mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 10:56:47 +00:00
With the CI occasionally slowing down, we're starting to see again some spurious failures despite the long 1-second timeouts. This reports false positives that are disturbing and doesn't provide as much value as this could. However at this delay it already becomes a pain for developers to wait for the tests to complete. This commit adds support for the new environment variable HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT that will allow anyone to modify the connect, client and server timeouts. It was set to 5 seconds by default, which should be plenty for quite some time in the CI. All relevant values that were 200ms or above were replaced by this one. A few larger values were left as they are special. One test for the set-timeout action that used to rely on a fixed 1-sec value was extended to a fixed 5-sec, as the timeout is normally not reached, but it needs to be known to compare the old and new values.
385 lines
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385 lines
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# This reg-test checks that the connection and SSL sample fetches related to
# errors are functioning properly. It also tests the proper behaviour of the
# default HTTPS log format and of the error-log-format option which allows to
# define a specific log format used only in case of connection error (otherwise
# a line following the configured log-format is output).
# It works by sending request through three different paths, one using a custom
# log-format line that contains the connection error and SSL handshake error
# sample fetches, one using the default HTTPS log-format and one using the
# legacy error log format.
# The output log lines are caught by syslog blocks (one for each path) and
# compared to an expected format.
# Since the syslog is not by design synchronized with the Varnish clients and
# servers, synchronization is achieved through barriers, which ensure that
# syslog messages arrive in the right order.
# In order to ensure that the log line raised in case of connection error if an
# error-log-format is defined still follows the log-separate-error option, the
# log lines raised by the https_fmt_lst listener will be sent to two separate
# syslog servers.
varnishtest "Test the connection and SSL error fetches."
feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(2.5-dev2)'"
feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'feature(OPENSSL) && ssllib_name_startswith(OpenSSL)'"
feature cmd "command -v socat"
feature ignore_unknown_macro
server s1 -repeat 4 {
} -start
barrier b1 cond 4 -cyclic
barrier b2 cond 2 -cyclic
syslog Slg_cust_fmt -level info {
expect ~ ".*conn_status:\"0:Success\" hsk_err:\"0:-\" CN=\"/C=FR/O=HAProxy Technologies/CN=Client\",serial=1007,hash=063DCC2E6A9159E66994B325D6D2EF3D17A75B6F"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ "ERROR.*conn_status:\"30:SSL client CA chain cannot be verified\" hsk_err:\"134:.*:certificate verify failed\" CN=\"/C=FR/O=HAProxy Technologies/CN=Client\",serial=1007,hash=063DCC2E6A9159E66994B325D6D2EF3D17A75B6F"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ "ERROR.*conn_status:\"31:SSL client certificate not trusted\" hsk_err:\"134:.*:certificate verify failed\" CN=\"/C=FR/O=HAProxy Technologies/CN=Client\",serial=1007,hash=063DCC2E6A9159E66994B325D6D2EF3D17A75B6F"
barrier b1 sync
# In case of an error occurring before the certificate verification process,
# the client certificate chain is never parsed and verified so we can't
# have information about the client's certificate.
expect ~ "ERROR.*conn_status:\"34:SSL handshake failure\" hsk_err:\"193:.*:no shared cipher\" CN=\"\",serial=-,hash=-"
} -start
syslog Slg_https_fmt -level info {
expect ~ ".*https_logfmt_ssl_lst~ https_logfmt_ssl_lst/s1.*0/0000000000000000/0/0/.? -/TLSv1.2/AES256-GCM-SHA384"
barrier b1 sync
} -start
syslog Slg_https_fmt_err -level info {
expect ~ "ERROR.*https_logfmt_ssl_lst~ https_logfmt_ssl_lst/<NOSRV>.*30/0000000000000086/0/2/.? -/TLSv1.2/\\(NONE\\)"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ "ERROR.*https_logfmt_ssl_lst~ https_logfmt_ssl_lst/<NOSRV>.*31/0000000000000086/20/0/.? -/TLSv1.2/\\(NONE\\)"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ "ERROR.*https_logfmt_ssl_lst~ https_logfmt_ssl_lst/<NOSRV>.*34/00000000000000C1/0/0/.? -/TLSv1.2/\\(NONE\\)"
} -start
syslog Slg_logconnerror -level info {
expect ~ ".*logconnerror_ssl_lst~ logconnerror_ssl_lst/s1"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ ".*logconnerror_ssl_lst/1: SSL client CA chain cannot be verified"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ ".*logconnerror_ssl_lst/1: SSL client certificate not trusted"
barrier b1 sync
expect ~ ".*logconnerror_ssl_lst/1: SSL handshake failure"
} -start
syslog Slg_bcknd -level info {
expect ~ ".*bc_err:0:\"Success\" ssl_bc_err:0:"
barrier b2 sync
expect ~ ".*bc_err:34:\"SSL handshake failure\" ssl_bc_err:134:.*:certificate verify failed"
barrier b2 sync
expect ~ ".*bc_err:32:\"Server presented an SSL certificate different from the configured one\" ssl_bc_err:134:.*:certificate verify failed"
barrier b2 sync
# Verify errors on the server side cannot be caught when using TLSv1.3 but it works for TLSv1.2
expect ~ ".*bc_err:34:\"SSL handshake failure\" ssl_bc_err:1048:.*:tlsv1 alert unknown ca"
barrier b2 sync
expect ~ ".*bc_err:34:\"SSL handshake failure\" ssl_bc_err:1040:.*:sslv3 alert handshake failure"
barrier b2 sync
expect ~ ".*bc_err:34:\"SSL handshake failure\" ssl_bc_err:1040:.*:sslv3 alert handshake failure"
} -start
haproxy h1 -conf {
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size 1
stats socket "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" level admin
.if openssl_version_atleast(3.0.0)
set-var proc.ssl_error_mask str(7FFFFF),hex2i
set-var proc.ssl_error_mask str(FFF),hex2i
timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}"
timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}"
timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}"
retries 0
listen clear_lst
bind "fd@${clearlst}"
default-server ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none no-ssl-reuse force-tlsv12
balance roundrobin
server cust_fmt "${tmpdir}/cust_logfmt_ssl.sock"
server https_fmt "${tmpdir}/https_logfmt_ssl.sock"
server logconnerror "${tmpdir}/logconnerror_ssl.sock"
listen clear_wrong_ciphers_lst
bind "fd@${wrongcipherslst}"
default-server ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none no-ssl-reuse force-tlsv12 ciphers "aECDSA"
balance roundrobin
server cust_fmt "${tmpdir}/cust_logfmt_ssl.sock"
server https_fmt "${tmpdir}/https_logfmt_ssl.sock"
server logconnerror "${tmpdir}/logconnerror_ssl.sock"
# This listener will be used to test backend fetches (bc_err and ssl_bc_err)
listen clear_backend_errors_lst
bind "fd@${backenderrorslst}"
log ${Slg_bcknd_addr}:${Slg_bcknd_port} local0
log-format "bc_err:%[bc_err]:%{+Q}[bc_err_str]\ ssl_bc_err:%[ssl_bc_err,and(proc.ssl_error_mask)]:%{+Q}[ssl_bc_err_str]"
error-log-format "ERROR bc_err:%[bc_err]:%{+Q}[bc_err_str]\ ssl_bc_err:%[ssl_bc_err,and(proc.ssl_error_mask)]:%[ssl_bc_err_str]"
balance roundrobin
server no_err "${tmpdir}/no_err_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify required
server srv_cert_rejected "${tmpdir}/srv_rejected_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt verify required
server mismatch_frontend "${tmpdir}/mismatch_fe_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify required verifyhost str(toto)
# We force TLSv1.2 for this specific case because server-side
# verification errors cannot be caught by the backend fetches when
# using TLSv1.3
server clt_cert_rejected "${tmpdir}/rejected_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_client.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none force-tlsv12
server wrong_ciphers "${tmpdir}/wrong_ciphers_ssl.sock" ssl verify none crt ${testdir}/client1.pem ca-file ${testdir}/ca-auth.crt force-tlsv12 ciphers "aECDSA"
# No TLSv1.3 support with OpenSSL 1.0.2 so we duplicate the previous
# wrong cipher test in this case so that the error log remains the same
.if openssl_version_before(1.1.1)
server wrong_ciphers2 "${tmpdir}/wrong_ciphers_ssl.sock" ssl verify none crt ${testdir}/client1.pem ca-file ${testdir}/ca-auth.crt force-tlsv12 ciphers "aECDSA"
server wrong_ciphers_tls13 "${tmpdir}/wrong_ciphers_tls13_ssl.sock" ssl verify none crt ${testdir}/client1.pem ca-file ${testdir}/ca-auth.crt ciphersuites "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" force-tlsv13
listen cust_logfmt_ssl_lst
log ${Slg_cust_fmt_addr}:${Slg_cust_fmt_port} local0
mode http
log-format "conn_status:\"%[fc_err]:%[fc_err_str]\" hsk_err:\"%[ssl_fc_err]:%[ssl_fc_err_str]\" CN=%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn],serial=%[ssl_c_serial,hex],hash=%[ssl_c_sha1,hex]"
error-log-format "ERROR conn_status:\"%[fc_err]:%[fc_err_str]\" hsk_err:\"%[ssl_fc_err,and(proc.ssl_error_mask)]:%[ssl_fc_err_str]\" CN=%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn],serial=%[ssl_c_serial,hex],hash=%[ssl_c_sha1,hex]"
bind "${tmpdir}/cust_logfmt_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-verify-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt verify required ciphers "kRSA"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen https_logfmt_ssl_lst
log ${Slg_https_fmt_addr}:${Slg_https_fmt_port} local0 info
log ${Slg_https_fmt_err_addr}:${Slg_https_fmt_err_port} local0 err info
option log-separate-errors
mode http
option httpslog
error-log-format "ERROR %ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %hr %hs %{+Q}r %[fc_err]/%[ssl_fc_err,and(proc.ssl_error_mask),hex]/%[ssl_c_err]/%[ssl_c_ca_err]/%[ssl_fc_is_resumed] %[ssl_fc_sni]/%sslv/%sslc"
bind "${tmpdir}/https_logfmt_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-verify-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt verify required ciphers "kRSA"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen logconnerror_ssl_lst
log ${Slg_logconnerror_addr}:${Slg_logconnerror_port} local0 info
mode http
option httplog
bind "${tmpdir}/logconnerror_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-verify-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt verify required ciphers "kRSA"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
# The following listeners allow to test backend error fetches
listen no_backend_err_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/no_err_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen srv_rejected_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/srv_rejected_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen mismatch_fe_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/mismatch_fe_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify none
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen rejected_clt_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/rejected_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/set_cafile_server.pem ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt verify required
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
listen wrong_ciphers_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/wrong_ciphers_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ca-file ${testdir}/ca-auth.crt verify none force-tlsv12 ciphers "kRSA"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
.if openssl_version_atleast(1.1.1)
listen wrong_ciphers_tls13_ssl_lst
bind "${tmpdir}/wrong_ciphers_tls13_ssl.sock" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ca-file ${testdir}/ca-auth.crt verify none force-tlsv13 ciphersuites "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
} -start
# The three following requests should all succeed
client c1 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
expect resp.status == 200
} -run
client c2 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
expect resp.status == 200
} -run
client c3 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
expect resp.status == 200
} -run
barrier b1 sync
# Change the root CA in the frontends
shell {
printf "set ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
echo "commit ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
client c4 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
client c5 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
client c6 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b1 sync
# Restore the root CA
shell {
printf "set ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
echo "commit ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
# Change the intermediate CA in the frontends
shell {
printf "set ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
echo "commit ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
client c7 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
client c8 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
client c9 -connect ${h1_clearlst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b1 sync
# Restore the intermediate CA in the frontends
shell {
printf "set ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
echo "commit ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA1.crt" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
# "No shared cipher" errors
client c10 -connect ${h1_wrongcipherslst_sock} {
} -run
client c11 -connect ${h1_wrongcipherslst_sock} {
} -run
client c12 -connect ${h1_wrongcipherslst_sock} {
} -run
shell {
printf "set ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt)\n$(cat ${testdir}/set_cafile_rootCA.crt)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
echo "commit ssl ca-file ${testdir}/set_cafile_interCA2.crt" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" -
client c13 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
expect resp.status == 200
} -run
barrier b2 sync
client c14 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b2 sync
client c15 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b2 sync
client c16 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b2 sync
client c17 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
} -run
barrier b2 sync
client c18 -connect ${h1_backenderrorslst_sock} {
} -run
syslog Slg_cust_fmt -wait
syslog Slg_https_fmt -wait
syslog Slg_https_fmt_err -wait
syslog Slg_logconnerror -wait
syslog Slg_bcknd -wait