import ClientConstants as CC import ClientImporting import ClientNetworkingDomain import ClientParsing import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusSerialisable import HydrusTags import itertools import os import threading import time import traceback import urlparse def GenerateGallerySeedLogStatus( statuses_to_counts ): num_successful = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW ] num_ignored = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_VETOED ] num_failed = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_ERROR ] num_skipped = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_SKIPPED ] num_unknown = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN ] # add some kind of '(512 files found (so far))', which may be asking too much here # might be this is complicated and needs to be (partly) done in the object, which will know if it is paused or whatever. status_strings = [] if num_successful > 0: s = HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_successful ) + ' successful' status_strings.append( s ) if num_ignored > 0: status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_ignored ) + ' ignored' ) if num_failed > 0: status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_failed ) + ' failed' ) if num_skipped > 0: status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_skipped ) + ' skipped' ) if num_unknown > 0: status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_unknown ) + ' pending' ) status = ', '.join( status_strings ) total = sum( statuses_to_counts.values() ) total_processed = total - num_unknown return ( status, ( total_processed, total ) ) class GallerySeed( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Gallery Log Entry' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, url = None, can_generate_more_pages = True ): if url is None: url = '' else: url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url ) HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) self.url = url self._can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages self.created = HydrusData.GetNow() self.modified = self.created self.status = CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN self.note = '' self._referral_url = None def __eq__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __hash__( self ): return ( self.url, self.created ).__hash__() def __ne__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__() def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self.url, self._can_generate_more_pages, self.created, self.modified, self.status, self.note, self._referral_url ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self.url, self._can_generate_more_pages, self.created, self.modified, self.status, self.note, self._referral_url ) = serialisable_info def _UpdateModified( self ): self.modified = HydrusData.GetNow() def SetReferralURL( self, referral_url ): self._referral_url = referral_url def SetStatus( self, status, note = '', exception = None ): if exception is not None: first_line = HydrusData.ToUnicode( exception ).split( os.linesep )[0] note = first_line + u'\u2026 (Copy note to see full error)' note += os.linesep note += HydrusData.ToUnicode( traceback.format_exc() ) HydrusData.Print( 'Error when processing ' + self.url + ' !' ) HydrusData.Print( traceback.format_exc() ) self.status = status self.note = note self._UpdateModified() def WorksInNewSystem( self ): ( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( self.url ) if url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY and can_parse: return True return False def WorkOnURL( self, gallery_token_name, gallery_seed_log, file_seeds_callable, status_hook, title_hook, network_job_factory, network_job_presentation_context_factory, file_import_options, gallery_urls_seen_before = None ): if gallery_urls_seen_before is None: gallery_urls_seen_before = set() gallery_urls_seen_before.add( self.url ) # maybe something like 'append urls' vs 'reverse-prepend' for subs or something # should also take--and populate--a set of urls we have seen this 'run', so we can bomb out if next_gallery_url ends up in some loop num_urls_added = 0 num_urls_already_in_file_seed_cache = 0 num_urls_total = 0 result_404 = False added_new_gallery_pages = False stop_reason = '' try: ( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( self.url ) if url_type not in ( HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY, HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE ): raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Did not recognise this as a gallery or watchable URL!' ) if not can_parse: raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Did not have a parser for this URL!' ) ( url_to_check, parser ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLToFetchAndParser( self.url ) status_hook( 'downloading page' ) if self._referral_url not in ( self.url, url_to_check ): referral_url = self._referral_url else: referral_url = None network_job = network_job_factory( 'GET', url_to_check, referral_url = referral_url ) network_job.SetGalleryToken( gallery_token_name ) network_job.OverrideBandwidth( 30 ) HG.client_controller.network_engine.AddJob( network_job ) with network_job_presentation_context_factory( network_job ) as njpc: network_job.WaitUntilDone() data = network_job.GetContent() parsing_context = {} parsing_context[ 'gallery_url' ] = self.url parsing_context[ 'url' ] = url_to_check all_parse_results = parser.Parse( parsing_context, data ) if len( all_parse_results ) == 0: raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'No data found in document!' ) title = ClientParsing.GetTitleFromAllParseResults( all_parse_results ) if title is not None: title_hook( title ) file_seeds = ClientImporting.ConvertAllParseResultsToFileSeeds( all_parse_results, self.url ) num_urls_total = len( file_seeds ) ( num_urls_added, num_urls_already_in_file_seed_cache, can_search_for_more_files, stop_reason ) = file_seeds_callable( file_seeds ) status = CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW note = HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_urls_added ) + ' new urls found' if num_urls_already_in_file_seed_cache > 0: note += ' (' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_urls_already_in_file_seed_cache ) + ' of page already in)' if not can_search_for_more_files: note += ' - ' + stop_reason # only keep searching if we found any files, otherwise this could be a blank results page with another stub page can_add_more_gallery_urls = num_urls_total > 0 and can_search_for_more_files if self._can_generate_more_pages and can_add_more_gallery_urls: flattened_results = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( all_parse_results ) ) next_page_urls = ClientParsing.GetURLsFromParseResults( flattened_results, ( HC.URL_TYPE_NEXT, ), only_get_top_priority = True ) if self.url in next_page_urls: next_page_urls.remove( self.url ) if len( next_page_urls ) > 0: next_page_generation_phrase = ' next gallery pages found' else: # we have failed to parse a next page url, but we would still like one, so let's see if the url match can provide one url_match = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLMatch( self.url ) if url_match is not None and url_match.CanGenerateNextGalleryPage(): try: next_page_url = url_match.GetNextGalleryPage( self.url ) next_page_urls = [ next_page_url ] except Exception as e: note += ' - Attempted to generate a next gallery page url, but failed!' note += os.linesep note += HydrusData.ToUnicode( traceback.format_exc() ) next_page_generation_phrase = ' next gallery pages extrapolated from url class' if len( next_page_urls ) > 0: next_page_urls = HydrusData.DedupeList( next_page_urls ) new_next_page_urls = [ next_page_url for next_page_url in next_page_urls if next_page_url not in gallery_urls_seen_before ] duplicate_next_page_urls = gallery_urls_seen_before.intersection( new_next_page_urls ) num_new_next_page_urls = len( new_next_page_urls ) num_dupe_next_page_urls = len( duplicate_next_page_urls ) if num_new_next_page_urls > 0: next_gallery_seeds = [ GallerySeed( next_page_url ) for next_page_url in new_next_page_urls ] gallery_seed_log.AddGallerySeeds( next_gallery_seeds ) added_new_gallery_pages = True gallery_urls_seen_before.update( new_next_page_urls ) if num_dupe_next_page_urls == 0: note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_new_next_page_urls ) + next_page_generation_phrase else: note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_new_next_page_urls ) + next_page_generation_phrase + ', but ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_dupe_next_page_urls ) + ' had already been visited this run and were not added' else: note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_dupe_next_page_urls ) + next_page_generation_phrase + ', but they had already been visited this run and were not added' self.SetStatus( status, note = note ) except HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException: pass except HydrusExceptions.VetoException as e: status = CC.STATUS_VETOED note = HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ) self.SetStatus( status, note = note ) if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.CancelledException ): status_hook( 'cancelled!' ) time.sleep( 2 ) except HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException: status = CC.STATUS_VETOED note = '403' self.SetStatus( status, note = note ) status_hook( '403' ) time.sleep( 2 ) result_404 = True except HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException: status = CC.STATUS_VETOED note = '404' self.SetStatus( status, note = note ) status_hook( '404' ) time.sleep( 2 ) result_404 = True except Exception as e: status = CC.STATUS_ERROR self.SetStatus( status, exception = e ) status_hook( 'error!' ) time.sleep( 3 ) if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.NetworkException ): # so the larger queue can set a delaywork or whatever raise gallery_seed_log.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( ( self, ) ) return ( num_urls_added, num_urls_already_in_file_seed_cache, num_urls_total, result_404, added_new_gallery_pages, stop_reason ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED ] = GallerySeed class GallerySeedLog( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED_LOG SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Gallery Log' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 COMPACT_NUMBER = 100 def __init__( self ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList() self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = {} self._gallery_seed_log_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey() self._status_cache = None self._status_cache_generation_time = 0 self._status_dirty = True self._lock = threading.Lock() def __len__( self ): return len( self._gallery_seeds ) def _GenerateStatus( self ): statuses_to_counts = self._GetStatusesToCounts() self._status_cache = GenerateGallerySeedLogStatus( statuses_to_counts ) self._status_cache_generation_time = HydrusData.GetNow() self._status_dirty = False def _GetStatusesToCounts( self ): statuses_to_counts = collections.Counter() for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds: statuses_to_counts[ gallery_seed.status ] += 1 return statuses_to_counts def _GetGallerySeeds( self, status = None ): if status is None: return list( self._gallery_seeds ) else: return [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status == status ] def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): with self._lock: return self._gallery_seeds.GetSerialisableTuple() def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): with self._lock: self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_info ) self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) } def _SetStatusDirty( self ): self._status_dirty = True def AddGallerySeeds( self, gallery_seeds ): if len( gallery_seeds ) == 0: return 0 new_gallery_seeds = [] with self._lock: for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds: if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices: continue new_gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ] = len( self._gallery_seeds ) - 1 self._SetStatusDirty() self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( new_gallery_seeds ) return len( new_gallery_seeds ) def AdvanceGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ): with self._lock: if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices: index = self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ] if index > 0: self._gallery_seeds.remove( gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds.insert( index - 1, gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) } self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( ( gallery_seed, ) ) def CanCompact( self, compact_before_this_source_time ): with self._lock: if len( self._gallery_seeds ) <= self.COMPACT_NUMBER: return False for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds[:-self.COMPACT_NUMBER]: if gallery_seed.status == CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN: continue if gallery_seed.created < compact_before_this_source_time: return True return False def Compact( self, compact_before_this_source_time ): with self._lock: if len( self._gallery_seeds ) <= self.COMPACT_NUMBER: return new_gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList() for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds[:-self.COMPACT_NUMBER]: still_to_do = gallery_seed.status == CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN still_relevant = gallery_seed.created > compact_before_this_source_time if still_to_do or still_relevant: new_gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed ) new_gallery_seeds.extend( self._gallery_seeds[-self.COMPACT_NUMBER:] ) self._gallery_seeds = new_gallery_seeds self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) } self._SetStatusDirty() def DelayGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ): with self._lock: if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices: index = self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ] if index < len( self._gallery_seeds ) - 1: self._gallery_seeds.remove( gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds.insert( index + 1, gallery_seed ) self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) } self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( ( gallery_seed, ) ) def GetNextGallerySeed( self, status ): with self._lock: for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds: if gallery_seed.status == status: return gallery_seed return None def GetGallerySeedLogKey( self ): return self._gallery_seed_log_key def GetGallerySeedCount( self, status = None ): result = 0 with self._lock: if status is None: result = len( self._gallery_seeds ) else: for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds: if gallery_seed.status == status: result += 1 return result def GetGallerySeeds( self, status = None ): with self._lock: return self._GetGallerySeeds( status ) def GetGallerySeedIndex( self, gallery_seed ): with self._lock: return self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ] def GetStatus( self ): with self._lock: if self._status_dirty: self._GenerateStatus() return self._status_cache def GetStatusGenerationTime( self ): with self._lock: if self._status_dirty: return HydrusData.GetNow() return self._status_cache_generation_time def GetStatusesToCounts( self ): with self._lock: return self._GetStatusesToCounts() def HasGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ): with self._lock: return gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices def HasGalleryURL( self, url ): search_gallery_seed = GallerySeed( url ) search_url = search_gallery_seed.url return search_url in ( gallery_seed.url for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds ) def NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( self, gallery_seeds ): with self._lock: self._SetStatusDirty() 'gallery_seed_log_gallery_seeds_updated', self._gallery_seed_log_key, gallery_seeds ) def RemoveGallerySeeds( self, gallery_seeds ): with self._lock: gallery_seeds_to_delete = set( gallery_seeds ) self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed not in gallery_seeds_to_delete ] ) self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) } self._SetStatusDirty() self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( gallery_seeds_to_delete ) def RemoveGallerySeedsByStatus( self, statuses_to_remove ): with self._lock: gallery_seeds_to_delete = [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status in statuses_to_remove ] self.RemoveGallerySeeds( gallery_seeds_to_delete ) def RemoveAllButUnknownGallerySeeds( self ): with self._lock: gallery_seeds_to_delete = [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status != CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN ] self.RemoveGallerySeeds( gallery_seeds_to_delete ) def RetryFailures( self ): with self._lock: failed_gallery_seeds = self._GetGallerySeeds( CC.STATUS_ERROR ) for gallery_seed in failed_gallery_seeds: gallery_seed.SetStatus( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN ) self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( failed_gallery_seeds ) def WorkToDo( self ): with self._lock: if self._status_dirty: self._GenerateStatus() ( status, ( total_processed, total ) ) = self._status_cache return total_processed < total HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED_LOG ] = GallerySeedLog