import typing from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW from qtpy import QtGui as QG from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusTags from hydrus.client import ClientApplicationCommand as CAC from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientData from hydrus.client import ClientDuplicates from hydrus.client import ClientLocation from hydrus.client import ClientPaths from hydrus.client import ClientSearch from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUICore as CGC from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogs from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsManage from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDuplicates from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMedia from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMediaActions from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMediaControls from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMediaMenus from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMenus from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIRatings from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIShortcuts from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITags from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP from hydrus.client.gui.canvas import ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames from hydrus.client.gui.canvas import ClientGUICanvasMedia from import ClientMedia from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientRatings from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTagSorting def AddAudioVolumeMenu( menu, canvas_type ): mute_volume_type = None volume_volume_type = ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL if canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER: mute_volume_type = ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_MEDIA_VIEWER if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'media_viewer_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ): volume_volume_type = ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_MEDIA_VIEWER elif canvas_type == CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW: mute_volume_type = ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_PREVIEW if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'preview_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ): volume_volume_type = ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_PREVIEW volume_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ( global_mute_option_name, global_volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL ] if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( global_mute_option_name ): label = 'unmute global' else: label = 'mute global' ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( volume_menu, label, 'Mute/unmute audio.', ClientGUIMediaControls.FlipMute, ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL ) # if mute_volume_type is not None: ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( volume_menu ) ( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ mute_volume_type ] if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( mute_option_name ): label = 'unmute {}'.format( ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_str_lookup[ mute_volume_type ] ) else: label = 'mute {}'.format( ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_str_lookup[ mute_volume_type ] ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( volume_menu, label, 'Mute/unmute audio.', ClientGUIMediaControls.FlipMute, mute_volume_type ) # ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( volume_menu ) ( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ volume_volume_type ] # 0-100 inclusive volumes = list( range( 0, 110, 10 ) ) current_volume = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( volume_option_name ) if current_volume not in volumes: volumes.append( current_volume ) volumes.sort() for volume in volumes: label = 'volume: {}'.format( volume ) if volume == current_volume: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( volume_menu, label, 'Set the volume.', True, ClientGUIMediaControls.ChangeVolume, volume_volume_type, volume ) else: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( volume_menu, label, 'Set the volume.', ClientGUIMediaControls.ChangeVolume, volume_volume_type, volume ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, volume_menu, 'volume' ) # cribbing from here # not finished, but a start as I continue to refactor. might want to rename to 'draggable layout' or something too, since it doesn't actually care about media container that much, and instead subclass vboxlayout? class CanvasLayout( QW.QLayout ): def __init__( self ): QW.QLayout.__init__( self ) self._current_drag_delta = QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) self._layout_items = [] def addItem( self, layout_item: QW.QLayoutItem ) -> None: self._layout_items.append( layout_item ) def itemAt( self, index: int ): try: return self._layout_items[ index ] except IndexError: return None def minimumSize(self) -> QC.QSize: return self.sizeHint() def resetDragDelta( self ): self._current_drag_delta = QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) def setGeometry( self, rect: QC.QRect ) -> None: if len( self._layout_items ) == 0: return layout_item = self._layout_items[0] size = self.sizeHint() # the given rect is the whole canvas? natural_x = ( rect.width() - size.width() ) // 2 natural_y = ( rect.height() - size.height() ) // 2 topleft = QC.QPoint( natural_x, natural_y ) + self._current_drag_delta media_container_rect = QC.QRect( topleft, size ) layout_item.setGeometry( media_container_rect ) def sizeHint(self) -> QC.QSize: if len( self._layout_items ) == 0: return QC.QSize( 0, 0 ) else: return self._layout_items[0].sizeHint() def takeAt( self, index: int ): layout_item = self.itemAt( index ) if layout_item is None: return 0 del self._layout_items[ index ] return layout_item def updateDragDelta( self, delta: QC.QPoint ): self._current_drag_delta += delta class LayoutEventSilencer( QC.QObject ): def eventFilter( self, watched, event ): if watched == self.parent() and event.type() == QC.QEvent.LayoutRequest: return True return False class Canvas( QW.QWidget, CAC.ApplicationCommandProcessorMixin ): CANVAS_TYPE = CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER def __init__( self, parent, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext ): CAC.ApplicationCommandProcessorMixin.__init__( self ) QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self.setSizePolicy( QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self._location_context = location_context self._current_media_start_time = HydrusData.GetNow() self._new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options self._canvas_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey() self._maintain_pan_and_zoom = False self._service_keys_to_services = {} self._current_media = None catch_mouse = True # once we have catch_mouse full shortcut support for canvases, swap out this out for an option to swallow activating clicks ignore_activating_mouse_click = catch_mouse and self.CANVAS_TYPE != CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW self._my_shortcuts_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ 'media', 'media_viewer' ], catch_mouse = catch_mouse, ignore_activating_mouse_click = ignore_activating_mouse_click ) self._layout_silencer = LayoutEventSilencer( self ) self.installEventFilter( self._layout_silencer ) self._click_drag_reporting_filter = MediaContainerDragClickReportingFilter( self ) self.installEventFilter( self._click_drag_reporting_filter ) self._media_container = ClientGUICanvasMedia.MediaContainer( self, self.CANVAS_TYPE, self._click_drag_reporting_filter ) self._last_drag_pos = None self._current_drag_is_touch = False self._last_motion_pos = QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) self._widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self ) self._media_container.readyForNeighbourPrefetch.connect( self._PrefetchNeighbours ) self._media_container.zoomChanged.connect( self.ZoomChanged ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ZoomIn', 'canvas_zoom_in' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ZoomOut', 'canvas_zoom_out' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ZoomSwitch', 'canvas_zoom_switch' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'OpenExternally', 'canvas_open_externally' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ManageTags', 'canvas_manage_tags' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'update', 'notify_new_colourset' ) def _Archive( self ): if self._current_media is not None: HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, ( self._current_media.GetHash(), ) ) ] } ) def _CopyBMPToClipboard( self ): copied = False if self._current_media is not None: if self._current_media.GetMime() in HC.IMAGES: 'clipboard', 'bmp', self._current_media ) copied = True return copied def _CopyHashToClipboard( self, hash_type ): if self._current_media is None: return ClientGUIMedia.CopyHashesToClipboard( self, hash_type, [ self._current_media ] ) def _CopyFileToClipboard( self ): if self._current_media is not None: client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager paths = [ client_files_manager.GetFilePath( self._current_media.GetHash(), self._current_media.GetMime() ) ] 'clipboard', 'paths', paths ) def _CopyPathToClipboard( self ): if self._current_media is not None: client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( self._current_media.GetHash(), self._current_media.GetMime() ) 'clipboard', 'text', path ) def _Delete( self, media = None, default_reason = None, file_service_key = None, just_get_jobs = False ): if media is None: if self._current_media is None: return False media = [ self._current_media ] if default_reason is None: default_reason = 'Deleted from Preview or Media Viewer.' if file_service_key is None: if len( self._location_context.current_service_keys ) == 1: ( possible_suggested_file_service_key, ) = self._location_context.current_service_keys if HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( possible_suggested_file_service_key ) in HC.SPECIFIC_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICES + ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, ): file_service_key = possible_suggested_file_service_key try: ( involves_physical_delete, jobs ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetDeleteFilesJobs( self, media, default_reason, suggested_file_service_key = file_service_key ) except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException: return False def do_it( jobs ): for service_keys_to_content_updates in jobs: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) if just_get_jobs: return jobs else: HG.client_controller.CallToThread( do_it, jobs ) return True def _DrawBackgroundBitmap( self, painter: QG.QPainter ): background_colour = self._GetBackgroundColour() painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) self._DrawBackgroundDetails( painter ) def _DrawBackgroundDetails( self, painter ): pass def _GetBackgroundColour( self ): return self._new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) def _GetIndexString( self ): return '' def _Inbox( self ): if self._current_media is None: return HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, ( self._current_media.GetHash(), ) ) ] } ) def _ManageNotes( self, name_to_start_on = None ): if self._current_media is None: return ClientGUIMediaActions.EditFileNotes( self, self._current_media, name_to_start_on = name_to_start_on ) def _ManageRatings( self ): if self._current_media is None: return if len( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.RATINGS_SERVICES ) ) > 0: with ClientGUIDialogsManage.DialogManageRatings( self, ( self._current_media, ) ) as dlg: dlg.exec() def _ManageTags( self ): if self._current_media is None: return for child in self.children(): if isinstance( child, ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel ): panel = child.GetPanel() if isinstance( panel, ClientGUITags.ManageTagsPanel ): child.activateWindow() command = CAC.ApplicationCommand.STATICCreateSimpleCommand( CAC.SIMPLE_SET_SEARCH_FOCUS ) panel.ProcessApplicationCommand( command ) return # take any focus away from hover window, which will mess up window order when it hides due to the new frame self.setFocus( QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason ) title = 'manage tags' frame_key = 'manage_tags_frame' manage_tags = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, title, frame_key ) panel = ClientGUITags.ManageTagsPanel( manage_tags, self._location_context, ( self._current_media, ), immediate_commit = True, canvas_key = self._canvas_key ) manage_tags.SetPanel( panel ) def _ManageURLs( self ): if self._current_media is None: return title = 'manage known urls' with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg: panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement.ManageURLsPanel( dlg, ( self._current_media, ) ) dlg.SetPanel( panel ) dlg.exec() def _MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram( self ): if self._current_media is None: return mime = self._current_media.GetMime() if self._current_media.HasDuration(): self._media_container.Pause() def _OpenExternally( self ): if self._current_media is None: return hash = self._current_media.GetHash() mime = self._current_media.GetMime() client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) launch_path = self._new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime ) HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path ) self._MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram() def _OpenFileInWebBrowser( self ): if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() mime = self._current_media.GetMime() client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) ClientPaths.LaunchPathInWebBrowser( path ) self._MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram() def _OpenFileLocation( self ): if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() mime = self._current_media.GetMime() client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) HydrusPaths.OpenFileLocation( path ) self._MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram() def _OpenKnownURL( self ): if self._current_media is not None: ClientGUIMedia.DoOpenKnownURLFromShortcut( self, self._current_media ) def _PrefetchNeighbours( self ): pass def _SaveCurrentMediaViewTime( self ): now = HydrusData.GetNow() view_timestamp = self._current_media_start_time viewtime_delta = now - self._current_media_start_time self._current_media_start_time = now if self._current_media is None: return hash = self._current_media.GetHash() HG.client_controller.file_viewing_stats_manager.FinishViewing( hash, self.CANVAS_TYPE, view_timestamp, viewtime_delta ) def _SeekDeltaCurrentMedia( self, direction, duration_ms ): if self._current_media is None: return self._media_container.SeekDelta( direction, duration_ms ) def _ShowMediaInNewPage( self ): if self._current_media is None: return hash = self._current_media.GetHash() hashes = { hash } 'new_page_query', self._location_context, initial_hashes = hashes ) def _Undelete( self ): if self._current_media is None: return ClientGUIMediaActions.UndeleteMedia( self, ( self._current_media, ) ) def CleanBeforeDestroy( self ): self.ClearMedia() def ClearMedia( self ): self.SetMedia( None ) def BeginDrag( self ): point = self.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) self._last_drag_pos = point self._current_drag_is_touch = False def resizeEvent( self, event ): my_size = self.size() if self._current_media is not None: media_container_size = self._media_container.size() if my_size != media_container_size: self._media_container.ZoomReinit() self._media_container.ResetCenterPosition() self.EndDrag() self.update() def EndDrag( self ): self._last_drag_pos = None def FlipActiveCustomShortcutName( self, name ): self._my_shortcuts_handler.FlipShortcuts( name ) def GetActiveCustomShortcutNames( self ): return self._my_shortcuts_handler.GetCustomShortcutNames() def ManageNotes( self, canvas_key, name_to_start_on = None ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ManageNotes( name_to_start_on = name_to_start_on ) def ManageTags( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ManageTags() def MouseIsNearAnimationBar( self ): if self._current_media is None: return False else: return self._media_container.MouseIsNearAnimationBar() def MouseIsOverMedia( self ): if self._current_media is None: return False else: media_mouse_pos = self._media_container.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) media_rect = self._media_container.rect() return media_rect.contains( media_mouse_pos ) def OpenExternally( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._OpenExternally() def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) self._DrawBackgroundBitmap( painter ) def PauseMedia( self ): self._media_container.Pause() def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_MANAGE_FILE_RATINGS: self._ManageRatings() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MANAGE_FILE_TAGS: self._ManageTags() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MANAGE_FILE_URLS: self._ManageURLs() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MANAGE_FILE_NOTES: self._ManageNotes() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_KNOWN_URL: self._OpenKnownURL() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_FILE: self._Archive() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_BMP: self._CopyBMPToClipboard() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_BMP_OR_FILE_IF_NOT_BMPABLE: copied = self._CopyBMPToClipboard() if not copied: self._CopyFileToClipboard() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_FILE: self._CopyFileToClipboard() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_PATH: self._CopyPathToClipboard() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_SHA256_HASH: self._CopyHashToClipboard( 'sha256' ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_MD5_HASH: self._CopyHashToClipboard( 'md5' ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_SHA1_HASH: self._CopyHashToClipboard( 'sha1' ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_COPY_SHA512_HASH: self._CopyHashToClipboard( 'sha512' ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DELETE_FILE: self._Delete() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_UNDELETE_FILE: self._Undelete() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_INBOX_FILE: self._Inbox() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_OPEN_FILE_IN_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM: self._OpenExternally() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_UP: self._media_container.DoManualPan( 0, -1 ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_DOWN: self._media_container.DoManualPan( 0, 1 ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_LEFT: self._media_container.DoManualPan( -1, 0 ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_RIGHT: self._media_container.DoManualPan( 1, 0 ) elif action in ( CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_TOP_EDGE, CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_BOTTOM_EDGE, CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_LEFT_EDGE, CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_RIGHT_EDGE, CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_VERTICAL_CENTER, CAC.SIMPLE_PAN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER ): self._media_container.DoEdgePan( action ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_MEDIA: self._media_container.Pause() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_PLAY_MEDIA: self._media_container.PausePlay() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SHOW_DUPLICATES: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() duplicate_type = command.GetSimpleData() ClientGUIMedia.ShowDuplicatesInNewPage( self._location_context, hash, duplicate_type ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_CLEAR_FOCUSED_FALSE_POSITIVES: # TODO: when media knows dupe relationships, all these lads here need a media scan for the existence of alternate groups or whatever # no duplicate group->don't start the process if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.ClearFalsePositives( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_CLEAR_FALSE_POSITIVES: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.ClearFalsePositives( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_DISSOLVE_FOCUSED_ALTERNATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.DissolveAlternateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_DISSOLVE_ALTERNATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.DissolveAlternateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_DISSOLVE_FOCUSED_DUPLICATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.DissolveDuplicateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_DISSOLVE_DUPLICATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.DissolveDuplicateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_REMOVE_FOCUSED_FROM_ALTERNATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.RemoveFromAlternateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_REMOVE_FOCUSED_FROM_DUPLICATE_GROUP: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.RemoveFromDuplicateGroup( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_RESET_FOCUSED_POTENTIAL_SEARCH: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.ResetPotentialSearch( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_RESET_POTENTIAL_SEARCH: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.ResetPotentialSearch( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_REMOVE_FOCUSED_POTENTIALS: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.RemovePotentials( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_MEDIA_REMOVE_POTENTIALS: if self._current_media is not None: hash = self._current_media.GetHash() ClientGUIDuplicates.RemovePotentials( self, ( hash, ) ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MEDIA_SEEK_DELTA: ( direction, ms ) = command.GetSimpleData() self._SeekDeltaCurrentMedia( direction, ms ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MOVE_ANIMATION_TO_PREVIOUS_FRAME: self._media_container.GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( -1 ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_MOVE_ANIMATION_TO_NEXT_FRAME: self._media_container.GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( 1 ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_IN: self._media_container.ZoomIn() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_IN_VIEWER_CENTER: self._media_container.ZoomIn( zoom_center_type_override = ClientGUICanvasMedia.ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_OUT: self._media_container.ZoomOut() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_OUT_VIEWER_CENTER: self._media_container.ZoomOut( zoom_center_type_override = ClientGUICanvasMedia.ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SWITCH_BETWEEN_100_PERCENT_AND_CANVAS_ZOOM: self._media_container.ZoomSwitch() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SWITCH_BETWEEN_100_PERCENT_AND_MAX_ZOOM: self._media_container.ZoomSwitch100Max() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SWITCH_BETWEEN_CANVAS_AND_MAX_ZOOM: self._media_container.ZoomSwitchCanvasMax() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_100: self._media_container.Zoom100() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_CANVAS: self._media_container.ZoomCanvas() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_DEFAULT: self._media_container.ZoomDefault() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ZOOM_MAX: self._media_container.ZoomMax() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SWITCH_BETWEEN_100_PERCENT_AND_CANVAS_ZOOM_VIEWER_CENTER: self._media_container.ZoomSwitch( zoom_center_type_override = ClientGUICanvasMedia.ZOOM_CENTERPOINT_VIEWER_CENTER ) else: command_processed = False elif command.IsContentCommand(): if self._current_media is None: return command_processed = ClientGUIMediaActions.ApplyContentApplicationCommandToMedia( self, command, ( self._current_media, ) ) else: command_processed = False return command_processed def ResetMediaWindowCenterPosition( self ): self._media_container.ResetCenterPosition() self.EndDrag() def SetLocationContext( self, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext ): self._location_context = location_context def SetMedia( self, media: typing.Optional[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ): if media is not None and not self.isVisible(): return if media is not None: media = media.GetDisplayMedia() if not ClientGUICanvasMedia.CanDisplayMedia( media, self.CANVAS_TYPE ): media = None if media != self._current_media: self.EndDrag() HG.client_controller.ResetIdleTimer() self._SaveCurrentMediaViewTime() previous_media = self._current_media self._current_media = media if self._current_media is None: self._media_container.ClearMedia() else: maintain_zoom = self._maintain_pan_and_zoom and previous_media is not None maintain_pan = self._maintain_pan_and_zoom ( media_width, media_height ) = self._current_media.GetResolution() size_is_ok = ( media_width is None or media_width > 0 ) and ( media_height is None or media_height > 0 ) if self._current_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() and size_is_ok: self._media_container.SetMedia( self._current_media, maintain_zoom, maintain_pan ) else: self._current_media = None 'canvas_new_display_media', self._canvas_key, self._current_media ) 'canvas_new_index_string', self._canvas_key, self._GetIndexString() ) self.update() def minimumSizeHint( self ): return QC.QSize( 120, 120 ) def ZoomChanged( self ): self.update() def ZoomIn( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._media_container.ZoomIn() def ZoomOut( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._media_container.ZoomOut() def ZoomSwitch( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._media_container.ZoomSwitch() class MediaContainerDragClickReportingFilter( QC.QObject ): def __init__( self, parent: Canvas ): QC.QObject.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas = parent def eventFilter( self, watched, event ): if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton: self._canvas.BeginDrag() elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton: self._canvas.EndDrag() return False class CanvasPanel( Canvas ): CANVAS_TYPE = CC.CANVAS_PREVIEW def __init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext ): Canvas.__init__( self, parent, location_context ) self._page_key = page_key self._hidden_page_current_media = None self._hidden_page_paused_status = False self._media_container.launchMediaViewer.connect( self.LaunchMediaViewer ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ProcessContentUpdates', 'content_updates_gui' ) def mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ): if event.button() != QC.Qt.RightButton: Canvas.mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ) return # contextmenu doesn't quite work here yet due to focus issues self.ShowMenu() def ClearMedia( self ): self._hidden_page_current_media = None Canvas.ClearMedia( self ) def PageHidden( self ): if self._hidden_page_current_media is not None: return # TODO: ultimately, make an object for media/paused/position and have any media player able to give that and take it instead of setmedia # then we'll be able to 'continue' playing state from preview to full view and other stuff like this, and simply # also use that for all setmedia, and then if we have %-in-start options and paused/play-start options, we can initialise this object for that hidden_page_current_media = self._current_media hidden_page_pause_status = self._media_container.IsPaused() self.ClearMedia() self._hidden_page_current_media = hidden_page_current_media self._hidden_page_paused_status = hidden_page_pause_status def PageShown( self ): self.SetMedia( self._hidden_page_current_media ) self._hidden_page_current_media = None if self._media_container.IsPaused() != self._hidden_page_paused_status: self._media_container.PausePlay() def ShowMenu( self ): menu = QW.QMenu() new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options advanced_mode = new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) if self._current_media is not None: services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices() locations_manager = self._current_media.GetLocationsManager() local_ratings_services = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() in ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ] i_can_post_ratings = len( local_ratings_services ) > 0 # info_lines = list( self._current_media.GetPrettyInfoLines() ) top_line = info_lines.pop( 0 ) info_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddPrettyInfoLines( info_menu, info_lines ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddFileViewingStatsMenu( info_menu, ( self._current_media, ) ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, info_menu, top_line ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) AddAudioVolumeMenu( menu, self.CANVAS_TYPE ) if self._current_media is not None: # ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) if self._current_media.HasInbox(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'archive', 'Archive this file.', self._Archive ) if self._current_media.HasArchive(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'inbox', 'Send this files back to the inbox.', self._Inbox ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) local_file_service_keys = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) ) # brush this up to handle different service keys # undelete do an optional service key too local_file_service_keys_we_are_in = sorted( locations_manager.GetCurrent().intersection( local_file_service_keys ), key = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName ) for file_service_key in local_file_service_keys_we_are_in: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'delete from {}'.format( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName( file_service_key ) ), 'Delete this file.', self._Delete, file_service_key = file_service_key ) if locations_manager.IsTrashed(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'delete completely', 'Physically delete this file from disk.', self._Delete, file_service_key = CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'undelete', 'Take this file out of the trash.', self._Undelete ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) manage_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'tags', 'Manage this file\'s tags.', self._ManageTags ) if i_can_post_ratings: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'ratings', 'Manage this file\'s ratings.', self._ManageRatings ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'urls', 'Manage this file\'s known URLs.', self._ManageURLs ) num_notes = self._current_media.GetNotesManager().GetNumNotes() notes_str = 'notes' if num_notes > 0: notes_str = '{} ({})'.format( notes_str, HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_notes ) ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, notes_str, 'Manage this file\'s notes.', self._ManageNotes ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddManageFileViewingStatsMenu( self, manage_menu, [ self._current_media ] ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, manage_menu, 'manage' ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddKnownURLsViewCopyMenu( self, menu, self._current_media ) open_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in external program', 'Open this file in your OS\'s default program.', self._OpenExternally ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in a new page', 'Show your current media in a simple new page.', self._ShowMediaInNewPage ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in web browser', 'Show this file in your OS\'s web browser.', self._OpenFileInWebBrowser ) show_open_in_explorer = advanced_mode and ( HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS or HC.PLATFORM_MACOS ) if show_open_in_explorer: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in file browser', 'Show this file in your OS\'s file browser.', self._OpenFileLocation ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, open_menu, 'open' ) share_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) copy_menu = QW.QMenu( share_menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'file', 'Copy this file to your clipboard.', self._CopyFileToClipboard ) copy_hash_menu = QW.QMenu( copy_menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha256 ({})'.format( self._current_media.GetHash().hex() ), 'Copy this file\'s SHA256 hash.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha256' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'md5', 'Copy this file\'s MD5 hash.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'md5' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha1', 'Copy this file\'s SHA1 hash.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha1' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha512', 'Copy this file\'s SHA512 hash.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha512' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( copy_menu, copy_hash_menu, 'hash' ) if advanced_mode: hash_id_str = str( self._current_media.GetHashId() ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'file_id ({})'.format( hash_id_str ), 'Copy this file\'s internal file/hash_id.',, 'clipboard', 'text', hash_id_str ) if self._current_media.GetMime() in HC.IMAGES: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'image (bitmap)', 'Copy this file to your clipboard as a bmp.', self._CopyBMPToClipboard ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'path', 'Copy this file\'s path to your clipboard.', self._CopyPathToClipboard ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( share_menu, copy_menu, 'copy' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, share_menu, 'share' ) CGC.core().PopupMenu( self, menu ) def LaunchMediaViewer( self ): 'launch_media_viewer', self._page_key ) def MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram( self, page_key ): if page_key == self._page_key: self._MediaFocusWentToExternalProgram() def ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ): if self._current_media is not None: my_hash = self._current_media.GetHash() do_redraw = False for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items(): if True in ( my_hash in content_update.GetHashes() for content_update in content_updates ): do_redraw = True break if do_redraw: self.update() def SetMedia( self, media ): if HC.options[ 'hide_preview' ]: return Canvas.SetMedia( self, media ) class CanvasWithDetails( Canvas ): def __init__( self, parent, location_context ): Canvas.__init__( self, parent, location_context ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'RedrawDetails', 'refresh_all_tag_presentation_gui' ) def _DrawAdditionalTopMiddleInfo( self, painter: QG.QPainter, current_y ): pass def _DrawBackgroundDetails( self, painter: QG.QPainter ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() if self._current_media is None: text = self._GetNoMediaText() ( text_size, text ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, text ) x = ( my_width - text_size.width() ) // 2 y = ( my_height - text_size.height() ) // 2 ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, x, y, text ) else: self._DrawTags( painter ) self._DrawTopMiddle( painter ) current_y = self._DrawTopRight( painter ) self._DrawNotes( painter, current_y ) self._DrawIndexAndZoom( painter ) def _DrawIndexAndZoom( self, painter: QG.QPainter ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() # bottom-right index bottom_right_string = ClientData.ConvertZoomToPercentage( self._media_container.GetCurrentZoom() ) index_string = self._GetIndexString() if len( index_string ) > 0: bottom_right_string = '{} - {}'.format( bottom_right_string, index_string ) ( text_size, bottom_right_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, bottom_right_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, my_width - text_size.width() - 3, my_height - text_size.height() - 3, bottom_right_string ) def _DrawNotes( self, painter: QG.QPainter, current_y: int ): notes_manager = self._current_media.GetNotesManager() names_to_notes = notes_manager.GetNamesToNotes() if len( names_to_notes ) == 0: return my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() max_notes_width_percentage = 20 PADDING = 4 max_notes_width = int( my_width * ( max_notes_width_percentage / 100 ) ) - ( PADDING * 2 ) notes_width = 0 original_font = painter.font() name_font = QG.QFont( original_font ) name_font.setBold( True ) notes_font = QG.QFont( original_font ) notes_font.setBold( False ) for ( name, note ) in names_to_notes.items(): # without wrapping, let's see if we fit into a smaller box than the max possible painter.setFont( name_font ) name_text_size = painter.fontMetrics().size( 0, name ) painter.setFont( notes_font ) note_text_size = painter.fontMetrics().size( 0, note ) notes_width = max( notes_width, name_text_size.width(), note_text_size.width() ) if notes_width > max_notes_width: notes_width = max_notes_width break left_x = my_width - ( notes_width + PADDING ) current_y += PADDING * 2 draw_a_test_rect = False if draw_a_test_rect: painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QG.QColor( 20, 20, 20 ) ) ) painter.setBrush( QC.Qt.NoBrush ) painter.drawRect( left_x, current_y, notes_width, 100 ) for name in sorted( names_to_notes.keys() ): painter.setFont( name_font ) text_rect = painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect( left_x, current_y, notes_width, 100, QC.Qt.AlignHCenter | QC.Qt.TextWordWrap, name ) painter.drawText( text_rect, QC.Qt.AlignHCenter | QC.Qt.TextWordWrap, name ) current_y += text_rect.height() + PADDING # painter.setFont( notes_font ) note = notes_manager.GetNote( name ) text_rect = painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect( left_x, current_y, notes_width, 100, QC.Qt.AlignJustify | QC.Qt.TextWordWrap, note ) painter.drawText( text_rect, QC.Qt.AlignJustify | QC.Qt.TextWordWrap, note ) current_y += text_rect.height() + PADDING if current_y >= my_height: break # draw a horizontal line painter.setFont( original_font ) def _DrawTags( self, painter: QG.QPainter ): # tags on the top left original_pen = painter.pen() tags_manager = self._current_media.GetTagsManager() current = tags_manager.GetCurrent( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA ) pending = tags_manager.GetPending( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA ) petitioned = tags_manager.GetPetitioned( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_SINGLE_MEDIA ) tags_i_want_to_display = set() tags_i_want_to_display.update( current ) tags_i_want_to_display.update( pending ) tags_i_want_to_display.update( petitioned ) tags_i_want_to_display = list( tags_i_want_to_display ) tag_sort = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetDefaultTagSort() ClientTagSorting.SortTags( tag_sort, tags_i_want_to_display ) current_y = 3 namespace_colours = HC.options[ 'namespace_colours' ] for tag in tags_i_want_to_display: display_string = ClientTags.RenderTag( tag, True ) if tag in pending: display_string += ' (+)' if tag in petitioned: display_string += ' (-)' ( namespace, subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( tag ) if namespace in namespace_colours: ( r, g, b ) = namespace_colours[ namespace ] else: ( r, g, b ) = namespace_colours[ None ] painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QG.QColor( r, g, b ) ) ) ( text_size, display_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, display_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, 5, current_y, display_string ) current_y += text_size.height() painter.setPen( original_pen ) def _DrawTopMiddle( self, painter: QG.QPainter ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() # top-middle painter.setPen( QG.QPen( self._new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_TEXT ) ) ) current_y = 3 title_string = self._current_media.GetTitleString() if len( title_string ) > 0: ( text_size, title_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, title_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, ( my_width - text_size.width() ) // 2, current_y, title_string ) current_y += text_size.height() + 3 info_string = self._GetInfoString() ( text_size, info_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, info_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, ( my_width - text_size.width() ) // 2, current_y, info_string ) current_y += text_size.height() + 3 self._DrawAdditionalTopMiddleInfo( painter, current_y ) def _DrawTopRight( self, painter: QG.QPainter ) -> int: my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() current_y = 2 # ratings services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager like_services = services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, ) ) like_services.reverse() like_rating_current_x = my_width - 16 - 2 # -2 to line up exactly with the floating panel for like_service in like_services: service_key = like_service.GetServiceKey() rating_state = ClientRatings.GetLikeStateFromMedia( ( self._current_media, ), service_key ) ClientGUIRatings.DrawLike( painter, like_rating_current_x, current_y, service_key, rating_state ) like_rating_current_x -= 16 if len( like_services ) > 0: current_y += 18 numerical_services = services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL, ) ) for numerical_service in numerical_services: service_key = numerical_service.GetServiceKey() ( rating_state, rating ) = ClientRatings.GetNumericalStateFromMedia( ( self._current_media, ), service_key ) numerical_width = ClientGUIRatings.GetNumericalWidth( service_key ) ClientGUIRatings.DrawNumerical( painter, my_width - numerical_width - 2, current_y, service_key, rating_state, rating ) # -2 to line up exactly with the floating panel current_y += 18 # icons icons_to_show = [] if self._current_media.GetLocationsManager().IsTrashed(): icons_to_show.append( CC.global_pixmaps().trash ) if self._current_media.HasInbox(): icons_to_show.append( CC.global_pixmaps().inbox ) if len( icons_to_show ) > 0: icon_x = 0 for icon in icons_to_show: painter.drawPixmap( my_width + icon_x - 18, current_y, icon ) icon_x -= 18 current_y += 18 painter.setPen( QG.QPen( self._new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_TEXT ) ) ) # repo strings remote_strings = self._current_media.GetLocationsManager().GetRemoteLocationStrings() for remote_string in remote_strings: ( text_size, remote_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, remote_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, my_width - text_size.width() - 3, current_y, remote_string ) current_y += text_size.height() # urls urls = self._current_media.GetLocationsManager().GetURLs() url_tuples = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.ConvertURLsToMediaViewerTuples( urls ) for ( display_string, url ) in url_tuples: ( text_size, display_string ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, display_string ) ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, my_width - text_size.width() - 3, current_y, display_string ) current_y += text_size.height() + 2 return current_y def _GetInfoString( self ): lines = [ line for line in self._current_media.GetPrettyInfoLines( only_interesting_lines = True ) if isinstance( line, str ) ] lines.insert( 1, ClientData.ConvertZoomToPercentage( self._media_container.GetCurrentZoom() ) ) info_string = ' | '.join( lines ) return info_string def _GetNoMediaText( self ): return 'No media to display' def RedrawDetails( self ): self.update() def TryToDoPreClose( self ): can_close = True return can_close class CanvasWithHovers( CanvasWithDetails ): def __init__( self, parent, location_context ): CanvasWithDetails.__init__( self, parent, location_context ) self._hovers = [] top_hover = self._GenerateHoverTopFrame() top_hover.sendApplicationCommand.connect( self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) self._media_container.zoomChanged.connect( top_hover.SetCurrentZoom ) self._hovers.append( top_hover ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddWindowToFilter( top_hover ) tags_hover = ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameTags( self, self, top_hover, self._canvas_key ) tags_hover.sendApplicationCommand.connect( self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) self._hovers.append( tags_hover ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddWindowToFilter( tags_hover ) top_right_hover = ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameTopRight( self, self, top_hover, self._canvas_key ) top_right_hover.sendApplicationCommand.connect( self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) self._hovers.append( top_right_hover ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddWindowToFilter( top_right_hover ) self._right_notes_hover = ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameRightNotes( self, self, top_right_hover, self._canvas_key ) self._right_notes_hover.sendApplicationCommand.connect( self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) self._hovers.append( self._right_notes_hover ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddWindowToFilter( self._right_notes_hover ) for name in self._new_options.GetStringList( 'default_media_viewer_custom_shortcuts' ): self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddShortcuts( name ) # self._timer_cursor_hide_job = None self._last_cursor_autohide_touch_time = HydrusData.GetNowFloat() # need this as we need un-button-pressed move events for cursor hide self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._RestartCursorHideWait() HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'CloseFromHover', 'canvas_close' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'FullscreenSwitch', 'canvas_fullscreen_switch' ) HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self ) def _GenerateHoverTopFrame( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _HideCursorCheck( self ): hide_time_ms = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'media_viewer_cursor_autohide_time_ms' ) if hide_time_ms is None: return hide_time = hide_time_ms / 1000 can_hide = HydrusData.TimeHasPassedFloat( self._last_cursor_autohide_touch_time + hide_time ) can_check_again = ClientGUIFunctions.MouseIsOverWidget( self ) if not CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE: can_hide = False if CGC.core().MenuIsOpen(): can_hide = False if ClientGUIFunctions.DialogIsOpen(): can_hide = False can_check_again = False if can_hide: self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.BlankCursor ) ) elif can_check_again: self._RestartCursorHideCheckJob() def _RestartCursorHideWait( self ): self._last_cursor_autohide_touch_time = HydrusData.GetNowFloat() self._RestartCursorHideCheckJob() def _RestartCursorHideCheckJob( self ): if self._timer_cursor_hide_job is not None: timer_is_running_or_finished = self._timer_cursor_hide_job.CurrentlyWorking() or self._timer_cursor_hide_job.IsWorkComplete() if not timer_is_running_or_finished: return self._timer_cursor_hide_job = HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.1, 'hide cursor check', self._HideCursorCheck ) def _TryToCloseWindow( self ): self.window().close() def CloseFromHover( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._TryToCloseWindow() def FullscreenSwitch( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self.parentWidget().FullscreenSwitch() def mouseMoveEvent( self, event ): current_focus_tlw = QW.QApplication.activeWindow() my_tlw = self.window() if isinstance( current_focus_tlw, ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrame ) and ClientGUIFunctions.IsQtAncestor( current_focus_tlw, my_tlw, through_tlws = True ): my_tlw.activateWindow() # CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE = True # due to the mouse setPos below, the event pos can get funky I think due to out of order coordinate setting events, so we'll poll current value directly event_pos = self.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) mouse_currently_shown = self.cursor() == QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) show_mouse = mouse_currently_shown is_dragging = event.buttons() & QC.Qt.LeftButton and self._last_drag_pos is not None has_moved = event_pos != self._last_motion_pos if is_dragging: delta = event_pos - self._last_drag_pos approx_distance = delta.manhattanLength() if approx_distance > 0: touchscreen_canvas_drags_unanchor = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'touchscreen_canvas_drags_unanchor' ) if not self._current_drag_is_touch and approx_distance > 50: # if user is able to generate such a large distance, they are almost certainly touching self._current_drag_is_touch = True # touch events obviously don't mix with warping well. the touch just warps it back and again and we get a massive delta! touch_anchor_override = touchscreen_canvas_drags_unanchor and self._current_drag_is_touch anchor_and_hide_canvas_drags = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'anchor_and_hide_canvas_drags' ) if anchor_and_hide_canvas_drags and not touch_anchor_override: show_mouse = False global_mouse_pos = self.mapToGlobal( self._last_drag_pos ) QG.QCursor.setPos( global_mouse_pos ) ClientGUIShortcuts.CUMULATIVE_MOUSEWARP_MANHATTAN_LENGTH += approx_distance else: show_mouse = True self._last_drag_pos = QC.QPoint( event_pos ) self._media_container.MoveDelta( delta ) else: if has_moved: self._last_motion_pos = QC.QPoint( event_pos ) show_mouse = True if show_mouse: if not mouse_currently_shown: self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) ) self._RestartCursorHideWait() else: if mouse_currently_shown: self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.BlankCursor ) ) CanvasWithDetails.mouseMoveEvent( self, event ) def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_CLOSE_MEDIA_VIEWER: self._TryToCloseWindow() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False if not command_processed: command_processed = CanvasWithDetails.ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ) return command_processed def TIMERUIUpdate( self ): for hover in self._hovers: hover.DoRegularHideShow() class CanvasFilterDuplicates( CanvasWithHovers ): CANVAS_TYPE = CC.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER_DUPLICATES showPairInPage = QC.Signal( list ) def __init__( self, parent, file_search_context_1: ClientSearch.FileSearchContext, file_search_context_2: ClientSearch.FileSearchContext, dupe_search_type, pixel_dupes_preference, max_hamming_distance ): location_context = file_search_context_1.GetLocationContext() CanvasWithHovers.__init__( self, parent, location_context ) hover = ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameRightDuplicates( self, self, self._right_notes_hover, self._canvas_key ) hover.showPairInPage.connect( self._ShowPairInPage ) hover.sendApplicationCommand.connect( self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) self._hovers.append( hover ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddWindowToFilter( hover ) self._file_search_context_1 = file_search_context_1 self._file_search_context_2 = file_search_context_2 self._dupe_search_type = dupe_search_type self._pixel_dupes_preference = pixel_dupes_preference self._max_hamming_distance = max_hamming_distance self._maintain_pan_and_zoom = True self._currently_fetching_pairs = False self._batch_of_pairs_to_process = [] self._current_pair_index = 0 self._processed_pairs = [] self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch = set() # ok we started excluding pairs if they had been deleted, now I am extending it to any files that have been processed. # main thing is if you have AB, AC, that's neat and a bunch of people want it, but current processing system doesn't do B->A->C merge if it happens in a single batch # I need to store dupe merge options rather than content updates apply them in db transaction or do the retroactive sync or similar to get this done properly # so regrettably I turn it off for now self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch = set() self._media_list = ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList( location_context, [] ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddShortcuts( 'media_viewer_browser' ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddShortcuts( 'duplicate_filter' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ProcessContentUpdates', 'content_updates_gui' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Delete', 'canvas_delete' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Undelete', 'canvas_undelete' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'SwitchMedia', 'canvas_show_next' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'SwitchMedia', 'canvas_show_previous' ) QP.CallAfter( self._LoadNextBatchOfPairs ) def _CommitProcessed( self, blocking = True ): pair_info = [] for ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) in self._processed_pairs: if duplicate_type is None: if len( list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: for service_keys_to_content_updates in list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates: if blocking: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) else: HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) continue if was_auto_skipped: continue # it was a 'skip' decision first_hash = first_media.GetHash() second_hash = second_media.GetHash() pair_info.append( ( duplicate_type, first_hash, second_hash, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates ) ) if len( pair_info ) > 0: if blocking: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'duplicate_pair_status', pair_info ) else: HG.client_controller.Write( 'duplicate_pair_status', pair_info ) self._processed_pairs = [] self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch = set() self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch = set() def _CurrentMediaIsBetter( self, delete_second = True ): self._ProcessPair( HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, delete_second = delete_second ) def _Delete( self, media = None, reason = None, file_service_key = None ): if self._current_media is None: return False first_media = self._current_media second_media = self._media_list.GetNext( self._current_media ) message = 'Delete just this file, or both?' yes_tuples = [] yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete just this one', 'current' ) ) yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete both', 'both' ) ) try: result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesYesNo( self, message, yes_tuples = yes_tuples, no_label = 'forget it' ) except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException: return False if result == 'current': media = [ first_media ] default_reason = 'Deleted manually in Duplicate Filter.' elif result == 'both': media = [ first_media, second_media ] default_reason = 'Deleted manually in Duplicate Filter, along with its potential duplicate.' jobs = CanvasWithHovers._Delete( self, media = media, default_reason = default_reason, file_service_key = file_service_key, just_get_jobs = True ) deleted = isinstance( jobs, list ) and len( jobs ) > 0 if deleted: for m in media: self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch.update( m.GetHashes() ) was_auto_skipped = False ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) = self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index ] first_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( first_media_result ) second_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( second_media_result ) process_tuple = ( None, first_media, second_media, jobs, was_auto_skipped ) self._ShowNextPair( process_tuple ) return deleted def _DoCustomAction( self ): if self._current_media is None: return duplicate_types = [ HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY, HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE, HC.DUPLICATE_FALSE_POSITIVE ] choice_tuples = [ ( HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ], duplicate_type ) for duplicate_type in duplicate_types ] try: duplicate_type = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.SelectFromList( self, 'select duplicate type', choice_tuples ) except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException: return new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options if duplicate_type in [ HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY ] or ( new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) and duplicate_type == HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE ): duplicate_content_merge_options = new_options.GetDuplicateContentMergeOptions( duplicate_type ) with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit duplicate merge options' ) as dlg_2: panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.EditDuplicateContentMergeOptionsPanel( dlg_2, duplicate_type, duplicate_content_merge_options, for_custom_action = True ) dlg_2.SetPanel( panel ) if dlg_2.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted: duplicate_content_merge_options = panel.GetValue() else: return else: duplicate_content_merge_options = None message = 'Delete any of the files?' yes_tuples = [] yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete neither', 'delete_neither' ) ) yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete this one', 'delete_first' ) ) yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete the other', 'delete_second' ) ) yes_tuples.append( ( 'delete both', 'delete_both' ) ) try: result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesYesNo( self, message, yes_tuples = yes_tuples, no_label = 'forget it' ) except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException: return delete_first = False delete_second = False if result == 'delete_first': delete_first = True elif result == 'delete_second': delete_second = True elif result == 'delete_both': delete_first = True delete_second = True self._ProcessPair( duplicate_type, delete_first = delete_first, delete_second = delete_second, duplicate_content_merge_options = duplicate_content_merge_options ) def _DrawBackgroundDetails( self, painter ): if self._currently_fetching_pairs: text = 'Loading pairs\u2026' ( text_size, text ) = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTextSizeFromPainter( painter, text ) my_size = self.size() x = ( my_size.width() - text_size.width() ) // 2 y = ( my_size.height() - text_size.height() ) // 2 ClientGUIFunctions.DrawText( painter, x, y, text ) else: CanvasWithHovers._DrawBackgroundDetails( self, painter ) def _GenerateHoverTopFrame( self ): return ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameTopDuplicatesFilter( self, self, self._canvas_key ) def _GetBackgroundColour( self ): normal_colour = self._new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) if self._current_media is None or len( self._media_list ) == 0: return normal_colour else: if self._current_media == self._media_list.GetFirst(): return normal_colour else: new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options duplicate_intensity = new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'duplicate_background_switch_intensity' ) return ClientGUIFunctions.GetLighterDarkerColour( normal_colour, duplicate_intensity ) def _GetIndexString( self ): if self._current_media is None or len( self._media_list ) == 0: return '-' else: current_media_label = 'A' if self._current_media == self._media_list.GetFirst() else 'B' progress = self._current_pair_index + 1 total = len( self._batch_of_pairs_to_process ) index_string = HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( progress, total ) num_committable = self._GetNumCommittableDecisions() num_deletable = self._GetNumCommittableDeletes() components = [] if num_committable > 0: components.append( '{} decisions'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_committable ) ) ) if num_deletable > 0: components.append( '{} deletes'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_deletable ) ) ) if len( components ) == 0: num_decisions_string = 'no decisions yet' else: num_decisions_string = ', '.join( components ) return '{} - {} - {}'.format( current_media_label, index_string, num_decisions_string ) def _GetNoMediaText( self ): return 'Looking for pairs to compare--please wait.' def _GetNumCommittableDecisions( self ): return len( [ 1 for ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) in self._processed_pairs if duplicate_type is not None ] ) def _GetNumCommittableDeletes( self ): return len( [ 1 for ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) in self._processed_pairs if duplicate_type is None and len( list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0 ] ) def _GetNumRemainingDecisions( self ): # this looks a little weird, but I want to be clear that we make a decision on the final index last_decision_index = len( self._batch_of_pairs_to_process ) - 1 number_of_decisions_after_the_current = last_decision_index - self._current_pair_index return max( 0, 1 + number_of_decisions_after_the_current ) def _GoBack( self ): if self._current_pair_index > 0: it_went_ok = self._RewindProcessing() if it_went_ok: self._ShowCurrentPair() def _LoadNextBatchOfPairs( self ): self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch = set() self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch = set() self._processed_pairs = [] # just in case someone 'skip'ed everything in the last batch, so this never got cleared above in the commit self.ClearMedia() self._media_list = ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList( self._location_context, [] ) self._currently_fetching_pairs = True HG.client_controller.CallToThread( self.THREADFetchPairs, self._file_search_context_1, self._file_search_context_2, self._dupe_search_type, self._pixel_dupes_preference, self._max_hamming_distance ) self.update() def _MediaAreAlternates( self ): self._ProcessPair( HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE ) def _MediaAreFalsePositive( self ): self._ProcessPair( HC.DUPLICATE_FALSE_POSITIVE ) def _MediaAreTheSame( self ): self._ProcessPair( HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY ) def _PrefetchNeighbours( self ): if self._current_media is None: return other_media = self._media_list.GetNext( self._current_media ) media_to_prefetch = [ other_media ] # this doesn't handle big skip events, but that's a job for later if self._GetNumRemainingDecisions() > 1: # i.e. more than the current one we are looking at media_to_prefetch.extend( self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index + 1 ] ) image_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'images' ) for media in media_to_prefetch: hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() if media.IsStaticImage(): if not image_cache.HasImageRenderer( hash ): # we do qt safe to make sure the job is cancelled if we are destroyed HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self, 'image pre-fetch', image_cache.PrefetchImageRenderer, media ) def _ProcessPair( self, duplicate_type, delete_first = False, delete_second = False, duplicate_content_merge_options = None ): if self._current_media is None: return if duplicate_content_merge_options is None: if duplicate_type in [ HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY ] or ( HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) and duplicate_type == HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE ): new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options duplicate_content_merge_options = new_options.GetDuplicateContentMergeOptions( duplicate_type ) else: duplicate_content_merge_options = ClientDuplicates.DuplicateContentMergeOptions() first_media = self._current_media second_media = self._media_list.GetNext( first_media ) was_auto_skipped = False self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch.update( first_media.GetHashes() ) self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch.update( second_media.GetHashes() ) if delete_first or delete_second: if delete_first: self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch.update( first_media.GetHashes() ) if delete_second: self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch.update( second_media.GetHashes() ) if duplicate_type in ( HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, HC.DUPLICATE_WORSE ): file_deletion_reason = 'better/worse' if delete_second: file_deletion_reason += ', worse file deleted' else: file_deletion_reason = HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ] if delete_first and delete_second: file_deletion_reason += ', both files deleted' file_deletion_reason = 'Deleted in Duplicate Filter ({}).'.format( file_deletion_reason ) else: file_deletion_reason = None list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates = [ duplicate_content_merge_options.ProcessPairIntoContentUpdates( first_media, second_media, delete_first = delete_first, delete_second = delete_second, file_deletion_reason = file_deletion_reason ) ] process_tuple = ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) self._ShowNextPair( process_tuple ) def _RewindProcessing( self ) -> bool: def test_we_can_pop(): if len( self._processed_pairs ) == 0: # the first one shouldn't be auto-skipped, so if it was and now we can't pop, something weird happened 'new_similar_files_potentials_search_numbers' ) QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Due to an unexpected series of events, the duplicate filter has no valid pair to back up to. It could be some files were deleted during processing. The filter will now close.' ) self.window().deleteLater() return False return True if self._current_pair_index > 0: while True: if not test_we_can_pop(): return False ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) = self._processed_pairs.pop() self._current_pair_index -= 1 if not was_auto_skipped: break # only want this for the one that wasn't auto-skipped for m in ( first_media, second_media ): hash = m.GetHash() self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch.discard( hash ) self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch.discard( hash ) return True return False def _ShowCurrentPair( self ): if self._currently_fetching_pairs: return ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) = self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index ] first_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( first_media_result ) second_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( second_media_result ) score = ClientDuplicates.GetDuplicateComparisonScore( first_media, second_media ) if score > 0: media_results_with_better_first = ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) else: media_results_with_better_first = ( second_media_result, first_media_result ) self._media_list = ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList( self._location_context, media_results_with_better_first ) # reset zoom gubbins self.SetMedia( None ) self.SetMedia( self._media_list.GetFirst() ) self._media_container.hide() self._media_container.ZoomReinit() self._media_container.ResetCenterPosition() self.EndDrag() def _ShowNextPair( self, process_tuple: tuple ): if self._currently_fetching_pairs: return # hackery dackery doo to quick solve something that is calling this a bunch of times while the 'and continue?' dialog is open, making like 16 of them # a full rewrite is needed on this awful workflow tlws = QW.QApplication.topLevelWidgets() for tlw in tlws: if isinstance( tlw, ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogCustomButtonQuestion ) and tlw.isModal(): return # def pair_is_good( pair ): ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) = pair first_hash = first_media_result.GetHash() second_hash = second_media_result.GetHash() if first_hash in self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch or second_hash in self._hashes_processed_in_this_batch: return False if first_hash in self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch or second_hash in self._hashes_due_to_be_deleted_in_this_batch: return False first_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( first_media_result ) second_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( second_media_result ) if not ClientGUICanvasMedia.CanDisplayMedia( first_media, self.CANVAS_TYPE ) or not ClientGUICanvasMedia.CanDisplayMedia( second_media, self.CANVAS_TYPE ): return False return True # self._processed_pairs.append( process_tuple ) self._current_pair_index += 1 while True: num_remaining = self._GetNumRemainingDecisions() if num_remaining == 0: num_committable = self._GetNumCommittableDecisions() num_deletable = self._GetNumCommittableDeletes() if num_committable + num_deletable > 0: components = [] if num_committable > 0: components.append( '{} decisions'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_committable ) ) ) if num_deletable > 0: components.append( '{} deletes'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_deletable ) ) ) label = 'commit {} and continue?'.format( ' and '.join( components ) ) result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetInterstitialFilteringAnswer( self, label ) if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted: self._CommitProcessed( blocking = True ) else: it_went_ok = self._RewindProcessing() if it_went_ok: self._ShowCurrentPair() return else: # nothing to commit, so let's see if we have a big problem here or if user just skipped all we_saw_a_non_auto_skip = False for ( duplicate_type, first_media, second_media, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates, was_auto_skipped ) in self._processed_pairs: if not was_auto_skipped: we_saw_a_non_auto_skip = True break if not we_saw_a_non_auto_skip: 'new_similar_files_potentials_search_numbers' ) QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'It seems an entire batch of pairs were unable to be displayed. The duplicate filter will now close.' ) self.window().deleteLater() return self._LoadNextBatchOfPairs() return current_pair = self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index ] if pair_is_good( current_pair ): self._ShowCurrentPair() return else: was_auto_skipped = True self._processed_pairs.append( ( None, None, None, [], was_auto_skipped ) ) self._current_pair_index += 1 def _ShowPairInPage( self ): if self._current_media is None: return self.showPairInPage.emit( [ self._current_media, self._media_list.GetNext( self._current_media ) ] ) def _SkipPair( self ): if self._current_media is None: return was_auto_skipped = False ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) = self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index ] first_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( first_media_result ) second_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( second_media_result ) process_tuple = ( None, first_media, second_media, [], was_auto_skipped ) self._ShowNextPair( process_tuple ) def _SwitchMedia( self ): if self._current_media is not None: try: other_media = self._media_list.GetNext( self._current_media ) self.SetMedia( other_media ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing: return def Archive( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Archive() def CleanBeforeDestroy( self ): 'new_similar_files_potentials_search_numbers' ) ClientDuplicates.hashes_to_jpeg_quality = {} # clear the cache ClientDuplicates.hashes_to_pixel_hashes = {} # clear the cache CanvasWithHovers.CleanBeforeDestroy( self ) def Delete( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Delete() def Inbox( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Inbox() def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_THIS_IS_BETTER_AND_DELETE_OTHER: self._CurrentMediaIsBetter( delete_second = True ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_THIS_IS_BETTER_BUT_KEEP_BOTH: self._CurrentMediaIsBetter( delete_second = False ) elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_EXACTLY_THE_SAME: self._MediaAreTheSame() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_ALTERNATES: self._MediaAreAlternates() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_FALSE_POSITIVE: self._MediaAreFalsePositive() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_CUSTOM_ACTION: self._DoCustomAction() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_SKIP: self._SkipPair() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_DUPLICATE_FILTER_BACK: self._GoBack() elif action in ( CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_FIRST, CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_LAST, CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_PREVIOUS, CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_NEXT ): self._SwitchMedia() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False if not command_processed: command_processed = CanvasWithHovers.ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ) return command_processed def ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ): def catch_up(): # ugly, but it will do for now if len( self._media_list ) < 2 and len( self._batch_of_pairs_to_process ) > self._current_pair_index: was_auto_skipped = True ( first_media_result, second_media_result ) = self._batch_of_pairs_to_process[ self._current_pair_index ] first_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( first_media_result ) second_media = ClientMedia.MediaSingleton( second_media_result ) process_tuple = ( None, first_media, second_media, [], was_auto_skipped ) self._ShowNextPair( process_tuple ) else: self.update() HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.01, 'duplicates filter post-processing wait', catch_up ) def SetMedia( self, media ): CanvasWithHovers.SetMedia( self, media ) if media is not None: shown_media = self._current_media comparison_media = self._media_list.GetNext( shown_media ) if shown_media != comparison_media: 'canvas_new_duplicate_pair', self._canvas_key, shown_media, comparison_media ) def SwitchMedia( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._SwitchMedia() def TryToDoPreClose( self ): num_committable = self._GetNumCommittableDecisions() num_deletable = self._GetNumCommittableDeletes() if num_committable + num_deletable > 0: components = [] if num_committable > 0: components.append( '{} decisions'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_committable ) ) ) if num_deletable > 0: components.append( '{} deletes'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_deletable ) ) ) label = 'commit {}?'.format( ' and '.join( components ) ) ( result, cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetFinishFilteringAnswer( self, label ) if cancelled: close_was_triggered_by_everything_being_processed = self._GetNumRemainingDecisions() == 0 if close_was_triggered_by_everything_being_processed: self._GoBack() return False elif result == QW.QDialog.Accepted: self._CommitProcessed( blocking = False ) return CanvasWithHovers.TryToDoPreClose( self ) def Undelete( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Undelete() def THREADFetchPairs( self, file_search_context_1, file_search_context_2, dupe_search_type, pixel_dupes_preference, max_hamming_distance ): def qt_close(): if not self or not QP.isValid( self ): return QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', 'All pairs have been filtered!' ) self._TryToCloseWindow() def qt_continue( unprocessed_pairs ): if not self or not QP.isValid( self ): return self._batch_of_pairs_to_process = unprocessed_pairs self._current_pair_index = 0 self._currently_fetching_pairs = False self._ShowCurrentPair() result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'duplicate_pairs_for_filtering', file_search_context_1, file_search_context_2, dupe_search_type, pixel_dupes_preference, max_hamming_distance ) if len( result ) == 0: QP.CallAfter( qt_close ) else: QP.CallAfter( qt_continue, result ) class CanvasMediaList( ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList, CanvasWithHovers ): exitFocusMedia = QC.Signal( ClientMedia.Media ) def __init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ): CanvasWithHovers.__init__( self, parent, location_context ) ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.__init__( self, location_context, media_results ) self._page_key = page_key self._just_started = True def TryToDoPreClose( self ): if self._current_media is not None: self.exitFocusMedia.emit( self._current_media ) return CanvasWithHovers.TryToDoPreClose( self ) def _GenerateHoverTopFrame( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _GetIndexString( self ): if self._current_media is None: index_string = '-/' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( self._sorted_media ) ) else: index_string = HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( self._sorted_media.index( self._current_media ) + 1, len( self._sorted_media ) ) return index_string def _PrefetchNeighbours( self ): media_looked_at = set() to_render = [] previous = self._current_media next = self._current_media delay_base = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'media_viewer_prefetch_delay_base_ms' ) / 1000 num_to_go_back = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'media_viewer_prefetch_num_previous' ) num_to_go_forward = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'media_viewer_prefetch_num_next' ) # if media_looked_at nukes the list, we want shorter delays, so do next first for i in range( num_to_go_forward ): next = self._GetNext( next ) if next in media_looked_at: break else: media_looked_at.add( next ) delay = delay_base * ( i + 1 ) to_render.append( ( next, delay ) ) for i in range( num_to_go_back ): previous = self._GetPrevious( previous ) if previous in media_looked_at: break else: media_looked_at.add( previous ) delay = delay_base * 2 * ( i + 1 ) to_render.append( ( previous, delay ) ) image_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'images' ) for ( media, delay ) in to_render: hash = media.GetHash() mime = media.GetMime() if media.IsStaticImage(): if not image_cache.HasImageRenderer( hash ): # we do qt safe to make sure the job is cancelled if we are destroyed HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, delay, 'image pre-fetch', image_cache.PrefetchImageRenderer, media ) def _Remove( self ): next_media = self._GetNext( self._current_media ) if next_media == self._current_media: next_media = None hashes = { self._current_media.GetHash() } 'remove_media', self._page_key, hashes ) singleton_media = { self._current_media } ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList._RemoveMediaDirectly( self, singleton_media, {} ) if self.HasNoMedia(): self._TryToCloseWindow() elif self.HasMedia( self._current_media ): 'canvas_new_index_string', self._canvas_key, self._GetIndexString() ) self.update() else: self.SetMedia( next_media ) def _ShowFirst( self ): self.SetMedia( self._GetFirst() ) def _ShowLast( self ): self.SetMedia( self._GetLast() ) def _ShowNext( self ): self.SetMedia( self._GetNext( self._current_media ) ) def _ShowPrevious( self ): self.SetMedia( self._GetPrevious( self._current_media ) ) def _StartSlideshow( self, interval: float ): pass def AddMediaResults( self, page_key, media_results ): if page_key == self._page_key: ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.AddMediaResults( self, media_results ) 'canvas_new_index_string', self._canvas_key, self._GetIndexString() ) self.update() def EventFullscreenSwitch( self, event ): self.parentWidget().FullscreenSwitch() def ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ): if self._current_media is None: # probably a file view stats update as we close down--ignore it return if self.HasMedia( self._current_media ): next_media = self._GetNext( self._current_media ) if next_media == self._current_media: next_media = None else: next_media = None ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ) if self.HasNoMedia(): self._TryToCloseWindow() elif self.HasMedia( self._current_media ): 'canvas_new_index_string', self._canvas_key, self._GetIndexString() ) self.update() elif self.HasMedia( next_media ): self.SetMedia( next_media ) else: self.SetMedia( self._GetFirst() ) def CommitArchiveDelete( page_key: bytes, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, kept: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ], deleted: typing.Collection[ ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ] ): kept = list( kept ) deleted = list( deleted ) kept_hashes = [ m.GetHash() for m in kept ] deleted_hashes = [ m.GetHash() for m in deleted ] if HC.options[ 'remove_filtered_files' ]: all_hashes = set() all_hashes.update( kept_hashes ) all_hashes.update( deleted_hashes ) 'remove_media', page_key, all_hashes ) location_context = location_context.Duplicate() location_context.FixMissingServices( ClientLocation.ValidLocalDomainsFilter ) if location_context.IncludesCurrent(): deletee_file_service_keys = location_context.current_service_keys else: # if we are in a weird search domain, then just say 'delete from all local' deletee_file_service_keys = [ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY ] for block_of_deleted in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( deleted, 64 ): service_keys_to_content_updates = {} reason = 'Deleted in Archive/Delete filter.' for deletee_file_service_key in deletee_file_service_keys: block_of_deleted_hashes = [ m.GetHash() for m in block_of_deleted if deletee_file_service_key in m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() ] service_keys_to_content_updates[ deletee_file_service_key ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, block_of_deleted_hashes, reason = reason ) ] HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) # we do a second set of removes to deal with late processing and a quick F5ing user if HC.options[ 'remove_filtered_files' ]: block_of_deleted_hashes = [ m.GetHash() for m in block_of_deleted ] 'remove_media', page_key, block_of_deleted_hashes ) HG.client_controller.WaitUntilViewFree() for block_of_kept_hashes in HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( kept_hashes, 64 ): service_keys_to_content_updates = {} service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, block_of_kept_hashes ) ] HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) if HC.options[ 'remove_filtered_files' ]: 'remove_media', page_key, block_of_kept_hashes ) HG.client_controller.WaitUntilViewFree() class CanvasMediaListFilterArchiveDelete( CanvasMediaList ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ): CanvasMediaList.__init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context, media_results ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddShortcuts( 'archive_delete_filter' ) self._kept = set() self._deleted = set() HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Delete', 'canvas_delete' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Undelete', 'canvas_undelete' ) first_media = self._GetFirst() if first_media is not None: QP.CallAfter( self.SetMedia, first_media ) # don't set this until we have a size > (20, 20)! def _Back( self ): if self._current_media == self._GetFirst(): return else: self._ShowPrevious() self._kept.discard( self._current_media ) self._deleted.discard( self._current_media ) def TryToDoPreClose( self ): kept = list( self._kept ) deleted = ClientMedia.FilterAndReportDeleteLockFailures( self._deleted ) if len( kept ) > 0 or len( deleted ) > 0: if len( kept ) > 0: kept_label = 'keep {}'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( kept ) ) ) else: kept_label = None deletion_options = [] if len( deleted ) > 0: location_contexts_to_present_options_for = [] if not self._location_context.IsAllLocalFiles(): location_contexts_to_present_options_for.append( self._location_context ) current_local_service_keys = HydrusData.MassUnion( [ m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() for m in deleted ] ) local_file_domain_service_keys = [ service_key for service_key in current_local_service_keys if HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceType( service_key ) == HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN ] location_contexts_to_present_options_for.extend( [ ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( service_key ) for service_key in local_file_domain_service_keys ] ) all_my_files_location_context = ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY ) if len( local_file_domain_service_keys ) > 1: location_contexts_to_present_options_for.append( all_my_files_location_context ) elif len( local_file_domain_service_keys ) == 1: if all_my_files_location_context in location_contexts_to_present_options_for: location_contexts_to_present_options_for.remove( all_my_files_location_context ) if CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in current_local_service_keys or CC.LOCAL_UPDATE_SERVICE_KEY in current_local_service_keys: location_contexts_to_present_options_for.append( ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) location_contexts_to_present_options_for = HydrusData.DedupeList( location_contexts_to_present_options_for ) for location_context in location_contexts_to_present_options_for: file_service_keys = location_context.current_service_keys num_deletable = len( [ m for m in deleted if len( m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent().intersection( file_service_keys ) ) > 0 ] ) if num_deletable > 0: if location_context == ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_MEDIA_SERVICE_KEY ): location_label = 'all local file domains' elif location_context == ClientLocation.LocationContext.STATICCreateSimple( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ): location_label = 'my hard disk' else: location_label = location_context.ToString( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName ) delete_label = 'delete {} from {}'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_deletable ), location_label ) deletion_options.append( ( location_context, delete_label ) ) ( result, deletee_location_context, cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetFinishArchiveDeleteFilteringAnswer( self, kept_label, deletion_options ) if cancelled: if self._current_media in self._kept: self._kept.remove( self._current_media ) if self._current_media in self._deleted: self._deleted.remove( self._current_media ) return False elif result == QW.QDialog.Accepted: self._kept = set() self._deleted = set() self._current_media = self._GetFirst() # so the pubsub on close is better HG.client_controller.CallToThread( CommitArchiveDelete, self._page_key, deletee_location_context, kept, deleted ) return CanvasMediaList.TryToDoPreClose( self ) def _Delete( self, media = None, reason = None, file_service_key = None ): if self._current_media is None: return False if self._current_media.HasDeleteLocked(): message = 'This file is delete-locked! Send it back to the inbox to delete it!' QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Locked!', message ) return False self._deleted.add( self._current_media ) if self._current_media == self._GetLast(): self._TryToCloseWindow() else: self._ShowNext() return True def _GenerateHoverTopFrame( self ): return ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameTopArchiveDeleteFilter( self, self, self._canvas_key ) def _Keep( self ): self._kept.add( self._current_media ) if self._current_media == self._GetLast(): self._TryToCloseWindow() else: self._ShowNext() def _Skip( self ): if self._current_media == self._GetLast(): self._TryToCloseWindow() else: self._ShowNext() def Keep( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Keep() def Back( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Back() def Delete( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Delete() def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action in ( CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_DELETE_FILTER_KEEP, CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_FILE ): self._Keep() elif action in ( CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_DELETE_FILTER_DELETE, CAC.SIMPLE_DELETE_FILE ): self._Delete() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_DELETE_FILTER_SKIP: self._Skip() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_DELETE_FILTER_BACK: self._Back() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_LAUNCH_THE_ARCHIVE_DELETE_FILTER: self._TryToCloseWindow() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False if not command_processed: command_processed = CanvasMediaList.ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ) return command_processed def Skip( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Skip() def Undelete( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Undelete() class CanvasMediaListNavigable( CanvasMediaList ): userChangedMedia = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results ): CanvasMediaList.__init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context, media_results ) self._my_shortcuts_handler.AddShortcuts( 'media_viewer_browser' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Delete', 'canvas_delete' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ShowNext', 'canvas_show_next' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ShowPrevious', 'canvas_show_previous' ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Undelete', 'canvas_undelete' ) def _GenerateHoverTopFrame( self ): return ClientGUICanvasHoverFrames.CanvasHoverFrameTopNavigableList( self, self, self._canvas_key ) def Archive( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Archive() def Delete( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Delete() def Inbox( self, canvas_key ): if self._canvas_key == canvas_key: self._Inbox() def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_REMOVE_FILE_FROM_VIEW: self._Remove() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_FIRST: self._ShowFirst() self.userChangedMedia.emit() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_LAST: self._ShowLast() self.userChangedMedia.emit() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_PREVIOUS: self._ShowPrevious() self.userChangedMedia.emit() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_VIEW_NEXT: self._ShowNext() self.userChangedMedia.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False if not command_processed: command_processed = CanvasMediaList.ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ) return command_processed def ShowFirst( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ShowFirst() self.userChangedMedia.emit() def ShowLast( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ShowLast() self.userChangedMedia.emit() def ShowNext( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ShowNext() self.userChangedMedia.emit() def ShowPrevious( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._ShowPrevious() self.userChangedMedia.emit() def Undelete( self, canvas_key ): if canvas_key == self._canvas_key: self._Undelete() class CanvasMediaListBrowser( CanvasMediaListNavigable ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context: ClientLocation.LocationContext, media_results, first_hash ): CanvasMediaListNavigable.__init__( self, parent, page_key, location_context, media_results ) self._timer_slideshow_job = None self._timer_slideshow_interval = 0.0 if first_hash is None: first_media = self._GetFirst() else: try: first_media = self._GetMedia( { first_hash } )[0] except: first_media = self._GetFirst() if first_media is not None: QP.CallAfter( self.SetMedia, first_media ) # don't set this until we have a size > (20, 20)! HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'AddMediaResults', 'add_media_results' ) self.userChangedMedia.connect( self.NotifyUserChangedMedia ) def _PausePlaySlideshow( self ): if self._SlideshowIsRunning(): self._StopSlideshow() elif self._timer_slideshow_interval > 0: self._StartSlideshow( interval = self._timer_slideshow_interval ) def _SlideshowIsRunning( self ): return self._timer_slideshow_job is not None def _StartSlideshow( self, interval: float ): self._StopSlideshow() if interval > 0: self._timer_slideshow_interval = interval self._timer_slideshow_job = HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, self._timer_slideshow_interval, 'slideshow', self.DoSlideshow ) def _StartSlideshowCustomInterval( self ): with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter the interval, in seconds.', default = '15', min_char_width = 12 ) as dlg: if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted: try: interval = float( dlg.GetValue() ) self._StartSlideshow( interval ) except: pass def _StopSlideshow( self ): if self._SlideshowIsRunning(): self._timer_slideshow_job.Cancel() self._timer_slideshow_job = None self._media_container.StopForSlideshow( False ) def DoSlideshow( self ): try: # we are due for a slideshow change, so tell movie to stop for it once it has played once through # if short movie, it has prob played through a lot and will shift immediately # if longer movie, it has prob not played through but will now stop when it has and wait for us to change it then self._media_container.StopForSlideshow( True ) if self._current_media is not None and self._SlideshowIsRunning(): if self._media_container.ReadyToSlideshow() and not CGC.core().MenuIsOpen(): self._media_container.StopForSlideshow( False ) self._ShowNext() self._timer_slideshow_job = HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, self._timer_slideshow_interval, 'slideshow', self.DoSlideshow ) else: self._timer_slideshow_job = HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.1, 'slideshow', self.DoSlideshow ) except: self._timer_slideshow_job = None raise def contextMenuEvent( self, event ): if event.reason() == QG.QContextMenuEvent.Keyboard: self.ShowMenu() def NotifyUserChangedMedia( self ): # reset the timer if user overrode if self._SlideshowIsRunning(): self._StartSlideshow( interval = self._timer_slideshow_interval ) def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ): command_processed = True if command.IsSimpleCommand(): action = command.GetSimpleAction() if action == CAC.SIMPLE_PAUSE_PLAY_SLIDESHOW: self._PausePlaySlideshow() elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_SHOW_MENU: self.ShowMenu() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False if not command_processed: command_processed = CanvasMediaListNavigable.ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ) return command_processed def ShowMenu( self ): if self._current_media is not None: new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options advanced_mode = new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices() local_ratings_services = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() in ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ] i_can_post_ratings = len( local_ratings_services ) > 0 self.EndDrag() # to stop successive right-click drag warp bug locations_manager = self._current_media.GetLocationsManager() menu = QW.QMenu() # info_lines = self._current_media.GetPrettyInfoLines() top_line = info_lines.pop( 0 ) info_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddPrettyInfoLines( info_menu, info_lines ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddFileViewingStatsMenu( info_menu, ( self._current_media, ) ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, info_menu, top_line ) # ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) if self._media_container.IsZoomable(): zoom_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( zoom_menu, 'zoom in', 'Zoom the media in.', self._media_container.ZoomIn ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( zoom_menu, 'zoom out', 'Zoom the media out.', self._media_container.ZoomOut ) current_zoom = self._media_container.GetCurrentZoom() if current_zoom != 1.0: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( zoom_menu, 'zoom to 100%', 'Set the zoom to 100%.', self._media_container.ZoomSwitch ) elif current_zoom != self._media_container.GetCanvasZoom(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( zoom_menu, 'zoom fit', 'Set the zoom so the media fits the canvas.', self._media_container.ZoomSwitch ) if not self._media_container.IsAtMaxZoom(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( zoom_menu, 'zoom to max', 'Set the zoom to the maximum possible.', self._media_container.ZoomMax ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, zoom_menu, 'current zoom: {}'.format( ClientData.ConvertZoomToPercentage( self._media_container.GetCurrentZoom() ) ) ) AddAudioVolumeMenu( menu, self.CANVAS_TYPE ) if self.parentWidget().isFullScreen(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'exit fullscreen', 'Make this media viewer a regular window with borders.', self.parentWidget().FullscreenSwitch ) else: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'go fullscreen', 'Make this media viewer a fullscreen window without borders.', self.parentWidget().FullscreenSwitch ) slideshow = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, '1 second', 'Start a slideshow with a one second interval.', self._StartSlideshow, 1.0 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, '5 second', 'Start a slideshow with a five second interval.', self._StartSlideshow, 5.0 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, '10 second', 'Start a slideshow with a ten second interval.', self._StartSlideshow, 10.0 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, '30 second', 'Start a slideshow with a thirty second interval.', self._StartSlideshow, 30.0 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, '60 second', 'Start a slideshow with a one minute interval.', self._StartSlideshow, 60.0 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, 'very fast', 'Start a very fast slideshow.', self._StartSlideshow, 0.08 ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( slideshow, 'custom interval', 'Start a slideshow with a custom interval.', self._StartSlideshowCustomInterval ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, slideshow, 'start slideshow' ) if self._SlideshowIsRunning(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'stop slideshow', 'Stop the current slideshow.', self._PausePlaySlideshow ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'remove from view', 'Remove this file from the list you are viewing.', self._Remove ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) if self._current_media.HasInbox(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'archive', 'Archive this file, taking it out of the inbox.', self._Archive ) elif self._current_media.HasArchive() and self._current_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'return to inbox', 'Put this file back in the inbox.', self._Inbox ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) # local_file_service_keys = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeys( ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) ) # brush this up to handle different service keys # undelete do an optional service key too local_file_service_keys_we_are_in = sorted( locations_manager.GetCurrent().intersection( local_file_service_keys ), key = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName ) for file_service_key in local_file_service_keys_we_are_in: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'delete from {}'.format( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetName( file_service_key ) ), 'Delete this file.', self._Delete, file_service_key = file_service_key ) # if locations_manager.IsTrashed(): ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'delete physically now', 'Delete this file immediately. This cannot be undone.', self._Delete, file_service_key = CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'undelete', 'Take this file out of the trash, returning it to its original file service.', self._Undelete ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu ) manage_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'tags', 'Manage this file\'s tags.', self._ManageTags ) if i_can_post_ratings: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'ratings', 'Manage this file\'s ratings.', self._ManageRatings ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, 'urls', 'Manage this file\'s known urls.', self._ManageURLs ) num_notes = self._current_media.GetNotesManager().GetNumNotes() notes_str = 'notes' if num_notes > 0: notes_str = '{} ({})'.format( notes_str, HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_notes ) ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( manage_menu, notes_str, 'Manage this file\'s notes.', self._ManageNotes ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddManageFileViewingStatsMenu( self, manage_menu, [ self._current_media ] ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, manage_menu, 'manage' ) ( local_duplicable_to_file_service_keys, local_moveable_from_and_to_file_service_keys ) = ClientGUIMediaActions.GetLocalFileActionServiceKeys( ( self._current_media, ) ) multiple_selected = False ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddLocalFilesMoveAddToMenu( self, menu, local_duplicable_to_file_service_keys, local_moveable_from_and_to_file_service_keys, multiple_selected, self.ProcessApplicationCommand ) ClientGUIMediaMenus.AddKnownURLsViewCopyMenu( self, menu, self._current_media ) open_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in external program', 'Open this file in the default external program.', self._OpenExternally ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in a new page', 'Show your current media in a simple new page.', self._ShowMediaInNewPage ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in web browser', 'Show this file in your OS\'s web browser.', self._OpenFileInWebBrowser ) show_open_in_explorer = advanced_mode and ( HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS or HC.PLATFORM_MACOS ) if show_open_in_explorer: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open_menu, 'in file browser', 'Show this file in your OS\'s file browser.', self._OpenFileLocation ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, open_menu, 'open' ) share_menu = QW.QMenu( menu ) copy_menu = QW.QMenu( share_menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'file', 'Copy this file to your clipboard.', self._CopyFileToClipboard ) copy_hash_menu = QW.QMenu( copy_menu ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha256 ({})'.format( self._current_media.GetHash().hex() ), 'Copy this file\'s SHA256 hash to your clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha256' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'md5', 'Copy this file\'s MD5 hash to your clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'md5' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha1', 'Copy this file\'s SHA1 hash to your clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha1' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_hash_menu, 'sha512', 'Copy this file\'s SHA512 hash to your clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha512' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( copy_menu, copy_hash_menu, 'hash' ) if advanced_mode: hash_id_str = str( self._current_media.GetHashId() ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'file_id ({})'.format( hash_id_str ), 'Copy this file\'s internal file/hash_id.',, 'clipboard', 'text', hash_id_str ) if self._current_media.GetMime() in HC.IMAGES: ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'image (bitmap)', 'Copy this file to your clipboard as a BMP image.', self._CopyBMPToClipboard ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( copy_menu, 'path', 'Copy this file\'s path to your clipboard.', self._CopyPathToClipboard ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( share_menu, copy_menu, 'copy' ) ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, share_menu, 'share' ) CGC.core().PopupMenu( self, menu )