from . import HydrusConstants as HC from . import HydrusData from . import HydrusExceptions import os from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW STYLESHEET_DIR = os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, 'static', 'qss' ) ORIGINAL_STYLE = None ORIGINAL_STYLESHEET = None def ClearStylesheet(): QW.QApplication.instance().setStyleSheet( ORIGINAL_STYLESHEET ) def GetAvailableStyles(): # so eventually expand this to do QStylePlugin or whatever we are doing to add more QStyles return list( QW.QStyleFactory.keys() ) def GetCurrentStyleName(): return QW.QApplication.instance().style().objectName() def GetAvailableStylesheets(): if not os.path.exists( STYLESHEET_DIR ) or not os.path.isdir( STYLESHEET_DIR ): raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Stylesheet dir "{}" is missing or not a directory!'.format( STYLESHEET_DIR ) ) stylesheet_filenames = [] extensions = [ '.qss', '.css' ] for filename in os.listdir( STYLESHEET_DIR ): if True in ( filename.endswith( ext ) for ext in extensions ): stylesheet_filenames.append( filename ) return stylesheet_filenames def InitialiseDefaults(): global ORIGINAL_STYLE ORIGINAL_STYLE = GetCurrentStyleName() global ORIGINAL_STYLESHEET ORIGINAL_STYLESHEET = QW.QApplication.instance().styleSheet() def SetStyle( name ): current_name = GetCurrentStyleName() if name == current_name: return if name in QW.QStyleFactory.keys(): QW.QApplication.instance().setStyle( QW.QStyleFactory.create( name ) ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Style "{}" does not exist!'.format( name ) ) def SetStylesheet( filename ): path = os.path.join( STYLESHEET_DIR, filename ) if not os.path.exists( path ): raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Stylesheet "{}" does not exist!'.format( path ) ) with open( path, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f: qss = QW.QApplication.instance().setStyleSheet( qss )