# This configuration can be used as an example of how URL-switching may be
# implemented with current haproxy versions.
# Right now (version 1.2), haproxy can only select a server based on the cookie
# provided by the client. While this may sound limitated, it is yet possible to
# combine this feature to rewrites to provide full URL-switching capabilities.
# For this, we have to chain 3 levels :
#  - front-end : will match the expected URIs and assign a cookie accordingly ;
#                it uses regexps and could match on anything else (Host:,
#                cookies, ...)
#  - switch    : will select a back-end depending on the cookie above
#  - back-ends : will perform the load balancing between multiple servers for
#                the same group. Note that this level can be omitted if there
#                is only one server for each backend.
# Logging is performed at the lower level (back-ends) so that local server
# problems can be identified quickly with the timers. The client's IP is
# propagated in the X-Forwarded-For: header.

	maxconn 6000      # warning: this has to be 3 times the expected value!
	log local0

	mode	http
	balance roundrobin
	option	dontlognull
	option	httpclose
	retries	1
	maxconn		2000
	contimeout	5000
	clitimeout	50000
	srvtimeout	50000

# This is the instance the client connects to.
listen	frontend
	option forwardfor		# add 'X-Forwarded-For: IP'

	# remove an eventual 'backend' cookie the client might have sent
	reqidel ^Cookie:\ backend=

	# add cookie 'backend=2' for any HTTP method followed by
	#  '/img' only or '/img/' followed by anything.
	reqirep ^[^:\ ]*\ /img[/\ ].* \0\nCookie:\ backend=2

	# add cookie 'backend=3' for any HTTP method followed by
	#  '/home' only or '/home/' followed by anything.
	reqirep ^[^:\ ]*\ /home[/\ ].*   \0\nCookie:\ backend=3

	# send everything to next stage
	server	switch

# This instance is only seen by the 'frontend' instance above. It receives all
# of its traffic.
listen switch
	# cookie name 'backend' inserted by the 'frontend' instance above
	cookie backend

	# default server 'backend1' gets the default traffic.
	server backend1

	# those servers get traffic only if their cookie is present because
	# they are tagged 'backup'.
	server backend2 cookie 2 backup
	server backend3 cookie 3 backup

# Backend 1 for dynamic contents.
# It is made of 4 apache servers which we can test thanks to a CGI script.
listen	backend1
	log	global
	option	httplog
	capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
	option	httpchk /cgi-bin/testhost.pl
	server	apache1 maxconn 100 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	apache2 maxconn 100 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	apache3 maxconn 100 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	apache4 maxconn 100 check inter 2000 fall 3

# backend 2 for images (/img).
# It is made of 3 Tux servers which we test by requesting the /img/logo.png
# file which should be present when file-systems are mounted.
listen	backend2
	log	global
	option	httplog
	capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
	option	httpchk /img/logo.png
	server	tux5 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	tux6 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	tux7 check inter 2000 fall 3

# backend 3 for home directories (/home). These are the same machines as for
# dynamic content, except that a different server is bound to another port.
# We test the service by checking that the file "/home/webmaster/started"
# exists.
listen	backend3
	log	global
	option	httplog
	capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
	option	httpchk /home/webmaster/started
	server	light1 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	light2 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	light3 check inter 2000 fall 3
	server	light4 check inter 2000 fall 3