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2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
import ClientConstants as CC
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
import ClientImporting
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
import ClientNetworkingDomain
import ClientParsing
import collections
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusData
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusGlobals as HG
import HydrusSerialisable
import HydrusTags
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
import itertools
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
import os
import threading
import time
import traceback
import urlparse
def GenerateGallerySeedLogStatus( statuses_to_counts ):
num_successful = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW ]
num_ignored = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_VETOED ]
num_failed = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_ERROR ]
num_skipped = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_SKIPPED ]
num_unknown = statuses_to_counts[ CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN ]
# add some kind of '(512 files found (so far))', which may be asking too much here
# might be this is complicated and needs to be (partly) done in the object, which will know if it is paused or whatever.
status_strings = []
if num_successful > 0:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
s = HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_successful ) + ' successful'
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
status_strings.append( s )
if num_ignored > 0:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_ignored ) + ' ignored' )
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
if num_failed > 0:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_failed ) + ' failed' )
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
if num_skipped > 0:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_skipped ) + ' skipped' )
if num_unknown > 0:
status_strings.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_unknown ) + ' pending' )
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
status = ', '.join( status_strings )
total = sum( statuses_to_counts.values() )
total_processed = total - num_unknown
return ( status, ( total_processed, total ) )
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
class GallerySeed( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Gallery Log Entry'
def __init__( self, url = None, can_generate_more_pages = True ):
if url is None:
url = 'https://nostrils-central.cx/index.php?post=s&tag=hyper_nostrils&page=3'
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self.url = url
self._can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages
self.created = HydrusData.GetNow()
self.modified = self.created
self.status = CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN
self.note = ''
self._referral_url = None
def __eq__( self, other ):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
def __hash__( self ):
return ( self.url, self.created ).__hash__()
def __ne__( self, other ):
return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__()
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
return ( self.url, self._can_generate_more_pages, self.created, self.modified, self.status, self.note, self._referral_url )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self.url, self._can_generate_more_pages, self.created, self.modified, self.status, self.note, self._referral_url ) = serialisable_info
def _UpdateModified( self ):
self.modified = HydrusData.GetNow()
def Normalise( self ):
self.url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( self.url )
def SetReferralURL( self, referral_url ):
self._referral_url = referral_url
def SetStatus( self, status, note = '', exception = None ):
if exception is not None:
first_line = HydrusData.ToUnicode( exception ).split( os.linesep )[0]
note = first_line + u'\u2026 (Copy note to see full error)'
note += os.linesep
note += HydrusData.ToUnicode( traceback.format_exc() )
HydrusData.Print( 'Error when processing ' + self.url + ' !' )
HydrusData.Print( traceback.format_exc() )
self.status = status
self.note = note
def WorksInNewSystem( self ):
( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( self.url )
if url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY and can_parse:
return True
return False
def WorkOnURL( self, gallery_seed_log, file_seed_cache, status_hook, network_job_factory, network_job_presentation_context_factory, file_import_options, max_new_urls_allowed = None, gallery_urls_seen_before = None ):
if gallery_urls_seen_before is None:
gallery_urls_seen_before = set()
# maybe something like 'append urls' vs 'reverse-prepend' for subs or something
# should also take--and populate--a set of urls we have seen this 'run', so we can bomb out if next_gallery_url ends up in some loop
num_urls_added = 0
added_all_possible_urls = False
( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( self.url )
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Did not recognise this URL!' )
if not can_parse:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Did not have a parser for that URL!' )
did_substantial_work = True
( url_to_check, parser ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLToFetchAndParser( self.url )
status_hook( 'downloading page' )
if self._referral_url not in ( self.url, url_to_check ):
referral_url = self._referral_url
referral_url = None
network_job = network_job_factory( 'GET', url_to_check, referral_url = referral_url )
HG.client_controller.network_engine.AddJob( network_job )
with network_job_presentation_context_factory( network_job ) as njpc:
data = network_job.GetContent()
parsing_context = {}
parsing_context[ 'gallery_url' ] = self.url
parsing_context[ 'url' ] = url_to_check
all_parse_results = parser.Parse( parsing_context, data )
if len( all_parse_results ) == 0:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Could not parse any data!' )
( num_urls_added, num_urls_already_in, added_all_possible_urls ) = ClientImporting.UpdateFileSeedCacheWithAllParseResults( file_seed_cache, all_parse_results, self.url, max_new_urls_allowed )
# harvest file_seeds based on all_parse_results, append them to file_seed cache
note = 'checked OK - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_urls_added ) + ' new urls'
if num_urls_already_in > 0:
note += ' (' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_urls_already_in ) + ' already in)'
if self._can_generate_more_pages:
flattened_results = list( itertools.chain( all_parse_results ) )
next_page_urls = ClientParsing.GetURLsFromParseResults( flattened_results, ( HC.URL_TYPE_NEXT, ), only_get_top_priority = True )
if len( next_page_urls ) > 0:
next_page_urls = HydrusData.DedupeList( next_page_urls )
new_next_page_urls = [ next_page_url for next_page_url in next_page_urls if next_page_url not in gallery_urls_seen_before ]
if len( new_next_page_urls ) > 0:
gallery_urls_seen_before.update( new_next_page_urls )
next_gallery_seeds = [ GallerySeed( next_page_url ) for next_page_url in new_next_page_urls ]
gallery_seed_log.AddGallerySeeds( next_gallery_seeds )
num_total = len( next_page_urls )
num_new = len( new_next_page_urls )
if num_new < num_total:
num_dupes = num_total - num_new
note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_new ) + ' next gallery pages found, but ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_dupes ) + ' had already been visited this run and were not added'
note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_new ) + ' next gallery pages found'
note += ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_new ) + ' next gallery pages found, but they had already been visited this run and were not added'
self.SetStatus( status, note = note )
except HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException:
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException as e:
note = HydrusData.ToUnicode( e )
self.SetStatus( status, note = note )
if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.CancelledException ):
status_hook( 'cancelled!' )
time.sleep( 2 )
except HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException:
note = '404'
self.SetStatus( status, note = note )
status_hook( '404' )
time.sleep( 2 )
except Exception as e:
self.SetStatus( status, exception = e )
status_hook( 'error!' )
time.sleep( 3 )
return ( num_urls_added, added_all_possible_urls )
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
class GallerySeedLog( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
def __init__( self ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList()
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = {}
self._gallery_seed_log_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
self._status_cache = None
self._status_cache_generation_time = 0
self._status_dirty = True
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def __len__( self ):
return len( self._gallery_seeds )
def _GenerateStatus( self ):
statuses_to_counts = self._GetStatusesToCounts()
self._status_cache = GenerateGallerySeedLogStatus( statuses_to_counts )
self._status_cache_generation_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._status_dirty = False
def _GetStatusesToCounts( self ):
statuses_to_counts = collections.Counter()
for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds:
statuses_to_counts[ gallery_seed.status ] += 1
return statuses_to_counts
def _GetGallerySeeds( self, status = None ):
if status is None:
return list( self._gallery_seeds )
return [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status == status ]
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
with self._lock:
return self._gallery_seeds.GetSerialisableTuple()
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
with self._lock:
self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_info )
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) }
def _SetStatusDirty( self ):
self._status_dirty = True
def AddGallerySeeds( self, gallery_seeds ):
if len( gallery_seeds ) == 0:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
return 0
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
new_gallery_seeds = []
with self._lock:
for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds:
if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices:
new_gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ] = len( self._gallery_seeds ) - 1
self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( new_gallery_seeds )
return len( new_gallery_seeds )
def AdvanceGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ):
with self._lock:
if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices:
index = self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ]
if index > 0:
self._gallery_seeds.remove( gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds.insert( index - 1, gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) }
self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( ( gallery_seed, ) )
def DelayGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ):
with self._lock:
if gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices:
index = self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ]
if index < len( self._gallery_seeds ) - 1:
self._gallery_seeds.remove( gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds.insert( index + 1, gallery_seed )
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) }
self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( ( gallery_seed, ) )
def GetNextGallerySeed( self, status ):
with self._lock:
for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds:
if gallery_seed.status == status:
return gallery_seed
return None
def GetGallerySeedLogKey( self ):
return self._gallery_seed_log_key
def GetGallerySeedCount( self, status = None ):
result = 0
with self._lock:
if status is None:
result = len( self._gallery_seeds )
for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds:
if gallery_seed.status == status:
result += 1
return result
def GetGallerySeeds( self, status = None ):
with self._lock:
return self._GetGallerySeeds( status )
def GetGallerySeedIndex( self, gallery_seed ):
with self._lock:
return self._gallery_seeds_to_indices[ gallery_seed ]
def GetStatus( self ):
with self._lock:
if self._status_dirty:
return self._status_cache
def GetStatusGenerationTime( self ):
with self._lock:
if self._status_dirty:
return HydrusData.GetNow()
return self._status_cache_generation_time
def GetStatusesToCounts( self ):
with self._lock:
return self._GetStatusesToCounts()
def HasGallerySeed( self, gallery_seed ):
with self._lock:
return gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds_to_indices
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
def HasGalleryURL( self, url ):
search_gallery_seed = GallerySeed( url )
search_url = search_gallery_seed.url
return search_url in ( gallery_seed.url for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds )
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
def NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( self, gallery_seeds ):
with self._lock:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'gallery_seed_log_gallery_seeds_updated', self._gallery_seed_log_key, gallery_seeds )
def RemoveGallerySeeds( self, gallery_seeds ):
with self._lock:
gallery_seeds_to_delete = set( gallery_seeds )
self._gallery_seeds = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed not in gallery_seeds_to_delete ] )
self._gallery_seeds_to_indices = { gallery_seed : index for ( index, gallery_seed ) in enumerate( self._gallery_seeds ) }
self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( gallery_seeds_to_delete )
def RemoveGallerySeedsByStatus( self, statuses_to_remove ):
with self._lock:
gallery_seeds_to_delete = [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status in statuses_to_remove ]
self.RemoveGallerySeeds( gallery_seeds_to_delete )
def RemoveAllButUnknownGallerySeeds( self ):
with self._lock:
gallery_seeds_to_delete = [ gallery_seed for gallery_seed in self._gallery_seeds if gallery_seed.status != CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN ]
self.RemoveGallerySeeds( gallery_seeds_to_delete )
def RetryFailures( self ):
with self._lock:
failed_gallery_seeds = self._GetGallerySeeds( CC.STATUS_ERROR )
for gallery_seed in failed_gallery_seeds:
gallery_seed.SetStatus( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
self.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( failed_gallery_seeds )
def WorkToDo( self ):
with self._lock:
if self._status_dirty:
2018-07-04 20:48:28 +00:00
( status, simple_status, ( total_processed, total ) ) = self._status_cache
2018-06-27 19:27:05 +00:00
return total_processed < total