import io import os import requests import threading import traceback import time import urllib from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading from hydrus.core import HydrusText from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNetworking from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientData from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingDomain try: import cloudscraper CLOUDSCRAPER_OK = True try: # help pyinstaller import pyparsing PYPARSING_OK = True except: PYPARSING_OK = False except: CLOUDSCRAPER_OK = False PYPARSING_OK = False def ConvertStatusCodeAndDataIntoExceptionInfo( status_code, data, is_hydrus_service = False ): ( error_text, encoding ) = HydrusText.NonFailingUnicodeDecode( data, 'utf-8' ) print_long_error_text = True if status_code == 304: print_long_error_text = False eclass = HydrusExceptions.NotModifiedException elif status_code == 400: eclass = HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException elif status_code == 401: eclass = HydrusExceptions.MissingCredentialsException elif status_code == 403: eclass = HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException elif status_code == 404: print_long_error_text = False eclass = HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException elif status_code == 409: eclass = HydrusExceptions.ConflictException elif status_code == 416: eclass = HydrusExceptions.RangeNotSatisfiableException elif status_code == 419: eclass = HydrusExceptions.SessionException elif status_code == 426: eclass = HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException elif status_code == 429: eclass = HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException elif status_code == 509: eclass = HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException elif status_code == 502: eclass = HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException elif status_code == 503: if is_hydrus_service: eclass = HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException else: eclass = HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException elif status_code >= 500: eclass = HydrusExceptions.ServerException else: eclass = HydrusExceptions.NetworkException if len( error_text ) > 1024 and print_long_error_text: large_chunk = error_text[ : 512 * 1024 ] smaller_chunk = large_chunk[:256] HydrusData.DebugPrint( large_chunk ) error_text = 'The server\'s error text was too long to display. The first part follows, while a larger chunk has been written to the log.' error_text += os.linesep error_text += smaller_chunk e = eclass( '{}: {}'.format( status_code, error_text ) ) return ( e, error_text ) class NetworkJob( object ): WILLING_TO_WAIT_ON_INVALID_LOGIN = True IS_HYDRUS_SERVICE = False IS_IPFS_SERVICE = False def __init__( self, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): if body is not None and isinstance( body, str ): body = bytes( body, 'utf-8' ) self.engine = None self._lock = threading.Lock() self._method = method self._url = url self._max_connection_attempts_allowed = 5 self._domain = ClientNetworkingDomain.ConvertURLIntoDomain( self._url ) self._second_level_domain = ClientNetworkingDomain.ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( self._url ) self._body = body self._referral_url = referral_url self._actual_fetched_url = self._url self._temp_path = temp_path self._files = None self._for_login = False self._current_connection_attempt_number = 1 self._we_tried_cloudflare_once = False self._additional_headers = {} self._creation_time = HydrusData.GetNow() self._bandwidth_tracker = HydrusNetworking.BandwidthTracker() self._connection_error_wake_time = 0 self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time = 0 self._wake_time = 0 self._content_type = None self._encoding = 'utf-8' self._encoding_confirmed = False self._stream_io = io.BytesIO() self._error_exception = Exception( 'Exception not initialised.' ) # PyLint hint, wew self._error_exception = None self._error_text = None self._is_done_event = threading.Event() self._is_started = False self._is_done = False self._is_cancelled = False self._gallery_token_name = None self._gallery_token_consumed = False self._bandwidth_manual_override = False self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp = None self._last_time_ongoing_bandwidth_failed = 0 self._status_text = 'initialising\u2026' self._num_bytes_read = 0 self._num_bytes_to_read = 1 self._file_import_options = None self._network_contexts = self._GenerateNetworkContexts() ( self._session_network_context, self._login_network_context ) = self._GenerateSpecificNetworkContexts() def _CanReattemptConnection( self ): return self._current_connection_attempt_number <= self._max_connection_attempts_allowed def _CanReattemptRequest( self ): if self._method == 'GET': max_attempts_allowed = 5 elif self._method == 'POST': max_attempts_allowed = 1 return self._current_connection_attempt_number <= max_attempts_allowed def _GenerateNetworkContexts( self ): network_contexts = [] network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ) domains = ClientNetworkingDomain.ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( self._domain ) network_contexts.extend( ( ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, domain ) for domain in domains ) ) return network_contexts def _GenerateSpecificNetworkContexts( self ): # we always store cookies in the larger session (even if the cookie itself refers to a subdomain in the session object) # but we can login to a specific subdomain session_network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, self._second_level_domain ) login_network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, self._domain ) return ( session_network_context, login_network_context ) def _GetTimeouts( self ): connect_timeout = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'network_timeout' ) read_timeout = connect_timeout * 6 return ( connect_timeout, read_timeout ) def _SendRequestAndGetResponse( self ) -> requests.Response: with self._lock: ncs = list( self._network_contexts ) headers = self.engine.domain_manager.GetHeaders( ncs ) with self._lock: method = self._method url = self._url data = self._body files = self._files if self.IS_HYDRUS_SERVICE or self.IS_IPFS_SERVICE: headers[ 'User-Agent' ] = 'hydrus client/' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION ) referral_url = self.engine.domain_manager.GetReferralURL( self._url, self._referral_url ) url_headers = self.engine.domain_manager.GetURLClassHeaders( self._url ) headers.update( url_headers ) if HG.network_report_mode: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Network Jobs Referral URLs for {}:{}Given: {}{}Used: {}'.format( self._url, os.linesep, self._referral_url, os.linesep, referral_url ) ) if referral_url is not None: try: referral_url.encode( 'latin-1' ) except UnicodeEncodeError: # quick and dirty way to quote this url when it comes here with full unicode chars. not perfect, but does the job referral_url = urllib.parse.quote( referral_url, "!#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[]~" ) if HG.network_report_mode: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Network Jobs Quoted Referral URL for {}:{}{}'.format( self._url, os.linesep, referral_url ) ) headers[ 'referer' ] = referral_url for ( key, value ) in self._additional_headers.items(): headers[ key ] = value self._status_text = 'sending request\u2026' snc = self._session_network_context session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( snc ) ( connect_timeout, read_timeout ) = self._GetTimeouts() response = session.request( method, url, data = data, files = files, headers = headers, stream = True, timeout = ( connect_timeout, read_timeout ) ) return response def _IsCancelled( self ): if self._is_cancelled: return True if HG.model_shutdown: return True return False def _IsDone( self ): if self._is_done: return True if HG.model_shutdown or HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return True return False def _ObeysBandwidth( self ): if self._bandwidth_manual_override: return False if self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp is not None and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp ): return False if self._method == 'POST': return False if self._for_login: return False return True def _OngoingBandwidthOK( self ): now = HydrusData.GetNow() if now == self._last_time_ongoing_bandwidth_failed: # it won't have changed, so no point spending any cpu checking return False else: result = self.engine.bandwidth_manager.CanContinueDownload( self._network_contexts ) if not result: self._last_time_ongoing_bandwidth_failed = now return result def _ReadResponse( self, response, stream_dest, max_allowed = None ): with self._lock: if self._content_type is not None and self._content_type in HC.mime_enum_lookup: mime = HC.mime_enum_lookup[ self._content_type ] else: mime = None if 'content-length' in response.headers: self._num_bytes_to_read = int( response.headers[ 'content-length' ] ) if max_allowed is not None and self._num_bytes_to_read > max_allowed: raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( 'The url was apparently ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( self._num_bytes_to_read ) + ' but the max network size for this type of job is ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( max_allowed ) + '!' ) if self._file_import_options is not None: is_complete_file_size = True self._file_import_options.CheckNetworkDownload( mime, self._num_bytes_to_read, is_complete_file_size ) else: self._num_bytes_to_read = None num_bytes_read_is_accurate = True for chunk in response.iter_content( chunk_size = 65536 ): if self._IsCancelled(): return stream_dest.write( chunk ) total_bytes_read = response.raw.tell() if total_bytes_read == 0: # this seems to occur when the response is chunked transfer encoding (note, no Content-Length) # there's no great way to track raw bytes read in this case. the iter_content chunk can be unzipped from that # nonetheless, requests does raise ChunkedEncodingError if it stops early, so not a huge deal to miss here, just slightly off bandwidth tracking num_bytes_read_is_accurate = False chunk_num_bytes = len( chunk ) self._num_bytes_read += chunk_num_bytes else: chunk_num_bytes = total_bytes_read - self._num_bytes_read self._num_bytes_read = total_bytes_read with self._lock: if self._num_bytes_to_read is not None and num_bytes_read_is_accurate and self._num_bytes_read > self._num_bytes_to_read: raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( 'Too much data: Was expecting {} but server continued responding!'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( self._num_bytes_to_read ) ) ) if max_allowed is not None and self._num_bytes_read > max_allowed: raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( 'The url exceeded the max network size for this type of job, which is ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( max_allowed ) + '!' ) if self._file_import_options is not None: is_complete_file_size = False self._file_import_options.CheckNetworkDownload( mime, self._num_bytes_read, is_complete_file_size ) self._ReportDataUsed( chunk_num_bytes ) self._WaitOnOngoingBandwidth() if HG.view_shutdown: raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException() if self._num_bytes_to_read is not None and num_bytes_read_is_accurate and self._num_bytes_read < self._num_bytes_to_read: raise HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException( 'Incomplete response: Was expecting {} but actually got {} !'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( self._num_bytes_to_read ), HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( self._num_bytes_read ) ) ) def _ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ): self._bandwidth_tracker.ReportDataUsed( num_bytes ) self.engine.bandwidth_manager.ReportDataUsed( self._network_contexts, num_bytes ) def _SetCancelled( self ): self._is_cancelled = True self._SetDone() def _SetError( self, e, error ): self._error_exception = e self._error_text = error if HG.network_report_mode: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Network error should follow:' ) HydrusData.ShowException( e ) HydrusData.ShowText( error ) self._SetDone() def _SetDone( self ): self._is_done = True self._is_done_event.set() def _Sleep( self, seconds ): self._wake_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + seconds def _SolveCloudFlare( self, response ): if CLOUDSCRAPER_OK: try: is_firewall = cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_Firewall_Blocked( response ) if hasattr( cloudscraper.CloudScraper, 'is_reCaptcha_Challenge' ): is_captcha = getattr( cloudscraper.CloudScraper, 'is_reCaptcha_Challenge' )( response ) elif hasattr( cloudscraper.CloudScraper, 'is_Captcha_Challenge' ): is_captcha = getattr( cloudscraper.CloudScraper, 'is_Captcha_Challenge' )( response ) else: is_captcha = False is_attemptable = is_captcha or cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_IUAM_Challenge( response ) except Exception as e: HydrusData.Print( 'cloudflarescraper had an error looking at "{}" response: {}'.format( self._url, str( e ) ) ) HydrusData.PrintException( e ) return if is_firewall: raise HydrusExceptions.CloudFlareException( 'It looks like the site has Firewall-Blocked your IP or IP range with CloudFlare.' ) if is_attemptable: try: with self._lock: ncs = list( self._network_contexts ) snc = self._session_network_context headers = self.engine.domain_manager.GetHeaders( ncs ) if 'User-Agent' not in headers: raise HydrusExceptions.CloudFlareException( 'No User-Agent set for hydrus!' ) user_agent = headers[ 'User-Agent' ] ( cf_tokens, user_agent ) = cloudscraper.get_tokens( self._url, browser = { 'custom' : user_agent } ) session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( snc ) cf_cookies = [ cookie for cookie in session.cookies if '__cf' ) ] for cookie in cf_cookies: session.cookies.clear( cookie.domain, cookie.path, ) domain = '.{}'.format( ClientNetworkingDomain.ConvertURLIntoSecondLevelDomain( self._url ) ) path = '/' expires = HydrusData.GetNow() + 30 * 86400 secure = True rest = { 'HttpOnly' : None, 'SameSite' : 'None' } for ( name, value ) in cf_tokens.items(): ClientNetworkingDomain.AddCookieToSession( session, name, value, domain, path, expires, secure = secure, rest = rest ) self.engine.session_manager.SetSessionDirty( snc ) except Exception as e: if hasattr( cloudscraper.exceptions, 'CloudflareReCaptchaProvider' ): e_type_test = getattr( cloudscraper.exceptions, 'CloudflareReCaptchaProvider' ) elif hasattr( cloudscraper.exceptions, 'CloudflareCaptchaProvider' ): e_type_test = getattr( cloudscraper.exceptions, 'CloudflareCaptchaProvider' ) else: e_type_test = int if isinstance( e, e_type_test ): message = 'The page had a captcha, and hydrus does not yet plug cloudscraper into a captcha-solving service.' else: message = str( e ) HydrusData.PrintException( e ) raise HydrusExceptions.CloudFlareException( 'Looks like an unsolvable CloudFlare issue: {}'.format( message ) ) raise HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException( 'CloudFlare needed solving.' ) def _WaitOnConnectionError( self, status_text ): connection_error_wait_time = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'connection_error_wait_time' ) self._connection_error_wake_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + ( ( self._current_connection_attempt_number - 1 ) * connection_error_wait_time ) while not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._connection_error_wake_time ) and not self._IsCancelled(): with self._lock: self._status_text = status_text + ' - retrying in {}'.format( ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( self._connection_error_wake_time ) ) time.sleep( 1 ) def _WaitOnOngoingBandwidth( self ): while not self._OngoingBandwidthOK() and not self._IsCancelled(): time.sleep( 0.1 ) def _WaitOnServersideBandwidth( self, status_text ): # 429 or 509 response from server. basically means 'I'm under big load mate' # a future version of this could def talk to domain manager and add a temp delay so other network jobs can be informed serverside_bandwidth_wait_time = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'serverside_bandwidth_wait_time' ) self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + ( ( self._current_connection_attempt_number - 1 ) * serverside_bandwidth_wait_time ) while not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time ) and not self._IsCancelled(): with self._lock: self._status_text = status_text + ' - retrying in {}'.format( ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time ) ) time.sleep( 1 ) def AddAdditionalHeader( self, key, value ): with self._lock: self._additional_headers[ key ] = value def BandwidthOK( self ): with self._lock: if self._ObeysBandwidth(): return self.engine.bandwidth_manager.CanDoWork( self._network_contexts ) else: return True def Cancel( self, status_text = None ): with self._lock: if status_text is None: status_text = 'cancelled!' self._status_text = status_text self._SetCancelled() def CanValidateInPopup( self ): with self._lock: return self.engine.domain_manager.CanValidateInPopup( self._network_contexts ) def CheckCanLogin( self ): with self._lock: if self._for_login: raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'Login jobs should not be asked if they can login!' ) else: return self.engine.login_manager.CheckCanLogin( self._login_network_context ) def CurrentlyWaitingOnConnectionError( self ): with self._lock: return not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._connection_error_wake_time ) def CurrentlyWaitingOnServersideBandwidth( self ): with self._lock: return not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time ) def DomainOK( self ): with self._lock: if self._max_connection_attempts_allowed == 1: return True domain_ok = self.engine.domain_manager.DomainOK( self._url ) if not domain_ok: self._status_text = 'This domain has had several serious errors recently. Waiting a bit.' self._Sleep( 10 ) return domain_ok def GenerateLoginProcess( self ): with self._lock: if self._for_login: raise Exception( 'Login jobs should not be asked to generate login processes!' ) else: return self.engine.login_manager.GenerateLoginProcess( self._login_network_context ) def GenerateValidationPopupProcess( self ): with self._lock: return self.engine.domain_manager.GenerateValidationPopupProcess( self._network_contexts ) def GetActualFetchedURL( self ): with self._lock: return self._actual_fetched_url def GetContentBytes( self ): with self._lock: 0 ) return def GetContentText( self ): data = self.GetContentBytes() ( text, self._encoding ) = HydrusText.NonFailingUnicodeDecode( data, self._encoding ) return text def GetContentType( self ): with self._lock: return self._content_type def GetCreationTime( self ): with self._lock: return self._creation_time def GetDomain( self ): with self._lock: return self._domain def GetErrorException( self ): with self._lock: return self._error_exception def GetErrorText( self ): with self._lock: return self._error_text def GetLoginNetworkContext( self ): with self._lock: return self._login_network_context def GetNetworkContexts( self ): with self._lock: return list( self._network_contexts ) def GetSecondLevelDomain( self ): with self._lock: return self._second_level_domain def GetSession( self ): with self._lock: snc = self._session_network_context session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( snc ) return session def GetStatus( self ): with self._lock: return ( self._status_text, self._bandwidth_tracker.GetUsage( HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA, 1 ), self._num_bytes_read, self._num_bytes_to_read ) def GetTotalDataUsed( self ): with self._lock: return self._bandwidth_tracker.GetUsage( HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA, None ) def GetURL( self ): with self._lock: return self._url def HasError( self ): with self._lock: return self._error_exception is not None def IsAsleep( self ): with self._lock: return not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._wake_time ) def IsCancelled( self ): with self._lock: return self._IsCancelled() def IsDone( self ): with self._lock: return self._IsDone() def IsHydrusJob( self ): with self._lock: return False def IsValid( self ): with self._lock: return self.engine.domain_manager.IsValid( self._network_contexts ) def NeedsLogin( self ): with self._lock: if self._for_login: return False else: return self.engine.login_manager.NeedsLogin( self._login_network_context ) def NoEngineYet( self ): return self.engine is None def ObeysBandwidth( self ): return self._ObeysBandwidth() def OnlyTryConnectionOnce( self ): self._max_connection_attempts_allowed = 1 def OverrideBandwidth( self, delay = None ): with self._lock: if delay is None: self._bandwidth_manual_override = True self._wake_time = 0 else: self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp = HydrusData.GetNow() + delay self._wake_time = min( self._wake_time, self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp + 1 ) def OverrideConnectionErrorWait( self ): with self._lock: self._connection_error_wake_time = 0 def OverrideServersideBandwidthWait( self ): with self._lock: self._serverside_bandwidth_wake_time = 0 def OverrideToken( self ): with self._lock: self._gallery_token_consumed = True self._wake_time = 0 def SetError( self, e, error ): with self._lock: self._SetError( e, error ) def SetFiles( self, files ): with self._lock: self._files = files def SetFileImportOptions( self, file_import_options ): with self._lock: self._file_import_options = file_import_options def SetForLogin( self, for_login ): with self._lock: self._for_login = for_login def SetGalleryToken( self, token_name ): with self._lock: self._gallery_token_name = token_name def SetStatus( self, text ): with self._lock: self._status_text = text def Sleep( self, seconds ): with self._lock: self._Sleep( seconds ) def Start( self ): try: with self._lock: self._is_started = True self._status_text = 'job started' request_completed = False while not request_completed: if self._IsCancelled(): return response = None try: response = self._SendRequestAndGetResponse() # I think tbh I would rather tell requests not to do 3XX, which is possible with allow_redirects = False on request, and then just raise various 3XX exceptions with url info, so I can requeue easier and keep a record # figuring out correct new url seems a laugh, requests has slight helpers, but lots of exceptions # SessionRedirectMixin here # but this will do as a patch for now self._actual_fetched_url = response.url if self._actual_fetched_url != self._url and HG.network_report_mode: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Network Jobs Redirect: {} -> {}'.format( self._url, self._actual_fetched_url ) ) with self._lock: if self._body is not None: self._ReportDataUsed( len( self._body ) ) if 'Content-Type' in response.headers: self._content_type = response.headers[ 'Content-Type' ] if response.ok: with self._lock: self._status_text = 'downloading\u2026' if response.encoding is not None: encoding = response.encoding # we'll default to utf-8 rather than ISO-8859-1 we_got_lame_iso_default_from_requests = encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' and ( self._content_type is None or encoding not in self._content_type ) if not we_got_lame_iso_default_from_requests: self._encoding = encoding if self._temp_path is None: self._ReadResponse( response, self._stream_io, 104857600 ) else: with open( self._temp_path, 'wb' ) as f: self._ReadResponse( response, f ) with self._lock: self._status_text = 'done!' else: with self._lock: self._status_text = str( response.status_code ) + ' - ' + str( response.reason ) # it is important we do this before ReadResponse, as the CF test needs r.text, which is nullified if we first access with iter_content if not self._we_tried_cloudflare_once: self._we_tried_cloudflare_once = True self._SolveCloudFlare( response ) self._ReadResponse( response, self._stream_io, 104857600 ) with self._lock: 0 ) data = ( e, error_text ) = ConvertStatusCodeAndDataIntoExceptionInfo( response.status_code, data, self.IS_HYDRUS_SERVICE ) if isinstance( e, ( HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException, HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException ) ): raise e self._SetError( e, error_text ) request_completed = True except HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException as e: self._current_connection_attempt_number += 1 if self._CanReattemptRequest(): self.engine.domain_manager.ReportNetworkInfrastructureError( self._url ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( 'Server reported very limited bandwidth: ' + str( e ) ) self._WaitOnServersideBandwidth( 'server reported limited bandwidth' ) except HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException as e: self._current_connection_attempt_number += 1 if not self._CanReattemptRequest(): raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkInfrastructureException( 'Ran out of reattempts on this error: ' + str( e ) ) self._WaitOnConnectionError( str( e ) ) except requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: self._current_connection_attempt_number += 1 if not self._CanReattemptRequest(): raise HydrusExceptions.StreamTimeoutException( 'Unable to complete request--it broke mid-way!' ) self._WaitOnConnectionError( 'connection broke mid-request' ) except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout ): self._current_connection_attempt_number += 1 if self._CanReattemptConnection(): self.engine.domain_manager.ReportNetworkInfrastructureError( self._url ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.ConnectionException( 'Could not connect!' ) self._WaitOnConnectionError( 'connection failed' ) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: self._current_connection_attempt_number += 1 if not self._CanReattemptRequest(): raise HydrusExceptions.StreamTimeoutException( 'Connection successful, but reading response timed out!' ) self._WaitOnConnectionError( 'read timed out' ) finally: with self._lock: snc = self._session_network_context self.engine.session_manager.SetSessionDirty( snc ) if response is not None: # if full data was not read, the response will hang around in connection pool longer than we want # so just an explicit close here response.close() except Exception as e: with self._lock: trace = traceback.format_exc() if not isinstance( e, ( HydrusExceptions.NetworkInfrastructureException, HydrusExceptions.StreamTimeoutException, HydrusExceptions.FileSizeException ) ): HydrusData.Print( trace ) if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.NetworkInfrastructureException ): self.engine.domain_manager.ReportNetworkInfrastructureError( self._url ) self._status_text = 'Error: ' + str( e ) self._SetError( e, trace ) finally: with self._lock: self._SetDone() def TokensOK( self ): with self._lock: need_token = self._gallery_token_name is not None and not self._gallery_token_consumed sld = self._second_level_domain gtn = self._gallery_token_name if need_token: ( consumed, next_timestamp ) = self.engine.bandwidth_manager.TryToConsumeAGalleryToken( sld, gtn ) with self._lock: if consumed: self._status_text = 'slot consumed, starting soon' self._gallery_token_consumed = True else: self._status_text = 'waiting for a ' + self._gallery_token_name + ' slot: next ' + ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( next_timestamp, just_now_threshold = 1 ) self._Sleep( 1 ) return False return True def TryToStartBandwidth( self ): with self._lock: if self._ObeysBandwidth(): result = self.engine.bandwidth_manager.TryToStartRequest( self._network_contexts ) if result: self._bandwidth_tracker.ReportRequestUsed() else: ( bandwidth_waiting_duration, bandwidth_network_context ) = self.engine.bandwidth_manager.GetWaitingEstimateAndContext( self._network_contexts ) will_override = self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp is not None override_coming_first = False if will_override: override_waiting_duration = self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp - HydrusData.GetNow() override_coming_first = override_waiting_duration < bandwidth_waiting_duration just_now_threshold = 2 if override_coming_first: waiting_duration = override_waiting_duration waiting_str = 'overriding bandwidth ' + ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( self._bandwidth_manual_override_delayed_timestamp, just_now_string = 'imminently', just_now_threshold = just_now_threshold ) else: waiting_duration = bandwidth_waiting_duration waiting_str = 'bandwidth free ' + ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( HydrusData.GetNow() + waiting_duration, just_now_string = 'imminently', just_now_threshold = just_now_threshold ) waiting_str += '\u2026 (' + bandwidth_network_context.ToHumanString() + ')' self._status_text = waiting_str if waiting_duration > 1200: self._Sleep( 30 ) elif waiting_duration > 120: self._Sleep( 10 ) elif waiting_duration > 10: self._Sleep( 1 ) return result else: self._bandwidth_tracker.ReportRequestUsed() self.engine.bandwidth_manager.ReportRequestUsed( self._network_contexts ) return True def WaitUntilDone( self ): while True: self._is_done_event.wait( 5 ) if self.IsDone(): break with self._lock: if HG.model_shutdown or HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException() elif self._error_exception is not None: if isinstance( self._error_exception, Exception ): raise self._error_exception else: raise Exception( 'Problem in network error handling.' ) elif self._IsCancelled(): if self._method == 'POST': message = 'Upload cancelled: ' + self._status_text else: message = 'Download cancelled: ' + self._status_text raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException( message ) def WillingToWaitOnInvalidLogin( self ): return self.WILLING_TO_WAIT_ON_INVALID_LOGIN class NetworkJobDownloader( NetworkJob ): def __init__( self, downloader_page_key, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): self._downloader_page_key = downloader_page_key NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url, temp_path = temp_path ) def _GenerateNetworkContexts( self ): network_contexts = NetworkJob._GenerateNetworkContexts( self ) network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOWNLOADER_PAGE, self._downloader_page_key ) ) return network_contexts class NetworkJobSubscription( NetworkJob ): WILLING_TO_WAIT_ON_INVALID_LOGIN = False def __init__( self, subscription_key, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): self._subscription_key = subscription_key NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url, temp_path = temp_path ) def _GenerateNetworkContexts( self ): network_contexts = NetworkJob._GenerateNetworkContexts( self ) network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_SUBSCRIPTION, self._subscription_key ) ) return network_contexts class NetworkJobHydrus( NetworkJob ): WILLING_TO_WAIT_ON_INVALID_LOGIN = False IS_HYDRUS_SERVICE = True def __init__( self, service_key, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): self._service_key = service_key NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url, temp_path = temp_path ) def _CheckHydrusVersion( self, service_type, response ): service_string = HC.service_string_lookup[ service_type ] headers = response.headers if 'server' not in headers or service_string not in headers[ 'server' ]: raise HydrusExceptions.WrongServiceTypeException( 'Target was not a ' + service_string + '!' ) server_header = headers[ 'server' ] ( service_string_gumpf, network_version ) = server_header.split( '/' ) network_version = int( network_version ) if network_version != HC.NETWORK_VERSION: if network_version > HC.NETWORK_VERSION: message = 'Your client is out of date; please download the latest release.' else: message = 'The server is out of date; please ask its admin to update to the latest release.' raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException( 'Network version mismatch! The server\'s network version was ' + str( network_version ) + ', whereas your client\'s is ' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION ) + '! ' + message ) def _GenerateNetworkContexts( self ): network_contexts = [] network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ) network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS, self._service_key ) ) return network_contexts def _GenerateSpecificNetworkContexts( self ): # we store cookies on and login to the same hydrus-specific context session_network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS, self._service_key ) login_network_context = session_network_context return ( session_network_context, login_network_context ) def _ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ): service = self.engine.controller.services_manager.GetService( self._service_key ) service_type = service.GetServiceType() if service_type in HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES: account = service.GetAccount() account.ReportDataUsed( num_bytes ) NetworkJob._ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ) def _SendRequestAndGetResponse( self ) -> requests.Response: service = self.engine.controller.services_manager.GetService( self._service_key ) service_type = service.GetServiceType() if service_type in HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES: account = service.GetAccount() account.ReportRequestUsed() response = NetworkJob._SendRequestAndGetResponse( self ) if response.ok and service_type in HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES: self._CheckHydrusVersion( service_type, response ) return response def IsHydrusJob( self ): with self._lock: return True class NetworkJobIPFS( NetworkJob ): IS_IPFS_SERVICE = True def __init__( self, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): method = 'POST' NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url, temp_path = temp_path ) self.OnlyTryConnectionOnce() self.OverrideBandwidth() def _GetTimeouts( self ): ( connect_timeout, read_timeout ) = NetworkJob._GetTimeouts( self ) read_timeout = max( 7200, read_timeout ) return ( connect_timeout, read_timeout ) class NetworkJobWatcherPage( NetworkJob ): def __init__( self, watcher_key, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ): self._watcher_key = watcher_key NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body = body, referral_url = referral_url, temp_path = temp_path ) def _GenerateNetworkContexts( self ): network_contexts = NetworkJob._GenerateNetworkContexts( self ) network_contexts.append( ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_WATCHER_PAGE, self._watcher_key ) ) return network_contexts