
4005 lines
137 KiB

import collections
import http.cookiejar
import os
import re
import threading
import time
import unicodedata
import urllib.parse
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNetworking
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientStrings
from hydrus.client import ClientThreading
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts
def AddCookieToSession( session, name, value, domain, path, expires, secure = False, rest = None ):
version = 0
port = None
port_specified = False
domain_specified = True
domain_initial_dot = domain.startswith( '.' )
path_specified = True
discard = False
comment = None
comment_url = None
if rest is None:
rest = {}
cookie = http.cookiejar.Cookie( version, name, value, port, port_specified, domain, domain_specified, domain_initial_dot, path, path_specified, secure, expires, discard, comment, comment_url, rest )
session.cookies.set_cookie( cookie )
def ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( domain, discard_www = True ):
# is an ip address or localhost, possibly with a port
if '.' not in domain or re.search( r'^[\d\.:]+$', domain ) is not None:
return [ domain ]
domains = []
if discard_www:
domain = RemoveWWWFromDomain( domain )
while domain.count( '.' ) > 0:
domains.append( domain )
domain = ConvertDomainIntoNextLevelDomain( domain )
return domains
def ConvertDomainIntoNextLevelDomain( domain ):
return '.'.join( domain.split( '.' )[1:] ) # i.e. strip off the leftmost subdomain maps.google.com -> google.com
def ConvertDomainIntoSecondLevelDomain( domain ):
domains = ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( domain )
if len( domains ) == 0:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'That url or domain did not seem to be valid!' )
return domains[-1]
def ConvertHTTPSToHTTP( url ):
if url.startswith( 'http://' ):
return url
elif url.startswith( 'https://' ):
http_url = 'http://' + url[8:]
return http_url
raise Exception( 'Given a url that did not have a scheme!' )
def ConvertHTTPToHTTPS( url ):
if url.startswith( 'https://' ):
return url
elif url.startswith( 'http://' ):
https_url = 'https://' + url[7:]
return https_url
raise Exception( 'Given a url that did not have a scheme!' )
def ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order = None ):
# we now do everything with requests, which does all the unicode -> %20 business naturally, phew
# we still want to call str explicitly to coerce integers and so on that'll slip in here and there
if param_order is None:
param_order = sorted( query_dict.keys() )
single_value_parameters = list( single_value_parameters )
for i in range( len( single_value_parameters ) ):
param_order.append( None )
params = []
single_value_parameter_index = 0
for key in param_order:
if key is None:
params.append( single_value_parameters[ single_value_parameter_index ] )
except IndexError:
single_value_parameter_index += 1
if key in query_dict:
params.append( '{}={}'.format( key, query_dict[ key ] ) )
query_text = '&'.join( params )
return query_text
def ConvertQueryTextToDict( query_text ):
# we generally do not want quote characters, %20 stuff, in our urls. we would prefer properly formatted unicode
# so, let's replace all keys and values with unquoted versions
# -but-
# we only replace if it is a completely reversable operation!
# odd situations like '6+girls+skirt', which comes here encoded as '6%2Bgirls+skirt', shouldn't turn into '6+girls+skirt'
# so if there are a mix of encoded and non-encoded, we won't touch it here m8
# except these chars, which screw with GET arg syntax when unquoted
bad_chars = [ '&', '=', '/', '?', '#', ';', '+' ]
param_order = []
query_dict = {}
single_value_parameters = []
pairs = query_text.split( '&' )
for pair in pairs:
result = pair.split( '=', 1 )
# for the moment, ignore tracker bugs and so on that have only key and no value
if len( result ) == 1:
( value, ) = result
if value == '':
unquoted_value = urllib.parse.unquote( value )
if True not in ( bad_char in unquoted_value for bad_char in bad_chars ):
requoted_value = urllib.parse.quote( unquoted_value )
if requoted_value == value:
value = unquoted_value
single_value_parameters.append( value )
param_order.append( None )
elif len( result ) == 2:
( key, value ) = result
unquoted_key = urllib.parse.unquote( key )
if True not in ( bad_char in unquoted_key for bad_char in bad_chars ):
requoted_key = urllib.parse.quote( unquoted_key )
if requoted_key == key:
key = unquoted_key
unquoted_value = urllib.parse.unquote( value )
if True not in ( bad_char in unquoted_value for bad_char in bad_chars ):
requoted_value = urllib.parse.quote( unquoted_value )
if requoted_value == value:
value = unquoted_value
param_order.append( key )
query_dict[ key ] = value
return ( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order )
def ConvertURLClassesIntoAPIPairs( url_classes ):
url_classes = list( url_classes )
NetworkDomainManager.STATICSortURLClassesDescendingComplexity( url_classes )
pairs = []
for url_class in url_classes:
if not url_class.UsesAPIURL():
api_url = url_class.GetAPIURL( url_class.GetExampleURL() )
for other_url_class in url_classes:
if other_url_class == url_class:
if other_url_class.Matches( api_url ):
pairs.append( ( url_class, other_url_class ) )
return pairs
def ConvertURLIntoDomain( url ):
parser_result = ParseURL( url )
if parser_result.scheme == '':
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'URL "' + url + '" was not recognised--did you forget the http:// or https://?' )
if parser_result.netloc == '':
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'URL "' + url + '" was not recognised--is it missing a domain?' )
domain = parser_result.netloc
return domain
def ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( url ):
domain = ConvertURLIntoDomain( url )
return ConvertDomainIntoSecondLevelDomain( domain )
def CookieDomainMatches( cookie, search_domain ):
cookie_domain = cookie.domain
# blah.com is viewable by blah.com
matches_exactly = cookie_domain == search_domain
# .blah.com is viewable by blah.com
matches_dot = cookie_domain == '.' + search_domain
# .blah.com applies to subdomain.blah.com, blah.com does not
valid_subdomain = cookie_domain.startswith( '.' ) and search_domain.endswith( cookie_domain )
return matches_exactly or matches_dot or valid_subdomain
def DomainEqualsAnotherForgivingWWW( test_domain, wwwable_domain ):
# domain is either the same or starts with www. or www2. or something
rule = r'^(www[^\.]*\.)?' + re.escape( wwwable_domain ) + '$'
return re.search( rule, test_domain ) is not None
def GetCookie( cookies, search_domain, cookie_name_string_match ):
for cookie in cookies:
if CookieDomainMatches( cookie, search_domain ) and cookie_name_string_match.Matches( cookie.name ):
return cookie
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Cookie "' + cookie_name_string_match.ToString() + '" not found for domain ' + search_domain + '!' )
def GetSearchURLs( url ):
search_urls = set()
search_urls.add( url )
normalised_url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url )
search_urls.add( normalised_url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
for url in list( search_urls ):
if url.startswith( 'http://' ):
search_urls.add( ConvertHTTPToHTTPS( url ) )
elif url.startswith( 'https://' ):
search_urls.add( ConvertHTTPSToHTTP( url ) )
for url in list( search_urls ):
p = ParseURL( url )
scheme = p.scheme
netloc = p.netloc
path = p.path
params = ''
query = p.query
fragment = p.fragment
if netloc.startswith( 'www' ):
netloc = ConvertDomainIntoSecondLevelDomain( netloc )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
netloc = 'www.' + netloc
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment )
search_urls.add( r.geturl() )
for url in list( search_urls ):
if url.endswith( '/' ):
search_urls.add( url[:-1] )
search_urls.add( url + '/' )
return search_urls
def NormaliseAndFilterAssociableURLs( urls ):
normalised_urls = set()
for url in urls:
url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
continue # not a url--something like "file:///C:/Users/Tall%20Man/Downloads/maxresdefault.jpg" ha ha ha
normalised_urls.add( url )
associable_urls = { url for url in normalised_urls if HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.ShouldAssociateURLWithFiles( url ) }
return associable_urls
def ParseURL( url: str ) -> urllib.parse.ParseResult:
url = url.strip()
url = UnicodeNormaliseURL( url )
return urllib.parse.urlparse( url )
def UnicodeNormaliseURL( url: str ):
if url.startswith( 'file:' ):
return url
# the issue is netloc, blah.com, cannot have certain unicode characters that look like others, or double ( e + accent ) characters that can be one accented-e, so we normalise
# urllib.urlparse throws a valueerror if these are in, so let's switch out
scheme_splitter = '://'
netloc_splitter = '/'
if scheme_splitter in url:
( scheme, netloc_and_path_and_rest ) = url.split( scheme_splitter, 1 )
if netloc_splitter in netloc_and_path_and_rest:
( netloc, path_and_rest ) = netloc_and_path_and_rest.split( netloc_splitter, 1 )
netloc = netloc_and_path_and_rest
path_and_rest = None
netloc = unicodedata.normalize( 'NFKC', netloc )
scheme_and_netlock = scheme_splitter.join( ( scheme, netloc ) )
if path_and_rest is None:
url = scheme_and_netlock
url = netloc_splitter.join( ( scheme_and_netlock, path_and_rest ) )
return url
valid_str_lookup = {}
valid_str_lookup[ VALID_DENIED ] = 'denied'
valid_str_lookup[ VALID_APPROVED ] = 'approved'
valid_str_lookup[ VALID_UNKNOWN ] = 'unknown'
class NetworkDomainManager( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Domain Manager'
def __init__( self ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self.engine = None
self._gugs = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._url_classes = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._parsers = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = collections.defaultdict( dict )
self._parser_namespaces = []
self._gug_keys_to_display = set()
self._url_class_keys_to_display = set()
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBytesDictionary()
self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes = collections.defaultdict( list )
self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors = collections.defaultdict( list )
from hydrus.client.importing.options import TagImportOptions
self._file_post_default_tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
self._watchable_default_tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = {}
self._gug_keys_to_gugs = {}
self._gug_names_to_gugs = {}
self._parser_keys_to_parsers = {}
self._dirty = False
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def _CleanURLClassKeysToParserKeys( self ):
api_pairs = ConvertURLClassesIntoAPIPairs( self._url_classes )
# anything that goes to an api url will be parsed by that api's parser--it can't have its own
for ( a, b ) in api_pairs:
unparseable_url_class_key = a.GetClassKey()
if unparseable_url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys:
del self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ unparseable_url_class_key ]
def _GetDefaultTagImportOptionsForURL( self, url ):
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None or url_class.GetURLType() not in ( HC.URL_TYPE_POST, HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE ):
return self._file_post_default_tag_import_options
( url_class, url ) = self._GetNormalisedAPIURLClassAndURL( url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
return self._file_post_default_tag_import_options
# some lad decided to api convert one url type to another
if url_class.GetURLType() not in ( HC.URL_TYPE_POST, HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE ):
return self._file_post_default_tag_import_options
url_class_key = url_class.GetClassKey()
if url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options:
return self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options[ url_class_key ]
url_type = url_class.GetURLType()
if url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_POST:
return self._file_post_default_tag_import_options
elif url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE:
return self._watchable_default_tag_import_options
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not find tag import options for that kind of URL Class!' )
def _GetGUG( self, gug_key_and_name ):
( gug_key, gug_name ) = gug_key_and_name
if gug_key in self._gug_keys_to_gugs:
return self._gug_keys_to_gugs[ gug_key ]
elif gug_name in self._gug_names_to_gugs:
return self._gug_names_to_gugs[ gug_name ]
return None
def _GetNormalisedAPIURLClassAndURL( self, url ):
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not find a URL Class for ' + url + '!' )
seen_url_classes = set()
seen_url_classes.add( url_class )
api_url_class = url_class
api_url = url
while api_url_class.UsesAPIURL():
api_url = api_url_class.GetAPIURL( api_url )
api_url_class = self._GetURLClass( api_url )
if api_url_class is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not find an API URL Class for ' + api_url + ' URL, which originally came from ' + url + '!' )
if api_url_class in seen_url_classes:
loop_size = len( seen_url_classes )
if loop_size == 1:
message = 'Could not find an API URL Class for ' + url + ' as the url class API-linked to itself!'
elif loop_size == 2:
message = 'Could not find an API URL Class for ' + url + ' as the url class and its API url class API-linked to each other!'
message = 'Could not find an API URL Class for ' + url + ' as it and its API url classes linked in a loop of size ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( loop_size ) + '!'
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( message )
seen_url_classes.add( api_url_class )
api_url = api_url_class.Normalise( api_url )
return ( api_url_class, api_url )
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_gugs = self._gugs.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_gug_keys_to_display = [ gug_key.hex() for gug_key in self._gug_keys_to_display ]
serialisable_url_classes = self._url_classes.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display = [ url_class_key.hex() for url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_display ]
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options = self._file_post_default_tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options = self._watchable_default_tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = [ ( url_class_key.hex(), tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple() ) for ( url_class_key, tag_import_options ) in list(self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options.items()) ]
serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple = ( serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options )
serialisable_parsers = self._parsers.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = [ ( network_context.GetSerialisableTuple(), list(custom_header_dict.items()) ) for ( network_context, custom_header_dict ) in list(self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts.items()) ]
return ( serialisable_gugs, serialisable_gug_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
def _GetURLClass( self, url ):
domain = ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( url )
if domain in self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes:
url_classes = self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes[ domain ]
for url_class in url_classes:
url_class.Test( url )
return url_class
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
return None
def _GetURLToFetchAndParser( self, url ):
( parser_url_class, parser_url ) = self._GetNormalisedAPIURLClassAndURL( url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not find a parser for ' + url + '!' + os.linesep * 2 + str( e ) )
url_class_key = parser_url_class.GetClassKey()
if url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys:
parser_key = self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ]
if parser_key is not None and parser_key in self._parser_keys_to_parsers:
return ( parser_url, self._parser_keys_to_parsers[ parser_key ] )
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not find a parser for ' + parser_url_class.GetName() + ' URL Class!' )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_gugs, serialisable_gug_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = serialisable_info
self._gugs = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_gugs )
self._gug_keys_to_display = { bytes.fromhex( serialisable_gug_key ) for serialisable_gug_key in serialisable_gug_keys_to_display }
self._url_classes = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_classes )
self._url_class_keys_to_display = { bytes.fromhex( serialisable_url_class_key ) for serialisable_url_class_key in serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display }
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
( serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options ) = serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple
self._file_post_default_tag_import_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options )
self._watchable_default_tag_import_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options )
self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = { bytes.fromhex( serialisable_url_class_key ) : HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_import_options ) for ( serialisable_url_class_key, serialisable_tag_import_options ) in serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options }
self._parsers = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_parsers )
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = collections.defaultdict( dict )
for ( serialisable_network_context, custom_header_dict_items ) in serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
network_context = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_network_context )
custom_header_dict = dict( custom_header_dict_items )
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] = custom_header_dict
def _RecalcCache( self ):
self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes = collections.defaultdict( list )
for url_class in self._url_classes:
domain = ConvertDomainIntoSecondLevelDomain( url_class.GetDomain() )
self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes[ domain ].append( url_class )
for url_classes in self._second_level_domains_to_url_classes.values():
NetworkDomainManager.STATICSortURLClassesDescendingComplexity( url_classes )
self._gug_keys_to_gugs = { gug.GetGUGKey() : gug for gug in self._gugs }
self._gug_names_to_gugs = { gug.GetName() : gug for gug in self._gugs }
self._parser_keys_to_parsers = { parser.GetParserKey() : parser for parser in self._parsers }
namespaces = set()
for parser in self._parsers:
namespaces.update( parser.GetNamespaces() )
self._parser_namespaces = sorted( namespaces )
def _SetDirty( self ):
self._dirty = True
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = old_serialisable_info
url_classes = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_classes )
url_class_names_to_display = {}
url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBytesDictionary()
url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBytesDictionary()
for url_class in url_classes:
name = url_class.GetName()
if url_class.IsPostURL():
url_class_names_to_display[ name ] = True
url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys[ name ] = None
if url_class.IsGalleryURL() or url_class.IsWatchableURL():
url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys[ name ] = None
serialisable_url_class_names_to_display = list(url_class_names_to_display.items())
serialisable_url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys = url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys = url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_names_to_display, serialisable_url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys, serialisable_url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 2:
( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_names_to_display, serialisable_url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys, serialisable_url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = old_serialisable_info
parsers = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
serialisable_parsing_parsers = parsers.GetSerialisableTuple()
url_class_names_to_display = dict( serialisable_url_class_names_to_display )
url_class_keys_to_display = []
url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_class_names_to_gallery_parser_keys )
url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_class_names_to_page_parser_keys )
url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBytesDictionary()
url_classes = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_classes )
for url_class in url_classes:
url_class_key = url_class.GetClassKey()
name = url_class.GetName()
if name in url_class_names_to_display and url_class_names_to_display[ name ]:
url_class_keys_to_display.append( url_class_key )
serialisable_url_classes = url_classes.GetSerialisableTuple() # added random key this week, so save these changes back again!
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display = [ url_class_key.hex() for url_class_key in url_class_keys_to_display ]
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
return ( 3, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 3:
( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = old_serialisable_info
from hydrus.client.importing.options import TagImportOptions
self._file_post_default_tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
self._watchable_default_tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = {}
serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options = self._file_post_default_tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options = self._watchable_default_tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = [ ( url_class_key.hex(), tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple() ) for ( url_class_key, tag_import_options ) in list(self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options.items()) ]
serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple = ( serialisable_file_post_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_watchable_default_tag_import_options, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options )
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
return ( 4, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 4:
( serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = old_serialisable_info
gugs = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
serialisable_gugs = gugs.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gugs, serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
return ( 5, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 5:
( serialisable_gugs, serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = old_serialisable_info
gugs = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_gugs )
gug_keys_to_display = [ gug.GetGUGKey() for gug in gugs if 'ugoira' not in gug.GetName() ]
serialisable_gug_keys_to_display = [ gug_key.hex() for gug_key in gug_keys_to_display ]
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gugs, serialisable_gug_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_classes, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_display, serialisable_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, serialisable_default_tag_import_options_tuple, serialisable_parsing_parsers, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
return ( 6, new_serialisable_info )
def AddGUGs( self, new_gugs ):
with self._lock:
gugs = list( self._gugs )
for gug in new_gugs:
gug.SetNonDupeName( [ g.GetName() for g in gugs ] )
gugs.append( gug )
self.SetGUGs( gugs )
def AddParsers( self, new_parsers ):
with self._lock:
parsers = list( self._parsers )
for parser in new_parsers:
parser.SetNonDupeName( [ p.GetName() for p in parsers ] )
parsers.append( parser )
self.SetParsers( parsers )
def AddURLClasses( self, new_url_classes ):
with self._lock:
url_classes = list( self._url_classes )
for url_class in new_url_classes:
url_class.SetNonDupeName( [ u.GetName() for u in url_classes ] )
url_classes.append( url_class )
self.SetURLClasses( url_classes )
def AlreadyHaveExactlyTheseHeaders( self, network_context, headers_list ):
with self._lock:
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_headers_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
if len( headers_list ) != len( custom_headers_dict ):
return False
for ( key, value, reason ) in headers_list:
if key not in custom_headers_dict:
return False
( existing_value, existing_approved, existing_reason ) = custom_headers_dict[ key ]
if existing_value != value:
return False
return True
return False
def AlreadyHaveExactlyThisGUG( self, new_gug ):
with self._lock:
# absent irrelevant variables, do we have the exact same object already in?
gug_key_and_name = new_gug.GetGUGKeyAndName()
dupe_gugs = [ gug.Duplicate() for gug in self._gugs ]
for dupe_gug in dupe_gugs:
dupe_gug.SetGUGKeyAndName( gug_key_and_name )
if dupe_gug.DumpToString() == new_gug.DumpToString():
return True
return False
def AlreadyHaveExactlyThisParser( self, new_parser ):
with self._lock:
# absent irrelevant variables, do we have the exact same object already in?
new_name = new_parser.GetName()
new_parser_key = new_parser.GetParserKey()
new_example_urls = new_parser.GetExampleURLs()
new_example_parsing_context = new_parser.GetExampleParsingContext()
dupe_parsers = [ ( parser.Duplicate(), parser ) for parser in self._parsers ]
for ( dupe_parser, parser ) in dupe_parsers:
dupe_parser.SetName( new_name )
dupe_parser.SetParserKey( new_parser_key )
dupe_parser.SetExampleURLs( new_example_urls )
dupe_parser.SetExampleParsingContext( new_example_parsing_context )
if dupe_parser.DumpToString() == new_parser.DumpToString():
# since these are the 'same', let's merge example urls
parser_example_urls = set( parser.GetExampleURLs() )
parser_example_urls.update( new_example_urls )
parser_example_urls = list( parser_example_urls )
parser.SetExampleURLs( parser_example_urls )
return True
return False
def AlreadyHaveExactlyThisURLClass( self, new_url_class ):
with self._lock:
# absent irrelevant variables, do we have the exact same object already in?
name = new_url_class.GetName()
match_key = new_url_class.GetClassKey()
example_url = new_url_class.GetExampleURL()
dupe_url_classes = [ url_class.Duplicate() for url_class in self._url_classes ]
for dupe_url_class in dupe_url_classes:
dupe_url_class.SetName( name )
dupe_url_class.SetClassKey( match_key )
dupe_url_class.SetExampleURL( example_url )
if dupe_url_class.DumpToString() == new_url_class.DumpToString():
return True
return False
def AutoAddDomainMetadatas( self, domain_metadatas, approved = False ):
for domain_metadata in domain_metadatas:
if not domain_metadata.HasHeaders():
with self._lock:
domain = domain_metadata.GetDomain()
network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, domain )
headers_list = domain_metadata.GetHeaders()
custom_headers_dict = { key : ( value, approved, reason ) for ( key, value, reason ) in headers_list }
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] = custom_headers_dict
def AutoAddURLClassesAndParsers( self, new_url_classes, dupe_url_classes, new_parsers ):
for url_class in new_url_classes:
for parser in new_parsers:
# any existing url matches that already do the job of the new ones should be hung on to but renamed
with self._lock:
prefix = 'zzz - renamed due to auto-import - '
renamees = []
for existing_url_class in self._url_classes:
if existing_url_class.GetName().startswith( prefix ):
for new_url_class in new_url_classes:
if new_url_class.Matches( existing_url_class.GetExampleURL() ) and existing_url_class.Matches( new_url_class.GetExampleURL() ):
# the url matches match each other, so they are doing the same job
renamees.append( existing_url_class )
for renamee in renamees:
existing_names = [ url_class.GetName() for url_class in self._url_classes if url_class != renamee ]
renamee.SetName( prefix + renamee.GetName() )
renamee.SetNonDupeName( existing_names )
self.AddURLClasses( new_url_classes )
self.AddParsers( new_parsers )
# we want to match these url matches and parsers together if possible
with self._lock:
url_classes_to_link = list( new_url_classes )
# if downloader adds existing url match but updated parser, we want to update the existing link
for dupe_url_class in dupe_url_classes:
# this is to make sure we have the right match keys for the link update in a minute
actual_existing_dupe_url_class = self._GetURLClass( dupe_url_class.GetExampleURL() )
if actual_existing_dupe_url_class is not None:
url_classes_to_link.append( actual_existing_dupe_url_class )
new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = NetworkDomainManager.STATICLinkURLClassesAndParsers( url_classes_to_link, new_parsers, {} )
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.update( new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
# let's do a trytolink just in case there are loose ends due to some dupe being discarded earlier (e.g. url match is new, but parser was not).
def CanValidateInPopup( self, network_contexts ):
# we can always do this for headers
return True
def ConvertURLsToMediaViewerTuples( self, urls ):
show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer' )
url_tuples = []
unmatched_url_tuples = []
with self._lock:
for url in urls:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
if url_class is None:
if show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer:
domain = ConvertURLIntoDomain( url )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
unmatched_url_tuples.append( ( domain, url ) )
url_class_key = url_class.GetClassKey()
if url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_display:
url_class_name = url_class.GetName()
url_tuples.append( ( url_class_name, url ) )
if len( url_tuples ) == 10:
url_tuples.extend( unmatched_url_tuples )
return url_tuples
def DeleteGUGs( self, deletee_names ):
with self._lock:
gugs = [ gug for gug in self._gugs if gug.GetName() not in deletee_names ]
self.SetGUGs( gugs )
def DeleteURLClasses( self, deletee_names ):
with self._lock:
url_classes = [ url_class for url_class in self._url_classes if url_class.GetName() not in deletee_names ]
self.SetURLClasses( url_classes )
def DissolveParserLink( self, url_class_name, parser_name ):
with self._lock:
the_url_class = None
for url_class in self._url_classes:
if url_class.GetName() == url_class_name:
the_url_class = url_class
the_parser = None
for parser in self._parsers:
if parser.GetName() == parser_name:
the_parser = parser
if the_url_class is not None and the_parser is not None:
url_class_key = the_url_class.GetClassKey()
parser_key = the_parser.GetParserKey()
if url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys and self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ] == parser_key:
del self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ]
def DomainOK( self, url ):
with self._lock:
domain = ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( url )
return True
# this will become flexible and customisable when I have domain profiles/status/ui
# also should extend it to 'global', so if multiple domains are having trouble, we maybe assume the whole connection is down? it would really be nicer to have a better sockets-level check there
if domain in self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors:
number_of_errors = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'domain_network_infrastructure_error_number' )
if number_of_errors == 0:
return True
error_time_delta = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'domain_network_infrastructure_error_time_delta' )
network_infrastructure_errors = self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors[ domain ]
network_infrastructure_errors = [ timestamp for timestamp in network_infrastructure_errors if not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( timestamp + error_time_delta ) ]
self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors[ domain ] = network_infrastructure_errors
if len( network_infrastructure_errors ) >= number_of_errors:
return False
elif len( network_infrastructure_errors ) == 0:
del self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors[ domain ]
return True
def GenerateValidationPopupProcess( self, network_contexts ):
with self._lock:
header_tuples = []
for network_context in network_contexts:
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in list(custom_header_dict.items()):
if approved == VALID_UNKNOWN:
header_tuples.append( ( network_context, key, value, reason ) )
process = DomainValidationPopupProcess( self, header_tuples )
return process
def GetDefaultGUGKeyAndName( self ):
with self._lock:
gug_key = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetKey( 'default_gug_key' )
gug_name = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetString( 'default_gug_name' )
return ( gug_key, gug_name )
def GetDefaultTagImportOptions( self ):
with self._lock:
return ( self._file_post_default_tag_import_options, self._watchable_default_tag_import_options, self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options )
def GetDefaultTagImportOptionsForPosts( self ):
with self._lock:
return self._file_post_default_tag_import_options.Duplicate()
def GetDefaultTagImportOptionsForURL( self, url ):
with self._lock:
return self._GetDefaultTagImportOptionsForURL( url )
def GetDownloader( self, url ):
with self._lock:
# this might be better as getdownloaderkey, but we'll see how it shakes out
# might also be worth being a getifhasdownloader
# match the url to a url_class, then lookup that in a 'this downloader can handle this url_class type' dict that we'll manage
def GetGUG( self, gug_key_and_name ):
with self._lock:
return self._GetGUG( gug_key_and_name )
def GetGUGs( self ):
with self._lock:
return list( self._gugs )
def GetGUGKeysToDisplay( self ):
with self._lock:
return set( self._gug_keys_to_display )
def GetHeaders( self, network_contexts ):
with self._lock:
headers = {}
for network_context in network_contexts:
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in list(custom_header_dict.items()):
if approved == VALID_APPROVED:
headers[ key ] = value
return headers
def GetInitialSearchText( self, gug_key_and_name ):
with self._lock:
gug = self._GetGUG( gug_key_and_name )
if gug is None:
return 'unknown downloader'
return gug.GetInitialSearchText()
def GetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts( self ):
with self._lock:
return dict( self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
def GetParser( self, name ):
with self._lock:
for parser in self._parsers:
if parser.GetName() == name:
return parser
return None
def GetParsers( self ):
with self._lock:
return list( self._parsers )
def GetParserNamespaces( self ):
with self._lock:
return list( self._parser_namespaces )
def GetReferralURL( self, url, referral_url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
return referral_url
return url_class.GetReferralURL( url, referral_url )
def GetShareableCustomHeaders( self, network_context ):
with self._lock:
headers_list = []
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in list(custom_header_dict.items()):
headers_list.append( ( key, value, reason ) )
return headers_list
def GetURLClass( self, url ):
with self._lock:
return self._GetURLClass( url )
def GetURLClassFromName( self, name ):
with self._lock:
for url_class in self._url_classes:
if url_class.GetName() == name:
return url_class
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Did not find URL Class called "{}"!'.format( name ) )
def GetURLClassHeaders( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is not None:
return url_class.GetHeaderOverrides()
return {}
def GetURLClasses( self ):
with self._lock:
return list( self._url_classes )
def GetURLClassKeysToParserKeys( self ):
with self._lock:
return dict( self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
def GetURLClassKeysToDisplay( self ):
with self._lock:
return set( self._url_class_keys_to_display )
def GetURLParseCapability( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
return ( HC.URL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, 'unknown url', False, 'unknown url class' )
url_type = url_class.GetURLType()
match_name = url_class.GetName()
( url_to_fetch, parser ) = self._GetURLToFetchAndParser( url )
can_parse = True
cannot_parse_reason = ''
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e:
can_parse = False
cannot_parse_reason = str( e )
return ( url_type, match_name, can_parse, cannot_parse_reason )
def GetURLToFetchAndParser( self, url ):
with self._lock:
result = self._GetURLToFetchAndParser( url )
if HG.network_report_mode:
( url_to_fetch, parser ) = result
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
url_name = url_class.GetName()
url_to_fetch_match = self._GetURLClass( url_to_fetch )
url_to_fetch_name = url_to_fetch_match.GetName()
HydrusData.ShowText( 'request for URL to fetch and parser: {} ({}) -> {} ({}): {}'.format( url, url_name, url_to_fetch, url_to_fetch_name, parser.GetName() ) )
return result
def HasCustomHeaders( self, network_context ):
with self._lock:
return network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts and len( self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] ) > 0
def Initialise( self ):
def IsDirty( self ):
with self._lock:
return self._dirty
def IsValid( self, network_contexts ):
# for now, let's say that denied headers are simply not added, not that they invalidate a query
for network_context in network_contexts:
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
for ( value, approved, reason ) in list(custom_header_dict.values()):
if approved == VALID_UNKNOWN:
return False
return True
def NormaliseURL( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
p = ParseURL( url )
scheme = p.scheme
netloc = p.netloc
path = p.path
params = p.params
( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order ) = ConvertQueryTextToDict( p.query )
query = ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters )
fragment = ''
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment )
normalised_url = r.geturl()
normalised_url = url_class.Normalise( url )
return normalised_url
def OverwriteDefaultGUGs( self, gug_names ):
with self._lock:
from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults
default_gugs = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultGUGs()
existing_gug_names_to_keys = { gug.GetName() : gug.GetGUGKey() for gug in self._gugs }
for gug in default_gugs:
gug_name = gug.GetName()
if gug_name in existing_gug_names_to_keys:
gug.SetGUGKey( existing_gug_names_to_keys[ gug_name ] )
existing_gugs = list( self._gugs )
new_gugs = [ gug for gug in existing_gugs if gug.GetName() not in gug_names ]
new_gugs.extend( [ gug for gug in default_gugs if gug.GetName() in gug_names ] )
self.SetGUGs( new_gugs )
def OverwriteDefaultParsers( self, parser_names ):
with self._lock:
from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults
default_parsers = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultParsers()
existing_parser_names_to_keys = { parser.GetName() : parser.GetParserKey() for parser in self._parsers }
for parser in default_parsers:
name = parser.GetName()
if name in existing_parser_names_to_keys:
parser.SetParserKey( existing_parser_names_to_keys[ name ] )
existing_parsers = list( self._parsers )
new_parsers = [ parser for parser in existing_parsers if parser.GetName() not in parser_names ]
new_parsers.extend( [ parser for parser in default_parsers if parser.GetName() in parser_names ] )
self.SetParsers( new_parsers )
def OverwriteDefaultURLClasses( self, url_class_names ):
with self._lock:
from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults
default_url_classes = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultURLClasses()
existing_class_names_to_keys = { url_class.GetName() : url_class.GetClassKey() for url_class in self._url_classes }
for url_class in default_url_classes:
name = url_class.GetName()
if name in existing_class_names_to_keys:
url_class.SetClassKey( existing_class_names_to_keys[ name ] )
for url_class in default_url_classes:
existing_url_classes = list( self._url_classes )
new_url_classes = [ url_class for url_class in existing_url_classes if url_class.GetName() not in url_class_names ]
new_url_classes.extend( [ url_class for url_class in default_url_classes if url_class.GetName() in url_class_names ] )
self.SetURLClasses( new_url_classes )
def OverwriteParserLink( self, url_class_name, parser_name ):
with self._lock:
url_class_to_link = None
for url_class in self._url_classes:
if url_class.GetName() == url_class_name:
url_class_to_link = url_class
if url_class_to_link is None:
return False
parser_to_link = None
for parser in self._parsers:
if parser.GetName() == parser_name:
parser_to_link = parser
if parser_to_link is None:
return False
url_class_key = url_class_to_link.GetClassKey()
parser_key = parser_to_link.GetParserKey()
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ] = parser_key
def ReportNetworkInfrastructureError( self, url ):
with self._lock:
domain = ConvertURLIntoDomain( url )
self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors[ domain ].append( HydrusData.GetNow() )
def ScrubDomainErrors( self, url ):
with self._lock:
domain = ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( url )
if domain in self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors:
del self._second_level_domains_to_network_infrastructure_errors[ domain ]
def SetClean( self ):
with self._lock:
self._dirty = False
def SetDefaultGUGKeyAndName( self, gug_key_and_name ):
with self._lock:
( gug_key, gug_name ) = gug_key_and_name
HG.client_controller.new_options.SetKey( 'default_gug_key', gug_key )
HG.client_controller.new_options.SetString( 'default_gug_name', gug_name )
def SetDefaultTagImportOptions( self, file_post_default_tag_import_options, watchable_default_tag_import_options, url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options ):
with self._lock:
self._file_post_default_tag_import_options = file_post_default_tag_import_options
self._watchable_default_tag_import_options = watchable_default_tag_import_options
self._url_class_keys_to_default_tag_import_options = url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options
def SetGUGs( self, gugs ):
with self._lock:
# by default, we will show new gugs
old_gug_keys = { gug.GetGUGKey() for gug in self._gugs }
gug_keys = { gug.GetGUGKey() for gug in gugs }
added_gug_keys = gug_keys.difference( old_gug_keys )
self._gug_keys_to_display.update( added_gug_keys )
self._gugs = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( gugs )
def SetGUGKeysToDisplay( self, gug_keys_to_display ):
with self._lock:
self._gug_keys_to_display = set()
self._gug_keys_to_display.update( gug_keys_to_display )
def SetGlobalUserAgent( self, user_agent_string ):
with self._lock:
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ][ 'User-Agent' ] = ( user_agent_string, True, 'Set by Client API' )
def SetHeaderValidation( self, network_context, key, approved ):
with self._lock:
if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts:
custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ]
if key in custom_header_dict:
( value, old_approved, reason ) = custom_header_dict[ key ]
custom_header_dict[ key ] = ( value, approved, reason )
def SetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts( self, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ):
with self._lock:
self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts
def SetParsers( self, parsers ):
with self._lock:
self._parsers = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._parsers.extend( parsers )
self._parsers.sort( key = lambda p: p.GetName() )
# delete orphans
parser_keys = { parser.GetParserKey() for parser in parsers }
deletee_url_class_keys = set()
for ( url_class_key, parser_key ) in self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.items():
if parser_key not in parser_keys:
deletee_url_class_keys.add( url_class_key )
for deletee_url_class_key in deletee_url_class_keys:
del self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ deletee_url_class_key ]
def SetURLClasses( self, url_classes ):
with self._lock:
# by default, we will show post urls
old_post_url_class_keys = { url_class.GetClassKey() for url_class in self._url_classes if url_class.IsPostURL() }
post_url_class_keys = { url_class.GetClassKey() for url_class in url_classes if url_class.IsPostURL() }
added_post_url_class_keys = post_url_class_keys.difference( old_post_url_class_keys )
self._url_class_keys_to_display.update( added_post_url_class_keys )
self._url_classes = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._url_classes.extend( url_classes )
self._url_classes.sort( key = lambda u: u.GetName() )
# delete orphans
url_class_keys = { url_class.GetClassKey() for url_class in url_classes }
self._url_class_keys_to_display.intersection_update( url_class_keys )
for deletee_key in set( self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.keys() ).difference( url_class_keys ):
del self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ deletee_key ]
# any url matches that link to another via the API conversion will not be using parsers
url_class_api_pairs = ConvertURLClassesIntoAPIPairs( self._url_classes )
for ( url_class_original, url_class_api ) in url_class_api_pairs:
url_class_key = url_class_original.GetClassKey()
if url_class_key in self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys:
del self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ]
def SetURLClassKeysToParserKeys( self, url_class_keys_to_parser_keys ):
with self._lock:
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBytesDictionary()
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.update( url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
def SetURLClassKeysToDisplay( self, url_class_keys_to_display ):
with self._lock:
self._url_class_keys_to_display = set()
self._url_class_keys_to_display.update( url_class_keys_to_display )
def ShouldAssociateURLWithFiles( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
return True
return url_class.ShouldAssociateWithFiles()
def TryToLinkURLClassesAndParsers( self ):
with self._lock:
new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = NetworkDomainManager.STATICLinkURLClassesAndParsers( self._url_classes, self._parsers, self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
self._url_class_keys_to_parser_keys.update( new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
def URLCanReferToMultipleFiles( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
return False
return url_class.CanReferToMultipleFiles()
def URLDefinitelyRefersToOneFile( self, url ):
with self._lock:
url_class = self._GetURLClass( url )
if url_class is None:
return False
return url_class.RefersToOneFile()
def STATICLinkURLClassesAndParsers( url_classes, parsers, existing_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys ):
url_classes = list( url_classes )
NetworkDomainManager.STATICSortURLClassesDescendingComplexity( url_classes )
parsers = list( parsers )
parsers.sort( key = lambda p: p.GetName() )
new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = {}
api_pairs = ConvertURLClassesIntoAPIPairs( url_classes )
# anything that goes to an api url will be parsed by that api's parser--it can't have its own
api_pair_unparsable_url_classes = set()
for ( a, b ) in api_pairs:
api_pair_unparsable_url_classes.add( a )
# I have to do this backwards, going through parsers and then url_classes, so I can do a proper url match lookup like the real domain manager does it
# otherwise, if we iterate through url matches looking for parsers to match them, we have gallery url matches thinking they match parser post urls
# e.g.
# The page parser might say it supports https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3198277
# But the gallery url class might think it recognises that as https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts
# So we have to do the normal lookup in the proper descending complexity order, not searching any further than the first, correct match
for parser in parsers:
example_urls = parser.GetExampleURLs()
for example_url in example_urls:
for url_class in url_classes:
if url_class in api_pair_unparsable_url_classes:
if url_class.Matches( example_url ):
# we have a match. this is the 'correct' match for this example url, and we should not search any more, so we break below
url_class_key = url_class.GetClassKey()
parsable = url_class.IsParsable()
linkable = url_class_key not in existing_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys and url_class_key not in new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys
if parsable and linkable:
new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ] = parser.GetParserKey()
for url_class in url_classes:
if not url_class.IsParsable() or url_class in api_pair_unparsable_url_classes:
url_class_key = url_class.GetClassKey()
if url_class_key in existing_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys:
for parser in parsers:
example_urls = parser.GetExampleURLs()
if True in ( url_class.Matches( example_url ) for example_url in example_urls ):
new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys[ url_class_key ] = parser.GetParserKey()
return new_url_class_keys_to_parser_keys
def STATICSortURLClassesDescendingComplexity( url_classes ):
# sort reverse = true so most complex come first
# ( num_path_components, num_required_parameters, num_total_parameters, len_example_url )
url_classes.sort( key = lambda u_c: u_c.GetSortingComplexityKey(), reverse = True )
class DomainMetadataPackage( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Domain Metadata'
def __init__( self, domain = None, headers_list = None, bandwidth_rules = None ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
if domain is None:
domain = 'example.com'
self._domain = domain
self._headers_list = headers_list
self._bandwidth_rules = bandwidth_rules
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
if self._bandwidth_rules is None:
serialisable_bandwidth_rules = self._bandwidth_rules
serialisable_bandwidth_rules = self._bandwidth_rules.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( self._domain, self._headers_list, serialisable_bandwidth_rules )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self._domain, self._headers_list, serialisable_bandwidth_rules ) = serialisable_info
if serialisable_bandwidth_rules is None:
self._bandwidth_rules = serialisable_bandwidth_rules
self._bandwidth_rules = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_bandwidth_rules )
def GetBandwidthRules( self ):
return self._bandwidth_rules
def GetDetailedSafeSummary( self ):
components = [ 'For domain "' + self._domain + '":' ]
if self.HasBandwidthRules():
m = 'Bandwidth rules: '
m += os.linesep
m += os.linesep.join( [ HydrusNetworking.ConvertBandwidthRuleToString( rule ) for rule in self._bandwidth_rules.GetRules() ] )
components.append( m )
if self.HasHeaders():
m = 'Headers: '
m += os.linesep
m += os.linesep.join( [ key + ' : ' + value + ' - ' + reason for ( key, value, reason ) in self._headers_list ] )
components.append( m )
joiner = os.linesep * 2
s = joiner.join( components )
return s
def GetDomain( self ):
return self._domain
def GetHeaders( self ):
return self._headers_list
def GetSafeSummary( self ):
components = []
if self.HasBandwidthRules():
components.append( 'bandwidth rules' )
if self.HasHeaders():
components.append( 'headers' )
return ' and '.join( components ) + ' - ' + self._domain
def HasBandwidthRules( self ):
return self._bandwidth_rules is not None
def HasHeaders( self ):
return self._headers_list is not None
class DomainValidationPopupProcess( object ):
def __init__( self, domain_manager, header_tuples ):
self._domain_manager = domain_manager
self._header_tuples = header_tuples
self._is_done = False
def IsDone( self ):
return self._is_done
def Start( self ):
results = []
for ( network_context, key, value, reason ) in self._header_tuples:
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
# generate question
question = 'For the network context ' + network_context.ToString() + ', can the client set this header?'
question += os.linesep * 2
question += key + ': ' + value
question += os.linesep * 2
question += reason
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_yes_no_question', question )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
result = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'popup_yes_no_answer' )
while result is None:
if HG.view_shutdown:
time.sleep( 0.25 )
result = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'popup_yes_no_answer' )
if result:
approved = VALID_DENIED
self._domain_manager.SetHeaderValidation( network_context, key, approved )
self._is_done = True
class GalleryURLGenerator( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Gallery URL Generator'
def __init__( self, name, gug_key = None, url_template = None, replacement_phrase = None, search_terms_separator = None, initial_search_text = None, example_search_text = None ):
if gug_key is None:
gug_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
if url_template is None:
url_template = 'https://example.com/search?q=%tags%&index=0'
if replacement_phrase is None:
replacement_phrase = '%tags%'
if search_terms_separator is None:
search_terms_separator = '+'
if initial_search_text is None:
initial_search_text = 'search tags'
if example_search_text is None:
example_search_text = 'blue_eyes blonde_hair'
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
self._url_template = url_template
self._replacement_phrase = replacement_phrase
self._search_terms_separator = search_terms_separator
self._initial_search_text = initial_search_text
self._example_search_text = example_search_text
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_gallery_url_generator_key = self._gallery_url_generator_key.hex()
return ( serialisable_gallery_url_generator_key, self._url_template, self._replacement_phrase, self._search_terms_separator, self._initial_search_text, self._example_search_text )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_gallery_url_generator_key, self._url_template, self._replacement_phrase, self._search_terms_separator, self._initial_search_text, self._example_search_text ) = serialisable_info
self._gallery_url_generator_key = bytes.fromhex( serialisable_gallery_url_generator_key )
def CheckFunctional( self ):
example_url = self.GetExampleURL()
( url_type, match_name, can_parse, cannot_parse_reason ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( example_url )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.ParseException( 'Unusual error: {}'.format( e ) )
if url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
raise HydrusExceptions.ParseException( 'No URL Class for example URL!' )
if not can_parse:
raise HydrusExceptions.ParseException( 'Cannot parse {}: {}'.format( match_name, cannot_parse_reason ) )
def GenerateGalleryURL( self, query_text ):
if self._replacement_phrase == '':
raise HydrusExceptions.GUGException( 'No replacement phrase!' )
if self._replacement_phrase not in self._url_template:
raise HydrusExceptions.GUGException( 'Replacement phrase not in URL template!' )
( first_part, second_part ) = self._url_template.split( self._replacement_phrase, 1 )
search_phrase_seems_to_go_in_path = '?' not in first_part
search_terms = query_text.split( ' ' )
# if a user enters "%20" in a query, or any other percent-encoded char, we turn it into human here, lest it be re-quoted in a moment
# if a user enters "%25", i.e. "%", followed by some characters, then all bets are off
search_terms = [ urllib.parse.unquote( search_term ) for search_term in search_terms ]
if search_phrase_seems_to_go_in_path:
# encode all this gubbins since requests won't be able to do it
# this basically fixes e621 searches for 'male/female', which through some httpconf trickery are embedded in path but end up in a query, so need to be encoded right beforehand
encoded_search_terms = [ urllib.parse.quote( search_term, safe = '' ) for search_term in search_terms ]
encoded_search_terms = []
for search_term in search_terms:
# when the tags separator is '+' but the tags include '6+girls', we run into fun internet land
bad_chars = [ self._search_terms_separator, '&', '=', '/', '?', '#', ';' ]
if True in ( bad_char in search_term for bad_char in bad_chars ):
search_term = urllib.parse.quote( search_term, safe = '' )
encoded_search_terms.append( search_term )
search_phrase = self._search_terms_separator.join( encoded_search_terms )
gallery_url = self._url_template.replace( self._replacement_phrase, search_phrase )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.GUGException( str( e ) )
return gallery_url
def GenerateGalleryURLs( self, query_text ):
return ( self.GenerateGalleryURL( query_text ), )
def GetExampleURL( self ):
return self.GenerateGalleryURL( self._example_search_text )
def GetExampleURLs( self ):
return ( self.GetExampleURL(), )
def GetGUGKey( self ):
return self._gallery_url_generator_key
def GetGUGKeyAndName( self ):
return ( self._gallery_url_generator_key, self._name )
def GetInitialSearchText( self ):
return self._initial_search_text
def GetSafeSummary( self ):
return 'Downloader "' + self._name + '" - ' + ConvertURLIntoDomain( self.GetExampleURL() )
def GetURLTemplateVariables( self ):
return ( self._url_template, self._replacement_phrase, self._search_terms_separator, self._example_search_text )
def IsFunctional( self ):
return True
except HydrusExceptions.ParseException:
return False
def SetGUGKey( self, gug_key: bytes ):
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
def SetGUGKeyAndName( self, gug_key_and_name ):
( gug_key, name ) = gug_key_and_name
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
self._name = name
def RegenerateGUGKey( self ):
self._gallery_url_generator_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
class NestedGalleryURLGenerator( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Nested Gallery URL Generator'
def __init__( self, name, gug_key = None, initial_search_text = None, gug_keys_and_names = None ):
if gug_key is None:
gug_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
if initial_search_text is None:
initial_search_text = 'search tags'
if gug_keys_and_names is None:
gug_keys_and_names = []
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
self._initial_search_text = initial_search_text
self._gug_keys_and_names = gug_keys_and_names
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_gug_key = self._gallery_url_generator_key.hex()
serialisable_gug_keys_and_names = [ ( gug_key.hex(), gug_name ) for ( gug_key, gug_name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names ]
return ( serialisable_gug_key, self._initial_search_text, serialisable_gug_keys_and_names )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_gug_key, self._initial_search_text, serialisable_gug_keys_and_names ) = serialisable_info
self._gallery_url_generator_key = bytes.fromhex( serialisable_gug_key )
self._gug_keys_and_names = [ ( bytes.fromhex( gug_key ), gug_name ) for ( gug_key, gug_name ) in serialisable_gug_keys_and_names ]
def CheckFunctional( self ):
for gug_key_and_name in self._gug_keys_and_names:
gug = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetGUG( gug_key_and_name )
if gug is not None:
def GenerateGalleryURLs( self, query_text ):
gallery_urls = []
for gug_key_and_name in self._gug_keys_and_names:
gug = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetGUG( gug_key_and_name )
if gug is not None:
gallery_urls.append( gug.GenerateGalleryURL( query_text ) )
return gallery_urls
def GetExampleURLs( self ):
example_urls = []
for gug_key_and_name in self._gug_keys_and_names:
gug = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetGUG( gug_key_and_name )
if gug is not None:
example_urls.append( gug.GetExampleURL() )
return example_urls
def GetGUGKey( self ):
return self._gallery_url_generator_key
def GetGUGKeys( self ):
return [ gug_key for ( gug_key, gug_name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names ]
def GetGUGKeysAndNames( self ):
return list( self._gug_keys_and_names )
def GetGUGKeyAndName( self ):
return ( self._gallery_url_generator_key, self._name )
def GetGUGNames( self ):
return [ gug_name for ( gug_key, gug_name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names ]
def GetInitialSearchText( self ):
return self._initial_search_text
def GetSafeSummary( self ):
return 'Nested downloader "' + self._name + '" - ' + ', '.join( ( name for ( gug_key, name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names ) )
def IsFunctional( self ):
return True
except HydrusExceptions.ParseException:
return False
def RegenerateGUGKey( self ):
self._gallery_url_generator_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._gug_keys_and_names = [ ( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), name ) for ( gug_key, name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names ]
def RepairGUGs( self, available_gugs ):
available_keys_to_gugs = { gug.GetGUGKey() : gug for gug in available_gugs }
available_names_to_gugs = { gug.GetName() : gug for gug in available_gugs }
good_gug_keys_and_names = []
for ( gug_key, gug_name ) in self._gug_keys_and_names:
if gug_key in available_keys_to_gugs:
gug = available_keys_to_gugs[ gug_key ]
elif gug_name in available_names_to_gugs:
gug = available_names_to_gugs[ gug_name ]
good_gug_keys_and_names.append( ( gug.GetGUGKey(), gug.GetName() ) )
self._gug_keys_and_names = good_gug_keys_and_names
def SetGUGKey( self, gug_key: bytes ):
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
def SetGUGKeyAndName( self, gug_key_and_name ):
( gug_key, name ) = gug_key_and_name
self._gallery_url_generator_key = gug_key
self._name = name
def RemoveWWWFromDomain( domain ):
if domain.count( '.' ) > 1 and domain.startswith( 'www' ):
domain = ConvertDomainIntoNextLevelDomain( domain )
return domain
send_referral_url_string_lookup = {}
send_referral_url_string_lookup[ SEND_REFERRAL_URL_ONLY_IF_PROVIDED ] = 'send a referral url if available'
send_referral_url_string_lookup[ SEND_REFERRAL_URL_NEVER ] = 'never send a referral url'
send_referral_url_string_lookup[ SEND_REFERRAL_URL_CONVERTER_IF_NONE_PROVIDED ] = 'use the converter if no referral is available'
send_referral_url_string_lookup[ SEND_REFERRAL_URL_ONLY_CONVERTER ] = 'always use the converter referral url'
class URLClass( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
def __init__(
name: str,
url_class_key = None,
url_type = None,
preferred_scheme = 'https',
netloc = 'hostname.com',
path_components = None,
parameters = None,
has_single_value_parameters = False,
single_value_parameters_string_match = None,
header_overrides = None,
api_lookup_converter = None,
referral_url_converter = None,
gallery_index_type = None,
gallery_index_identifier = None,
gallery_index_delta = 1,
example_url = 'https://hostname.com/post/page.php?id=123456&s=view'
if url_class_key is None:
url_class_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
if url_type is None:
url_type = HC.URL_TYPE_POST
if path_components is None:
path_components = []
path_components.append( ( ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'post', example_string = 'post' ), None ) )
path_components.append( ( ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'page.php', example_string = 'page.php' ), None ) )
if parameters is None:
parameters = {}
parameters[ 's' ] = ( ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'view', example_string = 'view' ), None )
parameters[ 'id' ] = ( ClientStrings.StringMatch( match_type = ClientStrings.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE, match_value = ClientStrings.NUMERIC, example_string = '123456' ), None )
if single_value_parameters_string_match is None:
single_value_parameters_string_match = ClientStrings.StringMatch()
if header_overrides is None:
header_overrides = {}
if api_lookup_converter is None:
api_lookup_converter = ClientStrings.StringConverter( example_string = 'https://hostname.com/post/page.php?id=123456&s=view' )
if referral_url_converter is None:
referral_url_converter = ClientStrings.StringConverter( example_string = 'https://hostname.com/post/page.php?id=123456&s=view' )
# if the args are not serialisable stuff, lets overwrite here
path_components = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( path_components )
parameters = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary( parameters )
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
self._url_class_key = url_class_key
self._url_type = url_type
self._preferred_scheme = preferred_scheme
self._netloc = netloc
self._match_subdomains = False
self._keep_matched_subdomains = False
self._alphabetise_get_parameters = True
self._can_produce_multiple_files = False
self._should_be_associated_with_files = True
self._keep_fragment = False
self._path_components = path_components
self._parameters = parameters
self._has_single_value_parameters = has_single_value_parameters
self._single_value_parameters_string_match = single_value_parameters_string_match
self._header_overrides = header_overrides
self._api_lookup_converter = api_lookup_converter
self._send_referral_url = send_referral_url
self._referral_url_converter = referral_url_converter
self._gallery_index_type = gallery_index_type
self._gallery_index_identifier = gallery_index_identifier
self._gallery_index_delta = gallery_index_delta
self._example_url = example_url
def _ClipNetLoc( self, netloc ):
if self._keep_matched_subdomains:
# for domains like artistname.website.com, where removing the subdomain may break the url, we leave it alone
# for domains like mediaserver4.website.com, where multiple subdomains serve the same content as the larger site
if not DomainEqualsAnotherForgivingWWW( netloc, self._netloc ):
netloc = self._netloc
return netloc
def _ClipAndFleshOutPath( self, path, allow_clip = True ):
# /post/show/1326143/akunim-anthro-armband-armwear-clothed-clothing-fem
while path.startswith( '/' ):
path = path[ 1 : ]
# post/show/1326143/akunim-anthro-armband-armwear-clothed-clothing-fem
path_components = path.split( '/' )
if allow_clip or len( path_components ) < len( self._path_components ):
clipped_path_components = []
for ( index, ( string_match, default ) ) in enumerate( self._path_components ):
if len( path_components ) > index: # the given path has the value
clipped_path_component = path_components[ index ]
elif default is not None:
clipped_path_component = default
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not clip path--given url appeared to be too short!' )
clipped_path_components.append( clipped_path_component )
path = '/'.join( clipped_path_components )
# post/show/1326143
path = '/' + path
# /post/show/1326143
return path
def _ClipAndFleshOutQuery( self, query, allow_clip = True ):
( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order ) = ConvertQueryTextToDict( query )
if allow_clip:
query_dict = { key : value for ( key, value ) in query_dict.items() if key in self._parameters }
for ( key, ( string_match, default ) ) in self._parameters.items():
if key not in query_dict:
if default is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not flesh out query--no default for ' + key + ' defined!' )
query_dict[ key ] = default
param_order.append( key )
if self._alphabetise_get_parameters:
param_order = None
if not self._has_single_value_parameters:
single_value_parameters = []
query = ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order = param_order )
return query
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_url_class_key = self._url_class_key.hex()
serialisable_path_components = [ ( string_match.GetSerialisableTuple(), default ) for ( string_match, default ) in self._path_components ]
serialisable_parameters = [ ( key, ( string_match.GetSerialisableTuple(), default ) ) for ( key, ( string_match, default ) ) in self._parameters.items() ]
serialisable_single_value_parameters_string_match = self._single_value_parameters_string_match.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_header_overrides = list( self._header_overrides.items() )
serialisable_api_lookup_converter = self._api_lookup_converter.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_referral_url_converter = self._referral_url_converter.GetSerialisableTuple()
booleans = ( self._match_subdomains, self._keep_matched_subdomains, self._alphabetise_get_parameters, self._can_produce_multiple_files, self._should_be_associated_with_files, self._keep_fragment )
return (
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
) = serialisable_info
( self._match_subdomains, self._keep_matched_subdomains, self._alphabetise_get_parameters, self._can_produce_multiple_files, self._should_be_associated_with_files, self._keep_fragment ) = booleans
self._url_class_key = bytes.fromhex( serialisable_url_class_key )
self._path_components = [ ( HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_string_match ), default ) for ( serialisable_string_match, default ) in serialisable_path_components ]
self._parameters = { key : ( HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_string_match ), default ) for ( key, ( serialisable_string_match, default ) ) in serialisable_parameters }
self._single_value_parameters_string_match = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_single_value_parameters_string_match )
self._header_overrides = dict( serialisable_header_overrides )
self._api_lookup_converter = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_api_lookup_converter )
self._referral_url_converter = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_referral_url_converter )
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
url_class_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
serialisable_url_class_key = url_class_key.hex()
api_lookup_converter = ClientStrings.StringConverter( example_string = example_url )
serialisable_api_lookup_converter = api_lookup_converter.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, example_url )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 2:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
if url_type in ( HC.URL_TYPE_FILE, HC.URL_TYPE_POST ):
should_be_associated_with_files = True
should_be_associated_with_files = False
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, should_be_associated_with_files, example_url )
return ( 3, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 3:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, should_be_associated_with_files, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
can_produce_multiple_files = False
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, example_url )
return ( 4, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 4:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
gallery_index_type = None
gallery_index_identifier = None
gallery_index_delta = 1
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 5, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 5:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
path_components = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_path_components )
parameters = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_parameters )
path_components = [ ( value, None ) for value in path_components ]
parameters = { key : ( value, None ) for ( key, value ) in list(parameters.items()) }
serialisable_path_components = [ ( string_match.GetSerialisableTuple(), default ) for ( string_match, default ) in path_components ]
serialisable_parameters = [ ( key, ( string_match.GetSerialisableTuple(), default ) ) for ( key, ( string_match, default ) ) in list(parameters.items()) ]
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 6, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 6:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
referral_url_converter = ClientStrings.StringConverter( example_string = 'https://hostname.com/post/page.php?id=123456&s=view' )
serialisable_referrel_url_converter = referral_url_converter.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 7, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 7:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
alphabetise_get_parameters = True
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, alphabetise_get_parameters, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 8, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 8:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, alphabetise_get_parameters, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
keep_fragment = False
booleans = ( match_subdomains, keep_matched_subdomains, alphabetise_get_parameters, can_produce_multiple_files, should_be_associated_with_files, keep_fragment )
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, booleans, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 9, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 9:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, booleans, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
header_overrides = {}
serialisable_header_overrides = list( header_overrides.items() )
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, booleans, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_header_overrides, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url )
return ( 10, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 10:
( serialisable_url_class_key, url_type, preferred_scheme, netloc, booleans, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, serialisable_header_overrides, serialisable_api_lookup_converter, send_referral_url, serialisable_referrel_url_converter, gallery_index_type, gallery_index_identifier, gallery_index_delta, example_url ) = old_serialisable_info
has_single_value_parameters = False
single_value_parameters_string_match = ClientStrings.StringMatch()
serialisable_single_value_parameters_match = single_value_parameters_string_match.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = (
return ( 11, new_serialisable_info )
def AlphabetiseGetParameters( self ):
return self._alphabetise_get_parameters
def CanGenerateNextGalleryPage( self ):
if self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY:
if self._gallery_index_type is not None:
return True
return False
def CanReferToMultipleFiles( self ):
is_a_gallery_page = self._url_type in ( HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY, HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE )
is_a_multipost_post_page = self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_POST and self._can_produce_multiple_files
return is_a_gallery_page or is_a_multipost_post_page
def ClippingIsAppropriate( self ):
return self._should_be_associated_with_files or self.UsesAPIURL()
def GetAPIURL( self, url = None ):
if url is None:
url = self._example_url
url = self.Normalise( url )
return self._api_lookup_converter.Convert( url )
def GetClassKey( self ):
return self._url_class_key
def GetDomain( self ):
return self._netloc
def GetExampleURL( self ):
return self._example_url
def GetGalleryIndexValues( self ):
return ( self._gallery_index_type, self._gallery_index_identifier, self._gallery_index_delta )
def GetHeaderOverrides( self ):
return self._header_overrides
def GetNextGalleryPage( self, url ):
url = self.Normalise( url )
p = ParseURL( url )
scheme = p.scheme
netloc = p.netloc
path = p.path
query = p.query
params = ''
fragment = p.fragment
if self._gallery_index_type == GALLERY_INDEX_TYPE_PATH_COMPONENT:
page_index_path_component_index = self._gallery_index_identifier
while path.startswith( '/' ):
path = path[ 1 : ]
path_components = path.split( '/' )
page_index = path_components[ page_index_path_component_index ]
except IndexError:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not generate next gallery page--not enough path components!' )
page_index = int( page_index )
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not generate next gallery page--index component was not an integer!' )
path_components[ page_index_path_component_index ] = str( page_index + self._gallery_index_delta )
path = '/' + '/'.join( path_components )
elif self._gallery_index_type == GALLERY_INDEX_TYPE_PARAMETER:
page_index_name = self._gallery_index_identifier
( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order ) = ConvertQueryTextToDict( query )
if page_index_name not in query_dict:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not generate next gallery page--did not find ' + str( self._gallery_index_identifier ) + ' in parameters!' )
page_index = query_dict[ page_index_name ]
page_index = int( page_index )
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Could not generate next gallery page--index component was not an integer!' )
query_dict[ page_index_name ] = page_index + self._gallery_index_delta
if self._alphabetise_get_parameters:
param_order = None
if not self._has_single_value_parameters:
single_value_parameters = []
query = ConvertQueryDictToText( query_dict, single_value_parameters, param_order = param_order )
raise NotImplementedError( 'Did not understand the next gallery page rules!' )
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment )
return r.geturl()
def GetReferralURL( self, url, referral_url ):
if self._send_referral_url == SEND_REFERRAL_URL_ONLY_IF_PROVIDED:
return referral_url
elif self._send_referral_url == SEND_REFERRAL_URL_NEVER:
return None
converted_referral_url = self._referral_url_converter.Convert( url )
except HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException:
return referral_url
p1 = self._send_referral_url == SEND_REFERRAL_URL_ONLY_CONVERTER
p2 = self._send_referral_url == SEND_REFERRAL_URL_CONVERTER_IF_NONE_PROVIDED and referral_url is None
if p1 or p2:
return converted_referral_url
return referral_url
return referral_url
def GetSafeSummary( self ):
return 'URL Class "' + self._name + '" - ' + ConvertURLIntoDomain( self.GetExampleURL() )
def GetSingleValueParameterData( self ):
return ( self._has_single_value_parameters, self._single_value_parameters_string_match )
def GetSortingComplexityKey( self ):
# we sort url classes so that
# site.com/post/123456
# comes before
# site.com/search?query=blah
# I used to do gallery first, then post, then file, but it ultimately was unhelpful in some situations and better handled by strict component/parameter matching
num_required_path_components = len( [ 1 for ( string_match, default ) in self._path_components if default is None ] )
num_total_path_components = len( self._path_components )
num_required_parameters = len( [ 1 for ( key, ( string_match, default ) ) in self._parameters.items() if default is None ] )
num_total_parameters = len( self._parameters )
len_example_url = len( self.Normalise( self._example_url ) )
return ( num_required_parameters, num_total_path_components, num_required_parameters, num_total_parameters, len_example_url )
def GetURLBooleans( self ):
return ( self._match_subdomains, self._keep_matched_subdomains, self._alphabetise_get_parameters, self._can_produce_multiple_files, self._should_be_associated_with_files, self._keep_fragment )
def GetURLType( self ):
return self._url_type
def IsGalleryURL( self ):
return self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY
def IsParsable( self ):
def IsPostURL( self ):
return self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_POST
def IsWatchableURL( self ):
return self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE
def Matches( self, url ):
self.Test( url )
return True
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
return False
def MatchesSubdomains( self ):
return self._match_subdomains
def Normalise( self, url ):
p = ParseURL( url )
scheme = self._preferred_scheme
params = ''
if self._keep_fragment:
fragment = p.fragment
fragment = ''
if self.ClippingIsAppropriate():
netloc = self._ClipNetLoc( p.netloc )
path = self._ClipAndFleshOutPath( p.path )
query = self._ClipAndFleshOutQuery( p.query )
netloc = p.netloc
path = self._ClipAndFleshOutPath( p.path, allow_clip = False )
query = self._ClipAndFleshOutQuery( p.query, allow_clip = False )
r = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment )
return r.geturl()
def RefersToOneFile( self ):
is_a_direct_file_page = self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_FILE
is_a_single_file_post_page = self._url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_POST and not self._can_produce_multiple_files
return is_a_direct_file_page or is_a_single_file_post_page
def RegenerateClassKey( self ):
self._url_class_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
def SetAlphabetiseGetParameters( self, alphabetise_get_parameters: bool ):
self._alphabetise_get_parameters = alphabetise_get_parameters
def SetClassKey( self, match_key ):
self._url_class_key = match_key
def SetExampleURL( self, example_url ):
self._example_url = example_url
def SetSingleValueParameterData( self, has_single_value_parameters: bool, single_value_parameters_string_match: ClientStrings.StringMatch ):
self._has_single_value_parameters = has_single_value_parameters
self._single_value_parameters_string_match = single_value_parameters_string_match
def SetURLBooleans(
match_subdomains: bool,
keep_matched_subdomains: bool,
alphabetise_get_parameters: bool,
can_produce_multiple_files: bool,
should_be_associated_with_files: bool,
keep_fragment: bool
self._match_subdomains = match_subdomains
self._keep_matched_subdomains = keep_matched_subdomains
self._alphabetise_get_parameters = alphabetise_get_parameters
self._can_produce_multiple_files = can_produce_multiple_files
self._should_be_associated_with_files = should_be_associated_with_files
self._keep_fragment = keep_fragment
def ShouldAssociateWithFiles( self ):
return self._should_be_associated_with_files
def Test( self, url ):
p = ParseURL( url )
if self._match_subdomains:
if p.netloc != self._netloc and not p.netloc.endswith( '.' + self._netloc ):
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( p.netloc + ' (potentially excluding subdomains) did not match ' + self._netloc )
if not DomainEqualsAnotherForgivingWWW( p.netloc, self._netloc ):
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( p.netloc + ' did not match ' + self._netloc )
url_path = p.path
while url_path.startswith( '/' ):
url_path = url_path[ 1 : ]
url_path_components = url_path.split( '/' )
for ( index, ( string_match, default ) ) in enumerate( self._path_components ):
if len( url_path_components ) > index:
url_path_component = url_path_components[ index ]
string_match.Test( url_path_component )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( str( e ) )
elif default is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( url_path + ' did not have enough of the required path components!' )
( url_parameters, single_value_parameters, param_order ) = ConvertQueryTextToDict( p.query )
for ( key, ( string_match, default ) ) in self._parameters.items():
if key not in url_parameters:
if default is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( key + ' not found in ' + p.query )
value = url_parameters[ key ]
string_match.Test( value )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( str( e ) )
if self._has_single_value_parameters:
if len( single_value_parameters ) == 0:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( 'Was expecting single-value parameter(s), but this URL did not seem to have any.' )
for single_value_parameter in single_value_parameters:
self._single_value_parameters_string_match.Test( single_value_parameter )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( str( e ) )
def ToTuple( self ):
return ( self._url_type, self._preferred_scheme, self._netloc, self._path_components, self._parameters, self._api_lookup_converter, self._send_referral_url, self._referral_url_converter, self._example_url )
def UsesAPIURL( self ):
return self._api_lookup_converter.MakesChanges()