import os from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtGui as QG from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusTemp from hydrus.core import HydrusText from hydrus.client import ClientGlobals as CG from hydrus.client.exporting import ClientExportingFiles from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP # we do this because some programs like discord will disallow exports with additional custom mimetypes (like 'application/hydrus-files') # as this is only ever an internal transfer, and as the python mimedata object is preserved through the dnd, we can just tack this info on with a subclass and python variables class QMimeDataHydrusFiles( QC.QMimeData ): def __init__( self ): QC.QMimeData.__init__( self ) self._hydrus_files = None def hydrusFiles( self ): return self._hydrus_files def setHydrusFiles( self, page_key, hashes ): self._hydrus_files = ( page_key, hashes ) def DoFileExportDragDrop( window, page_key, media, alt_down ): drop_source = QG.QDrag( window ) data_object = QMimeDataHydrusFiles() # new_options = CG.client_controller.new_options do_secret_discord_dnd_fix = new_options.GetBoolean( 'secret_discord_dnd_fix' ) and alt_down # client_files_manager = CG.client_controller.client_files_manager original_paths = [] media_and_original_paths = [] total_size = 0 for m in media: hash = m.GetHash() mime = m.GetMime() total_size += m.GetSize() original_path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime, check_file_exists = False ) original_paths.append( original_path ) media_and_original_paths.append( ( m, original_path ) ) # discord_dnd_fix_possible = new_options.GetBoolean( 'discord_dnd_fix' ) and len( original_paths ) <= 50 and total_size < 200 * 1048576 # TODO: figure out regular cleaning of these DnD subfolders # ok I don't want to leave hundreds of MB of no-longer-useful files in our temp dir. we want to delete them regularly # HOWEVER, we can't do it on every DnD because what if a user is setting up a bulk upload of ten files with four separate DnDs? if the browser doesn't copy the files to its cache immediately, we'd be killing the original source # so I think we'd probably be looking at some sort of thing that regularly runs, scans the temp dir for 'DnDxxxx' folders, and deletes any with a creation date more than twelve hours or something. tricky question dnd_temp_dir = HydrusTemp.GetSubTempDir( prefix = 'DnD' ) if do_secret_discord_dnd_fix: dnd_paths = original_paths flags = QC.Qt.MoveAction elif discord_dnd_fix_possible and os.path.exists( dnd_temp_dir ): seen_export_filenames = set() fallback_filename_terms = ClientExportingFiles.ParseExportPhrase( '{hash}' ) try: filename_pattern = new_options.GetString( 'discord_dnd_filename_pattern' ) filename_terms = ClientExportingFiles.ParseExportPhrase( filename_pattern ) if len( filename_terms ) == 0: raise Exception() except: filename_terms = fallback_filename_terms dnd_paths = [] for ( i, ( m, original_path ) ) in enumerate( media_and_original_paths ): try: filename = ClientExportingFiles.GenerateExportFilename( dnd_temp_dir, m, filename_terms, i + 1, do_not_use_filenames = seen_export_filenames ) if filename == HC.mime_ext_lookup[ m.GetMime() ]: raise Exception() except: filename = ClientExportingFiles.GenerateExportFilename( dnd_temp_dir, m, fallback_filename_terms, i + 1, do_not_use_filenames = seen_export_filenames ) seen_export_filenames.add( filename ) dnd_path = os.path.join( dnd_temp_dir, filename ) HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( original_path, dnd_path ) dnd_paths.append( dnd_path ) flags = QC.Qt.MoveAction | QC.Qt.CopyAction else: dnd_paths = original_paths flags = QC.Qt.CopyAction uri_list = [] for path in dnd_paths: uri_list.append( QC.QUrl.fromLocalFile( path ) ) data_object.setUrls( uri_list ) # hashes = [ m.GetHash() for m in media ] data_object.setHydrusFiles( page_key, hashes ) # old way of doing this that makes some external programs (discord) reject it ''' if page_key is None: encoded_page_key = None else: encoded_page_key = page_key.hex() data_obj = ( encoded_page_key, [ hash.hex() for hash in hashes ] ) data_str = json.dumps( data_obj ) data_bytes = bytes( data_str, 'utf-8' ) data_object.setData( 'application/hydrus-media', data_bytes ) ''' # drop_source.setMimeData( data_object ) result = drop_source.exec_( flags, QC.Qt.CopyAction ) return result class FileDropTarget( QC.QObject ): def __init__( self, parent, filenames_callable = None, url_callable = None, media_callable = None ): QC.QObject.__init__( self, parent ) self._parent = parent if parent: parent.setAcceptDrops( True ) self._filenames_callable = filenames_callable self._url_callable = url_callable self._media_callable = media_callable def eventFilter( self, watched, event ): try: if event.type() == QC.QEvent.Drop: if self.OnDrop( event.position().toPoint().x(), event.position().toPoint().y() ): event.setDropAction( self.OnData( event.mimeData(), event.proposedAction() ) ) event.accept() elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.DragEnter: event.accept() except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException( e ) return True return False def OnData( self, mime_data, result ): media_dnd = isinstance( mime_data, QMimeDataHydrusFiles ) urls_dnd = mime_data.hasUrls() text_dnd = mime_data.hasText() if media_dnd and self._media_callable is not None: result = mime_data.hydrusFiles() if result is not None: ( page_key, hashes ) = result if page_key is not None: QP.CallAfter( self._media_callable, page_key, hashes ) # callafter so we can terminate dnd event now result = QC.Qt.MoveAction # old way of doing it that messed up discord et al ''' elif mime_data.formats().count( 'application/hydrus-media' ) and self._media_callable is not None: mview = 'application/hydrus-media' ) data_bytes = data_str = str( data_bytes, 'utf-8' ) (encoded_page_key, encoded_hashes) = json.loads( data_str ) if encoded_page_key is not None: page_key = bytes.fromhex( encoded_page_key ) hashes = [ bytes.fromhex( encoded_hash ) for encoded_hash in encoded_hashes ] QP.CallAfter( self._media_callable, page_key, hashes ) # callafter so we can terminate dnd event now result = QC.Qt.MoveAction ''' elif urls_dnd or text_dnd: paths = [] urls = [] if urls_dnd: dnd_items = mime_data.urls() for dnd_item in dnd_items: if dnd_item.isLocalFile(): paths.append( os.path.normpath( dnd_item.toLocalFile() ) ) else: urls.append( dnd_item.url() ) else: text = mime_data.text() text_lines = HydrusText.DeserialiseNewlinedTexts( text ) for text_line in text_lines: if text_line.startswith( 'http' ): urls.append( text_line ) # ignore 'paths' if self._filenames_callable is not None: if len( paths ) > 0: QP.CallAfter( self._filenames_callable, paths ) # callafter to terminate dnd event now if self._url_callable is not None: if len( urls ) > 0: for url in urls: # # data:image/png;base64,(data) # so what I prob have to do here is parse the file, decode from base64 or whatever, and then write to a fresh temp location and call self._filenames_callable # but I need to figure out a way to reproduce this on my own. Chrome is supposed to do it on image DnD, but didn't for me if url.startswith( 'data:' ) or len( url ) > 8 * 1024: HydrusData.ShowText( 'This drag and drop was in the unsupported \'Data URL\' format. hydev would like to know more about this so he can fix it.' ) continue QP.CallAfter( self._url_callable, url ) # callafter to terminate dnd event now result = QC.Qt.IgnoreAction else: result = QC.Qt.IgnoreAction return result def OnDrop( self, x, y ): screen_position = ClientGUIFunctions.ClientToScreen( self._parent, QC.QPoint( x, y ) ) drop_tlw = QW.QApplication.topLevelAt( screen_position ) my_tlw = self._parent.window() if drop_tlw == my_tlw: return True else: return False # setting OnDragOver to return copy gives Linux trouble with page tab drops with shift held down