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2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
#This file is licensed under the Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License aka WTFPL
import os
from . import HydrusConstants as HC
# If not explicitely set, prefer PySide2 instead of the qtpy default which is PyQt5
# It is important that this runs on startup *before* anything is imported from qtpy.
# Since test.py, client.py and client.pyw all import this module first before any other Qt related ones, this requirement is satisfied.
if not 'QT_API' in os.environ:
import PySide2
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
os.environ[ 'QT_API' ] = 'pyside2'
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
except ImportError:
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from . import ClientConstants as CC
import qtpy
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
import math
from collections import defaultdict
if qtpy.PYQT5:
import sip
def isValid( obj ):
if isinstance( obj, sip.simplewrapper ):
return not sip.isdeleted( obj )
return True
elif qtpy.PYSIDE2:
import shiboken2
isValid = shiboken2.isValid
raise RuntimeError( 'You need either PySide2 or PyQt5' )
def MonkeyPatchMissingMethods():
if qtpy.PYQT5:
def QPointToTuple( self ):
return ( self.x(), self.y() )
def QSizeToTuple( self ):
return ( self.width(), self.height() )
def QColorToTuple( self ):
return ( self.red(), self.green(), self.blue(), self.alpha() )
QC.QPoint.toTuple = QPointToTuple
QC.QPointF.toTuple = QPointToTuple
QC.QSize.toTuple = QSizeToTuple
QC.QSizeF.toTuple = QSizeToTuple
QG.QColor.toTuple = QColorToTuple
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
def MonkeyPatchGetSaveFileName( original_function ):
def new_function( *args, **kwargs ):
if 'selectedFilter' in kwargs:
kwargs[ 'initialFilter' ] = kwargs[ 'selectedFilter' ]
del kwargs[ 'selectedFilter' ]
return original_function( *args, **kwargs )
return new_function
QW.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName = MonkeyPatchGetSaveFileName( QW.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class HBoxLayout( QW.QHBoxLayout ):
def __init__( self, margin = 2, spacing = 2 ):
QW.QHBoxLayout.__init__( self )
self.setMargin( margin )
self.setSpacing( spacing )
def setMargin( self, val ):
self.setContentsMargins( val, val, val, val )
class VBoxLayout( QW.QVBoxLayout ):
def __init__( self, margin = 2, spacing = 2 ):
QW.QVBoxLayout.__init__( self )
self.setMargin( margin )
self.setSpacing( spacing )
def setMargin( self, val ):
self.setContentsMargins( val, val, val, val )
class LabelledSlider( QW.QWidget ):
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self.setLayout( VBoxLayout( spacing = 2 ) )
top_layout = HBoxLayout( spacing = 2 )
self._min_label = QW.QLabel()
self._max_label = QW.QLabel()
self._value_label = QW.QLabel()
self._slider = QW.QSlider()
self._slider.setOrientation( QC.Qt.Horizontal )
self._slider.setTickInterval( 1 )
self._slider.setTickPosition( QW.QSlider.TicksBothSides )
top_layout.addWidget( self._min_label )
top_layout.addWidget( self._slider )
top_layout.addWidget( self._max_label )
self.layout().addLayout( top_layout )
self.layout().addWidget( self._value_label )
self._value_label.setAlignment( QC.Qt.AlignVCenter | QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
self.layout().setAlignment( self._value_label, QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
self._slider.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateLabels )
def _UpdateLabels( self ):
self._min_label.setText( str( self._slider.minimum() ) )
self._max_label.setText( str( self._slider.maximum() ) )
self._value_label.setText( str( self._slider.value() ) )
def GetValue( self ):
return self._slider.value()
def SetRange( self, min, max ):
self._slider.setRange( min, max )
def SetValue( self, value ):
self._slider.setValue( value )
def SplitterVisibleCount( splitter ):
count = 0
for i in range( splitter.count() ):
if splitter.widget( i ).isVisible(): count += 1
return count
class DirPickerCtrl( QW.QWidget ):
dirPickerChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent ):
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
layout = HBoxLayout( spacing = 2 )
self._path_edit = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._button = QW.QPushButton( 'browse', self )
self._button.clicked.connect( self._Browse )
self._path_edit.textEdited.connect( self._TextEdited )
layout.addWidget( self._path_edit )
layout.addWidget( self._button )
self.setLayout( layout )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def SetPath( self, path ):
self._path_edit.setText( path )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def GetPath( self ):
return self._path_edit.text()
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def _Browse( self ):
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
existing_path = self._path_edit.text()
path = QW.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, '', existing_path )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if path == '':
path = os.path.normpath( path )
self._path_edit.setText( path )
if os.path.exists( path ):
def _TextEdited( self, text ):
if os.path.exists( text ):
class FilePickerCtrl( QW.QWidget ):
filePickerChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent = None, wildcard = None ):
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
layout = HBoxLayout( spacing = 2 )
self._path_edit = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._button = QW.QPushButton( 'browse', self )
self._button.clicked.connect( self._Browse )
self._path_edit.textEdited.connect( self._TextEdited )
layout.addWidget( self._path_edit )
layout.addWidget( self._button )
self.setLayout( layout )
self._save_mode = False
self._wildcard = wildcard
def SetPath( self, path ):
self._path_edit.setText( path )
def GetPath( self ):
return self._path_edit.text()
def SetSaveMode( self, save_mode ):
self._save_mode = save_mode
def _Browse( self ):
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
existing_path = self._path_edit.text()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if self._save_mode:
if self._wildcard:
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
path = QW.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, '', existing_path, filter = self._wildcard, selectedFilter = self._wildcard )[0]
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
path = QW.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, '', existing_path )[0]
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if self._wildcard:
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
path = QW.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, '', existing_path, filter = self._wildcard, selectedFilter = self._wildcard )[0]
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
path = QW.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, '', existing_path )[0]
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if path == '':
path = os.path.normpath( path )
self._path_edit.setText( path )
if self._save_mode or os.path.exists( path ):
def _TextEdited( self, text ):
if self._save_mode or os.path.exists( text ):
class TabBar( QW.QTabBar ):
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QW.QTabBar.__init__( self, parent )
self.setMouseTracking( True )
self.setAcceptDrops( True )
self._supplementary_drop_target = None
self._last_clicked_tab_index = -1
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
self._last_clicked_global_pos = None
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( self, drop_target ):
self._supplementary_drop_target = drop_target
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
def clearLastClickedTabInfo( self ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
self._last_clicked_tab_index = -1
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
self._last_clicked_global_pos = None
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def mouseMoveEvent( self, e ):
def mousePressEvent( self, event ):
if event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton:
self._last_clicked_tab_index = self.tabAt( event.pos() )
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
self._last_clicked_global_pos = event.globalPos()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
QW.QTabBar.mousePressEvent( self, event )
def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if 'application/hydrus-tab' in event.mimeData().formats():
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
def dragMoveEvent( self, event ):
if 'application/hydrus-tab' not in event.mimeData().formats():
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
tab_index = self.tabAt( event.pos() )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if tab_index != -1:
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
self.parentWidget().setCurrentIndex( tab_index )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
def lastClickedTabInfo( self ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
return ( self._last_clicked_tab_index, self._last_clicked_global_pos )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def dropEvent( self, event ):
if self._supplementary_drop_target:
self._supplementary_drop_target.eventFilter( self, event )
# A heavily extended/tweaked version of https://forum.qt.io/topic/67542/drag-tabs-between-qtabwidgets/
class TabWidgetWithDnD( QW.QTabWidget ):
pageDragAndDropped = QC.Signal( QW.QWidget, QW.QWidget )
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QW.QTabWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self.setTabBar( TabBar( self ) )
self.setAcceptDrops( True )
self._tab_bar = self.tabBar()
self._supplementary_drop_target = None
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def _LayoutPagesHelper( self ):
current_index = self.currentIndex()
for i in range( self.count() ):
self.setCurrentIndex( i )
if isinstance( self.widget( i ), TabWidgetWithDnD ):
self.widget( i )._LayoutPagesHelper()
self.setCurrentIndex( current_index )
def LayoutPages( self ):
# Momentarily switch to each page, then back, forcing a layout update.
# If this is not done, the splitters on the hidden pages won't resize their widgets properly when we restore
# splitter sizes after this, since they would never became visible.
# We first have to climb up the widget hierarchy and go down recursively from the root tab widget,
# since it's not enough to make a page visible if its a nested page: all of its ancestor pages have to be visible too.
# This shouldn't be visible to users since we switch back immediately.
# There is probably a proper way to do this...
highest_ancestor_of_same_type = self
parent = self.parentWidget()
while parent is not None:
if isinstance( parent, TabWidgetWithDnD ):
highest_ancestor_of_same_type = parent
parent = parent.parentWidget()
highest_ancestor_of_same_type._LayoutPagesHelper() # This does the actual recursive descent and making pages visible
# This is a hack that adds an additional drop target to the tab bar. The added drop target will get drop events from the tab bar.
# Used to make the case of files/media droppend onto tabs work.
def AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( self, drop_target ):
self._supplementary_drop_target = drop_target
self.tabBar().AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( drop_target )
def mouseMoveEvent( self, e ):
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if self.currentWidget() and self.currentWidget().rect().contains( self.currentWidget().mapFromGlobal( self.mapToGlobal( e.pos() ) ) ):
QW.QTabWidget.mouseMoveEvent( self, e )
if e.buttons() != QC.Qt.LeftButton:
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
my_mouse_pos = e.pos()
global_mouse_pos = self.mapToGlobal( my_mouse_pos )
tab_bar_mouse_pos = self._tab_bar.mapFromGlobal( global_mouse_pos )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if not self._tab_bar.rect().contains( tab_bar_mouse_pos ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if not isinstance( self._tab_bar, TabBar ):
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
( clicked_tab_index, clicked_global_pos ) = self._tab_bar.lastClickedTabInfo()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if clicked_tab_index == -1:
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
if e.globalPos() == clicked_global_pos:
# don't start a drag until movement
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
tab_rect = self._tab_bar.tabRect( clicked_tab_index )
pixmap = QG.QPixmap( tab_rect.size() )
self._tab_bar.render( pixmap, QC.QPoint(), QG.QRegion( tab_rect ) )
mimeData = QC.QMimeData()
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
mimeData.setData( 'application/hydrus-tab', b'' )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
drag = QG.QDrag( self._tab_bar )
drag.setMimeData( mimeData )
drag.setPixmap( pixmap )
cursor = QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.OpenHandCursor )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
drag.setHotSpot( QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) )
# this puts the tab pixmap exactly where we picked it up, but it looks bad
# drag.setHotSpot( tab_bar_mouse_pos - tab_rect.topLeft() )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
drag.setDragCursor( cursor.pixmap(), QC.Qt.MoveAction )
drag.exec_( QC.Qt.MoveAction )
def dragEnterEvent( self, e ):
if self.currentWidget() and self.currentWidget().rect().contains( self.currentWidget().mapFromGlobal( self.mapToGlobal( e.pos() ) ) ):
return QW.QTabWidget.dragEnterEvent( self, e )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if 'application/hydrus-tab' in e.mimeData().formats():
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def dragMoveEvent( self, event ):
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
#if self.currentWidget() and self.currentWidget().rect().contains( self.currentWidget().mapFromGlobal( self.mapToGlobal( event.pos() ) ) ): return QW.QTabWidget.dragMoveEvent( self, event )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
screen_pos = self.mapToGlobal( event.pos() )
tab_pos = self._tab_bar.mapFromGlobal( screen_pos )
tab_index = self._tab_bar.tabAt( tab_pos )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if tab_index != -1:
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
shift_down = event.keyboardModifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
self.setCurrentIndex( tab_index )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if 'application/hydrus-tab' not in event.mimeData().formats():
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
#return QW.QTabWidget.dragMoveEvent( self, event )
def dragLeaveEvent( self, e ):
#if self.currentWidget() and self.currentWidget().rect().contains( self.currentWidget().mapFromGlobal( self.mapToGlobal( e.pos() ) ) ): return QW.QTabWidget.dragLeaveEvent( self, e )
def addTab(self, widget, *args, **kwargs ):
if isinstance( widget, TabWidgetWithDnD ):
widget.AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( self._supplementary_drop_target )
QW.QTabWidget.addTab( self, widget, *args, **kwargs )
def insertTab(self, index, widget, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance( widget, TabWidgetWithDnD ):
widget.AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( self._supplementary_drop_target )
QW.QTabWidget.insertTab( self, index, widget, *args, **kwargs )
def dropEvent( self, e ):
if self.currentWidget() and self.currentWidget().rect().contains( self.currentWidget().mapFromGlobal( self.mapToGlobal( e.pos() ) ) ):
return QW.QTabWidget.dropEvent( self, e )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if 'application/hydrus-tab' not in e.mimeData().formats(): #Page dnd has no associated mime data
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
w = self
source_tab_bar = e.source()
if not isinstance( source_tab_bar, TabBar ):
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
( source_page_index, source_page_click_global_pos ) = source_tab_bar.lastClickedTabInfo()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
source_notebook = source_tab_bar.parentWidget()
source_page = source_notebook.widget( source_page_index )
source_name = source_tab_bar.tabText( source_page_index )
while w is not None:
if source_page == w:
# you cannot drop a page of pages inside itself
w = w.parentWidget()
e.setDropAction( QC.Qt.MoveAction )
counter = self.count()
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
screen_pos = self.mapToGlobal( e.pos() )
tab_pos = self.tabBar().mapFromGlobal( screen_pos )
dropped_on_tab_index = self.tabBar().tabAt( tab_pos )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if source_notebook == self and dropped_on_tab_index == source_page_index:
return # if we drop on ourself, make no action, even on the right edge
dropped_on_left_edge = False
dropped_on_right_edge = False
if dropped_on_tab_index != -1:
tab_rect = self.tabBar().tabRect( dropped_on_tab_index )
edge_size = QC.QSize( EDGE_PADDING, tab_rect.height() )
left_edge_rect = QC.QRect( tab_rect.topLeft(), edge_size )
right_edge_rect = QC.QRect( tab_rect.topRight() - QC.QPoint( EDGE_PADDING, 0 ), edge_size )
dropped_on_left_edge = left_edge_rect.contains( e.pos() )
dropped_on_right_edge = right_edge_rect.contains( e.pos() )
if counter == 0:
self.addTab( source_page, source_name )
if dropped_on_tab_index == -1:
insert_index = counter
insert_index = dropped_on_tab_index
if dropped_on_right_edge:
insert_index += 1
if self == source_notebook:
if insert_index == source_page_index + 1 and not dropped_on_left_edge:
pass # in this special case, moving it confidently one to the right, we will disobey the normal rules and indeed move one to the right, rather than no-op
elif insert_index > source_page_index:
# we are inserting to our right, which needs a shift since we will be removing ourselves from the list
insert_index -= 1
if source_notebook == self and insert_index == source_page_index:
return # if we mean to insert on ourself, make no action
self.insertTab( insert_index, source_page, source_name )
shift_down = e.keyboardModifiers() & QC.Qt.ShiftModifier
follow_dropped_page = not shift_down
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
if new_options.GetBoolean( 'reverse_page_shift_drag_behaviour' ):
follow_dropped_page = not follow_dropped_page
if follow_dropped_page:
self.setCurrentIndex( self.indexOf( source_page ) )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
if source_page_index > 1:
neighbour_page = source_notebook.widget( source_page_index - 1 )
page_key = neighbour_page.GetPageKey()
page_key = source_notebook.GetPageKey()
HG.client_controller.gui.ShowPage( page_key )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
self.pageDragAndDropped.emit( source_page, source_tab_bar )
def DeleteAllNotebookPages( notebook ):
while notebook.count() > 0:
tab = notebook.widget( 0 )
notebook.removeTab( 0 )
def SplitVertically( splitter, w1, w2, hpos ):
splitter.setOrientation( QC.Qt.Horizontal )
if w1.parentWidget() != splitter:
splitter.addWiget( w1 )
w1.setVisible( True )
if w2.parentWidget() != splitter:
splitter.addWiget( w2 )
w2.setVisible( True )
total_sum = sum( splitter.sizes() )
if hpos < 0:
splitter.setSizes( [ total_sum + hpos, -hpos ] )
elif hpos > 0:
splitter.setSizes( [ hpos, total_sum - hpos ] )
def SplitHorizontally( splitter, w1, w2, vpos ):
splitter.setOrientation( QC.Qt.Vertical )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if w1.parentWidget() != splitter:
splitter.addWiget( w1 )
w1.setVisible( True )
if w2.parentWidget() != splitter:
splitter.addWiget( w2 )
w2.setVisible( True )
total_sum = sum( splitter.sizes() )
if vpos < 0:
splitter.setSizes( [ total_sum + vpos, -vpos ] )
elif vpos > 0:
splitter.setSizes( [ vpos, total_sum - vpos ] )
def MakeQLabelWithAlignment( label, parent, align ):
res = QW.QLabel( label, parent )
res.setAlignment( align )
return res
class GridLayout( QW.QGridLayout ):
def __init__( self, cols = 1, spacing = 2 ):
QW.QGridLayout.__init__( self )
self._col_count = cols
self.setMargin( 2 )
self.setSpacing( spacing )
def GetFixedColumnCount( self ):
return self._col_count
def setMargin( self, val ):
self.setContentsMargins( val, val, val, val )
2019-11-28 01:11:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def AddToLayout( layout, item, flag = None, alignment = None, sizePolicy = None ):
if isinstance( layout, GridLayout ):
cols = layout.GetFixedColumnCount()
count = layout.count()
row = math.floor( count / cols )
col = count % cols
if isinstance( item, QW.QLayout ):
layout.addLayout( item, row, col )
elif isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ):
layout.addWidget( item, row, col )
elif isinstance( item, tuple ):
spacer = QW.QPushButton()#QW.QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed )
layout.addWidget( spacer, row, col )
if isinstance( item, QW.QLayout ):
layout.addLayout( item )
if alignment is not None:
layout.setAlignment( item, alignment )
elif isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ):
layout.addWidget( item )
if alignment is not None:
layout.setAlignment( item, alignment )
elif isinstance( item, tuple ):
layout.addStretch( 1 )
if isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ):
if sizePolicy is not None:
item.setSizePolicy( sizePolicy[0], sizePolicy[1] )
2020-02-05 22:55:21 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
zero_border = False
# This is kind of a mess right now, adjustments might be needed
# Left all the original wx definitions of the flags as comments for future reference
if flag is None or flag == CC.FLAGS_NONE:
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 )
elif flag == CC.FLAGS_BIG_INDENT:
#item.setContentsMargins( 10, 10, 10, 10 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 10 )
elif flag == CC.FLAGS_CENTER:
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignVCenter | QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 )
2020-01-16 02:08:23 +00:00
if isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ):
if isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ):
h_policy = QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed
v_policy = QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding
h_policy = QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding
v_policy = QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed
item.setSizePolicy( h_policy, v_policy )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand()
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#if isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ): item.setSizePolicy( item.sizePolicy().verticalPolicy(), QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding )
if isinstance( layout, QW.QVBoxLayout ) or isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ): layout.setStretchFactor( item, 5 )
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 5 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
if isinstance( layout, QW.QVBoxLayout ) or isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ): layout.setStretchFactor( item, 5 )
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignHCenter | QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 5 ).Center()
zero_border = True
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Expand()
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
2020-01-16 02:08:23 +00:00
zero_border = True
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 5 ).Expand()
if isinstance( layout, QW.QVBoxLayout ) or isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ): layout.setStretchFactor( item, 5 )
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 5 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
item.insertStretch( 0, 10 )
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignRight )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
elif flag == CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON:
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignRight )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
elif flag == CC.FLAGS_VCENTER:
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL )
if isinstance( layout, QW.QVBoxLayout ) or isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ): layout.setStretchFactor( item, 5 )
layout.setAlignment( item, QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
zero_border = True
#item.setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
#wx.SizerFlags( 5 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
2020-01-16 02:08:23 +00:00
if expand_both_ways:
if isinstance( item, QW.QWidget ):
item.setSizePolicy( QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QW.QSizePolicy.Expanding )
if isinstance( layout, QW.QVBoxLayout ) or isinstance( layout, QW.QHBoxLayout ):
2020-02-05 22:55:21 +00:00
2020-01-16 02:08:23 +00:00
stretch_factor = 5
stretch_factor = 3
stretch_factor = 1
layout.setStretchFactor( item, stretch_factor )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if zero_border:
margin = 0
if isinstance( item, QW.QFrame ):
margin = item.frameWidth()
item.setContentsMargins( margin, margin, margin, margin )
def EscapeMnemonics( str ):
return str.replace( "&", "&&" )
def ScrollAreaVisibleRect( scroll_area ):
if not scroll_area.widget(): return QC.QRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
rect = scroll_area.widget().visibleRegion().boundingRect()
# Do not allow it to be smaller than the scroll area's viewport size:
if rect.width() < scroll_area.viewport().width():
rect.setWidth( scroll_area.viewport().width() )
if rect.height() < scroll_area.viewport().height():
rect.setHeight( scroll_area.viewport().height() )
return rect
def AdjustOpacity( image, opacity_factor ):
new_image = QG.QImage( image.width(), image.height(), QG.QImage.Format_RGBA8888 )
new_image.fill( QC.Qt.transparent )
painter = QG.QPainter( new_image )
painter.setOpacity( opacity_factor )
painter.drawImage( 0, 0, image )
return new_image
def DrawText( painter, x, y, text ):
boundingRect = painter.fontMetrics().size( QC.Qt.TextSingleLine, text )
painter.drawText( QC.QRectF( x, y, boundingRect.width(), boundingRect.height() ), text )
def ToKeySequence( modifiers, key ):
if isinstance( modifiers, QC.Qt.KeyboardModifiers ):
seq_str = ''
for modifier in [ QC.Qt.ShiftModifier, QC.Qt.ControlModifier, QC.Qt.AltModifier, QC.Qt.MetaModifier, QC.Qt.KeypadModifier, QC.Qt.GroupSwitchModifier ]:
if modifiers & modifier: seq_str += QG.QKeySequence( modifier ).toString()
seq_str += QG.QKeySequence( key ).toString()
return QG.QKeySequence( seq_str )
else: return QG.QKeySequence( key + modifiers )
def AddShortcut( widget, modifier, key, callable, *args ):
shortcut = QW.QShortcut( widget )
shortcut.setKey( ToKeySequence( modifier, key ) )
shortcut.setContext( QC.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut )
shortcut.activated.connect( lambda: callable( *args ) )
def AdjustColour( colour, percent ):
percent = percent / 100
return QG.QColor( colour.red() + colour.red() * percent, colour.green() + colour.green() * percent, colour.blue() + colour.blue() * percent, colour.alpha() )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class BusyCursor:
def __enter__( self ):
QW.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QC.Qt.WaitCursor )
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
def GetBackgroundColour( widget ):
return widget.palette().color( QG.QPalette.Window )
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
CallAfterEventType = QC.QEvent.Type( QC.QEvent.registerEventType() )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class CallAfterEvent( QC.QEvent ):
def __init__( self, fn, *args, **kwargs ):
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
QC.QEvent.__init__( self, CallAfterEventType )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
self._fn = fn
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def Execute( self ):
2020-01-22 21:04:43 +00:00
if self._fn is not None:
self._fn( *self._args, **self._kwargs )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class CallAfterEventFilter( QC.QObject ):
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QC.QObject.__init__( self, parent )
def eventFilter( self, watched, event ):
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
if event.type() == CallAfterEventType and isinstance( event, CallAfterEvent ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2020-02-12 22:50:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
return True
return False
def CallAfter( fn, *args, **kwargs ):
QW.QApplication.instance().postEvent( QW.QApplication.instance().call_after_catcher, CallAfterEvent( fn, *args, **kwargs ) )
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def ClearLayout( layout, delete_widgets = False ):
while layout.count() > 0:
item = layout.itemAt( 0 )
if delete_widgets:
if item.widget():
elif item.layout():
ClearLayout( item.layout(), delete_widgets = True )
spacer = item.layout().spacerItem()
del spacer
layout.removeItem( item )
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def ListWidgetGetStringSelection( widget ):
for i in range( widget.count() ):
if widget.item( i ).isSelected(): return widget.item( i ).text()
return None
2020-01-29 22:08:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def GetClientData( widget, idx ):
if isinstance( widget, QW.QComboBox ):
return widget.itemData( idx, QC.Qt.UserRole )
elif isinstance( widget, CheckListBox ):
return widget.item( idx ).data( QC.Qt.UserRole )
elif isinstance( widget, QW.QTreeWidget ):
return widget.topLevelItem( idx ).data( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole )
elif isinstance( widget, QW.QListWidget ):
return widget.item( idx ).data( QC.Qt.UserRole )
raise ValueError( 'Unknown widget class in GetClientData' )
def Unsplit( splitter, widget ):
if widget.parentWidget() == splitter:
widget.setVisible( False )
def GetSystemColour( colour ):
return QG.QPalette().color( colour )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
def CenterOnWindow( parent, window ):
parent_window = parent.window()
window.move( parent_window.mapToGlobal( parent_window.rect().center() ) - window.rect().center() )
def CenterOnScreen( window ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
window.move( QW.QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry().center() - window.rect().center() )
def WarningHandler( msg_type, context, str ):
if msg_type == QC.QtWarningMsg:
print( str )
def TupleToQColor( tup):
return QG.QColor( *tup )
def TupleToQPoint( tup ):
if isinstance( tup, QC.QPoint ):
raise ValueError( 'Unnecessary use of TupleToQPoint' )
return QC.QPoint( tup[ 0 ], tup[ 1 ] )
def TupleToQSize( tup ):
if isinstance( tup, QC.QSize ):
raise ValueError( 'Unnecessary use of TupleToQSize' )
return QC.QSize( tup[0], tup[1] )
def ListWidgetDelete( widget, idx ):
if isinstance( idx, QC.QModelIndex ):
idx = idx.row()
if idx != -1:
item = widget.takeItem( idx )
del item
def ListWidgetGetSelection( widget ):
for i in range( widget.count() ):
if widget.item( i ).isSelected(): return i
return -1
def ListWidgetGetStrings( widget ):
strings = []
for i in range( widget.count() ):
strings.append( widget.item( i ).text() )
return strings
def ListWidgetIndexForString( widget, string ):
for i in range( widget.count() ):
if widget.item( i ).text() == string: return i
return -1
def ListWidgetIsSelected( widget, idx ):
if idx == -1: return False
return widget.item( idx ).isSelected()
def ListWidgetSetSelection( widget, idxs ):
if not isinstance( idxs, list ):
idxs = [ idxs ]
for idx in idxs:
if idx != -1: widget.item( idx ).setSelected( True )
def MakeQSpinBox( parent = None, initial = None, min = None, max = None, width = None ):
spinbox = QW.QSpinBox( parent )
if min is not None: spinbox.setMinimum( min )
if max is not None: spinbox.setMaximum( max )
if initial is not None: spinbox.setValue( initial )
if width is not None: spinbox.setMinimumWidth( width )
return spinbox
def SetInitialSize( widget, size ):
if hasattr( widget, 'SetInitialSize' ):
widget.SetInitialSize( size )
if isinstance( size, tuple ):
size = QC.QSize( size[0], size[1] )
if size.width() >= 0: widget.setMinimumWidth( size.width() )
if size.height() >= 0: widget.setMinimumHeight( size.height() )
def SetBackgroundColour( widget, colour ):
widget.setAutoFillBackground( True )
object_name = widget.objectName()
if not object_name:
object_name = str( id( widget ) )
widget.setObjectName( object_name )
if isinstance( colour, QG.QColor ):
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ background-color: {} }}'.format( object_name, colour.name()) )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
elif isinstance( colour, tuple ):
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ background-color: {} }}'.format( object_name, TupleToQColor( colour ).name() ) )
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ background-color: {} }}'.format( object_name, QG.QColor( colour ).name() ) )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def SetForegroundColour( widget, colour ):
widget.setAutoFillBackground( True )
object_name = widget.objectName()
if not object_name:
object_name = str( id( widget ) )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
widget.setObjectName( object_name )
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if isinstance( colour, QG.QColor ):
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ color: {} }}'.format( object_name, colour.name()) )
elif isinstance( colour, tuple ):
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ color: {} }}'.format( object_name, TupleToQColor( colour ).name() ) )
widget.setStyleSheet( '#{} {{ color: {} }}'.format( object_name, QG.QColor( colour ).name() ) )
def SetStringSelection( combobox, string ):
index = combobox.findText( string )
if index != -1:
combobox.setCurrentIndex( index )
def SetClientSize( widget, size ):
if isinstance( size, tuple ):
size = QC.QSize( size[ 0 ], size[ 1 ] )
if size.width() < 0: size.setWidth( widget.width() )
if size.height() < 0: size.setHeight( widget.height() )
widget.resize( size )
def SetMinClientSize( widget, size ):
if isinstance( size, tuple ):
size = QC.QSize( size[0], size[1] )
if size.width() >= 0: widget.setMinimumWidth( size.width() )
if size.height() >= 0: widget.setMinimumHeight( size.height() )
class StatusBar( QW.QStatusBar ):
def __init__( self, status_widths ):
QW.QStatusBar.__init__( self )
self._labels = []
for w in status_widths:
label = QW.QLabel()
self._labels.append( label )
if w < 0:
self.addWidget( label, -1 * w )
label.setFixedWidth( w )
self.addWidget( label )
def SetStatusText( self, text, index ):
self._labels[index].setText( text )
class AboutDialogInfo:
def __init__( self ):
self.name = ''
self.version = ''
self.description = ''
self.license = ''
self.developers = []
self.website = ''
def SetName( self, name ):
self.name = name
def SetVersion( self, version ):
self.version = version
def SetDescription( self, description ):
self.description = description
def SetLicense( self, license ):
self.license = license
def SetDevelopers( self, developers_list ):
self.developers = developers_list
def SetWebSite( self, url ):
self.website = url
class UIActionSimulator:
def __init__( self ):
def Char( self, key, text = None ):
ev1 = QG.QKeyEvent( QC.QEvent.KeyPress, key, QC.Qt.NoModifier, text = text )
ev2 = QG.QKeyEvent( QC.QEvent.KeyRelease, key, QC.Qt.NoModifier, text = text )
QW.QApplication.postEvent( QW.QApplication.focusWidget(), ev1 )
QW.QApplication.postEvent( QW.QApplication.focusWidget(), ev2 )
class AboutBox( QW.QDialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, about_info ):
QW.QDialog.__init__( self, parent )
self.setWindowFlag( QC.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, on = False )
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
self.setWindowIcon( QG.QIcon( HG.client_controller.frame_icon_pixmap ) )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
layout = QW.QVBoxLayout( self )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
self.setWindowTitle( 'About ' + about_info.name )
icon_label = QW.QLabel( self )
name_label = QW.QLabel( about_info.name, self )
version_label = QW.QLabel( about_info.version, self )
tabwidget = QW.QTabWidget( self )
desc_panel = QW.QWidget( self )
desc_label = QW.QLabel( about_info.description, self )
url_label = QW.QLabel( '<a href="{0}">{0}</a>'.format( about_info.website ), self )
credits = QW.QTextEdit( self )
license = QW.QTextEdit( self )
close_button = QW.QPushButton( 'close', self )
icon_label.setPixmap( HG.client_controller.frame_icon_pixmap )
layout.addWidget( icon_label, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
name_label_font = name_label.font()
name_label_font.setBold( True )
name_label.setFont( name_label_font )
layout.addWidget( name_label, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
layout.addWidget( version_label, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
layout.addWidget( tabwidget, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
tabwidget.addTab( desc_panel, 'Description' )
tabwidget.addTab( credits, 'Credits' )
tabwidget.addTab( license, 'License' )
tabwidget.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
credits.setPlainText( 'Created by ' + ', '.join(about_info.developers) )
credits.setReadOnly( True )
credits.setAlignment( QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
license.setPlainText( about_info.license )
license.setReadOnly( True )
desc_layout = QW.QVBoxLayout()
desc_layout.addWidget( desc_label, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
desc_label.setWordWrap( True )
desc_label.setAlignment( QC.Qt.AlignHCenter | QC.Qt.AlignVCenter )
desc_layout.addWidget( url_label, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignHCenter )
url_label.setTextFormat( QC.Qt.RichText )
url_label.setTextInteractionFlags( QC.Qt.TextBrowserInteraction )
url_label.setOpenExternalLinks( True )
desc_panel.setLayout( desc_layout )
layout.addWidget( close_button, alignment = QC.Qt.AlignRight )
close_button.clicked.connect( self.accept )
self.setLayout( layout )
class CheckListBox( QW.QListWidget ):
checkListBoxChanged = QC.Signal( int )
rightClicked = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QW.QListWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self.itemClicked.connect( self._ItemCheckStateChanged )
self.setSelectionMode( QW.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection )
def Check(self, index, state = True):
item = self.item( index )
item.setFlags( item.flags() | QC.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable )
if state:
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Checked )
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
def IsChecked(self, index):
return self.item( index ).checkState() == QC.Qt.Checked
def GetCheckedItems(self):
indices = []
for i in range( self.count() ):
if self.item( i ).checkState() == QC.Qt.Checked: indices.append( i )
return indices
def GetSelections( self ):
indices = []
for i in range( self.count() ):
if self.item( i ).isSelected(): indices.append( i )
return indices
def SetCheckedItems( self, items ):
for i in range( self.count() ):
if i in items:
self.item( i ).setCheckState( QC.Qt.Checked )
self.item( i ).setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
def Append( self, str, client_data ):
item = QW.QListWidgetItem()
item.setFlags( item.flags() | QC.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable )
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
item.setText( str )
item.setData( QC.Qt.UserRole, client_data )
self.addItem( item )
def _ItemCheckStateChanged( self, item ):
self.checkListBoxChanged.emit( self.row( item ) )
def GetChecked( self ):
result = [ GetClientData( self, index ) for index in self.GetCheckedItems() ]
return result
def SetCheckedData( self, datas ):
for index in range( self.count() ):
data = GetClientData( self, index )
check_it = data in datas
self.Check( index, check_it )
def mousePressEvent( self, event ):
if event.button() == QC.Qt.RightButton:
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
QW.QListWidget.mousePressEvent( self, event )
class RadioBox( QW.QFrame ):
radioBoxChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent = None, choices = [], vertical = False ):
QW.QFrame.__init__( self, parent )
2019-12-18 22:06:34 +00:00
self.setFrameStyle( QW.QFrame.Box | QW.QFrame.Raised )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if vertical:
self.setLayout( VBoxLayout() )
self.setLayout( HBoxLayout() )
self._choices = []
for choice in choices:
radiobutton = QW.QRadioButton( choice, self )
self._choices.append( radiobutton )
radiobutton.clicked.connect( self.radioBoxChanged )
self.layout().addWidget( radiobutton )
if vertical and len( self._choices ):
self._choices[0].setChecked( True )
elif len( self._choices ):
self._choices[-1].setChecked( True )
def GetCurrentIndex( self ):
for i in range( len( self._choices ) ):
if self._choices[ i ].isChecked(): return i
return -1
def SetStringSelection( self, str ):
for i in range( len( self._choices ) ):
if self._choices[ i ].text() == str:
self._choices[ i ].setChecked( True )
def GetStringSelection( self ):
for i in range( len( self._choices ) ):
if self._choices[ i ].isChecked(): return self._choices[ i ].text()
return None
def Select( self, idx ):
self._choices[ idx ].setChecked( True )
# Adapted from https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-widgets-elidedlabel-example.html
class EllipsizedLabel( QW.QLabel ):
def __init__( self, parent = None, ellipsize_end = False ):
QW.QLabel.__init__( self, parent )
self._ellipsize_end = ellipsize_end
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
def minimumSizeHint( self ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if self._ellipsize_end:
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
return self.sizeHint()
return QW.QLabel.minimumSizeHint( self )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def setText( self, text ):
QW.QLabel.setText( self, text )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def sizeHint( self ):
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
if self._ellipsize_end:
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
num_lines = self.text().count( '\n' ) + 1
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
line_width = self.fontMetrics().lineWidth()
line_height = self.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
size_hint = QC.QSize( 3 * line_width, num_lines * line_height )
size_hint = QW.QLabel.sizeHint( self )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
return size_hint
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def paintEvent( self, event ):
if not self._ellipsize_end:
QW.QLabel.paintEvent( self, event )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
painter = QG.QPainter( self )
fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
text_lines = self.text().split( '\n' )
line_spacing = fontMetrics.lineSpacing()
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
current_y = 0
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
done = False
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
my_width = self.width()
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
for text_line in text_lines:
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
elided_line = fontMetrics.elidedText( text_line, QC.Qt.ElideRight, my_width )
x = 0
width = my_width
height = line_spacing
flags = self.alignment()
painter.drawText( x, current_y, width, height, flags, elided_line )
# old hacky line that doesn't support alignment flags
#painter.drawText( QC.QPoint( 0, current_y + fontMetrics.ascent() ), elided_line )
current_y += line_spacing
# old code that did multiline wrap width stuff
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
text_layout = QG.QTextLayout( text_line, painter.font() )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
while True:
line = text_layout.createLine()
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if not line.isValid(): break
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
line.setLineWidth( self.width() )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
next_line_y = y + line_spacing
if self.height() >= next_line_y + line_spacing:
line.draw( painter, QC.QPoint( 0, y ) )
y = next_line_y
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
last_line = text_line[ line.textStart(): ]
elided_last_line = fontMetrics.elidedText( last_line, QC.Qt.ElideRight, self.width() )
painter.drawText( QC.QPoint( 0, y + fontMetrics.ascent() ), elided_last_line )
done = True
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
if done: break
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class Dialog( QW.QDialog ):
def __init__( self, parent = None, **kwargs ):
title = None
if 'title' in kwargs:
title = kwargs['title']
del kwargs['title']
QW.QDialog.__init__( self, parent, **kwargs )
self.setWindowFlag( QC.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, on = False )
if title is not None:
self.setWindowTitle( title )
self._closed_by_user = False
def closeEvent( self, event ):
if event.spontaneous():
self._closed_by_user = True
QW.QDialog.closeEvent( self, event )
# True if the dialog was closed by the user clicking on the X on the titlebar (so neither reject nor accept was chosen - the dialog result is still reject in this case though)
def WasCancelled( self ):
return self._closed_by_user
def SetCancelled( self, closed ):
self._closed_by_user = closed
def __enter__( self ):
return self
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-05 05:29:32 +00:00
if isValid( self ):
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class PasswordEntryDialog( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, message, caption ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent )
self.setWindowTitle( caption )
self._ok_button = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self )
self._ok_button.clicked.connect( self.accept )
self._cancel_button = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel_button.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._password = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._password.setEchoMode( QW.QLineEdit.Password )
self.setLayout( QW.QVBoxLayout() )
entry_layout = QW.QHBoxLayout()
entry_layout.addWidget( QW.QLabel( message, self ) )
entry_layout.addWidget( self._password )
button_layout = QW.QHBoxLayout()
button_layout.addStretch( 1 )
button_layout.addWidget( self._cancel_button )
button_layout.addWidget( self._ok_button )
self.layout().addLayout( entry_layout )
self.layout().addLayout( button_layout )
2019-11-28 01:11:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def GetValue( self ):
return self._password.text()
2019-11-28 01:11:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
class DirDialog( QW.QFileDialog ):
def __init__( self, parent = None, message = None ):
QW.QFileDialog.__init__( self, parent )
if message is not None: self.setWindowTitle( message )
self.setAcceptMode( QW.QFileDialog.AcceptOpen )
self.setFileMode( QW.QFileDialog.Directory )
self.setOption( QW.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly, True )
def __enter__( self ):
return self
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
def _GetSelectedFiles( self ):
return [ os.path.normpath( path ) for path in self.selectedFiles() ]
def GetPath(self):
sel = self._GetSelectedFiles()
if len( sel ) > 0:
return sel[0]
return None
class FileDialog( QW.QFileDialog ):
def __init__( self, parent = None, message = None, acceptMode = QW.QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, fileMode = QW.QFileDialog.ExistingFile, defaultFile = None, wildcard = None ):
QW.QFileDialog.__init__( self, parent )
if message is not None: self.setWindowTitle( message )
self.setAcceptMode( acceptMode )
self.setFileMode( fileMode )
if defaultFile: self.setDirectory( defaultFile )
if wildcard: self.setNameFilter( wildcard )
def __enter__( self ):
return self
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
def _GetSelectedFiles( self ):
return [ os.path.normpath( path ) for path in self.selectedFiles() ]
def GetPath( self ):
sel = self._GetSelectedFiles()
if len( sel ) > 0:
return sel[ 0 ]
return None
def GetPaths( self ):
return self._GetSelectedFiles()
# A QTreeWidget where if an item is (un)checked, all its children are also (un)checked, recursively
class TreeWidgetWithInheritedCheckState( QW.QTreeWidget ):
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
QW.QTreeWidget.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-18 22:06:34 +00:00
self.itemClicked.connect( self._HandleItemClickedForCheckStateUpdate )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def _HandleItemClickedForCheckStateUpdate( self, item, column ):
2019-12-18 22:06:34 +00:00
self._UpdateCheckState( item, item.checkState( 0 ) )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
2019-12-11 23:18:37 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def _UpdateCheckState( self, item, check_state ):
2019-12-18 22:06:34 +00:00
# this is an int, should be a checkstate
item.setCheckState( 0, check_state )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
for i in range( item.childCount() ):
self._UpdateCheckState( item.child( i ), check_state )
class ColourPickerCtrl( QW.QPushButton ):
def __init__( self, parent = None ):
QW.QPushButton.__init__( self, parent )
self._colour = QG.QColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
self.clicked.connect( self._ChooseColour )
self._highlighted = False
def SetColour( self, colour ):
self._colour = colour
def _UpdatePixmap( self ):
px = QG.QPixmap( self.contentsRect().height(), self.contentsRect().height() )
painter = QG.QPainter( px )
colour = self._colour
if self._highlighted:
colour = self._colour.lighter( 125 ) # 25% lighter
painter.fillRect( px.rect(), QG.QBrush( colour ) )
self.setIcon( QG.QIcon( px ) )
self.setIconSize( px.size() )
self.setFlat( True )
self.setFixedSize( px.size() )
def enterEvent( self, event ):
self._highlighted = True
def leaveEvent( self, event ):
self._highlighted = False
def GetColour( self ):
return self._colour
def _ChooseColour( self ):
new_colour = QW.QColorDialog.getColor( initial = self._colour )
if new_colour.isValid():
self.SetColour( new_colour )
def ListsToTuples( l ): # Since lists are not hashable, we need to (recursively) convert lists to tuples in data that is to be added to BetterListCtrl
if isinstance( l, list ) or isinstance( l, tuple ):
return tuple( map( ListsToTuples, l ) )
return l
class WidgetEventFilter ( QC.QObject ):
_mouse_tracking_required = { 'EVT_MOTION', 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS' }
_strong_focus_required = { 'EVT_KEY_DOWN' }
def __init__( self, parent_widget ):
self._parent_widget = parent_widget
QC.QObject.__init__( self, parent_widget )
parent_widget.installEventFilter( self )
self._callback_map = defaultdict( list )
self._user_moved_window = False # There is no EVT_MOVE_END in Qt so some trickery is required.
def _ExecuteCallbacks( self, event_name, event ):
if not event_name in self._callback_map: return
event_killed = False
for callback in self._callback_map[ event_name ]:
if not callback( event ): event_killed = True
return event_killed
def eventFilter( self, watched, event ):
# Once somehow this got called with no _parent_widget set - which is probably fixed now but leaving the check just in case, wew
# Might be worth debugging this later if it still occurs - the only way I found to reproduce it is to run the help > debug > initialize server command
if not hasattr( self, '_parent_widget') or not isValid( self._parent_widget ): return False
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
type = event.type()
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
event_killed = False
if type == QC.QEvent.KeyPress:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_KEY_DOWN', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.Close:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_CLOSE', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.WindowStateChange:
if isValid( self._parent_widget ):
if self._parent_widget.isMinimized() or (event.oldState() & QC.Qt.WindowMinimized): event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_ICONIZE', event )
if self._parent_widget.isMaximized() or (event.oldState() & QC.Qt.WindowMaximized): event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MAXIMIZE', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.FocusOut:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_KILL_FOCUS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.FocusIn:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_SET_FOCUS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.MouseMove:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOTION', event )
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
if event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_LEFT_DCLICK', event )
elif event.button() == QC.Qt.RightButton:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK', event )
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
if event.buttons() & QC.Qt.LeftButton: event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_LEFT_DOWN', event )
if event.buttons() & QC.Qt.MiddleButton: event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN', event )
if event.buttons() & QC.Qt.RightButton: event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_RIGHT_DOWN', event )
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
if event.buttons() & QC.Qt.LeftButton: event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_LEFT_UP', event )
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.Wheel:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSEWHEEL', event )
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.Scroll:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_SCROLLWIN', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.Move:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOVE', event )
if isValid( self._parent_widget ) and self._parent_widget.isVisible():
self._user_moved_window = True
elif type == QC.QEvent.Resize:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_SIZE', event )
elif type == QC.QEvent.NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress:
self._user_moved_window = False
elif type == QC.QEvent.NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease:
if self._user_moved_window:
event_killed = event_killed or self._ExecuteCallbacks( 'EVT_MOVE_END', event )
self._user_moved_window = False
2020-02-12 22:50:37 +00:00
if event_killed:
return True
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
return False
def _AddCallback( self, evt_name, callback ):
if evt_name in self._mouse_tracking_required:
self._parent_widget.setMouseTracking( True )
if evt_name in self._strong_focus_required:
self._parent_widget.setFocusPolicy( QC.Qt.StrongFocus )
self._callback_map[ evt_name ].append( callback )
def EVT_CLOSE( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_CLOSE', callback )
def EVT_ICONIZE( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_ICONIZE', callback )
def EVT_KEY_DOWN( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_KEY_DOWN', callback )
def EVT_KILL_FOCUS( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_KILL_FOCUS', callback )
def EVT_LEFT_DCLICK( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_LEFT_DCLICK', callback )
def EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK', callback )
def EVT_LEFT_DOWN( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_LEFT_DOWN', callback )
def EVT_LEFT_UP( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_LEFT_UP', callback )
def EVT_MAXIMIZE( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MAXIMIZE', callback )
def EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN', callback )
def EVT_MOTION( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MOTION', callback )
def EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS', callback )
def EVT_MOUSEWHEEL( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MOUSEWHEEL', callback )
def EVT_MOVE( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MOVE', callback )
def EVT_MOVE_END( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_MOVE_END', callback )
def EVT_RIGHT_DOWN( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_RIGHT_DOWN', callback )
def EVT_SCROLLWIN( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_SCROLLWIN', callback )
def EVT_SET_FOCUS( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_SET_FOCUS', callback )
def EVT_SIZE( self, callback ):
self._AddCallback( 'EVT_SIZE', callback )
# wew lad
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46456238/checkbox-not-visible-inside-combobox
class CheckBoxDelegate(QW.QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super( CheckBoxDelegate, self ).__init__(parent)
def createEditor( self, parent, op, idx ):
self.editor = QW.QCheckBox( parent )
class CollectComboCtrl( QW.QComboBox ):
itemChanged = QC.Signal()
def __init__( self, parent, media_collect ):
QW.QComboBox.__init__( self, parent )
self.view().pressed.connect( self._HandleItemPressed )
if QW.QApplication.style().metaObject().className() == "QFusionStyle":
self.setItemDelegate( CheckBoxDelegate() )
self.setModel( QG.QStandardItemModel( self ) )
text_and_data_tuples = set()
sort_by = HC.options[ 'sort_by' ]
for (sort_by_type, namespaces) in sort_by:
text_and_data_tuples.update( namespaces )
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
text_and_data_tuples = list( [ ( namespace, ( 'namespace', namespace ) ) for namespace in text_and_data_tuples ] )
ratings_services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( (HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL) )
for ratings_service in ratings_services:
text_and_data_tuples.append( ( ratings_service.GetName(), ('rating', ratings_service.GetServiceKey() ) ) )
for (text, data) in text_and_data_tuples:
self.Append( text, data )
# Trick to display custom text
self._cached_text = ''
2019-11-20 23:10:46 +00:00
if media_collect.DoesACollect():
CallAfter( self.SetCollectByValue, media_collect )
2019-11-14 03:56:30 +00:00
def paintEvent( self, e ):
painter = QW.QStylePainter( self )
painter.setPen( self.palette().color( QG.QPalette.Text ) )
opt = QW.QStyleOptionComboBox()
self.initStyleOption( opt )
opt.currentText = self._cached_text
painter.drawComplexControl( QW.QStyle.CC_ComboBox, opt )
painter.drawControl( QW.QStyle.CE_ComboBoxLabel, opt )
def GetValues( self ):
namespaces = [ ]
rating_service_keys = [ ]
for index in self.GetCheckedItems():
(collect_type, collect_data) = GetClientData( self, index )
if collect_type == 'namespace':
namespaces.append( collect_data )
elif collect_type == 'rating':
rating_service_keys.append( collect_data )
collect_strings = self.GetCheckedStrings()
if len( collect_strings ) > 0:
description = 'collect by ' + '-'.join( collect_strings )
description = 'no collections'
return ( namespaces, rating_service_keys, description )
def hidePopup(self):
if not self.view().underMouse():
QW.QComboBox.hidePopup( self )
def SetValue( self, text ):
self._cached_text = text
self.setCurrentText( text )
def SetCollectByValue( self, media_collect ):
indices_to_check = [ ]
for index in range( self.count() ):
( collect_type, collect_data ) = GetClientData( self, index )
p1 = collect_type == 'namespace' and collect_data in media_collect.namespaces
p2 = collect_type == 'rating' and collect_data in media_collect.rating_service_keys
if p1 or p2:
indices_to_check.append( index )
if len( indices_to_check ) > 0:
self.SetCheckedItems( indices_to_check )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Failed to set a collect-by value!' )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
def SetCheckedItems( self, indices_to_check ):
for idx in range( self.count() ):
item = self.model().item( idx )
if idx in indices_to_check:
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Checked )
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
def GetCheckedItems( self ):
indices = []
for idx in range( self.count() ):
item = self.model().item( idx )
if item.checkState() == QC.Qt.Checked: indices.append( idx )
return indices
def GetCheckedStrings( self ):
strings = [ ]
for idx in range( self.count() ):
item = self.model().item( idx )
if item.checkState() == QC.Qt.Checked: strings.append( item.text() )
return strings
def Append( self, str, data ):
self.addItem( str, userData = data )
item = self.model().item( self.count() - 1, 0 )
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
def _HandleItemPressed( self, index ):
item = self.model().itemFromIndex( index )
if item.checkState() == QC.Qt.Checked:
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Unchecked )
item.setCheckState( QC.Qt.Checked )
self.SetValue( self._cached_text )