import itertools import typing from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW from qtpy import QtGui as QG try: # this appears to be Python 3.8+ and/or the equivalent Qt versions from qtpy import QtMultimediaWidgets as QMW from qtpy import QtMultimedia as QM except: pass from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusFileHandling from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusPSDHandling from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusTime from hydrus.core.images import HydrusImageHandling from hydrus.client import ClientApplicationCommand as CAC from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientRendering from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMedia from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMediaControls from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIShortcuts from hydrus.client.gui import QtInit from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP from hydrus.client.gui.canvas import ClientGUIMPV from hydrus.client.gui.canvas import ClientGUIMediaVolume from hydrus.client.gui.widgets import ClientGUICommon from import ClientMedia ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_CENTER = 0 ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER = 1 ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MOUSE = 2 ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_TOP_LEFT = 3 ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_TYPES = ( ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER, ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MOUSE, ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_CENTER, ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_TOP_LEFT ) zoom_centerpoints_str_lookup = {} zoom_centerpoints_str_lookup[ ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_CENTER ] = 'media center' zoom_centerpoints_str_lookup[ ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER ] = 'viewer center' zoom_centerpoints_str_lookup[ ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MOUSE ] = 'mouse (or viewer center if mouse outside)' zoom_centerpoints_str_lookup[ ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_TOP_LEFT ] = 'media top-left' OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON_SIZE = ( 200, 45 ) OPEN_EXTERNALLY_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE = ( 200, 200 ) def CalculateCanvasMediaSize( media, canvas_size: QC.QSize, show_action ): canvas_width = canvas_size.width() canvas_height = canvas_size.height() '''if ClientGUICanvasMedia.ShouldHaveAnimationBar( media, show_action ): animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_height' ) canvas_height -= animated_scanbar_height ''' canvas_width = max( canvas_width, 80 ) canvas_height = max( canvas_height, 60 ) return ( canvas_width, canvas_height ) def CalculateCanvasZooms( canvas_size: QC.QSize, canvas_type: int, device_pixel_ratio: float, media, show_action ): if media is None: return ( 1.0, 1.0 ) if show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): return ( 1.0, 1.0 ) ( media_width, media_height ) = CalculateMediaSize( media, 1.0 ) if media_width == 0 or media_height == 0: return ( 1.0, 1.0 ) new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options ( canvas_width, canvas_height ) = CalculateCanvasMediaSize( media, canvas_size, show_action ) raw_canvas_width = canvas_width * device_pixel_ratio raw_canvas_height = canvas_height * device_pixel_ratio width_zoom = raw_canvas_width / media_width height_zoom = raw_canvas_height / media_height canvas_zoom = min( ( width_zoom, height_zoom ) ) # mime = media.GetMime() ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = new_options.GetMediaZoomOptions( mime ) if exact_zooms_only: max_regular_zoom = 1.0 if canvas_zoom > 1.0: while max_regular_zoom * 2 < canvas_zoom: max_regular_zoom *= 2 elif canvas_zoom < 1.0: while max_regular_zoom > canvas_zoom: max_regular_zoom /= 2 else: regular_zooms = new_options.GetMediaZooms() valid_regular_zooms = [ zoom for zoom in regular_zooms if zoom < canvas_zoom ] if len( valid_regular_zooms ) > 0: max_regular_zoom = max( valid_regular_zooms ) else: max_regular_zoom = canvas_zoom if media.GetMime() in HC.AUDIO: scale_up_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100 scale_down_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS elif canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: scale_up_action = preview_scale_up scale_down_action = preview_scale_down else: scale_up_action = media_scale_up scale_down_action = media_scale_down can_be_scaled_down = media_width > raw_canvas_width or media_height > raw_canvas_height can_be_scaled_up = media_width < raw_canvas_width and media_height < raw_canvas_height # if can_be_scaled_up: scale_action = scale_up_action elif can_be_scaled_down: scale_action = scale_down_action else: scale_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100 if scale_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100: default_zoom = 1.0 elif scale_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR: default_zoom = max_regular_zoom else: default_zoom = canvas_zoom return ( default_zoom, canvas_zoom ) def CalculateMediaContainerSize( media, device_pixel_ratio: float, zoom, show_action ) -> QC.QSize: if show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): raise Exception( 'This media should not be shown in the media viewer!' ) elif show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON: ( width, height ) = OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON_SIZE if media.GetMime() in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: bounding_dimensions = HG.client_controller.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ] thumbnail_scale_type = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_scale_type' ) # we want the device independant size here, not actual pixels, so want to keep this 100 #thumbnail_dpr_percent = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_dpr_percent' ) thumbnail_dpr_percent = 100 ( thumb_width, thumb_height ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolution( media.GetResolution(), bounding_dimensions, thumbnail_scale_type, thumbnail_dpr_percent ) height = height + min( OPEN_EXTERNALLY_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE[1], thumb_height ) return QC.QSize( width, height ) else: ( raw_media_width, raw_media_height ) = CalculateMediaSize( media, zoom ) '''if ClientGUICanvasMedia.ShouldHaveAnimationBar( media, show_action ): animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_height' ) media_height += animated_scanbar_height ''' media_width = int( raw_media_width / device_pixel_ratio ) media_height = int( raw_media_height / device_pixel_ratio ) return QC.QSize( media_width, media_height ) def CalculateMediaSize( media, zoom ): if media.GetMime() in HC.AUDIO: ( original_width, original_height ) = ( 360, 240 ) else: ( original_width, original_height ) = media.GetResolution() media_width = int( round( zoom * original_width ) ) media_height = int( round( zoom * original_height ) ) media_width = max( 1, media_width ) media_height = max( 1, media_height ) return ( media_width, media_height ) def CanDisplayMedia( media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, canvas_type: int ) -> bool: if media is None: return False media = media.GetDisplayMedia() if media is None: return False locations_manager = media.GetLocationsManager() if not locations_manager.IsLocal(): return False return True def GetShowAction( media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, canvas_type: int ): # in the midst of a rewrite, feel free to refactor further start_paused = False start_with_embed = False bad_result = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW, start_paused, start_with_embed ) if media is None: return bad_result mime = media.GetMime() if mime not in HC.ALLOWED_MIMES: # stopgap to catch a collection or application_unknown due to unusual import order/media moving return bad_result if canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: action = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetPreviewShowAction( mime ) else: action = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaShowAction( mime ) if mime == HC.APPLICATION_PSD and action[0] == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE and not HydrusPSDHandling.PSD_TOOLS_OK: # fallback to open externally button when psd_tools not available action = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, start_paused, start_with_embed ) return action def ShouldHaveAnimationBar( media, show_action ): if media is None: return False if show_action not in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER ): return False if not media.HasDuration(): return False is_animation = media.GetMime() in HC.ANIMATIONS is_audio = media.GetMime() in HC.AUDIO is_video = media.GetMime() in HC.VIDEO if show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER ): if is_animation or is_audio or is_video: return True elif show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE: if is_animation or is_video: return True return False def UserWantsUsToDisplayMedia( media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, canvas_type: int ) -> bool: ( media_show_action, media_start_paused, media_start_with_embed ) = GetShowAction( media, canvas_type ) if media_show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): return False return True def WeAreExpectingToLoadThisMediaFile( media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, canvas_type: int ) -> bool: ( media_show_action, media_start_paused, media_start_with_embed ) = GetShowAction( media, canvas_type ) if media_show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER ): return True return False class Animation( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type, background_colour_generator ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator # pass up un-button-pressed mouse moves to parent, which wants to do cursor show/hide self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._media = None self._last_device_pixel_ratio = self.devicePixelRatio() self._have_drawn_background_once = False self._playthrough_count = 0 self._num_frames = 1 self._stop_for_slideshow = False self._current_frame_index = 0 self._current_frame_drawn = False self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() self._slow_frame_score = 1.0 self._paused = True self._video_container = None self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None if self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window' else: shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window' self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ shortcut_set ], catch_mouse = True ) def _ClearCanvasBitmap( self ): if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is not None: self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None def _GetRawPixelSize( self ) -> QC.QSize: return self.size() * self.devicePixelRatio() def _ReinitForResizeOrDPRChange( self ): my_raw_size = self._GetRawPixelSize() my_raw_width = my_raw_size.width() my_raw_height = my_raw_size.height() self._ClearCanvasBitmap() self._last_device_pixel_ratio = self.devicePixelRatio() self._current_frame_drawn = False self._have_drawn_background_once = False self.update() if self._media is not None: ( media_width, media_height ) = self._media.GetResolution() if self._video_container is not None: ( renderer_width, renderer_height ) = self._video_container.GetSize() we_just_zoomed_in = my_raw_width > renderer_width or my_raw_height > renderer_height we_just_zoomed_out = my_raw_width < renderer_width or my_raw_height < renderer_height if we_just_zoomed_in: if self._video_container.IsScaled(): target_width = min( media_width, my_raw_width ) target_height = min( media_height, my_raw_height ) self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( target_width, target_height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) elif we_just_zoomed_out: if my_raw_width < media_width or my_raw_height < media_height: # i.e. new zoom is scaled self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( my_raw_width, my_raw_height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) def _TryToDrawCanvasBitmap( self ): my_raw_size = self._GetRawPixelSize() my_raw_width = my_raw_size.width() my_raw_height = my_raw_size.height() if self._video_container is None: self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( my_raw_width, my_raw_height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) if not self._video_container.HasFrame( self._current_frame_index ): return if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._canvas_qt_pixmap = HG.client_controller.bitmap_manager.GetQtPixmap( my_raw_width, my_raw_height ) self._canvas_qt_pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio( self.devicePixelRatio() ) painter = QG.QPainter( self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) self._DrawABlankFrame( painter ) else: self._canvas_qt_pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio( self.devicePixelRatio() ) painter = QG.QPainter( self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) current_frame = self._video_container.GetFrame( self._current_frame_index ) current_frame_image = current_frame.GetQtImage() # note we draw to self.rect(), which is in DPR coordinates. the pixmap needs to be DPR'd by here mate, this caught us up before painter.drawImage( self.rect(), current_frame_image ) self._current_frame_drawn = True next_frame_time_s = self._video_container.GetDurationMS( self._current_frame_index ) / 1000.0 next_frame_ideally_due = self._next_frame_due_at + next_frame_time_s if HydrusTime.TimeHasPassedPrecise( next_frame_ideally_due ): self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() + next_frame_time_s else: self._next_frame_due_at = next_frame_ideally_due def _DrawABlankFrame( self, painter ): if self._background_colour_generator.CanDoTransparencyCheckerboard(): light_grey = QG.QColor( 237, 237, 237 ) dark_grey = QG.QColor( 222, 222, 222 ) painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( light_grey ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) # 16x16 boxes, light grey in top right BOX_LENGTH = int( 16 * self.devicePixelRatio() ) painter_width = painter.viewport().width() painter_height = painter.viewport().height() num_cols = painter_width // BOX_LENGTH if painter_width % BOX_LENGTH > 0: num_cols += 1 num_rows = painter_height // BOX_LENGTH if painter_height % BOX_LENGTH > 0: num_rows += 1 painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( dark_grey ) ) painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QC.Qt.NoPen ) ) for y_index in range( num_rows ): for x_index in range( num_cols ): if ( x_index + y_index ) % 2 == 1: rect = QC.QRect( x_index * BOX_LENGTH, y_index * BOX_LENGTH, BOX_LENGTH, BOX_LENGTH ) if painter.viewport().intersects( rect ): painter.drawRect( rect ) self._have_drawn_background_once = True return colour = self._background_colour_generator.GetColour() painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) self._have_drawn_background_once = True def ClearMedia( self ): self.SetMedia( None ) def CurrentFrame( self ): return self._current_frame_index def GetAnimationBarStatus( self ): if self._video_container is None: buffer_indices = None else: buffer_indices = self._video_container.GetBufferIndices() if self._current_timestamp_ms is None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): self._current_timestamp_ms = self._video_container.GetTimestampMS( self._current_frame_index ) return ( self._current_frame_index, self._current_timestamp_ms, self._paused, buffer_indices ) def GotoFrame( self, frame_index, pause_afterwards = True ): if self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): if frame_index != self._current_frame_index: self._current_frame_index = frame_index self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() self._video_container.GetReadyForFrame( self._current_frame_index ) self._current_frame_drawn = False self.update() if pause_afterwards: self._paused = True def GotoTimestamp( self, timestamp_ms, round_direction, pause_afterwards = True ): if self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): frame_index = self._video_container.GetFrameIndex( timestamp_ms ) if frame_index == self._current_frame_index: frame_index += round_direction if frame_index > self._media.GetNumFrames() - 1: frame_index = 0 self.GotoFrame( frame_index, pause_afterwards = pause_afterwards ) def HasPlayedOnceThrough( self ): return self._playthrough_count > 0 def IsPaused( self ): return self._paused def paintEvent( self, event ): if self.devicePixelRatio() != self._last_device_pixel_ratio: self._ReinitForResizeOrDPRChange() if not self._current_frame_drawn: self._TryToDrawCanvasBitmap() painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._DrawABlankFrame( painter ) else: painter.drawPixmap( self.rect(), self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) def Pause( self ): self._paused = True def PausePlay( self ): self._paused = not self._paused def Play( self ): self._paused = False def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_MEDIA: self.Pause() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_PLAY_MEDIA: self.PausePlay() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MEDIA_SEEK_DELTA: ( direction, duration_ms ) = command.GetSimpleData() self.SeekDelta( direction, duration_ms ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM: if self._media is not None: self.Pause() ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_FILE_EXPLORER: if self._media is not None: self.Pause() ClientGUIMedia.OpenFileLocation( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_CLOSE_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: self.window().close() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_LAUNCH_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: self.launchMediaViewer.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False return command_processed def resizeEvent( self, event ): size = self.size() my_raw_width = size.width() my_raw_height = size.height() if my_raw_width > 0 and my_raw_height > 0: if size != event.oldSize(): self._ReinitForResizeOrDPRChange() def SeekDelta( self, direction, duration_ms ): if self._current_timestamp_ms is not None and self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): new_ts = self._current_timestamp_ms + ( direction * duration_ms ) self.GotoTimestamp( new_ts, direction, pause_afterwards = False ) def SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self, background_colour_generator ): self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator def StopForSlideshow( self, value ): self._stop_for_slideshow = value def SetMedia( self, media: typing.Optional[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ], start_paused = False ): if media == self._media: return self._media = media self._ClearCanvasBitmap() self._have_drawn_background_once = False self._playthrough_count = 0 self._stop_for_slideshow = False self._current_frame_index = int( ( self._num_frames - 1 ) * HC.options[ 'animation_start_position' ] ) self._current_frame_drawn = False self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusTime.GetNowPrecise() self._slow_frame_score = 1.0 self._paused = start_paused if self._video_container is not None: self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = None if self._media is None: self._num_frames = 1 HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) else: self._num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): if self._media is None: return try: if self.isVisible(): if self._current_frame_drawn: if not self._paused and HydrusTime.TimeHasPassedPrecise( self._next_frame_due_at ): num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() next_frame_index = ( self._current_frame_index + 1 ) % num_frames if next_frame_index == 0: self._playthrough_count += 1 do_times_to_play_animation_pause = False if self._media.GetMime() in HC.ANIMATIONS and not HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'always_loop_gifs' ): times_to_play_animation = self._video_container.GetTimesToPlayAnimation() # 0 is infinite if times_to_play_animation != 0 and self._playthrough_count >= times_to_play_animation: do_times_to_play_animation_pause = True if self._stop_for_slideshow or do_times_to_play_animation_pause: self._paused = True else: self._current_frame_index = next_frame_index self._current_timestamp_ms = 0 else: self._current_frame_index = next_frame_index if self._current_timestamp_ms is not None and self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): duration_ms = self._video_container.GetDurationMS( self._current_frame_index - 1 ) self._current_timestamp_ms += duration_ms self._current_frame_drawn = False if self._video_container is not None: if not self._current_frame_drawn: if self._video_container.HasFrame( self._current_frame_index ): self.update() except: HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) raise class AnimationBar( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._colours = { 'hab_border' : QG.QColor( 0, 0, 0 ), 'hab_background' : QG.QColor( 240, 240, 240 ), 'hab_nub' : QG.QColor( 96, 96, 96 ) } self.setObjectName( 'HydrusAnimationBar' ) self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) ) self.setSizePolicy( QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed ) self._media_window = None self._duration_ms = 1000 self._num_frames = 1 self._last_drawn_info = None self._next_draw_info = None self._show_text = True self._currently_in_a_drag = False self._it_was_playing_before_drag = False def _DrawBlank( self, painter ): self.setProperty( 'playing', False ) background_colour = self._colours[ 'hab_background' ] painter.setBackground( background_colour ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) def _GetXFromFrameIndex( self, index, width_offset = 0 ): if self._num_frames is None or self._num_frames < 2: return 0 my_width = self.size().width() return int( ( my_width - width_offset ) * index / ( self._num_frames - 1 ) ) def _GetXFromTimestamp( self, timestamp_ms, width_offset = 0 ): my_width = self.size().width() return int( ( my_width - width_offset ) * timestamp_ms / self._duration_ms ) def _CurrentMediaWindowIsBad( self ): if self._media_window is None: return True if not QP.isValid( self._media_window ): self.ClearMedia() return True return False def _Redraw( self, painter ): # making an extra note here: do not under any circumstances query the mpv window during our paint event # it leads to the QBackingStore::endPaint() errors when mpv is unhappy/unloaded # always fetch that info and handle various error states in the TIMERAnimationUpdate and just draw cached info here ( current_frame_index, current_timestamp_ms, paused, buffer_indices ) = self._next_draw_info self.setProperty( 'playing', not paused ) my_width = self.size().width() my_height = self.size().height() background_colour = self._colours[ 'hab_background' ] if paused: background_colour = ClientGUIFunctions.GetLighterDarkerColour( background_colour ) painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) # if buffer_indices is not None: ( start_index, rendered_to_index, end_index ) = buffer_indices if ClientRendering.FrameIndexOutOfRange( rendered_to_index, start_index, end_index ): rendered_to_index = start_index start_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( start_index ) rendered_to_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( rendered_to_index ) end_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( end_index ) if start_x != rendered_to_x: rendered_colour = ClientGUIFunctions.GetDifferentLighterDarkerColour( background_colour ) if rendered_to_x > start_x: painter.fillRect( start_x, 0, rendered_to_x - start_x, my_height, rendered_colour ) else: painter.fillRect( start_x, 0, my_width - start_x, my_height, rendered_colour ) painter.fillRect( 0, 0, rendered_to_x, my_height, rendered_colour ) if rendered_to_x != end_x: to_be_rendered_colour = ClientGUIFunctions.GetDifferentLighterDarkerColour( background_colour, 1 ) if end_x > rendered_to_x: painter.fillRect( rendered_to_x, 0, end_x - rendered_to_x, my_height, to_be_rendered_colour ) else: painter.fillRect( rendered_to_x, 0, my_width - rendered_to_x, my_height, to_be_rendered_colour ) painter.fillRect( 0, 0, end_x, my_height, to_be_rendered_colour ) animated_scanbar_nub_width = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_nub_width' ) num_frames_are_useful = self._num_frames is not None and self._num_frames > 1 nub_x = None if num_frames_are_useful and current_frame_index is not None: nub_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( current_frame_index, width_offset = animated_scanbar_nub_width ) elif self._duration_ms is not None and current_timestamp_ms is not None: nub_x = self._GetXFromTimestamp( current_timestamp_ms, width_offset = animated_scanbar_nub_width ) if nub_x is not None: painter.fillRect( nub_x, 0, animated_scanbar_nub_width, my_height, self._colours[ 'hab_nub' ] ) # if self._show_text: progress_strings = [] if num_frames_are_useful: progress_strings.append( HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( current_frame_index + 1, self._num_frames ) ) if current_timestamp_ms is not None: progress_strings.append( HydrusTime.ValueRangeToScanbarTimestampsMS( current_timestamp_ms, self._duration_ms ) ) s = ' - '.join( progress_strings ) if len( s ) > 0: ( text_size, s ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, s ) x = my_width - text_size.width() - 3 y = ( my_height - text_size.height() ) / 2 ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, x, y, s ) # painter.setBrush( QC.Qt.NoBrush ) painter.setPen( QG.QPen( self._colours[ 'hab_border' ] ) ) painter.drawRect( 0, 0, my_width - 1, my_height - 1 ) self._last_drawn_info = self._next_draw_info def _ScanToCurrentMousePos( self ): my_width = self.size().width() mouse_pos = self.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) animated_scanbar_nub_width = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_nub_width' ) compensated_x_position = mouse_pos.x() - ( animated_scanbar_nub_width / 2 ) proportion = ( compensated_x_position ) / ( my_width - animated_scanbar_nub_width ) proportion = max( proportion, 0.0 ) proportion = min( 1.0, proportion ) self.update() if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): current_frame_index = int( proportion * ( self._num_frames - 1 ) + 0.5 ) self._media_window.GotoFrame( current_frame_index ) elif isinstance( self._media_window, ( ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget, QtMediaPlayer ) ): time_index_ms = int( proportion * self._duration_ms ) self._media_window.Seek( time_index_ms ) def ClearMedia( self ): self._media_window = None HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def DoingADrag( self ): return self._currently_in_a_drag def mouseMoveEvent( self, event ): if self._CurrentMediaWindowIsBad(): return CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE = False if self._currently_in_a_drag: if event.buttons() == QC.Qt.NoButton: self._currently_in_a_drag = False return self._ScanToCurrentMousePos() def mousePressEvent( self, event ): if self._CurrentMediaWindowIsBad(): return CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE = False self._it_was_playing_before_drag = not self._media_window.IsPaused() if self._it_was_playing_before_drag: self._media_window.Pause() self._currently_in_a_drag = True self._ScanToCurrentMousePos() def mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ): CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE = True if self._currently_in_a_drag: if self._it_was_playing_before_drag: if not self._CurrentMediaWindowIsBad(): self._media_window.Play() self._currently_in_a_drag = False def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._CurrentMediaWindowIsBad() or self._next_draw_info is None: self._DrawBlank( painter ) else: self._Redraw( painter ) def SetMediaAndWindow( self, media, media_window ): self._media_window = media_window self._duration_ms = max( media.GetDurationMS(), 1 ) num_frames = media.GetNumFrames() if num_frames is None: self._num_frames = num_frames else: self._num_frames = max( num_frames, 1 ) self._currently_in_a_drag = False self._it_was_playing_before_drag = False HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self._next_draw_info = None self.update() def SetShowText( self, show_text: bool ): self._show_text = show_text def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): if self._CurrentMediaWindowIsBad(): self.ClearMedia() return if not self.isVisible(): return # we must never call this method in the paintEvent current_animation_bar_status = self._media_window.GetAnimationBarStatus() if self._last_drawn_info != current_animation_bar_status: self._next_draw_info = current_animation_bar_status self.update() def get_hab_background( self ): return self._colours[ 'hab_background' ] def get_hab_border( self ): return self._colours[ 'hab_border' ] def get_hab_nub( self ): return self._colours[ 'hab_nub' ] def set_hab_background( self, colour ): self._colours[ 'hab_background' ] = colour def set_hab_border( self, colour ): self._colours[ 'hab_border' ] = colour def set_hab_nub( self, colour ): self._colours[ 'hab_nub' ] = colour hab_border = QC.Property( QG.QColor, get_hab_border, set_hab_border ) hab_background = QC.Property( QG.QColor, get_hab_background, set_hab_background ) hab_nub = QC.Property( QG.QColor, get_hab_nub, set_hab_nub ) # cribbing from here class MediaContainerLayout( QW.QLayout ): def __init__( self, static_image ): QW.QLayout.__init__( self ) self._static_image = static_image self._layout_items = [ static_image ] class MediaContainer( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() readyForNeighbourPrefetch = QC.Signal() zoomChanged = QC.Signal( float ) def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type, background_colour_generator, additional_event_filter: QC.QObject ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type if HC.PLATFORM_MACOS and not HG.macos_antiflicker_test: # does modern macOS still go 100% CPU when this is off? # yes :^( # try again with more layout tech on the full canvas self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True ) self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator self.setSizePolicy( QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed ) self._media = None self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW self._start_paused = False self._start_with_embed = False self._default_zoom = 1.0 self._current_zoom = 1.0 self._canvas_zoom = 1.0 self._media_window = None self._embed_button = EmbedButton( self, self._background_colour_generator ) self._embed_button_widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self._embed_button ) self._embed_button_widget_event_filter.EVT_LEFT_DOWN( self.EventEmbedButton ) # pass up un-button-pressed mouse moves to parent, which wants to do cursor show/hide self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._additional_event_filter = additional_event_filter self._animation_window = Animation( self, self._canvas_type, self._background_colour_generator ) self._static_image_window = StaticImage( self, self._canvas_type, self._background_colour_generator ) self._static_image_window.readyForNeighbourPrefetch.connect( self.readyForNeighbourPrefetch ) self._controls_bar = QW.QWidget( self ) self._controls_bar_show_full = True # We need this to force-fill some blanks at times self.setAutoFillBackground( True ) self._animation_bar = AnimationBar( self._controls_bar ) self._volume_control = ClientGUIMediaControls.VolumeControl( self._controls_bar, self._canvas_type, direction = 'up' ) self._volume_control.setCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) # hbox = QP.HBoxLayout( margin = 0, spacing = 0 ) QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._animation_bar, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._volume_control, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) self._controls_bar.setLayout( hbox ) # self._animation_window.hide() self._controls_bar.hide() self._static_image_window.hide() self._embed_button.hide() self.hide() HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Pause', 'pause_all_media' ) def _DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self, media_window ): if media_window is not None: launch_media_viewer_classes = ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget, StaticImage, QtMediaPlayer ) media_window.removeEventFilter( self._additional_event_filter ) if isinstance( media_window, launch_media_viewer_classes ): try: media_window.launchMediaViewer.disconnect( self.launchMediaViewer ) except RuntimeError: pass # lmao, weird 'Failed to disconnect signal launchMediaViewer()' error I couldn't figure out, I guess some out-of-order deleteLater gubbins media_window.ClearMedia() if isinstance( media_window, StaticImage ): media_window.repaint() media_window.hide() if isinstance( media_window, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ): HG.client_controller.gui.ReleaseMPVWidget( media_window ) if isinstance( media_window, QtMediaPlayer ): HG.client_controller.gui.ReleaseQtMediaPlayer( media_window ) else: media_window.deleteLater() def _GetMaxZoomDimension( self ): if self._show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER ) or isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): return 8000 else: return 32000 def _MakeMediaWindow( self ): old_media_window = self._media_window do_neighbour_prefetch_emit = True if self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV and not ClientGUIMPV.MPV_IS_AVAILABLE: self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON HydrusData.ShowText( 'MPV is not available!' ) if self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER and QtInit.WE_ARE_QT5: self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON HydrusData.ShowText( 'Qt Media Player is only available on Qt6!' ) if self._show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): raise Exception( 'This media should not be shown in the media viewer!' ) elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON: self._media_window = OpenExternallyPanel( self, self._media ) elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE: if self._media.IsStaticImage(): if isinstance( self._media_window, StaticImage ): destroy_old_media_window = False self._media_window.hide() else: self._media_window = self._static_image_window self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media ) do_neighbour_prefetch_emit = False else: if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): destroy_old_media_window = False self._media_window.hide() else: self._media_window = self._animation_window self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media, start_paused = self._start_paused ) self._media_window.lower() elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV: self._media_window = HG.client_controller.gui.GetMPVWidget( self ) self._media_window.SetCanvasType( self._canvas_type ) self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media, start_paused = self._start_paused ) self._media_window.lower() elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_QMEDIAPLAYER: self._media_window = QtMediaPlayer( self, self._canvas_type, self._background_colour_generator ) self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media, start_paused = self._start_paused ) self._media_window.lower() if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): self._animation_bar.SetMediaAndWindow( self._media, self._media_window ) else: self._animation_bar.ClearMedia() media_window_changed = old_media_window != self._media_window # this has to go after setcanvastype on the mpv window so the filters are in the correct order if media_window_changed: self._media_window.installEventFilter( self._additional_event_filter ) launch_media_viewer_classes = ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget, StaticImage, QtMediaPlayer ) if isinstance( self._media_window, launch_media_viewer_classes ): self._media_window.launchMediaViewer.connect( self.launchMediaViewer ) self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( old_media_window ) # this forces a flush of the last valid background bmp, so we don't get a flicker of a file from five files ago when we last saw a static image self.repaint() if do_neighbour_prefetch_emit: self.readyForNeighbourPrefetch.emit() def _MoveDelta( self, delta: QC.QPoint ): if delta.isNull(): return self.move( self.pos() + delta ) def _SetZoom( self, zoom: float ): self._current_zoom = zoom size_hint = self.sizeHint() if self.size() != size_hint: self.resize( size_hint ) if HC.PLATFORM_MACOS: self.update() self.zoomChanged.emit( self._current_zoom ) def _SizeAndPositionChildren( self ): if self._media is not None: self._embed_button.setFixedSize( self.size() ) self._embed_button.move( QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) if self._media_window is not None: self._media_window.setFixedSize( self.size() ) self._media_window.move( QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) controls_bar_rect = self.GetIdealControlsBarRect( full_size = self._controls_bar_show_full ) if controls_bar_rect.size() != self._controls_bar.size(): self._controls_bar.setFixedSize( controls_bar_rect.size() ) self._controls_bar.move( controls_bar_rect.topLeft() ) def _TryToChangeZoom( self, new_zoom, zoom_center_type_override = None ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() my_dpr = self.devicePixelRatio() new_media_window_size = CalculateMediaContainerSize( self._media, my_dpr, new_zoom, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE ) new_my_width = new_media_window_size.width() new_my_height = new_media_window_size.height() max_zoom_dimension = self._GetMaxZoomDimension() if new_my_width > max_zoom_dimension or new_my_height > max_zoom_dimension: ( limit_max_normal_zoom, limit_max_canvas_zoom ) = CalculateCanvasZooms( QC.QSize( max_zoom_dimension, max_zoom_dimension ), self._canvas_type, my_dpr, self._media, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE ) new_zoom = limit_max_canvas_zoom new_media_window_size = CalculateMediaContainerSize( self._media, my_dpr, new_zoom, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE ) new_my_width = new_media_window_size.width() new_my_height = new_media_window_size.height() if new_zoom == self._current_zoom: return canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() old_size_bigger = canvas_size.width() < my_width or canvas_size.height() < my_height new_size_fits = canvas_size.width() >= new_my_width and canvas_size.height() >= new_my_height # if my_width > 0 and my_height > 0: if zoom_center_type_override is None: zoom_center_type = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'media_viewer_zoom_center' ) else: zoom_center_type = zoom_center_type_override my_pos = self.pos() # viewer center is the default zoom_centerpoint = QC.QPoint( canvas_size.width() // 2, canvas_size.height() // 2 ) if zoom_center_type == ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_CENTER: zoom_centerpoint = my_pos + QC.QPoint( my_width // 2, my_height // 2 ) elif zoom_center_type == ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MEDIA_TOP_LEFT: zoom_centerpoint = my_pos elif zoom_center_type == ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_MOUSE: mouse_pos = self.parentWidget().mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) if self.parent().rect().contains( mouse_pos ): zoom_centerpoint = mouse_pos # probably a simpler way to calc this, but hey widths_centerpoint_is_from_pos = ( zoom_centerpoint.x() - my_pos.x() ) / my_width heights_centerpoint_is_from_pos = ( zoom_centerpoint.y() - my_pos.y() ) / my_height zoom_width_delta = my_width - new_my_width zoom_height_delta = my_height - new_my_height centerpoint_adjusted_delta = QC.QPoint( int( zoom_width_delta * widths_centerpoint_is_from_pos ), int( zoom_height_delta * heights_centerpoint_is_from_pos ) ) self._MoveDelta( centerpoint_adjusted_delta ) # self._SetZoom( new_zoom ) self.RescueIfOffScreen() # due to the foolish 'giganto window' system for large zooms, some auto-update stuff doesn't work right if the convas rect is contained by the media rect, so do a refresh here if new_zoom > self._canvas_zoom: self.update() def BeginDrag( self ): self.parentWidget().BeginDrag() def ClearMedia( self ): self._media = None self._animation_bar.ClearMedia() self._controls_bar.hide() self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self._media_window ) self._media_window = None HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterUIUpdateWindow( self ) self.hide() def DoEdgePan( self, pan_type: int ): if self._media is None: return canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() my_size = self.size() my_pos = self.pos() delta_x = 0 delta_y = 0 if pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_TOP_EDGE: delta_y = - my_pos.y() elif pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_LEFT_EDGE: delta_x = - my_pos.x() elif pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_BOTTOM_EDGE: delta_y = canvas_size.height() - ( my_pos.y() + my_size.height() ) elif pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_RIGHT_EDGE: delta_x = canvas_size.width() - ( my_pos.x() + my_size.width() ) elif pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_VERTICAL_CENTER: delta_y = ( canvas_size.height() / 2 ) - ( my_pos.y() + ( my_size.height() / 2 ) ) elif pan_type == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER: delta_x = ( canvas_size.width() / 2 ) - ( my_pos.x() + ( my_size.width() / 2 ) ) delta = QC.QPoint( delta_x, delta_y ) self._MoveDelta( delta ) def DoManualPan( self, delta_x_step, delta_y_step ): if self._media is None: return canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() my_size = self.size() x_pan_distance = min( canvas_size.width(), my_size.width() ) // 12 y_pan_distance = min( canvas_size.height(), my_size.height() ) // 12 delta_x = delta_x_step * x_pan_distance delta_y = delta_y_step * y_pan_distance delta = QC.QPoint( delta_x, delta_y ) self._MoveDelta( delta ) def EventEmbedButton( self, event ): self._embed_button.hide() self._MakeMediaWindow() self._SizeAndPositionChildren() if self._media_window is not None: def GetCanvasZoom( self ) -> float: return self._canvas_zoom def GetCurrentZoom( self ) -> float: return self._current_zoom def GetIdealControlsBarRect( self, full_size = True ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() if full_size: animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_height' ) else: animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'animated_scanbar_hide_height' ) if animated_scanbar_height is None: animated_scanbar_height = 5 return QC.QRect( QC.QPoint( 0, my_height - animated_scanbar_height ), QC.QSize( my_width, animated_scanbar_height ) ) def GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( self, direction ): if self._media is not None: if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): current_frame_index = self._media_window.CurrentFrame() num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() if direction == 1: if current_frame_index == num_frames - 1: current_frame_index = 0 else: current_frame_index += 1 else: if current_frame_index == 0: current_frame_index = num_frames - 1 else: current_frame_index -= 1 self._media_window.GotoFrame( current_frame_index ) elif isinstance( self._media_window, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ): self._media_window.GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( direction ) def IsAtMaxZoom( self ): possible_zooms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZooms() max_zoom = max( possible_zooms ) max_zoom_dimension = self._GetMaxZoomDimension() return self._current_zoom == max_zoom or self.width() == max_zoom_dimension or self.height() == max_zoom_dimension def IsPaused( self ): if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): return self._media_window.IsPaused() return False def IsZoomable( self ): if self._media is None: return False return self._show_action not in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ) def minimumSizeHint( self ) -> QC.QSize: return self.sizeHint() def MouseIsNearAnimationBar( self ): if self._media is None: return False if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): canvas_widget = self.parentWidget() if not ClientGUIFunctions.MouseIsOverWidget( canvas_widget ): return False # there's some minor update stuff here now the scanbar can be hidden. its geometry may not update until later, so we need to map coordinates from widgets we know are in view instead! container_mouse_pos = self.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) controls_bar_rect = self.GetIdealControlsBarRect() buffer = 100 test_rect = controls_bar_rect.adjusted( -buffer // 2, -buffer, buffer // 2, buffer // 5 ) return test_rect.contains( container_mouse_pos ) return False def MoveDelta( self, delta: QC.QPoint ): self._MoveDelta( delta ) def Pause( self ): if self._media is not None: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): self._media_window.Pause() def PausePlay( self ): if self._media is not None: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): self._media_window.PausePlay() def ReadyToSlideshow( self ): if self._media is None: return False else: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): if not self._media_window.HasPlayedOnceThrough(): return False if isinstance( self._media_window, StaticImage ): if not self._media_window.IsRendered(): return False return True def RescueIfOffScreen( self ): my_ideal_size = self.sizeHint() canvas_rect = self.parentWidget().rect() ideal_media_rect = QC.QRect( self.pos(), my_ideal_size ) if not canvas_rect.intersects( ideal_media_rect ): # up/down height_buffer = min( ideal_media_rect.height(), self.height() // 5 ) if ideal_media_rect.bottom() < ideal_media_rect.moveBottom( + height_buffer ) elif > canvas_rect.bottom(): ideal_media_rect.moveTop( canvas_rect.bottom() - height_buffer ) # left/right width_buffer = min( ideal_media_rect.width(), self.width() // 5 ) if ideal_media_rect.right() < canvas_rect.left(): ideal_media_rect.moveRight( canvas_rect.left() + width_buffer ) elif ideal_media_rect.left() > canvas_rect.right(): ideal_media_rect.moveLeft( canvas_rect.right() - width_buffer ) ideal_pos = ideal_media_rect.topLeft() if ideal_pos != self.pos(): self.move( ideal_pos ) def ResetCenterPosition( self ): if self._media is None: return canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() ideal_size = self.sizeHint() x = ( canvas_size.width() - ideal_size.width() ) // 2 y = ( canvas_size.height() - ideal_size.height() ) // 2 ideal_pos = QC.QPoint( x, y ) if ideal_pos != self.pos(): self.move( ideal_pos ) def resizeEvent( self, event ): if self._media is not None: self._SizeAndPositionChildren() def SeekDelta( self, direction, duration_ms ): if self._media is not None: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): self._media_window.SeekDelta( direction, duration_ms ) def SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self, background_colour_generator ): self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator self._embed_button.SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self._background_colour_generator ) self._animation_window.SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self._background_colour_generator ) self._static_image_window.SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self._background_colour_generator ) def SetMedia( self, media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, maintain_zoom, maintain_pan ): previous_media = self._media self._media = media ( self._show_action, self._start_paused, self._start_with_embed ) = GetShowAction( self._media, self._canvas_type ) if self._show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON if self._start_with_embed: self._animation_bar.ClearMedia() self._controls_bar.hide() self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self._media_window ) self._media_window = None self._embed_button.SetMedia( self._media ) else: self._embed_button.hide() self._MakeMediaWindow() if maintain_zoom and previous_media is not None: self.ZoomMaintain( previous_media ) else: self.ZoomReinit() if not maintain_pan: self.ResetCenterPosition() self._SizeAndPositionChildren() if self._media_window is not None: HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self ) def ShouldHaveVolumeControl( self ): if self._media is None: return False return isinstance( self._media_window, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) and self._media.HasAudio() def sizeHint(self) -> QC.QSize: if self._media is None or self._show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): return QC.QSize( 0, 0 ) my_dpr = self.devicePixelRatio() return CalculateMediaContainerSize( self._media, my_dpr, self._current_zoom, self._show_action ) def StopForSlideshow( self, value ): if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.MPVWidget ) ): self._media_window.StopForSlideshow( value ) def ZoomIn( self, zoom_center_type_override = None ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZoomOptions( self._media.GetMime() ) possible_zooms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZooms() if exact_zooms_only: exact_zoom = 1.0 if exact_zoom <= self._current_zoom: while exact_zoom <= self._current_zoom: exact_zoom *= 2 else: while exact_zoom / 2 > self._current_zoom: exact_zoom /= 2 max_zoom = max( possible_zooms ) if exact_zoom > max_zoom: return possible_zooms = [ exact_zoom ] possible_zooms.append( self._canvas_zoom ) bigger_zooms = [ zoom for zoom in possible_zooms if zoom > self._current_zoom ] if len( bigger_zooms ) > 0: new_zoom = min( bigger_zooms ) self._TryToChangeZoom( new_zoom, zoom_center_type_override = zoom_center_type_override ) def ZoomMaintain( self, previous_media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ): if self._media is None: return if previous_media is None: self.ZoomReinit() return if previous_media.GetMime() not in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS or self._media.GetMime() not in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: return # set up canvas zoom canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() my_dpr = self.devicePixelRatio() previous_current_zoom = self._current_zoom ( media_show_action, media_start_paused, media_start_with_embed ) = GetShowAction( previous_media, self._canvas_type ) if media_show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): media_show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON ( previous_default_zoom, previous_canvas_zoom ) = CalculateCanvasZooms( canvas_size, self._canvas_type, my_dpr, previous_media, media_show_action ) ( media_show_action, media_start_paused, media_start_with_embed ) = GetShowAction( self._media, self._canvas_type ) if media_show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): media_show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON ( gumpf_current_zoom, self._canvas_zoom ) = CalculateCanvasZooms( canvas_size, self._canvas_type, my_dpr, self._media, media_show_action ) # previously, we always matched width, but this causes a problem in dupe viewer when B has a little watermark on the bottom, spilling below bottom of screen # I think in future we will have more options regarding all this, and this method will change significantly # however for now we really just want a hardcoded ok solution for all situations, so let's just hook on default canvas zoom situation ( previous_width, previous_height ) = CalculateMediaSize( previous_media, self._current_zoom ) ( previous_media_100_width, previous_media_100_height ) = previous_media.GetResolution() ( current_media_100_width, current_media_100_height ) = self._media.GetResolution() width_locked_zoom = previous_width / current_media_100_width height_locked_zoom = previous_height / current_media_100_height width_locked_size = CalculateMediaContainerSize( self._media, my_dpr, width_locked_zoom, media_show_action ) height_locked_size = CalculateMediaContainerSize( self._media, my_dpr, height_locked_zoom, media_show_action ) # if landscape, go height, portrait, go width if previous_media_100_width > previous_media_100_height and current_media_100_width > current_media_100_height: lock_height = True elif previous_media_100_width < previous_media_100_height and current_media_100_width < current_media_100_height: lock_height = False else: # for weird stuff, we'll choose the smaller of the two ratios width_difference = max( previous_media_100_width, current_media_100_width ) / min( previous_media_100_width, current_media_100_width ) height_difference = max( previous_media_100_height, current_media_100_height ) / min( previous_media_100_height, current_media_100_height ) lock_height = height_difference <= width_difference # however we don't want to accidentally zoom in if the media we are switching to is larger. it'll spill over the bottom of the canvas # therefore let's have a little safety check if previous_current_zoom == previous_default_zoom and previous_current_zoom <= previous_canvas_zoom * 1.05: # we were looking at the default zoom, near or at canvas edge(s), probably hadn't zoomed before switching comparison # we want to make sure our comparison does not spill over the canvas edge close_to_vertical_edge = canvas_size.height() * 0.95 <= self.height() <= canvas_size.height() * 1.05 vertical_spillover_could_be_deceptive = self.height() < width_locked_size.height() < self.height() * 1.1 # locking by width will spill over bottom of screen if close_to_vertical_edge and vertical_spillover_could_be_deceptive: lock_height = True close_to_horizontal_edge = canvas_size.width() * 0.95 <= self.width() <= canvas_size.width() * 1.05 horizontal_spillover_could_be_deceptive = self.width() < height_locked_size.width() < self.width() * 1.1 # locking by height will spill over right of screen if close_to_horizontal_edge and horizontal_spillover_could_be_deceptive: lock_height = False if lock_height: current_zoom = height_locked_zoom else: current_zoom = width_locked_zoom self._SetZoom( current_zoom ) def Zoom100( self ): self._TryToChangeZoom( 1.0 ) def ZoomCanvas( self ): self._TryToChangeZoom( self._canvas_zoom ) def ZoomDefault( self ): self._TryToChangeZoom( self._default_zoom ) def ZoomMax( self ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return possible_zooms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZooms() max_zoom = max( possible_zooms ) ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZoomOptions( self._media.GetMime() ) if exact_zooms_only: exact_zoom = 1.0 while exact_zoom * 2 <= max_zoom: exact_zoom *= 2 max_zoom = exact_zoom new_zoom = max_zoom if self._current_zoom != new_zoom: self._TryToChangeZoom( new_zoom ) def ZoomOut( self, zoom_center_type_override = None ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZoomOptions( self._media.GetMime() ) if exact_zooms_only: exact_zoom = 1.0 if exact_zoom < self._current_zoom: while exact_zoom * 2 < self._current_zoom: exact_zoom *= 2 else: while exact_zoom >= self._current_zoom: exact_zoom /= 2 possible_zooms = [ exact_zoom ] else: possible_zooms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZooms() possible_zooms.append( self._canvas_zoom ) smaller_zooms = [ zoom for zoom in possible_zooms if zoom < self._current_zoom ] if len( smaller_zooms ) > 0: new_zoom = max( smaller_zooms ) self._TryToChangeZoom( new_zoom, zoom_center_type_override = zoom_center_type_override ) def ZoomReinit( self ): if self._media is None: return canvas_size = self.parentWidget().size() my_dpr = self.devicePixelRatio() ( self._default_zoom, self._canvas_zoom ) = CalculateCanvasZooms( canvas_size, self._canvas_type, my_dpr, self._media, self._show_action ) self._SetZoom( self._default_zoom ) def ZoomSwitch( self, zoom_center_type_override = None ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return if self._canvas_zoom == 1.0 and self._current_zoom == 1.0: return if self._current_zoom == 1.0: new_zoom = self._canvas_zoom else: new_zoom = 1.0 self._TryToChangeZoom( new_zoom, zoom_center_type_override = zoom_center_type_override ) if new_zoom <= self._canvas_zoom: self.ResetCenterPosition() def ZoomSwitch100Max( self ): self.ZoomSwitchMax( 1.0 ) def ZoomSwitchCanvasMax( self ): self.ZoomSwitchMax( self._canvas_zoom ) def ZoomSwitchMax( self, switch_base: float ): if not self.IsZoomable(): return if self._current_zoom == switch_base: possible_zooms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZooms() max_zoom = max( possible_zooms ) ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetMediaZoomOptions( self._media.GetMime() ) if exact_zooms_only: exact_zoom = 1.0 while exact_zoom * 2 <= max_zoom: exact_zoom *= 2 max_zoom = exact_zoom new_zoom = max_zoom else: new_zoom = switch_base self._TryToChangeZoom( new_zoom ) if new_zoom == switch_base: self.ResetCenterPosition() def TIMERUIUpdate( self ): is_near = False show_small_instead_of_hiding = None force_show = False if not ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): should_show_controls = False else: is_near = self.MouseIsNearAnimationBar() show_small_instead_of_hiding = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'animated_scanbar_hide_height' ) is not None force_show = self._volume_control.PopupIsVisible() or self._animation_bar.DoingADrag() or HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'force_animation_scanbar_show' ) should_show_controls = is_near or show_small_instead_of_hiding or force_show if should_show_controls: should_show_full = is_near or force_show if should_show_full != self._controls_bar_show_full: self._controls_bar_show_full = should_show_full self._animation_bar.SetShowText( self._controls_bar_show_full ) self._volume_control.setEnabled( self._controls_bar_show_full ) self._SizeAndPositionChildren() if not self._controls_bar.isVisible(): self._animation_bar.SetMediaAndWindow( self._media, self._media_window ) self._controls_bar.raise_() should_show_volume = self.ShouldHaveVolumeControl() if self._volume_control.isVisible() != should_show_volume: self._volume_control.setVisible( should_show_volume ) self._controls_bar.layout() else: if self._controls_bar.isVisible(): # ok, repaint here forces a clear paint event NOW, before we hide. # this ensures that when we show again, we won't have the nub in the wrong place for a frame before it repaints # we'll have no nub, but this is less noticeable self._animation_bar.ClearMedia() self._animation_bar.repaint() self._controls_bar.hide() self._controls_bar.layout() class EmbedButton( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent, background_colour_generator ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator self._media = None self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = None self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.PointingHandCursor ) ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'update', 'notify_new_colourset' ) def _Redraw( self, painter ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() center_x = my_width // 2 center_y = my_height // 2 radius = min( 50, center_x, center_y ) - 5 new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options colour = self._background_colour_generator.GetColour() painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) if self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap is not None: scale = my_width / self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap.width() painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( scale, scale ) ) painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap ) painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( 1.0, 1.0 ) ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QG.QPalette().color( QG.QPalette.Button ) ) ) painter.drawEllipse( QC.QPointF( center_x, center_y ), radius, radius ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QG.QPalette().color( QG.QPalette.Window ) ) ) # play symbol is a an equilateral triangle triangle_side = radius * 0.8 half_triangle_side = int( triangle_side // 2 ) cos30 = 0.866 triangle_width = triangle_side * cos30 third_triangle_width = int( triangle_width // 3 ) points = [] points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x - third_triangle_width, center_y - half_triangle_side ) ) points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x + third_triangle_width * 2, center_y ) ) points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x - third_triangle_width, center_y + half_triangle_side ) ) painter.drawPolygon( QG.QPolygon( points ) ) # painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QG.QPalette().color( QG.QPalette.Shadow ) ) ) painter.setBrush( QC.Qt.NoBrush ) painter.drawRect( 0, 0, my_width, my_height ) def ClearMedia( self ): self.SetMedia( None ) def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) self._Redraw( painter ) def SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self, background_colour_generator ): self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator def SetMedia( self, media ): self._media = media if self._media is None: needs_thumb = False else: needs_thumb = self._media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() and self._media.GetMime() in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS if needs_thumb: thumbnail_path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( self._media ) thumbnail_mime = HydrusFileHandling.GetThumbnailMime( thumbnail_path ) self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = ClientRendering.GenerateHydrusBitmap( thumbnail_path, thumbnail_mime ).GetQtPixmap() self.update() else: self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = None class OpenExternallyPanel( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent, media ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options self._media = media vbox = QP.VBoxLayout() if self._media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() and self._media.GetMime() in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: thumbnail_path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( self._media ) thumbnail_mime = HydrusFileHandling.GetThumbnailMime( thumbnail_path ) qt_pixmap = ClientRendering.GenerateHydrusBitmap( thumbnail_path, thumbnail_mime ).GetQtPixmap() thumbnail_dpr_percent = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_dpr_percent' ) if thumbnail_dpr_percent != 100: qt_pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio( thumbnail_dpr_percent / 100 ) thumbnail_window = ClientGUICommon.BufferedWindowIcon( self, qt_pixmap ) thumbnail_window_width = min( thumbnail_window.width(), OPEN_EXTERNALLY_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE[0] ) thumbnail_window_height = min( thumbnail_window.height(), OPEN_EXTERNALLY_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE[1] ) thumbnail_window.setFixedSize( thumbnail_window_width, thumbnail_window_height ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, thumbnail_window, CC.FLAGS_CENTER ) m_text = HC.mime_string_lookup[ media.GetMime() ] button = QW.QPushButton( 'open {} externally'.format( m_text ), self ) button.setFocusPolicy( QC.Qt.NoFocus ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.setLayout( vbox ) self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.PointingHandCursor ) ) button.clicked.connect( self.LaunchFile ) def mousePressEvent( self, event ): if not ( event.modifiers() & ( QC.Qt.ShiftModifier | QC.Qt.ControlModifier | QC.Qt.AltModifier ) ) and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton: self.LaunchFile() else: event.ignore() def LaunchFile( self ): hash = self._media.GetHash() mime = self._media.GetMime() client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) launch_path = self._new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime ) HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path ) class QtMediaPlayer( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent: QW.QWidget, canvas_type, background_colour_generator ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator self._my_audio_output = QM.QAudioOutput( self ) self._my_video_output = QMW.QVideoWidget( self ) self._my_audio_placeholder = QW.QWidget( self ) QP.SetBackgroundColour( self._my_audio_placeholder, QG.QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ) # perhaps this stops the always on top behaviour, says several places, but it doesn't for me! #self._my_video_output.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, False ) self._media_player = QM.QMediaPlayer( self ) self._media_player.mediaStatusChanged.connect( self._MediaStatusChanged ) self._we_are_initialised = True vbox = QP.VBoxLayout( margin = 0 ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._my_video_output, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._my_audio_placeholder, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) self.setLayout( vbox ) self._media = None self._playthrough_count = 0 if self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window' else: shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window' self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ shortcut_set ], catch_mouse = True ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'UpdateAudioMute', 'new_audio_mute' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'UpdateAudioVolume', 'new_audio_volume' ) def _MediaStatusChanged( self, status ): if status == QM.QMediaPlayer.MediaStatus.EndOfMedia: self._playthrough_count += 1 self._media_player.setPosition( 0 ) def GetAnimationBarStatus( self ): buffer_indices = None if self._media is None: current_frame_index = 0 current_timestamp_ms = 0 paused = True else: current_timestamp_ms = self._media_player.position() num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() if num_frames is None or num_frames == 1: current_frame_index = 0 else: current_frame_index = int( round( ( current_timestamp_ms / self._media.GetDurationMS() ) * num_frames ) ) current_frame_index = min( current_frame_index, num_frames - 1 ) current_timestamp_ms = min( current_timestamp_ms, self._media.GetDurationMS() ) paused = self.IsPaused() return ( current_frame_index, current_timestamp_ms, paused, buffer_indices ) def ClearMedia( self ): if self._media is not None: self._media = None # ok in my experience setting media_player.setSource to anything after a first load is pretty buggy! # it can just straight up hang forever. either to a null QUrl or another file # it seems to be it doesn't like unloading some files # so, let's spawn a new one every time # EDIT: ok going from one vid to another can cause crashes, so we are moving to a system where each QtMediaPlayer just gets one use. we'll make a new one every time self._media_player.stop() #self._media_player.setParent( None ) #QP.CallAfter( self._media_player.deleteLater ) #self._media_player = QM.QMediaPlayer( self ) #self._media_player.mediaStatusChanged.connect( self._MediaStatusChanged ) def HasPlayedOnceThrough( self ): return self._playthrough_count > 0 def IsCompletelyUnloaded( self ): return self._media_player.mediaStatus() == QM.QMediaPlayer.MediaStatus.NoMedia def IsPaused( self ): # don't use isPlaying(), Qt 6.4.1 doesn't support it lol return self._media_player.playbackState() != QM.QMediaPlayer.PlaybackState.PlayingState def Pause( self ): self._media_player.pause() def PausePlay( self ): if self.IsPaused(): self.Play() else: self.Pause() def Play( self ): def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_MEDIA: self.Pause() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_PLAY_MEDIA: self.PausePlay() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MEDIA_SEEK_DELTA: ( direction, duration_ms ) = command.GetSimpleData() self.SeekDelta( direction, duration_ms ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM: if self._media is not None: self.Pause() ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_FILE_EXPLORER: if self._media is not None: self.Pause() ClientGUIMedia.OpenFileLocation( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_CLOSE_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: self.window().close() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_LAUNCH_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: self.launchMediaViewer.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False return command_processed def Seek( self, position_ms ): self._media_player.setPosition( position_ms ) def SeekDelta( self, direction, duration_ms ): if self._media is None: return current_timestamp_ms = self._media_player.position() new_timestamp_ms = max( 0, current_timestamp_ms + ( direction * duration_ms ) ) if new_timestamp_ms > self._media.GetDurationMS(): new_timestamp_ms = 0 self.Seek( new_timestamp_ms ) def SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self, background_colour_generator ): self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator def SetMedia( self, media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, start_paused = False ): if media == self._media: return self.ClearMedia() self._media = media has_audio = self._media.HasAudio() is_audio = self._media.GetMime() in HC.AUDIO if has_audio: self._media_player.setAudioOutput( self._my_audio_output ) if not is_audio: self._media_player.setVideoOutput( self._my_video_output ) self._my_video_output.setVisible( not is_audio ) self._my_audio_placeholder.setVisible( is_audio ) path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( self._media.GetHash(), self._media.GetMime() ) self._media_player.setSource( QC.QUrl.fromLocalFile( path ) ) if not start_paused: self._my_audio_output.setVolume( ClientGUIMediaVolume.GetCorrectCurrentVolume( self._canvas_type ) ) self._my_audio_output.setMuted( ClientGUIMediaVolume.GetCorrectCurrentMute( self._canvas_type ) ) def TryToUnload( self ): # this call is crashtastic, so don't inject it while the player is buffering or whatever if self._media_player.mediaStatus() in ( QM.QMediaPlayer.MediaStatus.LoadedMedia, QM.QMediaPlayer.MediaStatus.EndOfMedia, QM.QMediaPlayer.MediaStatus.InvalidMedia ): self._media_player.setSource( '' ) def UpdateAudioMute( self ): self._my_audio_output.setMuted( ClientGUIMediaVolume.GetCorrectCurrentMute( self._canvas_type ) ) def UpdateAudioVolume( self ): self._my_audio_output.setVolume( ClientGUIMediaVolume.GetCorrectCurrentVolume( self._canvas_type ) ) class StaticImage( CAC.ApplicationCommandProcessorMixin, QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() readyForNeighbourPrefetch = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type, background_colour_generator ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) CAC.ApplicationCommandProcessorMixin.__init__( self ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator if HC.PLATFORM_MACOS and not HG.macos_antiflicker_test: self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True ) # pass up un-button-pressed mouse moves to parent, which wants to do cursor show/hide self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._media = None self._i_know_if_media_has_transparency = False self._media_has_transparency = False self._image_renderer = None self._last_device_pixel_ratio = self.devicePixelRatio() self._tile_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'image_tiles' ) self._canvas_tiles = {} self._is_rendered = False self._raw_canvas_tile_size = QC.QSize( 768, 768 ) self._device_canvas_tile_size = self._raw_canvas_tile_size / self._last_device_pixel_ratio self._zoom = 1.0 if self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window' else: shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window' self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ shortcut_set ], catch_mouse = True ) def _ClearCanvasTileCache( self ): my_raw_size = self._GetRawPixelSize() if self._media is None or self.width() == 0 or self.height() == 0: self._zoom = 1.0 tile_dimension = 0 else: ( media_width, media_height ) = self._media.GetResolution() self._zoom = my_raw_size.width() / media_width # it is most convenient to have tiles that line up with the current zoom ratio # 768 is a convenient size for meaty GPU blitting, but as a number it doesn't make for nice multiplication # a 'nice' size is one that divides nicely by our zoom, so that integer translations between canvas and native res aren't losing too much in the float remainder # the trick of going ( 123456 // 16 ) * 16 to give you a nice multiple of 16 does not work with floats like 1.4 lmao. # what we can do instead is phrase 1.4 as 7/5 and use 7 as our int. any number cleanly divisible by 7 is cleanly divisible by 1.4 ideal_tile_dimension = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'ideal_tile_dimension' ) nice_number = HydrusData.GetNicelyDivisibleNumberForZoom( self._zoom / self.devicePixelRatio(), ideal_tile_dimension ) if nice_number == -1: # we are in extreme zoom land. nice multiples are impossible with reasonable size tiles, so we'll have to settle for some problems # a future solution is to get a bigger zoom and scale down # a future solution is to just make overlapping screen covering tiles and never deal with seams lmao tile_dimension = ideal_tile_dimension else: tile_dimension = ( ideal_tile_dimension // nice_number ) * nice_number tile_dimension = max( min( tile_dimension, 2048 ), 1 ) if HG.canvas_tile_outline_mode: HydrusData.ShowText( '{} from zoom {} and nice number {}'.format( tile_dimension, self._zoom, nice_number ) ) self._raw_canvas_tile_size = QC.QSize( tile_dimension, tile_dimension ) self._canvas_tiles = {} self._last_device_pixel_ratio = self.devicePixelRatio() self._device_canvas_tile_size = self._raw_canvas_tile_size / self._last_device_pixel_ratio self._is_rendered = False def _DrawBackground( self, painter, topLeftOffset = None ): if not self._i_know_if_media_has_transparency: if self._image_renderer is not None and self._image_renderer.IsReady(): self._media_has_transparency = self._image_renderer.HasTransparency() self._i_know_if_media_has_transparency = True if self._background_colour_generator.CanDoTransparencyCheckerboard() and self._i_know_if_media_has_transparency and self._media_has_transparency: light_grey = QG.QColor( 237, 237, 237 ) dark_grey = QG.QColor( 222, 222, 222 ) painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( light_grey ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) # 16x16 boxes, light grey in top right BOX_LENGTH = int( 16 * self.devicePixelRatio() ) # there's a way to do this with viewports or transforms or something, but I don't know mate if topLeftOffset is None: rectTopLeftAdjust = QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) else: x = topLeftOffset.x() % ( BOX_LENGTH * 2 ) y = topLeftOffset.y() % ( BOX_LENGTH * 2 ) x_adjust = - x if x > 0 else 0 y_adjust = - y if y > 0 else 0 rectTopLeftAdjust = QC.QPoint( x_adjust, y_adjust ) painter_width = painter.viewport().width() + abs( rectTopLeftAdjust.x() ) painter_height = painter.viewport().height() + abs( rectTopLeftAdjust.y() ) num_cols = painter_width // BOX_LENGTH if painter_width % BOX_LENGTH > 0: num_cols += 1 num_rows = painter_height // BOX_LENGTH if painter_height % BOX_LENGTH > 0: num_rows += 1 painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( dark_grey ) ) painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QC.Qt.NoPen ) ) for y_index in range( num_rows ): for x_index in range( num_cols ): if ( x_index + y_index ) % 2 == 1: rect = QC.QRect( x_index * BOX_LENGTH, y_index * BOX_LENGTH, BOX_LENGTH, BOX_LENGTH ) rect.moveTo( rect.topLeft() + rectTopLeftAdjust ) if painter.viewport().intersects( rect ): painter.drawRect( rect ) return colour = self._background_colour_generator.GetColour() painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) def _DrawTile( self, tile_coordinate ): ( native_clip_rect, raw_canvas_clip_rect ) = self._GetRawClipRectsFromTileCoordinates( tile_coordinate ) raw_width = raw_canvas_clip_rect.width() raw_height = raw_canvas_clip_rect.height() tile_pixmap = HG.client_controller.bitmap_manager.GetQtPixmap( raw_width, raw_height ) painter = QG.QPainter( tile_pixmap ) self._DrawBackground( painter, topLeftOffset = raw_canvas_clip_rect.topLeft() ) tile = self._tile_cache.GetTile( self._image_renderer, self._media, native_clip_rect, raw_canvas_clip_rect.size() ) painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, tile.qt_pixmap ) if HG.canvas_tile_outline_mode: painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QG.QColor( 0, 127, 255 ) ) ) painter.setBrush( QC.Qt.NoBrush ) painter.drawRect( tile_pixmap.rect() ) self._canvas_tiles[ tile_coordinate ] = ( tile_pixmap, raw_canvas_clip_rect.topLeft() ) def _GetRawClipRectsFromTileCoordinates( self, tile_coordinate ) -> typing.Tuple[ QC.QRect, QC.QRect ]: ( tile_x, tile_y ) = tile_coordinate my_raw_size = self._GetRawPixelSize() my_raw_width = my_raw_size.width() my_raw_height = my_raw_size.height() ( normal_raw_canvas_width, normal_raw_canvas_height ) = ( self._raw_canvas_tile_size.width(), self._raw_canvas_tile_size.height() ) ( media_width, media_height ) = self._media.GetResolution() raw_canvas_x = tile_x * self._raw_canvas_tile_size.width() raw_canvas_y = tile_y * self._raw_canvas_tile_size.height() raw_canvas_topLeft = QC.QPoint( raw_canvas_x, raw_canvas_y ) raw_canvas_width = normal_raw_canvas_width if raw_canvas_x + normal_raw_canvas_width > my_raw_width: # this is the rightmost tile and should be shrunk raw_canvas_width = my_raw_width % normal_raw_canvas_width raw_canvas_height = normal_raw_canvas_height if raw_canvas_y + normal_raw_canvas_height > my_raw_height: # this is the bottommost tile and should be shrunk raw_canvas_height = my_raw_height % normal_raw_canvas_height raw_canvas_width = max( 1, raw_canvas_width ) raw_canvas_height = max( 1, raw_canvas_height ) # if we are the last row/column our size is not this! raw_canvas_size = QC.QSize( raw_canvas_width, raw_canvas_height ) raw_canvas_clip_rect = QC.QRect( raw_canvas_topLeft, raw_canvas_size ) native_clip_rect = QC.QRect( raw_canvas_topLeft / self._zoom, raw_canvas_size / self._zoom ) # dealing with rounding errors with zoom calc if native_clip_rect.width() + native_clip_rect.x() > media_width: native_clip_rect.setWidth( media_width - native_clip_rect.x() ) if native_clip_rect.height() + native_clip_rect.y() > media_height: native_clip_rect.setHeight( media_height - native_clip_rect.y() ) if native_clip_rect.width() == 0: native_clip_rect.setX( max( native_clip_rect.x() - 1, 0 ) ) native_clip_rect.setWidth( 1 ) if native_clip_rect.height() == 0: native_clip_rect.setY( max( native_clip_rect.y() - 1, 0 ) ) native_clip_rect.setHeight( 1 ) return ( native_clip_rect, raw_canvas_clip_rect ) def _GetRawPixelSize( self ) -> QC.QSize: return self.size() * self.devicePixelRatio() def _GetTileCoordinateFromPoint( self, device_pos: QC.QPoint ): raw_pos = device_pos * self.devicePixelRatio() tile_x = raw_pos.x() // self._raw_canvas_tile_size.width() tile_y = raw_pos.y() // self._raw_canvas_tile_size.height() return ( tile_x, tile_y ) def _GetTileCoordinatesInView( self, device_rect: QC.QRect ): if self.width() == 0 or self.height() == 0 or self._raw_canvas_tile_size.width() == 0 or self._raw_canvas_tile_size.height() == 0: return [] topLeft_tile_coordinate = self._GetTileCoordinateFromPoint( device_rect.topLeft() ) bottomRight_tile_coordinate = self._GetTileCoordinateFromPoint( device_rect.bottomRight() ) i = itertools.product( range( topLeft_tile_coordinate[0], bottomRight_tile_coordinate[0] + 1 ), range( topLeft_tile_coordinate[1], bottomRight_tile_coordinate[1] + 1 ) ) return list( i ) def ClearMedia( self ): self._media = None self._image_renderer = None self._ClearCanvasTileCache() self.update() def paintEvent( self, event ): if self.devicePixelRatio() != self._last_device_pixel_ratio: self._ClearCanvasTileCache() painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._image_renderer is None or not self._image_renderer.IsReady(): self._DrawBackground( painter ) return try: dirty_tile_coordinates = self._GetTileCoordinatesInView( event.rect() ) for dirty_tile_coordinate in dirty_tile_coordinates: if dirty_tile_coordinate not in self._canvas_tiles: self._DrawTile( dirty_tile_coordinate ) my_dpr = self.devicePixelRatio() visible_bounding_rect = self.visibleRegion().boundingRect() visible_bounding_rect_topLeft = visible_bounding_rect.topLeft() for dirty_tile_coordinate in dirty_tile_coordinates: ( tile, raw_pos ) = self._canvas_tiles[ dirty_tile_coordinate ] raw_pos_f = QC.QPointF( raw_pos ) device_pos_f = raw_pos_f / my_dpr tile.setDevicePixelRatio( my_dpr ) adjust_pos_f = QC.QPointF() if my_dpr % 1 != 0.0: # # ,ad8888ba, 88888888ba 88 88 # d8"' `"8b ,d 88 "8b "" 88 # d8' `8b 88 88 ,8P 88 # 88 88 MM88MMM 88aaaaaa8P' 88 8b, ,d8 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, # 88 88 88 88""""""' 88 `Y8, ,8P' a8P_____88 88 I8[ "" # Y8, "88,,8P 88 88 88 )888( 8PP""""""" 88 `"Y8ba, # Y8a. Y88P 88, 88 88 ,d8" "8b, "8b, ,aa 88 aa ]8I # `"Y8888Y"Y8a "Y888 88 88 8P' `Y8 `"Ybbd8"' 88 `"YbbdP"' # # Ok, what is going on here is that if you have an ugly UI scale, like 125%, when a bitmap has to be drawn starting offscreen, Qt rounds the starting coordinate down every n pixels of offset # something gets cut off somewhere, I guess every 5 pixels for 125%, 3 for 150%, and you get a blank/white line on the first set of tiles to be stitched as you drag around, flickering every n pixels # therefore, we engage in some sordid hexxing here: if the current tile starts offscreen, we move it on a real pixel # I haven't seen massive warping here, but maybe it stands out on cleaner vectors on low res displays. if so, I'll revisit and try to determine the actual nth pixel to activate this if device_pos_f.x() < visible_bounding_rect_topLeft.x(): adjust_pos_f.setX( 1 / my_dpr ) if device_pos_f.y() < visible_bounding_rect_topLeft.y(): adjust_pos_f.setY( 1 / my_dpr ) painter.drawPixmap( device_pos_f + adjust_pos_f, tile ) tile.setDevicePixelRatio( 1.0 ) all_visible_tile_coordinates = self._GetTileCoordinatesInView( visible_bounding_rect ) deletee_tile_coordinates = set( self._canvas_tiles.keys() ).difference( all_visible_tile_coordinates ) for deletee_tile_coordinate in deletee_tile_coordinates: del self._canvas_tiles[ deletee_tile_coordinate ] if not self._is_rendered: self.readyForNeighbourPrefetch.emit() self._is_rendered = True except Exception as e: HydrusData.PrintException( e, do_wait = False ) return def resizeEvent( self, event ): self._ClearCanvasTileCache() def showEvent( self, event ): self._ClearCanvasTileCache() def IsRendered( self ): return self._is_rendered def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM: if self._media is not None: ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_FILE_EXPLORER: if self._media is not None: ClientGUIMedia.OpenFileLocation( self._media ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_CLOSE_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type in CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_TYPES: self.window().close() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_LAUNCH_MEDIA_VIEWER and self._canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: self.launchMediaViewer.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False return command_processed def SetBackgroundColourGenerator( self, background_colour_generator ): self._background_colour_generator = background_colour_generator def SetMedia( self, media ): if media == self._media: return self._ClearCanvasTileCache() self._media = media self._i_know_if_media_has_transparency = False self._media_has_transparency = False image_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'images' ) self._image_renderer = image_cache.GetImageRenderer( self._media ) if not self._image_renderer.IsReady(): HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): try: if self._image_renderer is None or self._image_renderer.IsReady(): self.update() HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) except: HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) raise