A Random IP reputation service acting as a Stream Processing Offload Agent -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very simple service that implement a "random" ip reputation service. It will return random scores for all checked IP addresses. It only shows you how to implement a ip reputation service or such kind of services using the SPOE. Start the service --------------------- After you have compiled it, to start the service, you just need to use "spoa" binary: $> ./spoa -h Usage: ./spoa [-h] [-d] [-p ] [-n ] -h Print this message -d Enable the debug mode -p Specify the port to listen on (default: 12345) -n Specify the number of workers (default: 5) Note: A worker is a thread. Configure a SPOE to use the service --------------------------------------- All information about SPOE configuration can be found in "doc/SPOE.txt". Here is the configuration template to use for your SPOE: [ip-reputation] spoe-agent iprep-agent messages check-client-ip option var-prefix iprep timeout hello 100ms timeout idle 30s timeout processing 15ms use-backend iprep-backend spoe-message check-client-ip args src event on-client-session The engine is in the scope "ip-reputation". So to enable it, you must set the following line in a frontend/listener section: frontend my-front ... filter spoe engine ip-reputation config /path/spoe-ip-reputation.conf .... where "/path/spoe-ip-reputation.conf" is the path to your SPOE configuration file. The engine name is important here, it must be the same than the one used in the SPOE configuration file. IMPORTANT NOTE: Because we want to send a message on the "on-client-session" event, this SPOE must be attached to a proxy with the frontend capability. If it is declared in a backend section, it will have no effet. Because, in SPOE configuration file, we declare to use the backend "iprep-backend" to communicate with the service, you must define it in HAProxy configuration. For example: backend iprep-backend mode tcp timeout server 1m server iprep-srv check maxconn 5 In reply to the "check-client-ip" message, this service will set the variable "ip_score" for the session, an integer between 0 and 100. If unchanged, the variable prefix is "iprep". So the full variable name will be "sess.iprep.ip_score". You can use it in ACLs to experiment the SPOE feature. For example: tcp-request content reject if { var(sess.iprep.ip_score) -m int lt 20 } With this rule, all IP address with a score lower than 20 will be rejected (Remember, this score is random).