import collections import os import threading import tempfile import time import traceback import unittest from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW from qtpy import QtGui as QG from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusPubSub from hydrus.core import HydrusSessions from hydrus.core import HydrusTemp from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading from hydrus.client import ClientAPI from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults from hydrus.client import ClientFiles from hydrus.client import ClientFilesPhysical from hydrus.client import ClientGlobals as CG from hydrus.client import ClientOptions from hydrus.client import ClientManagers from hydrus.client import ClientServices from hydrus.client import ClientThreading from hydrus.client.caches import ClientCaches from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISplash from hydrus.client.gui.lists import ClientGUIListManager from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportFiles from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientContentUpdates from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTagsHandling from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworking from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingBandwidth from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingDomain from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingLogin from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingSessions from hydrus.test import TestClientAPI from hydrus.test import TestClientConstants from hydrus.test import TestClientDaemons from hydrus.test import TestClientData from hydrus.test import TestClientDB from hydrus.test import TestClientDBDuplicates from hydrus.test import TestClientDBTags from hydrus.test import TestClientFileStorage from hydrus.test import TestClientImageHandling from hydrus.test import TestClientImportOptions from hydrus.test import TestClientImportSubscriptions from hydrus.test import TestClientListBoxes from hydrus.test import TestClientMetadataMigration from hydrus.test import TestClientMigration from hydrus.test import TestClientNetworking from hydrus.test import TestClientParsing from hydrus.test import TestClientTags from hydrus.test import TestClientThreading from hydrus.test import TestDialogs from hydrus.test import TestHydrusData from hydrus.test import TestHydrusNATPunch from hydrus.test import TestHydrusNetworking from hydrus.test import TestHydrusPaths from hydrus.test import TestHydrusSerialisable from hydrus.test import TestHydrusServer from hydrus.test import TestHydrusSessions from hydrus.test import TestHydrusTags from hydrus.test import TestHydrusTime from hydrus.test import TestServerDB DB_DIR = None tiniest_gif = b'\x47\x49\x46\x38\x39\x61\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x3B' LOCAL_RATING_LIKE_SERVICE_KEY = HydrusData.GenerateKey() LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL_SERVICE_KEY = HydrusData.GenerateKey() LOCAL_RATING_INCDEC_SERVICE_KEY = HydrusData.GenerateKey() class MockController( object ): def __init__( self ): self.new_options = ClientOptions.ClientOptions() def CallToThread( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ): return HG.test_controller.CallToThread( callable, *args, **kwargs ) def JustWokeFromSleep( self ): return False def pub( self, *args, **kwargs ): pass def sub( self, *args, **kwargs ): pass class MockServicesManager( object ): def __init__( self, services ): self._service_keys_to_services = { service.GetServiceKey() : service for service in services } def GetName( self, service_key ): return self._service_keys_to_services[ service_key ].GetName() def GetService( self, service_key ): return self._service_keys_to_services[ service_key ] def ServiceExists( self, service_key ): return service_key in self._service_keys_to_services class FakeWebSessionManager(): def EnsureLoggedIn( self, name ): pass def GetCookies( self, *args, **kwargs ): return { 'session_cookie' : 'blah' } class TestFrame( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, None ) def SetPanel( self, panel ): vbox = QP.VBoxLayout() QP.AddToLayout( vbox, panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.setLayout( vbox ) only_run = None class Controller( object ): def __init__( self, win, only_run ): = win = win self.only_run = only_run self.run_finished = False self.was_successful = False self._test_db = None self.db_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._hydrus_temp_dir = HydrusTemp.InitialiseHydrusTempDir() global DB_DIR DB_DIR = self.db_dir self._server_files_dir = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'server_files' ) self._updates_dir = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'test_updates' ) client_files_default = os.path.join( self.db_dir, 'client_files' ) HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( self._server_files_dir ) HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( self._updates_dir ) HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( client_files_default ) HG.controller = self HG.server_controller = self HG.test_controller = self CG.client_controller = self self.db = self self.gui = self self.frame_splash_status = ClientGUISplash.FrameSplashStatus() self._call_to_threads = [] self._pubsub = HydrusPubSub.HydrusPubSub( lambda o: True ) self.new_options = ClientOptions.ClientOptions() HC.options = ClientDefaults.GetClientDefaultOptions() self.options = HC.options def show_text( text ): pass HydrusData.ShowText = show_text self._name_read_responses = {} self._name_read_responses[ 'local_booru_share_keys' ] = [] self._name_read_responses[ 'messaging_sessions' ] = [] self._name_read_responses[ 'options' ] = ClientDefaults.GetClientDefaultOptions() self._name_read_responses[ 'file_system_predicates' ] = [] self._name_read_responses[ 'media_results' ] = [] self._param_read_responses = {} self.example_like_rating_service_key = LOCAL_RATING_LIKE_SERVICE_KEY self.example_numerical_rating_service_key = LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL_SERVICE_KEY self.example_incdec_rating_service_key = LOCAL_RATING_INCDEC_SERVICE_KEY self.example_file_repo_service_key_1 = HydrusData.GenerateKey() self.example_file_repo_service_key_2 = HydrusData.GenerateKey() self.example_tag_repo_service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey() self.example_ipfs_service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey() services = [] services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_BOORU, 'local booru' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE_KEY, HC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE, 'client api' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE, 'all local files' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY, HC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA, 'all my files' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, 'my files' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.LOCAL_UPDATE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_FILE_UPDATE_DOMAIN, 'repository updates' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_FILE_TRASH_DOMAIN, 'trash' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_TAG, 'my tags' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( self.example_file_repo_service_key_1, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'example file repo 1' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( self.example_file_repo_service_key_2, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'example file repo 2' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( self.example_tag_repo_service_key, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, 'example tag repo' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.COMBINED_TAG, 'all known tags' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.COMBINED_FILE, 'all known files' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( LOCAL_RATING_LIKE_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, 'example local rating like service' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL, 'example local rating numerical service' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( LOCAL_RATING_INCDEC_SERVICE_KEY, HC.LOCAL_RATING_INCDEC, 'example local rating inc/dec service' ) ) services.append( ClientServices.GenerateService( self.example_ipfs_service_key, HC.IPFS, 'example ipfs service' ) ) self._name_read_responses[ 'services' ] = services client_files_subfolders = [] base_location = ClientFilesPhysical.FilesStorageBaseLocation( client_files_default, 1 ) for prefix in HydrusData.IterateHexPrefixes(): for c in ( 'f', 't' ): client_files_subfolders.append( ClientFilesPhysical.FilesStorageSubfolder( c + prefix, base_location ) ) self._name_read_responses[ 'client_files_subfolders' ] = client_files_subfolders self._name_read_responses[ 'sessions' ] = [] self._name_read_responses[ 'tag_parents' ] = {} self._name_read_responses[ 'tag_siblings_all_ideals' ] = {} self._name_read_responses[ 'inbox_hashes' ] = set() self._read_call_args = collections.defaultdict( list ) self._write_call_args = collections.defaultdict( list ) self._managers = {} self.column_list_manager = ClientGUIListManager.ColumnListManager() self.services_manager = ClientServices.ServicesManager( self ) self.client_files_manager = ClientFiles.ClientFilesManager( self ) self.parsing_cache = ClientCaches.ParsingCache() bandwidth_manager = ClientNetworkingBandwidth.NetworkBandwidthManager() session_manager = ClientNetworkingSessions.NetworkSessionManager() domain_manager = ClientNetworkingDomain.NetworkDomainManager() ClientDefaults.SetDefaultDomainManagerData( domain_manager ) login_manager = ClientNetworkingLogin.NetworkLoginManager() self.network_engine = ClientNetworking.NetworkEngine( self, bandwidth_manager, session_manager, domain_manager, login_manager ) self.CallToThreadLongRunning( self.network_engine.MainLoop ) self.tag_display_manager = ClientTagsHandling.TagDisplayManager() self._managers[ 'undo' ] = ClientManagers.UndoManager( self ) self._caches = {} self._caches[ 'images' ] = ClientCaches.ImageRendererCache( self ) self._caches[ 'image_tiles' ] = ClientCaches.ImageTileCache( self ) self._caches[ 'thumbnail' ] = ClientCaches.ThumbnailCache( self ) self.server_session_manager = HydrusSessions.HydrusSessionManagerServer() self.bitmap_manager = ClientManagers.BitmapManager( self ) self.local_booru_manager = ClientCaches.LocalBooruCache( self ) self.client_api_manager = ClientAPI.APIManager() self._cookies = {} self._job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self ) self._job_scheduler.start() def _GetCallToThread( self ): for call_to_thread in self._call_to_threads: if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking(): return call_to_thread if len( self._call_to_threads ) > 100: raise Exception( 'Too many call to threads!' ) call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThread' ) self._call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread ) call_to_thread.start() return call_to_thread def _SetupQt( self ): self.locale = QC.QLocale() # Very important to init this here and keep it non garbage collected CC.GlobalPixmaps() self.frame_icon_pixmap = QG.QPixmap( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus_32_non-transparent.png' ) ) def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): pass def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs ) def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ): self._pubsub.sub( object, method_name, topic ) def AcquirePageKey( self ): return HydrusData.GenerateKey() def CallBlockingToQt( self, win, func, *args, **kwargs ): def qt_code( win: QW.QWidget, job_status: ClientThreading.JobStatus ): try: if win is not None and not QP.isValid( win ): raise HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException('Parent Window was destroyed before Qt command was called!') result = func( *args, **kwargs ) job_status.SetVariable( 'result', result ) except ( HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException, HydrusExceptions.DBCredentialsException, HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException ) as e: job_status.SetErrorException( e ) except Exception as e: job_status.SetErrorException( e ) HydrusData.Print( 'CallBlockingToQt just caught this error:' ) HydrusData.DebugPrint( traceback.format_exc() ) finally: job_status.Finish() job_status = ClientThreading.JobStatus( cancellable = True, cancel_on_shutdown = False ) QP.CallAfter( qt_code, win, job_status ) while not job_status.IsDone(): if HG.model_shutdown: raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application is shutting down!' ) time.sleep( 0.05 ) if job_status.HasVariable( 'result' ): # result can be None, for qt_code that has no return variable result = job_status.GetIfHasVariable( 'result' ) return result if job_status.HadError(): e = job_status.GetErrorException() raise e raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException() def CallToThread( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ): call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThread() call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs ) CallToThreadLongRunning = CallToThread def CallAfterQtSafe( self, window, label, func, *args, **kwargs ): self.CallLaterQtSafe( window, 0, label, func, *args, **kwargs ) def CallLater( self, initial_delay, func, *args, **kwargs ): call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) job = HydrusThreading.SingleJob( self, self._job_scheduler, initial_delay, call ) self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def CallLaterQtSafe( self, window, initial_delay, label, func, *args, **kwargs ): call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) call.SetLabel( label ) job = ClientThreading.QtAwareJob( self, self._job_scheduler, window, initial_delay, call ) self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def CallRepeating( self, initial_delay, period, label, func, *args, **kwargs ): call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) job = HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob( self, self._job_scheduler, initial_delay, period, call ) self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def CallRepeatingQtSafe( self, window, initial_delay, period, label, func, *args, **kwargs ): call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) job = ClientThreading.QtAwareRepeatingJob(self, self._job_scheduler, window, initial_delay, period, call) self._job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def ClearReads( self, name ): if name in self._read_call_args: del self._read_call_args[ name ] def ClearTestDB( self ): self._test_db = None def ClearWrites( self, name ): if name in self._write_call_args: del self._write_call_args[ name ] def DBCurrentlyDoingJob( self ): return False def DoingFastExit( self ): return False def GetCache( self, name ): return self._caches[ name ] def GetCurrentSessionPageAPIInfoDict( self ): return { "name" : "top pages notebook", "page_key" : "3b28d8a59ec61834325eb6275d9df012860a1ecfd9e1246423059bc47fb6d5bd", "page_type" : 10, "selected" : True, "pages" : [ { "name" : "files", "page_key" : "d436ff5109215199913705eb9a7669d8a6b67c52e41c3b42904db083255ca84d", "page_type" : 6, "selected" : False }, { "name" : "thread watcher", "page_key" : "40887fa327edca01e1d69b533dddba4681b2c43e0b4ebee0576177852e8c32e7", "page_type" : 9, "selected" : False }, { "name" : "pages", "page_key" : "2ee7fa4058e1e23f2bd9e915cdf9347ae90902a8622d6559ba019a83a785c4dc", "page_type" : 10, "selected" : True, "pages" : [ { "name" : "urls", "page_key" : "9fe22cb760d9ee6de32575ed9f27b76b4c215179cf843d3f9044efeeca98411f", "page_type" : 7, "selected" : True }, { "name" : "files", "page_key" : "2977d57fc9c588be783727bcd54225d577b44e8aa2f91e365a3eb3c3f580dc4e", "page_type" : 6, "selected" : False } ] } ] } def GetFilesDir( self ): return self._server_files_dir def GetMainTLW( self ): return def GetNewOptions( self ): return self.new_options def GetManager( self, manager_type ): return self._managers[ manager_type ] def GetPageAPIInfoDict( self, page_key, simple ): return {} def GetRead( self, name ): read = self._read_call_args[ name ] del self._read_call_args[ name ] return read def GetHydrusTempDir( self ): return self._hydrus_temp_dir def GetWrite( self, name ): write = self._write_call_args[ name ] del self._write_call_args[ name ] return write def ImportURLFromAPI( self, url, filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags, destination_page_name, destination_page_key, show_destination_page ): normalised_url = self.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url ) human_result_text = '"{}" URL added successfully.'.format( normalised_url ) self.Write( 'import_url_test', url, filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags, destination_page_name, destination_page_key, show_destination_page ) return ( normalised_url, human_result_text ) def IsBooted( self ): return True def IsConnected( self ): return False def IsCurrentPage( self, page_key ): return False def IsFirstStart( self ): return True def isFullScreen( self ): return True # hackery for another test def IShouldRegularlyUpdate( self, window ): return True def JustWokeFromSleep( self ): return False def PageAlive( self, page_key ): return False def PageClosedButNotDestroyed( self, page_key ): return False def PauseAndDisconnect( self, pause_and_disconnect ): pass def Read( self, name, *args, **kwargs ): self._read_call_args[ name ].append( ( args, kwargs ) ) if self._test_db is not None: return self._test_db.Read( name, *args, **kwargs ) try: if ( name, args ) in self._param_read_responses: return self._param_read_responses[ ( name, args ) ] except: pass result = self._name_read_responses[ name ] if isinstance( result, Exception ): raise HydrusExceptions.DBException( result, str( result ), 'test trace' ) return result def RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self, window ): pass def ReleasePageKey( self, page_key ): pass def ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ): pass def ReportRequestUsed( self ): pass def ResetIdleTimer( self ): pass def ResetIdleTimerFromClientAPI( self ): pass def Run( self, window ): # we are in Qt thread here, we can do this self._SetupQt() if self.only_run is None: run_all = True else: run_all = False # the gui stuff runs fine on its own but crashes in the full test if it is not early, wew # something to do with the delayed button clicking stuff module_lookup = collections.defaultdict( list ) module_lookup[ 'all' ] = [ TestDialogs, TestClientListBoxes, TestClientAPI, TestClientDaemons, TestClientConstants, TestClientData, TestClientFileStorage, TestClientImportOptions, TestClientParsing, TestClientTags, TestClientThreading, TestHydrusSerialisable, TestHydrusSessions, TestClientDB, TestServerDB, TestClientDBDuplicates, TestClientDBTags, TestHydrusData, TestHydrusPaths, TestHydrusTime, TestHydrusNATPunch, TestClientNetworking, TestHydrusNetworking, TestClientImportSubscriptions, TestClientImageHandling, TestClientMetadataMigration, TestClientMigration, TestHydrusTags, TestHydrusServer ] module_lookup[ 'gui' ] = [ TestDialogs, TestClientListBoxes ] module_lookup[ 'client_api' ] = [ TestClientAPI ] module_lookup[ 'daemons' ] = [ TestClientDaemons ] module_lookup[ 'data' ] = [ TestClientConstants, TestClientData, TestClientFileStorage, TestClientImportOptions, TestClientParsing, TestClientTags, TestClientThreading, TestHydrusData, TestHydrusPaths, TestHydrusTags, TestHydrusTime, TestHydrusSerialisable, TestHydrusSessions ] module_lookup[ 'tags_fast' ] = [ TestClientTags ] module_lookup[ 'tags' ] = [ TestClientTags, TestClientDBTags ] module_lookup[ 'client_db' ] = [ TestClientDB ] module_lookup[ 'server_db' ] = [ TestServerDB ] module_lookup[ 'db' ] = [ TestClientDB, TestServerDB ] module_lookup[ 'db_duplicates' ] = [ TestClientDBDuplicates ] module_lookup[ 'db_tags' ] = [ TestClientDBTags ] module_lookup[ 'nat' ] = [ TestHydrusNATPunch ] module_lookup[ 'networking' ] = [ TestClientNetworking, TestHydrusNetworking ] module_lookup[ 'import' ] = [ TestClientImportSubscriptions ] module_lookup[ 'image' ] = [ TestClientImageHandling ] module_lookup[ 'metadata_migration' ] = [ TestClientMetadataMigration ] module_lookup[ 'migration' ] = [ TestClientMigration ] module_lookup[ 'server' ] = [ TestHydrusServer ] if run_all: modules = module_lookup[ 'all' ] else: modules = module_lookup[ self.only_run ] suites = [ unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule( module ) for module in modules ] suite = unittest.TestSuite( suites ) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity = 2 ) runner.failfast = True def do_it(): try: result = suite ) self.run_finished = True self.was_successful = result.wasSuccessful() finally: QP.CallAfter( ) test_thread = threading.Thread( target = do_it ) test_thread.start() def SetParamRead( self, name, args, value ): self._param_read_responses[ ( name, args ) ] = value def SetRead( self, name, value ): self._name_read_responses[ name ] = value def SetStatusBarDirty( self ): pass def SetTestDB( self, db ): self._test_db = db def SetWebCookies( self, name, value ): self._cookies[ name ] = value def ShouldStopThisWork( self, maintenance_mode, stop_time = None ): return False def RefreshPage( self, page_key ): self.Write( 'refresh_page', page_key ) def ShowPage( self, page_key ): self.Write( 'show_page', page_key ) def TidyUp( self ): time.sleep( 2 ) HydrusPaths.DeletePath( self.db_dir ) def WaitUntilModelFree( self ): return def WaitUntilViewFree( self ): return def Write( self, name, *args, **kwargs ): if self._test_db is not None: return self._test_db.Write( name, *args, **kwargs ) self._write_call_args[ name ].append( ( args, kwargs ) ) def WriteSynchronous( self, name, *args, **kwargs ): self._write_call_args[ name ].append( ( args, kwargs ) ) if name == 'import_file': ( file_import_job, ) = args if file_import_job.GetHash().hex() == 'a593942cb7ea9ffcd8ccf2f0fa23c338e23bfecd9a3e508dfc0bcf07501ead08': # 'blarg' in sha256 hex raise Exception( 'File failed to import for some reason!' ) else: h = file_import_job.GetHash() if h is None: h = os.urandom( 32 ) return ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus( CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW, h, note = 'test note' )