import collections import itertools import typing from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core.files.images import HydrusImageHandling from hydrus.client import ClientApplicationCommand as CAC from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientGlobals as CG from hydrus.client import ClientLocation from hydrus.client import ClientPaths from import ClientMedia from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientContentUpdates from import ClientSearch def GetLocalMediaPaths( medias: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.Media ] ): medias = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( medias ) client_files_manager = CG.client_controller.client_files_manager paths = [] for media in medias: if not media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): continue hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime, check_file_exists = False ) paths.append( path ) return paths def CopyFilesToClipboard( medias: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.Media ] ): paths = GetLocalMediaPaths( medias ) if len( paths ) > 0: 'clipboard', 'paths', paths ) def CopyFileIdsToClipboard( medias: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.Media ] ): flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( medias ) ids = [ media.GetMediaResult().GetHashId() for media in flat_media ] if len( ids ) > 0: text = '\n'.join( ( str( id ) for id in ids ) ) 'clipboard', 'text', text ) def CopyFilePathsToClipboard( medias: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.Media ] ): paths = GetLocalMediaPaths( medias ) if len( paths ) > 0: text = '\n'.join( paths ) 'clipboard', 'text', text ) def CopyMediaBitmap( media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, bitmap_type: int ): if bitmap_type == CAC.BITMAP_TYPE_THUMBNAIL: if media.GetMime() not in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: return 'clipboard', 'thumbnail_bmp', media ) else: if not media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): return copied = False if media.IsStaticImage(): ( width, height ) = media.GetResolution() if width is not None and height is not None: if bitmap_type == CAC.BITMAP_TYPE_SOURCE_LOOKUPS and ( width > 1024 or height > 1024 ): target_resolution = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolution( media.GetResolution(), ( 1024, 1024 ), HydrusImageHandling.THUMBNAIL_SCALE_TO_FIT, 100 ) 'clipboard', 'bmp', ( media, target_resolution ) ) else: 'clipboard', 'bmp', ( media, None ) ) copied = True if bitmap_type == CAC.BITMAP_TYPE_FULL_OR_FILE and not copied: CopyFilesToClipboard( [ media ] ) def CopyMediaURLs( medias ): urls = set() for media in medias: media_urls = media.GetLocationsManager().GetURLs() urls.update( media_urls ) urls = sorted( urls ) urls_string = '\n'.join( urls ) 'clipboard', 'text', urls_string ) def CopyMediaURLClassURLs( medias, url_class ): urls = set() for media in medias: media_urls = media.GetLocationsManager().GetURLs() for url in media_urls: # can't do 'url_class.matches', as it will match too many if CG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLClass( url ) == url_class: urls.add( url ) urls = sorted( urls ) urls_string = '\n'.join( urls ) 'clipboard', 'text', urls_string ) def CopyServiceFilenamesToClipboard( service_key: bytes, medias: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.Media ] ): flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( medias ) flat_media = [ m for m in flat_media if service_key in m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() ] if len( flat_media ) == 0: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find any files with the requested service!' ) return prefix = '' service = CG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key ) if service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS: prefix = service.GetMultihashPrefix() filenames_or_none = [ media.GetLocationsManager().GetServiceFilename( service_key ) for media in flat_media ] filenames = [ f for f in filenames_or_none if f is not None ] lines = [ prefix + filename for filename in filenames ] if len( lines ) > 0: text = '\n'.join( lines ) 'clipboard', 'text', text ) else: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find any service filenames for that selection!' ) def GetLocalFileActionServiceKeys( media: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ): local_media_file_service_keys = set( CG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) ) ) local_duplicable_to_file_service_keys = set() local_moveable_from_and_to_file_service_keys = set() for m in media: locations_manager = m.GetLocationsManager() current = locations_manager.GetCurrent() if locations_manager.IsLocal(): can_send_to = local_media_file_service_keys.difference( current ) can_send_from = local_media_file_service_keys.intersection( current ) if len( can_send_to ) > 0: local_duplicable_to_file_service_keys.update( can_send_to ) if len( can_send_from ) > 0: # can_send_from does not include trash. we won't say 'move from trash to blah' since that's a little complex. we'll just say 'add to blah' in that case I think local_moveable_from_and_to_file_service_keys.update( list( itertools.product( can_send_from, can_send_to ) ) ) return ( local_duplicable_to_file_service_keys, local_moveable_from_and_to_file_service_keys ) def OpenExternally( media: typing.Optional[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ) -> bool: if media is None: return False if not media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): return False hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() path = CG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) launch_path = CG.client_controller.new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime ) HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path ) return True def OpenFileLocation( media: typing.Optional[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ) -> bool: if media is None: return False if not media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): return False hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() path = CG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) HydrusPaths.OpenFileLocation( path ) return True def OpenInWebBrowser( media: typing.Optional[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ) -> bool: if media is None: return False if not media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): return False hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() path = CG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) ClientPaths.LaunchPathInWebBrowser( path ) return True def ShowDuplicatesInNewPage( location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, hash, duplicate_type ): # TODO: this can be replaced by a call to the MediaResult when it holds these hashes # don't forget to return itself in position 0! hashes = CG.client_controller.Read( 'file_duplicate_hashes', location_context, hash, duplicate_type ) if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 1: 'new_page_query', location_context, initial_hashes = hashes ) else: location_context = ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) hashes = CG.client_controller.Read( 'file_duplicate_hashes', location_context, hash, duplicate_type ) if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 1: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find the members of this group in this location, so searched all known files and found more.' ) 'new_page_query', location_context, initial_hashes = hashes ) else: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Sorry, could not find the members of this group either at the given location or in all known files. There may be a problem here, so let hydev know.' ) def ShowFilesInNewDuplicatesFilterPage( hashes: typing.Collection[ bytes ], location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext ): activate_window = CG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'activate_window_on_tag_search_page_activation' ) predicates = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_HASH, value = ( tuple( hashes ), 'sha256' ) ) ] page_name = 'duplicates' 'new_page_duplicates', location_context, initial_predicates = predicates, page_name = page_name, activate_window = activate_window ) def ShowFilesInNewPage( hashes: typing.Collection[ bytes ], location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_sort = None, media_collect = None ): 'new_page_query', location_context, initial_hashes = hashes, initial_sort = media_sort, initial_collect = media_collect ) def ShowSimilarFilesInNewPage( media: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ], location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, max_hamming: int ): hashes = set() for m in media: if m.GetMime() in HC.FILES_THAT_HAVE_PERCEPTUAL_HASH: hashes.add( m.GetHash() ) if len( hashes ) > 0: initial_predicates = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_SIMILAR_TO_FILES, ( tuple( hashes ), max_hamming ) ) ] 'new_page_query', location_context, initial_predicates = initial_predicates ) def UndeleteFiles( hashes ): local_file_service_keys = CG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) ) for chunk_of_hashes in HydrusData.SplitIteratorIntoChunks( hashes, 64 ): media_results = CG.client_controller.Read( 'media_results', chunk_of_hashes ) service_keys_to_hashes = collections.defaultdict( list ) for media_result in media_results: locations_manager = media_result.GetLocationsManager() if CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY not in locations_manager.GetCurrent(): continue hash = media_result.GetHash() for service_key in locations_manager.GetDeleted().intersection( local_file_service_keys ): service_keys_to_hashes[ service_key ].append( hash ) for ( service_key, service_hashes ) in service_keys_to_hashes.items(): content_update = ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_UNDELETE, service_hashes ) content_update_package = ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdatePackage.STATICCreateFromContentUpdate( service_key, content_update ) CG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', content_update_package )