
351 lines
13 KiB

import collections
import os
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaResult
note_import_conflict_str_lookup = {
NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_REPLACE : 'replace the existing note',
NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_IGNORE : 'do not add the new note',
NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_APPEND : 'append the new note to the end of the existing note',
NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_RENAME : 'add the new note under a new name',
class NoteImportOptions( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Note Import Options'
def __init__( self ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self._get_notes = True
self._extend_existing_note_if_possible = True
self._conflict_resolution = NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_RENAME
self._name_whitelist = set()
self._all_name_override = None
self._names_to_name_overrides = dict()
self._is_default = False
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
name_whitelist = list( self._name_whitelist )
names_and_name_overrides = list( self._names_to_name_overrides.items() )
return ( self._get_notes, self._extend_existing_note_if_possible, self._conflict_resolution, name_whitelist, self._all_name_override, names_and_name_overrides, self._is_default )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self._get_notes, self._extend_existing_note_if_possible, self._conflict_resolution, name_whitelist, self._all_name_override, names_and_name_overrides, self._is_default ) = serialisable_info
self._name_whitelist = set( name_whitelist )
self._names_to_name_overrides = dict( names_and_name_overrides )
def GetAllNameOverride( self ) -> typing.Optional[ str ]:
return self._all_name_override
def GetConflictResolution( self ) -> int:
return self._conflict_resolution
def GetExtendExistingNoteIfPossible( self ) -> bool:
return self._extend_existing_note_if_possible
def GetGetNotes( self ) -> bool:
return self._get_notes
def GetNamesToNameOverrides( self ) -> typing.Dict[ str, str ]:
return dict( self._names_to_name_overrides )
def GetNameWhitelist( self ):
return set( self._name_whitelist )
def GetServiceKeysToContentUpdates( self, media_result: ClientMediaResult.MediaResult, names_and_notes: typing.Collection[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ):
service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list )
if self._get_notes:
hash = media_result.GetHash()
notes_manager = media_result.GetNotesManager()
existing_names_to_notes = dict( notes_manager.GetNamesToNotes() )
names_to_notes = dict( names_and_notes )
updatee_names_to_notes = self.GetUpdateeNamesToNotes( existing_names_to_notes, names_to_notes )
content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, name, note ) ) for ( name, note ) in updatee_names_to_notes.items() ]
if len( content_updates ) > 0:
service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = content_updates
return service_keys_to_content_updates
def GetSummary( self ):
if self._is_default:
return 'Using whatever the default note import options is at at time of import.'
statements = []
if self._get_notes:
statements.append( 'adding notes' )
if self._extend_existing_note_if_possible:
statements.append( 'extending where possible' )
statements.append( 'with conflict resolution: {}'.format( note_import_conflict_str_lookup[ self._conflict_resolution ] ) )
if self._all_name_override is not None or len( self._names_to_name_overrides ) > 0:
statements.append( 'with renames' )
statements.append( 'not adding notes' )
summary = ', '.join( statements )
return summary
def GetUpdateeNamesToNotes( self, existing_names_to_notes, names_to_notes ):
updatee_names_to_notes = {}
if not self._get_notes:
return updatee_names_to_notes
# TODO: Add options to noteimportoptions to say whether we discard dupes in names_to_notes and empty notes and any other complex logic here
# we can have a complex-ish default, but someone is going to want different, so add options
existing_names_to_notes = dict( existing_names_to_notes )
names_and_notes = sorted( names_to_notes.items() )
for ( name, note ) in names_and_notes:
if len( self._name_whitelist ) > 0 and name not in self._name_whitelist:
if name in self._names_to_name_overrides:
name = self._names_to_name_overrides[ name ]
elif self._all_name_override is not None:
name = self._all_name_override
if name in existing_names_to_notes:
name_exists = True
existing_note = existing_names_to_notes[ name ]
name_and_note_exists = existing_note == note
name_and_note_exists_but_is_an_extension = len( note ) > len( existing_note ) and existing_note in note
name_exists = False
name_and_note_exists = False
name_and_note_exists_but_is_an_extension = False
exists_under_different_name = False
exists_under_different_name_name = ''
exists_under_different_name_but_is_an_extension = False
# we no longer allow a note if its text straight up exists anywhere already
for ( existing_name, existing_note ) in sorted( existing_names_to_notes.items() ):
if note == existing_note:
exists_under_different_name = True
exists_under_different_name_name = existing_name
if not exists_under_different_name:
similar_matching_names_to_notes = { na : no for ( na, no ) in existing_names_to_notes.items() if na != name and ( na.startswith( name ) or no == note ) }
# here we deal with the situation with iterative renames
# imagine file has note 'abc' = '123'
# new site adds 'abc' = '789'. this causes 'abc (1)' = '789'
# any future parse of 'abc' = '789' will check against the original 'abc' = '123' and cause 'abc (2+)' = '789' unless we check other prefix-matching note names!
for ( existing_name, existing_note ) in sorted( similar_matching_names_to_notes.items() ):
if note == existing_note:
exists_under_different_name = True
exists_under_different_name_name = existing_name
if len( note ) > len( existing_note ) and existing_note in note:
exists_under_different_name_name = existing_name
exists_under_different_name_but_is_an_extension = True
do_it = True
if name_and_note_exists:
do_it = False
elif exists_under_different_name:
do_it = False # same note text exists under different name, no action needed
elif name_exists:
# ok a note exists under this name already, and it differs to what we want to add. what are we going to do about the conflict?
if name_and_note_exists_but_is_an_extension and self._extend_existing_note_if_possible:
pass # yes let's do it with current name and note
elif exists_under_different_name_but_is_an_extension and self._extend_existing_note_if_possible:
name = exists_under_different_name_name # yes let's do it with the changed name
if self._conflict_resolution == NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_IGNORE:
do_it = False
elif self._conflict_resolution == NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_RENAME:
existing_names = set( existing_names_to_notes.keys() )
name = HydrusData.GetNonDupeName( name, existing_names )
elif self._conflict_resolution == NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_APPEND:
existing_note = existing_names_to_notes[ name ]
existing_note_already_includes_note = len( existing_note ) > len( note ) and note in existing_note
if existing_note_already_includes_note:
do_it = False
sep = '\n' * 2
note = sep.join( ( existing_note, note ) )
elif self._conflict_resolution == NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_REPLACE:
pass # yes, just do it, overwrite
if do_it:
updatee_names_to_notes[ name ] = note
existing_names_to_notes[ name ] = note
return updatee_names_to_notes
def IsDefault( self ):
return self._is_default
def SetAllNameOverride( self, all_name_override: typing.Optional[ str ] ):
self._all_name_override = all_name_override
def SetConflictResolution( self, conflict_resolution: int ):
self._conflict_resolution = conflict_resolution
def SetExtendExistingNoteIfPossible( self, extend_existing_note_if_possible: bool ):
self._extend_existing_note_if_possible = extend_existing_note_if_possible
def SetGetNotes( self, get_notes: bool ):
self._get_notes = get_notes
def SetIsDefault( self, value: bool ):
self._is_default = value
def SetNamesToNameOverrides( self, names_to_name_overrides: typing.Dict[ str, str ] ):
self._names_to_name_overrides = names_to_name_overrides
def SetNameWhitelist( self, name_whitelist: typing.Collection[ str ] ):
self._name_whitelist = set( name_whitelist )