import ClientConstants as CC import ClientDefaults import ClientDownloading import ClientFiles import ClientNetworking import ClientThreading import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusExceptions import HydrusFileHandling import HydrusPaths import HydrusSerialisable import HydrusTags import threading import traceback import os import random import requests import shutil import sqlite3 import stat import sys import time import urllib import wx import yaml import HydrusData import HydrusGlobals import HydrusThreading def AddPaddingToDimensions( dimensions, padding ): ( x, y ) = dimensions return ( x + padding, y + padding ) def CatchExceptionClient( etype, value, tb ): try: trace_list = traceback.format_tb( tb ) trace = ''.join( trace_list ) pretty_value = HydrusData.ToUnicode( value ) if os.linesep in pretty_value: ( first_line, anything_else ) = pretty_value.split( os.linesep, 1 ) trace = trace + os.linesep + anything_else else: first_line = pretty_value job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() if etype == HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException: return else: if etype == wx.PyDeadObjectError: HydrusData.Print( 'Got a PyDeadObjectError, which can probably be ignored, but here it is anyway:' ) HydrusData.Print( trace ) return try: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', HydrusData.ToUnicode( etype.__name__ ) ) except: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', HydrusData.ToUnicode( etype ) ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', first_line ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_traceback', trace ) text = job_key.ToString() HydrusData.Print( 'Uncaught exception:' ) HydrusData.DebugPrint( text ) 'message', job_key ) except: text = 'Encountered an error I could not parse:' text += os.linesep text += HydrusData.ToUnicode( ( etype, value, tb ) ) try: text += traceback.format_exc() except: pass HydrusData.ShowText( text ) time.sleep( 1 ) def ConvertServiceKeysToContentUpdatesToPrettyString( service_keys_to_content_updates ): num_files = 0 actions = set() locations = set() extra_words = '' for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items(): if len( content_updates ) > 0: name = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetService( service_key ).GetName() locations.add( name ) for content_update in content_updates: ( data_type, action, row ) = content_update.ToTuple() if data_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS: extra_words = ' tags for' actions.add( HC.content_update_string_lookup[ action ] ) num_files += len( content_update.GetHashes() ) s = ', '.join( locations ) + '->' + ', '.join( actions ) + extra_words + ' ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_files ) + ' files' return s def ConvertServiceKeysToTagsToServiceKeysToContentUpdates( hashes, service_keys_to_tags ): service_keys_to_content_updates = {} for ( service_key, tags ) in service_keys_to_tags.items(): if service_key == CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY: action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD else: action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, action, ( tag, hashes ) ) for tag in tags ] service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ] = content_updates return service_keys_to_content_updates def ConvertShortcutToPrettyShortcut( modifier, key ): if modifier == wx.ACCEL_NORMAL: modifier = '' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_ALT: modifier = 'alt' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_CTRL: modifier = 'ctrl' elif modifier == wx.ACCEL_SHIFT: modifier = 'shift' if key in range( 65, 91 ): key = chr( key + 32 ) # + 32 for converting ascii A -> a elif key in range( 97, 123 ): key = chr( key ) else: key = CC.wxk_code_string_lookup[ key ] return ( modifier, key ) def ConvertZoomToPercentage( zoom ): zoom_percent = zoom * 100 pretty_zoom = '%.2f' % zoom_percent + '%' if pretty_zoom.endswith( '00%' ): pretty_zoom = '%i' % zoom_percent + '%' return pretty_zoom def DeletePath( path ): if HC.options[ 'delete_to_recycle_bin' ] == True: HydrusPaths.RecyclePath( path ) else: HydrusPaths.DeletePath( path ) def GenerateService( service_key, service_type, name, info ): if service_type in HC.REPOSITORIES: cl = ServiceRepository elif service_type in HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES: cl = ServiceRestricted elif service_type == HC.IPFS: cl = ServiceIPFS elif service_type in HC.REMOTE_SERVICES: cl = ServiceRemote elif service_type == HC.LOCAL_BOORU: cl = ServiceLocalBooru else: cl = Service return cl( service_key, service_type, name, info ) def GetMediasTagCount( pool, tag_service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, collapse_siblings = False ): siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) tags_managers = [] for media in pool: if media.IsCollection(): tags_managers.extend( media.GetSingletonsTagsManagers() ) else: tags_managers.append( media.GetTagsManager() ) current_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() deleted_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() pending_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() petitioned_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() for tags_manager in tags_managers: statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetStatusesToTags( tag_service_key ) # combined is already collapsed if tag_service_key != CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY and collapse_siblings: statuses_to_tags = siblings_manager.CollapseStatusesToTags( tag_service_key, statuses_to_tags ) current_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.CURRENT ] ) deleted_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.DELETED ] ) pending_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.PENDING ] ) petitioned_tags_to_count.update( statuses_to_tags[ HC.PETITIONED ] ) return ( current_tags_to_count, deleted_tags_to_count, pending_tags_to_count, petitioned_tags_to_count ) def GetSortChoices( add_namespaces_and_ratings = True ): sort_choices = list( CC.SORT_CHOICES ) if add_namespaces_and_ratings: sort_choices.extend( HC.options[ 'sort_by' ] ) ratings_services = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ) for ratings_service in ratings_services: sort_choices.append( ( 'rating_descend', ratings_service ) ) sort_choices.append( ( 'rating_ascend', ratings_service ) ) return sort_choices def MergeCounts( min_a, max_a, min_b, max_b ): # 100-None and 100-None returns 100-200 # 1-None and 4-5 returns 5-6 # 1-2, and 5-7 returns 6, 9 if min_a == 0: ( min_answer, max_answer ) = ( min_b, max_b ) elif min_b == 0: ( min_answer, max_answer ) = ( min_a, max_a ) else: if max_a is None: max_a = min_a if max_b is None: max_b = min_b min_answer = max( min_a, min_b ) max_answer = max_a + max_b return ( min_answer, max_answer ) def MergePredicates( predicates ): master_predicate_dict = {} for predicate in predicates: # this works because predicate.__hash__ exists if predicate in master_predicate_dict: master_predicate_dict[ predicate ].AddCounts( predicate ) else: master_predicate_dict[ predicate ] = predicate return master_predicate_dict.values() def ShowExceptionClient( e ): ( etype, value, tb ) = sys.exc_info() if etype is None: etype = type( e ) value = HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ) trace = ''.join( traceback.format_stack() ) else: trace = ''.join( traceback.format_exception( etype, value, tb ) ) pretty_value = HydrusData.ToUnicode( value ) if os.linesep in pretty_value: ( first_line, anything_else ) = HydrusData.ToUnicode( value ).split( os.linesep, 1 ) trace = trace + os.linesep + anything_else else: first_line = pretty_value job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException ): return else: if etype == wx.PyDeadObjectError: HydrusData.Print( 'Got a PyDeadObjectError, which can probably be ignored, but here it is anyway:' ) HydrusData.Print( trace ) return if hasattr( etype, '__name__' ): title = HydrusData.ToUnicode( etype.__name__ ) else: title = HydrusData.ToUnicode( etype ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', title ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', first_line ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_traceback', trace ) text = job_key.ToString() HydrusData.Print( 'Exception:' ) HydrusData.DebugPrint( text ) 'message', job_key ) time.sleep( 1 ) def ShowTextClient( text ): job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', HydrusData.ToUnicode( text ) ) text = job_key.ToString() HydrusData.Print( text ) 'message', job_key ) def SortTagsList( tags, sort_type ): if sort_type in ( CC.SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_DESC, CC.SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_DESC ): reverse = True else: reverse = False if sort_type in ( CC.SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_ASC, CC.SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_DESC ): def key( tag ): if ':' in tag: ( namespace, subtag ) = tag.split( ':', 1 ) if namespace == '': return ( '{', subtag ) else: return ( namespace, subtag ) else: return ( '{', tag ) # '{' is above 'z' in ascii, so this works for most situations else: key = None tags.sort( key = key, reverse = reverse ) def WaitPolitely( page_key = None ): if page_key is not None: 'waiting_politely', page_key, True ) time.sleep( HC.options[ 'website_download_polite_wait' ] ) if page_key is not None: 'waiting_politely', page_key, False ) class Booru( HydrusData.HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!Booru' def __init__( self, name, search_url, search_separator, advance_by_page_num, thumb_classname, image_id, image_data, tag_classnames_to_namespaces ): self._name = name self._search_url = search_url self._search_separator = search_separator self._advance_by_page_num = advance_by_page_num self._thumb_classname = thumb_classname self._image_id = image_id self._image_data = image_data self._tag_classnames_to_namespaces = tag_classnames_to_namespaces def GetData( self ): return ( self._search_url, self._search_separator, self._advance_by_page_num, self._thumb_classname, self._image_id, self._image_data, self._tag_classnames_to_namespaces ) def GetGalleryParsingInfo( self ): return ( self._search_url, self._advance_by_page_num, self._search_separator, self._thumb_classname ) def GetName( self ): return self._name def GetNamespaces( self ): return self._tag_classnames_to_namespaces.values() sqlite3.register_adapter( Booru, yaml.safe_dump ) class ClientOptions( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_OPTIONS SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 3 def __init__( self, db_dir = None ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) if db_dir is None: db_dir = os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, 'db' ) self._dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._lock = threading.Lock() self._InitialiseDefaults( db_dir ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): with self._lock: serialisable_info = self._dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return serialisable_info def _InitialiseDefaults( self, db_dir ): self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'apply_all_parents_to_all_services' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'apply_all_siblings_to_all_services' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'filter_inbox_and_archive_predicates' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'waiting_politely_text' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_thumbnail_title_banner' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_thumbnail_page' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'disable_cv_for_gifs' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'add_parents_on_manage_tags' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'replace_siblings_on_manage_tags' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_related_tags' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_file_lookup_script_tags' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'hide_message_manager_on_gui_iconise' ] = HC.PLATFORM_OSX self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'hide_message_manager_on_gui_deactive' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'load_images_with_pil' ] = True # self._dictionary[ 'integers' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'video_buffer_size_mb' ] = 96 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_1_duration_ms' ] = 250 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_2_duration_ms' ] = 2000 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_3_duration_ms' ] = 6000 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'suggested_tags_width' ] = 300 # self._dictionary[ 'keys' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ 'default_tag_service_search_page' ] = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.encode( 'hex' ) # self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'forced_search_limit' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'disk_cache_maintenance_mb' ] = 256 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'disk_cache_init_period' ] = 4 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'num_recent_tags' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'maintenance_vacuum_period_days' ] = 30 # self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'favourite_file_lookup_script' ] = 'gelbooru md5' self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'suggested_tags_layout' ] = 'notebook' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'main_gui_title' ] = 'hydrus client' # client_files_default = os.path.join( db_dir, 'client_files' ) self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = [ ( HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( client_files_default ), 1.0 ) ] self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = None # self._dictionary[ 'default_import_tag_options' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() # self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ] = {} # remember size, remember position, last_size, last_pos, default gravity, default position, maximised, fullscreen self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'file_import_status' ] = ( True, True, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'main_gui' ] = ( True, True, ( 640, 480 ), ( 20, 20 ), ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', True, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_options_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_tags_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, 1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_tags_frame' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, 1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'media_viewer' ] = ( True, True, ( 640, 480 ), ( 70, 70 ), ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', True, True ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'regular_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'review_services' ] = ( False, True, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) # self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() # integer keys, so got to be cleverer dict # media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) ) jpg_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, False, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) png_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, True, CC.ZOOM_NEAREST, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) gif_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, True, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) flash_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, False, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR ) video_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, True, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) null_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, False, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_JPEG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, jpg_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_PNG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, png_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_GIF ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, gif_zoom_info ) if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_FLASH ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_BEHIND_EMBED, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_BEHIND_EMBED, flash_zoom_info ) else: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_FLASH ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_PDF ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_AVI ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_FLV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MOV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MP4 ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MPEG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MKV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_WEBM ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_WMV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_MP3 ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_OGG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_FLAC ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_WMA ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] = [ 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 ] # self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ] = {} def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_info ) for ( key, value ) in loaded_dictionary.items(): if isinstance( value, dict ): self._dictionary[ key ].update( value ) else: self._dictionary[ key ] = value def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): if version == 1: loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( old_serialisable_info ) if 'media_view' in loaded_dictionary: mimes = loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ].keys() for mime in mimes: if mime in self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ]: ( default_media_show_action, default_preview_show_action, default_zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_in_to_fit, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] = ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, default_zoom_info ) else: # while devving this, I discovered some u'20' stringified keys had snuck in and hung around. let's nuke them here, in case anyone else got similar del loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] new_serialisable_info = loaded_dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( 2, new_serialisable_info ) if version == 2: # as db_dir is now moveable, let's move portable base from base_dir to db_dir def update_portable_path( p ): if p is None: return p p = os.path.normpath( p ) # collapses .. stuff and converts / to \\ for windows only if os.path.isabs( p ): a_p = p else: a_p = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, p ) ) if not HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and not os.path.exists( a_p ): a_p = a_p.replace( '\\', '/' ) try: db_dir = HydrusGlobals.controller.GetDBDir() p = os.path.relpath( a_p, db_dir ) if p.startswith( '..' ): p = a_p except: p = a_p if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: p = p.replace( '\\', '/' ) # store seps as /, to maintain multiplatform uniformity return p loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( old_serialisable_info ) if 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' in loaded_dictionary: updated_cfliw = [] for ( old_portable_path, weight ) in loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ]: new_portable_path = update_portable_path( old_portable_path ) updated_cfliw.append( ( new_portable_path, weight ) ) loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = updated_cfliw if 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' in loaded_dictionary: loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = update_portable_path( loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] ) if 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' in loaded_dictionary: loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = update_portable_path( loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] ) new_serialisable_info = loaded_dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( 3, new_serialisable_info ) def ClearDefaultImportTagOptions( self ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'default_import_tag_options' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() def GetBoolean( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] def GetClientFilesLocationsToIdealWeights( self ): with self._lock: paths_to_weights = {} for ( portable_path, weight ) in self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ]: abs_path = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( portable_path ) paths_to_weights[ abs_path ] = weight resized_thumbnail_override = self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] if resized_thumbnail_override is not None: resized_thumbnail_override = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( resized_thumbnail_override ) full_size_thumbnail_override = self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] if full_size_thumbnail_override is not None: full_size_thumbnail_override = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( full_size_thumbnail_override ) return ( paths_to_weights, resized_thumbnail_override, full_size_thumbnail_override ) def GetDefaultImportTagOptions( self, gallery_identifier = None ): with self._lock: default_import_tag_options = self._dictionary[ 'default_import_tag_options' ] if gallery_identifier is None: return default_import_tag_options else: if gallery_identifier in default_import_tag_options: import_tag_options = default_import_tag_options[ gallery_identifier ] else: default_booru_gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU ) default_hentai_foundry_gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( HC.SITE_TYPE_HENTAI_FOUNDRY ) default_pixiv_gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV ) default_gallery_identifier = ClientDownloading.GalleryIdentifier( HC.SITE_TYPE_DEFAULT ) guidance_import_tag_options = None site_type = gallery_identifier.GetSiteType() if site_type == HC.SITE_TYPE_BOORU and default_booru_gallery_identifier in default_import_tag_options: guidance_import_tag_options = default_import_tag_options[ default_booru_gallery_identifier ] elif site_type in ( HC.SITE_TYPE_HENTAI_FOUNDRY_ARTIST, HC.SITE_TYPE_HENTAI_FOUNDRY_TAGS ) and default_hentai_foundry_gallery_identifier in default_import_tag_options: guidance_import_tag_options = default_import_tag_options[ default_hentai_foundry_gallery_identifier ] elif site_type in ( HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV_ARTIST_ID, HC.SITE_TYPE_PIXIV_TAG ) and default_pixiv_gallery_identifier in default_import_tag_options: guidance_import_tag_options = default_import_tag_options[ default_pixiv_gallery_identifier ] elif default_gallery_identifier in default_import_tag_options: guidance_import_tag_options = default_import_tag_options[ default_gallery_identifier ] service_keys_to_namespaces = {} service_keys_to_explicit_tags = {} if guidance_import_tag_options is not None: ( namespaces, search_value ) = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultNamespacesAndSearchValue( gallery_identifier ) guidance_service_keys_to_namespaces = guidance_import_tag_options.GetServiceKeysToNamespaces() for ( service_key, guidance_namespaces ) in guidance_service_keys_to_namespaces.items(): if 'all namespaces' in guidance_namespaces: service_keys_to_namespaces[ service_key ] = namespaces else: service_keys_to_namespaces[ service_key ] = [ namespace for namespace in namespaces if namespace in guidance_namespaces ] service_keys_to_explicit_tags = guidance_import_tag_options.GetServiceKeysToExplicitTags() import_tag_options = ImportTagOptions( service_keys_to_namespaces = service_keys_to_namespaces, service_keys_to_explicit_tags = service_keys_to_explicit_tags ) return import_tag_options def GetFrameLocation( self, frame_key ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ frame_key ] def GetFrameLocations( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ].items() def GetInteger( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ name ] def GetKey( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ name ].decode( 'hex' ) def GetMediaShowAction( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return media_show_action def GetMediaViewOptions( self, mime ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] def GetMediaZoomOptions( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return zoom_info def GetMediaZooms( self ): with self._lock: return list( self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] ) def GetMediaZoomQuality( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return ( scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) def GetNoneableInteger( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ name ] def GetNoneableString( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ name ] def GetPreviewShowAction( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return preview_show_action def GetString( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ name ] def GetSuggestedTagsFavourites( self, service_key ): with self._lock: service_key_hex = service_key.encode( 'hex' ) stf = self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ] if service_key_hex in stf: return set( stf[ service_key_hex ] ) else: return set() def SetBoolean( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] = value def SetClientFilesLocationsToIdealWeights( self, locations_to_weights, resized_thumbnail_override, full_size_thumbnail_override ): with self._lock: portable_locations_and_weights = [ ( HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( location ), float( weight ) ) for ( location, weight ) in locations_to_weights.items() ] self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = portable_locations_and_weights if resized_thumbnail_override is not None: resized_thumbnail_override = HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( resized_thumbnail_override ) self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = resized_thumbnail_override self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = full_size_thumbnail_override def SetDefaultImportTagOptions( self, gallery_identifier, import_tag_options ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'default_import_tag_options' ][ gallery_identifier ] = import_tag_options def SetFrameLocation( self, frame_key, remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ frame_key ] = ( remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ) def SetInteger( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ name ] = value def SetKey( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ name ] = value.encode( 'hex' ) def SetMediaViewOptions( self, mime, value_tuple ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] = value_tuple def SetMediaZooms( self, zooms ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] = zooms def SetNoneableInteger( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ name ] = value def SetNoneableString( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ name ] = value def SetString( self, name, value ): with self._lock: if value is not None and value != '': self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ name ] = value def SetSuggestedTagsFavourites( self, service_key, tags ): with self._lock: service_key_hex = service_key.encode( 'hex' ) self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ][ service_key_hex ] = list( tags ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_OPTIONS ] = ClientOptions class CommandHandler( object ): def __init__( self, action_cache ): self._action_cache = action_cache self._commands_to_callables = {} def ProcessMenuEvent( self, menu_event ): event_id = menu_event.GetId() action = self._action_cache.GetAction( event_id ) if action is not None: ( command, data ) = action if command in self._commands_to_callables: callable = self._commands_to_callables[ command ] if data is None: wx.CallAfter( callable ) else: wx.CallAfter( callable, data ) def SetCallable( self, command, callable ): self._commands_to_callables[ command ] = callable class Credentials( HydrusData.HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!Credentials' def __init__( self, host, port, access_key = None ): HydrusData.HydrusYAMLBase.__init__( self ) if host == 'localhost': host = '' self._host = host self._port = port self._access_key = access_key def __eq__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __hash__( self ): return ( self._host, self._port, self._access_key ).__hash__() def __ne__( self, other ): return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__() def __repr__( self ): return 'Credentials: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( ( self._host, self._port, self._access_key.encode( 'hex' ) ) ) def GetAccessKey( self ): return self._access_key def GetAddress( self ): return ( self._host, self._port ) def GetConnectionString( self ): connection_string = '' if self.HasAccessKey(): connection_string += self._access_key.encode( 'hex' ) + '@' connection_string += self._host + ':' + str( self._port ) return connection_string def HasAccessKey( self ): return self._access_key is not None and self._access_key is not '' def SetAccessKey( self, access_key ): self._access_key = access_key class Imageboard( HydrusData.HydrusYAMLBase ): yaml_tag = u'!Imageboard' def __init__( self, name, post_url, flood_time, form_fields, restrictions ): self._name = name self._post_url = post_url self._flood_time = flood_time self._form_fields = form_fields self._restrictions = restrictions def IsOkToPost( self, media_result ): ( hash, inbox, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words, tags_manager, locations_manager, ratings_manager ) = media_result.ToTuple() if CC.RESTRICTION_MIN_RESOLUTION in self._restrictions: ( min_width, min_height ) = self._restrictions[ CC.RESTRICTION_MIN_RESOLUTION ] if width < min_width or height < min_height: return False if CC.RESTRICTION_MAX_RESOLUTION in self._restrictions: ( max_width, max_height ) = self._restrictions[ CC.RESTRICTION_MAX_RESOLUTION ] if width > max_width or height > max_height: return False if CC.RESTRICTION_MAX_FILE_SIZE in self._restrictions and size > self._restrictions[ CC.RESTRICTION_MAX_FILE_SIZE ]: return False if CC.RESTRICTION_ALLOWED_MIMES in self._restrictions and mime not in self._restrictions[ CC.RESTRICTION_ALLOWED_MIMES ]: return False return True def GetBoardInfo( self ): return ( self._post_url, self._flood_time, self._form_fields, self._restrictions ) def GetName( self ): return self._name sqlite3.register_adapter( Imageboard, yaml.safe_dump ) class ImportFileOptions( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FILE_OPTIONS SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, automatic_archive = None, exclude_deleted = None, min_size = None, min_resolution = None ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) self._automatic_archive = automatic_archive self._exclude_deleted = exclude_deleted self._min_size = min_size self._min_resolution = min_resolution def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._automatic_archive, self._exclude_deleted, self._min_size, self._min_resolution ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._automatic_archive, self._exclude_deleted, self._min_size, self._min_resolution ) = serialisable_info def FileIsValid( self, size, resolution = None ): if self._min_size is not None and size < self._min_size: return False if resolution is not None and self._min_resolution is not None: ( x, y ) = resolution ( min_x, min_y ) = self._min_resolution if x < min_x or y < min_y: return False return True def GetAutomaticArchive( self ): return self._automatic_archive def GetExcludeDeleted( self ): return self._exclude_deleted def ToTuple( self ): return ( self._automatic_archive, self._exclude_deleted, self._min_size, self._min_resolution ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FILE_OPTIONS ] = ImportFileOptions class ImportTagOptions( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_TAG_OPTIONS SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 2 def __init__( self, service_keys_to_namespaces = None, service_keys_to_explicit_tags = None ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) if service_keys_to_namespaces is None: service_keys_to_namespaces = {} if service_keys_to_explicit_tags is None: service_keys_to_explicit_tags = {} self._service_keys_to_namespaces = service_keys_to_namespaces self._service_keys_to_explicit_tags = service_keys_to_explicit_tags def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): safe_service_keys_to_namespaces = { service_key.encode( 'hex' ) : list( namespaces ) for ( service_key, namespaces ) in self._service_keys_to_namespaces.items() } safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags = { service_key.encode( 'hex' ) : list( tags ) for ( service_key, tags ) in self._service_keys_to_explicit_tags.items() } return ( safe_service_keys_to_namespaces, safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( safe_service_keys_to_namespaces, safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags ) = serialisable_info self._service_keys_to_namespaces = { service_key.decode( 'hex' ) : set( namespaces ) for ( service_key, namespaces ) in safe_service_keys_to_namespaces.items() } self._service_keys_to_explicit_tags = { service_key.decode( 'hex' ) : set( tags ) for ( service_key, tags ) in safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags.items() } def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): if version == 1: safe_service_keys_to_namespaces = old_serialisable_info safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags = {} new_serialisable_info = ( safe_service_keys_to_namespaces, safe_service_keys_to_explicit_tags ) return ( 2, new_serialisable_info ) def GetServiceKeysToExplicitTags( self ): return dict( self._service_keys_to_explicit_tags ) def GetServiceKeysToNamespaces( self ): return dict( self._service_keys_to_namespaces ) def GetServiceKeysToContentUpdates( self, hash, tags ): tags = [ tag for tag in tags if tag is not None ] service_keys_to_tags = collections.defaultdict( set ) siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) parents_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_parents' ) for ( service_key, namespaces ) in self._service_keys_to_namespaces.items(): tags_to_add_here = [] if len( namespaces ) > 0: for namespace in namespaces: if namespace == '': tags_to_add_here.extend( [ tag for tag in tags if not ':' in tag ] ) else: tags_to_add_here.extend( [ tag for tag in tags if tag.startswith( namespace + ':' ) ] ) tags_to_add_here = HydrusTags.CleanTags( tags_to_add_here ) if len( tags_to_add_here ) > 0: tags_to_add_here = siblings_manager.CollapseTags( service_key, tags_to_add_here ) tags_to_add_here = parents_manager.ExpandTags( service_key, tags_to_add_here ) service_keys_to_tags[ service_key ].update( tags_to_add_here ) for ( service_key, explicit_tags ) in self._service_keys_to_explicit_tags.items(): tags_to_add_here = HydrusTags.CleanTags( explicit_tags ) if len( tags_to_add_here ) > 0: tags_to_add_here = siblings_manager.CollapseTags( service_key, tags_to_add_here ) tags_to_add_here = parents_manager.ExpandTags( service_key, tags_to_add_here ) service_keys_to_tags[ service_key ].update( tags_to_add_here ) service_keys_to_content_updates = ConvertServiceKeysToTagsToServiceKeysToContentUpdates( { hash }, service_keys_to_tags ) return service_keys_to_content_updates def ShouldFetchTags( self ): i_am_interested_in_namespaces = len( self._service_keys_to_namespaces ) > 0 return i_am_interested_in_namespaces HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_TAG_OPTIONS ] = ImportTagOptions class Service( object ): def __init__( self, service_key, service_type, name, info ): self._service_key = service_key self._service_type = service_type self._name = name self._info = info self._lock = threading.Lock() HydrusGlobals.client_controller.sub( self, 'ProcessServiceUpdates', 'service_updates_data' ) def __hash__( self ): return self._service_key.__hash__() def _ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ): pass def GetInfo( self, key = None ): if key is None: return self._info else: return self._info[ key ] def GetServiceKey( self ): return self._service_key def GetName( self ): return self._name def GetServiceType( self ): return self._service_type def ProcessServiceUpdates( self, service_keys_to_service_updates ): for ( service_key, service_updates ) in service_keys_to_service_updates.items(): for service_update in service_updates: if service_key == self._service_key: self._ProcessServiceUpdate( service_update ) def ToTuple( self ): return ( self._service_key, self._service_type, self._name, self._info ) class ServiceLocalBooru( Service ): def _ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ): Service._ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ) ( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple() if action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_REQUEST_MADE: num_bytes = row self._info[ 'used_monthly_data' ] += num_bytes self._info[ 'used_monthly_requests' ] += 1 class ServiceRemote( Service ): def GetCredentials( self ): host = self._info[ 'host' ] port = self._info[ 'port' ] credentials = Credentials( host, port ) return credentials def _GetErrorWaitPeriod( self ): return 3600 * 4 def _ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ): Service._ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ) ( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple() if action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_ERROR: self._info[ 'last_error' ] = HydrusData.GetNow() elif action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_RESET: self._info[ 'last_error' ] = 0 def GetRecentErrorPending( self ): return HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyPending( self._info[ 'last_error' ] + self._GetErrorWaitPeriod() ) def HasRecentError( self ): return not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._info[ 'last_error' ] + self._GetErrorWaitPeriod() ) def SetCredentials( self, credentials ): ( host, port ) = credentials.GetAddress() self._info[ 'host' ] = host self._info[ 'port' ] = port class ServiceRestricted( ServiceRemote ): def _GetErrorWaitPeriod( self ): if 'account' in self._info and self._info[ 'account' ].HasPermission( HC.GENERAL_ADMIN ): return 900 else: return ServiceRemote._GetErrorWaitPeriod( self ) def _ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ): ServiceRemote._ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ) ( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple() if action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_ACCOUNT: account = row self._info[ 'account' ] = account self._info[ 'last_error' ] = 0 elif action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_REQUEST_MADE: num_bytes = row self._info[ 'account' ].RequestMade( num_bytes ) def _RecordHydrusBandwidth( self, method, command, data_used ): if ( self._service_type, method, command ) in HC.BANDWIDTH_CONSUMING_REQUESTS: 'service_updates_delayed', { self._service_key : [ HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_REQUEST_MADE, data_used ) ] } ) def CanDownload( self ): return self._info[ 'account' ].HasPermission( HC.GET_DATA ) and not self.HasRecentError() def CanUpload( self ): return self._info[ 'account' ].HasPermission( HC.POST_DATA ) and not self.HasRecentError() def GetCredentials( self ): host = self._info[ 'host' ] port = self._info[ 'port' ] if 'access_key' in self._info: access_key = self._info[ 'access_key' ] else: access_key = None credentials = Credentials( host, port, access_key ) return credentials def IsInitialised( self ): if self._service_type == HC.SERVER_ADMIN: return 'access_key' in self._info else: return True def Request( self, method, command, request_args = None, request_headers = None, report_hooks = None, temp_path = None, return_cookies = False ): if request_args is None: request_args = {} if request_headers is None: request_headers = {} if report_hooks is None: report_hooks = [] try: credentials = self.GetCredentials() if command in ( 'access_key', 'init', '' ): pass elif command in ( 'session_key', 'access_key_verification' ): ClientNetworking.AddHydrusCredentialsToHeaders( credentials, request_headers ) else: ClientNetworking.AddHydrusSessionKeyToHeaders( self._service_key, request_headers ) path = '/' + command if method == HC.GET: query = ClientNetworking.ConvertHydrusGETArgsToQuery( request_args ) body = '' elif method == HC.POST: query = '' if command == 'file': content_type = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM body = request_args[ 'file' ] del request_args[ 'file' ] else: if isinstance( request_args, HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary ): content_type = HC.APPLICATION_JSON body = request_args.DumpToNetworkString() else: content_type = HC.APPLICATION_YAML body = yaml.safe_dump( request_args ) request_headers[ 'Content-Type' ] = HC.mime_string_lookup[ content_type ] if query != '': path_and_query = path + '?' + query else: path_and_query = path ( host, port ) = credentials.GetAddress() url = 'http://' + host + ':' + str( port ) + path_and_query ( response, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies ) = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.DoHTTP( method, url, request_headers, body, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path, return_everything = True ) ClientNetworking.CheckHydrusVersion( self._service_key, self._service_type, response_headers ) if method == HC.GET: data_used = size_of_response elif method == HC.POST: data_used = len( body ) self._RecordHydrusBandwidth( method, command, data_used ) if return_cookies: return ( response, cookies ) else: return response except Exception as e: if not isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException ): if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.SessionException ): session_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetClientSessionManager() session_manager.DeleteSessionKey( self._service_key ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Write( 'service_updates', { self._service_key : [ HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_ERROR, HydrusData.ToUnicode( e ) ) ] } ) if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.PermissionException ): if 'account' in self._info: account_key = self._info[ 'account' ].GetAccountKey() unknown_account = HydrusData.GetUnknownAccount( account_key ) else: unknown_account = HydrusData.GetUnknownAccount() HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Write( 'service_updates', { self._service_key : [ HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_ACCOUNT, unknown_account ) ] } ) raise def SetCredentials( self, credentials ): ServiceRemote.SetCredentials( self, credentials ) if credentials.HasAccessKey(): self._info[ 'access_key' ] = credentials.GetAccessKey() class ServiceRepository( ServiceRestricted ): def _ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ): ServiceRestricted._ProcessServiceUpdate( self, service_update ) ( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple() if action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_RESET: if 'next_processing_timestamp' in self._info: self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] = 0 elif action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEXT_DOWNLOAD_TIMESTAMP: next_download_timestamp = row if next_download_timestamp > self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ]: if self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] is None: self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] = next_download_timestamp self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] = next_download_timestamp elif action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEXT_PROCESSING_TIMESTAMP: next_processing_timestamp = row if next_processing_timestamp > self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ]: self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] = next_processing_timestamp elif action == HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_PAUSE: self._info[ 'paused' ] = True def _ReportSyncProcessingError( self, path, error_text ): text = 'While synchronising ' + self._name + ', the expected update file ' + path + ', ' + error_text + '.' text += os.linesep * 2 text += 'The service has been indefinitely paused.' text += os.linesep * 2 text += 'This is a serious error. Unless you know what went wrong, you should contact the developer.' HydrusData.ShowText( text ) service_updates = [ HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_PAUSE ) ] service_keys_to_service_updates = { self._service_key : service_updates } self.ProcessServiceUpdates( service_keys_to_service_updates ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Write( 'service_updates', service_keys_to_service_updates ) def CanDownloadUpdate( self ): work_to_do = self.IsUpdateDueForDownload() return work_to_do and self.CanDownload() and not self.IsPaused() def CanProcessUpdate( self ): work_to_do = self.IsUpdateDueForProcessing() it_is_time = HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] + HC.UPDATE_DURATION + HC.options[ 'processing_phase' ] ) return work_to_do and it_is_time and not self.IsPaused() def GetTimestamps( self ): return ( self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ], self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ], self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] ) def GetUpdateStatus( self ): account = self._info[ 'account' ] now = HydrusData.GetNow() first_timestamp = self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] next_download_timestamp = self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] next_processing_timestamp = self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] if first_timestamp is None: num_updates = 0 num_updates_downloaded = 0 num_updates_processed = 0 else: num_updates = ( now - first_timestamp ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION num_updates_downloaded = ( next_download_timestamp - first_timestamp ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION num_updates_processed = max( 0, ( next_processing_timestamp - first_timestamp ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION ) downloaded_text = 'downloaded ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( num_updates_downloaded, num_updates ) processed_text = 'processed ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( num_updates_processed, num_updates ) if self.IsPaused() or not self._info[ 'account' ].HasPermission( HC.GET_DATA ): status = 'updates on hold' else: if self.CanDownloadUpdate(): status = 'downloaded up to ' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettySync( self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] ) elif self.CanProcessUpdate(): status = 'processed up to ' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettySync( self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] ) elif self.HasRecentError(): status = 'due to a previous error, update is delayed - next check ' + self.GetRecentErrorPending() else: if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] + HC.UPDATE_DURATION ): status = 'next update will be downloaded soon' else: status = 'fully synchronised - next update ' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyPending( self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] + HC.UPDATE_DURATION + 1800 ) return downloaded_text + ' - ' + processed_text + ' - ' + status def IsPaused( self ): return self._info[ 'paused' ] def IsUpdateDueForDownload( self ): return HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] + HC.UPDATE_DURATION + 1800 ) def IsUpdateDueForProcessing( self ): return self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] > self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] def Sync( self, only_when_idle = False, stop_time = None ): if self.IsPaused(): return if not self.CanDownloadUpdate() and not self.CanProcessUpdate(): return job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( pausable = False, cancellable = True, only_when_idle = only_when_idle, stop_time = stop_time ) ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: return num_updates_downloaded = 0 num_updates_processed = 0 total_content_weight_processed = 0 try: options = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetOptions() 'splash_set_title_text', self._name ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'repository synchronisation - ' + self._name ) 'message', job_key ) try: while self.CanDownloadUpdate(): if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: break ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: break if self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] is None: gauge_range = None gauge_value = 0 update_index_string = 'initial update: ' else: gauge_range = ( HydrusData.GetNow() - self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION gauge_value = ( ( self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] - self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION ) + 1 update_index_string = 'update ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( gauge_value, gauge_range ) + ': ' subupdate_index_string = 'service update: ' 'splash_set_title_text', self._name + ' - ' + update_index_string + subupdate_index_string ) 'splash_set_status_text', 'downloading' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'downloading and parsing' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( gauge_value, gauge_range ) ) service_update_package = self.Request( HC.GET, 'service_update_package', { 'begin' : self._info[ 'next_download_timestamp' ] } ) begin = service_update_package.GetBegin() subindex_count = service_update_package.GetSubindexCount() for subindex in range( subindex_count ): path = ClientFiles.GetExpectedContentUpdatePackagePath( self._service_key, begin, subindex ) if os.path.exists( path ): size = os.path.getsize( path ) if size == 0: os.remove( path ) if not os.path.exists( path ): subupdate_index_string = 'content update ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( subindex + 1, subindex_count ) + ': ' 'splash_set_title_text', self._name + ' - ' + update_index_string + subupdate_index_string ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'downloading and parsing' ) content_update_package = self.Request( HC.GET, 'content_update_package', { 'begin' : begin, 'subindex' : subindex } ) obj_string = content_update_package.DumpToNetworkString() job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'saving to disk' ) with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( obj_string ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + 'committing' ) path = ClientFiles.GetExpectedServiceUpdatePackagePath( self._service_key, begin ) obj_string = service_update_package.DumpToNetworkString() with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( obj_string ) service_updates = [ HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEXT_DOWNLOAD_TIMESTAMP, service_update_package.GetNextBegin() ) ] service_keys_to_service_updates = { self._service_key : service_updates } self.ProcessServiceUpdates( service_keys_to_service_updates ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Write( 'service_updates', service_keys_to_service_updates ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty() num_updates_downloaded += 1 except HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Server was too busy to respond for now, will continue with processing.' ) time.sleep( 3 ) except Exception as e: if 'Could not connect' in str( e ): job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Could not connect to service, will continue with processing.' ) time.sleep( 5 ) else: raise if self._service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY and self.CanProcessUpdate(): 'splash_set_status_text', 'preparing disk cache' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'preparing disk cache' ) loaded_into_disk_cache = False while not loaded_into_disk_cache: if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: break ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: break stop_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + 30 loaded_into_disk_cache = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'load_into_disk_cache', stop_time = stop_time ) while self.CanProcessUpdate(): if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: break ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: break gauge_range = ( ( HydrusData.GetNow() - self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION ) gauge_value = ( ( self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] - self._info[ 'first_timestamp' ] ) / HC.UPDATE_DURATION ) + 1 update_index_string = 'update ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( gauge_value, gauge_range ) + ': ' subupdate_index_string = 'service update: ' 'splash_set_title_text', self._name + ' - ' + update_index_string + subupdate_index_string ) 'splash_set_status_text', 'processing' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'loading from disk' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( gauge_value, gauge_range ) ) path = ClientFiles.GetExpectedServiceUpdatePackagePath( self._service_key, self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ] ) if not os.path.exists( path ): self._ReportSyncProcessingError( path, 'was missing' ) return with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: obj_string = try: service_update_package = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromNetworkString( obj_string ) if not isinstance( service_update_package, HydrusData.ServerToClientServiceUpdatePackage ): raise Exception() except: self._ReportSyncProcessingError( path, 'did not parse' ) return subindex_count = service_update_package.GetSubindexCount() processing_went_ok = True for subindex in range( subindex_count ): should_break = False if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: should_break = True ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit or should_break: processing_went_ok = False break subupdate_index_string = 'content update ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( subindex + 1, subindex_count ) + ': ' path = ClientFiles.GetExpectedContentUpdatePackagePath( self._service_key, self._info[ 'next_processing_timestamp' ], subindex ) if not os.path.exists( path ): self._ReportSyncProcessingError( path, 'was missing' ) return job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'loading from disk' ) with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: obj_string = job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'parsing' ) try: content_update_package = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromNetworkString( obj_string ) if not isinstance( content_update_package, HydrusData.ServerToClientContentUpdatePackage ): raise Exception() except: self._ReportSyncProcessingError( path, 'did not parse' ) return 'splash_set_title_text', self._name + ' - ' + update_index_string + subupdate_index_string ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', update_index_string + subupdate_index_string + 'processing' ) ( did_it_all, c_u_p_weight_processed ) = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_update_package', self._service_key, content_update_package, job_key ) total_content_weight_processed += c_u_p_weight_processed if not did_it_all: processing_went_ok = False break HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty() time.sleep( 1 ) if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: break ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: break if processing_went_ok: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', 'committing service updates' ) service_updates = [ service_update for service_update in service_update_package.IterateServiceUpdates() ] service_updates.append( HydrusData.ServiceUpdate( HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEXT_PROCESSING_TIMESTAMP, service_update_package.GetNextBegin() ) ) service_keys_to_service_updates = { self._service_key : service_updates } self.ProcessServiceUpdates( service_keys_to_service_updates ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Write( 'service_updates', service_keys_to_service_updates ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty() job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_2', ( 0, 1 ) ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', '' ) num_updates_processed += 1 time.sleep( 0.1 ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_text_2' ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_2' ) self.SyncThumbnails( job_key ) 'splash_set_status_text', '' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'repository synchronisation - ' + self._name + ' - finished' ) updates_text = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_updates_downloaded ) + ' updates downloaded, ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_updates_processed ) + ' updates processed' if self._service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: content_text = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( total_content_weight_processed ) + ' mappings added' elif self._service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: content_text = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( total_content_weight_processed ) + ' files added' job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', updates_text + ', and ' + content_text ) HydrusData.Print( job_key.ToString() ) time.sleep( 3 ) job_key.Delete() except Exception as e: job_key.Cancel() HydrusData.Print( traceback.format_exc() ) HydrusData.ShowText( 'Failed to update ' + self._name + ':' ) HydrusData.ShowException( e ) time.sleep( 3 ) finally: 'notify_new_pending' ) 'notify_new_siblings_data' ) 'notify_new_siblings_gui' ) 'notify_new_parents' ) def SyncThumbnails( self, job_key ): synced = not ( self.IsUpdateDueForDownload() or self.IsUpdateDueForProcessing() ) if self._service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY and synced and self.CanDownload(): options = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetOptions() 'splash_set_status_text', 'reviewing service thumbnails' ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'reviewing service thumbnails' ) remote_thumbnail_hashes_i_should_have = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'remote_thumbnail_hashes_i_should_have', self._service_key ) client_files_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetClientFilesManager() thumbnail_hashes_i_need = set() for hash in remote_thumbnail_hashes_i_should_have: if not client_files_manager.HaveFullSizeThumbnail( hash ): thumbnail_hashes_i_need.add( hash ) if len( thumbnail_hashes_i_need ) > 0: thumbnails = [] for ( i, hash ) in enumerate( thumbnail_hashes_i_need ): if options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: break ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: break job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'downloading thumbnail ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( i, len( thumbnail_hashes_i_need ) ) ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( i, len( thumbnail_hashes_i_need ) ) ) request_args = { 'hash' : hash.encode( 'hex' ) } thumbnail = self.Request( HC.GET, 'thumbnail', request_args = request_args ) client_files_manager.AddFullSizeThumbnail( hash, thumbnail ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' ) class ServiceIPFS( ServiceRemote ): def _ConvertMultihashToURLTree( self, name, size, multihash ): api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() links_url = api_base_url + 'object/links/' + multihash response = ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( links_url ) links_json = response.json() is_directory = False if 'Links' in links_json: for link in links_json[ 'Links' ]: if link[ 'Name' ] != '': is_directory = True if is_directory: children = [] for link in links_json[ 'Links' ]: subname = link[ 'Name' ] subsize = link[ 'Size' ] submultihash = link[ 'Hash' ] children.append( self._ConvertMultihashToURLTree( subname, subsize, submultihash ) ) if size is None: size = sum( ( subsize for ( type_gumpf, subname, subsize, submultihash ) in children ) ) return ( 'directory', name, size, children ) else: url = api_base_url + 'cat/' + multihash return ( 'file', name, size, url ) def _GetAPIBaseURL( self ): credentials = self.GetCredentials() ( host, port ) = credentials.GetAddress() api_base_url = 'http://' + host + ':' + str( port ) + '/api/v0/' return api_base_url def GetDaemonVersion( self ): api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() url = api_base_url + 'version' response = ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) j = response.json() return j[ 'Version' ] def ImportFile( self, multihash ): def on_wx_select_tree( job_key, url_tree ): import ClientGUIDialogs with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromURLTree( None, url_tree ) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: urls = dlg.GetURLs() if len( urls ) > 0: HydrusGlobals.client_controller.CallToThread( ClientDownloading.THREADDownloadURLs, job_key, urls, multihash ) def off_wx(): job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( pausable = True, cancellable = True ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Looking up multihash information' ) 'message', job_key ) url_tree = self._ConvertMultihashToURLTree( multihash, None, multihash ) if url_tree[0] == 'file': url = url_tree[3] HydrusGlobals.client_controller.CallToThread( ClientDownloading.THREADDownloadURL, job_key, url, multihash ) else: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Waiting for user selection' ) wx.CallAfter( on_wx_select_tree, job_key, url_tree ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.CallToThread( off_wx ) def PinDirectory( self, hashes, note ): job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( pausable = True, cancellable = True ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'creating ipfs directory on ' + self._name ) 'message', job_key ) try: file_info = [] hashes = list( hashes ) hashes.sort() for ( i, hash ) in enumerate( hashes ): ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: return job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'pinning files: ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( i + 1, len( hashes ) ) ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( i + 1, len( hashes ) ) ) ( media_result, ) = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'media_results', ( hash, ) ) mime = media_result.GetMime() result = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'service_filenames', self._service_key, { hash } ) if len( result ) == 0: multihash = self.PinFile( hash, mime ) else: ( multihash, ) = result file_info.append( ( hash, mime, multihash ) ) api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() url = api_base_url + 'object/new?arg=unixfs-dir' response = ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) for ( i, ( hash, mime, multihash ) ) in enumerate( file_info ): ( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded() if should_quit: return job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'creating directory: ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( i + 1, len( file_info ) ) ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( i + 1, len( file_info ) ) ) object_multihash = response.json()[ 'Hash' ] filename = hash.encode( 'hex' ) + HC.mime_ext_lookup[ mime ] url = api_base_url + 'object/patch/add-link?arg=' + object_multihash + '&arg=' + filename + '&arg=' + multihash response = ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) directory_multihash = response.json()[ 'Hash' ] url = api_base_url + 'pin/add?arg=' + directory_multihash response = ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) content_update_row = ( hashes, directory_multihash, note ) content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_DIRECTORIES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, content_update_row ) ] HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { self._service_key : content_updates } ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'done!' ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' ) multihash_prefix = self._info[ 'multihash_prefix' ] text = multihash_prefix + directory_multihash job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_clipboard', ( 'copy multihash to clipboard', text ) ) job_key.Finish() return directory_multihash except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException( e ) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'error' ) job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' ) job_key.Cancel() def PinFile( self, hash, mime ): mime_string = HC.mime_string_lookup[ mime ] api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() url = api_base_url + 'add' client_files_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetClientFilesManager() path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) files = { 'path' : ( hash.encode( 'hex' ), open( path, 'rb' ), mime_string ) } response = ClientNetworking.RequestsPost( url, files = files ) j = response.json() multihash = j[ 'Hash' ] content_update_row = ( hash, multihash ) content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, content_update_row ) ] HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { self._service_key : content_updates } ) return multihash def UnpinDirectory( self, multihash ): api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() url = api_base_url + 'pin/rm/' + multihash ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_DIRECTORIES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, multihash ) ] HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { self._service_key : content_updates } ) def UnpinFile( self, hash, multihash ): api_base_url = self._GetAPIBaseURL() url = api_base_url + 'pin/rm/' + multihash try: ClientNetworking.RequestsGet( url ) except HydrusExceptions.NetworkException as e: if 'not pinned' not in str( e ): raise content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, { hash } ) ] HydrusGlobals.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { self._service_key : content_updates } ) class Shortcuts( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SHORTCUTS SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, name ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name ) self._mouse_actions = {} self._keyboard_actions = {} def _ConvertActionToSerialisableAction( self, action ): ( service_key, data ) = action if service_key is None: return [ service_key, data ] else: serialisable_service_key = service_key.encode( 'hex' ) return [ serialisable_service_key, data ] def _ConvertSerialisableActionToAction( self, serialisable_action ): ( serialisable_service_key, data ) = serialisable_action if serialisable_service_key is None: return ( serialisable_service_key, data ) # important to return tuple, as serialisable_action is likely a list else: service_key = serialisable_service_key.decode( 'hex' ) return ( service_key, data ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): serialisable_mouse_actions = [] for ( ( modifier, mouse_button ), action ) in self._mouse_actions.items(): serialisable_action = self._ConvertActionToSerialisableAction( action ) serialisable_mouse_actions.append( ( modifier, mouse_button, serialisable_action ) ) serialisable_keyboard_actions = [] for ( ( modifier, key ), action ) in self._keyboard_actions.items(): serialisable_action = self._ConvertActionToSerialisableAction( action ) serialisable_keyboard_actions.append( ( modifier, key, serialisable_action ) ) return ( serialisable_mouse_actions, serialisable_keyboard_actions ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( serialisable_mouse_actions, serialisable_keyboard_actions ) = serialisable_info self._mouse_actions = {} for ( modifier, mouse_button, serialisable_action ) in serialisable_mouse_actions: action = self._ConvertSerialisableActionToAction( serialisable_action ) self._mouse_actions[ ( modifier, mouse_button ) ] = action self._keyboard_actions = {} for ( modifier, key, serialisable_action ) in serialisable_keyboard_actions: action = self._ConvertSerialisableActionToAction( serialisable_action ) self._keyboard_actions[ ( modifier, key ) ] = action def ClearActions( self ): self._mouse_actions = {} self._keyboard_actions = {} def DeleteKeyboardAction( self, modifier, key ): if ( modifier, key ) in self._keyboard_actions: del self._keyboard_actions[ ( modifier, key ) ] def DeleteMouseAction( self, modifier, mouse_button ): if ( modifier, mouse_button ) in self._mouse_actions: del self._mouse_actions[ ( modifier, mouse_button ) ] def GetKeyboardAction( self, modifier, key ): if ( modifier, key ) in self._keyboard_actions: return self._keyboard_actions[ ( modifier, key ) ] else: return None def GetMouseAction( self, modifier, mouse_button ): if ( modifier, mouse_button ) in self._mouse_actions: return self._mouse_actions[ ( modifier, mouse_button ) ] else: return None def IterateKeyboardShortcuts( self ): for ( ( modifier, key ), action ) in self._keyboard_actions.items(): yield ( ( modifier, key ), action ) def IterateMouseShortcuts( self ): for ( ( modifier, mouse_button ), action ) in self._mouse_actions.items(): yield ( ( modifier, mouse_button ), action ) def SetKeyboardAction( self, modifier, key, action ): self._keyboard_actions[ ( modifier, key ) ] = action def SetMouseAction( self, modifier, mouse_button, action ): self._mouse_actions[ ( modifier, mouse_button ) ] = action HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SHORTCUTS ] = Shortcuts def GetShortcutFromEvent( event ): modifier = wx.ACCEL_NORMAL if event.AltDown(): modifier = wx.ACCEL_ALT elif event.CmdDown(): modifier = wx.ACCEL_CTRL elif event.ShiftDown(): modifier = wx.ACCEL_SHIFT key = event.KeyCode return ( modifier, key )