#!/bin/bash pushd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 INSTALL_DIR="$(readlink -f .)" DESKTOP_SOURCE_PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/static/hydrus.desktop DESKTOP_DEST_PATH=$HOME/.local/share/applications/hydrus.desktop echo "Install folder appears to be $INSTALL_DIR" if [ ! -f "$DESKTOP_SOURCE_PATH" ]; then echo "Sorry, I do not see the template file at $DESKTOP_SOURCE_PATH! Was it deleted, or this script moved?" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi if [ -f "$DESKTOP_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "You already have a hydrus.desktop file at $DESKTOP_DEST_PATH. Would you like to overwrite it? y/n " else echo "Create a hydrus.desktop file at $DESKTOP_DEST_PATH? y/n " fi read -r affirm if [ "$affirm" = "y" ]; then : elif [ "$affirm" = "n" ]; then popd || exit exit 0 else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi sed -e "s#Exec=.*#Exec=${INSTALL_DIR}/client.sh#" -e "s#Icon=.*#Icon=${INSTALL_DIR}/static/hydrus.png#" "$DESKTOP_SOURCE_PATH" > "$DESKTOP_DEST_PATH" echo "Done!" popd || exit