Willy Tarreau bba7a4dafd BUG/MINOR: h2/trace: do not display "stream error" after a frame ACK
When sending a frame ACK, the parser state is not equal to H2_CS_FRAME_H
and we used to report it as an error, which is not true. In fact we should
only indicate when we skip remaining data.

This may be backported as far as 2.1.
2020-09-18 07:41:28 +02:00

6244 lines
190 KiB

* HTTP/2 mux-demux for connections
* Copyright 2017 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <import/eb32tree.h>
#include <haproxy/api.h>
#include <haproxy/cfgparse.h>
#include <haproxy/connection.h>
#include <haproxy/h1.h>
#include <haproxy/h2.h>
#include <haproxy/hpack-dec.h>
#include <haproxy/hpack-enc.h>
#include <haproxy/hpack-tbl.h>
#include <haproxy/http_htx.h>
#include <haproxy/htx.h>
#include <haproxy/istbuf.h>
#include <haproxy/log.h>
#include <haproxy/net_helper.h>
#include <haproxy/session-t.h>
#include <haproxy/stream.h>
#include <haproxy/stream_interface.h>
#include <haproxy/trace.h>
/* dummy streams returned for closed, error, refused, idle and states */
static const struct h2s *h2_closed_stream;
static const struct h2s *h2_error_stream;
static const struct h2s *h2_refused_stream;
static const struct h2s *h2_idle_stream;
/* Connection flags (32 bit), in h2c->flags */
#define H2_CF_NONE 0x00000000
/* Flags indicating why writing to the mux is blocked. */
#define H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC 0x00000001 // mux blocked on lack of connection's mux buffer
#define H2_CF_MUX_MFULL 0x00000002 // mux blocked on connection's mux buffer full
#define H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY 0x00000003 // aggregate of the mux flags above
/* Flags indicating why writing to the demux is blocked.
* The first two ones directly affect the ability for the mux to receive data
* from the connection. The other ones affect the mux's ability to demux
* received data.
#define H2_CF_DEM_DALLOC 0x00000004 // demux blocked on lack of connection's demux buffer
#define H2_CF_DEM_DFULL 0x00000008 // demux blocked on connection's demux buffer full
#define H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY 0x00000010 // demux blocked on connection's mux side busy
#define H2_CF_DEM_MROOM 0x00000020 // demux blocked on lack of room in mux buffer
#define H2_CF_DEM_SALLOC 0x00000040 // demux blocked on lack of stream's request buffer
#define H2_CF_DEM_SFULL 0x00000080 // demux blocked on stream request buffer full
#define H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY 0x00000100 // demux blocked waiting for some conn_streams to leave
#define H2_CF_DEM_BLOCK_ANY 0x000001F0 // aggregate of the demux flags above except DALLOC/DFULL
/* other flags */
#define H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT 0x00001000 // a GOAWAY frame was successfully sent
#define H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED 0x00002000 // a GOAWAY frame failed to be sent
#define H2_CF_WAIT_FOR_HS 0x00004000 // We did check that at least a stream was waiting for handshake
#define H2_CF_IS_BACK 0x00008000 // this is an outgoing connection
#define H2_CF_WINDOW_OPENED 0x00010000 // demux increased window already advertised
/* H2 connection state, in h2c->st0 */
enum h2_cs {
H2_CS_PREFACE, // init done, waiting for connection preface
H2_CS_SETTINGS1, // preface OK, waiting for first settings frame
H2_CS_FRAME_H, // first settings frame ok, waiting for frame header
H2_CS_FRAME_P, // frame header OK, waiting for frame payload
H2_CS_FRAME_A, // frame payload OK, trying to send ACK frame
H2_CS_FRAME_E, // frame payload OK, trying to send RST frame
H2_CS_ERROR, // send GOAWAY(errcode) and close the connection ASAP
H2_CS_ERROR2, // GOAWAY(errcode) sent, close the connection ASAP
H2_CS_ENTRIES // must be last
} __attribute__((packed));
/* 32 buffers: one for the ring's root, rest for the mbuf itself */
#define H2C_MBUF_CNT 32
/* H2 connection descriptor */
struct h2c {
struct connection *conn;
enum h2_cs st0; /* mux state */
enum h2_err errcode; /* H2 err code (H2_ERR_*) */
/* 16 bit hole here */
uint32_t flags; /* connection flags: H2_CF_* */
uint32_t streams_limit; /* maximum number of concurrent streams the peer supports */
int32_t max_id; /* highest ID known on this connection, <0 before preface */
uint32_t rcvd_c; /* newly received data to ACK for the connection */
uint32_t rcvd_s; /* newly received data to ACK for the current stream (dsi) */
/* states for the demux direction */
struct hpack_dht *ddht; /* demux dynamic header table */
struct buffer dbuf; /* demux buffer */
int32_t dsi; /* demux stream ID (<0 = idle) */
int32_t dfl; /* demux frame length (if dsi >= 0) */
int8_t dft; /* demux frame type (if dsi >= 0) */
int8_t dff; /* demux frame flags (if dsi >= 0) */
uint8_t dpl; /* demux pad length (part of dfl), init to 0 */
/* 8 bit hole here */
int32_t last_sid; /* last processed stream ID for GOAWAY, <0 before preface */
/* states for the mux direction */
struct buffer mbuf[H2C_MBUF_CNT]; /* mux buffers (ring) */
int32_t msi; /* mux stream ID (<0 = idle) */
int32_t mfl; /* mux frame length (if dsi >= 0) */
int8_t mft; /* mux frame type (if dsi >= 0) */
int8_t mff; /* mux frame flags (if dsi >= 0) */
/* 16 bit hole here */
int32_t miw; /* mux initial window size for all new streams */
int32_t mws; /* mux window size. Can be negative. */
int32_t mfs; /* mux's max frame size */
int timeout; /* idle timeout duration in ticks */
int shut_timeout; /* idle timeout duration in ticks after GOAWAY was sent */
unsigned int nb_streams; /* number of streams in the tree */
unsigned int nb_cs; /* number of attached conn_streams */
unsigned int nb_reserved; /* number of reserved streams */
unsigned int stream_cnt; /* total number of streams seen */
struct proxy *proxy; /* the proxy this connection was created for */
struct task *task; /* timeout management task */
struct eb_root streams_by_id; /* all active streams by their ID */
struct list send_list; /* list of blocked streams requesting to send */
struct list fctl_list; /* list of streams blocked by connection's fctl */
struct list blocked_list; /* list of streams blocked for other reasons (e.g. sfctl, dep) */
struct buffer_wait buf_wait; /* wait list for buffer allocations */
struct wait_event wait_event; /* To be used if we're waiting for I/Os */
/* H2 stream state, in h2s->st */
enum h2_ss {
H2_SS_IDLE = 0, // idle
H2_SS_RLOC, // reserved(local)
H2_SS_RREM, // reserved(remote)
H2_SS_OPEN, // open
H2_SS_HREM, // half-closed(remote)
H2_SS_HLOC, // half-closed(local)
H2_SS_ERROR, // an error needs to be sent using RST_STREAM
H2_SS_CLOSED, // closed
H2_SS_ENTRIES // must be last
} __attribute__((packed));
#define H2_SS_MASK(state) (1UL << (state))
#define H2_SS_IDLE_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_IDLE)
#define H2_SS_RLOC_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_RLOC)
#define H2_SS_RREM_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_RREM)
#define H2_SS_OPEN_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_OPEN)
#define H2_SS_HREM_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_HREM)
#define H2_SS_HLOC_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_HLOC)
#define H2_SS_ERROR_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_ERROR)
#define H2_SS_CLOSED_BIT (1UL << H2_SS_CLOSED)
/* HTTP/2 stream flags (32 bit), in h2s->flags */
#define H2_SF_NONE 0x00000000
#define H2_SF_ES_RCVD 0x00000001
#define H2_SF_ES_SENT 0x00000002
#define H2_SF_RST_RCVD 0x00000004 // received RST_STREAM
#define H2_SF_RST_SENT 0x00000008 // sent RST_STREAM
/* stream flags indicating the reason the stream is blocked */
#define H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY 0x00000010 // blocked waiting for mux access (transient)
#define H2_SF_BLK_MROOM 0x00000020 // blocked waiting for room in the mux (must be in send list)
#define H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL 0x00000040 // blocked due to mux fctl (must be in fctl list)
#define H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL 0x00000080 // blocked due to stream fctl (must be in blocked list)
#define H2_SF_BLK_ANY 0x000000F0 // any of the reasons above
/* stream flags indicating how data is supposed to be sent */
#define H2_SF_DATA_CLEN 0x00000100 // data sent using content-length
/* unused flags: 0x00000200, 0x00000400 */
#define H2_SF_NOTIFIED 0x00000800 // a paused stream was notified to try to send again
#define H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT 0x00001000 // a HEADERS frame was sent for this stream
#define H2_SF_OUTGOING_DATA 0x00002000 // set whenever we've seen outgoing data
#define H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD 0x00004000 // a HEADERS frame was received for this stream
#define H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR 0x00008000 // a stream couldn't shutr() (mux full/busy)
#define H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW 0x00010000 // a stream couldn't shutw() (mux full/busy)
#define H2_SF_KILL_CONN 0x00020000 // kill the whole connection with this stream
/* H2 stream descriptor, describing the stream as it appears in the H2C, and as
* it is being processed in the internal HTTP representation (H1 for now).
struct h2s {
struct conn_stream *cs;
struct session *sess;
struct h2c *h2c;
struct h1m h1m; /* request or response parser state for H1 */
struct eb32_node by_id; /* place in h2c's streams_by_id */
int32_t id; /* stream ID */
uint32_t flags; /* H2_SF_* */
int sws; /* stream window size, to be added to the mux's initial window size */
enum h2_err errcode; /* H2 err code (H2_ERR_*) */
enum h2_ss st;
uint16_t status; /* HTTP response status */
unsigned long long body_len; /* remaining body length according to content-length if H2_SF_DATA_CLEN */
struct buffer rxbuf; /* receive buffer, always valid (buf_empty or real buffer) */
struct wait_event *subs; /* recv wait_event the conn_stream associated is waiting on (via h2_subscribe) */
struct list list; /* To be used when adding in h2c->send_list or h2c->fctl_lsit */
struct tasklet *shut_tl; /* deferred shutdown tasklet, to retry to send an RST after we failed to,
* in case there's no other subscription to do it */
/* descriptor for an h2 frame header */
struct h2_fh {
uint32_t len; /* length, host order, 24 bits */
uint32_t sid; /* stream id, host order, 31 bits */
uint8_t ft; /* frame type */
uint8_t ff; /* frame flags */
/* trace source and events */
static void h2_trace(enum trace_level level, uint64_t mask, \
const struct trace_source *src,
const struct ist where, const struct ist func,
const void *a1, const void *a2, const void *a3, const void *a4);
/* The event representation is split like this :
* strm - application layer
* h2s - internal H2 stream
* h2c - internal H2 connection
* conn - external connection
static const struct trace_event h2_trace_events[] = {
#define H2_EV_H2C_NEW (1ULL << 0)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_NEW, .name = "h2c_new", .desc = "new H2 connection" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_RECV (1ULL << 1)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_RECV, .name = "h2c_recv", .desc = "Rx on H2 connection" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_SEND (1ULL << 2)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_SEND, .name = "h2c_send", .desc = "Tx on H2 connection" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_FCTL (1ULL << 3)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_FCTL, .name = "h2c_fctl", .desc = "H2 connection flow-controlled" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_BLK (1ULL << 4)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_BLK, .name = "h2c_blk", .desc = "H2 connection blocked" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_WAKE (1ULL << 5)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, .name = "h2c_wake", .desc = "H2 connection woken up" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_END (1ULL << 6)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_END, .name = "h2c_end", .desc = "H2 connection terminated" },
#define H2_EV_H2C_ERR (1ULL << 7)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2C_ERR, .name = "h2c_err", .desc = "error on H2 connection" },
#define H2_EV_RX_FHDR (1ULL << 8)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_FHDR, .name = "rx_fhdr", .desc = "H2 frame header received" },
#define H2_EV_RX_FRAME (1ULL << 9)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_FRAME, .name = "rx_frame", .desc = "receipt of any H2 frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_EOI (1ULL << 10)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_EOI, .name = "rx_eoi", .desc = "receipt of end of H2 input (ES or RST)" },
#define H2_EV_RX_PREFACE (1ULL << 11)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_PREFACE, .name = "rx_preface", .desc = "receipt of H2 preface" },
#define H2_EV_RX_DATA (1ULL << 12)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_DATA, .name = "rx_data", .desc = "receipt of H2 DATA frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_HDR (1ULL << 13)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_HDR, .name = "rx_hdr", .desc = "receipt of H2 HEADERS frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_PRIO (1ULL << 14)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_PRIO, .name = "rx_prio", .desc = "receipt of H2 PRIORITY frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_RST (1ULL << 15)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_RST, .name = "rx_rst", .desc = "receipt of H2 RST_STREAM frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS (1ULL << 16)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS, .name = "rx_settings", .desc = "receipt of H2 SETTINGS frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_PUSH (1ULL << 17)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_PUSH, .name = "rx_push", .desc = "receipt of H2 PUSH_PROMISE frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_PING (1ULL << 18)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_PING, .name = "rx_ping", .desc = "receipt of H2 PING frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_GOAWAY (1ULL << 19)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_GOAWAY, .name = "rx_goaway", .desc = "receipt of H2 GOAWAY frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_WU (1ULL << 20)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_WU, .name = "rx_wu", .desc = "receipt of H2 WINDOW_UPDATE frame" },
#define H2_EV_RX_CONT (1ULL << 21)
{ .mask = H2_EV_RX_CONT, .name = "rx_cont", .desc = "receipt of H2 CONTINUATION frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_FRAME (1ULL << 22)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_FRAME, .name = "tx_frame", .desc = "transmission of any H2 frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_EOI (1ULL << 23)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_EOI, .name = "tx_eoi", .desc = "transmission of H2 end of input (ES or RST)" },
#define H2_EV_TX_PREFACE (1ULL << 24)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_PREFACE, .name = "tx_preface", .desc = "transmission of H2 preface" },
#define H2_EV_TX_DATA (1ULL << 25)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_DATA, .name = "tx_data", .desc = "transmission of H2 DATA frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_HDR (1ULL << 26)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_HDR, .name = "tx_hdr", .desc = "transmission of H2 HEADERS frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_PRIO (1ULL << 27)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_PRIO, .name = "tx_prio", .desc = "transmission of H2 PRIORITY frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_RST (1ULL << 28)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_RST, .name = "tx_rst", .desc = "transmission of H2 RST_STREAM frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_SETTINGS (1ULL << 29)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_SETTINGS, .name = "tx_settings", .desc = "transmission of H2 SETTINGS frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_PUSH (1ULL << 30)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_PUSH, .name = "tx_push", .desc = "transmission of H2 PUSH_PROMISE frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_PING (1ULL << 31)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_PING, .name = "tx_ping", .desc = "transmission of H2 PING frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_GOAWAY (1ULL << 32)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_GOAWAY, .name = "tx_goaway", .desc = "transmission of H2 GOAWAY frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_WU (1ULL << 33)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_WU, .name = "tx_wu", .desc = "transmission of H2 WINDOW_UPDATE frame" },
#define H2_EV_TX_CONT (1ULL << 34)
{ .mask = H2_EV_TX_CONT, .name = "tx_cont", .desc = "transmission of H2 CONTINUATION frame" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_NEW (1ULL << 35)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_NEW, .name = "h2s_new", .desc = "new H2 stream" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_RECV (1ULL << 36)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_RECV, .name = "h2s_recv", .desc = "Rx for H2 stream" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_SEND (1ULL << 37)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_SEND, .name = "h2s_send", .desc = "Tx for H2 stream" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_FCTL (1ULL << 38)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_FCTL, .name = "h2s_fctl", .desc = "H2 stream flow-controlled" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_BLK (1ULL << 39)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_BLK, .name = "h2s_blk", .desc = "H2 stream blocked" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_WAKE (1ULL << 40)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, .name = "h2s_wake", .desc = "H2 stream woken up" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_END (1ULL << 41)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_END, .name = "h2s_end", .desc = "H2 stream terminated" },
#define H2_EV_H2S_ERR (1ULL << 42)
{ .mask = H2_EV_H2S_ERR, .name = "h2s_err", .desc = "error on H2 stream" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_NEW (1ULL << 43)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_NEW, .name = "strm_new", .desc = "app-layer stream creation" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_RECV (1ULL << 44)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_RECV, .name = "strm_recv", .desc = "receiving data for stream" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_SEND (1ULL << 45)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_SEND, .name = "strm_send", .desc = "sending data for stream" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_FULL (1ULL << 46)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_FULL, .name = "strm_full", .desc = "stream buffer full" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_WAKE (1ULL << 47)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, .name = "strm_wake", .desc = "stream woken up" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_SHUT (1ULL << 48)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, .name = "strm_shut", .desc = "stream shutdown" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_END (1ULL << 49)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_END, .name = "strm_end", .desc = "detaching app-layer stream" },
#define H2_EV_STRM_ERR (1ULL << 50)
{ .mask = H2_EV_STRM_ERR, .name = "strm_err", .desc = "stream error" },
#define H2_EV_PROTO_ERR (1ULL << 51)
{ .mask = H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, .name = "proto_err", .desc = "protocol error" },
{ }
static const struct name_desc h2_trace_lockon_args[4] = {
/* arg1 */ { /* already used by the connection */ },
/* arg2 */ { .name="h2s", .desc="H2 stream" },
/* arg3 */ { },
/* arg4 */ { }
static const struct name_desc h2_trace_decoding[] = {
#define H2_VERB_CLEAN 1
{ .name="clean", .desc="only user-friendly stuff, generally suitable for level \"user\"" },
#define H2_VERB_MINIMAL 2
{ .name="minimal", .desc="report only h2c/h2s state and flags, no real decoding" },
#define H2_VERB_SIMPLE 3
{ .name="simple", .desc="add request/response status line or frame info when available" },
#define H2_VERB_ADVANCED 4
{ .name="advanced", .desc="add header fields or frame decoding when available" },
#define H2_VERB_COMPLETE 5
{ .name="complete", .desc="add full data dump when available" },
{ /* end */ }
static struct trace_source trace_h2 = {
.name = IST("h2"),
.desc = "HTTP/2 multiplexer",
.arg_def = TRC_ARG1_CONN, // TRACE()'s first argument is always a connection
.default_cb = h2_trace,
.known_events = h2_trace_events,
.lockon_args = h2_trace_lockon_args,
.decoding = h2_trace_decoding,
.report_events = ~0, // report everything by default
#define TRACE_SOURCE &trace_h2
INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, trace_register_source, TRACE_SOURCE);
/* the h2c connection pool */
DECLARE_STATIC_POOL(pool_head_h2c, "h2c", sizeof(struct h2c));
/* the h2s stream pool */
DECLARE_STATIC_POOL(pool_head_h2s, "h2s", sizeof(struct h2s));
/* The default connection window size is 65535, it may only be enlarged using
* a WINDOW_UPDATE message. Since the window must never be larger than 2G-1,
* we'll pretend we already received the difference between the two to send
* an equivalent window update to enlarge it to 2G-1.
#define H2_INITIAL_WINDOW_INCREMENT ((1U<<31)-1 - 65535)
/* maximum amount of data we're OK with re-aligning for buffer optimizations */
#define MAX_DATA_REALIGN 1024
/* a few settings from the global section */
static int h2_settings_header_table_size = 4096; /* initial value */
static int h2_settings_initial_window_size = 65535; /* initial value */
static unsigned int h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams = 100;
static int h2_settings_max_frame_size = 0; /* unset */
/* a dmumy closed stream */
static const struct h2s *h2_closed_stream = &(const struct h2s){
.cs = NULL,
.h2c = NULL,
.st = H2_SS_CLOSED,
.errcode = H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED,
.flags = H2_SF_RST_RCVD,
.id = 0,
/* a dmumy closed stream returning a PROTOCOL_ERROR error */
static const struct h2s *h2_error_stream = &(const struct h2s){
.cs = NULL,
.h2c = NULL,
.st = H2_SS_CLOSED,
.flags = 0,
.id = 0,
/* a dmumy closed stream returning a REFUSED_STREAM error */
static const struct h2s *h2_refused_stream = &(const struct h2s){
.cs = NULL,
.h2c = NULL,
.st = H2_SS_CLOSED,
.flags = 0,
.id = 0,
/* and a dummy idle stream for use with any unannounced stream */
static const struct h2s *h2_idle_stream = &(const struct h2s){
.cs = NULL,
.h2c = NULL,
.st = H2_SS_IDLE,
.errcode = H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED,
.id = 0,
static struct task *h2_timeout_task(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned short state);
static int h2_send(struct h2c *h2c);
static int h2_recv(struct h2c *h2c);
static int h2_process(struct h2c *h2c);
static struct task *h2_io_cb(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned short state);
static inline struct h2s *h2c_st_by_id(struct h2c *h2c, int id);
static int h2c_decode_headers(struct h2c *h2c, struct buffer *rxbuf, uint32_t *flags, unsigned long long *body_len);
static int h2_frt_transfer_data(struct h2s *h2s);
static struct task *h2_deferred_shut(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned short state);
static struct h2s *h2c_bck_stream_new(struct h2c *h2c, struct conn_stream *cs, struct session *sess);
static void h2s_alert(struct h2s *h2s);
/* returns a h2c state as an abbreviated 3-letter string, or "???" if unknown */
static inline const char *h2c_st_to_str(enum h2_cs st)
switch (st) {
case H2_CS_PREFACE: return "PRF";
case H2_CS_SETTINGS1: return "STG";
case H2_CS_FRAME_H: return "FRH";
case H2_CS_FRAME_P: return "FRP";
case H2_CS_FRAME_A: return "FRA";
case H2_CS_FRAME_E: return "FRE";
case H2_CS_ERROR: return "ERR";
case H2_CS_ERROR2: return "ER2";
default: return "???";
/* returns a h2s state as an abbreviated 3-letter string, or "???" if unknown */
static inline const char *h2s_st_to_str(enum h2_ss st)
switch (st) {
case H2_SS_IDLE: return "IDL"; // idle
case H2_SS_RLOC: return "RSL"; // reserved local
case H2_SS_RREM: return "RSR"; // reserved remote
case H2_SS_OPEN: return "OPN"; // open
case H2_SS_HREM: return "HCR"; // half-closed remote
case H2_SS_HLOC: return "HCL"; // half-closed local
case H2_SS_ERROR : return "ERR"; // error
case H2_SS_CLOSED: return "CLO"; // closed
default: return "???";
/* the H2 traces always expect that arg1, if non-null, is of type connection
* (from which we can derive h2c), that arg2, if non-null, is of type h2s, and
* that arg3, if non-null, is either of type htx for tx headers, or of type
* buffer for everything else.
static void h2_trace(enum trace_level level, uint64_t mask, const struct trace_source *src,
const struct ist where, const struct ist func,
const void *a1, const void *a2, const void *a3, const void *a4)
const struct connection *conn = a1;
const struct h2c *h2c = conn ? conn->ctx : NULL;
const struct h2s *h2s = a2;
const struct buffer *buf = a3;
const struct htx *htx;
int pos;
if (!h2c) // nothing to add
if (src->verbosity > H2_VERB_CLEAN) {
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " : h2c=%p(%c,%s)", h2c, conn_is_back(conn) ? 'B' : 'F', h2c_st_to_str(h2c->st0));
if (h2c->errcode)
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " err=%s/%02x", h2_err_str(h2c->errcode), h2c->errcode);
if (h2c->dsi >= 0 &&
(mask & (H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR)) == (H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR)) {
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " dft=%s/%02x dfl=%d", h2_ft_str(h2c->dft), h2c->dff, h2c->dfl);
if (h2s) {
if (h2s->id <= 0)
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " dsi=%d", h2c->dsi);
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " h2s=%p(%d,%s)", h2s, h2s->id, h2s_st_to_str(h2s->st));
if (h2s->id && h2s->errcode)
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " err=%s/%02x", h2_err_str(h2s->errcode), h2s->errcode);
/* Let's dump decoded requests and responses right after parsing. They
* are traced at level USER with a few recognizable flags.
if ((mask == (H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_STRM_NEW) ||
mask == (H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR)) && buf)
htx = htxbuf(buf); // recv req/res
else if (mask == (H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR))
htx = a3; // send req/res
htx = NULL;
if (level == TRACE_LEVEL_USER && src->verbosity != H2_VERB_MINIMAL && htx && (pos = htx_get_head(htx)) != -1) {
const struct htx_blk *blk = htx_get_blk(htx, pos);
const struct htx_sl *sl = htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk);
enum htx_blk_type type = htx_get_blk_type(blk);
if (type == HTX_BLK_REQ_SL)
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " : [%d] H2 REQ: %.*s %.*s %.*s",
h2s ? h2s->id : h2c->dsi,
HTX_SL_P1_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P1_PTR(sl),
HTX_SL_P2_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P2_PTR(sl),
HTX_SL_P3_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P3_PTR(sl));
else if (type == HTX_BLK_RES_SL)
chunk_appendf(&trace_buf, " : [%d] H2 RES: %.*s %.*s %.*s",
h2s ? h2s->id : h2c->dsi,
HTX_SL_P1_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P1_PTR(sl),
HTX_SL_P2_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P2_PTR(sl),
HTX_SL_P3_LEN(sl), HTX_SL_P3_PTR(sl));
/* returns true if the connection is allowed to expire, false otherwise. A
* connection may expire when:
* - it has no stream
* - it has data in the mux buffer
* - it has streams in the blocked list
* - it has streams in the fctl list
* - it has streams in the send list
* Otherwise it means some streams are waiting in the data layer and it should
* not expire.
static inline int h2c_may_expire(const struct h2c *h2c)
return eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id) ||
br_data(h2c->mbuf) ||
!LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2c->blocked_list) ||
!LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2c->fctl_list) ||
static __inline int
h2c_is_dead(const struct h2c *h2c)
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id) && /* don't close if streams exist */
((h2c->conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) || /* errors close immediately */
(h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR && !h2c->task) || /* a timeout stroke earlier */
(!(h2c->conn->owner)) || /* Nobody's left to take care of the connection, drop it now */
(!br_data(h2c->mbuf) && /* mux buffer empty, also process clean events below */
(conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2c->conn) ||
(h2c->last_sid >= 0 && h2c->max_id >= h2c->last_sid)))))
return 1;
return 0;
/* functions below are for dynamic buffer management */
/* indicates whether or not the we may call the h2_recv() function to attempt
* to receive data into the buffer and/or demux pending data. The condition is
* a bit complex due to some API limits for now. The rules are the following :
* - if an error or a shutdown was detected on the connection and the buffer
* is empty, we must not attempt to receive
* - if the demux buf failed to be allocated, we must not try to receive and
* we know there is nothing pending
* - if no flag indicates a blocking condition, we may attempt to receive,
* regardless of whether the demux buffer is full or not, so that only
* de demux part decides whether or not to block. This is needed because
* the connection API indeed prevents us from re-enabling receipt that is
* already enabled in a polled state, so we must always immediately stop
* as soon as the demux can't proceed so as never to hit an end of read
* with data pending in the buffers.
* - otherwise must may not attempt
static inline int h2_recv_allowed(const struct h2c *h2c)
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) == 0 &&
(h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR ||
h2c->conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR ||
return 0;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_DALLOC) &&
!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_BLOCK_ANY))
return 1;
return 0;
/* restarts reading on the connection if it was not enabled */
static inline void h2c_restart_reading(const struct h2c *h2c, int consider_buffer)
if (!h2_recv_allowed(h2c))
if ((!consider_buffer || !b_data(&h2c->dbuf))
&& (h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_RECV))
/* returns true if the front connection has too many conn_streams attached */
static inline int h2_frt_has_too_many_cs(const struct h2c *h2c)
return h2c->nb_cs > h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams;
/* Tries to grab a buffer and to re-enable processing on mux <target>. The h2c
* flags are used to figure what buffer was requested. It returns 1 if the
* allocation succeeds, in which case the connection is woken up, or 0 if it's
* impossible to wake up and we prefer to be woken up later.
static int h2_buf_available(void *target)
struct h2c *h2c = target;
struct h2s *h2s;
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_DALLOC) && b_alloc_margin(&h2c->dbuf, 0)) {
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_DALLOC;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
return 1;
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC) && b_alloc_margin(br_tail(h2c->mbuf), 0)) {
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_MROOM) {
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
return 1;
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_SALLOC) &&
(h2s = h2c_st_by_id(h2c, h2c->dsi)) && h2s->cs &&
b_alloc_margin(&h2s->rxbuf, 0)) {
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_SALLOC;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
static inline struct buffer *h2_get_buf(struct h2c *h2c, struct buffer *bptr)
struct buffer *buf = NULL;
if (likely(!MT_LIST_ADDED(&h2c->buf_wait.list)) &&
unlikely((buf = b_alloc_margin(bptr, 0)) == NULL)) {
h2c->buf_wait.target = h2c;
h2c->buf_wait.wakeup_cb = h2_buf_available;
MT_LIST_ADDQ(&buffer_wq, &h2c->buf_wait.list);
return buf;
static inline void h2_release_buf(struct h2c *h2c, struct buffer *bptr)
if (bptr->size) {
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
static inline void h2_release_mbuf(struct h2c *h2c)
struct buffer *buf;
unsigned int count = 0;
while (b_size(buf = br_head_pick(h2c->mbuf))) {
if (count)
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
/* returns the number of allocatable outgoing streams for the connection taking
* the last_sid and the reserved ones into account.
static inline int h2_streams_left(const struct h2c *h2c)
int ret;
/* consider the number of outgoing streams we're allowed to create before
* reaching the last GOAWAY frame seen. max_id is the last assigned id,
* nb_reserved is the number of streams which don't yet have an ID.
ret = (h2c->last_sid >= 0) ? h2c->last_sid : 0x7FFFFFFF;
ret = (unsigned int)(ret - h2c->max_id) / 2 - h2c->nb_reserved - 1;
if (ret < 0)
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* returns the number of streams in use on a connection to figure if it's
* idle or not. We check nb_cs and not nb_streams as the caller will want
* to know if it was the last one after a detach().
static int h2_used_streams(struct connection *conn)
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
return h2c->nb_cs;
/* returns the number of concurrent streams available on the connection */
static int h2_avail_streams(struct connection *conn)
struct server *srv = objt_server(conn->target);
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
int ret1, ret2;
/* RFC7540#6.8: Receivers of a GOAWAY frame MUST NOT open additional
* streams on the connection.
if (h2c->last_sid >= 0)
return 0;
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
return 0;
/* note: may be negative if a SETTINGS frame changes the limit */
ret1 = h2c->streams_limit - h2c->nb_streams;
/* we must also consider the limit imposed by stream IDs */
ret2 = h2_streams_left(h2c);
ret1 = MIN(ret1, ret2);
if (ret1 > 0 && srv && srv->max_reuse >= 0) {
ret2 = h2c->stream_cnt <= srv->max_reuse ? srv->max_reuse - h2c->stream_cnt + 1: 0;
ret1 = MIN(ret1, ret2);
return ret1;
/* functions below are dedicated to the mux setup and management */
/* Initialize the mux once it's attached. For outgoing connections, the context
* is already initialized before installing the mux, so we detect incoming
* connections from the fact that the context is still NULL (even during mux
* upgrades). <input> is always used as Input buffer and may contain data. It is
* the caller responsibility to not reuse it anymore. Returns < 0 on error.
static int h2_init(struct connection *conn, struct proxy *prx, struct session *sess,
struct buffer *input)
struct h2c *h2c;
struct task *t = NULL;
void *conn_ctx = conn->ctx;
h2c = pool_alloc(pool_head_h2c);
if (!h2c)
goto fail_no_h2c;
if (conn_is_back(conn)) {
h2c->flags = H2_CF_IS_BACK;
h2c->shut_timeout = h2c->timeout = prx->timeout.server;
if (tick_isset(prx->timeout.serverfin))
h2c->shut_timeout = prx->timeout.serverfin;
} else {
h2c->flags = H2_CF_NONE;
h2c->shut_timeout = h2c->timeout = prx->timeout.client;
if (tick_isset(prx->timeout.clientfin))
h2c->shut_timeout = prx->timeout.clientfin;
h2c->proxy = prx;
h2c->task = NULL;
if (tick_isset(h2c->timeout)) {
t = task_new(tid_bit);
if (!t)
goto fail;
h2c->task = t;
t->process = h2_timeout_task;
t->context = h2c;
t->expire = tick_add(now_ms, h2c->timeout);
h2c->wait_event.tasklet = tasklet_new();
if (!h2c->wait_event.tasklet)
goto fail;
h2c->wait_event.tasklet->process = h2_io_cb;
h2c->wait_event.tasklet->context = h2c;
h2c->wait_event.events = 0;
h2c->ddht = hpack_dht_alloc();
if (!h2c->ddht)
goto fail;
/* Initialise the context. */
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_PREFACE;
h2c->conn = conn;
h2c->streams_limit = h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams;
h2c->max_id = -1;
h2c->errcode = H2_ERR_NO_ERROR;
h2c->rcvd_c = 0;
h2c->rcvd_s = 0;
h2c->nb_streams = 0;
h2c->nb_cs = 0;
h2c->nb_reserved = 0;
h2c->stream_cnt = 0;
h2c->dbuf = *input;
h2c->dsi = -1;
h2c->msi = -1;
h2c->last_sid = -1;
br_init(h2c->mbuf, sizeof(h2c->mbuf) / sizeof(h2c->mbuf[0]));
h2c->miw = 65535; /* mux initial window size */
h2c->mws = 65535; /* mux window size */
h2c->mfs = 16384; /* initial max frame size */
h2c->streams_by_id = EB_ROOT;
conn->ctx = h2c;
if (t)
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) {
/* FIXME: this is temporary, for outgoing connections we need
* to immediately allocate a stream until the code is modified
* so that the caller calls ->attach(). For now the outgoing cs
* is stored as conn->ctx by the caller and saved in conn_ctx.
struct h2s *h2s;
h2s = h2c_bck_stream_new(h2c, conn_ctx, sess);
if (!h2s)
goto fail_stream;
/* prepare to read something */
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
return 0;
if (h2c->wait_event.tasklet)
pool_free(pool_head_h2c, h2c);
conn->ctx = conn_ctx; /* restore saved ctx */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error", H2_EV_H2C_NEW|H2_EV_H2C_END|H2_EV_H2C_ERR);
return -1;
/* returns the next allocatable outgoing stream ID for the H2 connection, or
* -1 if no more is allocatable.
static inline int32_t h2c_get_next_sid(const struct h2c *h2c)
int32_t id = (h2c->max_id + 1) | 1;
if ((id & 0x80000000U) || (h2c->last_sid >= 0 && id > h2c->last_sid))
id = -1;
return id;
/* returns the stream associated with id <id> or NULL if not found */
static inline struct h2s *h2c_st_by_id(struct h2c *h2c, int id)
struct eb32_node *node;
if (id == 0)
return (struct h2s *)h2_closed_stream;
if (id > h2c->max_id)
return (struct h2s *)h2_idle_stream;
node = eb32_lookup(&h2c->streams_by_id, id);
if (!node)
return (struct h2s *)h2_closed_stream;
return container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
/* release function. This one should be called to free all resources allocated
* to the mux.
static void h2_release(struct h2c *h2c)
struct connection *conn = NULL;
if (h2c) {
/* The connection must be aattached to this mux to be released */
if (h2c->conn && h2c->conn->ctx == h2c)
conn = h2c->conn;
TRACE_DEVEL("freeing h2c", H2_EV_H2C_END, conn);
if (MT_LIST_ADDED(&h2c->buf_wait.list))
h2_release_buf(h2c, &h2c->dbuf);
if (h2c->task) {
h2c->task->context = NULL;
task_wakeup(h2c->task, TASK_WOKEN_OTHER);
h2c->task = NULL;
if (h2c->wait_event.tasklet)
if (conn && h2c->wait_event.events != 0)
conn->xprt->unsubscribe(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, h2c->wait_event.events,
pool_free(pool_head_h2c, h2c);
if (conn) {
conn->mux = NULL;
conn->ctx = NULL;
TRACE_DEVEL("freeing conn", H2_EV_H2C_END, conn);
if (conn->destroy_cb)
/* functions below are for the H2 protocol processing */
/* returns the stream if of stream <h2s> or 0 if <h2s> is NULL */
static inline __maybe_unused int h2s_id(const struct h2s *h2s)
return h2s ? h2s->id : 0;
/* returns the sum of the stream's own window size and the mux's initial
* window, which together form the stream's effective window size.
static inline int h2s_mws(const struct h2s *h2s)
return h2s->sws + h2s->h2c->miw;
/* returns true of the mux is currently busy as seen from stream <h2s> */
static inline __maybe_unused int h2c_mux_busy(const struct h2c *h2c, const struct h2s *h2s)
if (h2c->msi < 0)
return 0;
if (h2c->msi == h2s_id(h2s))
return 0;
return 1;
/* marks an error on the connection */
static inline __maybe_unused void h2c_error(struct h2c *h2c, enum h2_err err)
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_H2C_ERR, h2c->conn, 0, 0, (void *)(long)(err));
h2c->errcode = err;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR;
/* marks an error on the stream. It may also update an already closed stream
* (e.g. to report an error after an RST was received).
static inline __maybe_unused void h2s_error(struct h2s *h2s, enum h2_err err)
if (h2s->id && h2s->st != H2_SS_ERROR) {
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s, 0, (void *)(long)(err));
h2s->errcode = err;
if (h2s->st < H2_SS_ERROR)
h2s->st = H2_SS_ERROR;
if (h2s->cs)
/* attempt to notify the data layer of recv availability */
static void __maybe_unused h2s_notify_recv(struct h2s *h2s)
if (h2s->subs && h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_RECV) {
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->subs->events &= ~SUB_RETRY_RECV;
if (!h2s->subs->events)
h2s->subs = NULL;
/* attempt to notify the data layer of send availability */
static void __maybe_unused h2s_notify_send(struct h2s *h2s)
if (h2s->subs && h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND) {
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_NOTIFIED;
h2s->subs->events &= ~SUB_RETRY_SEND;
if (!h2s->subs->events)
h2s->subs = NULL;
else if (h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR | H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)) {
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* alerts the data layer, trying to wake it up by all means, following
* this sequence :
* - if the h2s' data layer is subscribed to recv, then it's woken up for recv
* - if its subscribed to send, then it's woken up for send
* - if it was subscribed to neither, its ->wake() callback is called
* It is safe to call this function with a closed stream which doesn't have a
* conn_stream anymore.
static void __maybe_unused h2s_alert(struct h2s *h2s)
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2s->subs ||
(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR | H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW))) {
else if (h2s->cs && h2s->cs->data_cb->wake != NULL) {
TRACE_POINT(H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* writes the 24-bit frame size <len> at address <frame> */
static inline __maybe_unused void h2_set_frame_size(void *frame, uint32_t len)
uint8_t *out = frame;
*out = len >> 16;
write_n16(out + 1, len);
/* reads <bytes> bytes from buffer <b> starting at relative offset <o> from the
* current pointer, dealing with wrapping, and stores the result in <dst>. It's
* the caller's responsibility to verify that there are at least <bytes> bytes
* available in the buffer's input prior to calling this function. The buffer
* is assumed not to hold any output data.
static inline __maybe_unused void h2_get_buf_bytes(void *dst, size_t bytes,
const struct buffer *b, int o)
readv_bytes(dst, bytes, b_peek(b, o), b_wrap(b) - b_peek(b, o), b_orig(b));
static inline __maybe_unused uint16_t h2_get_n16(const struct buffer *b, int o)
return readv_n16(b_peek(b, o), b_wrap(b) - b_peek(b, o), b_orig(b));
static inline __maybe_unused uint32_t h2_get_n32(const struct buffer *b, int o)
return readv_n32(b_peek(b, o), b_wrap(b) - b_peek(b, o), b_orig(b));
static inline __maybe_unused uint64_t h2_get_n64(const struct buffer *b, int o)
return readv_n64(b_peek(b, o), b_wrap(b) - b_peek(b, o), b_orig(b));
/* Peeks an H2 frame header from offset <o> of buffer <b> into descriptor <h>.
* The algorithm is not obvious. It turns out that H2 headers are neither
* aligned nor do they use regular sizes. And to add to the trouble, the buffer
* may wrap so each byte read must be checked. The header is formed like this :
* b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5..b8
* +----------+---------+--------+----+----+----------------------+
* |len[23:16]|len[15:8]|len[7:0]|type|flag|sid[31:0] (big endian)|
* +----------+---------+--------+----+----+----------------------+
* Here we read a big-endian 64 bit word from h[1]. This way in a single read
* we get the sid properly aligned and ordered, and 16 bits of len properly
* ordered as well. The type and flags can be extracted using bit shifts from
* the word, and only one extra read is needed to fetch len[16:23].
* Returns zero if some bytes are missing, otherwise non-zero on success. The
* buffer is assumed not to contain any output data.
static __maybe_unused int h2_peek_frame_hdr(const struct buffer *b, int o, struct h2_fh *h)
uint64_t w;
if (b_data(b) < o + 9)
return 0;
w = h2_get_n64(b, o + 1);
h->len = *(uint8_t*)b_peek(b, o) << 16;
h->sid = w & 0x7FFFFFFF; /* RFC7540#4.1: R bit must be ignored */
h->ff = w >> 32;
h->ft = w >> 40;
h->len += w >> 48;
return 1;
/* skip the next 9 bytes corresponding to the frame header possibly parsed by
* h2_peek_frame_hdr() above.
static inline __maybe_unused void h2_skip_frame_hdr(struct buffer *b)
b_del(b, 9);
/* same as above, automatically advances the buffer on success */
static inline __maybe_unused int h2_get_frame_hdr(struct buffer *b, struct h2_fh *h)
int ret;
ret = h2_peek_frame_hdr(b, 0, h);
if (ret > 0)
return ret;
/* try to fragment the headers frame present at the beginning of buffer <b>,
* enforcing a limit of <mfs> bytes per frame. Returns 0 on failure, 1 on
* success. Typical causes of failure include a buffer not large enough to
* add extra frame headers. The existing frame size is read in the current
* frame. Its EH flag will be cleared if CONTINUATION frames need to be added,
* and its length will be adjusted. The stream ID for continuation frames will
* be copied from the initial frame's.
static int h2_fragment_headers(struct buffer *b, uint32_t mfs)
size_t remain = b->data - 9;
int extra_frames = (remain - 1) / mfs;
size_t fsize;
char *fptr;
int frame;
if (b->data <= mfs + 9)
return 1;
/* Too large a frame, we need to fragment it using CONTINUATION
* frames. We start from the end and move tails as needed.
if (b->data + extra_frames * 9 > b->size)
return 0;
for (frame = extra_frames; frame; frame--) {
fsize = ((remain - 1) % mfs) + 1;
remain -= fsize;
/* move data */
fptr = b->area + 9 + remain + (frame - 1) * 9;
memmove(fptr + 9, b->area + 9 + remain, fsize);
b->data += 9;
/* write new frame header */
h2_set_frame_size(fptr, fsize);
fptr[4] = (frame == extra_frames) ? H2_F_HEADERS_END_HEADERS : 0;
write_n32(fptr + 5, read_n32(b->area + 5));
b->area[4] &= ~H2_F_HEADERS_END_HEADERS;
h2_set_frame_size(b->area, remain);
return 1;
/* marks stream <h2s> as CLOSED and decrement the number of active streams for
* its connection if the stream was not yet closed. Please use this exclusively
* before closing a stream to ensure stream count is well maintained.
static inline void h2s_close(struct h2s *h2s)
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_CLOSED) {
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_END, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!h2s->id)
if (h2s->cs) {
if (!(h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_EOS) && !b_data(&h2s->rxbuf))
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_END, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->st = H2_SS_CLOSED;
/* detaches an H2 stream from its H2C and releases it to the H2S pool. */
/* h2s_destroy should only ever be called by the thread that owns the stream,
* that means that a tasklet should be used if we want to destroy the h2s
* from another thread
static void h2s_destroy(struct h2s *h2s)
struct connection *conn = h2s->h2c->conn;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_END, conn, h2s);
if (b_size(&h2s->rxbuf)) {
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
if (h2s->subs)
h2s->subs->events = 0;
/* There's no need to explicitly call unsubscribe here, the only
* reference left would be in the h2c send_list/fctl_list, and if
* we're in it, we're getting out anyway
/* ditto, calling tasklet_free() here should be ok */
pool_free(pool_head_h2s, h2s);
/* allocates a new stream <id> for connection <h2c> and adds it into h2c's
* stream tree. In case of error, nothing is added and NULL is returned. The
* causes of errors can be any failed memory allocation. The caller is
* responsible for checking if the connection may support an extra stream
* prior to calling this function.
static struct h2s *h2s_new(struct h2c *h2c, int id)
struct h2s *h2s;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn);
h2s = pool_alloc(pool_head_h2s);
if (!h2s)
goto out;
h2s->shut_tl = tasklet_new();
if (!h2s->shut_tl) {
pool_free(pool_head_h2s, h2s);
goto out;
h2s->subs = NULL;
h2s->shut_tl->process = h2_deferred_shut;
h2s->shut_tl->context = h2s;
h2s->h2c = h2c;
h2s->cs = NULL;
h2s->sws = 0;
h2s->flags = H2_SF_NONE;
h2s->errcode = H2_ERR_NO_ERROR;
h2s->st = H2_SS_IDLE;
h2s->status = 0;
h2s->body_len = 0;
h2s->rxbuf = BUF_NULL;
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) {
h2s->h1m.err_pos = -1; // don't care about errors on the request path
h2s->h1m.flags |= H1_MF_TOLOWER;
} else {
h2s->h1m.err_pos = -1; // don't care about errors on the response path
h2s->h1m.flags |= H1_MF_TOLOWER;
h2s->by_id.key = h2s->id = id;
if (id > 0)
h2c->max_id = id;
eb32_insert(&h2c->streams_by_id, &h2s->by_id);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn, h2s);
return h2s;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error", H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_H2S_END, h2c->conn);
return NULL;
/* creates a new stream <id> on the h2c connection and returns it, or NULL in
* case of memory allocation error.
static struct h2s *h2c_frt_stream_new(struct h2c *h2c, int id)
struct session *sess = h2c->conn->owner;
struct conn_stream *cs;
struct h2s *h2s;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->nb_streams >= h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams)
goto out;
h2s = h2s_new(h2c, id);
if (!h2s)
goto out;
cs = cs_new(h2c->conn, h2c->conn->target);
if (!cs)
goto out_close;
cs->flags |= CS_FL_NOT_FIRST;
h2s->cs = cs;
cs->ctx = h2s;
if (stream_create_from_cs(cs) < 0)
goto out_free_cs;
/* We want the accept date presented to the next stream to be the one
* we have now, the handshake time to be null (since the next stream
* is not delayed by a handshake), and the idle time to count since
* right now.
sess->accept_date = date;
sess->tv_accept = now;
sess->t_handshake = 0;
/* OK done, the stream lives its own life now */
if (h2_frt_has_too_many_cs(h2c))
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn);
return h2s;
h2s->cs = NULL;
return NULL;
/* allocates a new stream associated to conn_stream <cs> on the h2c connection
* and returns it, or NULL in case of memory allocation error or if the highest
* possible stream ID was reached.
static struct h2s *h2c_bck_stream_new(struct h2c *h2c, struct conn_stream *cs, struct session *sess)
struct h2s *h2s = NULL;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->nb_streams >= h2c->streams_limit)
goto out;
if (h2_streams_left(h2c) < 1)
goto out;
/* Defer choosing the ID until we send the first message to create the stream */
h2s = h2s_new(h2c, 0);
if (!h2s)
goto out;
h2s->cs = cs;
h2s->sess = sess;
cs->ctx = h2s;
if (likely(h2s))
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, h2c->conn, h2s);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_NEW|H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_H2S_END, h2c->conn, h2s);
return h2s;
/* try to send a settings frame on the connection. Returns > 0 on success, 0 if
* it couldn't do anything. It may return an error in h2c. See RFC7540#11.3 for
* the various settings codes.
static int h2c_send_settings(struct h2c *h2c)
struct buffer *res;
char buf_data[100]; // enough for 15 settings
struct buffer buf;
int mfs;
int ret = 0;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, NULL)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
chunk_init(&buf, buf_data, sizeof(buf_data));
"\x00\x00\x00" /* length : 0 for now */
"\x04\x00" /* type : 4 (settings), flags : 0 */
"\x00\x00\x00\x00", /* stream ID : 0 */
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) {
/* send settings_enable_push=0 */
chunk_memcat(&buf, "\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00", 6);
if (h2_settings_header_table_size != 4096) {
char str[6] = "\x00\x01"; /* header_table_size */
write_n32(str + 2, h2_settings_header_table_size);
chunk_memcat(&buf, str, 6);
if (h2_settings_initial_window_size != 65535) {
char str[6] = "\x00\x04"; /* initial_window_size */
write_n32(str + 2, h2_settings_initial_window_size);
chunk_memcat(&buf, str, 6);
if (h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams != 0) {
char str[6] = "\x00\x03"; /* max_concurrent_streams */
/* Note: 0 means "unlimited" for haproxy's config but not for
* the protocol, so never send this value!
write_n32(str + 2, h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams);
chunk_memcat(&buf, str, 6);
mfs = h2_settings_max_frame_size;
if (mfs > global.tune.bufsize)
mfs = global.tune.bufsize;
if (!mfs)
mfs = global.tune.bufsize;
if (mfs != 16384) {
char str[6] = "\x00\x05"; /* max_frame_size */
/* note: similarly we could also emit MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE to
* match bufsize - rewrite size, but at the moment it seems
* that clients don't take care of it.
write_n32(str + 2, mfs);
chunk_memcat(&buf, str, 6);
h2_set_frame_size(buf.area, buf.data - 9);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(buf.area, buf.data));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* Try to receive a connection preface, then upon success try to send our
* preface which is a SETTINGS frame. Returns > 0 on success or zero on
* missing data. It may return an error in h2c.
static int h2c_frt_recv_preface(struct h2c *h2c)
int ret1;
int ret2;
ret1 = b_isteq(&h2c->dbuf, 0, b_data(&h2c->dbuf), ist(H2_CONN_PREFACE));
if (unlikely(ret1 <= 0)) {
if (ret1 < 0)
if (ret1 < 0 || conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2c->conn))
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
ret2 = 0;
goto out;
ret2 = h2c_send_settings(h2c);
if (ret2 > 0)
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, ret1);
return ret2;
/* Try to send a connection preface, then upon success try to send our
* preface which is a SETTINGS frame. Returns > 0 on success or zero on
* missing data. It may return an error in h2c.
static int h2c_bck_send_preface(struct h2c *h2c)
struct buffer *res;
int ret = 0;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, NULL)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
if (!b_data(res)) {
/* preface not yet sent */
ret = b_istput(res, ist(H2_CONN_PREFACE));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto out;
ret = h2c_send_settings(h2c);
return ret;
/* try to send a GOAWAY frame on the connection to report an error or a graceful
* shutdown, with h2c->errcode as the error code. Returns > 0 on success or zero
* if nothing was done. It uses h2c->last_sid as the advertised ID, or copies it
* from h2c->max_id if it's not set yet (<0). In case of lack of room to write
* the message, it subscribes the requester (either <h2s> or <h2c>) to future
* notifications. It sets H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT on success, and H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED
* on unrecoverable failure. It will not attempt to send one again in this last
* case so that it is safe to use h2c_error() to report such errors.
static int h2c_send_goaway_error(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
struct buffer *res;
char str[17];
int ret = 0;
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED) {
ret = 1; // claim that it worked
goto out;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
if (h2s)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
/* len: 8, type: 7, flags: none, sid: 0 */
memcpy(str, "\x00\x00\x08\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 9);
if (h2c->last_sid < 0)
h2c->last_sid = h2c->max_id;
write_n32(str + 9, h2c->last_sid);
write_n32(str + 13, h2c->errcode);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
if (h2s)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 17));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
if (h2s)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
else {
/* we cannot report this error using GOAWAY, so we mark
* it and claim a success.
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED;
ret = 1;
goto out;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT;
return ret;
/* Try to send an RST_STREAM frame on the connection for the indicated stream
* during mux operations. This stream must be valid and cannot be closed
* already. h2s->id will be used for the stream ID and h2s->errcode will be
* used for the error code. h2s->st will be update to H2_SS_CLOSED if it was
* not yet.
* Returns > 0 on success or zero if nothing was done. In case of lack of room
* to write the message, it subscribes the stream to future notifications.
static int h2s_send_rst_stream(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
struct buffer *res;
char str[13];
int ret = 0;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_RST, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!h2s || h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED) {
ret = 1;
goto out;
/* RFC7540#5.4.2: To avoid looping, an endpoint MUST NOT send a
* RST_STREAM in response to a RST_STREAM frame.
if (h2c->dsi == h2s->id && h2c->dft == H2_FT_RST_STREAM) {
ret = 1;
goto ignore;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
goto out;
/* len: 4, type: 3, flags: none */
memcpy(str, "\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00", 5);
write_n32(str + 5, h2s->id);
write_n32(str + 9, h2s->errcode);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 13));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
goto out;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto out;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_RST_SENT;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_RST, h2c->conn, h2s);
return ret;
/* Try to send an RST_STREAM frame on the connection for the stream being
* demuxed using h2c->dsi for the stream ID. It will use h2s->errcode as the
* error code, even if the stream is one of the dummy ones, and will update
* h2s->st to H2_SS_CLOSED if it was not yet.
* Returns > 0 on success or zero if nothing was done. In case of lack of room
* to write the message, it blocks the demuxer and subscribes it to future
* notifications. It's worth mentioning that an RST may even be sent for a
* closed stream.
static int h2c_send_rst_stream(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
struct buffer *res;
char str[13];
int ret = 0;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_RST, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* RFC7540#5.4.2: To avoid looping, an endpoint MUST NOT send a
* RST_STREAM in response to a RST_STREAM frame.
if (h2c->dft == H2_FT_RST_STREAM) {
ret = 1;
goto ignore;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
/* len: 4, type: 3, flags: none */
memcpy(str, "\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00", 5);
write_n32(str + 5, h2c->dsi);
write_n32(str + 9, h2s->errcode);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 13));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto out;
if (h2s->id) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_RST_SENT;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_RST, h2c->conn, h2s);
return ret;
/* try to send an empty DATA frame with the ES flag set to notify about the
* end of stream and match a shutdown(write). If an ES was already sent as
* indicated by HLOC/ERROR/RESET/CLOSED states, nothing is done. Returns > 0
* on success or zero if nothing was done. In case of lack of room to write the
* message, it subscribes the requesting stream to future notifications.
static int h2_send_empty_data_es(struct h2s *h2s)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct buffer *res;
char str[9];
int ret = 0;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HLOC || h2s->st == H2_SS_ERROR || h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED) {
ret = 1;
goto out;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
goto out;
/* len: 0x000000, type: 0(DATA), flags: ES=1 */
memcpy(str, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", 5);
write_n32(str + 5, h2s->id);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 9));
if (likely(ret > 0)) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_SENT;
else if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* wake a specific stream and assign its conn_stream some CS_FL_* flags among
* CS_FL_ERR_PENDING and CS_FL_ERROR if needed. The stream's state
* is automatically updated accordingly. If the stream is orphaned, it is
* destroyed.
static void h2s_wake_one_stream(struct h2s *h2s)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!h2s->cs) {
/* this stream was already orphaned */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving with no h2s", H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn);
if (conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2s->h2c->conn)) {
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HREM;
else if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HLOC)
if ((h2s->h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR || h2s->h2c->conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) ||
(h2s->h2c->last_sid > 0 && (!h2s->id || h2s->id > h2s->h2c->last_sid))) {
h2s->cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERR_PENDING;
if (h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_EOS)
h2s->cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERROR;
if (h2s->st < H2_SS_ERROR)
h2s->st = H2_SS_ERROR;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn);
/* wake the streams attached to the connection, whose id is greater than <last>
* or unassigned.
static void h2_wake_some_streams(struct h2c *h2c, int last)
struct eb32_node *node;
struct h2s *h2s;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn);
/* Wake all streams with ID > last */
node = eb32_lookup_ge(&h2c->streams_by_id, last + 1);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
node = eb32_next(node);
/* Wake all streams with unassigned ID (ID == 0) */
node = eb32_lookup(&h2c->streams_by_id, 0);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
if (h2s->id > 0)
node = eb32_next(node);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn);
/* Wake up all blocked streams whose window size has become positive after the
* mux's initial window was adjusted. This should be done after having processed
* SETTINGS frames which have updated the mux's initial window size.
static void h2c_unblock_sfctl(struct h2c *h2c)
struct h2s *h2s;
struct eb32_node *node;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
node = eb32_first(&h2c->streams_by_id);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL && h2s_mws(h2s) > 0) {
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL;
if ((h2s->subs && h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND) ||
h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW))
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->send_list, &h2s->list);
node = eb32_next(node);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
/* processes a SETTINGS frame whose payload is <payload> for <plen> bytes, and
* ACKs it if needed. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data. It may
* return an error in h2c. The caller must have already verified frame length
* and stream ID validity. Described in RFC7540#6.5.
static int h2c_handle_settings(struct h2c *h2c)
unsigned int offset;
int error;
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_SETTINGS_ACK) {
if (h2c->dfl) {
goto fail;
goto done;
/* process full frame only */
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl)
goto out0;
/* parse the frame */
for (offset = 0; offset < h2c->dfl; offset += 6) {
uint16_t type = h2_get_n16(&h2c->dbuf, offset);
int32_t arg = h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, offset + 2);
switch (type) {
/* we need to update all existing streams with the
* difference from the previous iws.
if (arg < 0) { // RFC7540#6.5.2
goto fail;
h2c->miw = arg;
if (arg < 16384 || arg > 16777215) { // RFC7540#6.5.2
goto fail;
h2c->mfs = arg;
if (arg < 0 || arg > 1) { // RFC7540#6.5.2
goto fail;
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) {
/* the limit is only for the backend; for the frontend it is our limit */
if ((unsigned int)arg > h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams)
arg = h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams;
h2c->streams_limit = arg;
/* need to ACK this frame now */
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_A;
return 1;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
h2c_error(h2c, error);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving with missing data or error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS, h2c->conn);
return 0;
/* try to send an ACK for a settings frame on the connection. Returns > 0 on
* success or one of the h2_status values.
static int h2c_ack_settings(struct h2c *h2c)
struct buffer *res;
char str[9];
int ret = 0;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, NULL)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
"\x00\x00\x00" /* length : 0 (no data) */
"\x04" "\x01" /* type : 4, flags : ACK */
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* stream ID */, 9);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 9));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* processes a PING frame and schedules an ACK if needed. The caller must pass
* the pointer to the payload in <payload>. Returns > 0 on success or zero on
* missing data. The caller must have already verified frame length
* and stream ID validity.
static int h2c_handle_ping(struct h2c *h2c)
/* schedule a response */
if (!(h2c->dff & H2_F_PING_ACK))
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_A;
return 1;
/* Try to send a window update for stream id <sid> and value <increment>.
* Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing room or failure. It may return an
* error in h2c.
static int h2c_send_window_update(struct h2c *h2c, int sid, uint32_t increment)
struct buffer *res;
char str[13];
int ret = 0;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, NULL)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
/* length: 4, type: 8, flags: none */
memcpy(str, "\x00\x00\x04\x08\x00", 5);
write_n32(str + 5, sid);
write_n32(str + 9, increment);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 13));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* try to send pending window update for the connection. It's safe to call it
* with no pending updates. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing room or
* failure. It may return an error in h2c.
static int h2c_send_conn_wu(struct h2c *h2c)
int ret = 1;
if (h2c->rcvd_c <= 0)
goto out;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_WINDOW_OPENED)) {
/* increase the advertised connection window to 2G on
* first update.
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_WINDOW_OPENED;
/* send WU for the connection */
ret = h2c_send_window_update(h2c, 0, h2c->rcvd_c);
if (ret > 0)
h2c->rcvd_c = 0;
return ret;
/* try to send pending window update for the current dmux stream. It's safe to
* call it with no pending updates. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing
* room or failure. It may return an error in h2c.
static int h2c_send_strm_wu(struct h2c *h2c)
int ret = 1;
if (h2c->rcvd_s <= 0)
goto out;
/* send WU for the stream */
ret = h2c_send_window_update(h2c, h2c->dsi, h2c->rcvd_s);
if (ret > 0)
h2c->rcvd_s = 0;
return ret;
/* try to send an ACK for a ping frame on the connection. Returns > 0 on
* success, 0 on missing data or one of the h2_status values.
static int h2c_ack_ping(struct h2c *h2c)
struct buffer *res;
char str[17];
int ret = 0;
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < 8)
goto out;
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, NULL)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY;
goto out;
"\x00\x00\x08" /* length : 8 (same payload) */
"\x06" "\x01" /* type : 6, flags : ACK */
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* stream ID */, 9);
/* copy the original payload */
h2_get_buf_bytes(str + 9, 8, &h2c->dbuf, 0);
res = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, res)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
goto out;
ret = b_istput(res, ist2(str, 17));
if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (!ret) {
if ((res = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_MROOM;
else {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* processes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame whose payload is <payload> for <plen> bytes.
* Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data. It may return an error in
* h2c or h2s. The caller must have already verified frame length and stream ID
* validity. Described in RFC7540#6.9.
static int h2c_handle_window_update(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
int32_t inc;
int error;
/* process full frame only */
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl)
goto out0;
inc = h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, 0);
if (h2c->dsi != 0) {
/* stream window update */
/* it's not an error to receive WU on a closed stream */
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED)
goto done;
if (!inc) {
goto strm_err;
if (h2s_mws(h2s) >= 0 && h2s_mws(h2s) + inc < 0) {
goto strm_err;
h2s->sws += inc;
if (h2s_mws(h2s) > 0 && (h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL)) {
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL;
if ((h2s->subs && h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND) ||
h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW))
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->send_list, &h2s->list);
else {
/* connection window update */
if (!inc) {
goto conn_err;
if (h2c->mws >= 0 && h2c->mws + inc < 0) {
goto conn_err;
h2c->mws += inc;
return 1;
h2c_error(h2c, error);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data or error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_WU, h2c->conn);
return 0;
h2s_error(h2s, error);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on stream error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_WU, h2c->conn);
return 0;
/* processes a GOAWAY frame, and signals all streams whose ID is greater than
* the last ID. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data. The caller must
* have already verified frame length and stream ID validity. Described in
* RFC7540#6.8.
static int h2c_handle_goaway(struct h2c *h2c)
int last;
/* process full frame only */
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_GOAWAY, h2c->conn);
return 0;
last = h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, 0);
h2c->errcode = h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, 4);
if (h2c->last_sid < 0)
h2c->last_sid = last;
h2_wake_some_streams(h2c, last);
return 1;
/* processes a PRIORITY frame, and either skips it or rejects if it is
* invalid. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data. It may return an
* error in h2c. The caller must have already verified frame length and stream
* ID validity. Described in RFC7540#6.3.
static int h2c_handle_priority(struct h2c *h2c)
/* process full frame only */
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_PRIO, h2c->conn);
return 0;
if (h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, 0) == h2c->dsi) {
/* 7540#5.3 : can't depend on itself */
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_PRIO, h2c->conn);
return 0;
return 1;
/* processes an RST_STREAM frame, and sets the 32-bit error code on the stream.
* Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data. The caller must have already
* verified frame length and stream ID validity. Described in RFC7540#6.4.
static int h2c_handle_rst_stream(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
/* process full frame only */
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_RST|H2_EV_RX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* late RST, already handled */
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on stream closed", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_RST|H2_EV_RX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 1;
h2s->errcode = h2_get_n32(&h2c->dbuf, 0);
if (h2s->cs) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_RST_RCVD;
return 1;
/* processes a HEADERS frame. Returns h2s on success or NULL on missing data.
* It may return an error in h2c or h2s. The caller must consider that the
* return value is the new h2s in case one was allocated (most common case).
* Described in RFC7540#6.2. Most of the
* errors here are reported as connection errors since it's impossible to
* recover from such errors after the compression context has been altered.
static struct h2s *h2c_frt_handle_headers(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
struct buffer rxbuf = BUF_NULL;
unsigned long long body_len = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
int error;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!b_size(&h2c->dbuf))
goto out; // empty buffer
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl && !b_full(&h2c->dbuf))
goto out; // incomplete frame
/* now either the frame is complete or the buffer is complete */
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_IDLE) {
/* The stream exists/existed, this must be a trailers frame */
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_CLOSED) {
error = h2c_decode_headers(h2c, &h2s->rxbuf, &h2s->flags, &body_len);
/* unrecoverable error ? */
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
goto out;
if (error == 0)
goto out; // missing data
if (error < 0) {
/* Failed to decode this frame (e.g. too large request)
* but the HPACK decompressor is still synchronized.
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
goto out;
goto done;
/* the connection was already killed by an RST, let's consume
* the data and send another RST.
error = h2c_decode_headers(h2c, &rxbuf, &flags, &body_len);
h2s = (struct h2s*)h2_error_stream;
goto send_rst;
else if (h2c->dsi <= h2c->max_id || !(h2c->dsi & 1)) {
/* RFC7540#5.1.1 stream id > prev ones, and must be odd here */
goto conn_err;
else if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY)
goto out; // IDLE but too many cs still present
error = h2c_decode_headers(h2c, &rxbuf, &flags, &body_len);
/* unrecoverable error ? */
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
goto out;
if (error <= 0) {
if (error == 0)
goto out; // missing data
/* Failed to decode this stream (e.g. too large request)
* but the HPACK decompressor is still synchronized.
h2s = (struct h2s*)h2_error_stream;
goto send_rst;
/* Note: we don't emit any other logs below because ff we return
* positively from h2c_frt_stream_new(), the stream will report the error,
* and if we return in error, h2c_frt_stream_new() will emit the error.
h2s = h2c_frt_stream_new(h2c, h2c->dsi);
if (!h2s) {
h2s = (struct h2s*)h2_refused_stream;
goto send_rst;
h2s->st = H2_SS_OPEN;
h2s->rxbuf = rxbuf;
h2s->flags |= flags;
h2s->body_len = body_len;
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_RCVD;
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_RCVD) {
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HREM;
/* update the max stream ID if the request is being processed */
if (h2s->id > h2c->max_id)
h2c->max_id = h2s->id;
TRACE_USER("rcvd H2 request ", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_STRM_NEW, h2c->conn, 0, &rxbuf);
return h2s;
h2c_error(h2c, error);
goto out;
h2_release_buf(h2c, &rxbuf);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data or error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return NULL;
/* make the demux send an RST for the current stream. We may only
* do this if we're certain that the HEADERS frame was properly
* decompressed so that the HPACK decoder is still kept up to date.
h2_release_buf(h2c, &rxbuf);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
TRACE_USER("rejected H2 request", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_STRM_NEW|H2_EV_STRM_END, h2c->conn, 0, &rxbuf);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return h2s;
/* processes a HEADERS frame. Returns h2s on success or NULL on missing data.
* It may return an error in h2c or h2s. Described in RFC7540#6.2. Most of the
* errors here are reported as connection errors since it's impossible to
* recover from such errors after the compression context has been altered.
static struct h2s *h2c_bck_handle_headers(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
struct buffer rxbuf = BUF_NULL;
unsigned long long body_len = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
int error;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!b_size(&h2c->dbuf))
goto fail; // empty buffer
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl && !b_full(&h2c->dbuf))
goto fail; // incomplete frame
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_CLOSED) {
error = h2c_decode_headers(h2c, &h2s->rxbuf, &h2s->flags, &h2s->body_len);
else {
/* the connection was already killed by an RST, let's consume
* the data and send another RST.
error = h2c_decode_headers(h2c, &rxbuf, &flags, &body_len);
h2s = (struct h2s*)h2_error_stream;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
goto send_rst;
/* unrecoverable error ? */
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
goto fail;
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_OPEN && h2s->st != H2_SS_HLOC) {
/* RFC7540#5.1 */
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
goto fail;
if (error <= 0) {
if (error == 0)
goto fail; // missing data
/* stream error : send RST_STREAM */
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
goto fail;
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_RCVD;
if (h2s->cs && h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_ERROR && h2s->st < H2_SS_ERROR)
h2s->st = H2_SS_ERROR;
else if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_RCVD) {
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HREM;
else if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HLOC)
TRACE_USER("rcvd H2 response", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, 0, &h2s->rxbuf);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return h2s;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data or error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return NULL;
/* make the demux send an RST for the current stream. We may only
* do this if we're certain that the HEADERS frame was properly
* decompressed so that the HPACK decoder is still kept up to date.
h2_release_buf(h2c, &rxbuf);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
TRACE_USER("rejected H2 response", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_STRM_NEW|H2_EV_STRM_END, h2c->conn, 0, &rxbuf);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return h2s;
/* processes a DATA frame. Returns > 0 on success or zero on missing data.
* It may return an error in h2c or h2s. Described in RFC7540#6.1.
static int h2c_frt_handle_data(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
int error;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* note that empty DATA frames are perfectly valid and sometimes used
* to signal an end of stream (with the ES flag).
if (!b_size(&h2c->dbuf) && h2c->dfl)
goto fail; // empty buffer
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < h2c->dfl && !b_full(&h2c->dbuf))
goto fail; // incomplete frame
/* now either the frame is complete or the buffer is complete */
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_OPEN && h2s->st != H2_SS_HLOC) {
/* RFC7540#6.1 */
goto strm_err;
if ((h2s->flags & H2_SF_DATA_CLEN) && (h2c->dfl - h2c->dpl) > h2s->body_len) {
/* RFC7540#8.1.2 */
goto strm_err;
if (!h2_frt_transfer_data(h2s))
goto fail;
/* call the upper layers to process the frame, then let the upper layer
* notify the stream about any change.
if (!h2s->cs) {
/* The upper layer has already closed, this may happen on
* 4xx/redirects during POST, or when receiving a response
* from an H2 server after the client has aborted.
error = H2_ERR_CANCEL;
goto strm_err;
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
goto fail;
if (h2s->st >= H2_SS_ERROR) {
/* stream error : send RST_STREAM */
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
/* check for completion : the callee will change this to FRAME_A or
* FRAME_H once done.
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P)
goto fail;
/* last frame */
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_DATA_END_STREAM) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_RCVD;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HREM;
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_DATA_CLEN && h2s->body_len) {
/* RFC7540#8.1.2 */
goto strm_err;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 1;
h2s_error(h2s, error);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on missing data or error", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* check that the current frame described in h2c->{dsi,dft,dfl,dff,...} is
* valid for the current stream state. This is needed only after parsing the
* frame header but in practice it can be performed at any time during
* H2_CS_FRAME_P since no state transition happens there. Returns >0 on success
* or 0 in case of error, in which case either h2s or h2c will carry an error.
static int h2_frame_check_vs_state(struct h2c *h2c, struct h2s *h2s)
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_IDLE &&
h2c->dft != H2_FT_HEADERS && h2c->dft != H2_FT_PRIORITY) {
/* RFC7540#5.1: any frame other than HEADERS or PRIORITY in
* this state MUST be treated as a connection error
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
if (!h2c->nb_streams && !(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)) {
/* only log if no other stream can report the error */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (idle&!hdrs&!prio)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_IDLE && (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)) {
/* only PUSH_PROMISE would be permitted here */
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (idle&back)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HREM && h2c->dft != H2_FT_WINDOW_UPDATE &&
h2c->dft != H2_FT_RST_STREAM && h2c->dft != H2_FT_PRIORITY) {
/* RFC7540#5.1: any frame other than WU/PRIO/RST in
* this state MUST be treated as a stream error.
* 6.2, 6.6 and 6.10 further mandate that HEADERS/
* PUSH_PROMISE/CONTINUATION cause connection errors.
if (h2_ft_bit(h2c->dft) & H2_FT_HDR_MASK)
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (hrem&!wu&!rst&!prio)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* Below the management of frames received in closed state is a
* bit hackish because the spec makes strong differences between
* streams closed by receiving RST, sending RST, and seeing ES
* in both directions. In addition to this, the creation of a
* new stream reusing the identifier of a closed one will be
* detected here. Given that we cannot keep track of all closed
* streams forever, we consider that unknown closed streams were
* closed on RST received, which allows us to respond with an
* RST without breaking the connection (eg: to abort a transfer).
* Some frames have to be silently ignored as well.
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED && h2c->dsi) {
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) && h2_ft_bit(h2c->dft) & H2_FT_HDR_MASK) {
/* #5.1.1: The identifier of a newly
* established stream MUST be numerically
* greater than all streams that the initiating
* endpoint has opened or reserved. This
* governs streams that are opened using a
* HEADERS frame and streams that are reserved
* using PUSH_PROMISE. An endpoint that
* receives an unexpected stream identifier
* MUST respond with a connection error.
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (closed&hdrmask)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_RST_RCVD &&
!(h2_ft_bit(h2c->dft) & (H2_FT_HDR_MASK | H2_FT_RST_STREAM_BIT | H2_FT_PRIORITY_BIT | H2_FT_WINDOW_UPDATE_BIT))) {
/* RFC7540#5.1:closed: an endpoint that
* receives any frame other than PRIORITY after
* receiving a RST_STREAM MUST treat that as a
* stream error of type STREAM_CLOSED.
* Note that old streams fall into this category
* and will lead to an RST being sent.
* However, we cannot generalize this to all frame types. Those
* carrying compression state must still be processed before
* being dropped or we'll desynchronize the decoder. This can
* happen with request trailers received after sending an
* RST_STREAM, or with header/trailers responses received after
* sending RST_STREAM (aborted stream).
* In addition, since our CLOSED streams always carry the
* RST_RCVD bit, we don't want to accidentally catch valid
* frames for a closed stream, i.e. RST/PRIO/WU.
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (rst_rcvd&!hdrmask)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* RFC7540#5.1:closed: if this state is reached as a
* result of sending a RST_STREAM frame, the peer that
* receives the RST_STREAM might have already sent
* frames on the stream that cannot be withdrawn. An
* endpoint MUST ignore frames that it receives on
* closed streams after it has sent a RST_STREAM
* frame. An endpoint MAY choose to limit the period
* over which it ignores frames and treat frames that
* arrive after this time as being in error.
if (h2s->id && !(h2s->flags & H2_SF_RST_SENT)) {
/* RFC7540#5.1:closed: any frame other than
* PRIO/WU/RST in this state MUST be treated as
* a connection error
if (h2c->dft != H2_FT_RST_STREAM &&
h2c->dft != H2_FT_PRIORITY &&
h2c->dft != H2_FT_WINDOW_UPDATE) {
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error (rst_sent&!rst&!prio&!wu)", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 1;
/* process Rx frames to be demultiplexed */
static void h2_process_demux(struct h2c *h2c)
struct h2s *h2s = NULL, *tmp_h2s;
struct h2_fh hdr;
unsigned int padlen = 0;
int32_t old_iw = h2c->miw;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
goto out;
if (unlikely(h2c->st0 < H2_CS_FRAME_H)) {
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_PREFACE) {
TRACE_STATE("expecting preface", H2_EV_RX_PREFACE, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)
goto out;
if (unlikely(h2c_frt_recv_preface(h2c) <= 0)) {
/* RFC7540#3.5: a GOAWAY frame MAY be omitted */
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR) {
TRACE_PROTO("failed to receive preface", H2_EV_RX_PREFACE|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2;
goto fail;
TRACE_PROTO("received preface", H2_EV_RX_PREFACE, h2c->conn);
h2c->max_id = 0;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_SETTINGS1;
TRACE_STATE("switching to SETTINGS1", H2_EV_RX_PREFACE, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_SETTINGS1) {
/* ensure that what is pending is a valid SETTINGS frame
* without an ACK.
TRACE_STATE("expecting settings", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS, h2c->conn);
if (!h2_get_frame_hdr(&h2c->dbuf, &hdr)) {
/* RFC7540#3.5: a GOAWAY frame MAY be omitted */
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR) {
TRACE_PROTO("failed to receive settings", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
if (hdr.sid || hdr.ft != H2_FT_SETTINGS || hdr.ff & H2_F_SETTINGS_ACK) {
/* RFC7540#3.5: a GOAWAY frame MAY be omitted */
TRACE_PROTO("unexpected frame type or flags", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
if ((int)hdr.len < 0 || (int)hdr.len > global.tune.bufsize) {
/* RFC7540#3.5: a GOAWAY frame MAY be omitted */
TRACE_PROTO("invalid settings frame length", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2;
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
/* that's OK, switch to FRAME_P to process it. This is
* a SETTINGS frame whose header has already been
* deleted above.
padlen = 0;
goto new_frame;
/* process as many incoming frames as possible below */
while (1) {
int ret = 0;
if (!b_data(&h2c->dbuf)) {
TRACE_DEVEL("no more Rx data", H2_EV_RX_FRAME, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR) {
TRACE_STATE("end of connection reported", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_EOI, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_H) {
h2c->rcvd_s = 0;
TRACE_STATE("expecting H2 frame header", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR, h2c->conn);
if (!h2_peek_frame_hdr(&h2c->dbuf, 0, &hdr))
if ((int)hdr.len < 0 || (int)hdr.len > global.tune.bufsize) {
TRACE_PROTO("invalid H2 frame length", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
if (!h2c->nb_streams && !(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)) {
/* only log if no other stream can report the error */
padlen = 0;
if (h2_ft_bit(hdr.ft) & H2_FT_PADDED_MASK && hdr.ff & H2_F_PADDED) {
/* If the frame is padded (HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE or DATA),
* we read the pad length and drop it from the remaining
* payload (one byte + the 9 remaining ones = 10 total
* removed), so we have a frame payload starting after the
* pad len. Flow controlled frames (DATA) also count the
* padlen in the flow control, so it must be adjusted.
if (hdr.len < 1) {
TRACE_PROTO("invalid H2 padded frame length", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) < 10)
break; // missing padlen
padlen = *(uint8_t *)b_peek(&h2c->dbuf, 9);
if (padlen > hdr.len) {
TRACE_PROTO("invalid H2 padding length", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
/* RFC7540#6.1 : pad length = length of
* frame payload or greater => error.
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
if (h2_ft_bit(hdr.ft) & H2_FT_FC_MASK) {
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, 1);
h2c->dfl = hdr.len;
h2c->dsi = hdr.sid;
h2c->dft = hdr.ft;
h2c->dff = hdr.ff;
h2c->dpl = padlen;
TRACE_STATE("rcvd H2 frame header, switching to FRAME_P state", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR, h2c->conn);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_P;
/* check for minimum basic frame format validity */
ret = h2_frame_check(h2c->dft, 1, h2c->dsi, h2c->dfl, global.tune.bufsize);
if (ret != H2_ERR_NO_ERROR) {
TRACE_PROTO("received invalid H2 frame header", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, ret);
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
/* Only H2_CS_FRAME_P, H2_CS_FRAME_A and H2_CS_FRAME_E here.
* H2_CS_FRAME_P indicates an incomplete previous operation
* (most often the first attempt) and requires some validity
* checks for the frame and the current state. The two other
* ones are set after completion (or abortion) and must skip
* validity checks.
tmp_h2s = h2c_st_by_id(h2c, h2c->dsi);
if (tmp_h2s != h2s && h2s && h2s->cs &&
(b_data(&h2s->rxbuf) ||
conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2c->conn) ||
h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED ||
(h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_RCVD) ||
(h2s->cs->flags & (CS_FL_ERROR|CS_FL_ERR_PENDING|CS_FL_EOS)))) {
/* we may have to signal the upper layers */
TRACE_DEVEL("notifying stream before switching SID", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_STRM_WAKE, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->cs->flags |= CS_FL_RCV_MORE;
h2s = tmp_h2s;
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_E ||
(h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P && !h2_frame_check_vs_state(h2c, h2s))) {
TRACE_PROTO("stream error reported", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto strm_err;
switch (h2c->dft) {
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 SETTINGS frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_settings(h2c);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_A) {
TRACE_PROTO("sending H2 SETTINGS ACK frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_SETTINGS, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_ack_settings(h2c);
case H2_FT_PING:
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 PING frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_PING, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_ping(h2c);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_A) {
TRACE_PROTO("sending H2 PING ACK frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_SETTINGS, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_ack_ping(h2c);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 WINDOW_UPDATE frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_WU, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_window_update(h2c, h2s);
/* RFC7540#6.10: CONTINUATION may only be preceded by
* frames' parsers consume all following CONTINUATION
* frames so this one is out of sequence.
TRACE_PROTO("received unexpected H2 CONTINUATION frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_CONT|H2_EV_H2C_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))
goto fail;
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 HEADERS frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)
tmp_h2s = h2c_bck_handle_headers(h2c, h2s);
tmp_h2s = h2c_frt_handle_headers(h2c, h2s);
if (tmp_h2s) {
h2s = tmp_h2s;
ret = 1;
case H2_FT_DATA:
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 DATA frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_frt_handle_data(h2c, h2s);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_A) {
TRACE_PROTO("sending stream WINDOW_UPDATE frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_WU, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_send_strm_wu(h2c);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 PRIORITY frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_PRIO, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_priority(h2c);
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 RST_STREAM frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_RST|H2_EV_RX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_rst_stream(h2c, h2s);
case H2_FT_GOAWAY:
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_P) {
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 GOAWAY frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_GOAWAY, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_handle_goaway(h2c);
/* implement all extra frame types here */
TRACE_PROTO("receiving H2 ignored frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* drop frames that we ignore. They may be larger than
* the buffer so we drain all of their contents until
* we reach the end.
ret = MIN(b_data(&h2c->dbuf), h2c->dfl);
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, ret);
h2c->dfl -= ret;
ret = h2c->dfl == 0;
/* We may have to send an RST if not done yet */
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_ERROR) {
TRACE_STATE("stream error, switching to FRAME_E", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_E;
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_FRAME_E) {
TRACE_PROTO("sending H2 RST_STREAM frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_RST|H2_EV_TX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = h2c_send_rst_stream(h2c, h2s);
/* error or missing data condition met above ? */
if (ret <= 0) {
TRACE_DEVEL("insufficient data to proceed", H2_EV_RX_FRAME, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c->st0 != H2_CS_FRAME_H) {
if (h2c->dfl)
TRACE_DEVEL("skipping remaining frame payload", H2_EV_RX_FRAME, h2c->conn, h2s);
ret = MIN(b_data(&h2c->dbuf), h2c->dfl);
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, ret);
h2c->dfl -= ret;
if (!h2c->dfl) {
TRACE_STATE("switching to FRAME_H", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR, h2c->conn);
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_H;
h2c->dsi = -1;
if (h2c->rcvd_c > 0 &&
!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY | H2_CF_DEM_MROOM))) {
TRACE_PROTO("sending H2 WINDOW_UPDATE frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_WU, h2c->conn);
/* we can go here on missing data, blocked response or error */
if (h2s && h2s->cs &&
(b_data(&h2s->rxbuf) ||
conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2c->conn) ||
h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED ||
(h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_RCVD) ||
(h2s->cs->flags & (CS_FL_ERROR|CS_FL_ERR_PENDING|CS_FL_EOS)))) {
/* we may have to signal the upper layers */
TRACE_DEVEL("notifying stream before switching SID", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->cs->flags |= CS_FL_RCV_MORE;
if (old_iw != h2c->miw) {
TRACE_STATE("notifying streams about SFCTL increase", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_H2S_WAKE, h2c->conn);
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 0);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
/* resume each h2s eligible for sending in list head <head> */
static void h2_resume_each_sending_h2s(struct h2c *h2c, struct list *head)
struct h2s *h2s, *h2s_back;
list_for_each_entry_safe(h2s, h2s_back, head, list) {
if (h2c->mws <= 0 ||
h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY ||
h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_BLK_ANY;
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_NOTIFIED)
/* If the sender changed his mind and unsubscribed, let's just
* remove the stream from the send_list.
if (!(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)) &&
(!h2s->subs || !(h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND))) {
if (h2s->subs && h2s->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_NOTIFIED;
h2s->subs->events &= ~SUB_RETRY_SEND;
if (!h2s->subs->events)
h2s->subs = NULL;
else if (h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)) {
/* process Tx frames from streams to be multiplexed. Returns > 0 if it reached
* the end.
static int h2_process_mux(struct h2c *h2c)
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
if (unlikely(h2c->st0 < H2_CS_FRAME_H)) {
if (unlikely(h2c->st0 == H2_CS_PREFACE && (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK))) {
if (unlikely(h2c_bck_send_preface(h2c) <= 0)) {
/* RFC7540#3.5: a GOAWAY frame MAY be omitted */
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR)
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2;
goto fail;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_SETTINGS1;
/* need to wait for the other side */
if (h2c->st0 < H2_CS_FRAME_H)
goto done;
/* start by sending possibly pending window updates */
if (h2c->rcvd_s > 0 &&
!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC)) &&
h2c_send_strm_wu(h2c) < 0)
goto fail;
if (h2c->rcvd_c > 0 &&
!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC)) &&
h2c_send_conn_wu(h2c) < 0)
goto fail;
/* First we always process the flow control list because the streams
* waiting there were already elected for immediate emission but were
* blocked just on this.
h2_resume_each_sending_h2s(h2c, &h2c->fctl_list);
h2_resume_each_sending_h2s(h2c, &h2c->send_list);
if (unlikely(h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR)) {
if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR) {
if (h2c->max_id >= 0) {
h2c_send_goaway_error(h2c, NULL);
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY)
goto out0;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_ERROR2; // sent (or failed hard) !
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
return 1;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in blocked situation", H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
return 0;
/* Attempt to read data, and subscribe if none available.
* The function returns 1 if data has been received, otherwise zero.
static int h2_recv(struct h2c *h2c)
struct connection *conn = h2c->conn;
struct buffer *buf;
int max;
size_t ret;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
if (h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_RECV) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on sub_recv", H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
return (b_data(&h2c->dbuf));
if (!h2_recv_allowed(h2c)) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on !recv_allowed", H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
return 1;
buf = h2_get_buf(h2c, &h2c->dbuf);
if (!buf) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_DALLOC;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on !alloc", H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
return 0;
if (!b_data(buf)) {
/* try to pre-align the buffer like the
* rxbufs will be to optimize memory copies. We'll make
* sure that the frame header lands at the end of the
* HTX block to alias it upon recv. We cannot use the
* head because rcv_buf() will realign the buffer if
* it's empty. Thus we cheat and pretend we already
* have a few bytes there.
max = buf_room_for_htx_data(buf) + 9;
buf->head = sizeof(struct htx) - 9;
max = b_room(buf);
ret = max ? conn->xprt->rcv_buf(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, buf, max, 0) : 0;
if (max && !ret && h2_recv_allowed(h2c)) {
TRACE_DATA("failed to receive data, subscribing", H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
conn->xprt->subscribe(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, SUB_RETRY_RECV, &h2c->wait_event);
} else if (ret)
TRACE_DATA("received data", H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn, 0, 0, (void*)(long)ret);
if (!b_data(buf)) {
h2_release_buf(h2c, &h2c->dbuf);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
return (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR || conn_xprt_read0_pending(conn));
if (b_data(buf) == buf->size) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_DFULL;
TRACE_STATE("demux buffer full", H2_EV_H2C_RECV|H2_EV_H2C_BLK, h2c->conn);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2C_RECV, h2c->conn);
return !!ret || (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) || conn_xprt_read0_pending(conn);
/* Try to send data if possible.
* The function returns 1 if data have been sent, otherwise zero.
static int h2_send(struct h2c *h2c)
struct connection *conn = h2c->conn;
int done;
int sent = 0;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn);
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error", H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn);
return 1;
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_WAIT_XPRT) {
/* a handshake was requested */
goto schedule;
/* This loop is quite simple : it tries to fill as much as it can from
* pending streams into the existing buffer until it's reportedly full
* or the end of send requests is reached. Then it tries to send this
* buffer's contents out, marks it not full if at least one byte could
* be sent, and tries again.
* The snd_buf() function normally takes a "flags" argument which may
* be made of a combination of CO_SFL_MSG_MORE to indicate that more
* data immediately comes and CO_SFL_STREAMER to indicate that the
* connection is streaming lots of data (used to increase TLS record
* size at the expense of latency). The former can be sent any time
* there's a buffer full flag, as it indicates at least one stream
* attempted to send and failed so there are pending data. An
* alternative would be to set it as long as there's an active stream
* but that would be problematic for ACKs until we have an absolute
* guarantee that all waiters have at least one byte to send. The
* latter should possibly not be set for now.
done = 0;
while (!done) {
unsigned int flags = 0;
unsigned int released = 0;
struct buffer *buf;
/* fill as much as we can into the current buffer */
while (((h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL|H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC)) == 0) && !done)
done = h2_process_mux(h2c);
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC)
done = 1; // we won't go further without extra buffers
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR)
if (h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_DEM_MBUSY | H2_CF_DEM_MROOM))
flags |= CO_SFL_MSG_MORE;
for (buf = br_head(h2c->mbuf); b_size(buf); buf = br_del_head(h2c->mbuf)) {
if (b_data(buf)) {
int ret = conn->xprt->snd_buf(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, buf, b_data(buf), flags);
if (!ret) {
done = 1;
sent = 1;
TRACE_DATA("sent data", H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn, 0, buf, (void*)(long)ret);
b_del(buf, ret);
if (b_data(buf)) {
done = 1;
if (released)
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
/* wrote at least one byte, the buffer is not full anymore */
if (sent)
h2c->flags &= ~(H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_DEM_MROOM);
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_SOCK_WR_SH) {
/* output closed, nothing to send, clear the buffer to release it */
/* We're not full anymore, so we can wake any task that are waiting
* for us.
if (!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_MUX_MFULL | H2_CF_DEM_MROOM)) && h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_FRAME_H)
h2_resume_each_sending_h2s(h2c, &h2c->send_list);
/* We're done, no more to send */
if (!br_data(h2c->mbuf)) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving with everything sent", H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn);
return sent;
if (!(conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) && !(h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_SEND)) {
TRACE_STATE("more data to send, subscribing", H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn);
conn->xprt->subscribe(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, SUB_RETRY_SEND, &h2c->wait_event);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving with some data left to send", H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2c->conn);
return sent;
/* this is the tasklet referenced in h2c->wait_event.tasklet */
static struct task *h2_io_cb(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned short status)
struct connection *conn;
struct tasklet *tl = (struct tasklet *)t;
int conn_in_list;
struct h2c *h2c;
int ret = 0;
HA_SPIN_LOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
if (t->context == NULL) {
/* The connection has been taken over by another thread,
* we're no longer responsible for it, so just free the
* tasklet, and do nothing.
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
goto leave;
h2c = ctx;
conn = h2c->conn;
conn_in_list = conn->flags & CO_FL_LIST_MASK;
/* Remove the connection from the list, to be sure nobody attempts
* to use it while we handle the I/O events
if (conn_in_list)
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
if (!(h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_SEND))
ret = h2_send(h2c);
if (!(h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_RECV))
ret |= h2_recv(h2c);
if (ret || b_data(&h2c->dbuf))
ret = h2_process(h2c);
/* If we were in an idle list, we want to add it back into it,
* unless h2_process() returned -1, which mean it has destroyed
* the connection (testing !ret is enough, if h2_process() wasn't
* called then ret will be 0 anyway.
if (!ret && conn_in_list) {
struct server *srv = objt_server(conn->target);
if (conn_in_list == CO_FL_SAFE_LIST)
MT_LIST_ADDQ(&srv->safe_conns[tid], &conn->list);
MT_LIST_ADDQ(&srv->idle_conns[tid], &conn->list);
return NULL;
/* callback called on any event by the connection handler.
* It applies changes and returns zero, or < 0 if it wants immediate
* destruction of the connection (which normally doesn not happen in h2).
static int h2_process(struct h2c *h2c)
struct connection *conn = h2c->conn;
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) && !(h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_BLOCK_ANY)) {
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR || conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR)
if (!b_full(&h2c->dbuf))
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_DFULL;
if (unlikely(h2c->proxy->state == PR_STSTOPPED)) {
/* frontend is stopping, reload likely in progress, let's try
* to announce a graceful shutdown if not yet done. We don't
* care if it fails, it will be tried again later.
TRACE_STATE("proxy stopped, sending GOAWAY", H2_EV_H2C_WAKE|H2_EV_TX_FRAME, conn);
if (!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT|H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED))) {
if (h2c->last_sid < 0)
h2c->last_sid = (1U << 31) - 1;
h2c_send_goaway_error(h2c, NULL);
* If we received early data, and the handshake is done, wake
* any stream that was waiting for it.
if (!(h2c->flags & H2_CF_WAIT_FOR_HS) &&
struct eb32_node *node;
struct h2s *h2s;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_WAIT_FOR_HS;
node = eb32_lookup_ge(&h2c->streams_by_id, 1);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
if (h2s->cs && h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_WAIT_FOR_HS)
node = eb32_next(node);
if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR || conn_xprt_read0_pending(conn) ||
h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR2 || h2c->flags & H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED ||
(eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id) && h2c->last_sid >= 0 &&
h2c->max_id >= h2c->last_sid)) {
h2_wake_some_streams(h2c, 0);
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id)) {
/* no more stream, kill the connection now */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving after releasing the connection", H2_EV_H2C_WAKE);
return -1;
/* connections in error must be removed from the idle lists */
HA_SPIN_LOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
MT_LIST_DEL((struct mt_list *)&conn->list);
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
else if (h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR) {
/* connections in error must be removed from the idle lists */
HA_SPIN_LOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
MT_LIST_DEL((struct mt_list *)&conn->list);
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
if (!b_data(&h2c->dbuf))
h2_release_buf(h2c, &h2c->dbuf);
if ((conn->flags & CO_FL_SOCK_WR_SH) ||
h2c->st0 == H2_CS_ERROR2 || (h2c->flags & H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED) ||
(h2c->st0 != H2_CS_ERROR &&
!br_data(h2c->mbuf) &&
(h2c->mws <= 0 || LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2c->fctl_list)) &&
((h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY) || LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2c->send_list))))
if (h2c->task) {
if (h2c_may_expire(h2c))
h2c->task->expire = tick_add(now_ms, h2c->last_sid < 0 ? h2c->timeout : h2c->shut_timeout);
h2c->task->expire = TICK_ETERNITY;
return 0;
/* wake-up function called by the connection layer (mux_ops.wake) */
static int h2_wake(struct connection *conn)
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
int ret;
ret = h2_process(h2c);
if (ret >= 0)
h2_wake_some_streams(h2c, 0);
return ret;
/* Connection timeout management. The principle is that if there's no receipt
* nor sending for a certain amount of time, the connection is closed. If the
* MUX buffer still has lying data or is not allocatable, the connection is
* immediately killed. If it's allocatable and empty, we attempt to send a
* GOAWAY frame.
static struct task *h2_timeout_task(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned short state)
struct h2c *h2c = context;
int expired = tick_is_expired(t->expire, now_ms);
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c ? h2c->conn : NULL);
if (h2c) {
/* Make sure nobody stole the connection from us */
HA_SPIN_LOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
/* Somebody already stole the connection from us, so we should not
* free it, we just have to free the task.
if (!t->context) {
h2c = NULL;
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
goto do_leave;
if (!expired) {
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving (not expired)", H2_EV_H2C_WAKE, h2c->conn);
return t;
if (!h2c_may_expire(h2c)) {
/* we do still have streams but all of them are idle, waiting
* for the data layer, so we must not enforce the timeout here.
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
t->expire = TICK_ETERNITY;
return t;
/* We're about to destroy the connection, so make sure nobody attempts
* to steal it from us.
if (h2c->conn->flags & CO_FL_LIST_MASK)
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
if (!h2c) {
/* resources were already deleted */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving (not more h2c)", H2_EV_H2C_WAKE);
return NULL;
h2c->task = NULL;
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_NO_ERROR);
h2_wake_some_streams(h2c, 0);
if (br_data(h2c->mbuf)) {
/* don't even try to send a GOAWAY, the buffer is stuck */
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED;
/* try to send but no need to insist */
h2c->last_sid = h2c->max_id;
if (h2c_send_goaway_error(h2c, NULL) <= 0)
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED;
if (br_data(h2c->mbuf) && !(h2c->flags & H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED) && conn_xprt_ready(h2c->conn)) {
unsigned int released = 0;
struct buffer *buf;
for (buf = br_head(h2c->mbuf); b_size(buf); buf = br_del_head(h2c->mbuf)) {
if (b_data(buf)) {
int ret = h2c->conn->xprt->snd_buf(h2c->conn, h2c->conn->xprt_ctx, buf, b_data(buf), 0);
if (!ret)
b_del(buf, ret);
if (b_data(buf))
if (released)
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
/* in any case this connection must not be considered idle anymore */
HA_SPIN_LOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
MT_LIST_DEL((struct mt_list *)&h2c->conn->list);
HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(OTHER_LOCK, &idle_conns[tid].takeover_lock);
/* either we can release everything now or it will be done later once
* the last stream closes.
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id))
return NULL;
/* functions below are used by the streams */
* Attach a new stream to a connection
* (Used for outgoing connections)
static struct conn_stream *h2_attach(struct connection *conn, struct session *sess)
struct conn_stream *cs;
struct h2s *h2s;
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
cs = cs_new(conn, conn->target);
if (!cs) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on CS allocation failure", H2_EV_H2S_NEW|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, conn);
return NULL;
h2s = h2c_bck_stream_new(h2c, cs, sess);
if (!h2s) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on stream creation failure", H2_EV_H2S_NEW|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, conn);
return NULL;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_NEW, conn, h2s);
return cs;
/* Retrieves the first valid conn_stream from this connection, or returns NULL.
* We have to scan because we may have some orphan streams. It might be
* beneficial to scan backwards from the end to reduce the likeliness to find
* orphans.
static const struct conn_stream *h2_get_first_cs(const struct connection *conn)
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
struct h2s *h2s;
struct eb32_node *node;
node = eb32_first(&h2c->streams_by_id);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
if (h2s->cs)
return h2s->cs;
node = eb32_next(node);
return NULL;
static int h2_ctl(struct connection *conn, enum mux_ctl_type mux_ctl, void *output)
int ret = 0;
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
switch (mux_ctl) {
/* Only consider the mux to be ready if we're done with
* the preface and settings, and we had no error.
if (h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_FRAME_H && h2c->st0 < H2_CS_ERROR)
return ret;
return -1;
* Destroy the mux and the associated connection, if it is no longer used
static void h2_destroy(void *ctx)
struct h2c *h2c = ctx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2C_END, h2c->conn);
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id) || !h2c->conn || h2c->conn->ctx != h2c)
* Detach the stream from the connection and possibly release the connection.
static void h2_detach(struct conn_stream *cs)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
struct h2c *h2c;
struct session *sess;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_END, h2s ? h2s->h2c->conn : NULL, h2s);
cs->ctx = NULL;
if (!h2s) {
/* there's no txbuf so we're certain not to be able to send anything */
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_NOTIFIED;
sess = h2s->sess;
h2c = h2s->h2c;
h2s->cs = NULL;
if ((h2c->flags & (H2_CF_IS_BACK|H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY)) == H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY &&
!h2_frt_has_too_many_cs(h2c)) {
/* frontend connection was blocking new streams creation */
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_TOOMANY;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
/* this stream may be blocked waiting for some data to leave (possibly
* an ES or RST frame), so orphan it in this case.
if (!(cs->conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) &&
(h2c->st0 < H2_CS_ERROR) &&
(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY | H2_SF_BLK_MROOM | H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL)) &&
((h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR | H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)) || h2s->subs)) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on stream blocked", H2_EV_STRM_END|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_DEM_BLOCK_ANY && h2s->id == h2c->dsi) ||
(h2c->flags & H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY && h2s->id == h2c->msi)) {
/* unblock the connection if it was blocked on this
* stream.
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_BLOCK_ANY;
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_MUX_BLOCK_ANY;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) {
if (!(h2c->conn->flags &
if (h2c->conn->flags & CO_FL_PRIVATE) {
/* Add the connection in the session server list, if not already done */
if (!session_add_conn(sess, h2c->conn, h2c->conn->target)) {
h2c->conn->owner = NULL;
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id)) {
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error after killing outgoing connection", H2_EV_STRM_END|H2_EV_H2C_ERR);
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id)) {
if (session_check_idle_conn(h2c->conn->owner, h2c->conn) != 0) {
/* At this point either the connection is destroyed, or it's been added to the server idle list, just stop */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving without reusable idle connection", H2_EV_STRM_END);
else {
if (eb_is_empty(&h2c->streams_by_id)) {
if (!srv_add_to_idle_list(objt_server(h2c->conn->target), h2c->conn, 1)) {
/* The server doesn't want it, let's kill the connection right away */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error after killing outgoing connection", H2_EV_STRM_END|H2_EV_H2C_ERR);
/* At this point, the connection has been added to the
* server idle list, so another thread may already have
* hijacked it, so we can't do anything with it.
TRACE_DEVEL("reusable idle connection", H2_EV_STRM_END);
else if (MT_LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2c->conn->list) &&
h2_avail_streams(h2c->conn) > 0 && objt_server(h2c->conn->target)) {
LIST_ADD(&__objt_server(h2c->conn->target)->available_conns[tid], mt_list_to_list(&h2c->conn->list));
/* We don't want to close right now unless we're removing the
* last stream, and either the connection is in error, or it
* reached the ID already specified in a GOAWAY frame received
* or sent (as seen by last_sid >= 0).
if (h2c_is_dead(h2c)) {
/* no more stream will come, kill it now */
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving and killing dead connection", H2_EV_STRM_END, h2c->conn);
else if (h2c->task) {
if (h2c_may_expire(h2c))
h2c->task->expire = tick_add(now_ms, h2c->last_sid < 0 ? h2c->timeout : h2c->shut_timeout);
h2c->task->expire = TICK_ETERNITY;
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving, refreshing connection's timeout", H2_EV_STRM_END, h2c->conn);
TRACE_DEVEL("leaving", H2_EV_STRM_END, h2c->conn);
/* Performs a synchronous or asynchronous shutr(). */
static void h2_do_shutr(struct h2s *h2s)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED)
goto done;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* a connstream may require us to immediately kill the whole connection
* for example because of a "tcp-request content reject" rule that is
* normally used to limit abuse. In this case we schedule a goaway to
* close the connection.
if ((h2s->flags & H2_SF_KILL_CONN) &&
!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT|H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED))) {
TRACE_STATE("stream wants to kill the connection", H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM);
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM);
else if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT)) {
/* Nothing was never sent for this stream, so reset with
* REFUSED_STREAM error to let the client retry the
* request.
TRACE_STATE("no headers sent yet, trying a retryable abort", H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_REFUSED_STREAM);
else {
/* a final response was already provided, we don't want this
* stream anymore. This may happen when the server responds
* before the end of an upload and closes quickly (redirect,
* deny, ...)
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_CANCEL);
if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_RST_SENT) &&
h2s_send_rst_stream(h2c, h2s) <= 0)
goto add_to_list;
if (!(h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_SEND))
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* Let the handler know we want to shutr, and add ourselves to the
* most relevant list if not yet done. h2_deferred_shut() will be
* automatically called via the shut_tl tasklet when there's room
* again.
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR;
if (!LIST_ADDED(&h2s->list)) {
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL)
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->fctl_list, &h2s->list);
else if (h2s->flags & (H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY|H2_SF_BLK_MROOM))
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->send_list, &h2s->list);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* Performs a synchronous or asynchronous shutw(). */
static void h2_do_shutw(struct h2s *h2s)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HLOC || h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED)
goto done;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2s->st != H2_SS_ERROR && (h2s->flags & H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT)) {
/* we can cleanly close using an empty data frame only after headers */
if (!(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_ES_SENT|H2_SF_RST_SENT)) &&
h2_send_empty_data_es(h2s) <= 0)
goto add_to_list;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_HREM)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HLOC;
} else {
/* a connstream may require us to immediately kill the whole connection
* for example because of a "tcp-request content reject" rule that is
* normally used to limit abuse. In this case we schedule a goaway to
* close the connection.
if ((h2s->flags & H2_SF_KILL_CONN) &&
!(h2c->flags & (H2_CF_GOAWAY_SENT|H2_CF_GOAWAY_FAILED))) {
TRACE_STATE("stream wants to kill the connection", H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM);
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM);
else {
/* Nothing was never sent for this stream, so reset with
* REFUSED_STREAM error to let the client retry the
* request.
TRACE_STATE("no headers sent yet, trying a retryable abort", H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_REFUSED_STREAM);
if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_RST_SENT) &&
h2s_send_rst_stream(h2c, h2s) <= 0)
goto add_to_list;
if (!(h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_SEND))
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW;
/* Let the handler know we want to shutw, and add ourselves to the
* most relevant list if not yet done. h2_deferred_shut() will be
* automatically called via the shut_tl tasklet when there's room
* again.
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW;
if (!LIST_ADDED(&h2s->list)) {
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL)
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->fctl_list, &h2s->list);
else if (h2s->flags & (H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY|H2_SF_BLK_MROOM))
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->send_list, &h2s->list);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* This is the tasklet referenced in h2s->shut_tl, it is used for
* deferred shutdowns when the h2_detach() was done but the mux buffer was full
* and prevented the last frame from being emitted.
static struct task *h2_deferred_shut(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned short state)
struct h2s *h2s = ctx;
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_NOTIFIED) {
/* some data processing remains to be done first */
goto end;
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR)
if (!(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW))) {
/* We're done trying to send, remove ourself from the send_list */
if (!h2s->cs) {
if (h2c_is_dead(h2c))
return NULL;
/* shutr() called by the conn_stream (mux_ops.shutr) */
static void h2_shutr(struct conn_stream *cs, enum cs_shr_mode mode)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (cs->flags & CS_FL_KILL_CONN)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_KILL_CONN;
if (mode)
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* shutw() called by the conn_stream (mux_ops.shutw) */
static void h2_shutw(struct conn_stream *cs, enum cs_shw_mode mode)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (cs->flags & CS_FL_KILL_CONN)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_KILL_CONN;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SHUT, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* Decode the payload of a HEADERS frame and produce the HTX request or response
* depending on the connection's side. Returns a positive value on success, a
* negative value on failure, or 0 if it couldn't proceed. May report connection
* errors in h2c->errcode if the frame is non-decodable and the connection
* unrecoverable. In absence of connection error when a failure is reported, the
* caller must assume a stream error.
* The function may fold CONTINUATION frames into the initial HEADERS frame
* by removing padding and next frame header, then moving the CONTINUATION
* frame's payload and adjusting h2c->dfl to match the new aggregated frame,
* leaving a hole between the main frame and the beginning of the next one.
* The possibly remaining incomplete or next frame at the end may be moved
* if the aggregated frame is not deleted, in order to fill the hole. Wrapped
* HEADERS frames are unwrapped into a temporary buffer before decoding.
* A buffer at the beginning of processing may look like this :
* ,---.---------.-----.--------------.--------------.------.---.
* `---^---------^-----^--------------^--------------^------^---'
* | | <-----> | |
* area | dpl | wrap
* |<--------------> |
* | dfl |
* |<-------------------------------------------------->|
* head data
* Padding is automatically overwritten when folding, participating to the
* hole size after dfl :
* ,---.------------------------.-----.--------------.------.---.
* `---^------------------------^-----^--------------^------^---'
* | | <-----> | |
* area | hole | wrap
* |<-----------------------> |
* | dfl |
* |<-------------------------------------------------->|
* head data
* Please note that the HEADERS frame is always deprived from its PADLEN byte
* however it may start with the 5 stream-dep+weight bytes in case of PRIORITY
* bit.
* The <flags> field must point to either the stream's flags or to a copy of it
* so that the function can update the following flags :
* - H2_SF_DATA_CLEN when content-length is seen
* - H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD once the frame is successfully decoded
* The H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD flag is also looked at in the <flags> field prior to
* decoding, in order to detect if we're dealing with a headers or a trailers
* block (the trailers block appears after H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD was seen).
static int h2c_decode_headers(struct h2c *h2c, struct buffer *rxbuf, uint32_t *flags, unsigned long long *body_len)
const uint8_t *hdrs = (uint8_t *)b_head(&h2c->dbuf);
struct buffer *tmp = get_trash_chunk();
struct http_hdr list[global.tune.max_http_hdr * 2];
struct buffer *copy = NULL;
unsigned int msgf;
struct htx *htx = NULL;
int flen; // header frame len
int hole = 0;
int ret = 0;
int outlen;
int wrap;
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) - hole < h2c->dfl)
goto leave; // incomplete input frame
/* No END_HEADERS means there's one or more CONTINUATION frames. In
* this case, we'll try to paste it immediately after the initial
* HEADERS frame payload and kill any possible padding. The initial
* frame's length will be increased to represent the concatenation
* of the two frames. The next frame is read from position <tlen>
* and written at position <flen> (minus padding if some is present).
if (unlikely(!(h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_HEADERS))) {
struct h2_fh hdr;
int clen; // CONTINUATION frame's payload length
TRACE_STATE("EH missing, expecting continuation frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn);
if (!h2_peek_frame_hdr(&h2c->dbuf, h2c->dfl + hole, &hdr)) {
/* no more data, the buffer may be full, either due to
* too large a frame or because of too large a hole that
* we're going to compact at the end.
goto leave;
if (hdr.ft != H2_FT_CONTINUATION) {
/* RFC7540#6.10: frame of unexpected type */
TRACE_STATE("not continuation!", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_RX_CONT|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
goto fail;
if (hdr.sid != h2c->dsi) {
/* RFC7540#6.10: frame of different stream */
TRACE_STATE("different stream ID!", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_RX_CONT|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
goto fail;
if ((unsigned)hdr.len > (unsigned)global.tune.bufsize) {
/* RFC7540#4.2: invalid frame length */
TRACE_STATE("too large frame!", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_RX_CONT|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
goto fail;
/* detect when we must stop aggragating frames */
h2c->dff |= hdr.ff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_HEADERS;
/* Take as much as we can of the CONTINUATION frame's payload */
clen = b_data(&h2c->dbuf) - (h2c->dfl + hole + 9);
if (clen > hdr.len)
clen = hdr.len;
/* Move the frame's payload over the padding, hole and frame
* header. At least one of hole or dpl is null (see diagrams
* above). The hole moves after the new aggragated frame.
b_move(&h2c->dbuf, b_peek_ofs(&h2c->dbuf, h2c->dfl + hole + 9), clen, -(h2c->dpl + hole + 9));
h2c->dfl += clen - h2c->dpl;
hole += h2c->dpl + 9;
h2c->dpl = 0;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for next continuation frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_FHDR|H2_EV_RX_CONT|H2_EV_RX_HDR, h2c->conn);
goto next_frame;
flen = h2c->dfl - h2c->dpl;
/* if the input buffer wraps, take a temporary copy of it (rare) */
wrap = b_wrap(&h2c->dbuf) - b_head(&h2c->dbuf);
if (wrap < h2c->dfl) {
copy = alloc_trash_chunk();
if (!copy) {
TRACE_DEVEL("failed to allocate temporary buffer", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
goto fail;
memcpy(copy->area, b_head(&h2c->dbuf), wrap);
memcpy(copy->area + wrap, b_orig(&h2c->dbuf), h2c->dfl - wrap);
hdrs = (uint8_t *) copy->area;
/* Skip StreamDep and weight for now (we don't support PRIORITY) */
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_PRIORITY) {
if (read_n32(hdrs) == h2c->dsi) {
/* RFC7540#5.3.1 : stream dep may not depend on itself */
TRACE_STATE("invalid stream dependency!", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
goto fail;
if (flen < 5) {
TRACE_STATE("frame too short for priority!", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
goto fail;
hdrs += 5; // stream dep = 4, weight = 1
flen -= 5;
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, rxbuf)) {
TRACE_STATE("waiting for h2c rxbuf allocation", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_BLK, h2c->conn);
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SALLOC;
goto leave;
/* we can't retry a failed decompression operation so we must be very
* careful not to take any risks. In practice the output buffer is
* always empty except maybe for trailers, in which case we simply have
* to wait for the upper layer to finish consuming what is available.
htx = htx_from_buf(rxbuf);
if (!htx_is_empty(htx)) {
TRACE_STATE("waiting for room in h2c rxbuf", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_BLK, h2c->conn);
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
goto leave;
/* past this point we cannot roll back in case of error */
outlen = hpack_decode_frame(h2c->ddht, hdrs, flen, list,
sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]), tmp);
if (outlen < 0) {
TRACE_STATE("failed to decompress HPACK", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_COMPRESSION_ERROR);
goto fail;
/* The PACK decompressor was updated, let's update the input buffer and
* the parser's state to commit these changes and allow us to later
* fail solely on the stream if needed.
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, h2c->dfl + hole);
h2c->dfl = hole = 0;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_H;
/* OK now we have our header list in <list> */
msgf = (h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM) ? 0 : H2_MSGF_BODY;
if (*flags & H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD)
goto trailers;
/* This is the first HEADERS frame so it's a headers block */
if (h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK)
outlen = h2_make_htx_response(list, htx, &msgf, body_len);
outlen = h2_make_htx_request(list, htx, &msgf, body_len);
if (outlen < 0) {
/* too large headers? this is a stream error only */
TRACE_STATE("request headers too large", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
goto fail;
if (msgf & H2_MSGF_BODY) {
/* a payload is present */
if (msgf & H2_MSGF_BODY_CL) {
*flags |= H2_SF_DATA_CLEN;
htx->extra = *body_len;
/* indicate that a HEADERS frame was received for this stream, except
* for 1xx responses. For 1xx responses, another HEADERS frame is
* expected.
if (!(msgf & H2_MSGF_RSP_1XX))
*flags |= H2_SF_HEADERS_RCVD;
if ((h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM)) {
/* Mark the end of message using EOM */
htx->flags |= HTX_FL_EOI; /* no more data are expected. Only EOM remains to add now */
if (!htx_add_endof(htx, HTX_BLK_EOM)) {
TRACE_STATE("failed to append HTX EOM block into rxbuf", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn);
goto fail;
/* success */
ret = 1;
/* If there is a hole left and it's not at the end, we are forced to
* move the remaining data over it.
if (hole) {
if (b_data(&h2c->dbuf) > h2c->dfl + hole)
b_move(&h2c->dbuf, b_peek_ofs(&h2c->dbuf, h2c->dfl + hole),
b_data(&h2c->dbuf) - (h2c->dfl + hole), -hole);
b_sub(&h2c->dbuf, hole);
if (b_full(&h2c->dbuf) && h2c->dfl >= b_data(&h2c->dbuf)) {
/* too large frames */
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = -1;
if (htx)
htx_to_buf(htx, rxbuf);
return ret;
ret = -1;
goto leave;
/* This is the last HEADERS frame hence a trailer */
if (!(h2c->dff & H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM)) {
/* It's a trailer but it's missing ES flag */
TRACE_STATE("missing EH on trailers frame", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2C_ERR|H2_EV_PROTO_ERR, h2c->conn);
h2c_error(h2c, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
goto fail;
/* Trailers terminate a DATA sequence */
if (h2_make_htx_trailers(list, htx) <= 0) {
TRACE_STATE("failed to append HTX trailers into rxbuf", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn);
goto fail;
goto done;
/* Transfer the payload of a DATA frame to the HTTP/1 side. The HTTP/2 frame
* parser state is automatically updated. Returns > 0 if it could completely
* send the current frame, 0 if it couldn't complete, in which case
* CS_FL_RCV_MORE must be checked to know if some data remain pending (an empty
* DATA frame can return 0 as a valid result). Stream errors are reported in
* h2s->errcode and connection errors in h2c->errcode. The caller must already
* have checked the frame header and ensured that the frame was complete or the
* buffer full. It changes the frame state to FRAME_A once done.
static int h2_frt_transfer_data(struct h2s *h2s)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
int block;
unsigned int flen = 0;
struct htx *htx = NULL;
struct buffer *csbuf;
unsigned int sent;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
csbuf = h2_get_buf(h2c, &h2s->rxbuf);
if (!csbuf) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SALLOC;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for an h2s rxbuf", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
htx = htx_from_buf(csbuf);
flen = h2c->dfl - h2c->dpl;
if (!flen)
goto end_transfer;
if (flen > b_data(&h2c->dbuf)) {
flen = b_data(&h2c->dbuf);
if (!flen)
goto fail;
block = htx_free_data_space(htx);
if (!block) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
TRACE_STATE("h2s rxbuf is full", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
if (flen > block)
flen = block;
/* here, flen is the max we can copy into the output buffer */
block = b_contig_data(&h2c->dbuf, 0);
if (flen > block)
flen = block;
sent = htx_add_data(htx, ist2(b_head(&h2c->dbuf), flen));
TRACE_DATA("move some data to h2s rxbuf", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s, 0, (void *)(long)sent);
b_del(&h2c->dbuf, sent);
h2c->dfl -= sent;
h2c->rcvd_c += sent;
h2c->rcvd_s += sent; // warning, this can also affect the closed streams!
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_DATA_CLEN) {
h2s->body_len -= sent;
htx->extra = h2s->body_len;
if (sent < flen) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
TRACE_STATE("h2s rxbuf is full", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
goto try_again;
/* here we're done with the frame, all the payload (except padding) was
* transferred.
if (h2c->dff & H2_F_DATA_END_STREAM) {
htx->flags |= HTX_FL_EOI; /* no more data are expected. Only EOM remains to add now */
if (!htx_add_endof(htx, HTX_BLK_EOM)) {
TRACE_STATE("h2s rxbuf is full, failed to add EOM", H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
goto fail;
h2c->rcvd_c += h2c->dpl;
h2c->rcvd_s += h2c->dpl;
h2c->dpl = 0;
h2c->st0 = H2_CS_FRAME_A; // send the corresponding window update
htx_to_buf(htx, csbuf);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 1;
if (htx)
htx_to_buf(htx, csbuf);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_RX_FRAME|H2_EV_RX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* Try to send a HEADERS frame matching HTX response present in HTX message
* <htx> for the H2 stream <h2s>. Returns the number of bytes sent. The caller
* must check the stream's status to detect any error which might have happened
* subsequently to a successful send. The htx blocks are automatically removed
* from the message. The htx message is assumed to be valid since produced from
* the internal code, hence it contains a start line, an optional series of
* header blocks and an end of header, otherwise an invalid frame could be
* emitted and the resulting htx message could be left in an inconsistent state.
static size_t h2s_frt_make_resp_headers(struct h2s *h2s, struct htx *htx)
struct http_hdr list[global.tune.max_http_hdr];
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct htx_blk *blk;
struct htx_blk *blk_end;
struct buffer outbuf;
struct buffer *mbuf;
struct htx_sl *sl;
enum htx_blk_type type;
int es_now = 0;
int ret = 0;
int hdr;
int idx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
TRACE_STATE("mux output busy", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* determine the first block which must not be deleted, blk_end may
* be NULL if all blocks have to be deleted.
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk_end = NULL;
while (idx != -1) {
type = htx_get_blk_type(htx_get_blk(htx, idx));
idx = htx_get_next(htx, idx);
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOH) {
if (idx != -1)
blk_end = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
/* get the start line, we do have one */
blk = htx_get_head_blk(htx);
BUG_ON(!blk || htx_get_blk_type(blk) != HTX_BLK_RES_SL);
sl = htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk);
h2s->status = sl->info.res.status;
if (h2s->status < 100 || h2s->status > 999) {
TRACE_PROTO("will not encode an invalid status code", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
/* and the rest of the headers, that we dump starting at header 0 */
hdr = 0;
idx = htx_get_head(htx); // returns the SL that we skip
while ((idx = htx_get_next(htx, idx)) != -1) {
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
type = htx_get_blk_type(blk);
if (type == HTX_BLK_UNUSED)
if (type != HTX_BLK_HDR)
if (unlikely(hdr >= sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]) - 1)) {
TRACE_PROTO("too many headers", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
list[hdr].n = htx_get_blk_name(htx, blk);
list[hdr].v = htx_get_blk_value(htx, blk);
/* marker for end of headers */
list[hdr].n = ist("");
if (h2s->status == 204 || h2s->status == 304) {
/* no contents, claim c-len is present and set to zero */
es_now = 1;
mbuf = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, mbuf)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for room in output buffer", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
while (1) {
outbuf = b_make(b_tail(mbuf), b_contig_space(mbuf), 0, 0);
if (outbuf.size >= 9 || !b_space_wraps(mbuf))
b_slow_realign(mbuf, trash.area, b_data(mbuf));
if (outbuf.size < 9)
goto full;
/* len: 0x000000 (fill later), type: 1(HEADERS), flags: ENDH=4 */
memcpy(outbuf.area, "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04", 5);
write_n32(outbuf.area + 5, h2s->id); // 4 bytes
outbuf.data = 9;
/* encode status, which necessarily is the first one */
if (!hpack_encode_int_status(&outbuf, h2s->status)) {
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* encode all headers, stop at empty name */
for (hdr = 0; hdr < sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]); hdr++) {
/* these ones do not exist in H2 and must be dropped. */
if (isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("connection")) ||
isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("proxy-connection")) ||
isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("keep-alive")) ||
isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("upgrade")) ||
isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("transfer-encoding")))
/* Skip all pseudo-headers */
if (*(list[hdr].n.ptr) == ':')
if (isteq(list[hdr].n, ist("")))
break; // end
if (!hpack_encode_header(&outbuf, list[hdr].n, list[hdr].v)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* update the frame's size */
h2_set_frame_size(outbuf.area, outbuf.data - 9);
if (outbuf.data > h2c->mfs + 9) {
if (!h2_fragment_headers(&outbuf, h2c->mfs)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* we may need to add END_STREAM except for 1xx responses.
* FIXME: we should also set it when we know for sure that the
* content-length is zero as well as on 204/304
if (blk_end && htx_get_blk_type(blk_end) == HTX_BLK_EOM &&
(h2s->status >= 200 || h2s->status == 101))
es_now = 1;
if (!h2s->cs || h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_SHW)
es_now = 1;
if (es_now)
outbuf.area[4] |= H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM;
/* commit the H2 response */
TRACE_USER("sent H2 response", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s, htx);
b_add(mbuf, outbuf.data);
/* indicates the HEADERS frame was sent, except for 1xx responses. For
* 1xx responses, another HEADERS frame is expected.
if (h2s->status >= 200 || h2s->status == 101)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT;
if (es_now) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_SENT;
TRACE_PROTO("setting ES on HEADERS frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s, htx);
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HLOC;
/* OK we could properly deliver the response */
/* remove all header blocks including the EOH and compute the
* corresponding size.
* FIXME: We should remove everything when es_now is set.
ret = 0;
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
while (blk != blk_end) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk);
blk = htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
if (blk_end && htx_get_blk_type(blk_end) == HTX_BLK_EOM) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk_end);
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk_end);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return ret;
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
ret = 0;
TRACE_STATE("mux buffer full", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* unparsable HTX messages, too large ones to be produced in the local
* list etc go here (unrecoverable errors).
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto end;
/* Try to send a HEADERS frame matching HTX request present in HTX message
* <htx> for the H2 stream <h2s>. Returns the number of bytes sent. The caller
* must check the stream's status to detect any error which might have happened
* subsequently to a successful send. The htx blocks are automatically removed
* from the message. The htx message is assumed to be valid since produced from
* the internal code, hence it contains a start line, an optional series of
* header blocks and an end of header, otherwise an invalid frame could be
* emitted and the resulting htx message could be left in an inconsistent state.
static size_t h2s_bck_make_req_headers(struct h2s *h2s, struct htx *htx)
struct http_hdr list[global.tune.max_http_hdr];
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct htx_blk *blk;
struct htx_blk *blk_end;
struct buffer outbuf;
struct buffer *mbuf;
struct htx_sl *sl;
struct ist meth, uri, auth;
enum htx_blk_type type;
int es_now = 0;
int ret = 0;
int hdr;
int idx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
TRACE_STATE("mux output busy", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* determine the first block which must not be deleted, blk_end may
* be NULL if all blocks have to be deleted.
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk_end = NULL;
while (idx != -1) {
type = htx_get_blk_type(htx_get_blk(htx, idx));
idx = htx_get_next(htx, idx);
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOH) {
if (idx != -1)
blk_end = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
/* get the start line, we do have one */
blk = htx_get_head_blk(htx);
BUG_ON(!blk || htx_get_blk_type(blk) != HTX_BLK_REQ_SL);
sl = htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk);
meth = htx_sl_req_meth(sl);
uri = htx_sl_req_uri(sl);
if (unlikely(uri.len == 0)) {
TRACE_PROTO("no URI in HTX request", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
/* and the rest of the headers, that we dump starting at header 0 */
hdr = 0;
idx = htx_get_head(htx); // returns the SL that we skip
while ((idx = htx_get_next(htx, idx)) != -1) {
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
type = htx_get_blk_type(blk);
if (type == HTX_BLK_UNUSED)
if (type != HTX_BLK_HDR)
if (unlikely(hdr >= sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]) - 1)) {
TRACE_PROTO("too many headers", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
list[hdr].n = htx_get_blk_name(htx, blk);
list[hdr].v = htx_get_blk_value(htx, blk);
/* Skip header if same name is used to add the server name */
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) && h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_name &&
isteq(list[hdr].n, ist2(h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_name, h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_len)))
/* Now add the server name to a header (if requested) */
if ((h2c->flags & H2_CF_IS_BACK) && h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_name) {
struct server *srv = objt_server(h2c->conn->target);
if (srv) {
list[hdr].n = ist2(h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_name, h2c->proxy->server_id_hdr_len);
list[hdr].v = ist(srv->id);
/* marker for end of headers */
list[hdr].n = ist("");
mbuf = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, mbuf)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for room in output buffer", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
while (1) {
outbuf = b_make(b_tail(mbuf), b_contig_space(mbuf), 0, 0);
if (outbuf.size >= 9 || !b_space_wraps(mbuf))
b_slow_realign(mbuf, trash.area, b_data(mbuf));
if (outbuf.size < 9)
goto full;
/* len: 0x000000 (fill later), type: 1(HEADERS), flags: ENDH=4 */
memcpy(outbuf.area, "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x04", 5);
write_n32(outbuf.area + 5, h2s->id); // 4 bytes
outbuf.data = 9;
/* encode the method, which necessarily is the first one */
if (!hpack_encode_method(&outbuf, sl->info.req.meth, meth)) {
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
auth = ist(NULL);
/* RFC7540 #8.3: the CONNECT method must have :
* - :authority set to the URI part (host:port)
* - :method set to CONNECT
* - :scheme and :path omitted
if (unlikely(sl->info.req.meth == HTTP_METH_CONNECT)) {
auth = uri;
if (!hpack_encode_header(&outbuf, ist(":authority"), auth)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
} else {
/* other methods need a :scheme. If an authority is known from
* the request line, it must be sent, otherwise only host is
* sent. Host is never sent as the authority.
struct ist scheme = { };
if (uri.ptr[0] != '/' && uri.ptr[0] != '*') {
/* the URI seems to start with a scheme */
int len = 1;
while (len < uri.len && uri.ptr[len] != ':')
if (len + 2 < uri.len && uri.ptr[len + 1] == '/' && uri.ptr[len + 2] == '/') {
/* make the uri start at the authority now */
scheme.ptr = uri.ptr;
scheme.len = len,
uri.ptr += len + 3;
uri.len -= len + 3;
/* find the auth part of the URI */
auth.ptr = uri.ptr;
auth.len = 0;
while (auth.len < uri.len && auth.ptr[auth.len] != '/')
uri.ptr += auth.len;
uri.len -= auth.len;
if (!scheme.len) {
/* no explicit scheme, we're using an origin-form URI,
* probably from an H1 request transcoded to H2 via an
* external layer, then received as H2 without authority.
* So we have to look up the scheme from the HTX flags.
* In such a case only http and https are possible, and
* https is the default (sent by browsers).
scheme = ist("http");
scheme = ist("https");
if (!hpack_encode_scheme(&outbuf, scheme)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
if (auth.len && !hpack_encode_header(&outbuf, ist(":authority"), auth)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* encode the path. RFC7540# if path is empty it must
* be sent as '/' or '*'.
if (unlikely(!uri.len)) {
if (sl->info.req.meth == HTTP_METH_OPTIONS)
uri = ist("*");
uri = ist("/");
if (!hpack_encode_path(&outbuf, uri)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* encode all headers, stop at empty name. Host is only sent if we
* do not provide an authority.
for (hdr = 0; hdr < sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]); hdr++) {
struct ist n = list[hdr].n;
struct ist v = list[hdr].v;
/* these ones do not exist in H2 and must be dropped. */
if (isteq(n, ist("connection")) ||
(auth.len && isteq(n, ist("host"))) ||
isteq(n, ist("proxy-connection")) ||
isteq(n, ist("keep-alive")) ||
isteq(n, ist("upgrade")) ||
isteq(n, ist("transfer-encoding")))
if (isteq(n, ist("te"))) {
/* "te" may only be sent with "trailers" if this value
* is present, otherwise it must be deleted.
v = istist(v, ist("trailers"));
if (!v.ptr || (v.len > 8 && v.ptr[8] != ','))
v = ist("trailers");
/* Skip all pseudo-headers */
if (*(n.ptr) == ':')
if (isteq(n, ist("")))
break; // end
if (!hpack_encode_header(&outbuf, n, v)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* update the frame's size */
h2_set_frame_size(outbuf.area, outbuf.data - 9);
if (outbuf.data > h2c->mfs + 9) {
if (!h2_fragment_headers(&outbuf, h2c->mfs)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* we may need to add END_STREAM if we have no body :
* - request already closed, or :
* - no transfer-encoding, and :
* - no content-length or content-length:0
* Fixme: this doesn't take into account CONNECT requests.
if (blk_end && htx_get_blk_type(blk_end) == HTX_BLK_EOM)
es_now = 1;
if (sl->flags & HTX_SL_F_BODYLESS)
es_now = 1;
if (!h2s->cs || h2s->cs->flags & CS_FL_SHW)
es_now = 1;
if (es_now)
outbuf.area[4] |= H2_F_HEADERS_END_STREAM;
/* commit the H2 response */
TRACE_USER("sent H2 request", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s, htx);
b_add(mbuf, outbuf.data);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_HEADERS_SENT;
h2s->st = H2_SS_OPEN;
if (es_now) {
TRACE_PROTO("setting ES on HEADERS frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s, htx);
// trim any possibly pending data (eg: inconsistent content-length)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_SENT;
h2s->st = H2_SS_HLOC;
/* remove all header blocks including the EOH and compute the
* corresponding size.
* FIXME: We should remove everything when es_now is set.
ret = 0;
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
while (blk != blk_end) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk);
blk = htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
if (blk_end && htx_get_blk_type(blk_end) == HTX_BLK_EOM) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk_end);
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk_end);
return ret;
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
ret = 0;
TRACE_STATE("mux buffer full", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* unparsable HTX messages, too large ones to be produced in the local
* list etc go here (unrecoverable errors).
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto end;
/* Try to send a DATA frame matching HTTP response present in HTX structure
* present in <buf>, for stream <h2s>. Returns the number of bytes sent. The
* caller must check the stream's status to detect any error which might have
* happened subsequently to a successful send. Returns the number of data bytes
* consumed, or zero if nothing done. Note that EOM count for 1 byte.
static size_t h2s_frt_make_resp_data(struct h2s *h2s, struct buffer *buf, size_t count)
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct htx *htx;
struct buffer outbuf;
struct buffer *mbuf;
size_t total = 0;
int es_now = 0;
int bsize; /* htx block size */
int fsize; /* h2 frame size */
struct htx_blk *blk;
enum htx_blk_type type;
int idx;
int trunc_out; /* non-zero if truncated on out buf */
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
TRACE_STATE("mux output busy", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
htx = htx_from_buf(buf);
/* We only come here with HTX_BLK_DATA blocks. However, while looping,
* we can meet an HTX_BLK_EOM block that we'll leave to the caller to
* handle.
if (!count || htx_is_empty(htx))
goto end;
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
type = htx_get_blk_type(blk); // DATA or EOM
bsize = htx_get_blksz(blk);
fsize = bsize;
trunc_out = 0;
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOM) {
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_SENT) {
/* ES already sent */
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
total++; // EOM counts as one byte
goto end;
else if (type != HTX_BLK_DATA)
goto end;
mbuf = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, mbuf)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for room in output buffer", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* Perform some optimizations to reduce the number of buffer copies.
* First, if the mux's buffer is empty and the htx area contains
* exactly one data block of the same size as the requested count, and
* this count fits within the frame size, the stream's window size, and
* the connection's window size, then it's possible to simply swap the
* caller's buffer with the mux's output buffer and adjust offsets and
* length to match the entire DATA HTX block in the middle. In this
* case we perform a true zero-copy operation from end-to-end. This is
* the situation that happens all the time with large files. Second, if
* this is not possible, but the mux's output buffer is empty, we still
* have an opportunity to avoid the copy to the intermediary buffer, by
* making the intermediary buffer's area point to the output buffer's
* area. In this case we want to skip the HTX header to make sure that
* copies remain aligned and that this operation remains possible all
* the time. This goes for headers, data blocks and any data extracted
* from the HTX blocks.
if (unlikely(fsize == count &&
htx_nbblks(htx) == 1 && type == HTX_BLK_DATA &&
fsize <= h2s_mws(h2s) && fsize <= h2c->mws && fsize <= h2c->mfs)) {
void *old_area = mbuf->area;
if (b_data(mbuf)) {
/* Too bad there are data left there. We're willing to memcpy/memmove
* up to 1/4 of the buffer, which means that it's OK to copy a large
* frame into a buffer containing few data if it needs to be realigned,
* and that it's also OK to copy few data without realigning. Otherwise
* we'll pretend the mbuf is full and wait for it to become empty.
if (fsize + 9 <= b_room(mbuf) &&
(b_data(mbuf) <= b_size(mbuf) / 4 ||
(fsize <= b_size(mbuf) / 4 && fsize + 9 <= b_contig_space(mbuf)))) {
TRACE_STATE("small data present in output buffer, appending", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto copy;
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("too large data present in output buffer, waiting for emptiness", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* map an H2 frame to the HTX block so that we can put the
* frame header there.
*mbuf = b_make(buf->area, buf->size, sizeof(struct htx) + blk->addr - 9, fsize + 9);
outbuf.area = b_head(mbuf);
/* prepend an H2 DATA frame header just before the DATA block */
memcpy(outbuf.area, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 5);
write_n32(outbuf.area + 5, h2s->id); // 4 bytes
h2_set_frame_size(outbuf.area, fsize);
/* update windows */
h2s->sws -= fsize;
h2c->mws -= fsize;
/* and exchange with our old area */
buf->area = old_area;
buf->data = buf->head = 0;
total += fsize;
TRACE_PROTO("sent H2 DATA frame (zero-copy)", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* for DATA and EOM we'll have to emit a frame, even if empty */
while (1) {
outbuf = b_make(b_tail(mbuf), b_contig_space(mbuf), 0, 0);
if (outbuf.size >= 9 || !b_space_wraps(mbuf))
b_slow_realign(mbuf, trash.area, b_data(mbuf));
if (outbuf.size < 9) {
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("output buffer full", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* len: 0x000000 (fill later), type: 0(DATA), flags: none=0 */
memcpy(outbuf.area, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 5);
write_n32(outbuf.area + 5, h2s->id); // 4 bytes
outbuf.data = 9;
/* we have in <fsize> the exact number of bytes we need to copy from
* the HTX buffer. We need to check this against the connection's and
* the stream's send windows, and to ensure that this fits in the max
* frame size and in the buffer's available space minus 9 bytes (for
* the frame header). The connection's flow control is applied last so
* that we can use a separate list of streams which are immediately
* unblocked on window opening. Note: we don't implement padding.
/* EOM is presented with bsize==1 but would lead to the emission of an
* empty frame, thus we force it to zero here.
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOM)
bsize = fsize = 0;
if (!fsize)
goto send_empty;
if (h2s_mws(h2s) <= 0) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL;
if (LIST_ADDED(&h2s->list))
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->blocked_list, &h2s->list);
TRACE_STATE("stream window <=0, flow-controlled", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA|H2_EV_H2S_FCTL, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
if (fsize > count)
fsize = count;
if (fsize > h2s_mws(h2s))
fsize = h2s_mws(h2s); // >0
if (h2c->mfs && fsize > h2c->mfs)
fsize = h2c->mfs; // >0
if (fsize + 9 > outbuf.size) {
/* It doesn't fit at once. If it at least fits once split and
* the amount of data to move is low, let's defragment the
* buffer now.
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf) &&
(fsize + 9 <= b_room(mbuf)) &&
b_data(mbuf) <= MAX_DATA_REALIGN)
goto realign_again;
fsize = outbuf.size - 9;
trunc_out = 1;
if (fsize <= 0) {
/* no need to send an empty frame here */
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("output buffer full", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
if (h2c->mws <= 0) {
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL;
TRACE_STATE("connection window <=0, stream flow-controlled", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA|H2_EV_H2C_FCTL, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
if (fsize > h2c->mws)
fsize = h2c->mws;
/* now let's copy this this into the output buffer */
memcpy(outbuf.area + 9, htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk), fsize);
h2s->sws -= fsize;
h2c->mws -= fsize;
count -= fsize;
/* update the frame's size */
h2_set_frame_size(outbuf.area, fsize);
/* FIXME: for now we only set the ES flag on empty DATA frames, once
* meeting EOM. We should optimize this later.
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOM) {
total++; // EOM counts as one byte
es_now = 1;
if (es_now)
outbuf.area[4] |= H2_F_DATA_END_STREAM;
/* commit the H2 response */
b_add(mbuf, fsize + 9);
/* consume incoming HTX block, including EOM */
total += fsize;
if (fsize == bsize) {
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
if (fsize) {
TRACE_DEVEL("more data available, trying to send another frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto new_frame;
} else {
/* we've truncated this block */
htx_cut_data_blk(htx, blk, fsize);
if (trunc_out)
goto new_frame;
if (es_now) {
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_SENT;
TRACE_PROTO("ES flag set on outgoing frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA|H2_EV_TX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_DATA, h2c->conn, h2s);
return total;
/* Try to send a HEADERS frame matching HTX_BLK_TLR series of blocks present in
* HTX message <htx> for the H2 stream <h2s>. Returns the number of bytes
* processed. The caller must check the stream's status to detect any error
* which might have happened subsequently to a successful send. The htx blocks
* are automatically removed from the message. The htx message is assumed to be
* valid since produced from the internal code. Processing stops when meeting
* the EOM, which is *not* removed. All trailers are processed at once and sent
* as a single frame. The ES flag is always set.
static size_t h2s_make_trailers(struct h2s *h2s, struct htx *htx)
struct http_hdr list[global.tune.max_http_hdr];
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct htx_blk *blk;
struct htx_blk *blk_end;
struct buffer outbuf;
struct buffer *mbuf;
enum htx_blk_type type;
int ret = 0;
int hdr;
int idx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2c_mux_busy(h2c, h2s)) {
TRACE_STATE("mux output busy", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MBUSY;
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* determine the first block which must not be deleted, blk_end may
* be NULL if all blocks have to be deleted. also get trailers.
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk_end = NULL;
hdr = 0;
while (idx != -1) {
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
type = htx_get_blk_type(blk);
idx = htx_get_next(htx, idx);
if (type == HTX_BLK_UNUSED)
if (type == HTX_BLK_EOT) {
if (idx != -1)
blk_end = blk;
if (type != HTX_BLK_TLR)
if (unlikely(hdr >= sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]) - 1)) {
TRACE_PROTO("too many headers", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_ERR, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto fail;
list[hdr].n = htx_get_blk_name(htx, blk);
list[hdr].v = htx_get_blk_value(htx, blk);
/* marker for end of trailers */
list[hdr].n = ist("");
mbuf = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
if (!h2_get_buf(h2c, mbuf)) {
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MALLOC;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
TRACE_STATE("waiting for room in output buffer", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
while (1) {
outbuf = b_make(b_tail(mbuf), b_contig_space(mbuf), 0, 0);
if (outbuf.size >= 9 || !b_space_wraps(mbuf))
b_slow_realign(mbuf, trash.area, b_data(mbuf));
if (outbuf.size < 9)
goto full;
/* len: 0x000000 (fill later), type: 1(HEADERS), flags: ENDH=4,ES=1 */
memcpy(outbuf.area, "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x05", 5);
write_n32(outbuf.area + 5, h2s->id); // 4 bytes
outbuf.data = 9;
/* encode all headers */
for (idx = 0; idx < hdr; idx++) {
/* these ones do not exist in H2 or must not appear in
* trailers and must be dropped.
if (isteq(list[idx].n, ist("host")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("content-length")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("connection")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("proxy-connection")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("keep-alive")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("upgrade")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("te")) ||
isteq(list[idx].n, ist("transfer-encoding")))
/* Skip all pseudo-headers */
if (*(list[idx].n.ptr) == ':')
if (!hpack_encode_header(&outbuf, list[idx].n, list[idx].v)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
if (outbuf.data == 9) {
/* here we have a problem, we have nothing to emit (either we
* received an empty trailers block followed or we removed its
* contents above). Because of this we can't send a HEADERS
* frame, so we have to cheat and instead send an empty DATA
* frame conveying the ES flag.
outbuf.area[3] = H2_FT_DATA;
outbuf.area[4] = H2_F_DATA_END_STREAM;
/* update the frame's size */
h2_set_frame_size(outbuf.area, outbuf.data - 9);
if (outbuf.data > h2c->mfs + 9) {
if (!h2_fragment_headers(&outbuf, h2c->mfs)) {
/* output full */
if (b_space_wraps(mbuf))
goto realign_again;
goto full;
/* commit the H2 response */
TRACE_PROTO("sent H2 trailers HEADERS frame", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_TX_EOI, h2c->conn, h2s);
b_add(mbuf, outbuf.data);
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_ES_SENT;
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_OPEN)
h2s->st = H2_SS_HLOC;
/* OK we could properly deliver the response */
/* remove all header blocks till the end and compute the corresponding size. */
ret = 0;
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
while (blk != blk_end) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk);
blk = htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
if (blk_end && htx_get_blk_type(blk_end) == HTX_BLK_EOM) {
ret += htx_get_blksz(blk_end);
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk_end);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR, h2c->conn, h2s);
return ret;
if ((mbuf = br_tail_add(h2c->mbuf)) != NULL)
goto retry;
h2c->flags |= H2_CF_MUX_MFULL;
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_BLK_MROOM;
ret = 0;
TRACE_STATE("mux buffer full", H2_EV_TX_FRAME|H2_EV_TX_HDR|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2c->conn, h2s);
goto end;
/* unparsable HTX messages, too large ones to be produced in the local
* list etc go here (unrecoverable errors).
h2s_error(h2s, H2_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
ret = 0;
goto end;
/* Called from the upper layer, to subscribe <es> to events <event_type>. The
* event subscriber <es> is not allowed to change from a previous call as long
* as at least one event is still subscribed. The <event_type> must only be a
* combination of SUB_RETRY_RECV and SUB_RETRY_SEND. It always returns 0.
static int h2_subscribe(struct conn_stream *cs, int event_type, struct wait_event *es)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
BUG_ON(h2s->subs && h2s->subs != es);
es->events |= event_type;
h2s->subs = es;
if (event_type & SUB_RETRY_RECV)
TRACE_DEVEL("subscribe(recv)", H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (event_type & SUB_RETRY_SEND) {
TRACE_DEVEL("subscribe(send)", H2_EV_STRM_SEND, h2c->conn, h2s);
if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL) &&
!LIST_ADDED(&h2s->list)) {
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL)
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->fctl_list, &h2s->list);
LIST_ADDQ(&h2c->send_list, &h2s->list);
return 0;
/* Called from the upper layer, to unsubscribe <es> from events <event_type>.
* The <es> pointer is not allowed to differ from the one passed to the
* subscribe() call. It always returns zero.
static int h2_unsubscribe(struct conn_stream *cs, int event_type, struct wait_event *es)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
BUG_ON(h2s->subs && h2s->subs != es);
es->events &= ~event_type;
if (!es->events)
h2s->subs = NULL;
if (event_type & SUB_RETRY_RECV)
TRACE_DEVEL("unsubscribe(recv)", H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (event_type & SUB_RETRY_SEND) {
TRACE_DEVEL("subscribe(send)", H2_EV_STRM_SEND, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_NOTIFIED;
if (!(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR | H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW)))
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
/* Called from the upper layer, to receive data */
static size_t h2_rcv_buf(struct conn_stream *cs, struct buffer *buf, size_t count, int flags)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
struct h2c *h2c = h2s->h2c;
struct htx *h2s_htx = NULL;
struct htx *buf_htx = NULL;
size_t ret = 0;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2c->conn, h2s);
/* transfer possibly pending data to the upper layer */
h2s_htx = htx_from_buf(&h2s->rxbuf);
if (htx_is_empty(h2s_htx)) {
/* Here htx_to_buf() will set buffer data to 0 because
* the HTX is empty.
htx_to_buf(h2s_htx, &h2s->rxbuf);
goto end;
ret = h2s_htx->data;
buf_htx = htx_from_buf(buf);
/* <buf> is empty and the message is small enough, swap the
* buffers. */
if (htx_is_empty(buf_htx) && htx_used_space(h2s_htx) <= count) {
htx_to_buf(buf_htx, buf);
htx_to_buf(h2s_htx, &h2s->rxbuf);
b_xfer(buf, &h2s->rxbuf, b_data(&h2s->rxbuf));
goto end;
htx_xfer_blks(buf_htx, h2s_htx, count, HTX_BLK_EOM);
if (h2s_htx->flags & HTX_FL_PARSING_ERROR) {
buf_htx->flags |= HTX_FL_PARSING_ERROR;
if (htx_is_empty(buf_htx))
cs->flags |= CS_FL_EOI;
else if (htx_is_empty(h2s_htx))
buf_htx->flags |= (h2s_htx->flags & HTX_FL_EOI);
buf_htx->extra = (h2s_htx->extra ? (h2s_htx->data + h2s_htx->extra) : 0);
htx_to_buf(buf_htx, buf);
htx_to_buf(h2s_htx, &h2s->rxbuf);
ret -= h2s_htx->data;
if (b_data(&h2s->rxbuf))
cs->flags |= (CS_FL_RCV_MORE | CS_FL_WANT_ROOM);
else {
cs->flags &= ~(CS_FL_RCV_MORE | CS_FL_WANT_ROOM);
if (h2s->flags & H2_SF_ES_RCVD)
cs->flags |= CS_FL_EOI;
if (conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2c->conn) || h2s->st == H2_SS_CLOSED)
cs->flags |= CS_FL_EOS;
if (cs->flags & CS_FL_ERR_PENDING)
cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERROR;
if (b_size(&h2s->rxbuf)) {
offer_buffers(NULL, tasks_run_queue);
if (ret && h2c->dsi == h2s->id) {
/* demux is blocking on this stream's buffer */
h2c->flags &= ~H2_CF_DEM_SFULL;
h2c_restart_reading(h2c, 1);
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_STRM_RECV, h2c->conn, h2s);
return ret;
/* Called from the upper layer, to send data from buffer <buf> for no more than
* <count> bytes. Returns the number of bytes effectively sent. Some status
* flags may be updated on the conn_stream.
static size_t h2_snd_buf(struct conn_stream *cs, struct buffer *buf, size_t count, int flags)
struct h2s *h2s = cs->ctx;
size_t total = 0;
size_t ret;
struct htx *htx;
struct htx_blk *blk;
enum htx_blk_type btype;
uint32_t bsize;
int32_t idx;
TRACE_ENTER(H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_SEND, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* If we were not just woken because we wanted to send but couldn't,
* and there's somebody else that is waiting to send, do nothing,
* we will subscribe later and be put at the end of the list
if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_NOTIFIED) &&
(!LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2s->h2c->send_list) || !LIST_ISEMPTY(&h2s->h2c->fctl_list))) {
TRACE_DEVEL("other streams already waiting, going to the queue and leaving", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
h2s->flags &= ~H2_SF_NOTIFIED;
if (h2s->h2c->st0 < H2_CS_FRAME_H) {
TRACE_DEVEL("connection not ready, leaving", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2S_BLK, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
if (h2s->h2c->st0 >= H2_CS_ERROR) {
cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERROR;
TRACE_DEVEL("connection is in error, leaving in error", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2S_BLK|H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_STRM_ERR, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
htx = htx_from_buf(buf);
if (!(h2s->flags & H2_SF_OUTGOING_DATA) && count)
h2s->flags |= H2_SF_OUTGOING_DATA;
if (h2s->id == 0) {
int32_t id = h2c_get_next_sid(h2s->h2c);
if (id < 0) {
cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERROR;
TRACE_DEVEL("couldn't get a stream ID, leaving in error", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2S_BLK|H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_STRM_ERR, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return 0;
h2s->by_id.key = h2s->id = id;
h2s->h2c->max_id = id;
eb32_insert(&h2s->h2c->streams_by_id, &h2s->by_id);
while (h2s->st < H2_SS_HLOC && !(h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_ANY) &&
count && !htx_is_empty(htx)) {
idx = htx_get_head(htx);
blk = htx_get_blk(htx, idx);
btype = htx_get_blk_type(blk);
bsize = htx_get_blksz(blk);
switch (btype) {
/* start-line before headers */
ret = h2s_bck_make_req_headers(h2s, htx);
if (ret > 0) {
total += ret;
count -= ret;
if (ret < bsize)
goto done;
/* start-line before headers */
ret = h2s_frt_make_resp_headers(h2s, htx);
if (ret > 0) {
total += ret;
count -= ret;
if (ret < bsize)
goto done;
/* all these cause the emission of a DATA frame (possibly empty).
* This EOM necessarily is one before trailers, as the EOM following
* trailers would have been consumed by the trailers parser.
ret = h2s_frt_make_resp_data(h2s, buf, count);
if (ret > 0) {
htx = htx_from_buf(buf);
total += ret;
count -= ret;
if (ret < bsize)
goto done;
/* This is the first trailers block, all the subsequent ones AND
* the EOM will be swallowed by the parser.
ret = h2s_make_trailers(h2s, htx);
if (ret > 0) {
total += ret;
count -= ret;
if (ret < bsize)
goto done;
htx_remove_blk(htx, blk);
total += bsize;
count -= bsize;
if (h2s->st >= H2_SS_HLOC) {
/* trim any possibly pending data after we close (extra CR-LF,
* unprocessed trailers, abnormal extra data, ...)
total += count;
count = 0;
/* RST are sent similarly to frame acks */
if (h2s->st == H2_SS_ERROR || h2s->flags & H2_SF_RST_RCVD) {
TRACE_DEVEL("reporting RST/error to the app-layer stream", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2S_ERR|H2_EV_STRM_ERR, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (h2s_send_rst_stream(h2s->h2c, h2s) > 0)
htx_to_buf(htx, buf);
if (total > 0) {
if (!(h2s->h2c->wait_event.events & SUB_RETRY_SEND))
TRACE_DEVEL("data queued, waking up h2c sender", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_H2C_SEND, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
/* If we're waiting for flow control, and we got a shutr on the
* connection, we will never be unlocked, so add an error on
* the conn_stream.
if (conn_xprt_read0_pending(h2s->h2c->conn) &&
!b_data(&h2s->h2c->dbuf) &&
(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL | H2_SF_BLK_MFCTL))) {
TRACE_DEVEL("fctl with shutr, reporting error to app-layer", H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_ERR, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
if (cs->flags & CS_FL_EOS)
cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERROR;
cs->flags |= CS_FL_ERR_PENDING;
if (total > 0 && !(h2s->flags & H2_SF_BLK_SFCTL) &&
!(h2s->flags & (H2_SF_WANT_SHUTR|H2_SF_WANT_SHUTW))) {
/* Ok we managed to send something, leave the send_list if we were still there */
TRACE_LEAVE(H2_EV_H2S_SEND|H2_EV_STRM_SEND, h2s->h2c->conn, h2s);
return total;
/* for debugging with CLI's "show fd" command */
static void h2_show_fd(struct buffer *msg, struct connection *conn)
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
struct h2s *h2s = NULL;
struct eb32_node *node;
int fctl_cnt = 0;
int send_cnt = 0;
int tree_cnt = 0;
int orph_cnt = 0;
struct buffer *hmbuf, *tmbuf;
if (!h2c)
list_for_each_entry(h2s, &h2c->fctl_list, list)
list_for_each_entry(h2s, &h2c->send_list, list)
h2s = NULL;
node = eb32_first(&h2c->streams_by_id);
while (node) {
h2s = container_of(node, struct h2s, by_id);
if (!h2s->cs)
node = eb32_next(node);
hmbuf = br_head(h2c->mbuf);
tmbuf = br_tail(h2c->mbuf);
chunk_appendf(msg, " h2c.st0=%s .err=%d .maxid=%d .lastid=%d .flg=0x%04x"
" .nbst=%u .nbcs=%u .fctl_cnt=%d .send_cnt=%d .tree_cnt=%d"
" .orph_cnt=%d .sub=%d .dsi=%d .dbuf=%u@%p+%u/%u .msi=%d"
" .mbuf=[%u..%u|%u],h=[%u@%p+%u/%u],t=[%u@%p+%u/%u]",
h2c_st_to_str(h2c->st0), h2c->errcode, h2c->max_id, h2c->last_sid, h2c->flags,
h2c->nb_streams, h2c->nb_cs, fctl_cnt, send_cnt, tree_cnt, orph_cnt,
h2c->wait_event.events, h2c->dsi,
(unsigned int)b_data(&h2c->dbuf), b_orig(&h2c->dbuf),
(unsigned int)b_head_ofs(&h2c->dbuf), (unsigned int)b_size(&h2c->dbuf),
br_head_idx(h2c->mbuf), br_tail_idx(h2c->mbuf), br_size(h2c->mbuf),
(unsigned int)b_data(hmbuf), b_orig(hmbuf),
(unsigned int)b_head_ofs(hmbuf), (unsigned int)b_size(hmbuf),
(unsigned int)b_data(tmbuf), b_orig(tmbuf),
(unsigned int)b_head_ofs(tmbuf), (unsigned int)b_size(tmbuf));
if (h2s) {
chunk_appendf(msg, " last_h2s=%p .id=%d .st=%s.flg=0x%04x .rxbuf=%u@%p+%u/%u .cs=%p",
h2s, h2s->id, h2s_st_to_str(h2s->st), h2s->flags,
(unsigned int)b_data(&h2s->rxbuf), b_orig(&h2s->rxbuf),
(unsigned int)b_head_ofs(&h2s->rxbuf), (unsigned int)b_size(&h2s->rxbuf),
if (h2s->cs)
chunk_appendf(msg, " .cs.flg=0x%08x .cs.data=%p",
h2s->cs->flags, h2s->cs->data);
/* Migrate the the connection to the current thread.
* Return 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.
* Expected to be called with the old thread lock held.
static int h2_takeover(struct connection *conn, int orig_tid)
struct h2c *h2c = conn->ctx;
struct task *task;
if (fd_takeover(conn->handle.fd, conn) != 0)
return -1;
if (conn->xprt->takeover && conn->xprt->takeover(conn, conn->xprt_ctx, orig_tid) != 0) {
/* We failed to takeover the xprt, even if the connection may
* still be valid, flag it as error'd, as we have already
* taken over the fd, and wake the tasklet, so that it will
* destroy it.
conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR;
tasklet_wakeup_on(h2c->wait_event.tasklet, orig_tid);
return -1;
if (h2c->wait_event.events)
h2c->conn->xprt->unsubscribe(h2c->conn, h2c->conn->xprt_ctx,
h2c->wait_event.events, &h2c->wait_event);
/* To let the tasklet know it should free itself, and do nothing else,
* set its context to NULL.
h2c->wait_event.tasklet->context = NULL;
tasklet_wakeup_on(h2c->wait_event.tasklet, orig_tid);
task = h2c->task;
if (task) {
task->context = NULL;
h2c->task = NULL;
h2c->task = task_new(tid_bit);
if (!h2c->task) {
return -1;
h2c->task->process = h2_timeout_task;
h2c->task->context = h2c;
h2c->wait_event.tasklet = tasklet_new();
if (!h2c->wait_event.tasklet) {
return -1;
h2c->wait_event.tasklet->process = h2_io_cb;
h2c->wait_event.tasklet->context = h2c;
h2c->conn->xprt->subscribe(h2c->conn, h2c->conn->xprt_ctx,
SUB_RETRY_RECV, &h2c->wait_event);
return 0;
/* functions below are dedicated to the config parsers */
/* config parser for global "tune.h2.header-table-size" */
static int h2_parse_header_table_size(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
char **err)
if (too_many_args(1, args, err, NULL))
return -1;
h2_settings_header_table_size = atoi(args[1]);
if (h2_settings_header_table_size < 4096 || h2_settings_header_table_size > 65536) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a numeric value between 4096 and 65536.", args[0]);
return -1;
return 0;
/* config parser for global "tune.h2.initial-window-size" */
static int h2_parse_initial_window_size(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
char **err)
if (too_many_args(1, args, err, NULL))
return -1;
h2_settings_initial_window_size = atoi(args[1]);
if (h2_settings_initial_window_size < 0) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a positive numeric value.", args[0]);
return -1;
return 0;
/* config parser for global "tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams" */
static int h2_parse_max_concurrent_streams(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
char **err)
if (too_many_args(1, args, err, NULL))
return -1;
h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams = atoi(args[1]);
if ((int)h2_settings_max_concurrent_streams < 0) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a positive numeric value.", args[0]);
return -1;
return 0;
/* config parser for global "tune.h2.max-frame-size" */
static int h2_parse_max_frame_size(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
char **err)
if (too_many_args(1, args, err, NULL))
return -1;
h2_settings_max_frame_size = atoi(args[1]);
if (h2_settings_max_frame_size < 16384 || h2_settings_max_frame_size > 16777215) {
memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a numeric value between 16384 and 16777215.", args[0]);
return -1;
return 0;
/* MUX initialization and instantiation */
/* The mux operations */
static const struct mux_ops h2_ops = {
.init = h2_init,
.wake = h2_wake,
.snd_buf = h2_snd_buf,
.rcv_buf = h2_rcv_buf,
.subscribe = h2_subscribe,
.unsubscribe = h2_unsubscribe,
.attach = h2_attach,
.get_first_cs = h2_get_first_cs,
.detach = h2_detach,
.destroy = h2_destroy,
.avail_streams = h2_avail_streams,
.used_streams = h2_used_streams,
.shutr = h2_shutr,
.shutw = h2_shutw,
.ctl = h2_ctl,
.show_fd = h2_show_fd,
.takeover = h2_takeover,
.name = "H2",
static struct mux_proto_list mux_proto_h2 =
{ .token = IST("h2"), .mode = PROTO_MODE_HTTP, .side = PROTO_SIDE_BOTH, .mux = &h2_ops };
INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, register_mux_proto, &mux_proto_h2);
/* config keyword parsers */
static struct cfg_kw_list cfg_kws = {ILH, {
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.h2.header-table-size", h2_parse_header_table_size },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.h2.initial-window-size", h2_parse_initial_window_size },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams", h2_parse_max_concurrent_streams },
{ CFG_GLOBAL, "tune.h2.max-frame-size", h2_parse_max_frame_size },
{ 0, NULL, NULL }
INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, cfg_register_keywords, &cfg_kws);
/* initialize internal structs after the config is parsed.
* Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.
static int init_h2()
pool_head_hpack_tbl = create_pool("hpack_tbl",
if (!pool_head_hpack_tbl)
return -1;
return 0;