
576 lines
17 KiB

import collections
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusTags
from hydrus.client import ClientSearch
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags
class ListBoxItem( object ):
def __init__( self ):
def __eq__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, ListBoxItem ):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
return NotImplemented
def __hash__( self ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __lt__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, ListBoxItem ):
return self.GetCopyableText() < other.GetCopyableText()
return NotImplemented
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetRowCount( self, show_parent_rows: bool ):
return 1
def GetTags( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ListBoxItemTagSlice( ListBoxItem ):
def __init__( self, tag_slice: str ):
ListBoxItem.__init__( self )
self._tag_slice = tag_slice
def __hash__( self ):
return self._tag_slice.__hash__()
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagSliceToString( self._tag_slice )
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
return []
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ]:
presentation_text = self.GetCopyableText()
if self._tag_slice in ( '', ':' ):
namespace = ''
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( self._tag_slice )
return [ [ ( presentation_text, namespace ) ] ]
def GetTags( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
return set()
def GetTagSlice( self ):
return self._tag_slice
class ListBoxItemNamespaceColour( ListBoxItem ):
def __init__( self, namespace: str, colour: typing.Tuple[ int, int, int ] ):
ListBoxItem.__init__( self )
self._namespace = namespace
self._colour = colour
def __hash__( self ):
return self._namespace.__hash__()
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
if self._namespace is None:
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagSliceToString( ':' )
elif self._namespace == '':
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagSliceToString( '' )
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagSliceToString( '{}:'.format( self._namespace ) )
def GetNamespace( self ):
return self._namespace
def GetNamespaceAndColour( self ):
return ( self._namespace, self._colour )
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
return []
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ]:
return [ [ ( self.GetCopyableText(), self._namespace ) ] ]
def GetTags( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
return set()
class ListBoxItemTextTag( ListBoxItem ):
def __init__( self, tag: str ):
ListBoxItem.__init__( self )
self._tag = tag
self._ideal_tag = None
self._parent_tags = None
def __hash__( self ):
return self._tag.__hash__()
def __lt__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, ListBoxItemTextTag ):
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( self.GetCopyableText() ) < HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( other.GetCopyableText() )
return NotImplemented
def _AppendIdealTagTextWithNamespace( self, texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user ):
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( self._ideal_tag )
ideal_text = ' (displays as {})'.format( ClientTags.RenderTag( self._ideal_tag, render_for_user ) )
texts_with_namespaces.append( ( ideal_text, namespace ) )
def _AppendParentsTextWithNamespaces( self, rows_of_texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user ):
indent = ' '
for parent in self._parent_tags:
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( parent )
tag_text = ClientTags.RenderTag( parent, render_for_user )
texts_with_namespaces = [ ( indent + tag_text, namespace ) ]
rows_of_texts_with_namespaces.append( texts_with_namespaces )
def _AppendParentSuffixTagTextWithNamespace( self, texts_with_namespaces ):
parents_text = ' ({} parents)'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( self._parent_tags ) ) )
texts_with_namespaces.append( ( parents_text, '' ) )
def GetBestTag( self ) -> str:
if self._ideal_tag is None:
return self._tag
return self._ideal_tag
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
return self._tag
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
return [ ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = self._tag ) ]
def GetRowCount( self, show_parent_rows: bool ):
if self._parent_tags is None or not show_parent_rows:
return 1
return 1 + len( self._parent_tags )
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ]:
# this should be with counts or whatever, but we need to think about this more lad
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( self._tag )
tag_text = ClientTags.RenderTag( self._tag, render_for_user )
first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces = [ ( tag_text, namespace ) ]
if sibling_decoration_allowed and self._ideal_tag is not None:
self._AppendIdealTagTextWithNamespace( first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user )
rows_of_texts_with_namespaces = [ first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces ]
if self._parent_tags is not None:
if show_parent_rows:
self._AppendParentsTextWithNamespaces( rows_of_texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user )
elif parent_decoration_allowed:
self._AppendParentSuffixTagTextWithNamespace( first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces )
return rows_of_texts_with_namespaces
def GetSimpleSortText( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
def GetTag( self ) -> str:
return self._tag
def GetTags( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
return { self._tag }
def SetIdealTag( self, ideal_tag ):
self._ideal_tag = ideal_tag
def SetParents( self, parents ):
self._parent_tags = parents
class ListBoxItemTextTagWithCounts( ListBoxItemTextTag ):
def __init__( self, tag: str, current_count: int, deleted_count: int, pending_count: int, petitioned_count: int, include_actual_counts: bool ):
# some have deleted and petitioned as well, so think about this
ListBoxItemTextTag.__init__( self, tag )
self._current_count = current_count
self._deleted_count = deleted_count
self._pending_count = pending_count
self._petitioned_count = petitioned_count
self._include_actual_counts = include_actual_counts
def __hash__( self ):
return self._tag.__hash__()
def __lt__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, ListBoxItemTextTagWithCounts ):
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( self.GetCopyableText( with_counts = False ) ) < HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( other.GetCopyableText( with_counts = False ) )
return NotImplemented
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
if with_counts:
return ''.join( ( text for ( text, namespace ) in self.GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( False, False, False, False )[0] ) )
return self._tag
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
# with counts? or just merge this into texttag???
return [ ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = self._tag ) ]
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ]:
# this should be with counts or whatever, but we need to think about this more lad
( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( self._tag )
tag_text = ClientTags.RenderTag( self._tag, render_for_user )
if self._include_actual_counts:
if self._current_count > 0:
tag_text += ' ({})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._current_count ) )
if self._pending_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (+{})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._pending_count ) )
if self._petitioned_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (-{})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._petitioned_count ) )
if self._deleted_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (X{})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._deleted_count ) )
if self._pending_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (+)'
if self._petitioned_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (-)'
if self._deleted_count > 0:
tag_text += ' (X)'
first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces = [ ( tag_text, namespace ) ]
if sibling_decoration_allowed and self._ideal_tag is not None:
self._AppendIdealTagTextWithNamespace( first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user )
rows_of_texts_with_namespaces = [ first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces ]
if self._parent_tags is not None:
if show_parent_rows:
self._AppendParentsTextWithNamespaces( rows_of_texts_with_namespaces, render_for_user )
elif parent_decoration_allowed:
self._AppendParentSuffixTagTextWithNamespace( first_row_of_texts_with_namespaces )
return rows_of_texts_with_namespaces
class ListBoxItemPredicate( ListBoxItem ):
def __init__( self, predicate: ClientSearch.Predicate ):
ListBoxItem.__init__( self )
self._predicate = predicate
self._i_am_an_or_under_construction = False
def __hash__( self ):
return self._predicate.__hash__()
def __lt__( self, other ):
if isinstance( other, ListBoxItem ):
return HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( self.GetCopyableText() ) < HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable( other.GetCopyableText() )
return NotImplemented
def GetCopyableText( self, with_counts: bool = False ) -> str:
if self._predicate.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE:
namespace = self._predicate.GetValue()
# this is useful for workflow
text = '{}:*'.format( namespace )
elif self._predicate.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT:
text = HydrusTags.CleanTag( self._predicate.GetValue() )
elif self._predicate.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD:
wildcard = self._predicate.GetValue()
text = wildcard
text = self._predicate.ToString( with_count = with_counts )
return text
def GetSearchPredicates( self ) -> typing.List[ ClientSearch.Predicate ]:
if self._predicate.GetType() in ( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_LABEL, ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT ):
return []
return [ self._predicate ]
def GetRowCount( self, show_parent_rows: bool ):
if show_parent_rows:
return 1 + len( self._predicate.GetParentPredicates() )
return 1
def GetRowsOfPresentationTextsWithNamespaces( self, render_for_user: bool, sibling_decoration_allowed: bool, parent_decoration_allowed: bool, show_parent_rows: bool ) -> typing.List[ typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ] ]:
rows_of_texts_and_namespaces = []
first_row_of_texts_and_namespaces = self._predicate.GetTextsAndNamespaces( render_for_user, or_under_construction = self._i_am_an_or_under_construction )
if sibling_decoration_allowed and self._predicate.HasIdealSibling():
ideal_sibling = self._predicate.GetIdealSibling()
( ideal_namespace, ideal_subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( ideal_sibling )
ideal_text = ' (displays as {})'.format( ClientTags.RenderTag( ideal_sibling, render_for_user ) )
first_row_of_texts_and_namespaces.append( ( ideal_text, ideal_namespace ) )
rows_of_texts_and_namespaces.append( first_row_of_texts_and_namespaces )
parent_preds = self._predicate.GetParentPredicates()
if len( parent_preds ) > 0:
if show_parent_rows:
for parent_pred in self._predicate.GetParentPredicates():
rows_of_texts_and_namespaces.append( parent_pred.GetTextsAndNamespaces( render_for_user ) )
elif parent_decoration_allowed:
parents_text = ' ({} parents)'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( parent_preds ) ) )
first_row_of_texts_and_namespaces.append( ( parents_text, '' ) )
return rows_of_texts_and_namespaces
def GetTags( self ) -> typing.Set[ str ]:
if self._predicate.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG:
tag = self._predicate.GetValue()
return set()
return { tag }
def SetORUnderConstruction( self, value: bool ):
self._i_am_an_or_under_construction = value