import cStringIO import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusExceptions import HydrusThreading import os from PIL import _imaging from PIL import Image as PILImage import shutil import struct import threading import time import traceback import HydrusData import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusPaths import warnings warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', PILImage.DecompressionBombWarning ) def ConvertToPngIfBmp( path ): with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: header = 2 ) if header == 'BM': ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusPaths.GetTempPath() try: with open( path, 'rb' ) as f_source: with open( temp_path, 'wb' ) as f_dest: HydrusPaths.CopyFileLikeToFileLike( f_source, f_dest ) pil_image = GeneratePILImage( temp_path ) path, 'PNG' ) finally: HydrusPaths.CleanUpTempPath( os_file_handle, temp_path ) def Dequantize( pil_image ): if pil_image.mode not in ( 'RGBA', 'RGB' ): if pil_image.mode == 'LA' or ( pil_image.mode == 'P' and 'transparency' ) ): pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'RGBA' ) else: pil_image = pil_image.convert( 'RGB' ) return pil_image def EfficientlyResizePILImage( pil_image, ( target_x, target_y ) ): ( im_x, im_y ) = pil_image.size if target_x >= im_x and target_y >= im_y: return pil_image #if pil_image.mode == 'RGB': # low quality resize screws up alpha channel! # # if im_x > 2 * target_x and im_y > 2 * target_y: pil_image.thumbnail( ( 2 * target_x, 2 * target_y ), PILImage.NEAREST ) # return pil_image.resize( ( target_x, target_y ), PILImage.ANTIALIAS ) def EfficientlyThumbnailPILImage( pil_image, ( target_x, target_y ) ): ( im_x, im_y ) = pil_image.size #if pil_image.mode == 'RGB': # low quality resize screws up alpha channel! # # if im_x > 2 * target_x or im_y > 2 * target_y: pil_image.thumbnail( ( 2 * target_x, 2 * target_y ), PILImage.NEAREST ) # if im_x > target_x or im_y > target_y: pil_image.thumbnail( ( target_x, target_y ), PILImage.ANTIALIAS ) def GeneratePILImage( path ): fp = open( path, 'rb' ) try: pil_image = fp ) except: # pil doesn't clean up its open file on exception, jej fp.close() raise if pil_image is None: raise Exception( 'The file at ' + path + ' could not be rendered!' ) return pil_image def GeneratePILImageFromNumpyImage( numpy_image ): ( h, w, depth ) = numpy_image.shape if depth == 3: format = 'RGB' elif depth == 4: format = 'RGBA' pil_image = PILImage.frombytes( format, ( w, h ), ) return pil_image def GetGIFFrameDurations( path ): pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path ) frame_durations = [] i = 0 while True: try: i ) except: break if 'duration' not in duration = 83 # Set a 12 fps default when duration is missing or too funky to extract. most stuff looks ok at this. else: duration =[ 'duration' ] # In the gif frame header, 10 is stored as 1ms. This 1 is commonly as utterly wrong as 0. if duration in ( 0, 10 ): duration = 80 frame_durations.append( duration ) i += 1 return frame_durations def GetImageProperties( path ): ( ( width, height ), num_frames ) = GetResolutionAndNumFrames( path ) if num_frames > 1: durations = GetGIFFrameDurations( path ) duration = sum( durations ) else: duration = None num_frames = None return ( ( width, height ), duration, num_frames ) def GetResolutionAndNumFrames( path ): pil_image = GeneratePILImage( path ) ( x, y ) = pil_image.size try: 1 ) 0 ) num_frames = 1 while True: try: pil_image.tell() + 1 ) num_frames += 1 except: break except: num_frames = 1 return ( ( x, y ), num_frames ) def GetThumbnailResolution( ( im_x, im_y ), ( target_x, target_y ) ): if target_x >= im_x and target_y >= im_y: return ( im_x, im_y ) im_x = float( im_x ) im_y = float( im_y ) target_x = float( target_x ) target_y = float( target_y ) x_ratio = im_x / target_x y_ratio = im_y / target_y if x_ratio > y_ratio: target_y = im_y / x_ratio elif y_ratio > x_ratio: target_x = im_x / y_ratio target_x = int( target_x ) target_y = int( target_y ) return ( target_x, target_y ) def IsDecompressionBomb( path ): warnings.simplefilter( 'error', PILImage.DecompressionBombWarning ) try: GeneratePILImage( path ) except PILImage.DecompressionBombWarning: return True finally: warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', PILImage.DecompressionBombWarning ) return False