
207 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
import numpy.core.multiarray # important this comes before cv!
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
import ClientConstants as CC
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
import cv2
import HydrusImageHandling
2016-04-27 19:20:37 +00:00
import HydrusGlobals
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
if cv2.__version__.startswith( '2' ):
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup = {}
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ CC.ZOOM_NEAREST ] = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ CC.ZOOM_LINEAR ] = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ CC.ZOOM_AREA ] = cv2.INTER_AREA
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ CC.ZOOM_CUBIC ] = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4 ] = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
def EfficientlyResizeNumpyImage( numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ) ):
( im_y, im_x, depth ) = numpy_image.shape
if target_x >= im_x and target_y >= im_y: return numpy_image
# this seems to slow things down a lot, at least for cv!
#if im_x > 2 * target_x and im_y > 2 * target_y: result = cv2.resize( numpy_image, ( 2 * target_x, 2 * target_y ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST )
2016-04-14 01:54:29 +00:00
return cv2.resize( numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
def EfficientlyThumbnailNumpyImage( numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ) ):
( im_y, im_x, depth ) = numpy_image.shape
if target_x >= im_x and target_y >= im_y: return numpy_image
( target_x, target_y ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolution( ( im_x, im_y ), ( target_x, target_y ) )
return cv2.resize( numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA )
def GenerateNumpyImage( path ):
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
if HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetNewOptions().GetBoolean( 'load_images_with_pil' ):
# a regular cv.imread call, can crash the whole process on random thumbs, hooray, so have this as backup
# it was just the read that was the problem, so this seems to work fine, even if pil is only about half as fast
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( path )
numpy_image = GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image )
numpy_image = cv2.imread( path, flags = IMREAD_UNCHANGED )
if numpy_image is None: # doesn't support static gifs and some random other stuff
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( path )
numpy_image = GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image )
2016-09-28 18:48:01 +00:00
shape = numpy_image.shape
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
2016-09-28 18:48:01 +00:00
if len( shape ) == 2:
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
2016-09-28 18:48:01 +00:00
# monochrome image
convert = cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
2016-09-28 18:48:01 +00:00
( im_y, im_x, depth ) = shape
if depth == 4:
convert = cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA
convert = cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
numpy_image = cv2.cvtColor( numpy_image, convert )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
return numpy_image
def GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image ):
2016-06-29 19:55:46 +00:00
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.Dequantize( pil_image )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
( w, h ) = pil_image.size
s = pil_image.tobytes()
return numpy.fromstring( s, dtype = 'uint8' ).reshape( ( h, w, len( s ) // ( w * h ) ) )
def GeneratePerceptualHash( path ):
2016-05-11 18:16:39 +00:00
numpy_image = GenerateNumpyImage( path )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
( y, x, depth ) = numpy_image.shape
if depth == 4:
# create weight and transform numpy_image to greyscale
numpy_alpha = numpy_image[ :, :, 3 ]
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
numpy_alpha_float = numpy_alpha / 255.0
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
numpy_image_bgr = numpy_image[ :, :, :3 ]
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
numpy_image_gray_bare = cv2.cvtColor( numpy_image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
# create a white greyscale canvas
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
white = numpy.ones( ( y, x ) ) * 255.0
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
# paste the grayscale image onto the white canvas using: pixel * alpha + white * ( 1 - alpha )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
2016-08-24 18:36:56 +00:00
numpy_image_gray = numpy.uint8( ( numpy_image_gray_bare * numpy_alpha_float ) + ( white * ( numpy.ones( ( y, x ) ) - numpy_alpha_float ) ) )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00
numpy_image_gray = cv2.cvtColor( numpy_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
numpy_image_tiny = cv2.resize( numpy_image_gray, ( 32, 32 ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA )
# convert to float and calc dct
numpy_image_tiny_float = numpy.float32( numpy_image_tiny )
dct = cv2.dct( numpy_image_tiny_float )
# take top left 8x8 of dct
dct_88 = dct[:8,:8]
# get mean of dct, excluding [0,0]
mask = numpy.ones( ( 8, 8 ) )
mask[0,0] = 0
average = numpy.average( dct_88, weights = mask )
# make a monochromatic, 64-bit hash of whether the entry is above or below the mean
bytes = []
for i in range( 8 ):
byte = 0
for j in range( 8 ):
byte <<= 1 # shift byte one left
value = dct_88[i,j]
if value > average: byte |= 1
bytes.append( byte )
answer = str( bytearray( bytes ) )
# we good
return answer
2016-09-21 19:54:04 +00:00
def ResizeNumpyImage( mime, numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ) ):
new_options = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetNewOptions()
( scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = new_options.GetMediaZoomQuality( mime )
( im_y, im_x, depth ) = numpy_image.shape
if ( target_x, target_y ) == ( im_x, im_y ):
return numpy_image
if target_x > im_x or target_y > im_y:
interpolation = cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ scale_up_quality ]
interpolation = cv_interpolation_enum_lookup[ scale_down_quality ]
return cv2.resize( numpy_image, ( target_x, target_y ), interpolation = interpolation )
2015-11-18 22:44:07 +00:00