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2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusFileHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusImageHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientImageHandling
from hydrus.client.importing.options import FileImportOptions
class FileImportStatus( object ):
def __init__( self, status, hash, mime = None, note = '' ):
self.status = status
self.hash = hash
self.mime = mime
self.note = note
def __str__( self ):
return 'File Import Status: {}'.format( self.ToString() )
def AlreadyInDB( self ):
def Duplicate( self ) -> "FileImportStatus":
return FileImportStatus( self.status, self.hash, mime = self.mime, note = self.note )
def ShouldImport( self, file_import_options: FileImportOptions.FileImportOptions ):
if self.status == CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
return True
if self.status == CC.STATUS_DELETED:
if not file_import_options.ExcludesDeleted():
return True
return False
def ToString( self ) -> str:
s = CC.status_string_lookup[ self.status ]
if len( self.note ) > 0:
s = '{}, {}'.format( s, self.note )
return s
def STATICGetUnknownStatus() -> "FileImportStatus":
return FileImportStatus( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN, None )
2022-12-21 22:00:27 +00:00
def CheckFileImportStatus( file_import_status: FileImportStatus ) -> FileImportStatus:
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if file_import_status.AlreadyInDB():
hash = file_import_status.hash
mime = file_import_status.mime
if hash is None or mime is None:
return file_import_status
HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime = mime )
except HydrusExceptions.FileMissingException:
note = 'The client believed this file was already in the db, but it was truly missing! Import will go ahead, in an attempt to fix the situation.'
return FileImportStatus( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN, hash, mime = mime, note = note )
return file_import_status
class FileImportJob( object ):
def __init__( self, temp_path: str, file_import_options: FileImportOptions.FileImportOptions ):
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job created for path {}.'.format( temp_path ) )
self._temp_path = temp_path
self._file_import_options = file_import_options
self._pre_import_file_status = FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus()
self._post_import_file_status = FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus()
self._file_info = None
self._thumbnail_bytes = None
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
self._perceptual_hashes = None
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._extra_hashes = None
self._has_exif = None
self._has_human_readable_embedded_metadata = None
2021-12-08 22:40:59 +00:00
self._has_icc_profile = None
self._pixel_hash = None
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._file_modified_timestamp = None
def CheckIsGoodToImport( self ):
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job testing if good to import for file import options' )
( size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, has_audio, num_words ) = self._file_info
self._file_import_options.CheckFileIsValid( size, mime, width, height )
def DoWork( self, status_hook = None ) -> FileImportStatus:
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job starting work.' )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
self.GeneratePreImportHashAndStatus( status_hook = status_hook )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if self._pre_import_file_status.ShouldImport( self._file_import_options ):
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
self.GenerateInfo( status_hook = status_hook )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
ok_to_go = True
except HydrusExceptions.FileImportRulesException as e:
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
ok_to_go = False
not_ok_file_import_status = self._pre_import_file_status.Duplicate()
not_ok_file_import_status.status = CC.STATUS_VETOED
not_ok_file_import_status.note = str( e )
if ok_to_go:
hash = self._pre_import_file_status.hash
mime = self._pre_import_file_status.mime
if status_hook is not None:
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
status_hook( 'copying file into file storage' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.AddFile( hash, mime, self._temp_path, thumbnail_bytes = self._thumbnail_bytes )
if status_hook is not None:
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
status_hook( 'importing to database' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2022-04-13 21:39:26 +00:00
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._post_import_file_status = HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'import_file', self )
self._post_import_file_status = not_ok_file_import_status
2022-05-04 21:40:27 +00:00
# if the file is already in the database but not in all the desired file services, let's push content updates to make it happen
if self._pre_import_file_status.status == CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_BUT_REDUNDANT:
media_result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_result', self._pre_import_file_status.hash )
destination_location_context = self._file_import_options.GetDestinationLocationContext()
desired_file_service_keys = destination_location_context.current_service_keys
current_file_service_keys = media_result.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent()
file_service_keys_to_add_to = set( desired_file_service_keys ).difference( current_file_service_keys )
if len( file_service_keys_to_add_to ) > 0:
file_info_manager = media_result.GetFileInfoManager()
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
service_keys_to_content_updates = {}
for service_key in file_service_keys_to_add_to:
service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ] = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( file_info_manager, now ) ) ]
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._post_import_file_status = self._pre_import_file_status.Duplicate()
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job is done, now publishing content updates' )
return self._post_import_file_status
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
def GeneratePreImportHashAndStatus( self, status_hook = None ):
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
HydrusImageHandling.ConvertToPNGIfBMP( self._temp_path )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'calculating hash' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
hash = HydrusFileHandling.GetHashFromPath( self._temp_path )
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job hash: {}'.format( hash.hex() ) )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'checking for file status' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._pre_import_file_status = HG.client_controller.Read( 'hash_status', 'sha256', hash, prefix = 'file recognised' )
2022-12-21 22:00:27 +00:00
if self._pre_import_file_status.hash is None:
self._pre_import_file_status.hash = hash
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._pre_import_file_status = CheckFileImportStatus( self._pre_import_file_status )
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job pre-import status: {}'.format( self._pre_import_file_status.ToString() ) )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
def GenerateInfo( self, status_hook = None ):
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if self._pre_import_file_status.mime is None:
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'generating filetype' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
mime = HydrusFileHandling.GetMime( self._temp_path )
self._pre_import_file_status.mime = mime
mime = self._pre_import_file_status.mime
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job mime: {}'.format( HC.mime_string_lookup[ mime ] ) )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
if mime in HC.DECOMPRESSION_BOMB_IMAGES and not self._file_import_options.AllowsDecompressionBombs():
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job testing for decompression bomb' )
if HydrusImageHandling.IsDecompressionBomb( self._temp_path ):
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job: it was a decompression bomb' )
raise HydrusExceptions.DecompressionBombException( 'Image seems to be a Decompression Bomb!' )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'generating file metadata' )
2021-10-13 20:16:57 +00:00
self._file_info = HydrusFileHandling.GetFileInfo( self._temp_path, mime = mime )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
( size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, has_audio, num_words ) = self._file_info
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job file info: {}'.format( self._file_info ) )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'generating thumbnail' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job generating thumbnail' )
bounding_dimensions = HG.client_controller.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ]
2022-02-02 22:14:01 +00:00
thumbnail_scale_type = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_scale_type' )
2022-12-21 22:00:27 +00:00
thumbnail_dpr_percent = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_dpr_percent' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2022-12-21 22:00:27 +00:00
( clip_rect, target_resolution ) = HydrusImageHandling.GetThumbnailResolutionAndClipRegion( ( width, height ), bounding_dimensions, thumbnail_scale_type, thumbnail_dpr_percent )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
percentage_in = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'video_thumbnail_percentage_in' )
2022-02-02 22:14:01 +00:00
self._thumbnail_bytes = HydrusFileHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytes( self._temp_path, target_resolution, mime, duration, num_frames, clip_rect = clip_rect, percentage_in = percentage_in )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.DamagedOrUnusualFileException( 'Could not render a thumbnail: {}'.format( str( e ) ) )
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'generating similar files metadata' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job generating perceptual_hashes' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
self._perceptual_hashes = ClientImageHandling.GenerateShapePerceptualHashes( self._temp_path, mime )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job generated {} perceptual_hashes: {}'.format( len( self._perceptual_hashes ), [ perceptual_hash.hex() for perceptual_hash in self._perceptual_hashes ] ) )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
if HG.file_import_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File import job generating other hashes' )
2021-08-18 21:10:01 +00:00
if status_hook is not None:
status_hook( 'generating additional hashes' )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._extra_hashes = HydrusFileHandling.GetExtraHashesFromPath( self._temp_path )
has_exif = False
has_exif = HydrusImageHandling.HasEXIF( self._temp_path )
self._has_exif = has_exif
has_human_readable_embedded_metadata = False
has_human_readable_embedded_metadata = HydrusImageHandling.HasHumanReadableEmbeddedMetadata( self._temp_path )
self._has_human_readable_embedded_metadata = has_human_readable_embedded_metadata
2021-12-08 22:40:59 +00:00
has_icc_profile = False
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.RawOpenPILImage( self._temp_path )
has_icc_profile = HydrusImageHandling.HasICCProfile( pil_image )
self._has_icc_profile = has_icc_profile
2021-12-08 22:40:59 +00:00
if mime in HC.FILES_THAT_CAN_HAVE_PIXEL_HASH and duration is None:
self._pixel_hash = HydrusImageHandling.GetImagePixelHash( self._temp_path, mime )
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
self._file_modified_timestamp = HydrusFileHandling.GetFileModifiedTimestamp( self._temp_path )
def GetExtraHashes( self ):
return self._extra_hashes
def GetFileImportOptions( self ):
return self._file_import_options
def GetFileInfo( self ):
return self._file_info
def GetFileModifiedTimestamp( self ):
return self._file_modified_timestamp
def GetHash( self ):
return self._pre_import_file_status.hash
def GetMime( self ):
return self._pre_import_file_status.mime
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
def GetPerceptualHashes( self ):
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2021-12-15 22:16:22 +00:00
return self._perceptual_hashes
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
2021-12-08 22:40:59 +00:00
def GetPixelHash( self ):
return self._pixel_hash
def HasEXIF( self ) -> bool:
return self._has_exif
def HasHumanReadableEmbeddedMetadata( self ) -> bool:
return self._has_human_readable_embedded_metadata
2021-12-08 22:40:59 +00:00
def HasICCProfile( self ) -> bool:
return self._has_icc_profile
2021-06-30 21:27:35 +00:00
def PubsubContentUpdates( self ):
if self._post_import_file_status.AlreadyInDB() and self._file_import_options.AutomaticallyArchives():
hashes = { self.GetHash() }
service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, hashes ) ] }
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )