@ECHO off pushd "%~dp0" where /q python IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( SET /P gumpf=You do not seem to have python installed. Please check the 'running from source' help. popd EXIT /B 1 ) IF EXIST "venv\" ( SET /P ready=Virtual environment will be reinstalled. Hit Enter to start. echo Deleting old venv... rmdir /s /q venv ) ELSE ( SET /P ready=If you do not know what this is, check the 'running from source' help. Hit Enter to start. ) :questions ECHO: ECHO Users on older Windows need the advanced install. ECHO: ECHO Your Python version is: python --version ECHO: SET /P install_type=Do you want the (s)imple or (a)dvanced install? IF "%install_type%" == "s" goto :create IF "%install_type%" == "a" goto :question_qt IF "%install_type%" == "d" goto :create goto :parse_fail :question_qt ECHO: ECHO Qt is the User Interface library. We are now on Qt6. ECHO If you are on Windows ^<=8.1, choose 5. If 6 gives you trouble, fall back to o. SET /P qt=Do you want Qt(5), Qt(6), Qt6 (o)lder, or (t)est? IF "%qt%" == "5" goto :question_mpv IF "%qt%" == "6" goto :question_mpv IF "%qt%" == "o" goto :question_mpv IF "%qt%" == "t" goto :question_mpv goto :parse_fail :question_mpv ECHO: ECHO mpv is the main way to play audio and video. We need to tell hydrus how to talk to your mpv dll. ECHO Try the n first. If it doesn't work, fall back to o. SET /P mpv=Do you want (o)ld mpv or (n)ew mpv? IF "%mpv%" == "o" goto :question_opencv IF "%mpv%" == "n" goto :question_opencv goto :parse_fail :question_opencv ECHO: ECHO OpenCV is the main image processing library. ECHO Try the n first. If it doesn't work, fall back to o. Very new python versions might need t. SET /P opencv=Do you want (o)ld OpenCV, (n)ew OpenCV, or (t)est OpenCV? IF "%opencv%" == "o" goto :create IF "%opencv%" == "n" goto :create IF "%opencv%" == "t" goto :create goto :parse_fail :create echo Creating new venv... python -m venv venv CALL venv\Scripts\activate.bat IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( SET /P gumpf=The venv failed to activate, stopping now! popd EXIT /B 1 ) python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade wheel IF "%install_type%" == "s" ( python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ) IF "%install_type%" == "d" ( python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_core.txt python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_windows.txt python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_qt6_test.txt python -m pip install pyside2 python -m pip install PyQtChart PyQt5 python -m pip install PyQt6-Charts PyQt6 python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_mpv_new.txt python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_opencv_test.txt python -m pip install -r static\requirements\hydev\requirements_windows_build.txt ) IF "%install_type%" == "a" ( python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_core.txt python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_windows.txt IF "%qt%" == "5" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_qt5.txt IF "%qt%" == "6" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_qt6.txt IF "%qt%" == "o" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_qt6_older.txt IF "%qt%" == "t" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_qt6_test.txt IF "%mpv%" == "o" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_mpv_old.txt IF "%mpv%" == "n" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_mpv_new.txt IF "%opencv%" == "o" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_opencv_old.txt IF "%opencv%" == "n" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_opencv_new.txt IF "%opencv%" == "t" python -m pip install -r static\requirements\advanced\requirements_opencv_test.txt ) CALL venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat SET /P done=Done! popd EXIT /B 0 :parse_fail SET /P done=Sorry, did not understand that input! popd EXIT /B 1