import os from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusLists from hydrus.core import HydrusTagArchive from hydrus.core import HydrusTime from hydrus.client import ClientThreading from hydrus.client import ClientLocation from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientContentUpdates pair_types_to_content_types = {} pair_types_to_content_types[ HydrusTagArchive.TAG_PAIR_TYPE_PARENTS ] = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS pair_types_to_content_types[ HydrusTagArchive.TAG_PAIR_TYPE_SIBLINGS ] = HC.CONTENT_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS content_types_to_pair_types = {} content_types_to_pair_types[ HC.CONTENT_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ] = HydrusTagArchive.TAG_PAIR_TYPE_PARENTS content_types_to_pair_types[ HC.CONTENT_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS ] = HydrusTagArchive.TAG_PAIR_TYPE_SIBLINGS def GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ): if num_done == 0: rows_s = 0 else: time_taken = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() - time_started_precise rows_s = int( num_done / time_taken ) return '{} rows/s'.format( rows_s ) class MigrationDestination( object ): def __init__( self, controller, name ): self._controller = controller self._name = name def GetName( self ): return self._name def CleanUp( self ): pass def DoSomeWork( self, source ): raise NotImplementedError() def Prepare( self ): pass class MigrationDestinationHTA( MigrationDestination ): def __init__( self, controller, path, desired_hash_type ): name = os.path.basename( path ) MigrationDestination.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._path = path self._desired_hash_type = desired_hash_type self._time_started = 0 self._hta = None def CleanUp( self ): self._hta.CommitBigJob() if HydrusTime.TimeHasPassed( self._time_started + 120 ): self._hta.Optimise() self._hta.Close() self._hta = None def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() num_done = 0 data = source.GetSomeData() for ( hash, tags ) in data: self._hta.AddMappings( hash, tags ) num_done += len( tags ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) def Prepare( self ): self._time_started = HydrusTime.GetNow() self._hta = HydrusTagArchive.HydrusTagArchive( self._path ) hta_hash_type = HydrusTagArchive.hash_str_to_type_lookup[ self._desired_hash_type ] self._hta.SetHashType( hta_hash_type ) self._hta.BeginBigJob() class MigrationDestinationHTPA( MigrationDestination ): def __init__( self, controller, path, content_type ): name = os.path.basename( path ) MigrationDestination.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._path = path self._content_type = content_type self._time_started = 0 self._htpa = None def CleanUp( self ): self._htpa.CommitBigJob() if HydrusTime.TimeHasPassed( self._time_started + 120 ): self._htpa.Optimise() self._htpa.Close() self._htpa = None def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() data = source.GetSomeData() self._htpa.AddPairs( data ) num_done = len( data ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) def Prepare( self ): self._time_started = HydrusTime.GetNow() self._htpa = HydrusTagArchive.HydrusTagPairArchive( self._path ) pair_type = content_types_to_pair_types[ self._content_type ] self._htpa.SetPairType( pair_type ) self._htpa.BeginBigJob() class MigrationDestinationList( MigrationDestination ): def __init__( self, controller ): name = 'simple list destination' MigrationDestination.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._data_received = [] self._time_started = 0 def DoSomeWork( self, source ): raise NotImplementedError() def GetDataReceived( self ): return self._data_received class MigrationDestinationListMappings( MigrationDestinationList ): def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() num_done = 0 data = source.GetSomeData() for ( hash, tags ) in data: self._data_received.append( ( hash, tags ) ) num_done += len( tags ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) class MigrationDestinationListPairs( MigrationDestinationList ): def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() data = source.GetSomeData() self._data_received.extend( data ) num_done = len( data ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) class MigrationDestinationTagService( MigrationDestination ): def __init__( self, controller, tag_service_key, content_action ): name = controller.services_manager.GetName( tag_service_key ) MigrationDestination.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._tag_service_key = tag_service_key service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( tag_service_key ) self._tag_service_type = service.GetServiceType() self._content_action = content_action def DoSomeWork( self, source ): raise NotImplementedError() class MigrationDestinationTagServiceMappings( MigrationDestinationTagService ): def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() data = source.GetSomeData() content_updates = [] pairs = [] for ( hash, tags ) in data: pairs.extend( ( ( tag, hash ) for tag in tags ) ) num_done = len( pairs ) tags_to_hashes = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( pairs ) if self._content_action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: reason = 'Mass Migration Job' else: reason = None for ( tag, hashes ) in tags_to_hashes.items(): content_updates.append( ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, self._content_action, ( tag, hashes ), reason = reason ) ) content_update_package = ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdatePackage.STATICCreateFromContentUpdates( self._tag_service_key, content_updates ) self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', content_update_package ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) class MigrationDestinationTagServicePairs( MigrationDestinationTagService ): def __init__( self, controller, tag_service_key, content_action, content_type ): MigrationDestinationTagService.__init__( self, controller, tag_service_key, content_action ) self._content_type = content_type def DoSomeWork( self, source ): time_started_precise = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() data = source.GetSomeData() content_updates = [] if self._content_action in ( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND ): reason = 'Mass Migration Job' else: reason = None content_updates = [ ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdate( self._content_type, self._content_action, tag_pair, reason = reason ) for tag_pair in data ] content_update_package = ClientContentUpdates.ContentUpdatePackage.STATICCreateFromContentUpdates( self._tag_service_key, content_updates ) self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', content_update_package ) num_done = len( data ) return GetBasicSpeedStatement( num_done, time_started_precise ) class MigrationJob( object ): def __init__( self, controller, title, source, destination ): self._controller = controller self._title = title self._source = source self._destination = destination def Run( self ): job_status = ClientThreading.JobStatus( pausable = True, cancellable = True ) job_status.SetStatusTitle( self._title ) 'message', job_status ) job_status.SetStatusText( 'preparing source' ) self._source.Prepare() job_status.SetStatusText( 'preparing destination' ) self._destination.Prepare() job_status.SetStatusText( 'beginning work' ) try: while self._source.StillWorkToDo(): progress_statement = self._destination.DoSomeWork( self._source ) job_status.SetStatusText( progress_statement ) job_status.WaitIfNeeded() if job_status.IsCancelled(): break finally: job_status.SetStatusText( 'done, cleaning up source' ) self._source.CleanUp() job_status.SetStatusText( 'done, cleaning up destination' ) self._destination.CleanUp() job_status.SetStatusText( 'done!' ) job_status.FinishAndDismiss( 3 ) class MigrationSource( object ): def __init__( self, controller, name ): self._controller = controller self._name = name self._work_to_do = True def GetName( self ): return self._name def GetSomeData( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def CleanUp( self ): pass def Prepare( self ): pass def StillWorkToDo( self ): return self._work_to_do class MigrationSourceHTA( MigrationSource ): def __init__( self, controller, path, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, desired_hash_type, hashes, tag_filter ): name = os.path.basename( path ) MigrationSource.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._path = path self._location_context = location_context self._desired_hash_type = desired_hash_type self._hashes = hashes self._tag_filter = tag_filter self._hta = None self._source_hash_type = None self._iterator = None def _ConvertHashes( self, source_hash_type, desired_hash_type, data ): if source_hash_type != desired_hash_type: fixed_data = [] for ( hash, tags ) in data: source_to_desired = self._controller.Read( 'file_hashes', ( hash, ), source_hash_type, desired_hash_type ) if len( source_to_desired ) == 0: continue desired_hash = list( source_to_desired.values() )[0] fixed_data.append( ( desired_hash, tags ) ) data = fixed_data return data def _FilterSHA256Hashes( self, data ): if self._hashes is not None: data = [ ( hash, tags ) for ( hash, tags ) in data if hash in self._hashes ] if not self._location_context.IsAllKnownFiles(): filtered_data = [] all_hashes = [ hash for ( hash, tags ) in data ] hashes_to_media_results = { media_result.GetHash() : media_result for media_result in self._controller.Read( 'media_results', all_hashes ) } for ( hash, tags ) in data: if hash in hashes_to_media_results: media_result = hashes_to_media_results[ hash ] if not media_result.GetLocationsManager().IsInLocationContext( self._location_context ): continue filtered_data.append( ( hash, tags ) ) data = filtered_data return data def _SHA256FilteringNeeded( self ): return self._hashes is not None or not self._location_context.IsAllKnownFiles() def CleanUp( self ): self._hta.CommitBigJob() self._hta.Close() self._hta = None self._iterator = None def GetSomeData( self ): data = HydrusLists.PullNFromIterator( self._iterator, 256 ) if len( data ) == 0: self._work_to_do = False return data if not self._tag_filter.AllowsEverything(): filtered_data = [] for ( hash, tags ) in data: tags = self._tag_filter.Filter( tags ) if len( tags ) > 0: filtered_data.append( ( hash, tags ) ) data = filtered_data if self._SHA256FilteringNeeded(): if self._source_hash_type == 'sha256': data = self._FilterSHA256Hashes( data ) data = self._ConvertHashes( self._source_hash_type, self._desired_hash_type, data ) elif self._desired_hash_type == 'sha256': data = self._ConvertHashes( self._source_hash_type, self._desired_hash_type, data ) data = self._FilterSHA256Hashes( data ) else: data = self._ConvertHashes( self._source_hash_type, 'sha256', data ) data = self._FilterSHA256Hashes( data ) data = self._ConvertHashes( 'sha256', self._desired_hash_type, data ) else: data = self._ConvertHashes( self._source_hash_type, self._desired_hash_type, data ) return data def Prepare( self ): self._hta = HydrusTagArchive.HydrusTagArchive( self._path ) self._hta.BeginBigJob() self._source_hash_type = HydrusTagArchive.hash_type_to_str_lookup[ self._hta.GetHashType() ] self._iterator = self._hta.IterateMappings() class MigrationSourceHTPA( MigrationSource ): def __init__( self, controller, path, left_tag_filter, right_tag_filter ): name = os.path.basename( path ) MigrationSource.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._path = path self._left_tag_filter = left_tag_filter self._right_tag_filter = right_tag_filter self._htpa = None self._iterator = None def CleanUp( self ): self._htpa.CommitBigJob() self._htpa.Close() self._htpa = None self._iterator = None def GetSomeData( self ): data = HydrusLists.PullNFromIterator( self._iterator, 256 ) if len( data ) == 0: self._work_to_do = False return data if not ( self._left_tag_filter.AllowsEverything() and self._right_tag_filter.AllowsEverything() ): data = [ ( left_tag, right_tag ) for ( left_tag, right_tag ) in data if self._left_tag_filter.TagOK( left_tag ) and self._right_tag_filter.TagOK( right_tag ) ] return data def Prepare( self ): self._htpa = HydrusTagArchive.HydrusTagPairArchive( self._path ) self._htpa.BeginBigJob() self._iterator = self._htpa.IteratePairs() class MigrationSourceList( MigrationSource ): def __init__( self, controller, data ): name = 'simple list source' MigrationSource.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._data = data self._iterator = None def GetSomeData( self ): some_data = HydrusLists.PullNFromIterator( self._iterator, 5 ) if len( some_data ) == 0: self._work_to_do = False return some_data def Prepare( self ): self._iterator = iter( self._data ) class MigrationSourceTagServiceMappings( MigrationSource ): def __init__( self, controller, tag_service_key, location_context, desired_hash_type, hashes, tag_filter, content_statuses ): name = controller.services_manager.GetName( tag_service_key ) MigrationSource.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._location_context = location_context self._tag_service_key = tag_service_key self._desired_hash_type = desired_hash_type self._hashes = hashes self._tag_filter = tag_filter self._content_statuses = content_statuses self._database_temp_job_name = 'migrate_{}'.format( os.urandom( 16 ).hex() ) def CleanUp( self ): self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'migration_clear_job', self._database_temp_job_name ) def GetSomeData( self ): data = self._controller.Read( 'migration_get_mappings', self._database_temp_job_name, self._location_context, self._tag_service_key, self._desired_hash_type, self._tag_filter, self._content_statuses ) if len( data ) == 0: self._work_to_do = False return data def Prepare( self ): # later can spread this out into bunch of small jobs, a start and a continue, based on tag filter subsets self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'migration_start_mappings_job', self._database_temp_job_name, self._location_context, self._tag_service_key, self._hashes, self._content_statuses ) class MigrationSourceTagServicePairs( MigrationSource ): def __init__( self, controller, tag_service_key, content_type, left_tag_filter, right_tag_filter, content_statuses ): name = controller.services_manager.GetName( tag_service_key ) MigrationSource.__init__( self, controller, name ) self._tag_service_key = tag_service_key self._content_type = content_type self._left_tag_filter = left_tag_filter self._right_tag_filter = right_tag_filter self._content_statuses = content_statuses self._database_temp_job_name = 'migrate_{}'.format( os.urandom( 16 ).hex() ) def CleanUp( self ): self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'migration_clear_job', self._database_temp_job_name ) def GetSomeData( self ): data = self._controller.Read( 'migration_get_pairs', self._database_temp_job_name, self._left_tag_filter, self._right_tag_filter ) if len( data ) == 0: self._work_to_do = False return data def Prepare( self ): self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'migration_start_pairs_job', self._database_temp_job_name, self._tag_service_key, self._content_type, self._content_statuses )