varnishtest "Test the log backend target" feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(2.9-dev0)'" feature ignore_unknown_macro server s1 { rxreq txresp } -repeat 500 -start syslog Slg1 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /0 HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 100 -start syslog Slg2 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /1 HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 100 -start syslog Slg21 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /srv1 HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 1 -start syslog Slg22 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /srv2 HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 1 -start syslog Slg23 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /srv3 HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 2 -start syslog Slg24 -level info { recv expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* \"GET /backup HTTP/1.1\"" } -repeat 1 -start haproxy h1 -conf { defaults mode http option httplog timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" frontend fe1 bind "fd@${fe_1}" log backend@mylog-tcp local0 log backend@mylog-udp local0 default_backend be frontend fe2 bind "fd@${fe_2}" log backend@mylog-failover local0 default_backend be backend be server app1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port} backend mylog-tcp mode log server s1 tcp@ #TCP: to log-forward backend mylog-udp mode log # extract id (integer) from URL in the form "GET /id" and use it as hash key log-balance hash 'field(-2,\"),field(2,/),field(1, )' hash-type map-based none server s1 udp@${Slg1_addr}:${Slg1_port} # syslog 1 only receives "GET /0" requests server s2 udp@${Slg2_addr}:${Slg2_port} # syslog 2 only receives "GET /1" requests log-forward syslog2udp bind log backend@mylog-udp local0 # Back to UDP log backend backend mylog-failover mode log log-balance sticky server s1 udp@${Slg21_addr}:${Slg21_port} # only receives "GET /srv1" request server s2 udp@${Slg22_addr}:${Slg22_port} # only receives "GET /srv2" request server s3 udp@${Slg23_addr}:${Slg23_port} # only receives "GET /srv3" request server s4 udp@${Slg24_addr}:${Slg24_port} backup # only receives "GET /backup" request } -start # Test log distribution reliability # all logs should go to s1 client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_1_sock} { txreq -url "/0" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -repeat 50 -start # all logs should go to s2 client c2 -connect ${h1_fe_1_sock} { txreq -url "/1" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -repeat 50 -start syslog Slg1 -wait syslog Slg2 -wait # Test server queue/dequeue/failover mechanism # s1 should handle this client c21 -connect ${h1_fe_2_sock} { txreq -url "/srv1" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run haproxy h1 -cli { send "disable server mylog-failover/s1" expect ~ ".*" } # s2 should handle this client c22 -connect ${h1_fe_2_sock} { txreq -url "/srv2" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run haproxy h1 -cli { send "disable server mylog-failover/s2" expect ~ ".*" } haproxy h1 -cli { send "enable server mylog-failover/s1" expect ~ ".*" } # s3 should handle this client c23 -connect ${h1_fe_2_sock} { txreq -url "/srv3" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run haproxy h1 -cli { send "disable server mylog-failover/s1" expect ~ ".*" } haproxy h1 -cli { send "disable server mylog-failover/s3" expect ~ ".*" } # backup should handle this client c24 -connect ${h1_fe_2_sock} { txreq -url "/backup" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run haproxy h1 -cli { send "enable server mylog-failover/s3" expect ~ ".*" } haproxy h1 -cli { send "enable server mylog-failover/s2" expect ~ ".*" } # s3 should handle this client c25 -connect ${h1_fe_2_sock} { txreq -url "/srv3" rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run syslog Slg21 -wait syslog Slg22 -wait syslog Slg23 -wait syslog Slg24 -wait