import bs4 import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals import locale import os import sqlite3 import sys import threading import time import traceback import yaml import wx import itertools def default_dict_list(): return collections.defaultdict( list ) def default_dict_set(): return collections.defaultdict( set ) def BuildKeyToListDict( pairs ): d = collections.defaultdict( list ) for ( key, value ) in pairs: d[ key ].append( value ) return d def BuildKeyToSetDict( pairs ): d = collections.defaultdict( set ) for ( key, value ) in pairs: d[ key ].add( value ) return d def CalculateScoreFromRating( count, rating ): # count = float( count ) positive = count * rating negative = count * ( 1.0 - rating ) # positive + negative = count # I think I've parsed this correctly from the website! Not sure though! score = ( ( positive + 1.9208 ) / count - 1.96 * ( ( ( positive * negative ) / count + 0.9604 ) ** 0.5 ) / count ) / ( 1 + 3.8416 / count ) return score def ConvertIntToBytes( size ): if size is None: return 'unknown size' suffixes = ( '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P' ) suffix_index = 0 size = float( size ) while size > 1024.0: size = size / 1024.0 suffix_index += 1 if size < 10.0: return '%.1f' % size + suffixes[ suffix_index ] + 'B' return '%.0f' % size + suffixes[ suffix_index ] + 'B' def ConvertIntToPixels( i ): if i == 1: return 'pixels' elif i == 1000: return 'kilopixels' elif i == 1000000: return 'megapixels' def ConvertIntToPrettyString( num ): return ToString( locale.format( "%d", num, grouping = True ) ) def ConvertMillisecondsToPrettyTime( ms ): hours = ms / 3600000 if hours == 1: hours_result = '1 hour' else: hours_result = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' ms = ms % 3600000 minutes = ms / 60000 if minutes == 1: minutes_result = '1 minute' else: minutes_result = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' ms = ms % 60000 seconds = ms / 1000 if seconds == 1: seconds_result = '1 second' else: seconds_result = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' detailed_seconds = float( ms ) / 1000.0 if detailed_seconds == 1.0: detailed_seconds_result = '1.0 seconds' else:detailed_seconds_result = '%.1f' % detailed_seconds + ' seconds' ms = ms % 1000 if ms == 1: milliseconds_result = '1 millisecond' else: milliseconds_result = ToString( ms ) + ' milliseconds' if hours > 0: return hours_result + ' ' + minutes_result if minutes > 0: return minutes_result + ' ' + seconds_result if seconds > 0: return detailed_seconds_result return milliseconds_result def ConvertNumericalRatingToPrettyString( lower, upper, rating, rounded_result = False, out_of = True ): rating_converted = ( rating * ( upper - lower ) ) + lower if rounded_result: s = ToString( '%.2f' % round( rating_converted ) ) else: s = ToString( '%.2f' % rating_converted ) if out_of: if lower in ( 0, 1 ): s += '/' + ToString( '%.2f' % upper ) return s def ConvertPixelsToInteger( unit ): if unit == 'pixels': return 1 elif unit == 'kilopixels': return 1000 elif unit == 'megapixels': return 1000000 def ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( portable_path ): if portable_path is None: return None if os.path.isabs( portable_path ): abs_path = portable_path else: abs_path = os.path.normpath( HC.BASE_DIR + os.path.sep + portable_path ) if os.path.exists( abs_path ): return abs_path else: return None def ConvertPrettyStringsToUglyNamespaces( pretty_strings ): result = { s for s in pretty_strings if s != 'no namespace' } if 'no namespace' in pretty_strings: result.add( '' ) return result def ConvertServiceKeysToContentUpdatesToPrettyString( service_keys_to_content_updates ): num_files = 0 actions = set() locations = set() extra_words = '' for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items(): if len( content_updates ) > 0: name = wx.GetApp().GetManager( 'services' ).GetService( service_key ).GetName() locations.add( name ) for content_update in content_updates: ( data_type, action, row ) = content_update.ToTuple() if data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: extra_words = ' tags for' actions.add( HC.content_update_string_lookup[ action ] ) num_files += len( content_update.GetHashes() ) s = ', '.join( locations ) + '->' + ', '.join( actions ) + extra_words + ' ' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_files ) + ' files' return s def ConvertShortcutToPrettyShortcut( modifier, key, action ): if modifier == wx.ACCEL_NORMAL: modifier = '' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_ALT: modifier = 'alt' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_CTRL: modifier = 'ctrl' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_SHIFT: modifier = 'shift' if key in range( 65, 91 ): key = chr( key + 32 ) # + 32 for converting ascii A -> a elif key in range( 97, 123 ): key = chr( key ) else: key = HC.wxk_code_string_lookup[ key ] return ( modifier, key, action ) def ConvertStatusToPrefix( status ): if status == HC.CURRENT: return '' elif status == HC.PENDING: return '(+) ' elif status == HC.PETITIONED: return '(-) ' elif status == HC.DELETED: return '(X) ' elif status == HC.DELETED_PENDING: return '(X+) ' def ConvertTimestampToPrettyAge( timestamp ): if timestamp == 0 or timestamp is None: return 'unknown age' age = GetNow() - timestamp seconds = age % 60 if seconds == 1: s = '1 second' else: s = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' age = age / 60 minutes = age % 60 if minutes == 1: m = '1 minute' else: m = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' age = age / 60 hours = age % 24 if hours == 1: h = '1 hour' else: h = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' age = age / 24 days = age % 30 if days == 1: d = '1 day' else: d = ToString( days ) + ' days' age = age / 30 months = age % 12 if months == 1: mo = '1 month' else: mo = ToString( months ) + ' months' years = age / 12 if years == 1: y = '1 year' else: y = ToString( years ) + ' years' if years > 0: return ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) + ' old' elif months > 0: return ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) + ' old' elif days > 0: return ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) + ' old' elif hours > 0: return ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) + ' old' else: return ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) + ' old' def ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo( timestamp ): if timestamp is None or timestamp == 0: return 'unknown time' age = GetNow() - timestamp seconds = age % 60 if seconds == 1: s = '1 second' else: s = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' age = age / 60 minutes = age % 60 if minutes == 1: m = '1 minute' else: m = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' age = age / 60 hours = age % 24 if hours == 1: h = '1 hour' else: h = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' age = age / 24 days = age % 30 if days == 1: d = '1 day' else: d = ToString( days ) + ' days' age = age / 30 months = age % 12 if months == 1: mo = '1 month' else: mo = ToString( months ) + ' months' years = age / 12 if years == 1: y = '1 year' else: y = ToString( years ) + ' years' if years > 0: return ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) + ' ago' elif months > 0: return ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) + ' ago' elif days > 0: return ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) + ' ago' elif hours > 0: return ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) + ' ago' else: return ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) + ' ago' def ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( timestamp ): if timestamp is None: return 'does not expire' if timestamp == 0: return 'unknown expiration' expires = GetNow() - timestamp if expires >= 0: already_happend = True else: expires *= -1 already_happend = False seconds = expires % 60 if seconds == 1: s = '1 second' else: s = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' expires = expires / 60 minutes = expires % 60 if minutes == 1: m = '1 minute' else: m = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' expires = expires / 60 hours = expires % 24 if hours == 1: h = '1 hour' else: h = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' expires = expires / 24 days = expires % 30 if days == 1: d = '1 day' else: d = ToString( days ) + ' days' expires = expires / 30 months = expires % 12 if months == 1: mo = '1 month' else: mo = ToString( months ) + ' months' years = expires / 12 if years == 1: y = '1 year' else: y = ToString( years ) + ' years' if already_happend: if years > 0: return 'expired ' + ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) + ' ago' elif months > 0: return 'expired ' + ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) + ' ago' elif days > 0: return 'expired ' + ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) + ' ago' elif hours > 0: return 'expired ' + ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) + ' ago' else: return 'expired ' + ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) + ' ago' else: if years > 0: return 'expires in ' + ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) elif months > 0: return 'expires in ' + ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) elif days > 0: return 'expires in ' + ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) elif hours > 0: return 'expires in ' + ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) else: return 'expires in ' + ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) def ConvertTimestampToPrettyPending( timestamp ): if timestamp is None: return '' if timestamp == 0: return 'imminent' pending = GetNow() - timestamp if pending >= 0: return 'imminent' else: pending *= -1 seconds = pending % 60 if seconds == 1: s = '1 second' else: s = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' pending = pending / 60 minutes = pending % 60 if minutes == 1: m = '1 minute' else: m = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' pending = pending / 60 hours = pending % 24 if hours == 1: h = '1 hour' else: h = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' pending = pending / 24 days = pending % 30 if days == 1: d = '1 day' else: d = ToString( days ) + ' days' pending = pending / 30 months = pending % 12 if months == 1: mo = '1 month' else: mo = ToString( months ) + ' months' years = pending / 12 if years == 1: y = '1 year' else: y = ToString( years ) + ' years' if years > 0: return 'in ' + ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) elif months > 0: return 'in ' + ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) elif days > 0: return 'in ' + ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) elif hours > 0: return 'in ' + ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) else: return 'in ' + ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) def ConvertTimestampToPrettySync( timestamp ): if timestamp is None or timestamp == 0: return 'not updated' age = GetNow() - timestamp seconds = age % 60 if seconds == 1: s = '1 second' else: s = ToString( seconds ) + ' seconds' age = age / 60 minutes = age % 60 if minutes == 1: m = '1 minute' else: m = ToString( minutes ) + ' minutes' age = age / 60 hours = age % 24 if hours == 1: h = '1 hour' else: h = ToString( hours ) + ' hours' age = age / 24 days = age % 30 if days == 1: d = '1 day' else: d = ToString( days ) + ' days' age = age / 30 months = age % 12 if months == 1: mo = '1 month' else: mo = ToString( months ) + ' months' years = age / 12 if years == 1: y = '1 year' else: y = ToString( years ) + ' years' if years > 0: return ' '.join( ( y, mo ) ) + ' ago' elif months > 0: return ' '.join( ( mo, d ) ) + ' ago' elif days > 0: return ' '.join( ( d, h ) ) + ' ago' elif hours > 0: return ' '.join( ( h, m ) ) + ' ago' else: return ' '.join( ( m, s ) ) + ' ago' def ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp ): return time.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime( timestamp ) ) def ConvertTimestampToHumanPrettyTime( timestamp ): now = GetNow() difference = now - timestamp if difference < 60: return 'just now' elif difference < 86400 * 7: return ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo( timestamp ) else: return ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp ) def ConvertTimeToPrettyTime( secs ): return time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( secs ) ) def ConvertUglyNamespacesToPrettyStrings( namespaces ): result = [ namespace for namespace in namespaces if namespace != '' and namespace is not None ] result.sort() if '' in namespaces or None in namespaces: result.insert( 0, 'no namespace' ) return result def ConvertUnitToInteger( unit ): if unit == 'B': return 1 elif unit == 'KB': return 1024 elif unit == 'MB': return 1048576 elif unit == 'GB': return 1073741824 def ConvertUnitToString( unit ): if unit == 8: return 'B' elif unit == 1024: return 'KB' elif unit == 1048576: return 'MB' elif unit == 1073741824: return 'GB' def ConvertZoomToPercentage( zoom ): zoom = zoom * 100.0 pretty_zoom = '%.0f' % zoom + '%' return pretty_zoom def DebugPrint( debug_info ): print( debug_info ) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def GetEmptyDataDict(): data = collections.defaultdict( default_dict_list ) return data def GetHammingDistance( phash1, phash2 ): distance = 0 phash1 = bytearray( phash1 ) phash2 = bytearray( phash2 ) for i in range( len( phash1 ) ): xor = phash1[i] ^ phash2[i] while xor > 0: distance += 1 xor &= xor - 1 return distance def GetNow(): return int( time.time() ) def GetNowPrecise(): if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: return time.clock() else: return time.time() def IntelligentMassIntersect( sets_to_reduce ): answer = None sets_to_reduce = list( sets_to_reduce ) sets_to_reduce.sort( cmp = lambda x, y: cmp( len( x ), len( y ) ) ) for set_to_reduce in sets_to_reduce: if len( set_to_reduce ) == 0: return set() if answer is None: answer = set( set_to_reduce ) else: # same thing as union; I could go &= here, but I want to be quick, so use the function call if len( answer ) == 0: return set() else: answer.intersection_update( set_to_reduce ) if answer is None: return set() else: return answer def MergeKeyToListDicts( key_to_list_dicts ): result = collections.defaultdict( list ) for key_to_list_dict in key_to_list_dicts: for ( key, value ) in key_to_list_dict.items(): result[ key ].extend( value ) return result def ShowExceptionDefault( e ): etype = type( e ) value = ToString( e ) trace_list = traceback.format_stack() trace = ''.join( trace_list ) message = ToString( etype.__name__ ) + ': ' + ToString( value ) + os.linesep + ToString( trace ) try: print( message ) except: print( repr( message ) ) ShowException = ShowExceptionDefault def ShowTextDefault( text ): print( text ) ShowText = ShowTextDefault def SplayListForDB( xs ): return '(' + ','.join( ( '"' + ToString( x ) + '"' for x in xs ) ) + ')' def SplayTupleListForDB( first_column_name, second_column_name, xys ): return ' OR '.join( [ '( ' + first_column_name + '=' + ToString( x ) + ' AND ' + second_column_name + ' IN ' + SplayListForDB( ys ) + ' )' for ( x, ys ) in xys ] ) def SplitListIntoChunks( xs, n ): for i in xrange( 0, len( xs ), n ): yield xs[ i : i + n ] def ToBytes( text_producing_object ): if type( text_producing_object ) == unicode: return text_producing_object.encode( 'utf-8' ) else: return str( text_producing_object ) def ToString( text_producing_object ): if type( text_producing_object ) in ( str, unicode, bs4.element.NavigableString ): text = text_producing_object else: try: text = str( text_producing_object ) # dealing with exceptions, etc... except: text = repr( text_producing_object ) try: return unicode( text ) except: try: return text.decode( locale.getpreferredencoding() ) except: return str( text ) class HydrusYAMLBase( yaml.YAMLObject ): yaml_loader = yaml.SafeLoader yaml_dumper = yaml.SafeDumper class Account( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!Account' def __init__( self, account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests, banned_info = None ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) self._info = {} self._info[ 'account_key' ] = account_key self._info[ 'account_type' ] = account_type self._info[ 'created' ] = created self._info[ 'expires' ] = expires self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] = used_bytes self._info[ 'used_requests' ] = used_requests if banned_info is not None: self._info[ 'banned_info' ] = banned_info self._info[ 'fresh_timestamp' ] = GetNow() def __repr__( self ): return self.ConvertToString() def __str__( self ): return self.ConvertToString() def _IsBanned( self ): if 'banned_info' not in self._info: return False else: ( reason, created, expires ) = self._info[ 'banned_info' ] if expires is None: return True else: return GetNow() > expires def _IsBytesExceeded( self ): account_type = self._info[ 'account_type' ] max_num_bytes = account_type.GetMaxBytes() used_bytes = self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] return max_num_bytes is not None and used_bytes > max_num_bytes def _IsExpired( self ): if self._info[ 'expires' ] is None: return False else: return GetNow() > self._info[ 'expires' ] def _IsRequestsExceeded( self ): account_type = self._info[ 'account_type' ] max_num_requests = account_type.GetMaxRequests() used_requests = self._info[ 'used_requests' ] return max_num_requests is not None and used_requests > max_num_requests def CheckPermission( self, permission ): if self._IsBanned(): raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( 'This account is banned!' ) if self._IsExpired(): raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( 'This account is expired.' ) if self._IsBytesExceeded(): raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( 'You have hit your data transfer limit, and cannot make any more requests for the month.' ) if self._IsRequestsExceeded(): raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( 'You have hit your requests limit, and cannot make any more requests for the month.' ) if not self._info[ 'account_type' ].HasPermission( permission ): raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( 'You do not have permission to do that.' ) def ConvertToString( self ): return ConvertTimestampToPrettyAge( self._info[ 'created' ] ) + os.linesep + self._info[ 'account_type' ].ConvertToString() + os.linesep + 'which '+ ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( self._info[ 'expires' ] ) def GetAccountKey( self ): return self._info[ 'account_key' ] def GetAccountType( self ): return self._info[ 'account_type' ] def GetCreated( self ): return self._info[ 'created' ] def GetExpires( self ): return self._info[ 'expires' ] def GetExpiresString( self ): if self._IsBanned(): ( reason, created, expires ) = self._info[ 'banned_info' ] return 'banned ' + ConvertTimestampToPrettyAge( created ) + ', ' + ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( expires ) + ' because: ' + reason else: return ConvertTimestampToPrettyAge( self._info[ 'created' ] ) + ' and ' + ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( self._info[ 'expires' ] ) def GetUsedBytesString( self ): max_num_bytes = self._info[ 'account_type' ].GetMaxBytes() used_bytes = self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] if max_num_bytes is None: return ConvertIntToBytes( used_bytes ) + ' used this month' else: return ConvertIntToBytes( used_bytes ) + '/' + ConvertIntToBytes( max_num_bytes ) + ' used this month' def GetUsedRequestsString( self ): max_num_requests = self._info[ 'account_type' ].GetMaxRequests() used_requests = self._info[ 'used_requests' ] if max_num_requests is None: return ConvertIntToPrettyString( used_requests ) + ' requests used this month' else: return ConvertIntToPrettyString( used_requests ) + '/' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( max_num_requests ) + ' requests used this month' def GetUsedBytes( self ): return self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] def GetUsedRequests( self ): return self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] def HasAccountKey( self ): if 'account_key' in self._info and self._info[ 'account_key' ] is not None: return True return False def HasPermission( self, permission ): if self._IsBanned(): return False if self._IsExpired(): return False if self._IsBytesExceeded(): return False if self._IsRequestsExceeded(): return False return self._info[ 'account_type' ].HasPermission( permission ) def IsAdmin( self ): return True in [ self.HasPermission( permission ) for permission in HC.ADMIN_PERMISSIONS ] def IsBanned( self ): return self._IsBanned() def IsStale( self ): return self._info[ 'fresh_timestamp' ] + HC.UPDATE_DURATION * 5 < GetNow() def IsUnknownAccount( self ): return self._info[ 'account_type' ].IsUnknownAccountType() def MakeFresh( self ): self._info[ 'fresh_timestamp' ] = GetNow() def MakeStale( self ): self._info[ 'fresh_timestamp' ] = 0 def RequestMade( self, num_bytes ): self._info[ 'used_bytes' ] += num_bytes self._info[ 'used_requests' ] += 1 sqlite3.register_adapter( Account, yaml.safe_dump ) class AccountIdentifier( HydrusYAMLBase ): TYPE_ACCOUNT_KEY = 1 TYPE_HASH = 2 TYPE_MAPPING = 3 TYPE_SIBLING = 4 TYPE_PARENT = 5 yaml_tag = u'!AccountIdentifier' def __init__( self, account_key = None, hash = None, tag = None ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) if account_key is not None: self._type = self.TYPE_ACCOUNT_KEY self._data = account_key elif hash is not None: if tag is not None: self._type = self.TYPE_MAPPING self._data = ( hash, tag ) else: self._type = self.TYPE_HASH self._data = hash def __eq__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __hash__( self ): return ( self._type, self._data ).__hash__() def __ne__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__() def __repr__( self ): return 'Account Identifier: ' + ToString( ( self._type, self._data ) ) def GetData( self ): return self._data def HasAccountKey( self ): return self._type == self.TYPE_ACCOUNT_KEY def HasHash( self ): return self._type == self.TYPE_HASH def HasMapping( self ): return self._type == self.TYPE_MAPPING class AccountType( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!AccountType' def __init__( self, title, permissions, max_monthly_data ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) self._title = title self._permissions = permissions self._max_monthly_data = max_monthly_data def __repr__( self ): return self.ConvertToString() def GetPermissions( self ): return self._permissions def GetTitle( self ): return self._title def GetMaxBytes( self ): ( max_num_bytes, max_num_requests ) = self._max_monthly_data return max_num_bytes def GetMaxRequests( self ): ( max_num_bytes, max_num_requests ) = self._max_monthly_data return max_num_requests def GetMaxBytesString( self ): ( max_num_bytes, max_num_requests ) = self._max_monthly_data if max_num_bytes is None: max_num_bytes_string = 'No limit' else: max_num_bytes_string = ConvertIntToBytes( max_num_bytes ) return max_num_bytes_string def GetMaxRequestsString( self ): ( max_num_bytes, max_num_requests ) = self._max_monthly_data if max_num_requests is None: max_num_requests_string = 'No limit' else: max_num_requests_string = ConvertIntToPrettyString( max_num_requests ) return max_num_requests_string def ConvertToString( self ): result_string = self._title + ' with ' if self._permissions == [ HC.UNKNOWN_PERMISSION ]: result_string += 'no permissions' else: result_string += ', '.join( [ HC.permissions_string_lookup[ permission ] for permission in self._permissions ] ) + ' permissions' return result_string def IsUnknownAccountType( self ): return self._permissions == [ HC.UNKNOWN_PERMISSION ] def HasPermission( self, permission ): return permission in self._permissions sqlite3.register_adapter( AccountType, yaml.safe_dump ) UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_TYPE = AccountType( 'unknown account', [ HC.UNKNOWN_PERMISSION ], ( None, None ) ) def GetUnknownAccount( account_key = None ): return Account( account_key, UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_TYPE, 0, None, 0, 0 ) class ClientToServerUpdate( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!ClientToServerUpdate' def __init__( self, content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) # we need to flatten it from a collections.defaultdict to just a normal dict so it can be YAMLised self._content_data = {} for data_type in content_data: self._content_data[ data_type ] = {} for action in content_data[ data_type ]: self._content_data[ data_type ][ action ] = content_data[ data_type ][ action ] self._hash_ids_to_hashes = hash_ids_to_hashes def GetContentUpdates( self, for_client = False ): data_types = [ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ] actions = [ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ] content_updates = [] for ( data_type, action ) in itertools.product( data_types, actions ): munge_row = lambda row: row if for_client: if action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING: new_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD elif action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: new_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE else: continue if data_type in ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ) and action in ( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ): munge_row = lambda ( pair, reason ): pair elif data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES and action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: munge_row = lambda ( hashes, reason ): hashes elif data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS and action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: munge_row = lambda ( tag, hashes, reason ): ( tag, hashes ) else: new_action = action content_updates.extend( [ ContentUpdate( data_type, new_action, munge_row( row ) ) for row in self.GetContentDataIterator( data_type, action ) ] ) return content_updates def GetHashes( self ): return self._hash_ids_to_hashes.values() def GetContentDataIterator( self, data_type, action ): if data_type not in self._content_data or action not in self._content_data[ data_type ]: return () data = self._content_data[ data_type ][ action ] if data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: if action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: return ( ( { self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids }, reason ) for ( hash_ids, reason ) in data ) else: return ( { self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids } for hash_ids in ( data, ) ) if data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: if action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: return ( ( tag, [ self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids ], reason ) for ( tag, hash_ids, reason ) in data ) else: return ( ( tag, [ self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids ] ) for ( tag, hash_ids ) in data ) else: return data.__iter__() def GetTags( self ): tags = set() try: tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, hash_ids ) in self._content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ] ) ) except: pass try: tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, hash_ids, reason ) in self._content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ] ) ) except: pass return tags def IsEmpty( self ): num_total = 0 for data_type in self._content_data: for action in self._content_data[ data_type ]: num_total += len( self._content_data[ data_type ][ action ] ) return num_total == 0 class ContentUpdate( object ): def __init__( self, data_type, action, row ): self._data_type = data_type self._action = action self._row = row def __eq__( self, other ): return self._data_type == other._data_type and self._action == other._action and self._row == other._row def __ne__( self, other ): return not self.__eq__( other ) def __repr__( self ): return 'Content Update: ' + ToString( ( self._data_type, self._action, self._row ) ) def GetHashes( self ): if self._data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: if self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD: hash = self._row[0] hashes = set( ( hash, ) ) elif self._action in ( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RESCIND_PENDING, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RESCIND_PETITION ): hashes = self._row elif self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: ( hashes, reason ) = self._row elif self._data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: if self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADVANCED: hashes = set() elif self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: ( tag, hashes, reason ) = self._row else: ( tag, hashes ) = self._row elif self._data_type in ( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS ): hashes = set() elif self._data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_RATINGS: if self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD: ( rating, hashes ) = self._row elif self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RATINGS_FILTER: ( min, max, hashes ) = self._row if type( hashes ) != set: hashes = set( hashes ) return hashes def ToTuple( self ): return ( self._data_type, self._action, self._row ) class EditLogAction( object ): yaml_tag = u'!EditLogAction' def __init__( self, action ): self._action = action def GetAction( self ): return self._action class EditLogActionAdd( EditLogAction ): yaml_tag = u'!EditLogActionAdd' def __init__( self, data ): EditLogAction.__init__( self, HC.ADD ) self._data = data def GetData( self ): return self._data class EditLogActionDelete( EditLogAction ): yaml_tag = u'!EditLogActionDelete' def __init__( self, identifier ): EditLogAction.__init__( self, HC.DELETE ) self._identifier = identifier def GetIdentifier( self ): return self._identifier class EditLogActionEdit( EditLogAction ): yaml_tag = u'!EditLogActionEdit' def __init__( self, identifier, data ): EditLogAction.__init__( self, HC.EDIT ) self._identifier = identifier self._data = data def GetData( self ): return self._data def GetIdentifier( self ): return self._identifier class JobDatabase( object ): yaml_tag = u'!JobDatabase' def __init__( self, action, job_type, synchronous, *args, **kwargs ): self._action = action self._type = job_type self._synchronous = synchronous self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._result = None self._result_ready = threading.Event() def GetAction( self ): return self._action def GetArgs( self ): return self._args def GetKWArgs( self ): return self._kwargs def GetResult( self ): while True: if self._result_ready.wait( 5 ) == True: break elif HydrusGlobals.shutdown: raise Exception( 'Application quit before db could serve result!' ) if isinstance( self._result, Exception ): if isinstance( self._result, HydrusExceptions.DBException ): ( text, gumpf, db_traceback ) = self._result.args trace_list = traceback.format_stack() caller_traceback = 'Stack Trace (most recent call last):' + os.linesep * 2 + os.linesep.join( trace_list ) raise HydrusExceptions.DBException( text, caller_traceback, db_traceback ) else: raise self._result else: return self._result def GetType( self ): return self._type def IsSynchronous( self ): return self._synchronous def PutResult( self, result ): self._result = result self._result_ready.set() class JobKey( object ): def __init__( self, pausable = False, cancellable = False ): self._key = os.urandom( 32 ) self._pausable = pausable self._cancellable = cancellable self._deleted = threading.Event() self._begun = threading.Event() self._done = threading.Event() self._cancelled = threading.Event() self._paused = threading.Event() self._variable_lock = threading.Lock() self._variables = dict() def __eq__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __hash__( self ): return self._key.__hash__() def __ne__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__() def Begin( self ): self._begun.set() def Cancel( self ): self._cancelled.set() self.Finish() def Delete( self ): self.Finish() self._deleted.set() def DeleteVariable( self, name ): with self._variable_lock: if name in self._variables: del self._variables[ name ] time.sleep( 0.00001 ) def Finish( self ): self._done.set() def GetKey( self ): return self._key def GetVariable( self, name ): with self._variable_lock: return self._variables[ name ] def HasVariable( self, name ): with self._variable_lock: return name in self._variables def IsBegun( self ): return self._begun.is_set() def IsCancellable( self ): return self._cancellable and not self.IsDone() def IsCancelled( self ): return HydrusGlobals.shutdown or self._cancelled.is_set() def IsDeleted( self ): return HydrusGlobals.shutdown or self._deleted.is_set() def IsDone( self ): return HydrusGlobals.shutdown or self._done.is_set() def IsPausable( self ): return self._pausable and not self.IsDone() def IsPaused( self ): return self._paused.is_set() and not self.IsDone() def IsWorking( self ): return self.IsBegun() and not self.IsDone() def Pause( self ): self._paused.set() def PauseResume( self ): if self._paused.is_set(): self._paused.clear() else: self._paused.set() def Resume( self ): self._paused.clear() def SetCancellable( self, value ): self._cancellable = value def SetPausable( self, value ): self._pausable = value def SetVariable( self, name, value ): with self._variable_lock: self._variables[ name ] = value time.sleep( 0.00001 ) def ToString( self ): stuff_to_print = [] with self._variable_lock: if 'popup_message_title' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_title' ] ) if 'popup_message_text_1' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_text_1' ] ) if 'popup_message_text_2' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_text_2' ] ) if 'popup_message_traceback' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_traceback' ] ) if 'popup_message_caller_traceback' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_caller_traceback' ] ) if 'popup_message_db_traceback' in self._variables: stuff_to_print.append( self._variables[ 'popup_message_db_traceback' ] ) return os.linesep.join( stuff_to_print ) def WaitOnPause( self ): while self._paused.is_set(): time.sleep( 0.1 ) if HydrusGlobals.shutdown or self.IsDone(): return class SerialisableBase( object ): def __init__( self, name, info ): self._name = name self._info = info def GetInfo( self ): return self._info def GetName( self ): return self._name class ServerToClientPetition( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!ServerToClientPetition' def __init__( self, petition_type, action, petitioner_account_identifier, petition_data, reason ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) self._petition_type = petition_type self._action = action self._petitioner_account_identifier = petitioner_account_identifier self._petition_data = petition_data self._reason = reason def GetApproval( self, reason = None ): if reason is None: reason = self._reason if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: hashes = self._petition_data elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: ( tag, hashes ) = self._petition_data else: hashes = set() hash_ids_to_hashes = dict( enumerate( hashes ) ) hash_ids = hash_ids_to_hashes.keys() content_data = GetEmptyDataDict() if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: row = ( hash_ids, reason ) elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: row = ( tag, hash_ids, reason ) else: ( old, new ) = self._petition_data row = ( ( old, new ), reason ) content_data[ self._petition_type ][ self._action ].append( row ) return ClientToServerUpdate( content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes ) def GetDenial( self ): if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: hashes = self._petition_data elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: ( tag, hashes ) = self._petition_data else: hashes = set() hash_ids_to_hashes = dict( enumerate( hashes ) ) hash_ids = hash_ids_to_hashes.keys() if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: row_list = hash_ids elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: row_list = [ ( tag, hash_ids ) ] else: row_list = [ self._petition_data ] content_data = GetEmptyDataDict() if self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING: denial_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND elif self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: denial_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION content_data[ self._petition_type ][ denial_action ] = row_list return ClientToServerUpdate( content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes ) def GetHashes( self ): if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: hashes = self._petition_data elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: ( tag, hashes ) = self._petition_data else: hashes = set() return hashes def GetPetitionerIdentifier( self ): return self._petitioner_account_identifier def GetPetitionString( self ): if self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING: action_word = 'Add ' elif self._action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: action_word = 'Remove ' if self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: hashes = self._petition_data content_phrase = ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' files' elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: ( tag, hashes ) = self._petition_data content_phrase = tag + ' for ' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' files' elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS: ( old_tag, new_tag ) = self._petition_data content_phrase = 'sibling ' + old_tag + '->' + new_tag elif self._petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS: ( old_tag, new_tag ) = self._petition_data content_phrase = 'parent ' + old_tag + '->' + new_tag return action_word + content_phrase + os.linesep * 2 + self._reason class ServerToClientUpdate( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!ServerToClientUpdate' def __init__( self, service_data, content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes ): HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) self._service_data = service_data self._content_data = {} for data_type in content_data: self._content_data[ data_type ] = {} for action in content_data[ data_type ]: self._content_data[ data_type ][ action ] = content_data[ data_type ][ action ] self._hash_ids_to_hashes = hash_ids_to_hashes def GetBeginEnd( self ): ( begin, end ) = self._service_data[ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_BEGIN_END ] return ( begin, end ) def GetContentDataIterator( self, data_type, action ): if data_type not in self._content_data or action not in self._content_data[ data_type ]: return () data = self._content_data[ data_type ][ action ] if data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES: if action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD: return ( ( self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ], size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) for ( hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) in data ) else: return ( { self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids } for hash_ids in ( data, ) ) elif data_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS: return ( ( tag, [ self._hash_ids_to_hashes[ hash_id ] for hash_id in hash_ids ] ) for ( tag, hash_ids ) in data ) else: return data.__iter__() def GetNumContentUpdates( self ): num = 0 data_types = [ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ] actions = [ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] for ( data_type, action ) in itertools.product( data_types, actions ): for row in self.GetContentDataIterator( data_type, action ): num += 1 return num # this needs work! # we need a universal content_update for both client and server def IterateContentUpdates( self, as_if_pending = False ): data_types = [ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ] actions = [ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] for ( data_type, action ) in itertools.product( data_types, actions ): for row in self.GetContentDataIterator( data_type, action ): yieldee_action = action if as_if_pending: if action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD: yieldee_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING elif action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE: continue yield ContentUpdate( data_type, yieldee_action, row ) def IterateServiceUpdates( self ): service_types = [ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEWS ] for service_type in service_types: if service_type in self._service_data: data = self._service_data[ service_type ] yield ServiceUpdate( service_type, data ) def GetHashes( self ): return set( self._hash_ids_to_hashes.values() ) def GetTags( self ): tags = set() tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, hash_ids ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CURRENT ) ) ) tags.update( ( tag for ( tag, hash_ids ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.DELETED ) ) ) tags.update( ( old_tag for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CURRENT ) ) ) tags.update( ( new_tag for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CURRENT ) ) ) tags.update( ( old_tag for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.DELETED ) ) ) tags.update( ( new_tag for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in self.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.DELETED ) ) ) return tags def GetServiceData( self, service_type ): return self._service_data[ service_type ] class ServiceUpdate( object ): def __init__( self, action, row = None ): self._action = action self._row = row def ToTuple( self ): return ( self._action, self._row ) class Predicate( HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!Predicate' def __init__( self, predicate_type, value, inclusive = True, counts = None ): if counts is None: counts = {} self._predicate_type = predicate_type self._value = value self._inclusive = inclusive self._counts = {} self._counts[ HC.CURRENT ] = 0 self._counts[ HC.PENDING ] = 0 for ( current_or_pending, count ) in counts.items(): self.AddToCount( current_or_pending, count ) def __eq__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __hash__( self ): return ( self._predicate_type, self._value ).__hash__() def __ne__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__() def __repr__( self ): return 'Predicate: ' + ToString( ( self._predicate_type, self._value, self._counts ) ) def AddToCount( self, current_or_pending, count ): self._counts[ current_or_pending ] += count def GetCopy( self ): return Predicate( self._predicate_type, self._value, self._inclusive, self._counts ) def GetCountlessCopy( self ): return Predicate( self._predicate_type, self._value, self._inclusive ) def GetCount( self, current_or_pending = None ): if current_or_pending is None: return sum( self._counts.values() ) else: return self._counts[ current_or_pending ] def GetInclusive( self ): # patch from an upgrade mess-up ~v144 if not hasattr( self, '_inclusive' ): if self._predicate_type != HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM: ( operator, value ) = self._value self._value = value self._inclusive = operator == '+' else: self._inclusive = True return self._inclusive def GetInfo( self ): return ( self._predicate_type, self._value, self._inclusive ) def GetPredicateType( self ): return self._predicate_type def GetUnicode( self, with_count = True ): count_text = u'' if with_count: if self._counts[ HC.CURRENT ] > 0: count_text += u' (' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( self._counts[ HC.CURRENT ] ) + u')' if self._counts[ HC.PENDING ] > 0: count_text += u' (+' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( self._counts[ HC.PENDING ] ) + u')' if self._predicate_type == HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM: ( system_predicate_type, info ) = self._value if system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_EVERYTHING: base = u'system:everything' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_INBOX: base = u'system:inbox' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_ARCHIVE: base = u'system:archive' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_UNTAGGED: base = u'system:untagged' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_LOCAL: base = u'system:local' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NOT_LOCAL: base = u'system:not local' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_DIMENSIONS: base = u'system:dimensions' elif system_predicate_type in ( HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NUM_TAGS, HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_WIDTH, HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_HEIGHT, HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_DURATION, HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NUM_WORDS ): if system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NUM_TAGS: base = u'system:number of tags' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_WIDTH: base = u'system:width' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_HEIGHT: base = u'system:height' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_DURATION: base = u'system:duration' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NUM_WORDS: base = u'system:number of words' if info is not None: ( operator, value ) = info base += u' ' + operator + u' ' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( value ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_RATIO: base = u'system:ratio' if info is not None: ( operator, ratio_width, ratio_height ) = info base += u' ' + operator + u' ' + ToString( ratio_width ) + u':' + ToString( ratio_height ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_SIZE: base = u'system:size' if info is not None: ( operator, size, unit ) = info base += u' ' + operator + u' ' + ToString( size ) + ConvertUnitToString( unit ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_LIMIT: base = u'system:limit' if info is not None: value = info base += u' is ' + ConvertIntToPrettyString( value ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_AGE: base = u'system:age' if info is not None: ( operator, years, months, days, hours ) = info base += u' ' + operator + u' ' + ToString( years ) + u'y' + ToString( months ) + u'm' + ToString( days ) + u'd' + ToString( hours ) + u'h' elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_NUM_PIXELS: base = u'system:num_pixels' if info is not None: ( operator, num_pixels, unit ) = info base += u' ' + operator + u' ' + ToString( num_pixels ) + ' ' + ConvertIntToPixels( unit ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_HASH: base = u'system:hash' if info is not None: hash = info base += u' is ' + hash.encode( 'hex' ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_MIME: base = u'system:mime' if info is not None: mime = info base += u' is ' + HC.mime_string_lookup[ mime ] elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_RATING: base = u'system:rating' if info is not None: ( service_key, operator, value ) = info service = wx.GetApp().GetManager( 'services' ).GetService( service_key ) base += u' for ' + service.GetName() + u' ' + operator + u' ' + ToString( value ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_SIMILAR_TO: base = u'system:similar to' if info is not None: ( hash, max_hamming ) = info base += u' ' + hash.encode( 'hex' ) + u' using max hamming of ' + ToString( max_hamming ) elif system_predicate_type == HC.SYSTEM_PREDICATE_TYPE_FILE_SERVICE: base = u'system:' if info is None: base += 'file service' else: ( operator, current_or_pending, service_key ) = info if operator == True: base += u'is' else: base += u'is not' if current_or_pending == HC.PENDING: base += u' pending to ' else: base += u' currently in ' service = wx.GetApp().GetManager( 'services' ).GetService( service_key ) base += service.GetName() base += count_text elif self._predicate_type == HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG: tag = self._value if not self._inclusive: base = u'-' else: base = u'' base += tag base += count_text siblings_manager = wx.GetApp().GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) sibling = siblings_manager.GetSibling( tag ) if sibling is not None: base += u' (will display as ' + sibling + ')' elif self._predicate_type == HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT: base = ' ' tag = self._value base += tag base += count_text elif self._predicate_type == HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE: namespace = self._value if not self._inclusive: base = u'-' else: base = u'' base += namespace + u':*' elif self._predicate_type == HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD: wildcard = self._value if not self._inclusive: base = u'-' else: base = u'' base += wildcard return base def GetValue( self ): return self._value def SetInclusive( self, inclusive ): self._inclusive = inclusive def ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( f, block_size ): next_block = block_size ) while next_block != '': yield next_block next_block = block_size )