
2540 lines
124 KiB
Executable File

import collections
import hashlib
import httplib
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusDB
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusFileHandling
import HydrusNATPunch
import HydrusSerialisable
import itertools
import json
import lz4
import os
import Queue
import random
import ServerFiles
import shutil
import sqlite3
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
import yaml
import HydrusData
import HydrusTags
import HydrusNetworking
import HydrusGlobals
class MessageDB( object ):
def _AddMessage( self, contact_key, message ):
try: ( service_id, account_id ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, account_id FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find that contact key for the message depot!' )
message_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO messages ( message_key, service_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( message_key ), service_id, account_id, HydrusData.GetNow() ) )
dest_path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedPath( 'message', message_key )
with open( dest_path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( message )
def _AddStatuses( self, contact_key, statuses ):
try: ( service_id, account_id ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, account_id FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find that contact key for the message depot!' )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO message_statuses ( status_key, service_id, account_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( sqlite3.Binary( status_key ), service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( status ), now ) for ( status_key, status ) in statuses ] )
def _CreateContact( self, service_id, account_id, public_key ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT public_key FROM contacts WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
if result is not None:
( existing_public_key, ) = result
if existing_public_key != public_key: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This account already has a public key!' )
else: return
contact_key = hashlib.sha256( public_key ).digest()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO contacts ( service_id, account_id, contact_key, public_key ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), public_key ) )
def _GetMessage( self, service_id, account_id, message_key ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND message_key = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( message_key ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Could not find that message key on message depot!' )
path = ServerFiles.GetPath( 'message', message_key )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: message = f.read()
return message
def _GetMessageInfoSince( self, service_id, account_id, timestamp ):
message_keys = [ message_key for ( message_key, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT message_key FROM messages WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND timestamp > ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC;', ( service_id, account_id, timestamp ) ) ]
statuses = [ status for ( status, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT status FROM message_statuses WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND timestamp > ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC;', ( service_id, account_id, timestamp ) ) ]
return ( message_keys, statuses )
def _GetPublicKey( self, contact_key ):
( public_key, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT public_key FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
return public_key
class DB( HydrusDB.HydrusDB ):
DB_NAME = 'server'
def _AccountTypeExists( self, service_id, title ): return self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ? AND title = ?;', ( service_id, title ) ).fetchone() is not None
def _AddFile( self, service_key, account_key, file_dict ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
hash = file_dict[ 'hash' ]
hash_id = self._GetHashId( hash )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
if self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone() is None or self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone() is None:
size = file_dict[ 'size' ]
mime = file_dict[ 'mime' ]
if 'width' in file_dict: width = file_dict[ 'width' ]
else: width = None
if 'height' in file_dict: height = file_dict[ 'height' ]
else: height = None
if 'duration' in file_dict: duration = file_dict[ 'duration' ]
else: duration = None
if 'num_frames' in file_dict: num_frames = file_dict[ 'num_frames' ]
else: num_frames = None
if 'num_words' in file_dict: num_words = file_dict[ 'num_words' ]
else: num_words = None
options = self._GetOptions( service_key )
max_storage = options[ 'max_storage' ]
if max_storage is not None:
# this is wrong! no service_id in files_info. need to cross with file_map or w/e
( current_storage, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT SUM( size ) FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
if current_storage + size > max_storage: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service is full! It cannot take any more files!' )
source_path = file_dict[ 'path' ]
dest_path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedPath( 'file', hash )
with open( source_path, 'rb' ) as f_source:
with open( dest_path, 'wb' ) as f_dest:
HydrusFileHandling.CopyFileLikeToFileLike( f_source, f_dest )
if 'thumbnail' in file_dict:
thumbnail_dest_path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedPath( 'thumbnail', hash )
thumbnail = file_dict[ 'thumbnail' ]
with open( thumbnail_dest_path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( thumbnail )
if self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM files_info WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( hash_id, ) ).fetchone() is None:
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files_info ( hash_id, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( hash_id, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_map ( service_id, hash_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, account_id, now ) )
if options[ 'log_uploader_ips' ]:
ip = file_dict[ 'ip' ]
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO ip_addresses ( service_id, hash_id, ip, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, ip, now ) )
def _AddFilePetition( self, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
self._ApproveFilePetitionOptimised( service_id, account_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
# this clears out any old reasons, if the user wants to overwrite them
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( valid_hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.PETITIONED ) for hash_id in valid_hash_ids ] )
def _AddNews( self, service_key, news ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO news ( service_id, news, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, news, now ) )
def _AddMappings( self, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, overwrite_deleted ):
if overwrite_deleted:
splayed_hash_ids = HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) )
self._RefreshUpdateCache( service_id, affected_timestamps )
already_deleted = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
hash_ids = set( hash_ids ).difference( already_deleted )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mappings ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, now ) for hash_id in hash_ids ] )
def _AddMappingPetition( self, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
self._ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( valid_hash_ids ) + ' AND STATUS = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mapping_petitions ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.PETITIONED ) for hash_id in valid_hash_ids ] )
def _AddMessagingSession( self, service_key, session_key, account_key, name, expires ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO sessions ( service_id, session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( session_key ), account_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), name, expires ) )
def _AddSession( self, session_key, service_key, account_key, expires ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO sessions ( session_key, service_id, account_id, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( session_key ), service_id, account_id, expires ) )
def _AddTagParentPetition( self, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, now ) )
def _AddTagSiblingPetition( self, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_siblings ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, now ) )
def _AddToExpires( self, account_ids, timespan ): self._c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET expires = expires + ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( timespan, ) )
def _ApproveFilePetition( self, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
self._ApproveFilePetitionOptimised( service_id, account_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
self._RewardFilePetitioners( service_id, valid_hash_ids, 1 )
self._DeleteFiles( service_id, account_id, valid_hash_ids, reason_id )
def _ApproveFilePetitionOptimised( self, service_id, account_id, hash_ids ):
( biggest_end, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;' ).fetchone()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND timestamp > ?;', ( service_id, account_id, biggest_end ) )
def _ApproveMappingPetition( self, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
self._ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
self._RewardMappingPetitioners( service_id, tag_id, valid_hash_ids, 1 )
self._DeleteMappings( service_id, account_id, tag_id, valid_hash_ids, reason_id )
def _ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( self, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids ):
( biggest_end, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache WHERE service_id = ? ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND timestamp > ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, biggest_end ) )
def _ApproveTagParentPetition( self, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._RewardTagParentPetitioners( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, 1 )
# get affected timestamps here?
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) )
if status == HC.PENDING: new_status = HC.CURRENT
elif status == HC.PETITIONED: new_status = HC.DELETED
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, new_status, now ) )
if len( affected_timestamps ) > 0: self._RefreshUpdateCache( service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _ApproveTagSiblingPetition( self, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, 1 )
# get affected timestamps here?
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) )
if status == HC.PENDING: new_status = HC.CURRENT
elif status == HC.PETITIONED: new_status = HC.DELETED
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_siblings ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, new_status, now ) )
if len( affected_timestamps ) > 0: self._RefreshUpdateCache( service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _Ban( self, service_id, action, admin_account_id, subject_account_ids, reason_id, expires = None, lifetime = None ):
splayed_subject_account_ids = HydrusData.SplayListForDB( subject_account_ids )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
if expires is not None: pass
elif lifetime is not None: expires = now + lifetime
else: expires = None
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO bans ( service_id, account_id, admin_account_id, reason_id, created, expires ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, subject_account_id, admin_account_id, reason_id, now, expires ) for subject_account_id in subject_account_ids ] )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) )
if action == HC.SUPERBAN:
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM files_info WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
if len( hash_ids ) > 0: self._DeleteFiles( service_id, admin_account_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
mappings_dict = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag_id, hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) )
if len( mappings_dict ) > 0:
for ( tag_id, hash_ids ) in mappings_dict.items(): self._DeleteMappings( service_id, admin_account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
def _ChangeAccountType( self, account_ids, account_type_id ): self._c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( account_type_id, ) )
def _CheckDataUsage( self ):
( version_year, version_month ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT year, month FROM version;' ).fetchone()
current_time_struct = time.gmtime()
( current_year, current_month ) = ( current_time_struct.tm_year, current_time_struct.tm_mon )
if version_year != current_year or version_month != current_month:
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE version SET year = ?, month = ?;', ( current_year, current_month ) )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET used_bytes = ?, used_requests = ?;', ( 0, 0 ) )
self.pub_after_commit( 'update_all_session_accounts' )
def _CheckMonthlyData( self ):
service_info = self._GetServicesInfo()
running_total = 0
self._services_over_monthly_data = set()
for ( service_key, service_type, options ) in service_info:
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
if service_type != HC.SERVER_ADMIN:
( total_used_bytes, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT SUM( used_bytes ) FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
if total_used_bytes is None: total_used_bytes = 0
running_total += total_used_bytes
if 'max_monthly_data' in options:
max_monthly_data = options[ 'max_monthly_data' ]
if max_monthly_data is not None and total_used_bytes > max_monthly_data: self._services_over_monthly_data.add( service_key )
# have to do this after
server_admin_options = self._GetOptions( HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY )
self._over_monthly_data = False
if 'max_monthly_data' in server_admin_options:
max_monthly_data = server_admin_options[ 'max_monthly_data' ]
if max_monthly_data is not None and running_total > max_monthly_data: self._over_monthly_data = True
def _CleanUpdate( self, service_key, begin, end ):
self._GenerateUpdate( service_key, begin, end )
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE update_cache SET dirty = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND begin = ?;', ( False, service_id, begin ) )
def _ClearBans( self ):
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM bans WHERE expires < ?;', ( now, ) )
def _CreateDB( self ):
for dir in dirs:
if not os.path.exists( dir ): os.mkdir( dir )
hex_chars = '0123456789abcdef'
for dir in dirs:
for ( one, two ) in itertools.product( hex_chars, hex_chars ):
new_dir = dir + os.path.sep + one + two
if not os.path.exists( new_dir ): os.mkdir( new_dir )
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' ) # none
self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;' )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE services ( service_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_key BLOB_BYTES, type INTEGER, options TEXT_YAML );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_key BLOB_BYTES, hashed_access_key BLOB_BYTES, account_type_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, used_bytes INTEGER, used_requests INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_hashed_access_key_index ON accounts ( hashed_access_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_type_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_scores ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, score_type INTEGER, score INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, score_type ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_types ( account_type_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, title TEXT, account_type TEXT_YAML );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX account_types_service_id_account_type_id_index ON account_types ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE bans ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, admin_account_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX bans_expires ON bans ( expires );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE contacts ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, contact_key BLOB, public_key TEXT, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX contacts_contact_key_index ON contacts ( contact_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE files_info ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, size INTEGER, mime INTEGER, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, duration INTEGER, num_frames INTEGER, num_words INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE file_map ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, hash_id INTEGER, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, hash_id, account_id ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_map_service_id_account_id_index ON file_map ( service_id, account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_map_service_id_timestamp_index ON file_map ( service_id, timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE file_petitions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, hash_id, status ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_account_id_reason_id_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, reason_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_hash_id_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, hash_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_status_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, status );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_timestamp_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE hashes ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hash BLOB_BYTES );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hashes_hash_index ON hashes ( hash );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE ip_addresses ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, hash_id INTEGER, ip TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, hash_id ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE mapping_petitions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, tag_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, status ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_account_id_reason_id_tag_id_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, account_id, reason_id, tag_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_tag_id_hash_id_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_status_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, status );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_timestamp_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE mappings ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, tag_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, tag_id, hash_id ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mappings_account_id_index ON mappings ( account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mappings_timestamp_index ON mappings ( timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE messages ( message_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX messages_service_id_account_id_index ON messages ( service_id, account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX messages_timestamp_index ON messages ( timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE message_statuses ( status_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, status BLOB_BYTES, timestamp INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX message_statuses_service_id_account_id_index ON message_statuses ( service_id, account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX message_statuses_timestamp_index ON message_statuses ( timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE messaging_sessions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, session_key BLOB_BYTES, account_id INTEGER, identifier BLOB_BYTES, name TEXT, expiry INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE news ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, news TEXT, timestamp INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX news_timestamp_index ON news ( timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE reasons ( reason_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, reason TEXT );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reasons_reason_index ON reasons ( reason );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE registration_keys ( registration_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_type_id INTEGER, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES, expiry INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX registration_keys_access_key_index ON registration_keys ( access_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_key BLOB_BYTES, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, expiry INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tag_parents ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, old_tag_id INTEGER, new_tag_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_old_tag_id_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_timestamp_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_status_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, status );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tag_siblings ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, old_tag_id INTEGER, new_tag_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, status ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_old_tag_id_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, old_tag_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_timestamp_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, timestamp );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_status_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, status );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tags ( tag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, tag TEXT );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tags_tag_index ON tags ( tag );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE update_cache ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, begin INTEGER, end INTEGER, dirty INTEGER_BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, begin ) );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX update_cache_service_id_end_index ON update_cache ( service_id, end );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX update_cache_service_id_dirty_index ON update_cache ( service_id, dirty );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE version ( version INTEGER, year INTEGER, month INTEGER );' )
current_time_struct = time.gmtime()
( current_year, current_month ) = ( current_time_struct.tm_year, current_time_struct.tm_mon )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO version ( version, year, month ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION, current_year, current_month ) )
# set up server admin
service_key = HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY
service_type = HC.SERVER_ADMIN
options[ 'port' ] = HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO services ( service_key, type, options ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), service_type, options ) )
server_admin_service_id = self._c.lastrowid
server_admin_account_type = HydrusData.AccountType( 'server admin', [ HC.MANAGE_USERS, HC.GENERAL_ADMIN, HC.EDIT_SERVICES ], ( None, None ) )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( server_admin_service_id, 'server admin', server_admin_account_type ) )
self._c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
def _CreateUpdate( self, service_key, begin, end ):
self._GenerateUpdate( service_key, begin, end )
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO update_cache ( service_id, begin, end, dirty ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, begin, end, False ) )
def _DeleteFiles( self, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
splayed_hash_ids = HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.DELETED ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
self._RefreshUpdateCache( service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _DeleteMappings( self, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
splayed_hash_ids = HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mapping_petitions ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, reason_id, HydrusData.GetNow(), HC.DELETED ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
self._RefreshUpdateCache( service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _DeleteOrphans( self ):
# files
deletees = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT hash_id FROM files_info EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT hash_id FROM file_map;' ) ]
if len( deletees ) > 0:
deletee_hashes = set( self._GetHashes( deletees ) )
local_files_hashes = ServerFiles.GetAllHashes( 'file' )
thumbnails_hashes = ServerFiles.GetAllHashes( 'thumbnail' )
for hash in local_files_hashes & deletee_hashes:
path = ServerFiles.GetPath( 'file', hash )
HydrusData.DeletePath( path )
for hash in thumbnails_hashes & deletee_hashes:
path = ServerFiles.GetPath( 'thumbnail', hash )
HydrusData.DeletePath( path )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM files_info WHERE hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( deletees ) + ';' )
def _DenyFilePetition( self, service_id, hash_ids ):
self._RewardFilePetitioners( service_id, hash_ids, -1 )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
def _DenyMappingPetition( self, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids ):
self._RewardMappingPetitioners( service_id, tag_id, hash_ids, -1 )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
def _DenyTagParentPetition( self, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, action ):
self._RewardTagParentPetitioners( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, -1 )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
def _DenyTagSiblingPetition( self, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, action ):
self._RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, -1 )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
def _FlushRequestsMade( self, all_requests ):
requests_dict = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( all_requests )
self._c.executemany( 'UPDATE accounts SET used_bytes = used_bytes + ?, used_requests = used_requests + ? WHERE account_key = ?;', [ ( sum( num_bytes_list ), len( num_bytes_list ), sqlite3.Binary( account_key ) ) for ( account_key, num_bytes_list ) in requests_dict.items() ] )
def _GenerateRegistrationKeys( self, service_key, num, title, lifetime = None ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( service_id, title )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
if lifetime is not None: expires = now + lifetime
else: expires = None
keys = [ ( os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ), os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ), os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ) ) for i in range( num ) ]
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO registration_keys ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, account_key, access_key, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ), service_id, account_type_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), expires ) for ( registration_key, account_key, access_key ) in keys ] )
return [ registration_key for ( registration_key, account_key, access_key ) in keys ]
def _GenerateImmediateContentUpdate( self, service_key ):
update_ends = self._GetUpdateEnds()
latest_end = update_ends[ service_key ]
begin = latest_end + 1
end = HydrusData.GetNow()
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
iterator = self._IterateFileUpdateContentData
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
iterator = self._IterateTagUpdateContentData
subindex = 0
weight = 0
content_update_package = HydrusData.ServerToClientContentUpdatePackage()
smaller_time_step = max( 10, ( end - begin ) / 100 )
sub_begin = begin
while sub_begin <= end:
sub_end = min( ( sub_begin + smaller_time_step ) - 1, end )
for ( data_type, action, rows, hash_ids_to_hashes, rows_weight ) in iterator( service_id, sub_begin, sub_end ):
content_update_package.AddContentData( data_type, action, rows, hash_ids_to_hashes )
sub_begin += smaller_time_step
return content_update_package
def _GenerateUpdate( self, service_key, begin, end ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
iterator = self._IterateFileUpdateContentData
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
iterator = self._IterateTagUpdateContentData
subindex = 0
weight = 0
content_update_package = HydrusData.ServerToClientContentUpdatePackage()
smaller_time_step = ( end - begin ) / 100
sub_begin = begin
while sub_begin <= end:
sub_end = min( ( sub_begin + smaller_time_step ) - 1, end )
for ( data_type, action, rows, hash_ids_to_hashes, rows_weight ) in iterator( service_id, sub_begin, sub_end ):
content_update_package.AddContentData( data_type, action, rows, hash_ids_to_hashes )
weight += rows_weight
if weight >= 100000:
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedContentUpdatePackagePath( service_key, begin, subindex )
network_string = HydrusSerialisable.DumpToNetworkString( content_update_package )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( network_string )
subindex += 1
weight = 0
content_update_package = HydrusData.ServerToClientContentUpdatePackage()
sub_begin += smaller_time_step
if weight > 0:
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedContentUpdatePackagePath( service_key, begin, subindex )
network_string = HydrusSerialisable.DumpToNetworkString( content_update_package )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( network_string )
subindex += 1
subindex_count = subindex
service_update_package = HydrusData.ServerToClientServiceUpdatePackage()
service_update_package.SetBeginEnd( begin, end )
service_update_package.SetSubindexCount( subindex_count )
news_rows = self._c.execute( 'SELECT news, timestamp FROM news WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
service_update_package.SetNews( news_rows )
path = ServerFiles.GetExpectedServiceUpdatePackagePath( service_key, begin )
network_string = HydrusSerialisable.DumpToNetworkString( service_update_package )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( network_string )
def _GetAccessKey( self, registration_key ):
# we generate a new access_key every time this is requested so that if the registration_key leaks, no one grab the access_key before the legit user does
# the reg_key is deleted when the last-requested access_key is used to create a session, which calls getaccountkeyfromaccesskey
try: ( one, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM registration_keys WHERE registration_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ), ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that registration key in its database.' )
new_access_key = os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE registration_keys SET access_key = ? WHERE registration_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( new_access_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ) ) )
return new_access_key
def _GetAccount( self, account_key ):
( account_id, service_id, account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, service_id, account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests FROM accounts, account_types USING ( service_id, account_type_id ) WHERE account_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), ) ).fetchone()
banned_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT reason, created, expires FROM bans, reasons USING ( reason_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
return HydrusData.Account( account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests, banned_info = banned_info )
def _GetAccountFileInfo( self, service_id, account_id ):
( num_deleted_files, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone()
( num_files, num_files_bytes ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ), SUM( size ) FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
if num_files_bytes is None: num_files_bytes = 0
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT score FROM account_scores WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND score_type = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: petition_score = 0
else: ( petition_score, ) = result
( num_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT reason_id ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
account_info = {}
account_info[ 'num_deleted_files' ] = num_deleted_files
account_info[ 'num_files' ] = num_files
account_info[ 'num_files_bytes' ] = num_files_bytes
account_info[ 'petition_score' ] = petition_score
account_info[ 'num_petitions' ] = num_petitions
return account_info
def _GetAccountKeyFromAccessKey( self, service_key, access_key ):
try: ( account_key, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE hashed_access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ), ) ).fetchone()
# we do not delete the registration_key (and hence the raw unhashed access_key)
# until the first attempt to create a session to make sure the user
# has the access_key saved
try: ( account_type_id, account_key, expires ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_type_id, account_key, expiry FROM registration_keys WHERE access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account in its database.' )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM registration_keys WHERE access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), ) )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( service_id, account_key, hashed_access_key, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ), account_type_id, now, expires, 0, 0 ) )
return account_key
def _GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( self, account_id ):
try: ( account_key, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account_id in its database.' )
return account_key
def _GetAccountKeyFromIdentifier( self, service_key, account_identifier ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
if account_identifier.HasAccountKey():
account_key = account_identifier.GetData()
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ? AND account_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that hash in its database.')
if account_identifier.HasHash():
hash = account_identifier.GetData()
hash_id = self._GetHashId( hash )
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone()
( account_id, ) = result
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that hash in its database.' )
elif account_identifier.HasMapping():
( hash, tag ) = account_identifier.GetData()
hash_id = self._GetHashId( hash )
tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )
( account_id, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that mapping in its database.' )
try: ( account_key, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account in its database.' )
return account_key
def _GetAccountIdFromContactKey( self, service_id, contact_key ):
( account_id, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM contacts WHERE service_id = ? AND contact_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ) ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that contact key!' )
return account_id
def _GetAccountId( self, account_key ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM accounts WHERE account_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account key in its database.' )
( account_id, ) = result
return account_id
def _GetAccountInfo( self, service_key, account_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account = self._GetAccount( account_key )
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: account_info = self._GetAccountFileInfo( service_id, account_id )
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: account_info = self._GetAccountMappingInfo( service_id, account_id )
else: account_info = {}
account_info[ 'account' ] = account
return account_info
def _GetAccountMappingInfo( self, service_id, account_id ):
num_deleted_mappings = len( self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ? LIMIT 5000;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchall() )
num_mappings = len( self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? LIMIT 5000;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchall() )
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT score FROM account_scores WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND score_type = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: petition_score = 0
else: ( petition_score, ) = result
# crazy query here because two distinct columns
( num_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT tag_id, reason_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
account_info = {}
account_info[ 'num_deleted_mappings' ] = num_deleted_mappings
account_info[ 'num_mappings' ] = num_mappings
account_info[ 'petition_score' ] = petition_score
account_info[ 'num_petitions' ] = num_petitions
return account_info
def _GetAccountTypeId( self, service_id, title ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_type_id FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ? AND title = ?;', ( service_id, title ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find account title ' + HydrusData.ToString( title ) + ' in db for this service.' )
( account_type_id, ) = result
return account_type_id
def _GetAccountTypes( self, service_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
return [ account_type for ( account_type, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_type FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ) ]
def _GetDirtyUpdates( self ):
service_ids_to_tuples = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( [ ( service_id, ( begin, end ) ) for ( service_id, begin, end ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, begin, end FROM update_cache WHERE dirty = ?;', ( True, ) ) ] )
service_keys_to_tuples = {}
for ( service_id, tuples ) in service_ids_to_tuples.items():
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( service_id )
service_keys_to_tuples[ service_key ] = tuples
return service_keys_to_tuples
def _GetFile( self, hash ):
path = ServerFiles.GetPath( 'file', hash )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: file = f.read()
return file
def _GetFilePetition( self, service_id ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT account_id, reason_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'No petitions!' )
( account_id, reason_id ) = result
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( account_id )
petitioner_account_identifier = HydrusData.AccountIdentifier( account_key = account_key )
reason = self._GetReason( reason_id )
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND reason_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
hashes = self._GetHashes( hash_ids )
petition_data = hashes
return HydrusData.ServerToClientPetition( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, petitioner_account_identifier, petition_data, reason )
def _GetHash( self, hash_id ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( hash_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'File hash error in database' )
( hash, ) = result
return hash
def _GetHashes( self, hash_ids ): return [ hash for ( hash, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';' ) ]
def _GetHashId( self, hash ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO hashes ( hash ) VALUES ( ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) )
hash_id = self._c.lastrowid
return hash_id
( hash_id, ) = result
return hash_id
def _GetHashIds( self, hashes ):
hash_ids = set()
hashes_not_in_db = set()
for hash in hashes:
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: hashes_not_in_db.add( hash )
( hash_id, ) = result
hash_ids.add( hash_id )
if len( hashes_not_in_db ) > 0:
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO hashes ( hash ) VALUES( ? );', ( ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) for hash in hashes_not_in_db ) )
hash_ids.update( self._GetHashIds( hashes ) )
return hash_ids
def _GetHashIdsToHashes( self, hash_ids ): return { hash_id : hash for ( hash_id, hash ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';' ) }
def _GetIPTimestamp( self, service_key, hash ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
hash_id = self._GetHashId( hash )
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT ip, timestamp FROM ip_addresses WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find ip information for that hash.' )
return result
def _GetMessagingSessions( self ):
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM messaging_sessions WHERE ? > expiry;', ( now, ) )
existing_session_ids = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( [ ( service_id, ( session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expires ) ) for ( service_id, session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expires ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expiry FROM messaging_sessions;' ) ] )
existing_sessions = {}
for ( service_id, tuples ) in existing_session_ids.items():
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( service_id )
processed_tuples = []
for ( account_id, identifier, name, expires ) in tuples:
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( account_id )
account = self._GetAccount( account_key )
processed_tuples.append( ( account, name, expires ) )
existing_sessions[ service_key ] = processed_tuples
return existing_sessions
def _GetNumPetitions( self, service_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
( num_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT account_id, reason_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
( num_mapping_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT account_id, tag_id, reason_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
( num_tag_sibling_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
( num_tag_parent_petitions, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
num_petitions = num_mapping_petitions + num_tag_sibling_petitions + num_tag_parent_petitions
return num_petitions
def _GetOptions( self, service_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
( options, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT options FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
return options
def _GetPetition( self, service_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: petition = self._GetFilePetition( service_id )
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: petition = self._GetTagPetition( service_id )
return petition
def _GetReason( self, reason_id ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT reason FROM reasons WHERE reason_id = ?;', ( reason_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Reason error in database' )
( reason, ) = result
return reason
def _GetReasonId( self, reason ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT reason_id FROM reasons WHERE reason = ?;', ( reason, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO reasons ( reason ) VALUES ( ? );', ( reason, ) )
reason_id = self._c.lastrowid
return reason_id
( reason_id, ) = result
return reason_id
def _GetServiceId( self, service_key ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id FROM services WHERE service_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Service id error in database' )
( service_id, ) = result
return service_id
def _GetServiceIds( self, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return [ service_id for ( service_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id FROM services WHERE type IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ) ]
def _GetServiceKey( self, service_id ):
( service_key, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_key FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
return service_key
def _GetServiceKeys( self, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return [ service_key for ( service_key, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_key FROM services WHERE type IN '+ HydrusData.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ) ]
def _GetServiceType( self, service_id ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT type FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Service id error in database' )
( service_type, ) = result
return service_type
def _GetServiceInfo( self, service_key ): return self._c.execute( 'SELECT type, options FROM services WHERE service_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), ) ).fetchone()
def _GetServicesInfo( self, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_key, type, options FROM services WHERE type IN '+ HydrusData.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ).fetchall()
def _GetSessions( self ):
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM sessions WHERE ? > expiry;', ( now, ) )
sessions = []
results = self._c.execute( 'SELECT session_key, service_id, account_id, expiry FROM sessions;' ).fetchall()
service_ids_to_service_keys = {}
account_ids_to_accounts = {}
for ( session_key, service_id, account_id, expires ) in results:
if service_id not in service_ids_to_service_keys: service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ] = self._GetServiceKey( service_id )
service_key = service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ]
if account_id not in account_ids_to_accounts:
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( account_id )
account = self._GetAccount( account_key )
account_ids_to_accounts[ account_id ] = account
account = account_ids_to_accounts[ account_id ]
sessions.append( ( session_key, service_key, account, expires ) )
return sessions
def _GetStats( self, service_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
stats = {}
( stats[ 'num_accounts' ], ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
( stats[ 'num_banned' ], ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM bans WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
return stats
def _GetTag( self, tag_id ):
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag_id = ?;', ( tag_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Tag error in database' )
( tag, ) = result
return tag
def _GetTagId( self, tag ):
tag = HydrusTags.CleanTag( tag )
HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( tag )
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag_id FROM tags WHERE tag = ?;', ( tag, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO tags ( tag ) VALUES ( ? );', ( tag, ) )
tag_id = self._c.lastrowid
return tag_id
( tag_id, ) = result
return tag_id
def _GetTagPetition( self, service_id ):
random.shuffle( petition_types )
for petition_type in petition_types:
if petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS:
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT account_id, tag_id, reason_id, status FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: continue
( account_id, tag_id, reason_id, status ) = result
tag = self._GetTag( tag_id )
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND reason_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
hashes = self._GetHashes( hash_ids )
petition_data = ( tag, hashes )
if petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS: result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? ) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
elif petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS: result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? ) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: continue
( account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ) = result
old_tag = self._GetTag( old_tag_id )
new_tag = self._GetTag( new_tag_id )
petition_data = ( old_tag, new_tag )
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( account_id )
petitioner_account_identifier = HydrusData.AccountIdentifier( account_key = account_key )
reason = self._GetReason( reason_id )
return HydrusData.ServerToClientPetition( petition_type, action, petitioner_account_identifier, petition_data, reason )
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'No petitions!' )
def _GetThumbnail( self, hash ):
path = ServerFiles.GetPath( 'thumbnail', hash )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: thumbnail = f.read()
return thumbnail
def _GetUpdateEnds( self ):
service_ids = self._GetServiceIds( HC.REPOSITORIES )
results = {}
for service_id in service_ids:
( end, ) = self._c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache WHERE service_id = ? ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( service_id )
results[ service_key ] = end
return results
def _InitAdmin( self ):
if self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts;' ).fetchone() is not None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This server is already initialised!' )
num = 1
title = 'server admin'
( registration_key, ) = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY, num, title )
access_key = self._GetAccessKey( registration_key )
return access_key
def _InitCaches( self ):
self._over_monthly_data = False
self._services_over_monthly_data = set()
def _IterateFileUpdateContentData( self, service_id, begin, end ):
files_info = [ ( hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) for ( hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ) ]
for block_of_files_info in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( files_info, 10000 ):
hash_ids = { file_info[0] for file_info in block_of_files_info }
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( hash_ids )
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, block_of_files_info, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( hash_ids ) )
deleted_files_info = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, begin, end, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
for block_of_deleted_files_info in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( deleted_files_info, 10000 ):
hash_ids = block_of_deleted_files_info
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( hash_ids )
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, block_of_deleted_files_info, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( hash_ids ) )
def _IterateTagUpdateContentData( self, service_id, begin, end ):
# mappings
mappings_dict = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag, hash_id FROM tags, mappings USING ( tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ) )
for ( tag, hash_ids ) in mappings_dict.items():
for block_of_hash_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( hash_ids, 10000 ):
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( block_of_hash_ids )
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, [ ( tag, block_of_hash_ids ) ], hash_ids_to_hashes, len( block_of_hash_ids ) )
deleted_mappings_dict = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag, hash_id FROM tags, mapping_petitions USING ( tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, begin, end, HC.DELETED ) ) )
for ( tag, hash_ids ) in deleted_mappings_dict.items():
for block_of_hash_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( hash_ids, 10000 ):
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( block_of_hash_ids )
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, [ ( tag, block_of_hash_ids ) ], hash_ids_to_hashes, len( block_of_hash_ids ) )
# tag siblings
tag_sibling_ids = self._c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.CURRENT, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
for block_of_tag_sibling_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( tag_sibling_ids, 10000 ):
tag_siblings = [ ( self._GetTag( old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in block_of_tag_sibling_ids ]
hash_ids_to_hashes = {}
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, tag_siblings, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( tag_siblings ) )
deleted_tag_sibling_ids = self._c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.DELETED, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
for block_of_deleted_tag_sibling_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( deleted_tag_sibling_ids, 10000 ):
deleted_tag_siblings = [ ( self._GetTag( old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in block_of_deleted_tag_sibling_ids ]
hash_ids_to_hashes = {}
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, deleted_tag_siblings, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( deleted_tag_siblings ) )
# tag parents
tag_parent_ids = self._c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.CURRENT, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
for block_of_tag_parent_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( tag_parent_ids, 10000 ):
tag_parents = [ ( self._GetTag( old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in block_of_tag_parent_ids ]
hash_ids_to_hashes = {}
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, tag_parents, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( tag_parents ) )
deleted_tag_parent_ids = self._c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.DELETED, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
for block_of_deleted_tag_parent_ids in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( deleted_tag_parent_ids, 10000 ):
deleted_tag_parents = [ ( self._GetTag( old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in block_of_deleted_tag_parent_ids ]
hash_ids_to_hashes = {}
yield ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, deleted_tag_parents, hash_ids_to_hashes, len( deleted_tag_parents ) )
def _MakeBackup( self ):
self._c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
self._c.execute( 'VACUUM' )
self._c.execute( 'ANALYZE' )
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
shutil.copy( self._db_path, self._db_path + '.backup' )
HydrusData.DeletePath( HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR + '_backup' )
HydrusData.DeletePath( HC.SERVER_THUMBNAILS_DIR + '_backup' )
HydrusData.DeletePath( HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR + '_backup' )
HydrusData.DeletePath( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + '_backup' )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR, HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR + '_backup' )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR, HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR + '_backup' )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR, HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + '_backup' )
def _ManageDBError( self, job, e ):
( exception_type, value, tb ) = sys.exc_info()
new_e = type( e )( os.linesep.join( traceback.format_exception( exception_type, value, tb ) ) )
job.PutResult( new_e )
def _ModifyAccount( self, service_key, admin_account_key, action, subject_account_keys, kwargs ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
admin_account_id = self._GetAccountId( admin_account_key )
subject_account_ids = [ self._GetAccountId( subject_account_key ) for subject_account_key in subject_account_keys ]
if action in ( HC.BAN, HC.SUPERBAN ):
reason = kwargs[ 'reason' ]
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
if 'lifetime' in kwargs: lifetime = kwargs[ 'lifetime' ]
else: lifetime = None
self._Ban( service_id, action, admin_account_id, subject_account_ids, reason_id, lifetime ) # fold ban and superban together, yo
admin_account = self._GetAccount( admin_account_key )
admin_account.CheckPermission( HC.GENERAL_ADMIN ) # special case, don't let manage_users people do these:
title = kwargs[ 'title' ]
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( service_id, title )
self._ChangeAccountType( subject_account_ids, account_type_id )
elif action == HC.ADD_TO_EXPIRES:
timespan = kwargs[ 'timespan' ]
self._AddToExpires( subject_account_ids, timespan )
elif action == HC.SET_EXPIRES:
expires = kwargs[ 'expires' ]
self._SetExpires( subject_account_ids, expires )
def _ModifyAccountTypes( self, service_key, edit_log ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
for ( action, details ) in edit_log:
if action == HC.ADD:
account_type = details
title = account_type.GetTitle()
if self._AccountTypeExists( service_id, title ): raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Already found account type ' + HydrusData.ToString( title ) + ' in the db for this service, so could not add!' )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, title, account_type ) )
elif action == HC.DELETE:
( title, new_title ) = details
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( service_id, title )
new_account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( service_id, new_title )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, account_type_id ) )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE registration_keys SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, account_type_id ) )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM account_types WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( account_type_id, ) )
elif action == HC.EDIT:
( old_title, account_type ) = details
title = account_type.GetTitle()
if old_title != title and self._AccountTypeExists( service_id, title ): raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Already found account type ' + HydrusData.ToString( title ) + ' in the database, so could not rename ' + HydrusData.ToString( old_title ) + '!' )
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( service_id, old_title )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE account_types SET title = ?, account_type = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( title, account_type, account_type_id ) )
def _ModifyServices( self, account_key, edit_log ):
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
service_keys_to_access_keys = {}
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
for ( action, data ) in edit_log:
if action == HC.ADD:
( service_key, service_type, options ) = data
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO services ( service_key, type, options ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), service_type, options ) )
service_id = self._c.lastrowid
service_admin_account_type = HydrusData.AccountType( 'service admin', [ HC.GET_DATA, HC.POST_DATA, HC.POST_PETITIONS, HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS, HC.MANAGE_USERS, HC.GENERAL_ADMIN ], ( None, None ) )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, 'service admin', service_admin_account_type ) )
[ registration_key ] = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( service_key, 1, 'service admin', None )
access_key = self._GetAccessKey( registration_key )
service_keys_to_access_keys[ service_key ] = access_key
if service_type in HC.REPOSITORIES:
begin = 0
end = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._CreateUpdate( service_key, begin, end )
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'start' )
elif action == HC.DELETE:
service_key = data
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) )
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'stop' )
elif action == HC.EDIT:
( service_key, service_type, options ) = data
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE services SET options = ? WHERE service_id = ?;', ( options, service_id ) )
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'restart' )
return service_keys_to_access_keys
def _ProcessUpdate( self, service_key, account_key, update ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
account_id = self._GetAccountId( account_key )
account = self._GetAccount( account_key )
service_type = self._GetServiceType( service_id )
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveFilePetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddFilePetition
for ( hashes, reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( hashes )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for hashes in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( hashes )
self._DenyFilePetition( service_id, hash_ids )
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
tags = update.GetTags()
hashes = update.GetHashes()
overwrite_deleted = account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS )
for ( tag, hashes ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( hashes )
self._AddMappings( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, overwrite_deleted )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveMappingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddMappingPetition
for ( tag, hashes, reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( hashes )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for ( tag, hashes ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
tag_id = self._GetTagId( tag )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( hashes )
self._DenyMappingPetition( service_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagSiblingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagSiblingPetition
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PENDING )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagSiblingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagSiblingPetition
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
self._DenyTagSiblingPetition( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND )
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
self._DenyTagSiblingPetition( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagParentPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagParentPetition
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PENDING )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagParentPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagParentPetition
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( reason )
petition_method( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
self._DenyTagParentPetition( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND )
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( new_tag )
self._DenyTagParentPetition( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION )
def _Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
if action == 'access_key': result = self._GetAccessKey( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account': result = self._GetAccount( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_info': result = self._GetAccountInfo( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_key_from_access_key': result = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccessKey( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_key_from_identifier': result = self._GetAccountKeyFromIdentifier( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_types': result = self._GetAccountTypes( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'dirty_updates': result = self._GetDirtyUpdates( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'immediate_content_update': result = self._GenerateImmediateContentUpdate( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'init': result = self._InitAdmin( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'ip': result = self._GetIPTimestamp( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'messaging_sessions': result = self._GetMessagingSessions( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'num_petitions': result = self._GetNumPetitions( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'petition': result = self._GetPetition( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'registration_keys': result = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'service_keys': result = self._GetServiceKeys( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'service_info': result = self._GetServiceInfo( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'services_info': result = self._GetServicesInfo( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'sessions': result = self._GetSessions( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'stats': result = self._GetStats( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'update_ends': result = self._GetUpdateEnds( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'verify_access_key': result = self._VerifyAccessKey( *args, **kwargs )
else: raise Exception( 'db received an unknown read command: ' + action )
return result
def _RefreshUpdateCache( self, service_id, affected_timestamps ): self._c.executemany( 'UPDATE update_cache SET dirty = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND ? BETWEEN begin AND end;', [ ( True, service_id, timestamp ) for timestamp in affected_timestamps ] )
def _RewardAccounts( self, service_id, score_type, scores ):
self._c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account_scores ( service_id, account_id, score_type, score ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, score_type, 0 ) for ( account_id, score ) in scores ] )
self._c.executemany( 'UPDATE account_scores SET score = score + ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? and score_type = ?;', [ ( score, service_id, account_id, score_type ) for ( account_id, score ) in scores ] )
def _RewardFilePetitioners( self, service_id, hash_ids, multiplier ):
scores = [ ( account_id, count * multiplier ) for ( account_id, count ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, COUNT( * ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ? GROUP BY account_id;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
self._RewardAccounts( service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _RewardMappingPetitioners( self, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids, multiplier ):
scores = [ ( account_id, count * multiplier ) for ( account_id, count ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, COUNT( * ) FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ? GROUP BY account_id;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
self._RewardAccounts( service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _RewardTagParentPetitioners( self, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, multiplier ):
hash_ids_with_old_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id ) ) }
hash_ids_with_new_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, new_tag_id ) ) }
score = len( hash_ids_with_old_tag.intersection( hash_ids_with_new_tag ) )
weighted_score = score * multiplier
account_ids = [ account_id for ( account_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
scores = [ ( account_id, weighted_score ) for account_id in account_ids ]
self._RewardAccounts( service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( self, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, multiplier ):
hash_ids_with_old_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id ) ) }
hash_ids_with_new_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, new_tag_id ) ) }
score = len( hash_ids_with_old_tag.intersection( hash_ids_with_new_tag ) )
weighted_score = score * multiplier
account_ids = [ account_id for ( account_id, ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
scores = [ ( account_id, weighted_score ) for account_id in account_ids ]
self._RewardAccounts( service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _SetExpires( self, account_ids, expires ): self._c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET expires = ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( expires, ) )
def _UnbanKey( self, service_id, account_id ): self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM bans WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) )
def _UpdateDB( self, version ):
if version == 128:
self._c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;' )
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
old_account_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM accounts;' ).fetchall()
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE accounts;' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts ( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_access_key_index ON accounts ( access_key );' )
for ( account_id, access_key ) in old_account_info:
account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( account_id, account_key, access_key ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( account_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ) ) )
old_r_k_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM registration_keys;' ).fetchall()
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE registration_keys;' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE registration_keys ( registration_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_type_id INTEGER, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES, expiry INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX registration_keys_access_key_index ON registration_keys ( access_key );' )
for ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, access_key, expires ) in old_r_k_info:
account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO registration_keys ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, account_key, access_key, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( registration_key ), service_id, account_type_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), expires ) )
self._c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
self._c.execute( 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;' )
self._c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
if version == 131:
accounts_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM accounts;' ).fetchall()
account_map_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_map;' ).fetchall()
account_types_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_types;' ).fetchall()
account_type_map_info = self._c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_type_map;' ).fetchall()
accounts_dict = { account_id : ( account_key, hashed_access_key ) for ( account_id, account_key, hashed_access_key ) in accounts_info }
account_types_dict = { account_type_id : ( title, account_type ) for ( account_type_id, title, account_type ) in account_types_info }
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE accounts;' )
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_map;' )
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_types;' )
self._c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_type_map;' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_key BLOB_BYTES, hashed_access_key BLOB_BYTES, account_type_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, used_bytes INTEGER, used_requests INTEGER );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_hashed_access_key_index ON accounts ( hashed_access_key );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_type_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_types ( account_type_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, title TEXT, account_type TEXT_YAML );' )
self._c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX account_types_service_id_account_type_id_index ON account_types ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
account_log_text = ''
existing_account_ids = set()
existing_account_type_ids = set()
next_account_id = max( accounts_dict.keys() ) + 1
next_account_type_id = max( account_types_dict.keys() ) + 1
account_tables = [ 'bans', 'contacts', 'file_petitions', 'mapping_petitions', 'mappings', 'messages', 'message_statuses', 'messaging_sessions', 'sessions', 'tag_parents', 'tag_siblings' ]
account_type_tables = [ 'accounts', 'registration_keys' ]
service_dict = { service_id : options[ 'port' ] for ( service_id, options ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, options FROM services;' ) }
# have to do accounts first because account_types may update it!
for ( service_id, account_id, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) in account_map_info:
( account_key, hashed_access_key ) = accounts_dict[ account_id ]
if account_id in existing_account_ids:
account_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
access_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
account_log_text += 'The account at port ' + str( service_dict[ service_id ] ) + ' now uses access key: ' + access_key.encode( 'hex' ) + os.linesep
hashed_access_key = hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest()
new_account_id = next_account_id
next_account_id += 1
for table_name in account_tables:
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE ' + table_name + ' SET account_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( new_account_id, service_id, account_id ) )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE bans SET admin_account_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND admin_account_id = ?;', ( new_account_id, service_id, account_id ) )
account_id = new_account_id
existing_account_ids.add( account_id )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( account_id, service_id, account_key, hashed_access_key, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( account_id, service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashed_access_key ), account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) )
if len( account_log_text ) > 0:
with open( HC.BASE_DIR + os.path.sep + 'update to v132 new access keys.txt', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( account_log_text )
for ( service_id, account_type_id ) in account_type_map_info:
( title, account_type ) = account_types_dict[ account_type_id ]
if account_type_id in existing_account_type_ids:
new_account_type_id = next_account_type_id
next_account_type_id += 1
for table_name in account_type_tables:
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE ' + table_name + ' SET account_type_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, service_id, account_type_id ) )
account_type_id = new_account_type_id
existing_account_type_ids.add( account_type_id )
self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( account_type_id, service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( account_type_id, service_id, title, account_type ) )
if version == 132:
hex_chars = '0123456789abcdef'
for dir in dirs:
for ( one, two ) in itertools.product( hex_chars, hex_chars ):
new_dir = dir + os.path.sep + one + two
if not os.path.exists( new_dir ): os.mkdir( new_dir )
if version == 155:
results = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, account_type_id, account_type FROM account_types;' ).fetchall()
for ( service_id, account_type_id, account_type ) in results:
title = account_type.GetTitle()
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE account_types SET title = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_type_id = ?;', ( title, service_id, account_type_id ) )
if version == 158:
first_ends = self._c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, end FROM update_cache WHERE begin = ?;', ( 0, ) ).fetchall()
self._c.execute( 'DELETE FROM update_cache;' )
for filename in os.listdir( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR ):
path = HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + os.path.sep + filename
HydrusData.DeletePath( path )
for ( service_id, end ) in first_ends:
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( service_id )
self._CreateUpdate( service_key, 0, end )
if version == 161:
for filename in os.listdir( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR ):
path = HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + os.path.sep + filename
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
compressed_inefficient_string = f.read()
inefficient_string = lz4.loads( compressed_inefficient_string )
( dump_type, dump_version, dump ) = json.loads( inefficient_string )
if type( dump ) not in ( unicode, str ):
serialisable_info = json.loads( dump )
better_string = json.dumps( ( dump_type, dump_version, serialisable_info ) )
compressed_better_string = lz4.dumps( better_string )
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( compressed_better_string )
if version == 169:
bad_tag_ids = set()
for ( tag_id, tag ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT tag_id, tag FROM tags;' ):
HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( tag )
except HydrusExceptions.SizeException:
bad_tag_ids.add( tag_id )
self._c.executemany( 'DELETE FROM mappings WHERE tag_id = ?;', ( ( tag_id, ) for tag_id in bad_tag_ids ) )
print( 'The server has updated to version ' + str( version + 1 ) )
self._c.execute( 'UPDATE version SET version = ?;', ( version + 1, ) )
HydrusGlobals.is_db_updated = True
def _UpdateRatings( self, service_id, account_id, ratings ):
hashes = [ rating[0] for rating in ratings ]
hashes_to_hash_ids = self._GetHashesToHashIds( hashes )
valued_ratings = [ ( hash, rating ) for ( hash, rating ) in ratings if rating is not None ]
null_ratings = [ hash for ( hash, rating ) in ratings if rating is None ]
self._c.executemany( 'REPLACE INTO ratings ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, rating ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, hashes_to_hash_ids[ hash ], rating ) for ( hash, rating ) in valued_ratings ] )
self._c.executemany( 'DELETE FROM ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', [ ( service_id, account_id, hashes_to_hash_ids[ hash ] ) for hash in null_ratings ] )
hash_ids = set( hashes_to_hash_ids.values() )
aggregates = self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, SUM( rating ), COUNT( * ) FROM ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' GROUP BY hash_id;' )
missed_aggregate_hash_ids = hash_ids.difference( aggregate[0] for aggregate in aggregates )
aggregates.extend( [ ( hash_id, 0.0, 0 ) for hash_id in missed_aggregate_hash_ids ] )
hash_ids_to_new_timestamps = { hash_id : new_timestamp for ( hash_id, new_timestamp ) in self._c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, new_timestamp FROM aggregate_ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HydrusData.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) }
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
for ( hash_id, total_score, count ) in aggregates:
score = float( total_score ) / float( count )
if hash_id not in hash_ids_to_new_timestamps or hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ] == 0:
new_timestamp = now + ( count * HC.UPDATE_DURATION / 10 )
new_timestamp = max( now, hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ] - HC.UPDATE_DURATION )
if hash_id not in hash_ids_to_new_timestamps: self._c.execute( 'INSERT INTO aggregate_ratings ( service_id, hash_id, score, count, new_timestamp, current_timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, score, new_timestamp, 0 ) )
elif new_timestamp != hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ]: self._c.execute( 'UPDATE aggregate_ratings SET new_timestamp = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( new_timestamp, service_id, hash_id ) )
def _VerifyAccessKey( self, service_key, access_key ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( service_key )
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ? AND hashed_access_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
result = self._c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM registration_keys WHERE service_id = ? AND access_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( access_key ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: return False
return True
def _Write( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
if action == 'account': result = self._ModifyAccount( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_types': result = self._ModifyAccountTypes( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'backup': result = self._MakeBackup( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'check_data_usage': result = self._CheckDataUsage( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'check_monthly_data': result = self._CheckMonthlyData( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'clean_update': result = self._CleanUpdate( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'clear_bans': result = self._ClearBans( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'create_update': result = self._CreateUpdate( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'delete_orphans': result = self._DeleteOrphans( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'file': result = self._AddFile( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'flush_requests_made': result = self._FlushRequestsMade( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'messaging_session': result = self._AddMessagingSession( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'news': result = self._AddNews( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'services': result = self._ModifyServices( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'session': result = self._AddSession( *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'update': result = self._ProcessUpdate( *args, **kwargs )
else: raise Exception( 'db received an unknown write command: ' + action )
return result