sorted_media ) == 0
def ProcessContentUpdates( self, full_service_keys_to_content_updates ):
if len( full_service_keys_to_content_updates ) == 0:
service_keys_to_content_updates = FilterServiceKeysToContentUpdates( full_service_keys_to_content_updates, self._hashes )
if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) == 0:
for m in self._collected_media:
m.ProcessContentUpdates( service_keys_to_content_updates )
for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items():
for content_update in content_updates:
( data_type, action, row ) = content_update.ToTuple()
hashes = content_update.GetHashes()
if data_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES:
local_file_domains = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) )
physically_deleted = service_key == CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY
trashed = service_key in local_file_domains
deleted_from_our_domain = self._location_context.IsOneDomain() and service_key in self._location_context.current_service_keys
we_are_looking_at_trash = self._location_context.IsOneDomain() and CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in self._location_context.current_service_keys
our_view_is_all_local = self._location_context.IncludesCurrent() and not self._location_context.IncludesDeleted() and self._location_context.current_service_keys.issubset( all_local_file_services )
# case one, disappeared from hard drive and we are looking at local files
physically_deleted_and_local_view = physically_deleted and our_view_is_all_local
# case two, disappeared from repo hard drive while we are looking at it
deleted_from_repo_and_repo_view = service_key not in all_local_file_services and deleted_from_our_domain
# case three, user asked for this to happen
user_says_remove_and_trashed_from_non_trash_local_view = HC.options[ 'remove_trashed_files' ] and trashed and not we_are_looking_at_trash
if physically_deleted_and_local_view or user_says_remove_and_trashed_from_non_trash_local_view or deleted_from_repo_and_repo_view:
self._RemoveMediaByHashes( hashes )
self._RecalcAfterContentUpdates( service_keys_to_content_updates )
def ProcessServiceUpdates( self, service_keys_to_service_updates ):
for ( service_key, service_updates ) in service_keys_to_service_updates.items():
for service_update in service_updates:
( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple()
self.DeletePending( service_key )
self.ResetService( service_key )
def ResetService( self, service_key ):
if self._location_context.IsOneDomain() and service_key in self._location_context.current_service_keys:
self._RemoveMediaDirectly( self._singleton_media, self._collected_media )
for media in self._collected_media: media.ResetService( service_key )
def Sort( self, media_sort = None ):
for media in self._collected_media:
media.Sort( media_sort )
if media_sort is None:
media_sort = self._media_sort
self._media_sort = media_sort
media_sort_fallback = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetFallbackSort()
media_sort_fallback.Sort( self._location_context, self._sorted_media )
# this is a stable sort, so the fallback order above will remain for equal items
self._media_sort.Sort( self._location_context, self._sorted_media )
class ListeningMediaList( MediaList ):
def __init__( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ):
MediaList.__init__( self, location_context, media_results )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ProcessContentUpdates', 'content_updates_gui' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ProcessServiceUpdates', 'service_updates_gui' )
def AddMediaResults( self, media_results ):
new_media = []
for media_result in media_results:
hash = media_result.GetHash()
if hash in self._hashes:
new_media.append( self._GenerateMediaSingleton( media_result ) )
self.AddMedia( new_media )
return new_media
class MediaCollection( MediaList, Media ):
def __init__( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ):
# note for later: ideal here is to stop this multiple inheritance mess and instead have this be a media that *has* a list, not *is* a list
Media.__init__( self )
MediaList.__init__( self, location_context, media_results )
self._archive = True
self._inbox = False
self._size = 0
self._size_definite = True
self._width = None
self._height = None
self._duration = None
self._num_frames = None
self._num_words = None
self._has_audio = None
self._tags_manager = None
self._locations_manager = None
self._file_viewing_stats_manager = None
self._internals_dirty = False
def _RecalcAfterContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ):
archive_or_inbox = False
data_types = set()
for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items():
for content_update in content_updates:
data_type = content_update.GetDataType()
elif data_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES:
action = content_update.GetAction()
archive_or_inbox = True
data_types.add( data_type )
if archive_or_inbox and data_types.issubset( {
if archive_or_inbox:
for data_type in data_types:
if data_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS:
elif data_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS:
elif len( data_types ) > 0:
def _RecalcAfterMediaRemove( self ):
MediaList._RecalcAfterMediaRemove( self )
def _RecalcArchiveInbox( self ):
self._archive = True in ( media.HasArchive() for media in self._sorted_media )
self._inbox = True in ( media.HasInbox() for media in self._sorted_media )
if self._locations_manager is not None:
all_locations_managers = [ media.GetLocationsManager() for media in self._sorted_media ]
all_timestamp_managers = [ location_manager.GetTimestampsManager() for location_manager in all_locations_managers ]
archived_times = { timestamps_manager.GetArchivedTimestamp() for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers }
archived_times.discard( None )
if len( archived_times ) > 0:
self._locations_manager.GetTimestampsManager().SetArchivedTimestamp( max( archived_times ) )
def _RecalcFileViewingStats( self ):
self._file_viewing_stats_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager.STATICGenerateCombinedManager( [ m.GetFileViewingStatsManager() for m in self._sorted_media ] )
def _RecalcHashes( self ):
MediaList._RecalcHashes( self )
all_locations_managers = [ media.GetLocationsManager() for media in self._sorted_media ]
all_timestamp_managers = [ location_manager.GetTimestampsManager() for location_manager in all_locations_managers ]
current_to_timestamps = {}
deleted_to_timestamps = {}
deleted_to_previously_imported_timestamps = {}
for service_key in HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( HC.FILE_SERVICES ):
current_timestamps = [ timestamp for timestamp in ( timestamps_manager.GetImportedTimestamp( service_key ) for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers ) if timestamp is not None ]
if len( current_timestamps ) > 0:
current_to_timestamps[ service_key ] = max( current_timestamps )
deleted_timestamps = [ timestamp for timestamp in ( timestamps_manager.GetDeletedTimestamp( service_key ) for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers ) if timestamp is not None ]
if len( deleted_timestamps ) > 0:
deleted_to_timestamps[ service_key ] = max( deleted_timestamps )
previously_imported_timestamps = [ timestamp for timestamp in ( timestamps_manager.GetPreviouslyImportedTimestamp( service_key ) for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers ) if timestamp is not None ]
if len( previously_imported_timestamps ) > 0:
deleted_to_previously_imported_timestamps[ service_key ] = max( previously_imported_timestamps )
current = set( current_to_timestamps.keys() )
deleted = set( deleted_to_timestamps.keys() )
pending = HydrusData.MassUnion( [ locations_manager.GetPending() for locations_manager in all_locations_managers ] )
petitioned = HydrusData.MassUnion( [ locations_manager.GetPetitioned() for locations_manager in all_locations_managers ] )
timestamps_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TimestampsManager()
modified_times = { timestamps_manager.GetAggregateModifiedTimestamp() for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers }
modified_times.discard( None )
if len( modified_times ) > 0:
timestamps_manager.SetFileModifiedTimestamp( max( modified_times ) )
archived_times = { timestamps_manager.GetArchivedTimestamp() for timestamps_manager in all_timestamp_managers }
archived_times.discard( None )
if len( archived_times ) > 0:
timestamps_manager.SetArchivedTimestamp( max( archived_times ) )
timestamps_manager.SetImportedTimestamps( current_to_timestamps )
timestamps_manager.SetDeletedTimestamps( deleted_to_timestamps )
timestamps_manager.SetPreviouslyImportedTimestamps( deleted_to_previously_imported_timestamps )
self._locations_manager = ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager( current, deleted, pending, petitioned, timestamps_manager )
def _RecalcInternals( self ):
self._size = sum( [ media.GetSize() for media in self._sorted_media ] )
self._size_definite = False not in ( media.IsSizeDefinite() for media in self._sorted_media )
duration_sum = sum( [ media.GetDurationMS() for media in self._sorted_media if media.HasDuration() ] )
if duration_sum > 0: self._duration = duration_sum
else: self._duration = None
self._has_audio = True in ( media.HasAudio() for media in self._sorted_media )
self._has_notes = True in ( media.HasNotes() for media in self._sorted_media )
def _RecalcRatings( self ):
# horrible compromise
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
self._ratings_manager = self._sorted_media[0].GetRatingsManager()
self._ratings_manager = ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager( {} )
def _RecalcTags( self ):
tags_managers = [ m.GetTagsManager() for m in self._sorted_media ]
self._tags_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager.MergeTagsManagers( tags_managers )
def AddMedia( self, new_media ):
MediaList.AddMedia( self, new_media )
def DeletePending( self, service_key ):
MediaList.DeletePending( self, service_key )
def GetDisplayMedia( self ):
first = self._GetFirst()
if first is None:
return None
return first.GetDisplayMedia()
def GetDurationMS( self ):
return self._duration
def GetEarliestHashId( self ):
return min( ( m.GetEarliestHashId() for m in self._sorted_media ) )
def GetFileViewingStatsManager( self ):
return self._file_viewing_stats_manager
def GetHash( self ):
display_media = self.GetDisplayMedia()
if display_media is None:
return None
return display_media.GetHash()
def GetLocationsManager( self ):
return self._locations_manager
def GetMime( self ):
def GetNumInbox( self ):
return sum( ( media.GetNumInbox() for media in self._sorted_media ) )
def GetNumFrames( self ):
num_frames = ( media.GetNumFrames() for media in self._sorted_media )
return sum( ( nf for nf in num_frames if nf is not None ) )
def GetNumWords( self ):
num_words = ( media.GetNumWords() for media in self._sorted_media )
return sum( ( nw for nw in num_words if nw is not None ) )
def GetPrettyInfoLines( self, only_interesting_lines = False ):
size = HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( self._size )
info_string = size + ' ' + mime
info_string += ' (' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self.GetNumFiles() ) + ' files)'
return [ info_string ]
def GetRatingsManager( self ):
return self._ratings_manager
def GetResolution( self ):
if self._width is None:
return ( 0, 0 )
return ( self._width, self._height )
def GetSingletonsTagsManagers( self ):
tags_managers = [ m.GetTagsManager() for m in self._singleton_media ]
for m in self._collected_media: tags_managers.extend( m.GetSingletonsTagsManagers() )
return tags_managers
def GetSize( self ):
return self._size
def GetTagsManager( self ):
return self._tags_manager
def HasArchive( self ):
return self._archive
def HasAudio( self ):
return self._has_audio
def HasDeleteLocked( self ):
return True in ( media.HasDeleteLocked() for media in self._sorted_media )
def HasDuration( self ):
return self._duration is not None
def HasStaticImages( self ):
return True in ( media.HasStaticImages() for media in self._sorted_media )
def HasInbox( self ):
return self._inbox
def HasNotes( self ):
return self._has_notes
def IsCollection( self ):
return True
def IsStaticImage( self ):
return False
def IsSizeDefinite( self ):
return self._size_definite
def RecalcInternals( self ):
def ResetService( self, service_key ):
MediaList.ResetService( self, service_key )
def UpdateFileInfo( self, hashes_to_media_results ):
for media in self._sorted_media:
media.UpdateFileInfo( hashes_to_media_results )
class MediaSingleton( Media ):
def __init__( self, media_result: ClientMediaResult.MediaResult ):
Media.__init__( self )
self._media_result = media_result
def Duplicate( self ):
return MediaSingleton( self._media_result.Duplicate() )
def GetDisplayMedia( self ) -> 'MediaSingleton':
return self
def GetDurationMS( self ):
return self._media_result.GetDurationMS()
def GetEarliestHashId( self ):
return self._media_result.GetFileInfoManager().hash_id
def GetFileInfoManager( self ):
return self._media_result.GetFileInfoManager()
def GetFileViewingStatsManager( self ):
return self._media_result.GetFileViewingStatsManager()
def GetHash( self ):
return self._media_result.GetHash()
def GetHashId( self ):
return self._media_result.GetHashId()
def GetHashes( self, is_in_file_service_key = None, discriminant = None, is_not_in_file_service_key = None, ordered = False ):
if self.MatchesDiscriminant( is_in_file_service_key = is_in_file_service_key, discriminant = discriminant, is_not_in_file_service_key = is_not_in_file_service_key ):
if ordered:
return [ self._media_result.GetHash() ]
return { self._media_result.GetHash() }
if ordered:
return []
return set()
def GetLocationsManager( self ):
return self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
def GetMediaResult( self ): return self._media_result
def GetMime( self ): return self._media_result.GetMime()
def GetNotesManager( self ) -> ClientMediaManagers.NotesManager:
return self._media_result.GetNotesManager()
def GetNumFiles( self ): return 1
def GetNumFrames( self ): return self._media_result.GetNumFrames()
def GetNumInbox( self ):
if self.HasInbox(): return 1
else: return 0
def GetNumWords( self ): return self._media_result.GetNumWords()
def GetPrettyInfoLines( self, only_interesting_lines = False ):
def timestamp_is_interesting( timestamp_1, timestamp_2 ):
distance_1 = abs( timestamp_1 - HydrusTime.GetNow() )
distance_2 = abs( timestamp_2 - HydrusTime.GetNow() )
# 50000 / 51000 = 0.98 = not interesting
# 10000 / 51000 = 0.20 = interesting
difference = min( distance_1, distance_2 ) / max( distance_1, distance_2, 1 )
return difference < 0.9
file_info_manager = self._media_result.GetFileInfoManager()
locations_manager = self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
( hash_id, hash, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, has_audio, num_words ) = file_info_manager.ToTuple()
info_string = HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( size ) + ' ' + HC.mime_string_lookup[ mime ]
if width is not None and height is not None:
info_string += ' ({})'.format( HydrusData.ConvertResolutionToPrettyString( ( width, height ) ) )
if duration is not None:
info_string += ', ' + HydrusTime.MillisecondsToPrettyTime( duration )
if num_frames is not None:
if duration is None or duration == 0 or num_frames == 0:
framerate_insert = ''
framerate_insert = ', {}fps'.format( round( num_frames / ( duration / 1000 ) ) )
info_string += ' ({} frames{})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_frames ), framerate_insert )
if has_audio:
info_string += ', {}'.format( HG.client_controller.new_options.GetString( 'has_audio_label' ) )
if num_words is not None: info_string += ' (' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_words ) + ' words)'
lines = [ ( True, info_string ) ]
locations_manager = self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
timestamps_manager = locations_manager.GetTimestampsManager()
current_service_keys = locations_manager.GetCurrent()
deleted_service_keys = locations_manager.GetDeleted()
local_file_services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetLocalMediaFileServices()
seen_local_file_service_timestamps = set()
current_local_file_services = [ service for service in local_file_services if service.GetServiceKey() in current_service_keys ]
if len( current_local_file_services ) > 0:
for local_file_service in current_local_file_services:
timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetImportedTimestamp( local_file_service.GetServiceKey() )
lines.append( ( True, 'added to {}: {}'.format( local_file_service.GetName(), ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ) ) ) )
seen_local_file_service_timestamps.add( timestamp )
if CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in current_service_keys:
import_timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetImportedTimestamp( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY )
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'hide_uninteresting_local_import_time' ):
# if we haven't already printed this timestamp somewhere
line_is_interesting = False not in ( timestamp_is_interesting( t, import_timestamp ) for t in seen_local_file_service_timestamps )
line_is_interesting = True
lines.append( ( line_is_interesting, 'imported: {}'.format( ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( import_timestamp ) ) ) )
if line_is_interesting:
seen_local_file_service_timestamps.add( import_timestamp )
deleted_local_file_services = [ service for service in local_file_services if service.GetServiceKey() in deleted_service_keys ]
local_file_deletion_reason = locations_manager.GetLocalFileDeletionReason()
if CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in deleted_service_keys:
timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetDeletedTimestamp( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY )
lines.append( ( True, 'deleted from this client {} ({})'.format( ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ), local_file_deletion_reason ) ) )
elif len( deleted_local_file_services ) > 0:
if CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in current_service_keys or not only_interesting_lines:
for local_file_service in deleted_local_file_services:
timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetDeletedTimestamp( local_file_service.GetServiceKey() )
line = 'removed from {} {}'.format( local_file_service.GetName(), ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ) )
if len( deleted_local_file_services ) == 1:
line = f'{line} ({local_file_deletion_reason})'
lines.append( ( True, line ) )
if len( deleted_local_file_services ) > 1:
lines.append( ( False, 'Deletion reason: {}'.format( local_file_deletion_reason ) ) )
if locations_manager.IsTrashed():
lines.append( ( True, 'in the trash' ) )
timestamps_manager = locations_manager.GetTimestampsManager()
file_modified_timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetAggregateModifiedTimestamp()
if file_modified_timestamp is not None:
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'hide_uninteresting_modified_time' ):
# if we haven't already printed this timestamp somewhere
line_is_interesting = False not in ( timestamp_is_interesting( timestamp, file_modified_timestamp ) for timestamp in seen_local_file_service_timestamps )
line_is_interesting = True
lines.append( ( line_is_interesting, 'modified: {}'.format( ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( file_modified_timestamp ) ) ) )
modified_timestamp_lines = []
timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetFileModifiedTimestamp()
if timestamp is not None:
modified_timestamp_lines.append( 'local: {}'.format( ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ) ) )
for ( domain, timestamp ) in sorted( timestamps_manager.GetDomainModifiedTimestamps().items() ):
modified_timestamp_lines.append( '{}: {}'.format( domain, ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ) ) )
if len( modified_timestamp_lines ) > 1:
lines.append( ( False, ( 'all modified times', modified_timestamp_lines ) ) )
if not locations_manager.inbox:
archive_timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetArchivedTimestamp()
if archive_timestamp is not None:
lines.append( ( True, 'archived: {}'.format( ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( archive_timestamp ) ) ) )
for service_key in current_service_keys.intersection( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( HC.REMOTE_FILE_SERVICES ) ):
timestamp = timestamps_manager.GetImportedTimestamp( service_key )
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
service_type = service.GetServiceType()
if service_type == HC.IPFS:
status_label = 'pinned'
status_label = 'uploaded'
lines.append( ( True, '{} to {} {}'.format( status_label, service.GetName(), ClientTime.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( timestamp ) ) ) )
lines = [ line for ( interesting, line ) in lines if interesting or not only_interesting_lines ]
return lines
def GetRatingsManager( self ): return self._media_result.GetRatingsManager()
def GetResolution( self ):
return self._media_result.GetResolution()
def GetSize( self ):
size = self._media_result.GetSize()
if size is None: return 0
else: return size
def GetTagsManager( self ):
return self._media_result.GetTagsManager()
def GetTitleString( self ):
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
tag_summary_generator = new_options.GetTagSummaryGenerator( 'media_viewer_top' )
tags = self.GetTagsManager().GetCurrentAndPending( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA )
if len( tags ) == 0:
return ''
summary = tag_summary_generator.GenerateSummary( tags )
return summary
def HasAnyOfTheseHashes( self, hashes ):
return self._media_result.GetHash() in hashes
def HasArchive( self ):
return not self._media_result.GetInbox()
def HasAudio( self ):
return self._media_result.HasAudio()
def HasDeleteLocked( self ):
return self._media_result.IsDeleteLocked()
IsDeleteLocked = HasDeleteLocked
def HasDuration( self ):
duration = self._media_result.GetDurationMS()
return duration is not None and duration > 0
def HasStaticImages( self ):
return self.IsStaticImage()
def HasInbox( self ):
return self._media_result.GetInbox()
def HasNotes( self ):
return self._media_result.HasNotes()
def IsCollection( self ):
return False
def IsSizeDefinite( self ):
return self._media_result.GetSize() is not None
def IsStaticImage( self ):
return self._media_result.IsStaticImage()
def MatchesDiscriminant( self, is_in_file_service_key = None, discriminant = None, is_not_in_file_service_key = None ):
if discriminant is not None:
inbox = self._media_result.GetInbox()
locations_manager = self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
if discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_INBOX:
p = inbox
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_ARCHIVE:
p = not inbox
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL:
p = locations_manager.IsLocal()
p = locations_manager.IsLocal() and not locations_manager.IsTrashed()
elif discriminant == CC.DISCRIMINANT_NOT_LOCAL:
p = not locations_manager.IsLocal()
p = locations_manager.IsDownloading()
if not p:
return False
if is_in_file_service_key is not None:
locations_manager = self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
if is_in_file_service_key not in locations_manager.GetCurrent():
return False
if is_not_in_file_service_key is not None:
locations_manager = self._media_result.GetLocationsManager()
if is_not_in_file_service_key in locations_manager.GetCurrent():
return False
return True
def UpdateFileInfo( self, hashes_to_media_results ):
hash = self.GetHash()
if hash in hashes_to_media_results:
media_result = hashes_to_media_results[ hash ]
self._media_result = media_result
class MediaSort( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
def __init__( self, sort_type = None, sort_order = None, tag_context = None ):
if sort_type is None:
sort_type = ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILESIZE )
if sort_order is None:
sort_order = CC.SORT_ASC
if tag_context is None:
tag_context = ClientSearch.TagContext( service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY )
( sort_metatype, sort_data ) = sort_type
if sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
( namespaces, tag_display_type ) = sort_data
sort_data = ( tuple( namespaces ), tag_display_type )
sort_type = ( sort_metatype, sort_data )
self.sort_type = sort_type
self.sort_order = sort_order
self.tag_context = tag_context
def __eq__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, MediaSort ):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
return NotImplemented
def __hash__( self ):
return ( self.sort_type, self.sort_order, self.tag_context ).__hash__()
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
( sort_metatype, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
if sort_metatype == 'system':
serialisable_sort_data = sort_data
elif sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
serialisable_sort_data = sort_data
elif sort_metatype == 'rating':
service_key = sort_data
serialisable_sort_data = service_key.hex()
serialisable_tag_context = self.tag_context.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, self.sort_order, serialisable_tag_context )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, self.sort_order, serialisable_tag_context ) = serialisable_info
if sort_metatype == 'system':
sort_data = serialisable_sort_data
elif sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
( namespaces, tag_display_type ) = serialisable_sort_data
sort_data = ( tuple( namespaces ), tag_display_type )
elif sort_metatype == 'rating':
sort_data = bytes.fromhex( serialisable_sort_data )
self.sort_type = ( sort_metatype, sort_data )
self.tag_context = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_context )
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, sort_order ) = old_serialisable_info
if sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
namespaces = serialisable_sort_data
serialisable_sort_data = ( namespaces, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_ACTUAL )
new_serialisable_info = ( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, sort_order )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 2:
( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, sort_order ) = old_serialisable_info
tag_context = ClientSearch.TagContext( service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY )
serialisable_tag_context = tag_context.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( sort_metatype, serialisable_sort_data, sort_order, serialisable_tag_context )
return ( 3, new_serialisable_info )
def CanAsc( self ):
( sort_metatype, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
if sort_metatype == 'system':
return False
return True
def GetNamespaces( self ):
( sort_metadata, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
if sort_metadata == 'namespaces':
( namespaces, tag_display_type ) = sort_data
return list( namespaces )
return []
def GetSortKeyAndReverse( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext ):
( sort_metadata, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
def deal_with_none( x ):
if x is None: return -1
else: return x
if sort_metadata == 'system':
if sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_RANDOM:
def sort_key( x ):
return random.random()
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HASH:
def sort_key( x ):
return x.GetHash().hex()
def sort_key( x ):
# videos > images > pdfs
# heavy vids first, heavy images first
duration = x.GetDurationMS()
num_frames = x.GetNumFrames()
size = x.GetSize()
resolution = x.GetResolution()
if duration is None or duration == 0:
if size is None or size == 0:
duration_bitrate = -1
frame_bitrate = -1
duration_bitrate = 0
if resolution is None:
frame_bitrate = 0
( width, height ) = x.GetResolution()
if size is None or size == 0 or width is None or width == 0 or height is None or height == 0:
frame_bitrate = -1
num_pixels = width * height
frame_bitrate = size / num_pixels
if size is None or size == 0:
duration_bitrate = -1
frame_bitrate = -1
duration_bitrate = size / duration
if num_frames is None or num_frames == 0:
frame_bitrate = 0
frame_bitrate = duration_bitrate / num_frames
return ( duration_bitrate, frame_bitrate )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILESIZE:
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetSize() )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_DURATION:
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetDurationMS() )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE:
def sort_key( x ):
num_frames = x.GetNumFrames()
if num_frames is None or num_frames == 0:
return -1
duration = x.GetDurationMS()
if duration is None or duration == 0:
return -1
return num_frames / duration
def sort_key( x ):
return ( x.GetNumFiles(), isinstance( x, MediaCollection ) )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_FRAMES:
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetNumFrames() )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HAS_AUDIO:
def sort_key( x ):
return - deal_with_none( x.HasAudio() )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME:
def sort_key( x ):
# note we use hash_id here, thanks to a user for pointing it out, as a nice way to break 1-second-resolution ties
return ( deal_with_none( x.GetLocationsManager().GetBestCurrentTimestamp( location_context ) ), x.GetEarliestHashId() )
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetLocationsManager().GetTimestampsManager().GetAggregateModifiedTimestamp() )
def sort_key( x ):
timestamps_manager = x.GetFileViewingStatsManager().GetTimestampsManager()
# do not do viewtime as a secondary sort here, to allow for user secondary sort to help out
return deal_with_none( timestamps_manager.GetLastViewedTimestamp( CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER ) )
def sort_key( x ):
locations_manager = x.GetLocationsManager()
return ( not locations_manager.inbox, deal_with_none( x.GetLocationsManager().GetTimestampsManager().GetArchivedTimestamp() ) )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HEIGHT:
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetResolution()[1] )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_WIDTH:
def sort_key( x ):
return deal_with_none( x.GetResolution()[0] )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_RATIO:
def sort_key( x ):
( width, height ) = x.GetResolution()
if width is None or height is None or width == 0 or height == 0:
return -1
return width / height
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_PIXELS:
def sort_key( x ):
( width, height ) = x.GetResolution()
if width is None or height is None:
return -1
return width * height
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_TAGS:
def sort_key( x ):
tags_manager = x.GetTagsManager()
return len( tags_manager.GetCurrentAndPending( self.tag_context.service_key, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_ACTUAL ) )
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_MIME:
def sort_key( x ):
return x.GetMime()
elif sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_MEDIA_VIEWS:
def sort_key( x ):
fvsm = x.GetFileViewingStatsManager()
# do not do viewtime as a secondary sort here, to allow for user secondary sort to help out
return fvsm.GetViews( CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER )
def sort_key( x ):
fvsm = x.GetFileViewingStatsManager()
# do not do views as a secondary sort here, to allow for user secondary sort to help out
return fvsm.GetViewtime( CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER )
elif sort_metadata == 'namespaces':
( namespaces, tag_display_type ) = sort_data
def sort_key( x ):
x_tags_manager = x.GetTagsManager()
return [ x_tags_manager.GetComparableNamespaceSlice( self.tag_context.service_key, ( namespace, ), tag_display_type ) for namespace in namespaces ]
elif sort_metadata == 'rating':
service_key = sort_data
def sort_key( x ):
x_ratings_manager = x.GetRatingsManager()
rating = deal_with_none( x_ratings_manager.GetRating( service_key ) )
return rating
reverse = self.sort_order == CC.SORT_DESC
return ( sort_key, reverse )
def GetSortOrderStrings( self ):
( sort_metatype, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
if sort_metatype == 'system':
sort_string_lookup = {}
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_APPROX_BITRATE ] = ( 'smallest first', 'largest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILESIZE ] = ( 'smallest first', 'largest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_DURATION ] = ( 'shortest first', 'longest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ] = ( 'slowest first', 'fastest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_COLLECTION_FILES ] = ( 'fewest first', 'most first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_FRAMES ] = ( 'smallest first', 'largest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HAS_AUDIO ] = ( 'audio first', 'silent first', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ] = ( 'oldest first', 'newest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILE_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP ] = ( 'oldest first', 'newest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_LAST_VIEWED_TIME ] = ( 'oldest first', 'newest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_ARCHIVED_TIMESTAMP ] = ( 'oldest first', 'newest first', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_MIME ] = ( 'filetype', 'filetype', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_RANDOM ] = ( 'random', 'random', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HASH ] = ( 'lexicographic', 'reverse lexicographic', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_WIDTH ] = ( 'slimmest first', 'widest first', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_HEIGHT ] = ( 'shortest first', 'tallest first', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_RATIO ] = ( 'tallest first', 'widest first', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_PIXELS ] = ( 'ascending', 'descending', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_NUM_TAGS ] = ( 'ascending', 'descending', CC.SORT_ASC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_MEDIA_VIEWS ] = ( 'ascending', 'descending', CC.SORT_DESC )
sort_string_lookup[ CC.SORT_FILES_BY_MEDIA_VIEWTIME ] = ( 'ascending', 'descending', CC.SORT_DESC )
return sort_string_lookup[ sort_data ]
elif sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
return ( 'a-z', 'z-a', CC.SORT_ASC )
return ( 'ascending', 'descending', CC.SORT_DESC )
def GetSortTypeString( self ):
( sort_metatype, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
sort_string = 'sort by '
if sort_metatype == 'system':
sort_string += CC.sort_type_string_lookup[ sort_data ]
elif sort_metatype == 'namespaces':
( namespaces, tag_display_type ) = sort_data
sort_string += 'tags: ' + '-'.join( namespaces )
elif sort_metatype == 'rating':
service_key = sort_data
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
name = service.GetName()
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
name = 'unknown service'
sort_string += 'rating: {}'.format( name )
return sort_string
def Sort( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results_list: "SortedList" ):
( sort_metadata, sort_data ) = self.sort_type
if sort_data == CC.SORT_FILES_BY_RANDOM:
( sort_key, reverse ) = self.GetSortKeyAndReverse( location_context )
media_results_list.sort( sort_key = sort_key, reverse = reverse )
def ToString( self ):
sort_type_string = self.GetSortTypeString()
( asc_string, desc_string, sort_gumpf ) = self.GetSortOrderStrings()
sort_order_string = asc_string if self.sort_order == CC.SORT_ASC else desc_string
return '{}, {}'.format( sort_type_string, sort_order_string )
class SortedList( object ):
def __init__( self, initial_items = None ):
if initial_items is None:
initial_items = []
self._sort_key = None
self._sort_reverse = False
self._sorted_list = list( initial_items )
self._items_to_indices = {}
self._indices_dirty = True
def __contains__( self, item ):
if self._indices_dirty:
return self._items_to_indices.__contains__( item )
def __getitem__( self, value ):
return self._sorted_list.__getitem__( value )
def __iter__( self ):
return iter( self._sorted_list )
def __len__( self ):
return len( self._sorted_list )
def _DirtyIndices( self ):
self._indices_dirty = True
self._items_to_indices = {}
def _RecalcIndices( self ):
self._items_to_indices = { item : index for ( index, item ) in enumerate( self._sorted_list ) }
self._indices_dirty = False
def append_items( self, items ):
if self._indices_dirty is None:
for ( i, item ) in enumerate( items, start = len( self._sorted_list ) ):
self._items_to_indices[ item ] = i
self._sorted_list.extend( items )
def index( self, item ):
if self._indices_dirty:
result = self._items_to_indices[ item ]
except KeyError:
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing()
return result
def insert_items( self, items ):
self.append_items( items )
def remove_items( self, items ):
deletee_indices = [ self.index( item ) for item in items ]
deletee_indices.sort( reverse = True )
for index in deletee_indices:
del self._sorted_list[ index ]
def random_sort( self ):
def sort_key( x ):
return random.random()
self._sort_key = sort_key
random.shuffle( self._sorted_list )
def sort( self, sort_key = None, reverse = False ):
if sort_key is None:
sort_key = self._sort_key
reverse = self._sort_reverse
self._sort_key = sort_key
self._sort_reverse = reverse
self._sorted_list.sort( key = sort_key, reverse = reverse )