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2017-03-08 23:23:12 +00:00
import ClientCaches
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
import ClientConstants as CC
import ClientGUICommon
2017-03-08 23:23:12 +00:00
import ClientGUIDialogs
2017-03-15 20:13:04 +00:00
import ClientGUIMenus
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
import ClientGUIScrolledPanels
import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusData
2017-05-10 21:33:58 +00:00
import HydrusGlobals as HG
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
import HydrusNetworking
2017-03-08 23:23:12 +00:00
import os
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
import wx
class BandwidthRulesCtrl( ClientGUICommon.StaticBox ):
def __init__( self, parent, bandwidth_rules ):
ClientGUICommon.StaticBox.__init__( self, parent, 'bandwidth rules' )
columns = [ ( 'type', -1 ), ( 'time delta', 120 ), ( 'max allowed', 80 ) ]
self._listctrl = ClientGUICommon.SaneListCtrl( self, 100, columns, delete_key_callback = self._Delete, activation_callback = self._Edit )
self._add_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'add', self._Add )
self._edit_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'edit', self._Edit )
self._delete_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'delete', self._Delete )
for rule in bandwidth_rules.GetRules():
sort_tuple = rule
display_tuple = self._GetDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._listctrl.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
hbox.AddF( self._add_button, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
hbox.AddF( self._edit_button, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
hbox.AddF( self._delete_button, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
self.AddF( self._listctrl, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.AddF( hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
def _Add( self ):
rule = ( HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA, None, 1024 * 1024 * 100 )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit rule' ) as dlg:
panel = self._EditPanel( dlg, rule )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
new_rule = panel.GetValue()
sort_tuple = new_rule
display_tuple = self._GetDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._listctrl.Append( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _GetDisplayTuple( self, rule ):
( bandwidth_type, time_delta, max_allowed ) = rule
pretty_bandwidth_type = HC.bandwidth_type_string_lookup[ bandwidth_type ]
pretty_time_delta = HydrusData.ConvertTimeDeltaToPrettyString( time_delta )
if bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA:
pretty_max_allowed = HydrusData.ConvertIntToBytes( max_allowed )
elif bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_REQUESTS:
pretty_max_allowed = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( max_allowed )
return ( pretty_bandwidth_type, pretty_time_delta, pretty_max_allowed )
def _Delete( self ):
2017-03-22 22:38:15 +00:00
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
def _Edit( self ):
all_selected = self._listctrl.GetAllSelected()
for index in all_selected:
rule = self._listctrl.GetClientData( index )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit rule' ) as dlg:
panel = self._EditPanel( dlg, rule )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
edited_rule = panel.GetValue()
sort_tuple = edited_rule
display_tuple = self._GetDisplayTuple( sort_tuple )
self._listctrl.UpdateRow( index, display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def GetValue( self ):
bandwidth_rules = HydrusNetworking.BandwidthRules()
for ( bandwidth_type, time_delta, max_allowed ) in self._listctrl.GetClientData():
bandwidth_rules.AddRule( bandwidth_type, time_delta, max_allowed )
return bandwidth_rules
class _EditPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, rule ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._bandwidth_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._bandwidth_type.Append( 'data', HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA )
self._bandwidth_type.Append( 'requests', HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_REQUESTS )
self._bandwidth_type.Bind( wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EventBandwidth )
self._time_delta = ClientGUICommon.TimeDeltaButton( self, min = 3600, days = True, hours = True, monthly_allowed = True )
self._max_allowed = wx.SpinCtrl( self, min = 1, max = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
2017-04-19 20:58:30 +00:00
self._max_allowed_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
2017-03-02 02:14:56 +00:00
( bandwidth_type, time_delta, max_allowed ) = rule
self._bandwidth_type.SelectClientData( bandwidth_type )
self._time_delta.SetValue( time_delta )
if bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA:
max_allowed /= 1048576
self._max_allowed.SetValue( max_allowed )
hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
hbox.AddF( self._bandwidth_type, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
hbox.AddF( self._time_delta, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
hbox.AddF( self._max_allowed, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
hbox.AddF( self._max_allowed_st, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
self.SetSizer( hbox )
def _UpdateMaxAllowedSt( self ):
bandwidth_type = self._bandwidth_type.GetChoice()
if bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA:
self._max_allowed_st.SetLabelText( 'MB' )
elif bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_REQUESTS:
self._max_allowed_st.SetLabelText( 'requests' )
def EventBandwidth( self, event ):
def GetValue( self ):
bandwidth_type = self._bandwidth_type.GetChoice()
time_delta = self._time_delta.GetValue()
max_allowed = self._max_allowed.GetValue()
if bandwidth_type == HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA:
max_allowed *= 1048576
return ( bandwidth_type, time_delta, max_allowed )
2017-03-08 23:23:12 +00:00
2017-03-22 22:38:15 +00:00
class EditStringToStringDictControl( wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent, initial_dict ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent )
self._listctrl = ClientGUICommon.SaneListCtrl( self, 120, [ ( 'key', 200 ), ( 'value', -1 ) ], delete_key_callback = self.Delete, activation_callback = self.Edit )
self._add = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'add', self.Add )
self._edit = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'edit', self.Edit )
self._delete = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'delete', self.Delete )
for display_tuple in initial_dict.items():
self._listctrl.Append( display_tuple, display_tuple )
button_hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
button_hbox.AddF( self._add, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.AddF( self._edit, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
button_hbox.AddF( self._delete, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.AddF( self._listctrl, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox.AddF( button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
def Add( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'enter the key', allow_blank = False ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
key = dlg.GetValue()
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'enter the value', allow_blank = True ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
value = dlg.GetValue()
display_tuple = ( key, value )
self._listctrl.Append( display_tuple, display_tuple )
def Delete( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, 'Remove all selected?' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
def Edit( self ):
for i in self._listctrl.GetAllSelected():
( key, value ) = self._listctrl.GetClientData( i )
import ClientGUIDialogs
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'edit the key', default = key, allow_blank = False ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
key = dlg.GetValue()
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'edit the value', default = value, allow_blank = True ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
value = dlg.GetValue()
display_tuple = ( key, value )
self._listctrl.UpdateRow( i, display_tuple, display_tuple )
def GetValue( self ):
value_dict = { key : value for ( key, value ) in self._listctrl.GetClientData() }
return value_dict