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#ifndef MOBI_DA_DAC_H
#define MOBI_DA_DAC_H
* @file dac.h
* @author Afilias Technologies
* @brief API main header file
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus
#ifndef true
typedef int _Bool;
#define bool _Bool
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define MOBI_DA_MAJOR 2
#define MOBI_DA_MINOR 1
* @brief All values returned by the API have one of these types.
* da_getprop*() return data in the appropriate C type for the given da_type.
enum da_type {
* Any method that returns a da_status may potentially fail for one of these reasons.
* XXX: Error reporting needs to be improved.
enum da_status {
DA_OK, /* Success. */
DA_INVALID_JSON, /* The JSON format is invalid, or the content is unexpected in a given context. */
DA_OVERFLOW, /* Overflow occurred. Note this is used to indicate an unfinished string parse in JSON */
DA_FORMAT_ERROR, /* The data supplied is formatted incorrectly. */
DA_NOMEM, /* There was not enough space to complete the operation */
DA_SYS, /* A system error occurred - consult the OS for more details (eg, check errno) */
DA_NOTIMPL, /* This method is not implemented */
DA_NOTFOUND, /* The requested item was not found. */
DA_REGEXBAD, /* An invalid regex was provided. */
DA_NOMORE, /* Used to indicate the end of an iterator. */
DA_INVALID_COOKIE, /* Cookie value supplied was invalid */
DA_INVALID_TYPE, /* A value of an unexpected type was found. */
DA_STATUS_LAST /* Placeholder to indicate highest possible error value. (value will change as API matures) */
enum da_severity {
DA_SEV_FATAL, /* The operation will not continue, and the operation will return an error. */
DA_SEV_ERROR, /* An error occurred, but the API call will return at least some valid information */
DA_SEV_WARN, /* An unexpected event occured, but the system dealt with it */
DA_SEV_INFO /* An informational message. */
/* Forward references to tagged types */
struct atlas_image;
struct da_atlas;
struct da_deviceinfo;
struct da_jsonparser;
struct da_node;
struct da_propset;
union da_value;
struct da_evidence;
struct da_bitset;
struct da_allocator;
struct da_config;
* @brief Primary types of the interface.
* Primary types used by API client.
* Non-typedef structures and unions are considered private to the API.
typedef enum da_severity da_severity_t; /* A severity for the error callback. */
typedef enum da_status da_status_t; /* An error code - returned from most API calls. */
typedef da_status_t (*da_setpos_fn)(void *ctx, off_t off); /* callback provided to API to rewind input stream */
typedef enum da_type da_type_t; /* A value type (integer, string, etc) */
* @brief An operation on an atlas involves converting a set of evidence strings into a set of property/value pairs.
* The ID for a particular type of evidence is extract from the atlas (eg, for a specific HTTP header, use:
* da_evidence_id_t evidence = da_atlas_header_evidence_id(atlas, "User-Agent");
typedef int da_evidence_id_t;
* @brief The search result encompasses a key/value set. Keys are handles retrieved via
* _either_ da_atlas_getpropid() or da_getpropid().
* Some search results may have keys not available when the atlas is opened (eg,
* when the name of the property itself is contained within the evidence)
* Such properties by necessity are given a "local" da_propid_t
* You can ensure any properties you are interested in get a global propid by
* passing a list of interesting named properties to da_atlas_open()
typedef int da_propid_t;
typedef size_t (*da_read_fn)(void *ctx, size_t maxlen, char *ptr);
typedef struct da_atlas da_atlas_t;
typedef struct da_deviceinfo da_deviceinfo_t;
typedef struct da_evidence da_evidence_t;
typedef struct da_jsonparser da_jsonparser_t;
typedef struct da_node da_node_t;
typedef struct da_property_decl da_property_decl_t;
typedef struct da_propset da_propset_t;
typedef struct da_config da_config_t;
typedef void *(*da_alloc_fn)(void *ctx, size_t);
typedef void (*da_free_fn)(void *ctx, void *);
typedef void *(*da_realloc_fn)(void *ctx, void *, size_t);
typedef void (*da_errorfunc_t)(da_severity_t severity, da_status_t status, const char *msg, va_list args);
/* Manifest constants. */
enum {
* used as the initial guess for the compiled size of an atlas.
* If atlas sizes grow more beyond this, it can be expanded to avoid multiple scans of the data.
struct da_config {
unsigned int ua_props;
unsigned int lang_props;
unsigned int __reserved[14]; /* enough reserved keywords for future use */
* Functional interface.
* @brief Initialize process to use the DA API.
void da_init(void);
* @brief Release all resources used by the API
void da_fini(void);
* @brief User-supplied callback to be invoked with information about an error.
* Note this may use thread-local storage etc to store the info on return from the current call
* It is guaranteed that an error-reporting function returning an error-code will have called
* this function at least once.
* @param callback function
void da_seterrorfunc(da_errorfunc_t callback);
* @brief Given a specific HTTP header, return the associated ID for that header.
* When passing evidence to the API, its type is identified using its da_evidince_id_t.
* @param atlas atlas instance
* @param header_name Header's name
* @return evidence id
da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_header_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas, const char *header_name);
* @brief Return the associated ID of the client side properties evidence
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @return evidence id
da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_clientprop_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief Return the associated ID of the accept language header evidence
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @return evidence id
da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_accept_language_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief readfn should present JSON content from ctx.
* atlasp points to an uninitialized da_atlas structure.
* Result is a compiled atlas at atlasp.
* Result is allocated via normal memory-allocation methods, malloc/calloc/realloc, so should be
* Free'd with free()
* XXX TODO: Change this to take a da_allocator
* @param ctx pointer given to read the json file
* @param readfn function pointer, set accordingly to the attended given pointer
* @param setposfn function pointer
* @param ptr Pointer dynamically allocated if the json parsing happened normally
* @param len size of the atlas image
* @return status of atlas compilation
da_status_t da_atlas_compile(void *ctx, da_read_fn readfn, da_setpos_fn setposfn, void **ptr, size_t *len);
* @brief opens a previously compiled atlas for operations. extra_props will be available in calls to
* da_getpropid on the atlas, and if generated by the search, the ID will be consistent across
* different calls to search.
* Properties added by a search that are neither in the compiled atlas, nor in the extra_props list
* Are assigned an ID within the context that is not transferrable through different search results
* within the same atlas.
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param extra_props properties
* @param ptr given pointer from previously compiled atlas
* @param pos atlas image size
* @return status of atlas data opening
da_status_t da_atlas_open(da_atlas_t *atlas, da_property_decl_t *extra_props, const void *ptr, size_t pos);
* @brief Release any resources associated with the atlas structure atlas, which was previously generated from
* da_read_atlas or da_compile_atlas.
* @param atlas instance
void da_atlas_close(da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief Find device properties given a set of evidence.
* Search results are returned in da_deviceinfo_t, and must be cleaned using da_close
* "Evidence" is an array of length count, of string data tagged with an evidence ID.
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param info Device info
* @param ev Array of evidences
* @param count Number of evidence given
* @return status of the search
da_status_t da_searchv(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_evidence_t *ev, size_t count);
* @brief As da_search, but unrolls the evidence array into variable arguments for simpler calling
* convention with known evidence types.
* varargs are pairs of (da_evidence_id, string), terminated with da_evidence_id DA_END
* @code da_search(&myAtlas, &deviceInfo, da_get_header_evidence_id("User-Agent"),
* "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux...", DA_END);
* @endcode
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param info given device info which holds on device properties
* @param pairs of evidence id / evidence value
* @return status of the search
da_status_t da_search(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_deviceinfo_t *info, ...);
* @brief After finishing with a search result, release resources associated with it.
* @param info Device info previously allocated by search functions
void da_close(da_deviceinfo_t *info);
* @brief Given a property name (Eg, "displayWidth"), return the property ID associated with it for the
* specified atlas.
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param propname Property name
* @param propid Property id
* @return status of the property id search
da_status_t da_atlas_getpropid(const da_atlas_t *atlas, const char *propname, da_propid_t *propid);
* @brief Given a property ID, return the type of that property.
* @code
* da_getproptype(&myAtlas, da_getpropid(&myAtlas, "displayWidth"), &propertyType);
* assert(propertyType == DA_TYPE_INT);
* @endcode
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param propid Property id
* @param type Type id of the property
* @return status of the type id search
da_status_t da_atlas_getproptype(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t propid, da_type_t *type);
* @brief Given a property ID, return the name of that property.
* @code
* da_atlas_getpropname(&myAtlas, da_getpropid(&myAtlas, "displayWidth"), &propertyName);
* assert(strcmp("displayWidth", propertyName) == 0);
* @endcode
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param propid property id
* @param propname property name returned
* @return status of the property name search
da_status_t da_atlas_getpropname(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t propid, const char **propname);
* @brief Given an atlas instance, return its counters + the builtins
* @code
* da_atlas_getpropcount(&myAtlas);
* @endcode
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @return counters
size_t da_atlas_getpropcount(const da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief Given an atlas instance, set the detection config
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param config instance
void da_atlas_setconfig(da_atlas_t *atlas, da_config_t *config);
* @brief Given a search result, find the value of a specific property.
* @code
* long displayWidth; // width of display in pixels.
* da_getpropinteger(&deviceInfo, da_getpropid(&myAtlas, "displayWidth"), &displayWidth);
* @endcode
* String contents are owned by the search result, and are valid until the search is closed.
* @brief returns a property value as a string from a given string typed property id
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param value Value of the property
* @return status of property value search
da_status_t da_getpropstring(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, const char **value);
* @brief returns a property value as a long from a given long typed property id
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param value Value of the property
* @return status of property value search
da_status_t da_getpropinteger(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, long *value);
* @brief returns a property value as a boolean from a given boolean typed property id
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param value Value of the property
* @return status of property value search
da_status_t da_getpropboolean(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, bool *value);
* @brief returns a property value as a float from a given float typed property id
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param value Value of the property
* @return status of property value search
da_status_t da_getpropfloat(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, double *value);
* @brief Some properties may not be not known to the atlas before the search commences.
* Such properties cannot have a da_propid_t assigned to them on the atlas, but will
* have a local property assigned during search. The name and type of such properties
* can be discovered here.
* Properties that are used in the atlas source and properties specifically registered
* with da_atlas_open() will always be assigned to a property discovered during search.
* Therefore, if there are specific properties that you want to use, and are unsure
* if they are in your device atlas source, registering them with da_atlas_open will
* make access to them easier and more efficient
* @brief returns the type of a given device property from the search functions
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param type Type id
* @return status of property type search
da_status_t da_getproptype(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, da_type_t *type);
* @brief returns the name of a given device property from the search functions
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property id
* @param propname Property name
* @return status of property type search
da_status_t da_getpropname(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, const char **propname);
* @brief da_getfirstprop/da_getnextprop provide iteration over all properties
* in a search result.
* Both will return DA_OK if there is a result available, and DA_NOMORE
* if the search is complete.
* @code
* da_propid_t *propidp;
* for (da_status_t status = da_getfirstprop(&result, &propidp);
* status == DA_OK;
* status = da_getnextprop(&result, &propidp)) {
* const char *propname;
* if (da_getpropname(&result, *propidp, &propname) == DA_OK)
* fprintf("found property %s\n", propname);
* }
* @endcode
* @brief returns the first property from device info
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property
* @return status
da_status_t da_getfirstprop(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t **propid);
* @brief device info properties iterator
* @param info Device info
* @param propid Property
* @return status
da_status_t da_getnextprop(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t **propid);
* @brief Report an error, as per a report from the API to the user-callback.
* @param severity Severity level of the error
* @param fmt format error message
* @param va_list
* @return status
da_status_t da_reporterror(da_status_t severity, const char *fmt, ...);
* @brief returns a textual description of the type "type".
* @param type Type id
* @return type name
const char *da_typename(da_type_t type);
* @brief returns the version from the JSON in memory
* @param atlas
* @return version
char *da_getdataversion(da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief returns the date creation's timestamp from the JSON in memory
* @param atlas
* @return version
time_t da_getdatacreation(da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief returns the revision's number from the JSON in memory
* @param atlas
* @return version
int da_getdatarevision(da_atlas_t *atlas);
* @brief returns the name of a global property
* @param atlas Atlas instance
* @param propid Property id
* @return property name
const char *da_get_property_name(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t propid);
* @brief returns the number of properties in a result.
* @param info Device info
* @return properties count
size_t da_getpropcount(const da_deviceinfo_t *info);
* Details below should not be required for usage of the API
* @brief Represents a usable device atlas interface.
* No user servicable parts inside: access should
* be via the functional API.
struct da_atlas {
const struct atlas_image *image;
struct header_evidence_entry *header_priorities;
size_t header_evidence_count;
struct pcre_regex_info *uar_regexes;
size_t uar_regex_count;
struct pcre_regex_info *replacement_regexes;
size_t replacement_regex_count;
da_evidence_id_t user_agent_evidence;
da_evidence_id_t clientprops_evidence;
da_evidence_id_t accept_language_evidence;
da_evidence_id_t next_evidence;
da_propset_t *properties;
da_propid_t id_propid;
da_propid_t id_proplang;
da_propid_t id_proplang_locale;
da_config_t config;
da_deviceinfo_t **cpr_props;
size_t cpr_count;
/* fixed constants. */
enum {
DA_BUFSIZE = 16000
* Represents a chunk of memory. See comments on da_deviceinfo.
* This is presented here to allow aggregation in da_deviceinfo:
* Not for public consumption.
struct da_buf {
struct da_buf *next;
char *cur;
char *limit;
char buf[DA_BUFSIZE];
* A callback interface for allocating memory from some source
* Not for public consumption.
struct da_allocator {
da_alloc_fn alloc;
da_free_fn free;
da_realloc_fn realloc;
void *context;
* Represents a search result
* Can be used to retrieve values of known properties discovered from the evidence,
* iterate over the properties with known values, and query property types that are
* local to this result.
* The atlas the search is carried out on must survive any da_deviceinfo results
* it provides.
struct da_deviceinfo {
struct da_allocator allocator;
const da_atlas_t *atlas; /* reference to the atlas the search was carried out on. */
struct da_bitset *present; /* property received from tree */
struct da_bitset *localprop; /* property was received from UAR rule or CPR */
struct da_bitset *cprprop; /* property was received from CPR */
union da_value *properties; /* properties - indexed by property id. */
da_propid_t *proplist; /* list of properties present in this result. */
size_t propcount; /* size of proplist */
da_propset_t *local_types; /* property descriptors local to this search result. */
* The per-deviceinfo heap is stored here. Allocations for data in the result
* come from the raw data in these buffers. The size of the fixed-size buffer
* built in to da_buf is sized such that all known search results will not
* require memory allocation via malloc()
struct da_buf *heap;
struct da_buf initial_heap;
* Used to pass evidence to da_searchv()
struct da_evidence {
da_evidence_id_t key;
char *value;
* Used to pass properties the API intends to query to the da_atlas_open function
* This can be used to improve performance of lookup on properties well-known
* to the API user, but not present in the JSON database.
struct da_property_decl {
const char *name;
da_type_t type;
#endif /* DEVATLAS_DAC_H */