import collections import hashlib import http.client import json import os import random import shutil import time import unittest import urllib from twisted.internet import reactor from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusImageHandling from hydrus.core import HydrusTags from hydrus.core import HydrusText from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientAPI from hydrus.client import ClientSearch from hydrus.client import ClientServices from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportFiles from import ClientMediaManagers from import ClientMediaResult from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags from hydrus.client.networking import ClientLocalServer from hydrus.client.networking import ClientLocalServerResources from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts CBOR_AVAILABLE = False try: import cbor2 import base64 CBOR_AVAILABLE = True except: pass class TestClientAPI( unittest.TestCase ): @classmethod def setUpClass( cls ): cls.maxDiff = None cls._client_api = ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE_KEY, HC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE, 'client api' ) cls._client_api_cors = ClientServices.GenerateService( CC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE_KEY, HC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE, 'client api' ) cls._client_api_cors._support_cors = True def TWISTEDSetup(): reactor.listenTCP( 45869, ClientLocalServer.HydrusServiceClientAPI( cls._client_api, allow_non_local_connections = False ) ) reactor.listenTCP( 45899, ClientLocalServer.HydrusServiceClientAPI( cls._client_api_cors, allow_non_local_connections = False ) ) reactor.callFromThread( TWISTEDSetup ) time.sleep( 1 ) def _compare_content_updates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ): self.assertEqual( len( service_keys_to_content_updates ), len( expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) ) for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items(): expected_content_updates = expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ] c_u_tuples = sorted( ( ( c_u.ToTuple(), c_u.GetReason() ) for c_u in content_updates ) ) e_c_u_tuples = sorted( ( ( e_c_u.ToTuple(), e_c_u.GetReason() ) for e_c_u in expected_content_updates ) ) self.assertEqual( c_u_tuples, e_c_u_tuples ) def _test_basics( self, connection ): # connection.request( 'GET', '/' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) # with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.ico' ), 'rb' ) as f: favicon = connection.request( 'GET', '/favicon.ico' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( data, favicon ) def _test_cbor( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): # get url files api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } json_headers = dict( headers ) json_headers[ 'Accept' ] = 'application/json' cbor_headers = dict( headers ) cbor_headers[ 'Accept' ] = 'application/cbor' url = '' normalised_url = '' expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = normalised_url expected_answer[ 'url_type' ] = HC.URL_TYPE_POST expected_answer[ 'url_type_string' ] = 'post url' expected_answer[ 'match_name' ] = 'safebooru file page' expected_answer[ 'can_parse' ] = True hash = os.urandom( 32 ) # normal GET json path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.headers[ 'Content-Type' ], 'application/json' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # explicit GET cbor by arg path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}&cbor=1'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.headers[ 'Content-Type' ], 'application/cbor' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = cbor2.loads( data ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # explicit GET json by Accept path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = json_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.headers[ 'Content-Type' ], 'application/json' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # explicit GET cbor by Accept path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = cbor_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.headers[ 'Content-Type' ], 'application/cbor' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = cbor2.loads( data ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) def _test_client_api_basics( self, connection ): # /api_version connection.request( 'GET', '/api_version' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'version' ], HC.CLIENT_API_VERSION ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'hydrus_version' ], HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION ) # /request_new_permissions def format_request_new_permissions_query( name, basic_permissions ): return '/request_new_permissions?name={}&basic_permissions={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( name ), urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( basic_permissions ) ) ) # fail as dialog not open ClientAPI.api_request_dialog_open = False connection.request( 'GET', format_request_new_permissions_query( 'test', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_FILES ] ) ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 409 ) self.assertIn( 'dialog', text ) # success permissions_to_set_up = [] permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'everything', list( ClientAPI.ALLOWED_PERMISSIONS ) ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'add_files', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_FILES ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'add_tags', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_TAGS ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'add_urls', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_URLS ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'manage_pages', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PAGES ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'manage_cookies', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_MANAGE_COOKIES ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'search_all_files', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_SEARCH_FILES ] ) ) permissions_to_set_up.append( ( 'search_green_files', [ ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_SEARCH_FILES ] ) ) set_up_permissions = {} for ( name, basic_permissions ) in permissions_to_set_up: ClientAPI.api_request_dialog_open = True connection.request( 'GET', format_request_new_permissions_query( name, basic_permissions ) ) response = connection.getresponse() data = ClientAPI.api_request_dialog_open = False response_text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( response_text ) access_key_hex = response_json[ 'access_key' ] self.assertEqual( len( access_key_hex ), 64 ) access_key_hex = HydrusText.HexFilter( access_key_hex ) self.assertEqual( len( access_key_hex ), 64 ) api_permissions = ClientAPI.last_api_permissions_request if 'green' in name: search_tag_filter = HydrusTags.TagFilter() search_tag_filter.SetRule( '', HC.FILTER_BLACKLIST ) search_tag_filter.SetRule( ' :', HC.FILTER_BLACKLIST ) search_tag_filter.SetRule( 'green', HC.FILTER_WHITELIST ) api_permissions.SetSearchTagFilter( search_tag_filter ) self.assertEqual( bytes.fromhex( access_key_hex ), api_permissions.GetAccessKey() ) set_up_permissions[ name ] = api_permissions HG.test_controller.client_api_manager.AddAccess( api_permissions ) # /verify_access_key # missing connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 401 ) # fail header incorrect_headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : 'abcd' } connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key', headers = incorrect_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # fail get param connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key?Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key=abcd' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # success def do_good_verify_test( api_permissions, key_hex, key_name ): for request_type in ( 'header', 'get' ): if request_type == 'header' : headers = { key_name : key_hex } connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key', headers = headers ) elif request_type == 'get' : connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key?{}={}'.format( key_name, key_hex ) ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) body_dict = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( set( body_dict[ 'basic_permissions' ] ), set( api_permissions.GetBasicPermissions() ) ) self.assertEqual( body_dict[ 'human_description' ], api_permissions.ToHumanString() ) for api_permissions in set_up_permissions.values(): access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() do_good_verify_test( api_permissions, access_key_hex, 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' ) # /session_key # fail header incorrect_headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' : 'abcd' } connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key', headers = incorrect_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 419 ) # fail get param connection.request( 'GET', '/verify_access_key?Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key=abcd' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 419 ) # success for api_permissions in set_up_permissions.values(): access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } connection.request( 'GET', '/session_key', headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) body_dict = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertIn( 'session_key', body_dict ) session_key_hex = body_dict[ 'session_key' ] self.assertEqual( len( session_key_hex ), 64 ) do_good_verify_test( api_permissions, session_key_hex, 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' ) # test access in POST params # fail headers = { 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } hash = os.urandom( 32 ) hash_hex = hash.hex() HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : 'abcd', 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' : 'abcd', 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 419 ) # success api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } connection.request( 'GET', '/session_key', headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) body_dict = json.loads( text ) session_key_hex = body_dict[ 'session_key' ] headers = { 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } hash = os.urandom( 32 ) hash_hex = hash.hex() HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' : session_key_hex, 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertIn( CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, service_keys_to_content_updates ) self.assertTrue( len( service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] ) > 0 ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' : session_key_hex, 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_keys_to_tags' : { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.hex() : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertIn( CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, service_keys_to_content_updates ) self.assertTrue( len( service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] ) > 0 ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) body_dict = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' : session_key_hex, 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_keys_to_actions_to_tags' : { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.hex() : { str( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD ) : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertIn( CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, service_keys_to_content_updates ) self.assertTrue( len( service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] ) > 0 ) # return set_up_permissions def _test_cors_fails( self, connection ): connection.request( 'OPTIONS', '/api_version' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( response.getheader( 'Allow' ), 'GET' ) # connection.request( 'OPTIONS', '/api_version', headers = { 'Origin' : '' } ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 401 ) def _test_cors_succeeds( self, connection ): connection.request( 'OPTIONS', '/api_version' ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( response.getheader( 'Allow' ), 'GET' ) # connection.request( 'OPTIONS', '/api_version', headers = { 'Origin' : '' } ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( response.getheader( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' ), 'GET' ) self.assertEqual( response.getheader( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' ), '*' ) self.assertEqual( response.getheader( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ), '*' ) def _test_get_services( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): should_work = { set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ], set_up_permissions[ 'add_files' ], set_up_permissions[ 'add_tags' ], set_up_permissions[ 'manage_pages' ], set_up_permissions[ 'search_all_files' ], set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] } should_break = { set_up_permissions[ 'add_urls' ], set_up_permissions[ 'manage_cookies' ] } expected_answer = { 'local_tags' : [ { 'name' : 'my tags', 'service_key' : '6c6f63616c2074616773', 'type': 5, 'type_pretty': 'local tag service' } ], 'tag_repositories' : [ { 'name' : 'example tag repo', 'service_key' : HG.test_controller.example_tag_repo_service_key.hex(), 'type': 0, 'type_pretty': 'hydrus tag repository' } ], 'local_files' : [ { 'name' : 'my files', 'service_key' : '6c6f63616c2066696c6573', 'type': 2, 'type_pretty': 'local file domain' } ], 'local_updates' : [ { 'name' : 'repository updates', 'service_key' : '7265706f7369746f72792075706461746573', 'type': 20, 'type_pretty': 'local update file domain' } ], 'file_repositories' : [ { 'name': 'example file repo 1', 'service_key': HG.test_controller.example_file_repo_service_key_1.hex(), 'type': 1, 'type_pretty': 'hydrus file repository'}, { 'name': 'example file repo 2', 'service_key': HG.test_controller.example_file_repo_service_key_2.hex(), 'type': 1, 'type_pretty': 'hydrus file repository' } ], 'all_local_files' : [ { 'name' : 'all local files', 'service_key' : '616c6c206c6f63616c2066696c6573', 'type' : 15, 'type_pretty' : 'virtual combined local file service' } ], 'all_local_media' : [ { 'name' : 'all my files', 'service_key' : '616c6c206c6f63616c206d65646961', 'type': 21, 'type_pretty': 'virtual combined local media service' } ], 'all_known_files' : [ { 'name' : 'all known files', 'service_key' : '616c6c206b6e6f776e2066696c6573', 'type' : 11, 'type_pretty' : 'virtual combined file service' } ], 'all_known_tags' : [ { 'name' : 'all known tags', 'service_key' : '616c6c206b6e6f776e2074616773', 'type' : 10, 'type_pretty' : 'virtual combined tag service' } ], 'trash' : [ { 'name' : 'trash', 'service_key' : '7472617368', 'type': 14, 'type_pretty': 'local trash file domain' } ] } for api_permissions in should_work.union( should_break ): access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/get_services' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = if api_permissions in should_work: text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) else: self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) def _test_add_files_add_file( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'add_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() # fail hash = bytes.fromhex( 'a593942cb7ea9ffcd8ccf2f0fa23c338e23bfecd9a3e508dfc0bcf07501ead08' ) f = ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus() f.hash = hash HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_status', f ) headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM ] } path = '/add_files/add_file' body = b'blarg' connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'status' ], CC.STATUS_ERROR ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'hash' ], hash.hex() ) self.assertIn( 'Traceback', response_json[ 'note' ] ) # success as body hash = b'\xadm5\x99\xa6\xc4\x89\xa5u\xeb\x19\xc0&\xfa\xce\x97\xa9\xcdey\xe7G(\xb0\xce\x94\xa6\x01\xd22\xf3\xc3' f = ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus() f.hash = hash f.note = 'test note' HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_status', f ) hydrus_png_path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ) with open( hydrus_png_path, 'rb' ) as f: HYDRUS_PNG_BYTES = headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM ] } path = '/add_files/add_file' body = HYDRUS_PNG_BYTES connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) expected_result = { 'status' : CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW, 'hash' : hash.hex() , 'note' : 'test note' } self.assertEqual( response_json, expected_result ) # do hydrus png as path f = ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus() f.hash = hash f.note = 'test note' HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_status', f ) headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/add_files/add_file' body_dict = { 'path' : hydrus_png_path } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) expected_result = { 'status' : CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW, 'hash' : hash.hex() , 'note' : 'test note' } self.assertEqual( response_json, expected_result ) def _test_add_files_other_actions( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'add_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } # hash = HydrusData.GenerateKey() hashes = { HydrusData.GenerateKey() for i in range( 10 ) } # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/delete_files' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash.hex() } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, { hash }, reason = 'Deleted via Client API.' ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/delete_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ] } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, hashes, reason = 'Deleted via Client API.' ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # now with a reason HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/delete_files' reason = 'yo' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ], 'reason' : reason } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, hashes, reason = reason ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # now test it not working HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/delete_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ], 'file_service_name' : 'not existing service' } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertIn( 'not existing service', text ) # error message should be complaining about it # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/undelete_files' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash.hex() } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_UNDELETE, { hash } ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/undelete_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ] } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_UNDELETE, hashes ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/undelete_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ], 'file_service_name' : 'not existing service' } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertIn( 'not existing service', text ) # error message should be complaining about it # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/archive_files' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash.hex() } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, { hash } ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/archive_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ] } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, hashes ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/unarchive_files' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash.hex() } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, { hash } ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_files/unarchive_files' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ h.hex() for h in hashes ] } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, hashes ) ] } self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) def _test_add_notes( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): hash = os.urandom( 32 ) hash_hex = hash.hex() # api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } # set notes HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'new note' : 'hello test', 'new note 2' : 'hello test 2' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], new_notes_dict ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, name, note ) ) for ( name, note ) in new_notes_dict.items() ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # delete notes HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/delete_notes' delete_note_names = { 'new note 3', 'new note 4' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'note_names' : list( delete_note_names ) } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( hash, name ) ) for name in delete_note_names ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # set notes with merge # setup file_id = 1 hash = b'\xadm5\x99\xa6\xc4\x89\xa5u\xeb\x19\xc0&\xfa\xce\x97\xa9\xcdey\xe7G(\xb0\xce\x94\xa6\x01\xd22\xf3\xc3' hash_hex = hash.hex() size = 100 mime = HC.IMAGE_PNG width = 20 height = 20 duration = None file_info_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileInfoManager( file_id, hash, size = size, mime = mime, width = width, height = height, duration = duration ) service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue_eyes', 'blonde_hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit' ] } } service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue eyes', 'blonde hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit', 'clothing' ] } } tags_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager( service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags, service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags ) locations_manager = ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager( dict(), dict(), set(), set() ) ratings_manager = ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager( {} ) notes_manager = ClientMediaManagers.NotesManager( { 'abc' : '123' } ) file_viewing_stats_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager.STATICGenerateEmptyManager() media_result = ClientMediaResult.MediaResult( file_info_manager, tags_manager, locations_manager, ratings_manager, notes_manager, file_viewing_stats_manager ) from hydrus.client.importing.options import NoteImportOptions # extend HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'abc' : '1234' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict, 'merge_cleverly' : True, 'extend_existing_note_if_possible' : True, 'conflict_resolution' : NoteImportOptions.NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_RENAME } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], new_notes_dict ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, 'abc', '1234' ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # no extend (rename) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'abc' : '1234' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict, 'merge_cleverly' : True, 'extend_existing_note_if_possible' : False, 'conflict_resolution' : NoteImportOptions.NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_RENAME } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], { 'abc (1)' : '1234' } ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, 'abc (1)', '1234' ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # ignore HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'abc' : '789' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict, 'merge_cleverly' : True, 'extend_existing_note_if_possible' : True, 'conflict_resolution' : NoteImportOptions.NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_IGNORE } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], {} ) stuff = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertEqual( stuff, [] ) # append HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'abc' : '789' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict, 'merge_cleverly' : True, 'extend_existing_note_if_possible' : True, 'conflict_resolution' : NoteImportOptions.NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_APPEND } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], { 'abc' : '123\n\n789' } ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, 'abc', '123\n\n789' ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # replace HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_notes/set_notes' new_notes_dict = { 'abc' : '789' } body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'notes' : new_notes_dict, 'merge_cleverly' : True, 'extend_existing_note_if_possible' : True, 'conflict_resolution' : NoteImportOptions.NOTE_IMPORT_CONFLICT_REPLACE } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'notes' ], { 'abc' : '789' } ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( hash, 'abc', '789' ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) def _test_add_tags( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # clean tags tags = [ " bikini ", "blue eyes", " character : samus aran ", ":)", " ", "", "10", "11", "9", "system:wew", "-flower" ] json_tags = json.dumps( tags ) path = '/add_tags/clean_tags?tags={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json_tags, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} clean_tags = [ "bikini", "blue eyes", "character:samus aran", "::)", "10", "11", "9", "wew", "flower" ] clean_tags = HydrusTags.SortNumericTags( clean_tags ) expected_answer[ 'tags' ] = clean_tags self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # add tags headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } hash = os.urandom( 32 ) hash_hex = hash.hex() hash2 = os.urandom( 32 ) hash2_hex = hash2.hex() # missing hashes path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) # invalid service key path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'bad tag service' : [ 'test' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) # add tags to local HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test2', set( [ hash ] ) ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # add tags to local complex HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_actions_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : { str( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD ) : [ 'test_add', 'test_add2' ], str( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ) : [ 'test_delete', 'test_delete2' ] } } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test_add', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test_add2', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( 'test_delete', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( 'test_delete2', set( [ hash ] ) ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # pend tags to repo HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'example tag repo' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ HG.test_controller.example_tag_repo_service_key ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, ( 'test', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, ( 'test2', set( [ hash ] ) ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # pend tags to repo complex HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hash' : hash_hex, 'service_names_to_actions_to_tags' : { 'example tag repo' : { str( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND ) : [ 'test_add', 'test_add2' ], str( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ) : [ [ 'test_delete', 'muh reason' ], 'test_delete2' ] } } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ HG.test_controller.example_tag_repo_service_key ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, ( 'test_add', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, ( 'test_add2', set( [ hash ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, ( 'test_delete', set( [ hash ] ) ), reason = 'muh reason' ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, ( 'test_delete2', set( [ hash ] ) ), reason = 'Petitioned from API' ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) # add to multiple files HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) path = '/add_tags/add_tags' body_dict = { 'hashes' : [ hash_hex, hash2_hex ], 'service_names_to_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ 'test', 'test2' ] } } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test', set( [ hash, hash2 ] ) ) ), HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( 'test2', set( [ hash, hash2 ] ) ) ) ] [ ( ( service_keys_to_content_updates, ), kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self._compare_content_updates( service_keys_to_content_updates, expected_service_keys_to_content_updates ) def _test_add_tags_search_tags( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): predicates = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, 'green', count = ClientSearch.PredicateCount( 2, 0, None, None ) ), ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, 'green car', count = ClientSearch.PredicateCount( 5, 0, None, None ) ) ] HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'autocomplete_predicates', predicates ) # api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/add_tags/search_tags?search={}'.format( 'gre' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = { 'tags' : [ { 'value' : 'green', 'count' : 2 } ] } self.assertEqual( expected_answer, d ) # api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/add_tags/search_tags?search={}'.format( '' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = { 'tags' : [] } self.assertEqual( expected_answer, d ) ( args, kwargs ) = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'autocomplete_predicates' )[-1] self.assertEqual( args[0], ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ) # path = '/add_tags/search_tags?search={}'.format( 'gre' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) # note this also tests sort expected_answer = { 'tags' : [ { 'value' : 'green car', 'count' : 5 }, { 'value' : 'green', 'count' : 2 } ] } self.assertEqual( expected_answer, d ) ( args, kwargs ) = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'autocomplete_predicates' )[-1] self.assertEqual( args[0], ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ) # path = '/add_tags/search_tags?search={}&tag_display_type={}'.format( 'gre', 'display' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) # note this also tests sort expected_answer = { 'tags' : [ { 'value' : 'green car', 'count' : 5 }, { 'value' : 'green', 'count' : 2 } ] } self.assertEqual( expected_answer, d ) ( args, kwargs ) = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'autocomplete_predicates' )[-1] self.assertEqual( args[0], ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL ) # # the db won't be asked in this case since default rule for all known tags is not to run this search path = '/add_tags/search_tags?search={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( '*' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) # note this also tests sort expected_answer = { 'tags' : [] } self.assertEqual( expected_answer, d ) def _test_add_urls( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): # get url files api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # none url = 'https://muhsite.wew/help_compute' HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'url_statuses', [] ) path = '/add_urls/get_url_files?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = url expected_answer[ 'url_file_statuses' ] = [] self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # some url = '' normalised_url = '' hash = os.urandom( 32 ) url_file_statuses = [ ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus( CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_BUT_REDUNDANT, hash, note = 'muh import phrase' ) ] json_url_file_statuses = [ { 'status' : CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_BUT_REDUNDANT, 'hash' : hash.hex(), 'note' : 'muh import phrase' } ] HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'url_statuses', url_file_statuses ) path = '/add_urls/get_url_files?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = normalised_url expected_answer[ 'url_file_statuses' ] = json_url_file_statuses self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # get url info api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # unknown url = 'https://muhsite.wew/help_compute' path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = url expected_answer[ 'url_type' ] = HC.URL_TYPE_UNKNOWN expected_answer[ 'url_type_string' ] = 'unknown url' expected_answer[ 'match_name' ] = 'unknown url' expected_answer[ 'can_parse' ] = False expected_answer[ 'cannot_parse_reason' ] = 'unknown url class' self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # known url = '' normalised_url = '' # http so we can test normalised is https path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = normalised_url expected_answer[ 'url_type' ] = HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE expected_answer[ 'url_type_string' ] = 'watchable url' expected_answer[ 'match_name' ] = '8chan thread' expected_answer[ 'can_parse' ] = True self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # known post url url = '' normalised_url = '' hash = os.urandom( 32 ) path = '/add_urls/get_url_info?url={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( url, safe = '' ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = {} expected_answer[ 'normalised_url' ] = normalised_url expected_answer[ 'url_type' ] = HC.URL_TYPE_POST expected_answer[ 'url_type_string' ] = 'post url' expected_answer[ 'match_name' ] = 'safebooru file page' expected_answer[ 'can_parse' ] = True self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) # add url HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_url_test' ) headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } url = '' request_dict = { 'url' : url } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/add_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'human_result_text' ], '"" URL added successfully.' ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'normalised_url' ], '' ) self.assertEqual( HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_url_test' ), [ ( ( url, set(), ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags(), None, None, False ), {} ) ] ) # with name HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_url_test' ) request_dict = { 'url' : url, 'destination_page_name' : 'muh /tv/' } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/add_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'human_result_text' ], '"" URL added successfully.' ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'normalised_url' ], '' ) self.assertEqual( HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_url_test' ), [ ( ( url, set(), ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags(), 'muh /tv/', None, False ), {} ) ] ) # with page_key HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_url_test' ) page_key = os.urandom( 32 ) page_key_hex = page_key.hex() request_dict = { 'url' : url, 'destination_page_key' : page_key_hex } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/add_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'human_result_text' ], '"" URL added successfully.' ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'normalised_url' ], '' ) self.assertEqual( HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_url_test' ), [ ( ( url, set(), ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags(), None, page_key, False ), {} ) ] ) # add tags and name, and show destination page HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_url_test' ) request_dict = { 'url' : url, 'destination_page_name' : 'muh /tv/', 'show_destination_page' : True, 'filterable_tags' : [ 'filename:yo' ], 'service_names_to_additional_tags' : { 'my tags' : [ '/tv/ thread' ] } } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/add_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'human_result_text' ], '"" URL added successfully.' ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'normalised_url' ], '' ) filterable_tags = [ 'filename:yo' ] additional_service_keys_to_tags = ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags( { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : set( [ '/tv/ thread' ] ) } ) self.assertEqual( HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_url_test' ), [ ( ( url, set( filterable_tags ), additional_service_keys_to_tags, 'muh /tv/', None, True ), {} ) ] ) # add tags with service key and name, and show destination page HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_url_test' ) request_dict = { 'url' : url, 'destination_page_name' : 'muh /tv/', 'show_destination_page' : True, 'filterable_tags' : [ 'filename:yo' ], 'service_keys_to_additional_tags' : { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.hex() : [ '/tv/ thread' ] } } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/add_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) response_json = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'human_result_text' ], '"" URL added successfully.' ) self.assertEqual( response_json[ 'normalised_url' ], '' ) filterable_tags = [ 'filename:yo' ] additional_service_keys_to_tags = ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags( { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : set( [ '/tv/ thread' ] ) } ) self.assertEqual( HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_url_test' ), [ ( ( url, set( filterable_tags ), additional_service_keys_to_tags, 'muh /tv/', None, True ), {} ) ] ) # associate url HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) hash = bytes.fromhex( '3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba' ) url = '' request_dict = { 'url_to_add' : url, 'hash' : hash.hex() } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/associate_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( [ url ], { hash } ) ) ] expected_result = [ ( ( expected_service_keys_to_content_updates, ), {} ) ] result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) hash = bytes.fromhex( '3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba' ) url = '' request_dict = { 'urls_to_add' : [ url ], 'hashes' : [ hash.hex() ] } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/associate_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( [ url ], { hash } ) ) ] expected_result = [ ( ( expected_service_keys_to_content_updates, ), {} ) ] result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) hash = bytes.fromhex( '3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba' ) url = '' request_dict = { 'url_to_delete' : url, 'hash' : hash.hex() } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/associate_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( [ url ], { hash } ) ) ] expected_result = [ ( ( expected_service_keys_to_content_updates, ), {} ) ] result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) # HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'content_updates' ) hash = bytes.fromhex( '3b820114f658d768550e4e3d4f1dced3ff8db77443472b5ad93700647ad2d3ba' ) url = '' request_dict = { 'urls_to_delete' : [ url ], 'hashes' : [ hash.hex() ] } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', '/add_urls/associate_url', body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) expected_service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( [ url ], { hash } ) ) ] expected_result = [ ( ( expected_service_keys_to_content_updates, ), {} ) ] result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'content_updates' ) self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) def _test_manage_cookies( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'manage_cookies' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/manage_cookies/get_cookies?' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) cookies = d[ 'cookies' ] self.assertEqual( cookies, [] ) # headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/manage_cookies/set_cookies' cookies = [] cookies.append( [ 'one', '1', '', '/', HydrusData.GetNow() + 86400 ] ) cookies.append( [ 'two', '2', '', '/', HydrusData.GetNow() + 86400 ] ) cookies.append( [ 'three', '3', '', '/', HydrusData.GetNow() + 86400 ] ) cookies.append( [ 'four', '4', '', '/', None ] ) request_dict = { 'cookies' : cookies } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) path = '/manage_cookies/get_cookies?' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) result_cookies = d[ 'cookies' ] frozen_result_cookies = { tuple( row ) for row in result_cookies } frozen_expected_cookies = { tuple( row ) for row in cookies } self.assertEqual( frozen_result_cookies, frozen_expected_cookies ) # headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/manage_cookies/set_cookies' cookies = [] cookies.append( [ 'one', None, '', '/', None ] ) request_dict = { 'cookies' : cookies } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) path = '/manage_cookies/get_cookies?' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) result_cookies = d[ 'cookies' ] expected_cookies = [] expected_cookies.append( [ 'two', '2', '', '/', HydrusData.GetNow() + 86400 ] ) expected_cookies.append( [ 'three', '3', '', '/', HydrusData.GetNow() + 86400 ] ) expected_cookies.append( [ 'four', '4', '', '/', None ] ) frozen_result_cookies = { tuple( row[:-1] ) for row in result_cookies } frozen_expected_cookies = { tuple( row[:-1] ) for row in expected_cookies } self.assertEqual( frozen_result_cookies, frozen_expected_cookies ) result_times = [ row[-1] for row in sorted( result_cookies ) ] expected_times = [ row[-1] for row in sorted( expected_cookies ) ] for ( a, b ) in zip( result_times, expected_times ): if a is None: self.assertIsNone( b ) elif b is None: self.assertIsNone( a ) else: self.assertIn( a, ( b - 1, b, b + 1 ) ) # headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/manage_headers/set_user_agent' new_user_agent = 'muh user agent' request_dict = { 'user-agent' : new_user_agent } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) current_headers = HG.test_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetHeaders( [ ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ] ) self.assertEqual( current_headers[ 'User-Agent' ], new_user_agent ) # request_dict = { 'user-agent' : '' } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) current_headers = HG.test_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetHeaders( [ ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ] ) from hydrus.client import ClientDefaults self.assertEqual( current_headers[ 'User-Agent' ], ClientDefaults.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT ) def _test_manage_database( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # self.assertFalse( HG.client_busy.locked() ) path = '/manage_database/lock_on' connection.request( 'POST', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertTrue( HG.client_busy.locked() ) # path = '/manage_pages/get_pages' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 503 ) # path = '/manage_database/lock_off' connection.request( 'POST', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertFalse( HG.client_busy.locked() ) # expected_data = { 'hell forever' : 666 } HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'boned_stats', expected_data ) path = '/manage_database/mr_bones' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) boned_stats = d[ 'boned_stats' ] self.assertEqual( boned_stats, dict( expected_data ) ) def _test_manage_pages( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'manage_pages' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/manage_pages/get_pages' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) pages = d[ 'pages' ] self.assertEqual( pages[ 'name' ], 'top pages notebook' ) # headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/manage_pages/focus_page' page_key = os.urandom( 32 ) request_dict = { 'page_key' : page_key.hex() } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'show_page' ) # a fake hook in the controller handles this expected_result = [ ( ( page_key, ), {} ) ] self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) # headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex, 'Content-Type' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ HC.APPLICATION_JSON ] } path = '/manage_pages/refresh_page' page_key = os.urandom( 32 ) request_dict = { 'page_key' : page_key.hex() } request_body = json.dumps( request_dict ) connection.request( 'POST', path, body = request_body, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) result = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'refresh_page' ) # a fake hook in the controller handles this expected_result = [ ( ( page_key, ), {} ) ] self.assertEqual( result, expected_result ) def _test_search_files( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): hash_ids = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 100, 101, 150 ] # search files failed tag permission api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # search files HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = { 'file_ids' : list( sample_hash_ids ) } self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_DESC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) # search files and get hashes HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) hash_ids_to_hashes = { hash_id : os.urandom( 32 ) for hash_id in sample_hash_ids } HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', hash_ids_to_hashes ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&return_hashes=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_hashes_set = { hash.hex() for hash in hash_ids_to_hashes.values() } self.assertEqual( set( d[ 'hashes' ] ), expected_hashes_set ) self.assertIn( 'file_ids', d ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_DESC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes' ) hash_ids = kwargs[ 'hash_ids' ] self.assertEqual( set( hash_ids ), sample_hash_ids ) self.assertEqual( set( hash_ids ), set( d[ 'file_ids' ] ) ) # search files and only get hashes HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) hash_ids_to_hashes = { hash_id : os.urandom( 32 ) for hash_id in sample_hash_ids } HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', hash_ids_to_hashes ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&return_hashes=true&return_file_ids=false'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_hashes_set = { hash.hex() for hash in hash_ids_to_hashes.values() } self.assertEqual( set( d[ 'hashes' ] ), expected_hashes_set ) self.assertNotIn( 'file_ids', d ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_DESC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes' ) hash_ids = kwargs[ 'hash_ids' ] self.assertEqual( set( hash_ids ), sample_hash_ids ) # sort # this just tests if it parses, we don't have a full test for read params yet HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&file_sort_type={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ), CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_DESC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) # sort HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&file_sort_type={}&file_sort_asc={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ), CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE, 'true' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_ASC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) # file domain HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&file_sort_type={}&file_sort_asc={}&file_service_name={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ), CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE, 'true', 'trash' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_ASC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) # file and tag domain HG.test_controller.ClearReads( 'file_query_ids' ) sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&file_sort_type={}&file_sort_asc={}&file_service_key={}&tag_service_name={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ), CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE, 'true', CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY.hex(), 'all%20known%20tags' ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) [ ( args, kwargs ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetRead( 'file_query_ids' ) ( file_search_context, ) = args self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetLocationContext().current_service_keys, { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY } ) self.assertEqual( file_search_context.GetTagContext().service_key, CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self.assertEqual( set( file_search_context.GetPredicates() ), { ClientSearch.Predicate( ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) for tag in tags } ) self.assertIn( 'sort_by', kwargs ) sort_by = kwargs[ 'sort_by' ] self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_type, ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE ) ) self.assertEqual( sort_by.sort_order, CC.SORT_ASC ) self.assertIn( 'apply_implicit_limit', kwargs ) self.assertEqual( kwargs[ 'apply_implicit_limit' ], False ) # file and tag domain # this just tests if it parses, we don't have a full test for read params yet sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [ 'kino', 'green' ] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}&file_sort_type={}&file_sort_asc={}&file_service_key={}&tag_service_key={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ), CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FRAMERATE, 'true', CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY.hex(), CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.hex() ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) # empty sample_hash_ids = set( random.sample( hash_ids, 3 ) ) # set it, just to check we aren't ever asking HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_query_ids', set( sample_hash_ids ) ) tags = [] path = '/get_files/search_files?tags={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( tags ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d[ 'file_ids' ], [] ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) def _test_search_files_predicate_parsing( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): # some file search param parsing class PretendRequest( object ): pass pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = {} pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) self.assertEqual( predicates, [] ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'system_inbox' : True } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ '-green' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green*' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ '*r:green' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green', '-kino' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) expected_predicates = [] expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'green' ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'kino', inclusive = False ) ) self.assertEqual( set( predicates ), set( expected_predicates ) ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green' ], 'system_inbox' : True } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) expected_predicates = [] expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'green' ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_INBOX ) ) self.assertEqual( set( predicates ), set( expected_predicates ) ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green' ], 'system_archive' : True } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) expected_predicates = [] expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'green' ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ARCHIVE ) ) self.assertEqual( set( predicates ), set( expected_predicates ) ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green', 'system:archive' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) expected_predicates = [] expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'green' ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ARCHIVE ) ) self.assertEqual( set( predicates ), set( expected_predicates ) ) # pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'green', [ 'red', 'blue' ], 'system:archive' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] predicates = ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) expected_predicates = [] expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'green' ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER, value = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'red' ), ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = 'blue' ) ] ) ) expected_predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ARCHIVE ) ) self.assertEqual( { pred for pred in predicates if pred.GetType() != ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER }, { pred for pred in expected_predicates if pred.GetType() != ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER } ) self.assertEqual( { frozenset( pred.GetValue() ) for pred in predicates if pred.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER }, { frozenset( pred.GetValue() ) for pred in expected_predicates if pred.GetType() == ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_OR_CONTAINER } ) # # bad tag pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'bad_tag:' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # bad negated pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ '-bad_tag:' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) # bad system pred pretend_request = PretendRequest() pretend_request.parsed_request_args = { 'tags' : [ 'system:bad_system_pred' ] } pretend_request.client_api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] with self.assertRaises( HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException ): ClientLocalServerResources.ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( pretend_request ) def _test_file_hashes( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } md5_hash = bytes.fromhex( 'ec5c5a4d7da4be154597e283f0b6663c' ) sha256_hash = bytes.fromhex( '2a0174970defa6f147f2eabba829c5b05aba1f1aea8b978611a07b7bb9cf9399' ) source_to_dest = { md5_hash : sha256_hash } HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_hashes', source_to_dest ) path = '/get_files/file_hashes?source_hash_type=md5&desired_hash_type=sha256&hash={}'.format( md5_hash.hex() ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) expected_answer = { 'hashes' : { md5_hash.hex() : sha256_hash.hex() } } self.assertEqual( d, expected_answer ) def _test_file_metadata( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): # test file metadata api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } file_ids_to_hashes = { 1 : bytes.fromhex( 'a' * 64 ), 2 : bytes.fromhex( 'b' * 64 ), 3 : bytes.fromhex( 'c' * 64 ) } metadata = [] for ( file_id, hash ) in file_ids_to_hashes.items(): metadata_row = { 'file_id' : file_id, 'hash' : hash.hex() } metadata.append( metadata_row ) expected_identifier_result = { 'metadata' : metadata } media_results = [] file_info_managers = [] urls = { "", "" } sorted_urls = sorted( urls ) random_file_service_hex_current = HG.test_controller.example_file_repo_service_key_1 random_file_service_hex_deleted = HG.test_controller.example_file_repo_service_key_2 current_import_timestamp = 500 ipfs_import_timestamp = 123456 deleted_import_timestamp = 300 deleted_deleted_timestamp = 450 file_modified_timestamp = 20 done_a_multihash = False for ( file_id, hash ) in file_ids_to_hashes.items(): size = random.randint( 8192, 20 * 1048576 ) mime = random.choice( [ HC.IMAGE_JPEG, HC.VIDEO_WEBM, HC.APPLICATION_PDF ] ) width = random.randint( 200, 4096 ) height = random.randint( 200, 4096 ) duration = random.choice( [ 220, 16.66667, None ] ) has_audio = random.choice( [ True, False ] ) file_info_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileInfoManager( file_id, hash, size = size, mime = mime, width = width, height = height, duration = duration, has_audio = has_audio ) file_info_manager.has_exif = True file_info_manager.has_icc_profile = True file_info_managers.append( file_info_manager ) service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue_eyes', 'blonde_hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit' ] } } service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue eyes', 'blonde hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit', 'clothing' ] } } service_keys_to_filenames = {} current_to_timestamps = { random_file_service_hex_current : current_import_timestamp } if not done_a_multihash: done_a_multihash = True current_to_timestamps[ HG.test_controller.example_ipfs_service_key ] = ipfs_import_timestamp service_keys_to_filenames[ HG.test_controller.example_ipfs_service_key ] = 'QmReHtaET3dsgh7ho5NVyHb5U13UgJoGipSWbZsnuuM8tb' tags_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager( service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags, service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags ) timestamp_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TimestampManager() timestamp_manager.SetFileModifiedTimestamp( file_modified_timestamp ) locations_manager = ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager( current_to_timestamps, { random_file_service_hex_deleted : ( deleted_deleted_timestamp, deleted_import_timestamp ) }, set(), set(), inbox = False, urls = urls, service_keys_to_filenames = service_keys_to_filenames, timestamp_manager = timestamp_manager ) ratings_manager = ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager( {} ) notes_manager = ClientMediaManagers.NotesManager( { 'note' : 'hello', 'note2' : 'hello2' } ) file_viewing_stats_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager.STATICGenerateEmptyManager() media_result = ClientMediaResult.MediaResult( file_info_manager, tags_manager, locations_manager, ratings_manager, notes_manager, file_viewing_stats_manager ) media_results.append( media_result ) metadata = [] detailed_known_urls_metadata = [] with_notes_metadata = [] only_return_basic_information_metadata = [] services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager service_keys_to_names = {} for media_result in media_results: file_info_manager = media_result.GetFileInfoManager() metadata_row = { 'file_id' : file_info_manager.hash_id, 'hash' : file_info_manager.hash.hex(), 'size' : file_info_manager.size, 'mime' : HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ file_info_manager.mime ], 'ext' : HC.mime_ext_lookup[ file_info_manager.mime ], 'width' : file_info_manager.width, 'height' : file_info_manager.height, 'duration' : file_info_manager.duration, 'has_audio' : file_info_manager.has_audio, 'num_frames' : file_info_manager.num_frames, 'num_words' : file_info_manager.num_words } only_return_basic_information_metadata.append( dict( metadata_row ) ) if file_info_manager.mime in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: bounding_dimensions = HG.test_controller.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ] thumbnail_scale_type = HG.test_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_scale_type' ) thumbnail_dpr_percent = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_dpr_percent' ) ( clip_rect, ( thumbnail_expected_width, thumbnail_expected_height ) ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolutionAndClipRegion( ( file_info_manager.width, file_info_manager.height ), bounding_dimensions, thumbnail_scale_type, thumbnail_dpr_percent ) metadata_row[ 'thumbnail_width' ] = thumbnail_expected_width metadata_row[ 'thumbnail_height' ] = thumbnail_expected_height metadata_row.update( { 'file_services' : { 'current' : { random_file_service_hex_current.hex() : { 'time_imported' : current_import_timestamp, 'name' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetName( random_file_service_hex_current ), 'type' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( random_file_service_hex_current ), 'type_pretty' : HC.service_string_lookup[ HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( random_file_service_hex_current ) ] } }, 'deleted' : { random_file_service_hex_deleted.hex() : { 'time_deleted' : deleted_deleted_timestamp, 'time_imported' : deleted_import_timestamp, 'name' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetName( random_file_service_hex_deleted ), 'type' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( random_file_service_hex_deleted ), 'type_pretty' : HC.service_string_lookup[ HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( random_file_service_hex_deleted ) ] } } }, 'ipfs_multihashes' : {}, 'time_modified' : file_modified_timestamp, 'time_modified_details' : { 'local' : file_modified_timestamp }, 'is_inbox' : False, 'is_local' : False, 'is_trashed' : False, 'is_deleted' : False, 'has_exif' : True, 'has_human_readable_embedded_metadata' : False, 'has_icc_profile' : True, 'known_urls' : list( sorted_urls ) } ) locations_manager = media_result.GetLocationsManager() if len( locations_manager.GetServiceFilenames() ) > 0: for ( i_s_k, multihash ) in locations_manager.GetServiceFilenames().items(): metadata_row[ 'file_services' ][ 'current' ][ i_s_k.hex() ] = { 'time_imported' : ipfs_import_timestamp, 'name' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetName( i_s_k ), 'type' : HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( i_s_k ), 'type_pretty' : HC.service_string_lookup[ HG.test_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( i_s_k ) ] } metadata_row[ 'ipfs_multihashes' ][ i_s_k.hex() ] = multihash tags_manager = media_result.GetTagsManager() tags_dict = {} tag_service_keys = services_manager.GetServiceKeys( HC.ALL_TAG_SERVICES ) service_keys_to_types = { service.GetServiceKey() : service.GetServiceType() for service in services_manager.GetServices() } service_keys_to_names = services_manager.GetServiceKeysToNames() for tag_service_key in tag_service_keys: storage_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetStatusesToTags( tag_service_key, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ) storage_tags_json_serialisable = { str( status ) : sorted( tags, key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable ) for ( status, tags ) in storage_statuses_to_tags.items() if len( tags ) > 0 } display_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetStatusesToTags( tag_service_key, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL ) display_tags_json_serialisable = { str( status ) : sorted( tags, key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable ) for ( status, tags ) in display_statuses_to_tags.items() if len( tags ) > 0 } tags_dict_object = { 'name' : service_keys_to_names[ tag_service_key ], 'type' : service_keys_to_types[ tag_service_key ], 'type_pretty' : HC.service_string_lookup[ service_keys_to_types[ tag_service_key ] ], 'storage_tags' : storage_tags_json_serialisable, 'display_tags' : display_tags_json_serialisable } tags_dict[ tag_service_key.hex() ] = tags_dict_object metadata_row[ 'tags' ] = tags_dict # old stuff start api_service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = {} service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetServiceKeysToStatusesToTags( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ) for ( service_key, statuses_to_tags ) in service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags.items(): if service_key not in service_keys_to_names: service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] = services_manager.GetName( service_key ) s = { str( status ) : sorted( tags, key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable ) for ( status, tags ) in statuses_to_tags.items() if len( tags ) > 0 } if len( s ) > 0: service_name = service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] api_service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags[ service_key.hex() ] = s metadata_row[ 'service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags' ] = api_service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags = {} service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetServiceKeysToStatusesToTags( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL ) for ( service_key, statuses_to_tags ) in service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags.items(): if service_key not in service_keys_to_names: service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] = services_manager.GetName( service_key ) s = { str( status ) : sorted( tags, key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable ) for ( status, tags ) in statuses_to_tags.items() if len( tags ) > 0 } if len( s ) > 0: service_name = service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags[ service_key.hex() ] = s metadata_row[ 'service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags' ] = service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags # old stuff end metadata.append( metadata_row ) detailed_known_urls_metadata_row = dict( metadata_row ) detailed_known_urls_metadata_row[ 'detailed_known_urls' ] = [ {'normalised_url' : '', 'url_type' : 0, 'url_type_string' : 'post url', 'match_name' : 'gelbooru file page', 'can_parse' : True}, {'normalised_url' : '', 'url_type' : 5, 'url_type_string' : 'unknown url', 'match_name' : 'unknown url', 'can_parse' : False, 'cannot_parse_reason' : 'unknown url class'} ] detailed_known_urls_metadata.append( detailed_known_urls_metadata_row ) with_notes_metadata_row = dict( metadata_row ) with_notes_metadata_row[ 'notes' ] = media_result.GetNotesManager().GetNamesToNotes() with_notes_metadata.append( with_notes_metadata_row ) expected_metadata_result = { 'metadata' : metadata } expected_detailed_known_urls_metadata_result = { 'metadata' : detailed_known_urls_metadata } expected_notes_metadata_result = { 'metadata' : with_notes_metadata } expected_only_return_basic_information_result = { 'metadata' : only_return_basic_information_metadata } HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', file_ids_to_hashes ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results', media_results ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results_from_ids', media_results ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_info_managers', file_info_managers ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'file_info_managers_from_ids', file_info_managers ) api_permissions.SetLastSearchResults( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] ) # fail on non-permitted files path = '/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}&only_return_identifiers=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 1, 2, 3, 7 ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # fails on hashes even if the hashes are 'good' path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}&only_return_identifiers=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # identifiers from file_ids path = '/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}&only_return_identifiers=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_identifier_result ) # basic metadata from file_ids path = '/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}&only_return_basic_information=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_only_return_basic_information_result ) # metadata from file_ids path = '/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) # quick print-inspect on what went wrong ''' m = d[ 'metadata' ] m_e = expected_metadata_result[ 'metadata' ] for ( i, file_post ) in enumerate( m ): file_post_e = m_e[ i ] for j in file_post.keys(): HydrusData.Print( ( j, file_post[j] ) ) HydrusData.Print( ( j, file_post_e[j] ) ) ''' self.maxDiff = None for ( row_a, row_b ) in zip( d[ 'metadata' ], expected_metadata_result[ 'metadata' ] ): self.assertEqual( set( row_a.keys() ), set( row_b.keys() ) ) for key in list( row_a.keys() ): self.assertEqual( row_a[ key ], row_b[ key ] ) # now from hashes api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # identifiers from hashes path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}&only_return_identifiers=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_identifier_result ) # basic metadata from hashes path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}&only_return_basic_information=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_only_return_basic_information_result ) # metadata from hashes path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_metadata_result ) # fails on borked hashes path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 'deadbeef' ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 400 ) # metadata from hashes with detailed url info path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}&detailed_url_information=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_detailed_known_urls_metadata_result ) # metadata from hashes with notes info path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}&include_notes=true'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in file_ids_to_hashes.values() ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) self.assertEqual( d, expected_notes_metadata_result ) # failure on missing file_ids HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results_from_ids', HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'test missing' ) ) api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } path = '/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ 123456 ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 404 ) self.assertIn( 'test missing', text ) # no new file_ids HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', file_ids_to_hashes ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results_from_ids', media_results ) hashes_in_test = list( file_ids_to_hashes.values() ) novel_hashes = [ os.urandom( 32 ) for i in range( 5 ) ] hashes_in_test.extend( novel_hashes ) path = '/get_files/file_metadata?hashes={}'.format( urllib.parse.quote( json.dumps( [ hash.hex() for hash in hashes_in_test ] ) ) ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = text = str( data, 'utf-8' ) self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) d = json.loads( text ) metadata = d[ 'metadata' ] for hash in novel_hashes: self.assertTrue( True in [ hash.hex() == row[ 'hash' ] for row in metadata ] ) for row in metadata: if row[ 'hash' ] == hash.hex(): self.assertEqual( len( row ), 2 ) self.assertEqual( row[ 'file_id' ], None ) def _test_get_files( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): # files and thumbs file_id = 1 hash = b'\xadm5\x99\xa6\xc4\x89\xa5u\xeb\x19\xc0&\xfa\xce\x97\xa9\xcdey\xe7G(\xb0\xce\x94\xa6\x01\xd22\xf3\xc3' hash_hex = hash.hex() size = 100 mime = HC.IMAGE_PNG width = 20 height = 20 duration = None file_info_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileInfoManager( file_id, hash, size = size, mime = mime, width = width, height = height, duration = duration ) service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue_eyes', 'blonde_hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit' ] } } service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags = { CC.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : { HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT : [ 'blue eyes', 'blonde hair' ], HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING : [ 'bodysuit', 'clothing' ] } } tags_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TagsManager( service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags, service_keys_to_statuses_to_display_tags ) locations_manager = ClientMediaManagers.LocationsManager( dict(), dict(), set(), set() ) ratings_manager = ClientMediaManagers.RatingsManager( {} ) notes_manager = ClientMediaManagers.NotesManager( {} ) file_viewing_stats_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileViewingStatsManager.STATICGenerateEmptyManager() media_result = ClientMediaResult.MediaResult( file_info_manager, tags_manager, locations_manager, ratings_manager, notes_manager, file_viewing_stats_manager ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results_from_ids', ( media_result, ) ) path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ) file_path = HG.test_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, HC.IMAGE_PNG, check_file_exists = False ) shutil.copy2( path, file_path ) thumb_hash = b'\x17\xde\xd6\xee\x1b\xfa\x002\xbdj\xc0w\x92\xce5\xf0\x12~\xfe\x915\xb3\xb3tA\xac\x90F\x95\xc2T\xc5' path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus_small.png' ) thumb_path = HG.test_controller.client_files_manager._GenerateExpectedThumbnailPath( hash ) shutil.copy2( path, thumb_path ) api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'search_green_files' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # let's fail first path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 10 ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # path = '/get_files/thumbnail?file_id={}'.format( 10 ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # path = '/get_files/file?hash={}'.format( hash_hex ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # path = '/get_files/thumbnail?hash={}'.format( hash_hex ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 403 ) # now succeed path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( hashlib.sha256( data ).digest(), hash ) # range request path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) partial_headers = dict( headers ) partial_headers[ 'Range' ] = 'bytes=100-199' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = partial_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 206 ) with open( file_path, 'rb' ) as f: 100 ) actual_data = 100 ) self.assertEqual( data, actual_data ) # n onwards range request path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) partial_headers = dict( headers ) partial_headers[ 'Range' ] = 'bytes=100-' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = partial_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 206 ) with open( file_path, 'rb' ) as f: 100 ) actual_data = self.assertEqual( data, actual_data ) # last n onwards range request path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) partial_headers = dict( headers ) partial_headers[ 'Range' ] = 'bytes=-100' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = partial_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 206 ) with open( file_path, 'rb' ) as f: actual_data =[-100:] self.assertEqual( data, actual_data ) # invalid range request path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) partial_headers = dict( headers ) partial_headers[ 'Range' ] = 'bytes=200-199' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = partial_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 416 ) # multi range request, not currently supported path = '/get_files/file?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) partial_headers = dict( headers ) partial_headers[ 'Range' ] = 'bytes=100-199,300-399' connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = partial_headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 416 ) # path = '/get_files/thumbnail?file_id={}'.format( 1 ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( hashlib.sha256( data ).digest(), thumb_hash ) # api_permissions = set_up_permissions[ 'everything' ] access_key_hex = api_permissions.GetAccessKey().hex() headers = { 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' : access_key_hex } # path = '/get_files/file?hash={}'.format( hash_hex ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( hashlib.sha256( data ).digest(), hash ) # path = '/get_files/thumbnail?hash={}'.format( hash_hex ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( hashlib.sha256( data ).digest(), thumb_hash ) # with "sha256:"" on the front path = '/get_files/thumbnail?hash={}{}'.format( 'sha256:', hash_hex ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( hashlib.sha256( data ).digest(), thumb_hash ) # now 404 hash_404 = os.urandom( 32 ) file_info_manager = ClientMediaManagers.FileInfoManager( 123456, hash_404, size = size, mime = mime, width = width, height = height, duration = duration ) media_result = ClientMediaResult.MediaResult( file_info_manager, tags_manager, locations_manager, ratings_manager, notes_manager, file_viewing_stats_manager ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_result', media_result ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'media_results_from_ids', ( media_result, ) ) # path = '/get_files/file?hash={}'.format( hash_404.hex() ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 404 ) # this no longer 404s, it should give the hydrus thumb path = '/get_files/thumbnail?hash={}'.format( hash_404.hex() ) connection.request( 'GET', path, headers = headers ) response = connection.getresponse() data = with open( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ), 'rb' ) as f: expected_data = self.assertEqual( response.status, 200 ) self.assertEqual( data, expected_data ) # os.unlink( file_path ) os.unlink( thumb_path ) def _test_permission_failures( self, connection, set_up_permissions ): pass # failed permission tests def test_client_api( self ): host = '' port = 45869 connection = http.client.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 ) self._test_basics( connection ) set_up_permissions = self._test_client_api_basics( connection ) self._test_get_services( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_manage_database( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_files_add_file( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_files_other_actions( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_notes( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_tags( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_tags_search_tags( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_add_urls( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_manage_cookies( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_manage_pages( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_search_files( connection, set_up_permissions ) if CBOR_AVAILABLE: self._test_cbor( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_search_files_predicate_parsing( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_file_hashes( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_file_metadata( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_get_files( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_permission_failures( connection, set_up_permissions ) self._test_cors_fails( connection ) connection.close() # port = 45899 connection = http.client.HTTPConnection( host, port, timeout = 10 ) self._test_cors_succeeds( connection )