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Stream Processing Offload Engine (SPOE)
Version 1.2
( Last update: 2024-07-12 )
Author : Christopher Faulet
Contact : cfaulet at haproxy dot com
0. Terms
1. Introduction
2. SPOE configuration
2.1. SPOE scope
2.2. "spoe-agent" section
2.3. "spoe-message" section
2.4. "spoe-group" section
2.5. Example
3. SPOP specification
3.1. Data types
3.2. Frames
3.2.1. Frame capabilities
3.2.2. Frame types overview
3.2.3. Workflow
3.2.4. Frame: HAPROXY-HELLO
3.2.5. Frame: AGENT-HELLO
3.2.6. Frame: NOTIFY
3.2.7. Frame: ACK
3.3. Events & messages
3.4. Actions
3.5. Errors & timeouts
4. Logging
0. Terms
* SPOE : Stream Processing Offload Engine.
A SPOE is a filter talking to servers managed by a SPOA to offload the
stream processing. An engine is attached to a proxy. A proxy can have
several engines. Each engine is linked to an agent and only one.
* SPOA : Stream Processing Offload Agent.
A SPOA is a service that will receive info from a SPOE to offload the
stream processing. An agent manages several servers. It uses a backend to
reference all of them. By extension, these servers can also be called
* SPOP : Stream Processing Offload Protocol, used by SPOEs to talk to SPOA
This protocol is used by engines to talk to agents. It is an in-house
binary protocol described in this documentation.
1. Introduction
SPOE is a feature introduced in HAProxy 1.7. It makes possible the
communication with external components to retrieve some info. The idea started
with the problems caused by most ldap libs not working fine in event-driven
systems (often at least the connect() is blocking). So, it is hard to properly
implement Single Sign On solution (SSO) in HAProxy. The SPOE will ease this
kind of processing, or we hope so.
The aim of SPOE is to allow any kind of offloading on the streams. It can
offload the processing before "tcp-request content", "tcp-response content",
"http-request" and "http-response" rules. It is also possible to offload the
processing via an TCP/HTTP rule.
Some example implementations in various languages are linked to from the
HAProxy Wiki page dedicated to this mechanism:
2. SPOE configuration
Because SPOE is implemented as a filter, To use it, a "filter spoe" line must
be declared xin a proxy section (frontend/backend/listen) :
frontend my-front
filter spoe [engine <name>] config <file>
The "config" parameter is mandatory. It specifies the SPOE configuration
file. The engine name is optional. It can be set to declare the scope to use in
the SPOE configuration. So it is possible to use the same SPOE configuration
for several engines. If no name is provided, the SPOE configuration must not
contain any scope directive.
Using a separate configuration file makes possible to disable completely an
engine by only commenting the SPOE filter line, including the parsing of
sections reserved to SPOE. This is also a way to keep the HAProxy configuration
A SPOE configuration file must contains, at least, the SPOA configuration
("spoe-agent" section) and SPOE messages/groups ("spoe-message" or "spoe-group"
sections) attached to this agent.
IMPORTANT : The configuration of a SPOE filter must be located in a dedicated
file. But the backend used by a SPOA must be declared in HAProxy configuration
2.1. SPOE scope
If an engine name is specified on the SPOE filter line, then the corresponding
scope must be defined in the SPOE configuration with the same name. It is
possible to have several SPOE scopes in the same file. In each scope, one and
only one "spoe-agent" section must be defined, to configure the SPOA linked to
the defined engine and several "spoe-message" and "spoe-group" sections to
describe, respectively, messages and group of messages sent to servers managed
the SPOA.
A SPOE scope starts with this kind of line :
where <name> is the same engine name specified on the SPOE filter line. The
scope ends when the file ends or when another scope is found.
Example :
spoe-agent my-agent
spoe-message msg1
spoe-message msg2
spoe-group grp1
spoe-group grp2
If no engine name is provided on the SPOE filter line, no SPOE scope must be
found in the SPOE configuration file. All the file is considered to be in the
same anonymous and implicit scope.
The engine name must be unique for a proxy. If no engine name is provided on
the SPOE filter line, the SPOE agent name is used by default.
2.2. "spoe-agent" section
For each engine, exactly one "spoe-agent" section must be defined. Enabled SPOE
messages are declared in this section, and all the parameters (timeout,
options, ...) used to customize the agent behavior.
spoe-agent <name>
Create a new SPOA with the name <name>. It must have one and only one
"spoe-agent" definition by SPOE scope.
Arguments :
<name> is the name of the agent section.
following keywords are supported :
- groups
- log
- max-frame-size
- messages
- [no] option dontlog-normal
- [no] option pipelining
- option continue-on-error
- option force-set-var
- option set-on-error
- option set-process-time
- option set-total-time
- option var-prefix
- register-var-names
- timeout processing
- use-backend
following keywords are deprecated and ignored:
- maxconnrate
- maxerrrate
- max-waiting-frames
- [no] option async
- [no] option send-frag-payload
- timeout hello|idle
groups <grp-name> ...
Declare the list of SPOE groups that an agent will handle.
Arguments :
<grp-name> is the name of a SPOE group.
Groups declared here must be found in the same engine scope, else an error is
triggered during the configuration parsing. Several "groups" lines can be
See also: "spoe-group" section.
log global
log <address> [len <length>] [format <format>] <facility> [<level> [<minlevel>]]
no log
Enable per-instance logging of events and traffic.
Prefix :
no should be used when the logger list must be flushed.
See the HAProxy Configuration Manual for details about this option.
maxconnrate <number> [DEPRECATED]
Set the maximum number of connections per second to <number>. The SPOE will
stop to open new connections if the maximum is reached and will wait to
acquire an existing one. So it is important to set "timeout hello" to a
relatively small value.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
maxerrrate <number> [DEPRECATED]
Set the maximum number of errors per second to <number>. The SPOE will stop
its processing if the maximum is reached.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
max-frame-size <number>
Set the maximum allowed size for frames exchanged between HAProxy and SPOA.
It must be in the range [256, tune.bufsize-4] (4 bytes are reserved for the
frame length). By default, it is set to (tune.bufsize-4).
max-waiting-frames <number> [DEPRECATED]
Set the maximum number of frames waiting for an acknowledgement on the same
connection. This value is only used when the pipelinied or asynchronous
exchanges between HAProxy and SPOA are enabled. By default, it is set to 20.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
messages <msg-name> ...
Declare the list of SPOE messages that an agent will handle.
Arguments :
<msg-name> is the name of a SPOE message.
Messages declared here must be found in the same engine scope, else an error
is triggered during the configuration parsing. Several "messages" lines can
be defined.
See also: "spoe-message" section.
option async [DEPRECATED]
no option async
Enable or disable the support of asynchronous exchanges between HAProxy and
SPOA. By default, this option is enabled.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
option continue-on-error
Do not stop the events processing when an error occurred on a stream.
By default, for a specific stream, when an abnormal/unexpected error occurs,
the SPOE is disabled for all the transaction. if several events are
configured, such error on an event will disabled all following. For TCP
streams, this will disable the SPOE for the whole session. For HTTP streams,
this will disable it for the transaction (request and response).
When set, this option bypass this behaviour and only the current event will
be ignored.
option dontlog-normal
no option dontlog-normal
Enable or disable logging of normal, successful processing.
Arguments : none
See also: "log" and section 4 about logging.
option force-set-var
By default, SPOE filter only register already known variables (mainly from
parsing of the configuration), and process-wide variables (those of scope
"proc") cannot be created. If HAProxy trusts the agent and registers all
variables (ex: can be useful for LUA workload), this option can be sets.
Caution : this option opens to a variety of attacks such as a rogue SPOA that
asks to register too many variables.
option pipelining
no option pipelining
Enable or disable the support of pipelined exchanges between HAProxy and
SPOA. By default, this option is enabled.
option send-frag-payload [DEPRECATED]
no option send-frag-payload
Enable or disable the sending of fragmented payload to SPOA. By default, this
option is enabled.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
option set-on-error <var name>
Define the variable to set when an error occurred during an event processing.
Arguments :
<var name> is the variable name, without the scope. The name may only
contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '.' and '_'.
This variable will only be set when an error occurred in the scope of the
transaction. As for all other variables define by the SPOE, it will be
prefixed. So, if the variable name is "error" and the prefix is
"my_spoe_pfx", the variable will be "txn.my_spoe_pfx.error".
When set, the variable is an integer representing the error reason. For values
under 256, it represents an error coming from the engine. Below 256, it
reports a SPOP error. In this case, to retrieve the right SPOP status code,
256 must be removed from this value. Here are possible values:
* 1 a timeout occurred during the event processing.
* 2 an error was triggered during the resources allocation.
* 3 the frame payload exceeds the frame size and it cannot be
* 4 the fragmentation of a payload is aborted.
* 5 The frame processing has been interrupted by HAProxy.
* 255 an unknown error occurred during the event processing.
* 256+N a SPOP error occurred during the event processing (see section
"Errors & timeouts").
Note that if "option continue-on-error" is set, the variable is not
automatically removed between events processing.
See also: "option continue-on-error", "option var-prefix".
option set-process-time <var name>
Define the variable to set to report the processing time of the last event or
Arguments :
<var name> is the variable name, without the scope. The name may only
contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '.' and '_'.
This variable will be set in the scope of the transaction. As for all other
variables define by the SPOE, it will be prefixed. So, if the variable name
is "process_time" and the prefix is "my_spoe_pfx", the variable will be
When set, the variable is an integer representing the delay to process the
event or the group, in milliseconds. From the stream point of view, it is the
latency added by the SPOE processing for the last handled event or group.
If several events or groups are processed for the same stream, this value
will be overrideen.
See also: "option set-total-time".
option set-total-time <var name>
Define the variable to set to report the total processing time SPOE for a
Arguments :
<var name> is the variable name, without the scope. The name may only
contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '.' and '_'.
This variable will be set in the scope of the transaction. As for all other
variables define by the SPOE, it will be prefixed. So, if the variable name
is "total_time" and the prefix is "my_spoe_pfx", the variable will be
When set, the variable is an integer representing the sum of processing times
for a stream, in milliseconds. From the stream point of view, it is the
latency added by the SPOE processing.
If several events or groups are processed for the same stream, this value
will be updated.
See also: "option set-process-time".
option var-prefix <prefix>
Define the prefix used when variables are set by an agent.
Arguments :
<prefix> is the prefix used to limit the scope of variables set by an
To avoid conflict with other variables defined by HAProxy, all variables
names will be prefixed. By default, the "spoe-agent" name is used. This
option can be used to customize it.
The prefix will be added between the variable scope and its name, separated
by a '.'. It may only contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '.' and '_', as
for variables name. In HAProxy configuration, this prefix must be used as a
part of the variables name. For example, if an agent define the variable
"myvar" in the "txn" scope, with the prefix "my_spoe_pfx", then
"txn.my_spoe_pfx.myvar" name must be used in HAProxy configuration.
By default, an agent will never set new variables at runtime: It can only set
new value for existing ones. To change this behaviour, see "force-set-var"
option and "register-var-names" directive.
register-var-names <var name> ...
Register some variable names. By default, an agent will not be allowed to set
new variables at runtime. This rule can be totally relaxed by setting the
option "force-set-var". If all the required variables are known, this
directive is a good way to register them without letting an agent doing what
it want. This is only required if these variables are not referenced anywhere
in the HAProxy configuration or the SPOE one.
<var name> is a variable name without the scope. The name may only
contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '.' and '_'.
The prefix will be automatically added during the registration. Several
"register-var-names" lines can be used.
See also: "option force-set-var", "option var-prefix".
timeout hello <timeout> [DEPRECATED]
Set the maximum time to wait for an agent to receive the AGENT-HELLO frame.
It is applied on the stream that handle the connection with the agent.
Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
as explained at the top of this document.
This timeout is an applicative timeout. It differ from "timeout connect"
defined on backends.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
timeout idle <timeout> [DEPRECATED]
Set the maximum time to wait for an agent to close an idle connection. It is
applied on the stream that handle the connection with the agent.
Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
as explained at the top of this document.
This parameter is now deprecated and ignored. It will be removed in future
timeout processing <timeout>
Set the maximum time to wait for a stream to process an event, i.e to acquire
a stream to talk with an agent, to encode all messages, to send the NOTIFY
frame, to receive the corresponding acknowledgement and to process all
actions. It is applied on the stream that handle the client and the server
Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
as explained at the top of this document.
use-backend <backend>
Specify the backend to use. It must be defined.
Arguments :
<backend> is the name of a valid "backend" section.
2.3. "spoe-message" section
To offload the stream processing, SPOE will send messages with specific
information at a specific moment in the stream life and will wait for
corresponding replies to know what to do.
spoe-message <name>
Create a new SPOE message with the name <name>.
Arguments :
<name> is the name of the SPOE message.
Here a message that can be referenced in a "spoe-agent" section is
defined. Following keywords are supported :
- acl
- args
- event
See also: "spoe-agent" section.
acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] <value> ...
Declare or complete an access list.
See section 7 about ACL usage in the HAProxy Configuration Manual.
args [name=]<sample> ...
Define arguments passed into the SPOE message.
Arguments :
<sample> is a sample expression.
When the message is processed, if a sample expression is not available, it is
set to NULL. Arguments are processed in their declaration order and added in
the message in that order. It is possible to declare named arguments.
For example:
args frontend=fe_id src dst
event <name> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]
Set the event that triggers sending of the message. It may optionally be
followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated
if the condition is true. A SPOE message can only be sent on one event. If
several events are defined, only the last one is considered.
ACL-based conditions are executed in the context of the stream that handle
the client and the server connections.
Arguments :
<name> is the event name.
<condition> is a standard ACL-based condition.
Supported events are:
- on-client-session
- on-server-session
- on-frontend-tcp-request
- on-backend-tcp-request
- on-tcp-response
- on-frontend-http-request
- on-backend-http-request
- on-http-response
See section "Events & Messages" for more details about supported events.
See section 7 about ACL usage in the HAProxy Configuration Manual.
2.4. "spoe-group" section
This section can be used to declare a group of SPOE messages. Unlike messages
referenced in a "spoe-agent" section, messages inside a group are not sent on a
specific event. The sending must be triggered by TCP or HTTP rules, from the
HAProxy configuration.
spoe-group <name>
Create a new SPOE group with the name <name>.
Arguments :
<name> is the name of the SPOE group.
Here a group of SPOE messages is defined. It can be referenced in a
"spoe-agent" section. Following keywords are supported :
- messages
See also: "spoe-agent" and "spoe-message" sections.
messages <msg-name> ...
Declare the list of SPOE messages belonging to the group.
Arguments :
<msg-name> is the name of a SPOE message.
Messages declared here must be found in the same engine scope, else an error
is triggered during the configuration parsing. Furthermore, a message belongs
at most to a group. Several "messages" lines can be defined.
See also: "spoe-message" section.
2.5. Example
Here is a simple but complete example that sends client-ip address to a ip
reputation service. This service can set the variable "ip_score" which is an
integer between 0 and 100, indicating its reputation (100 means totally safe
and 0 a blacklisted IP with no doubt).
### HAProxy configuration
frontend www
mode http
bind *:80
filter spoe engine ip-reputation config spoe-ip-reputation.conf
# Reject connection if the IP reputation is under 20
tcp-request content reject if { var(sess.iprep.ip_score) -m int lt 20 }
default_backend http-servers
backend http-servers
mode http
server http A.B.C.D:80
backend iprep-servers
mode spop
balance roundrobin
timeout connect 5s # greater than hello timeout
timeout server 3m # greater than idle timeout
server iprep1 A1.B1.C1.D1:12345
server iprep2 A2.B2.C2.D2:12345
### spoe-ip-reputation.conf
spoe-agent iprep-agent
messages get-ip-reputation
option var-prefix iprep
timeout processing 10ms
use-backend iprep-servers
spoe-message get-ip-reputation
args ip=src
event on-client-session if ! { src -f /etc/haproxy/whitelist.lst }
3. SPOP specification
3.1. Data types
Here is the bytewise representation of typed data:
TYPED-DATA : <TYPE:4 bits><FLAGS:4 bits><DATA>
Supported types and their representation are:
NULL | 0 | NULL : <0>
Boolean | 1 | BOOL : <1+FLAG>
32bits signed integer | 2 | INT32 : <2><VALUE:varint>
32bits unsigned integer | 3 | UINT32 : <3><VALUE:varint>
64bits signed integer | 4 | INT64 : <4><VALUE:varint>
32bits unsigned integer | 5 | UNIT64 : <5><VALUE:varint>
IPV4 | 6 | IPV4 : <6><STRUCT IN_ADDR:4 bytes>
IPV6 | 7 | IPV6 : <7><STRUCT IN_ADDR6:16 bytes>
String | 8 | STRING : <8><LENGTH:varint><BYTES>
Binary | 9 | BINARY : <9><LENGTH:varint><BYTES>
10 -> 15 unused/reserved | - | -
Variable-length integer (varint) are encoded using Peers encoding:
0 <= X < 240 : 1 byte (7.875 bits) [ XXXX XXXX ]
240 <= X < 2288 : 2 bytes (11 bits) [ 1111 XXXX ] [ 0XXX XXXX ]
2288 <= X < 264432 : 3 bytes (18 bits) [ 1111 XXXX ] [ 1XXX XXXX ] [ 0XXX XXXX ]
264432 <= X < 33818864 : 4 bytes (25 bits) [ 1111 XXXX ] [ 1XXX XXXX ]*2 [ 0XXX XXXX ]
33818864 <= X < 4328786160 : 5 bytes (32 bits) [ 1111 XXXX ] [ 1XXX XXXX ]*3 [ 0XXX XXXX ]
For booleans, the value (true or false) is the first bit in the FLAGS
bitfield. if this bit is set to 0, then the boolean is evaluated as false,
otherwise, the boolean is evaluated as true.
3.2. Frames
Exchange between HAProxy and agents are made using FRAME packets. All frames
must be prefixed with their size encoded on 4 bytes in network byte order:
A frame always starts with its type, on one byte, followed by metadata
containing flags, on 4 bytes and a two variable-length integer representing the
stream identifier and the frame identifier inside the stream:
METADATA : <FLAGS:4 bytes> <STREAM-ID:varint> <FRAME-ID:varint>
Then comes the frame payload. Depending on the frame type, the payload can be
of three types: a simple key/value list, a list of messages or a list of
KV-LIST : [ <KV-NAME> <KV-VALUE> ... ]
Flags are a 32 bits field. They are encoded on 4 bytes in network byte
order, where the bit 0 is the LSB.
0 1 2-31
| | A | |
| F | B | |
| I | O | RESERVED |
| N | R | |
| | T | |
FIN: Indicates that this is the final payload fragment. The first fragment
may also be the final fragment. The payload fragmentation was removed
and is now deprecated. It means the FIN flag must be set on all
ABORT: Indicates that the processing of the current frame must be
Frames cannot exceed a maximum size negotiated between HAProxy and agents
during the HELLO handshake. Most of time, payload will be small enough to send
it in one frame.
IMPORTANT : The maximum size supported by peers for a frame must be greater
than or equal to 256 bytes. A good common value is the HAProxy
buffer size minus 4 bytes, reserved for the frame length
(tune.bufsize - 4). It is the default value announced by HAproxy.
3.2.1. Frame capabilities
Here are the list of official capabilities that HAProxy and agents can support:
* pipelining: This is the ability for a peer to decouple NOTIFY and ACK
frames. This is a symmectical capability. To be used, it must
be supported by HAProxy and agents. Unlike HTTP pipelining, the
ACK frames can be send in any order, but always on the same TCP
connection used for the corresponding NOTIFY frame.
Unsupported or unknown capabilities are silently ignored, when possible.
NOTE: Fragmentation and async capabilities were deprecated and are now ignored.
3.2.2. Frame types overview
Here are types of frame supported by SPOE. Frames sent by HAProxy come first,
then frames sent by agents :
HAPROXY-HELLO | 1 | Sent by HAProxy when it opens a
| | connection on an agent.
| |
HAPROXY-DISCONNECT | 2 | Sent by HAProxy when it want to close
| | the connection or in reply to an
| |
NOTIFY | 3 | Sent by HAProxy to pass information
| | to an agent
AGENT-HELLO | 101 | Reply to a HAPROXY-HELLO frame, when
| | the connection is established
| |
AGENT-DISCONNECT | 102 | Sent by an agent just before closing
| | the connection
| |
ACK | 103 | Sent to acknowledge a NOTIFY frame
Unknown frames may be silently skipped or trigger an error, depending on the
3.2.3. Workflow
* Successful HELLO handshake:
| (healthcheck: false) |
| --------------------------> |
| |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Successful HELLO healthcheck:
| (healthcheck: true) |
| --------------------------> |
| |
| AGENT-HELLO + close() |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Error encountered by agent during the HELLO handshake:
| --------------------------> |
| |
| DISCONNECT + close() |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Error encountered by HAProxy during the HELLO handshake:
| --------------------------> |
| |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
| --------------------------> |
| |
| DISCONNECT + close() |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Notify / Ack exchange (unfragmented payload):
| --------------------------> |
| |
| ACK |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Connection closed by haproxy:
| --------------------------> |
| |
| DISCONNECT + close() |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
* Connection closed by agent:
| DISCONNECT + close() |
| <-------------------------- |
| |
3.2.4. Frame: HAPROXY-HELLO
This frame is the first one exchanged between HAProxy and an agent, when the
connection is established. The payload of this frame is a KV-LIST. STREAM-ID
and FRAME-ID are must be set 0.
Following items are mandatory in the KV-LIST:
* "supported-versions" <STRING>
Last SPOP major versions supported by HAProxy. It is a comma-separated list
of versions, following the format "Major.Minor". Spaces must be ignored, if
any. When a major version is announced by HAProxy, it means it also support
all previous minor versions.
Example: "2.0, 1.5" means HAProxy supports SPOP 2.0 and 1.0 to 1.5
* "max-frame-size" <UINT32>
This is the maximum size allowed for a frame. The HAPROXY-HELLO frame must
be lower or equal to this value.
* "capabilities" <STRING>
This a comma-separated list of capabilities supported by HAProxy. Spaces
must be ignored, if any.
Following optional items can be added in the KV-LIST:
* "healthcheck" <BOOLEAN>
If this item is set to TRUE, then the HAPROXY-HELLO frame is sent during a
SPOE health check. When set to FALSE, this item can be ignored.
* "engine-id" <STRING>
This is a uniq string that identify a SPOE engine.
To finish the HELLO handshake, the agent must return an AGENT-HELLO frame with
its supported SPOP version, the lower value between its maximum size allowed
for a frame and the HAProxy one and capabilities it supports. If an error
occurs or if an incompatibility is detected with the agent configuration, an
AGENT-DISCONNECT frame must be returned.
3.2.5. Frame: AGENT-HELLO
This frame is sent in reply to a HAPROXY-HELLO frame to finish a HELLO
handshake. As for HAPROXY-HELLO frame, STREAM-ID and FRAME-ID are also set
0. The payload of this frame is a KV-LIST.
Following items are mandatory in the KV-LIST:
* "version" <STRING>
This is the SPOP version the agent supports. It must follow the format
"Major.Minor" and it must be lower or equal than one of major versions
announced by HAProxy.
* "max-frame-size" <UINT32>
This is the maximum size allowed for a frame. It must be lower or equal to
the value in the HAPROXY-HELLO frame. This value will be used for all
subsequent frames.
* "capabilities" <STRING>
This a comma-separated list of capabilities supported by agent. Spaces must
be ignored, if any.
At this time, if everything is ok for HAProxy (supported version and valid
max-frame-size value), the HELLO handshake is successfully completed. Else,
HAProxy sends a HAPROXY-DISCONNECT frame with the corresponding error.
If "healthcheck" item was set to TRUE in the HAPROXY-HELLO frame, the agent can
safely close the connection without DISCONNECT frame. In all cases, HAProxy
will close the connection at the end of the health check.
3.2.6. Frame: NOTIFY
Information are sent to the agents inside NOTIFY frames. These frames are
attached to a stream, so STREAM-ID and FRAME-ID must be set. The payload of
NOTIFY frames must be acknowledge by agents sending an ACK frame, repeating
3.2.7. Frame: ACK
ACK frames must be sent by agents to reply to NOTIFY frames. STREAM-ID and
FRAME-ID found in a NOTIFY frame must be reuse in the corresponding ACK
frame. The payload of ACK frames is a LIST-OF-ACTIONS.
If an error occurs, at anytime, from the HAProxy side, a HAPROXY-DISCONNECT
frame is sent with information describing the error. HAProxy will wait an
AGENT-DISCONNECT frame in reply. All other frames will be ignored. The agent
must then close the socket.
The payload of this frame is a KV-LIST. STREAM-ID and FRAME-ID are must be set
Following items are mandatory in the KV-LIST:
* "status-code" <UINT32>
This is the code corresponding to the error.
* "message" <STRING>
This is a textual message describing the error.
For more information about known errors, see section "Errors & timeouts"
If an error occurs, at anytime, from the agent size, a AGENT-DISCONNECT frame
is sent, with information describing the error. such frame is also sent in reply
to a HAPROXY-DISCONNECT. The agent must close the socket just after sending
this frame.
The payload of this frame is a KV-LIST. STREAM-ID and FRAME-ID are must be set
Following items are mandatory in the KV-LIST:
* "status-code" <UINT32>
This is the code corresponding to the error.
* "message" <STRING>
This is a textual message describing the error.
For more information about known errors, see section "Errors & timeouts"
3.3. Events & Messages
Information about streams are sent in NOTIFY frames. It is possible to specify
which kind of information to send by defining "spoe-message" sections in the
SPOE configuration file. for each "spoe-message" there will be a message in a
NOTIFY frame when the right event is triggered.
A NOTIFY frame is sent for an specific event when there is at least one
"spoe-message" attached to this event. All messages for an event will be added
in the same NOTIFY frame.
Here is the list of supported events:
* on-client-session is triggered when a new client session is created.
This event is only available for SPOE filters
declared in a frontend or a listen section.
* on-frontend-tcp-request is triggered just before the evaluation of
"tcp-request content" rules on the frontend side.
This event is only available for SPOE filters
declared in a frontend or a listen section.
* on-backend-tcp-request is triggered just before the evaluation of
"tcp-request content" rules on the backend side.
This event is skipped for SPOE filters declared
in a listen section.
* on-frontend-http-request is triggered just before the evaluation of
"http-request" rules on the frontend side. This
event is only available for SPOE filters declared
in a frontend or a listen section.
* on-backend-http-request is triggered just before the evaluation of
"http-request" rules on the backend side. This
event is skipped for SPOE filters declared in a
listen section.
* on-server-session is triggered when the session with the server is
* on-tcp-response is triggered just before the evaluation of
"tcp-response content" rules.
* on-http-response is triggered just before the evaluation of
"http-response" rules.
The stream processing will loop on these events, when triggered, waiting the
agent reply.
3.4. Actions
An agent must acknowledge each NOTIFY frame by sending the corresponding ACK
frame. Actions can be added in these frames to dynamically take action on the
processing of a stream.
Here is the list of supported actions:
* set-var set the value for an existing variable. 3 arguments must be
attached to this action: the variable scope (proc, sess, txn,
req or res), the variable name (a string) and its value.
SET-VAR : <1>
NB-ARGS : <3>
* unset-var unset the value for an existing variable. 2 arguments must be
attached to this action: the variable scope (proc, sess, txn,
req or res) and the variable name (a string).
NB-ARGS : <2>
NOTE: Name of the variables will be automatically prefixed by HAProxy to avoid
name clashes with other variables used in HAProxy. Moreover, unknown
variable will be silently ignored.
3.5. Errors & timeouts
Here is the list of all known errors:
0 | normal (no error occurred)
1 | I/O error
2 | A timeout occurred
3 | frame is too big
4 | invalid frame received
5 | version value not found
6 | max-frame-size value not found
7 | capabilities value not found
8 | unsupported version
9 | max-frame-size too big or too small
10 | payload fragmentation is not supported
11 | invalid interlaced frames
12 | frame-id not found (it does not match any referenced frame)
13 | resource allocation error
99 | an unknown error occurrde
An agent can define its own errors using a not yet assigned status code.
IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, for a specific stream, when an abnormal/unexpected
error occurs, the SPOE is disabled for all the transaction. So
if several events are configured, such error on an event will
disabled all following. For TCP streams, this will disable the
SPOE for the whole session. For HTTP streams, this will disable
it for the transaction (request and response). See 'option
continue-on-error' to bypass this limitation.
To avoid a stream to wait undefinetly, A processing timeout should be carefully
defined. Most of time, it will be quiet low. But it depends on the SPOA
4. Logging
Activity of an SPOE is logged using HAProxy's logger. The messages are logged
in the context of the streams that handle the client and the server
connections. A message is emitted for each event or group handled by an
SPOE. Depending on the status code, the log level will be different. In the
normal case, when no error occurred, the message is logged with the level
LOG_NOTICE. Otherwise, the message is logged with the level LOG_WARNING.
The messages are logged using the agent's logger, if defined, and use the
following format:
SPOE: [AGENT] <TYPE:NAME> sid=STREAM-ID st=STATUS-CODE pT <nb_error>/<nb_processed>
AGENT is the agent name
NAME is the event or the group name
STREAM-ID is an integer, the unique id of the stream
STATUS_CODE is the processing's status code
pT is the delay to process the event or the group.
From the stream point of view, it is the latency added
by the SPOE processing.
<nb_error> is the numbers of processing errors
<nb_processed> is the numbers of events/groups processed
* Local variables:
* fill-column: 79
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